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Lalit Kale
Develop in Ludicrous mode with
Azure Functions
About Me
• 15 years of Programming
• Use .NET to earn bread and butter
• Worked on very large scale systems in e-
Commerce , Banking and Insurance
• In spare time
• python, Go-Lang, OSS
• Loads of TED Talks
• Serverless
• Azure Serverless Offerings
• Introduction to Azure Functions
• Build Microservice with Azure Functions
• Durable Functions
• Durable Functions Patterns
Microservices – architectural approach
for cloud native apps
Large, all-inclusive app Small, independent services

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An introduction to Microservices
An introduction to MicroservicesAn introduction to Microservices
An introduction to Microservices

This document provides an introduction to microservices architecture. It discusses why companies adopt the microservices style, how to design microservices, common patterns, and examples from Netflix. The key points are: 1) Microservices architecture breaks applications into small, independent services that communicate over well-defined interfaces. This improves modularity, scalability, and allows independent deployments. 2) When designing microservices, services should be organized around business capabilities, have decentralized governance and data, and be designed to fail independently through patterns like circuit breakers. 3) Netflix is a leader in microservices and has open sourced many tools like Hystrix for latency handling and Eureka for service discovery that

Microservices Architecture
Microservices ArchitectureMicroservices Architecture
Microservices Architecture

A quick glance into the Microservices architecture and what the architecture offers over its precursor - Monolith Architecture

Microservice Architecture 101
Microservice Architecture 101Microservice Architecture 101
Microservice Architecture 101

Microservice architecture is gaining popularity in the community, as large scale websites, such as Netflix and Amazon, adopted this paradigm and achieved better scalability. In this talk, we will cover issues with monolithic approach, how microservice architecture addresses those issues, and how it works in the real world.

microservice architecture
Independent modules Isolated points of failure
Autonomous scalability
Tech flexibility
Faster value delivery
Serverless – Great fit for Microservices
• Problems of traditional microservices
• Scaling of compute resources
• Operations dependency
• Pay per hosting nodes
• Services discovery and
• managing services integration
• Serverless solution
• Automatic scaling based on workload
• No infrastructure management
• Pay per execution (micro-billing)
• Event-Driven programming model
• (triggers + bindings), instant scale
instant scale
of servers
What is Serverless?
What is Serverless?
clear separation between the code and its hosting environment

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Microservice architecture design principles
Microservice architecture design principlesMicroservice architecture design principles
Microservice architecture design principles

- Microservices advocate creating a system from small, isolated services that each own their data and are independently scalable and resilient. They are inspired by biological cells that are small, single-purpose, and work together through messaging. - The system is divided using a divide and conquer approach, decomposing it into discrete subsystems that communicate over well-defined protocols. Each microservice focuses on a single business capability and owns its own data and behavior. - Microservices communicate asynchronously through APIs and events to maintain independence and isolation, which enables continuous delivery, failure resilience, and independent scaling of each service.

Manatee to Dolphin: Transitioning to a Startup Mentality
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Manatee to Dolphin: Transitioning to a Startup Mentality

CTO Talks Seattle Presentation October 20, 2015 Details the journey of IBMs Mobile Cloud Team delivery of Presence Insights.

Microservice vs. Monolithic Architecture
Microservice vs. Monolithic ArchitectureMicroservice vs. Monolithic Architecture
Microservice vs. Monolithic Architecture

This presentation outlines the benefits of implementing a Microservice over a monolithic architecture.

Azure Serverless Offerings
Our Focus Today…
Introducing Azure Functions
Code EventsAzure
Azure Functions Internals
Function Code Function Configuration
Language Runtime
WebJobs Core
Azure AppService

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From SOA to MSA
From SOA to MSAFrom SOA to MSA
From SOA to MSA

This document discusses moving from traditional monolithic and SOA architectures to microservices architectures. It covers principles of microservices like high cohesion, low coupling, independent deployability and scaling of services. It also discusses organizational implications, noting that teams are typically organized around business capabilities rather than technical layers in a microservices structure. Key challenges of microservices like increased complexity and performance overhead are also outlined.

Micro-services architecture
Micro-services architectureMicro-services architecture
Micro-services architecture

Micro-services architecture is an evolutionary design ideal for evolutionary systems where you can’t fully anticipate the types of devices that may one day be accessing your application

Microservices Architecture
Microservices ArchitectureMicroservices Architecture
Microservices Architecture

- Microservices architecture breaks applications into small, independent services that focus on specific tasks and communicate over well-defined interfaces. This improves scalability, flexibility and allows for independent development and deployment of services. - The architecture promotes separating concerns, with each small service handling a single "verb" of the application and teams owning service groups. Services are stateless and communicate asynchronously over lightweight protocols. - Automating deployment through containerization allows for easy rollout of new versions with zero downtime and elastic scaling of services based on demand. Monitoring provides visibility into technical and business metrics of the distributed system.

continuous deliveryscalabilityzero-down-time deployment
Functions Secret Sauce…
• Triggers are ways to start executing Azure function code
• Bindings are declarative way of binding data to Azure function
• All triggers have input data
• Data coming from services become input values for function code
• To output data to another service use the return value of the
Functions Secret Sauce…
• Triggers
• Blob Storage
• Cosmos DB
• Event Hub
• Queues
• Service Bus
• Timer
• Webhook
• Bindings
• File
• Table
• Excel
• OneDrive
• Email
• Mobile app
• Notification
• More…
Scaling happens at the Function App level
Usually, each Function App
represents a different
Each Function App would
be an API with grouped
(one function per endpoint)
Flexibility choosing the
language for each
microservice – one per
Function App
Gain flexibility and develop your way

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Microservices and the future on Infrastructure
Microservices and the future on InfrastructureMicroservices and the future on Infrastructure
Microservices and the future on Infrastructure

The document discusses the evolution of IT infrastructure from siloed application architectures to microservices and network-centric architectures. It outlines several principles of microservices, including smart endpoints and decentralized governance. It also notes some disadvantages of microservices like operational overhead and distributed system complexity. Finally, it discusses future challenges like moving from monolithic to multi-cloud architectures and how organizations must structure themselves around network-centric designs.

Microservices architecture
Microservices architectureMicroservices architecture
Microservices architecture

A introduction to Microservices Architecture: definition, characterstics, framworks, success stories. It contains a demo about implementation of microservices with Spring Boot, Spring cloud an Eureka.

architecturemicroservices patternsnetflix
Think Small To Go Big - Introduction To Microservices
Think Small To Go Big - Introduction To MicroservicesThink Small To Go Big - Introduction To Microservices
Think Small To Go Big - Introduction To Microservices

The document provides an introduction to microservices architecture. It discusses how monolithic applications struggle with the need for speed, scale, and flexibility in modern cloud environments. Microservices address these challenges by decomposing applications into smaller, independent services. Each service runs in its own process and communicates over lightweight protocols like HTTP. This allows services to be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. The document outlines guidelines for designing microservices as well as benefits like improved understandability, reliability, and technology choice. It also notes potential downsides around complexity and testing. Examples are provided to illustrate differences between monolithic and microservice architectures.

Web application backends
Mobile application backends
IoT-connected backends
Real-time file processing
Real-time stream processing
Automation of scheduled tasks
Extending SaaS Applications
Conversational bot processing
Sample scenarios for Functions
Azure Functions Hello World
- Portal Experience
- Visual Studio
- Azure Functions Core Tools
Migrate from VMs → serverless
Thermostat intelligence
is a clear differentiator
Ready for sudden vertical growth
in the consumer market—charged
for usage as they scale
20K+ IoT devices simulated
Event driven architecture works well for
Customer Success Story
GLAS®Smart Thermostat by Johnson Controls
Device to Cloud
Cloud to Device
IoT Hub for messaging
and managing devices
Event Hubs for routing
and throttling
Functions as
SignalR for device

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This document provides an overview of microservices and related concepts. It begins with a review of basic REST concepts and components. It then discusses the differences between monolithic applications and those built with independent, replaceable services (components). Finally, it covers characteristics of microservices like independent deployability, small size, use of REST and lightweight protocols for communication, and organization around business capabilities rather than technology layers.

restweb serviceakka
Introduction to Microservices
Introduction  to MicroservicesIntroduction  to Microservices
Introduction to Microservices

This document provides an introduction to microservices, including a comparison to monolithic architectures. It discusses advantages and disadvantages of both monoliths and microservices. Monoliths have disadvantages including being difficult to change and maintain as well as not scaling well. Microservices aim to address these issues by developing applications as suites of small, independent services. The document outlines some key principles of microservices, such as independent deployment and technology choices, as well as advantages like improved scalability and flexibility.

Airbnb, From Monolith to Microservices: How to Scale Your Architecture, Futur...
Airbnb, From Monolith to Microservices: How to Scale Your Architecture, Futur...Airbnb, From Monolith to Microservices: How to Scale Your Architecture, Futur...
Airbnb, From Monolith to Microservices: How to Scale Your Architecture, Futur...

Hear from Melanie Cebula, Software Engineer at Airbnb, on how they utilize microservices to scale their architecture at FutureStack17 NYC. See the video here: Be sure to subscribe and follow New Relic at:

softwaresoftware developmentsoftware testing
Building a Microservice with Azure Functions
Stateless Microservices
What about Stateful Operations?
Not everything fits on a few-seconds
Durable functions

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Engage 2018 - What About the Apps? A Domino Modernisation StoryEngage 2018 - What About the Apps? A Domino Modernisation Story
Engage 2018 - What About the Apps? A Domino Modernisation Story

The document discusses the modernization of Domino applications. It notes that applications have become separated from email and mobile devices are ubiquitous. Consumer apps have set high expectations for user experience. The key disruptors are mobile usage, cloud platforms, consumer-like UX, and social/cognitive intelligence. The document recommends developing an app modernization strategy through analysis of usage and business needs. Applications can be retired, maintained, modernized by iterative updates, or replatformed to new systems like cloud. Domino 10 will make modernization easier through support for newer frameworks. Starting the process now is important to keep applications relevant.

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Microservices for Application Modernisation
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Microservices for Application Modernisation

Microservices APIs API Gateways CI CD 12 Factor Security Architecture Microservices vs SOA vs Monolithic DevSecOps NodeJs, SpringBoot Java, .Net

microservicesnode.js spring boot java .netsoa
What's New in .Net 4.5
What's New in .Net 4.5What's New in .Net 4.5
What's New in .Net 4.5

This document summarizes new features in .NET Framework 4.5, including improvements to WeakReferences, streams, ReadOnlyDictionary, compression, and large objects. It describes enhancements to server GC, asynchronous programming, the Task Parallel Library, ASP.NET, Entity Framework, WCF, WPF, and more. The .NET 4.5 update focuses on performance improvements, support for asynchronous code and parallel operations, and enabling modern app development patterns.

What is Durable Functions?
• Advanced feature for writing long-running orchestrations as a single
C# function. No JSON schemas. No designer.
• New orchestrator functions can synchronously or asynchronously call
other functions.
• Automatic checkpointing, enabling “long running” functions.
• Solves a variety of complex, transactional coding problems in
serverless apps.
• Built on the open source Durable Task Framework.
Durable Functions Patterns
Pattern #1: Function chaining - Today
• No visualization to show relationship between functions and queues.
• Middle queues are an implementation detail – conceptual overhead.
• Error handling adds a lot more complexity.
F1 F2 F3 F4
Pattern #1: Function chaining - Better
// calls functions in sequence
public static async Task<object> Run(DurableOrchestrationContext ctx)
var x = await ctx.CallFunctionAsync("F1");
var y = await ctx.CallFunctionAsync("F2", x);
var z = await ctx.CallFunctionAsync("F3", y);
return await ctx.CallFunctionAsync("F4", z);
catch (Exception)
// global error handling/compensation goes here

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As part of the JoTechies global azure boot-camp event in Jordan April 22, 2017, Taiseer Joudeh is talking about server-less computing and Azure Functions

El camino a las Cloud Native Apps - Introduction
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El camino a las Cloud Native Apps - Introduction

The document discusses serverless computing and Azure Functions. It provides examples of how to model common patterns like function chaining, fan-out/fan-in, and human interaction with timeouts using Durable Functions. Durable Functions allow writing long-running orchestrations as single functions and handling state management automatically. This simplifies complex workflows that would otherwise require managing state across many functions.

Exploring Twitter's Finagle technology stack for microservices
Exploring Twitter's Finagle technology stack for microservicesExploring Twitter's Finagle technology stack for microservices
Exploring Twitter's Finagle technology stack for microservices

This document summarizes a presentation about Finagle, Twitter's microservices technology stack. It discusses how Finagle addresses challenges with microservices like service discovery, load balancing, and request tracing across services. It presents Finagle's core abstractions like Futures, Services, and Filters. Services represent both clients and servers, and Filters can add functionality like retries and timeouts. The document also mentions Twitter Server, a framework for building Finagle-based servers that handles flags, logging, metrics and admin interfaces. Finally, it briefly introduces Finatra, which builds on Finagle and Twitter Server and adds features like dependency injection and routing.

Pattern #2: Fan-out/Fan-in - Today
• Fanning-out is easy, but fanning-in is significantly more complicated
• Functions offers no help with this scenario today
• All the same problems of the previous pattern
Pattern #2: Fan-out/Fan-in - Easy
public static async Task Run(DurableOrchestrationContext ctx)
var parallelTasks = new List<Task<int>>();
// get a list of N work items to process in parallel
object[] workBatch = await ctx.CallFunctionAsync<object[]>("F1");
for (int i = 0; i < workBatch.Length; i++)
Task<int> task = ctx.CallFunctionAsync<int>("F2", workBatch[i]);
await Task.WhenAll(parallelTasks);
// aggregate all N outputs and send result to F3
int sum = parallelTasks.Sum(t => t.Result);
await ctx.CallFunctionAsync("F3", sum);
Pattern #3: HTTP Async Response
• Execution state needs to be explicitly stored and managed.
• Execution state and trigger state must be kept in sync manually.
• Start and GetStatus is often boilerplate code that is not related to the business problem.
Start DoWork
Pattern #3: HTTP Async Response – Built in!
> curl -X POST -H "Content-Length: 0" -i
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0
> curl -i
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Length: 173
Content-Type: application/json
Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0
> curl -i
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 175
Content-Type: application/json
Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0

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ServerLess by usama Azure fuctions.pptx
ServerLess by usama Azure fuctions.pptxServerLess by usama Azure fuctions.pptx
ServerLess by usama Azure fuctions.pptx

This document provides information about Evolution Technologies, a software solutions company based in the UAE. It introduces Usama Wahab Khan, the CTO and Microsoft MVP who is a prominent Microsoft architect expert in the Gulf region. It then discusses Evolution Technologies' focus on providing state-of-the-art cloud technologies and solutions for private equity firms, investment banks, and real estate funds. Finally, it provides information about Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) and Azure Functions.

#azure #serverless #microsoft #cloud #mvpazurefunction
Azure Service Fabric: notes from the field (Sam Vanhoute @Integrate 2016)
Azure Service Fabric: notes from the field (Sam Vanhoute @Integrate 2016)Azure Service Fabric: notes from the field (Sam Vanhoute @Integrate 2016)
Azure Service Fabric: notes from the field (Sam Vanhoute @Integrate 2016)

This document summarizes Sam Vanhoutte's presentation on Azure Service Fabric. It discusses: 1. Codit's background and focus on integration solutions using Service Fabric. 2. An overview of Service Fabric's positioning as a platform for building microservices applications at scale, including comparisons to alternative approaches like Azure Cloud Services. 3. Key concepts in Service Fabric including programming models, service types, and partitioning for scale. 4. Examples of applications built on Service Fabric including connected buildings, sport club social platforms, and city camp reservation systems.

azure service fabricazuremvp
Building stateful serverless orchestrations with Azure Durable Azure Function...
Building stateful serverless orchestrations with Azure Durable Azure Function...Building stateful serverless orchestrations with Azure Durable Azure Function...
Building stateful serverless orchestrations with Azure Durable Azure Function...

Callon Campbell gave a presentation on building stateful serverless orchestrations with Azure Durable Functions. The presentation covered an introduction to serverless computing challenges, an overview of Durable Functions and how it addresses challenges through stateful orchestrations. It included demos of function chaining and fan-out/fan-in patterns using Durable Functions. The presentation also discussed alternate Durable Functions storage providers like Netherite and SQL Server that provide higher performance and portability compared to the default Azure Storage.

azureazure functionsdurable functions
Pattern #4: Actors
• Functions are stateless and short-lived.
• Read/write access to external state needs to be carefully synchronized.
• Functions do not support the singleton pattern today.
Pattern #4: Actors (Eternal Orchestrations)
public static async Task Run(DurableOrchestrationContext ctx)
int counterState = ctx.GetInput<int>();
string operation = await ctx.WaitForExternalEvent<string>("operation");
if (operation == "incr")
else if (operation == "decr")
Pattern #5: Human Interaction w/Timeout
• Can’t easily coordinate a timeout with an approval request notification.
• Need a mechanism to reliably cancel either the approval handling or the
timeout depending on the outcome.
Pattern #5: Human Interaction w/Timeout
public static async Task Run(DurableOrchestrationContext ctx)
await ctx.CallFunctionAsync<object[]>("RequestApproval");
using (var timeoutCts = new CancellationTokenSource())
DateTime dueTime = ctx.CurrentUtcDateTime.AddHours(72);
Task durableTimeout = ctx.CreateTimer(dueTime, 0, cts.Token);
Task<bool> approvalEvent = ctx.WaitForExternalEvent<bool>("ApprovalEvent");
if (approvalEvent == await Task.WhenAny(approvalEvent, durableTimeout))
await ctx.CallFunctionAsync("HandleApproval", approvalEvent.Result);
await ctx.CallFunctionAsync("Escalate");

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Azure Umbraco workshop
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Second edition of this popular interactive workshop, this time we focussed on the new “Windows Azure Accelerator for Umbraco” CodePlex project. Topics Web & Worker Role Virtual Machine sizes & performance Storage Types: Blobs, Tables, Azure SQL, queues No local persistant storage Network Load Balancing (round robin) Scale out to multiple instances Multiples websites in one Azure account Azure Content Delivery Network Swap between development & production environments Typical monthly costs to host Umbraco site Q&A

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Durable Functions vs Logic App : la guerra dei workflow!!
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Durable Functions vs Logic App : la guerra dei workflow!!

Hai la necessità di implementare un workflow o un integrazione tra servizi? Ti serve scalabilità e non vuoi preoccuparti degli aspetti infrastrutturali? Non sai da dove iniziare? Inizia da questa sessione! Il serverless è la risposta per la scalabilità e l'astrazione infrastrutturale, ma per l'aspetto tecnologico puoi scegliere tra Durable Functions e Logic App. Questa sessione ti mostrerà pro e contro di entrambe le tecnologie fornendoti gli strumenti necessari per una scelta oculata. Sessione del meetup #PitchOnline di #Coding del 21/07/2021

azureazure functionsdurable functions
Building workflow solution with Microsoft Azure and Cloud | Integration Monday
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This document provides an overview of workflow solutions using Microsoft Azure and cloud technologies. It discusses Power Automate, Logic Apps, and Durable Functions for automating business processes and workflows. It covers what each technology can do, pricing models, use cases, and monitoring/governance options. Key takeaways are that the technologies are not competing and to choose based on use case, and that they are mature leading options with moderate learning curves.

microsoftmicrosoft azurecloud computing
Important Orchestrator Limitations
• Orchestrator code is replayed on every rehydration to restore all local
state (local variables, etc).
• Function calls are never replayed – the outputs are remembered.
• This requires the orchestrator code to be deterministic.
• Rule #1: Never write logic that depends on random numbers,
DateTime.Now, Guid.NewGuid(), etc.
• Rule #2: Never do I/O directly in the orchestrator function.
• Rule #3: Do not write infinite loops
• Rule #4: Use the built-in workarounds for rules #1, #2, and #3
• Serverless – Glue of Cloud
• Sub-Second Billing
• Instant Scaling
• Focus on your code – Let Azure do the heavy lifting for you.
Questions and Answers
Thank you!

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Inventory management using temporal workflow engineInventory management using temporal workflow engine
Inventory management using temporal workflow engine

Inventory management using temporal workflow engine

MongoDB World 2018: Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes: Taking Your Stitch Application to th...
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The document discusses the evolution of MongoDB and the introduction of MongoDB Stitch and Triggers. Key points include: 1) MongoDB Stitch allows developers to build event-driven functions that execute in response to events like database changes or third party webhooks. 2) Stitch Triggers coordinate change streams from MongoDB to pass change events to an event coordinator, which ensures functions execute correctly. 3) An example application called the MongoDB Swagstore is presented to demonstrate how Stitch Triggers could be used to update inventory, send shipping notifications, and more in response to database changes.

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Stateful patterns in Azure Functions
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Stateful patterns in Azure Functions

This document summarizes a presentation about stateful patterns in Azure Functions using Durable Functions. The presentation introduces Durable Functions as a way to add state management to Azure Functions. It discusses common stateful patterns like function chaining, fan-in/fan-out, and human interaction and how Durable Functions addresses issues with implementing these patterns with regular stateless functions through orchestrations, activities, and entities. The presentation concludes by emphasizing how Durable Functions solves concurrency issues but may not always be the right choice depending on requirements around latency.

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Develop in ludicrous mode with azure serverless

  • 1. Lalit Kale Develop in Ludicrous mode with Azure Functions
  • 2. About Me • 15 years of Programming • Use .NET to earn bread and butter • Worked on very large scale systems in e- Commerce , Banking and Insurance • In spare time • python, Go-Lang, OSS • Loads of TED Talks
  • 3. Goal • Serverless • Azure Serverless Offerings • Introduction to Azure Functions • Build Microservice with Azure Functions • Durable Functions • Durable Functions Patterns
  • 4. Microservices – architectural approach for cloud native apps Monolithic APP APP APP Microservices Large, all-inclusive app Small, independent services
  • 5. Independent modules Isolated points of failure Autonomous scalability Microservices Tech flexibility Faster value delivery
  • 6. Serverless – Great fit for Microservices • Problems of traditional microservices • Scaling of compute resources • Operations dependency • Pay per hosting nodes • Services discovery and • managing services integration • Serverless solution • Automatic scaling based on workload • No infrastructure management • Pay per execution (micro-billing) • Event-Driven programming model • (triggers + bindings), instant scale
  • 8. What is Serverless? clear separation between the code and its hosting environment
  • 11. Introducing Azure Functions Code EventsAzure Functions
  • 12. Azure Functions Internals Function Code Function Configuration Language Runtime WebJobs Core Azure AppService
  • 13. Functions Secret Sauce… • Triggers are ways to start executing Azure function code • Bindings are declarative way of binding data to Azure function • All triggers have input data • Data coming from services become input values for function code • To output data to another service use the return value of the function.
  • 14. Functions Secret Sauce… • Triggers • Blob Storage • Cosmos DB • Event Hub • HTTP • Queues • Service Bus • Timer • Webhook • Bindings • File • Table • Excel • OneDrive • Email • Mobile app • Notification • More…
  • 15. Scaling happens at the Function App level Usually, each Function App represents a different microservice Each Function App would be an API with grouped endpoints (one function per endpoint) Flexibility choosing the language for each microservice – one per Function App
  • 17. Web application backends Mobile application backends IoT-connected backends Real-time file processing Real-time stream processing Automation of scheduled tasks Extending SaaS Applications Conversational bot processing Sample scenarios for Functions
  • 18. Demo Azure Functions Hello World - Portal Experience - Visual Studio - Azure Functions Core Tools
  • 19. Migrate from VMs → serverless Thermostat intelligence is a clear differentiator Ready for sudden vertical growth in the consumer market—charged for usage as they scale 20K+ IoT devices simulated Event driven architecture works well for IoT Customer Success Story GLAS®Smart Thermostat by Johnson Controls
  • 20. Device to Cloud Cloud to Device IoT Hub for messaging and managing devices Event Hubs for routing and throttling Functions as microservices SignalR for device messaging
  • 21. Demo Building a Microservice with Azure Functions
  • 22. Stateless Microservices What about Stateful Operations?
  • 23. Not everything fits on a few-seconds execution
  • 25. What is Durable Functions? • Advanced feature for writing long-running orchestrations as a single C# function. No JSON schemas. No designer. • New orchestrator functions can synchronously or asynchronously call other functions. • Automatic checkpointing, enabling “long running” functions. • Solves a variety of complex, transactional coding problems in serverless apps. • Built on the open source Durable Task Framework.
  • 27. Pattern #1: Function chaining - Today Problems: • No visualization to show relationship between functions and queues. • Middle queues are an implementation detail – conceptual overhead. • Error handling adds a lot more complexity. F1 F2 F3 F4
  • 28. Pattern #1: Function chaining - Better // calls functions in sequence public static async Task<object> Run(DurableOrchestrationContext ctx) { try { var x = await ctx.CallFunctionAsync("F1"); var y = await ctx.CallFunctionAsync("F2", x); var z = await ctx.CallFunctionAsync("F3", y); return await ctx.CallFunctionAsync("F4", z); } catch (Exception) { // global error handling/compensation goes here } }
  • 29. Pattern #2: Fan-out/Fan-in - Today Problems: • Fanning-out is easy, but fanning-in is significantly more complicated • Functions offers no help with this scenario today • All the same problems of the previous pattern F1 F2 F3
  • 30. Pattern #2: Fan-out/Fan-in - Easy public static async Task Run(DurableOrchestrationContext ctx) { var parallelTasks = new List<Task<int>>(); // get a list of N work items to process in parallel object[] workBatch = await ctx.CallFunctionAsync<object[]>("F1"); for (int i = 0; i < workBatch.Length; i++) { Task<int> task = ctx.CallFunctionAsync<int>("F2", workBatch[i]); parallelTasks.Add(task); } await Task.WhenAll(parallelTasks); // aggregate all N outputs and send result to F3 int sum = parallelTasks.Sum(t => t.Result); await ctx.CallFunctionAsync("F3", sum); }
  • 31. Pattern #3: HTTP Async Response Problems: • Execution state needs to be explicitly stored and managed. • Execution state and trigger state must be kept in sync manually. • Start and GetStatus is often boilerplate code that is not related to the business problem. Start DoWork GetStatus
  • 32. Pattern #3: HTTP Async Response – Built in! > curl -X POST -H "Content-Length: 0" -i HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted Location: Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0 > curl -i HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted Content-Length: 173 Content-Type: application/json Location: Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0 {"runtimeStatus":"Running","createdTime":"2017-03-16T21:20:36Z","lastUpdatedTime":"2017-03-16T21:20:47Z"} > curl -i HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 175 Content-Type: application/json Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0 {"runtimeStatus":"Completed","createdTime":"2017-03-16T21:20:36Z","lastUpdatedTime":"2017-03-16T21:20:57Z"}
  • 33. Pattern #4: Actors Problems: • Functions are stateless and short-lived. • Read/write access to external state needs to be carefully synchronized. • Functions do not support the singleton pattern today.
  • 34. Pattern #4: Actors (Eternal Orchestrations) public static async Task Run(DurableOrchestrationContext ctx) { int counterState = ctx.GetInput<int>(); string operation = await ctx.WaitForExternalEvent<string>("operation"); if (operation == "incr") { counterState++; } else if (operation == "decr") { counterState--; } ctx.ContinueAsNew(counterState); }
  • 35. Pattern #5: Human Interaction w/Timeout RequestApproval Escalate ProcessApproval Problems: • Can’t easily coordinate a timeout with an approval request notification. • Need a mechanism to reliably cancel either the approval handling or the timeout depending on the outcome.
  • 36. Pattern #5: Human Interaction w/Timeout public static async Task Run(DurableOrchestrationContext ctx) { await ctx.CallFunctionAsync<object[]>("RequestApproval"); using (var timeoutCts = new CancellationTokenSource()) { DateTime dueTime = ctx.CurrentUtcDateTime.AddHours(72); Task durableTimeout = ctx.CreateTimer(dueTime, 0, cts.Token); Task<bool> approvalEvent = ctx.WaitForExternalEvent<bool>("ApprovalEvent"); if (approvalEvent == await Task.WhenAny(approvalEvent, durableTimeout)) { timeoutCts.Cancel(); await ctx.CallFunctionAsync("HandleApproval", approvalEvent.Result); } else { await ctx.CallFunctionAsync("Escalate"); } } }
  • 37. Important Orchestrator Limitations • Orchestrator code is replayed on every rehydration to restore all local state (local variables, etc). • Function calls are never replayed – the outputs are remembered. • This requires the orchestrator code to be deterministic. • Rule #1: Never write logic that depends on random numbers, DateTime.Now, Guid.NewGuid(), etc. • Rule #2: Never do I/O directly in the orchestrator function. • Rule #3: Do not write infinite loops • Rule #4: Use the built-in workarounds for rules #1, #2, and #3
  • 38. Takeaways • Serverless – Glue of Cloud • Sub-Second Billing • Instant Scaling • Focus on your code – Let Azure do the heavy lifting for you.

Editor's Notes

  1. 19
  2. CallFunctionAsync uses queues under the covers, thus they can be scaled out to multiple VMs.
  3. Logic Apps and Microsoft Flow have built-in support for this pattern. Note that specifics URL routes are subject to change (and have already changed since this deck was originally written).
  4. Note that orchestrators are single-threaded, so there is no need to worry about concurrency. Orchestration instances are also implicitly singletons, so they only run on one VM at a time.
  5. We will expose a mechanism for sending named events to an orchestrator from outside the orchestration context – e.g. REST API and/or output binding.