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Microservice  Ecosystems    
at  Scale    	
Randy Shoup
• eBay
•  5th generation today
•  Monolithic Perl à Monolithic C++ à Java à microservices
• Twitter
•  3rd generation today
•  Monolithic Rails à JS / Rails / Scala à microservices
• Amazon
•  Nth generation today
•  Monolithic C++ à Java / Scala à microservices
Microservice  Ecosystems  
at  Scale	
•  Ecosystem of Services
•  Designing a Service
•  Building and Operating a Service
Microservice  Ecosystems  
at  Scale	
•  Ecosystem of Services
•  Designing a Service
•  Building and Operating a Service

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Managing your camels in the cloud with CI/CD
Managing your camels in the cloud with CI/CDManaging your camels in the cloud with CI/CD
Managing your camels in the cloud with CI/CD

Developing integration microservices using CI/CD with apache camel, open shift,, jenkins, et al.

Microservices Journey Summer 2017
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Microservices Journey Summer 2017

We consider a microservices architecture to achieve an end goal, not because it's "the cool thing to do". Every organization looking to adopt this architecture must realize (and adhere) to a set of foundational principles. Guided by those principles, we can correctly choose the technology to help support a microservices architecture and meet our end goals. This talk explains those core principles and gives you the tools needed for your microservices journey.

Microservice Architecture
Microservice ArchitectureMicroservice Architecture
Microservice Architecture

The document discusses moving from a monolithic architecture to microservices. A monolithic application can be difficult to maintain, upgrade, and scale as it grows in size. Microservices break an application into smaller, independent services that can be developed and deployed independently. This improves maintainability, scalability, and allows incremental upgrades. However, microservices come with additional complexity from managing more distributed components and potential performance impacts from additional network calls. The document provides design considerations and best practices for implementing microservices, such as domain-driven design and event-driven asynchronous communication between services.

of  Services	
•  Hundreds to thousands of
independent services
•  Many layers of dependencies,
no strict tiers
•  Graph of relationships, not a
Service  Layering	
•  Cloud Datastore: NoSQL service
o  Highly scalable and resilient
o  Strong transactional consistency
o  SQL-like rich query capabilities
•  Megastore: geo-scale structured
o  Multi-row transactions
o  Synchronous cross-datacenter replication
•  Bigtable: cluster-level structured storage
o  (row, column, timestamp) -> cell contents
•  Colossus: next-generation clustered file
o  Block distribution and replication
•  Borg: cluster management infrastructure
o  Task scheduling, machine assignment
not  Intelligent  Design	
•  No centralized, top-down design of the system
•  Variation and Natural selection
o  Create / extract new services when needed to solve a problem
o  Services justify their continued existence through usage
o  Deprecate services when no longer used
“Every  service  at  Google  is  
either  deprecated  or  not  ready  
-­‐‑-­‐‑  Google  engineering  proverb

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The document discusses continuous delivery of integration applications using JBoss Fuse and OpenShift. It covers the cost of change in software development, how JBoss Fuse can help with integration challenges, and how OpenShift enables continuous delivery through automation and a developer self-service platform as a service model. The presentation demonstrates how to build a continuous delivery pipeline using tools like Git, Jenkins, Fabric8, and OpenShift to deploy and test applications.

Microservices with Spring Cloud, Netflix OSS and Kubernetes
Microservices with Spring Cloud, Netflix OSS and Kubernetes Microservices with Spring Cloud, Netflix OSS and Kubernetes
Microservices with Spring Cloud, Netflix OSS and Kubernetes

Spring Cloud/Netflix OSS way of building microservices on Kubernetes -- preso from Spring One Platform 2016

spring cloudmicroservicesspring boot
Extensibility for ADF applications
Extensibility for ADF applicationsExtensibility for ADF applications
Extensibility for ADF applications

This document discusses extensibility features for ADF applications. It describes how extensions can customize pages, navigation, menus, toolbars, metadata, and more using JSON configuration files. Extensions can register custom components, routes, and actions. Rules are JavaScript functions that can access application state and be composed from other rules. Extensions are distributed as standard Angular libraries and installed via commands. The core @alfresco/adf-extensions library provides services to support extensibility. Future plans include more extension points, validation tools, and automatic installation of extensions.

Architecture  without  an  
•  No “Architect” title / role
•  Appearance of clean layering is an emergent
•  (+) No central approval for technology decisions
o  Most technology decisions made locally instead of globally
Microservice  Ecosystems  
at  Scale	
•  Ecosystem of Services
•  Designing a Service
•  Building and Operating a Service
Characteristics  of  an  
Effective  Service	
•  Single-purpose
•  Simple, well-defined interface
•  Modular and independent
•  Isolated persistence (!)
•  The “Mega-Service”
o  Overbroad area of responsibility is difficult to reason about, change
o  Leads to more upstream / downstream dependencies
•  “Leaky Abstraction” Service
o  Interface reflects provider’s model of the interaction, not the consumer’s
o  Consumer’s model is typically more aligned with the domain, simpler,
more abstract
o  Leaking provider’s model in the interface constrains evolution of the

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LJC 05/14 "Cloud Developer's DHARMA"
LJC 05/14 "Cloud Developer's DHARMA"LJC 05/14 "Cloud Developer's DHARMA"
LJC 05/14 "Cloud Developer's DHARMA"

Building applications for the IaaS Cloud is easy, right? "Sure, no problem - just lift and shift!" all the Cloud vendors shout in unison. However, the reality of building and deploying Cloud applications can often be different. This talk will introduce lessons learnt from the trenches during two years of designing and implementing cloud-based Java applications, which we have codified into our Cloud developer’s 'DHARMA' rules; Documented (just enough); Highly cohesive/loosely coupled (all the way down); Automated from code commit to cloud; Resource aware; Monitored thoroughly; and Antifragile. We will look at these lessons from both a theoretic and practical perspective using a real-world case study from Instant Access Technologies (IAT) Ltd. IAT recently evolved their customer loyalty platform from a monolithic Java application deployed into a data centre on a 'big bang' schedule, to a platform of loosely-coupled JVM-based components, all being continuously deployed into the AWS IaaS Cloud

Alfresco DevCon 2019: Interaxo - A journey to Cloud Native
Alfresco DevCon 2019: Interaxo - A journey to Cloud NativeAlfresco DevCon 2019: Interaxo - A journey to Cloud Native
Alfresco DevCon 2019: Interaxo - A journey to Cloud Native

1) Interaxo is a SaaS application for managing building projects that uses Alfresco and has grown to over 1,000 tenants and 50,000 users. 2) The company transitioned to a cloud native architecture using Kubernetes, Docker, and AWS to allow for better scalability, automation, and continuous delivery in order to keep up with growth and gain strategic advantages. 3) Some guiding principles of the cloud native transition included treating their datacenter as a cloud provider, adopting Kubernetes gradually through proof of concepts, and using GitOps over complex Jenkins pipelines for configuration and deployments.

Managing Data in Microservices
Managing Data in MicroservicesManaging Data in Microservices
Managing Data in Microservices

From a talk at the SF CTO Summit 2017 (, these slides cover the speaker's experience at Stitch Fix with managing data in a microservices environment. Areas include: * Breaking up a monolithic database into services * Using events as a first-class part of your architecture * Sharing data among microservices * Handling "joins" among microservices * Simulating "transactions" among microservices using the Saga pattern

•  Shared persistence
o  Breaks encapsulation, encourages “backdoor” interface violations
o  Unhealthy and near-invisible coupling of services
o  (-) Initial eBay SOA efforts
•  Option 1: Operate your own data store
o  Store to your own instance(s) of MySQL, etc., owned and operated by the
•  Option 2: Use a persistence service
o  Store to your own partition(s) of Dynamo, Bigtable, etc., operated as a
service by another team
•  è Only external access to data store is through
published service interface
Interface  Stability	
•  Backward / forward compatibility of interfaces
o  Can *never* break your clients’ code
o  Often multiple interface versions
o  Sometimes multiple deployments
o  Majority of changes don’t impact the interface in any way
•  Explicit deprecation policy
o  Strong incentive to wean customers off old versions (!)
Microservice  Ecosystems  
at  Scale	
•  Ecosystem of Services
•  Designing a Service
•  Building and Operating a Service

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Microservices with Spring
Microservices with SpringMicroservices with Spring
Microservices with Spring

This document discusses microservices and provides an overview of related concepts. It begins with definitions of microservices and comparisons to monolithic applications. Key features of microservices like independent processes communicating over HTTP are outlined. The document then covers reasons for using HTTP, REST, and JSON in microservice architectures. An example online shopping application is used to illustrate how it could be decomposed into microservices. Challenges of monolithic applications are contrasted with advantages of the microservice approach. The document concludes with a summary of Spring Cloud which provides tools to help implement microservices patterns.

Microservices Practitioner Summit Jan '15 - Don't Build a Distributed Monolit...
Microservices Practitioner Summit Jan '15 - Don't Build a Distributed Monolit...Microservices Practitioner Summit Jan '15 - Don't Build a Distributed Monolit...
Microservices Practitioner Summit Jan '15 - Don't Build a Distributed Monolit...

The document discusses avoiding distributed monoliths by not coupling systems with binary dependencies like shared libraries and network clients. It recommends using contracts and protocols instead of shared libraries to allow for independence between services. Common examples of binary coupling that should be avoided are shared libraries for routing, discovery, logging etc. Coupling systems in this way leads to lost benefits like inability to use different languages, platforms or concurrency models for individual services.

Alfresco DevCon 2019 Performance Tools of the Trade
Alfresco DevCon 2019   Performance Tools of the TradeAlfresco DevCon 2019   Performance Tools of the Trade
Alfresco DevCon 2019 Performance Tools of the Trade

Discover tips and tools that will help you to keep your Alfresco environment in shape. Most of the best tools are free or Open Source, and this presentation will guide you through the steps to improve the performance of your system.

Goals  of  a    
Service  Owner	
•  Meet the needs of my clients …
•  Functionality
•  Quality
•  Performance
•  Stability and reliability
•  Constant improvement over time
•  … at minimum cost and effort
•  Leverage common tools and infrastructure
•  Leverage other services
•  Automate building, deploying, and operating my service
•  Optimize for efficient use of resources
Responsibilities  of  a  
Service  Owner	
•  End-to-end Ownership
o  Team owns service from design to deployment to retirement
o  No separate maintenance or sustaining engineering team
o  DevOps philosophy of “You build it, you run it”
•  Autonomy and Accountability
o  Freedom to choose technology, methodology, working environment
o  Responsibility for the results of those choices
Service  as    
Bounded  Context	
•  Primary focus on my service
o  Clients which depend on my service
o  Services which my service depends on
•  Very little worry about
o  The complete ecosystem
o  The underlying infrastructure
•  Cognitive load is very bounded
•  è Small, nimble service teams
•  Vendor – Customer Relationship
o  Friendly and cooperative, but structured
o  Clear ownership and division of responsibility
•  Customer can choose to use service or not (!)
o  Must be strictly better than the alternatives of build, buy, borrow

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Knockout js

KnockoutJS is a JavaScript library that provides declarative bindings between a data model and UI. It exposes the MVVM pattern, separating model, view, and view model concerns. Two-way data binding automatically synchronizes data between the model and view. Observables notify of changes and detect dependencies, enabling two-way binding between UI elements and the JavaScript view model. KnockoutJS is lightweight, fully documented, and suitable for building small to medium single-page applications.

Atlanta Microservices Day: Istio Service Mesh
Atlanta Microservices Day: Istio Service MeshAtlanta Microservices Day: Istio Service Mesh
Atlanta Microservices Day: Istio Service Mesh

The document discusses the evolution of application networking from individual microservices libraries to shared proxies like Envoy and service meshes like Istio. It notes that as applications adopt microservices architectures, many common concerns around distributed systems must be addressed, such as service discovery, load balancing, and fault tolerance. Initially, different frameworks offered individual libraries to handle these issues, but this led to inconsistencies and increased complexity. Envoy proxy and the Istio service mesh aim to provide a standardized and shared way to address these cross-cutting distributed system concerns for all services regardless of language or framework.

istioservice meshenvoy
Microservices architecture
Microservices architectureMicroservices architecture
Microservices architecture

Fundamental and Practice. Explain about microservices characters and pattern. And also how to be good build microservices. And also additional the scale cube and CAP theory.

software developmentdeveloperprogramming
Charging  and    
Cost  Allocation	
•  Charge customers for *usage* of the service
o  Aligns economic incentives of customer and provider
o  Motivates both sides to optimize efficiency
•  Free usage leads to waste
o  No incentive to control usage or find more efficient alternatives
•  E.g., App Engine usage at Google
o  Charging one particularly egregious internal customer led to 10x
reduction in usage
• eBay
•  5th generation today
•  Monolithic Perl à Monolithic C++ à Java à microservices
• Twitter
•  3rd generation today
•  Monolithic Rails à JS / Rails / Scala à microservices
• Amazon
•  Nth generation today
•  Monolithic C++ à Java / Scala à microservices
“If  you  don’t  end  up  regreKing  
your  early  technology  
decisions,  you  probably  over-­‐‑
-- me
Thank  You!	
•  @randyshoup

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This deck is about Microservices Architecture and why do we need it, architecture patterns which need to be followed during Microservices development, and about few tricky questions like API Versioning and Decomposition Recipes

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The document discusses microservices, DevOps, and containers. It introduces the speaker, Christian Posta, and his background working with microservices at a large company. It then asks questions about the organization's motivations for considering microservices and discusses challenges with keeping up with change. The document promotes OpenShift and Fabric8 as open-source platforms that can help automate build, deployment, and integration processes in a cloud-native way. It highlights features like CI/CD, management tools, and libraries to simplify developing microservices applications.

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Service Architectures At Scale - QCon London 2015Service Architectures At Scale - QCon London 2015
Service Architectures At Scale - QCon London 2015

Over time, almost all large, well-known web sites have evolved their architectures from an early monolithic application to a loosely-coupled ecosystem of polyglot microservices. While first-order goals are almost always driven by the needs of scalability and velocity, this evolution also produces second-order effects on the organization as well. This session will discuss modern service architectures at scale, using specific examples from both Google and eBay. It covers some interesting -- and perhaps nonintuitive -- lessons learned in building and operating these sites. It concludes with a number of experience-based recommendations for other smaller organizations evolving to -- and sustaining -- an effective service ecosystem.


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Ambassador Labs
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Ambassador Labs
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Ambassador Labs
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Ambassador Labs
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Ambassador Labs
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Ambassador Labs
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Microservices Practitioner Summit Jan '15 - Microservice Ecosystems At Scale - Randy Shoup

  • 1. Microservice  Ecosystems     at  Scale     Randy Shoup @randyshoup
  • 2. Architecture   Evolution • eBay •  5th generation today •  Monolithic Perl à Monolithic C++ à Java à microservices • Twitter •  3rd generation today •  Monolithic Rails à JS / Rails / Scala à microservices • Amazon •  Nth generation today •  Monolithic C++ à Java / Scala à microservices
  • 3. Microservice  Ecosystems   at  Scale •  Ecosystem of Services •  Designing a Service •  Building and Operating a Service
  • 4. Microservice  Ecosystems   at  Scale •  Ecosystem of Services •  Designing a Service •  Building and Operating a Service
  • 5. Ecosystem     of  Services •  Hundreds to thousands of independent services •  Many layers of dependencies, no strict tiers •  Graph of relationships, not a hierarchy C B A E F G D
  • 6. Google     Service  Layering •  Cloud Datastore: NoSQL service o  Highly scalable and resilient o  Strong transactional consistency o  SQL-like rich query capabilities •  Megastore: geo-scale structured database o  Multi-row transactions o  Synchronous cross-datacenter replication •  Bigtable: cluster-level structured storage o  (row, column, timestamp) -> cell contents •  Colossus: next-generation clustered file system o  Block distribution and replication •  Borg: cluster management infrastructure o  Task scheduling, machine assignment Cloud   Datastore Megastore Bigtable Colossus Borg
  • 7. Evolution,     not  Intelligent  Design •  No centralized, top-down design of the system •  Variation and Natural selection o  Create / extract new services when needed to solve a problem o  Services justify their continued existence through usage o  Deprecate services when no longer used
  • 8. “Every  service  at  Google  is   either  deprecated  or  not  ready   yet.”   -­‐‑-­‐‑  Google  engineering  proverb
  • 9. Architecture  without  an   Architect? •  No “Architect” title / role •  Appearance of clean layering is an emergent property •  (+) No central approval for technology decisions o  Most technology decisions made locally instead of globally
  • 10. Microservice  Ecosystems   at  Scale •  Ecosystem of Services •  Designing a Service •  Building and Operating a Service
  • 11. Characteristics  of  an   Effective  Service •  Single-purpose •  Simple, well-defined interface •  Modular and independent •  Isolated persistence (!) A C D E B
  • 12. Service   Anti-­‐‑PaKerns •  The “Mega-Service” o  Overbroad area of responsibility is difficult to reason about, change o  Leads to more upstream / downstream dependencies •  “Leaky Abstraction” Service o  Interface reflects provider’s model of the interaction, not the consumer’s model o  Consumer’s model is typically more aligned with the domain, simpler, more abstract o  Leaking provider’s model in the interface constrains evolution of the implementation
  • 13. Service   Anti-­‐‑PaKerns •  Shared persistence o  Breaks encapsulation, encourages “backdoor” interface violations o  Unhealthy and near-invisible coupling of services o  (-) Initial eBay SOA efforts
  • 14. Service     Persistence •  Option 1: Operate your own data store o  Store to your own instance(s) of MySQL, etc., owned and operated by the service •  Option 2: Use a persistence service o  Store to your own partition(s) of Dynamo, Bigtable, etc., operated as a service by another team •  è Only external access to data store is through published service interface
  • 15. Maintaining     Interface  Stability •  Backward / forward compatibility of interfaces o  Can *never* break your clients’ code o  Often multiple interface versions o  Sometimes multiple deployments o  Majority of changes don’t impact the interface in any way •  Explicit deprecation policy o  Strong incentive to wean customers off old versions (!)
  • 16. Microservice  Ecosystems   at  Scale •  Ecosystem of Services •  Designing a Service •  Building and Operating a Service
  • 17. Goals  of  a     Service  Owner •  Meet the needs of my clients … •  Functionality •  Quality •  Performance •  Stability and reliability •  Constant improvement over time •  … at minimum cost and effort •  Leverage common tools and infrastructure •  Leverage other services •  Automate building, deploying, and operating my service •  Optimize for efficient use of resources
  • 18. Responsibilities  of  a   Service  Owner •  End-to-end Ownership o  Team owns service from design to deployment to retirement o  No separate maintenance or sustaining engineering team o  DevOps philosophy of “You build it, you run it” •  Autonomy and Accountability o  Freedom to choose technology, methodology, working environment o  Responsibility for the results of those choices
  • 19. Service  as     Bounded  Context •  Primary focus on my service o  Clients which depend on my service o  Services which my service depends on •  Very little worry about o  The complete ecosystem o  The underlying infrastructure •  Cognitive load is very bounded •  è Small, nimble service teams Service Client   A Client   B Client   C
  • 20. Service-­‐‑Service     Relationships •  Vendor – Customer Relationship o  Friendly and cooperative, but structured o  Clear ownership and division of responsibility •  Customer can choose to use service or not (!) o  Must be strictly better than the alternatives of build, buy, borrow
  • 21. Charging  and     Cost  Allocation •  Charge customers for *usage* of the service o  Aligns economic incentives of customer and provider o  Motivates both sides to optimize efficiency •  Free usage leads to waste o  No incentive to control usage or find more efficient alternatives •  E.g., App Engine usage at Google o  Charging one particularly egregious internal customer led to 10x reduction in usage
  • 22. Architecture   Evolution • eBay •  5th generation today •  Monolithic Perl à Monolithic C++ à Java à microservices • Twitter •  3rd generation today •  Monolithic Rails à JS / Rails / Scala à microservices • Amazon •  Nth generation today •  Monolithic C++ à Java / Scala à microservices
  • 23. “If  you  don’t  end  up  regreKing   your  early  technology   decisions,  you  probably  over-­‐‑ engineered.” -- me
  • 24. Thank  You! •  @randyshoup •