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Microservices with Apache Camel
Claus Ibsen (@davsclaus)
Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
● What is Apache Camel?
● A little Example
● Microservice Demo
● Standalone
● with Docker
● with OpenShift 3 / Kubernetes
● More Information
Your Speaker
● Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat
● Apache Camel
● 7 years working with Camel
● Author of Camel in Action book
● Contact
● EMail:
● Twitter: @davsclaus
● Blog:
● Linkedin:
● What is Apache Camel?
● A little Example
● Microservice Demo
● Standalone
● with Docker
● with OpenShift 3 / Kubernetes
● More Information

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Apache Camel K - Copenhagen
Apache Camel K - CopenhagenApache Camel K - Copenhagen
Apache Camel K - Copenhagen

2 hour session where I cover what is Apache Camel, latest news on the upcoming Camel v3, and then the main topic of the talk is the new Camel K sub-project for running integrations natively on the cloud with kubernetes. The last part of the talk is about running Camel with GraalVM / Quarkus to archive native compiled binaries that has impressive startup and footprint.

apache camelserverlesskubernetes
Developing Microservices with Apache Camel
Developing Microservices with Apache CamelDeveloping Microservices with Apache Camel
Developing Microservices with Apache Camel

Red Hat Microservices Architecture Day - New York, November 2015. Presented by Claus Ibsen. Apache Camel is a very popular integration library that works very well with microservice architecture. This talk introduces you to Apache Camel and how you can easily get started with Camel on your computer. Then we cover how to create new Camel projects from scratch as microservices, which you can boot using Camel or Spring Boot, or other micro containers such as Jetty or fat JARs. We then take a look at what options you have for monitoring and managing your Camel microservices using tooling such as Jolokia, and hawtio web console.

apache camelfabric8kubernetes
Building Event Driven (Micro)services with Apache Kafka
Building Event Driven (Micro)services with Apache KafkaBuilding Event Driven (Micro)services with Apache Kafka
Building Event Driven (Micro)services with Apache Kafka

What is a Microservices architecture and how does it differ from a Service-Oriented Architecture? Should you use traditional REST APIs to bind services together? Or is it better to use a richer, more loosely-coupled protocol? This talk will start with quick recap of how we created systems over the past 20 years and how different architectures evolved from it. The talk will show how we piece services together in event driven systems, how we use a distributed log (event hub) to create a central, persistent history of events and what benefits we achieve from doing so. Apache Kafka is a perfect match for building such an asynchronous, loosely-coupled event-driven backbone. Events trigger processing logic, which can be implemented in a more traditional as well as in a stream processing fashion. The talk will show the difference between a request-driven and event-driven communication and show when to use which. It highlights how the modern stream processing systems can be used to hold state both internally as well as in a database and how this state can be used to further increase independence of other services, the primary goal of a Microservices architecture.

What is Apache Camel?
● Quote from the website
What is Apache Camel?
● Why do we need integration?
● Critical for your business to integrate
● Why Integration Framework?
● Framework do the heavy lifting
● You can focus on business problem
● Not "reinventing the wheel"
What is Apache Camel?
● What is Enterprise Integration Patterns?
It's a book
What is Apache Camel?
● Enterprise Integration Patterns

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Api gateway in microservices
Api gateway in microservicesApi gateway in microservices
Api gateway in microservices

A brief overview of the significance of API Gateways in microservices architecture by providing Kong as an example. Slide 2: Monolith Vs Microservices Monolith: Pros- Simple to implement Less integration test - easy to test Easy to ship Fast development Cons- Violates Open-Close principle Nightmare when it comes to managing the code Difficult to enhance Bigger artifacts Hard to replace individual components like DB, Logger etc. Microservices- Pros- Easy to manage One reason to change Dynamic scaling Single responsibility Cons- Multiple points of failure Hard to test - rich integration tests required Heterogeneity in infrastructure Slide 3: API Gateway Pattern It is microservices design pattern. An API gateway is a service which is the entry point into the application from the outside world. It’s responsible for request routing, API composition, and other functions, such as authentication. There are a lot of issues when client is talking to multiple components to get the job done. These include multiple proxies at client side, different logic to handle different calls, client needs to know the implementation details of server. A much better approach is for a client to make a single request to what’s known as an API gateway. An API gateway is a service which is the single entry-point for API requests into an application. It’s similar to the Facade pattern from object-oriented design. Like a facade, an API gateway encapsulates the application’s internal architecture and provides an API to its clients. It might also have other responsibilities, such as authentication, monitoring, and rate limiting. These are also termed as BFF - Backend For Frontend Slide 4: API Gateway in Action It acts as a “backend for the frontend”. The clients do not know which services they are talking to. They communicate with a single interface - API Gateway. The gateway resolves the client requests and distributes them to respective services. Slide 7: Kong Architecture Kong is a cloud-native, fast, scalable, and distributed Microservice Abstraction Layer (also known as an API Gateway, API Middleware or in some cases Service Mesh). Made available as an open-source project in 2015, its core values are high performance and extensibility. Actively maintained, Kong is widely used in production at companies ranging from startups to Global 5000 as well as government organizations.

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Spring Boot
Spring BootSpring Boot
Spring Boot

Spring Boot is a framework for creating stand-alone, production-grade Spring based applications that can be "just run". It aims to provide a radically faster and widely accessible starting experience for developing Spring applications. Spring Boot applications can be started using java -jar or traditional WAR deployments and require very little Spring configuration. The document then discusses system requirements, development environment, creating a simple Hello World application, using Spring Boot Admin to monitor applications, configuring databases, Spring Data JPA, REST controllers, caching with EhCache, building web applications with Thymeleaf, and project structure.

spring bootspring
What is Apache Camel?
● EIP - Content Based Router
What is Apache Camel?
from newOrder
What is Apache Camel?
from newOrder
What is Apache Camel?
from newOrder
when isWidget to widget

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Building PaaS with Amazon EKS for the Large-Scale, Highly Regulated Enterpris...Building PaaS with Amazon EKS for the Large-Scale, Highly Regulated Enterpris...
Building PaaS with Amazon EKS for the Large-Scale, Highly Regulated Enterpris...

Containers make it easy to build and deploy applications by abstracting away the underlying operating system. But how do you build secure and compliant containerized applications in a distributed environment, and without direct access to the operating system your code is running on? In this session, hear how Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS) is integrated into a large-scale regulated enterprise in the areas of network, security, CI/CD, and monitoring to cater to the needs of various business units. We cover the basics in each of these areas in Amazon EKS, and we hear from Fidelity on how it is driving its cloud strategy with Amazon EKS in the heavily regulated finance sector. We also share best practices and common architectures for building containerized application in highly regulated industries.

Hexagonal architecture for java applications
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Hexagonal architecture for java applications

The document discusses hexagonal architecture, also known as ports and adapters architecture. It is an alternative to traditional multi-layer architectures that aims to decouple the application core from external influences like databases, web frameworks, and other dependencies. The core domain logic is separated from external influences by defining application programming interfaces (APIs) called "ports" that external "adapters" implement. This allows the core to be developed and tested in isolation. The document provides an example implementation of a ticket management system using this architecture.

hexagonal architecture ports adapters spring boot
What is Apache Camel?
from newOrder
when isWidget to widget
otherwise to gadget
What is Apache Camel?
when(isWidget) to(widget)
otherwise to(gadget)
What is Apache Camel?
What is Apache Camel?
Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder");

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Event-driven microservices
Event-driven microservicesEvent-driven microservices
Event-driven microservices

1) Event-driven microservices involve microservices communicating primarily through events published to an event backbone. This loosely couples microservices and allows for eventual data consistency. 2) Apache Kafka is an open-source streaming platform that can be used to build an event backbone, allowing microservices to reliably publish and subscribe to events. It supports streaming, storage, and processing of event data. 3) Common patterns for event-driven microservices include database per service for independent data ownership, sagas for coordinated multi-step processes, event sourcing to capture all state changes, and CQRS to separate reads from writes.

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Google DevFest2019 Presentation at Infosys Campus Bangalore. Application deployment in Kubernetes with Helm is demo'ed in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). This is an introductory session on Helm. Several references are given in it to further explore helm3 as it is in Beta state now.

kubernetes applicationk8s application deploymentkubernetes helm
What is Apache Camel?
Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder");
Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'");
What is Apache Camel?
Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder");
Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'");
Endpoint widget = endpoint("activemq:queue:widget");
Endpoint gadget = endpoint("activemq:queue:gadget");
What is Apache Camel?
● Java Code
public void configure() throws Exception {
Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder");
Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'");
Endpoint widget = endpoint("activemq:queue:widget");
Endpoint gadget = endpoint("activemq:queue:gadget");
What is Apache Camel?
● Java Code
import org.apache.camel.Endpoint;
import org.apache.camel.Predicate;
import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() throws Exception {
Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder");
Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'");
Endpoint widget = endpoint("activemq:queue:widget");
Endpoint gadget = endpoint("activemq:queue:gadget");

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Helm version 3 was recently released with new features and a new architecture to support those features. The changes to Helm and charts were based on feedback, changes to Kubernetes, and lessons learned in the past couple years.

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Integrating Microservices with Apache Camel
Integrating Microservices with Apache CamelIntegrating Microservices with Apache Camel
Integrating Microservices with Apache Camel

This document provides an overview of integrating microservices with Apache Camel and JBoss Fuse. It introduces Apache Camel as a lightweight integration library that uses enterprise integration patterns and domain-specific languages to define integration "flows" and "routes". It describes how Camel supports features like dynamic routing, REST APIs, backpressure, load balancing, and circuit breakers that are useful for building microservices. The document also introduces JBoss Fuse as a development and runtime platform for microservices that provides tooling, frameworks, management capabilities and container support using technologies like Apache Camel, CXF, ActiveMQ and Karaf.

jboss fuseapache camelmicroservices
Openshift Container Platform
Openshift Container PlatformOpenshift Container Platform
Openshift Container Platform

This document discusses OpenShift Container Platform, a platform as a service (PaaS) that provides a full development and deployment platform for applications. It allows developers to easily manage application dependencies and development environments across basic infrastructure, public clouds, and production servers. OpenShift provides container orchestration using Kubernetes along with developer tools and a user experience to support DevOps practices like continuous integration/delivery.

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What is Apache Camel?
● Camel Java DSL
import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() throws Exception {
.when(xpath("/order/product = 'widget'"))
What is Apache Camel?
● Camel XML DSL
<from uri="activemq:queue:newOrder"/>
<xpath>/order/product = 'widget'</xpath>
<to uri="activemq:queue:widget"/>
<to uri="activemq:queue:gadget"/>
What is Apache Camel?
● Endpoint as URIs
<from uri="file:inbox/orders"/>
<xpath>/order/product = 'widget'</xpath>
<to uri="activemq:queue:widget"/>
<to uri="activemq:queue:gadget"/>
use file instead
What is Apache Camel?
● Endpoint as URIs
<from uri="file:inbox/orders?delete=true"/>
<xpath>/order/product = 'widget'</xpath>
<to uri="activemq:queue:widget"/>
<to uri="activemq:queue:gadget"/>

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Spring Boot is a framework for developing Java applications that reduces configuration and provides production-ready features. It allows developing Spring applications with minimal configuration by automatically configuring Spring and third-party libraries. Spring Boot provides starter dependencies to simplify build configuration and modules for autoconfiguration, CLI, monitoring, and more.

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Microservices with apache_camel_barcelona
Microservices with apache_camel_barcelonaMicroservices with apache_camel_barcelona
Microservices with apache_camel_barcelona

Apache Camel is a very popular integration library that works very well with microservice architecture. This talk introduces you to Apache Camel and how you can easily get started with Camel on your computer. Then we cover how to create new Camel projects from scratch as micro services which you can boot using Camel or Spring Boot, or other micro containers such as Jetty or fat JARs. We then take a look at what options you have for monitoring and managing your Camel microservices using tooling such as Jolokia, and hawtio web console. The second part of this talk is about running Camel in the cloud.We start by showing you how you can use the Maven Docker Plugin to create a docker image of your Camel application and run it using docker on a single host. Then kubernetes enters the stage and we take a look at how you can deploy your docker images on a kubernetes cloud platform, and how the fabric8 tooling can make this much easier for the Java developers. At the end of this talk you will have learned about and seen in practice how to take a Java Camel project from scratch, turn that into a docker image, and how you can deploy those docker images in a scalable cloud platform based on Google's kubernetes.

kubernetesapache camelfabric8
Standard Java or XML
● Java DSL is just Java
Standard Java or XML
● XML DSL is just XML
● … with XSD schema for validation/tooling
What is Apache Camel?
● Camel's Architecture
What is Apache Camel?
150+ Components

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Getting started with Apache Camel - jDays 2013
Getting started with Apache Camel - jDays 2013Getting started with Apache Camel - jDays 2013
Getting started with Apache Camel - jDays 2013

In this session will teach you how to get a good start with Apache Camel. We will introduce you to Apache Camel and how Camel its related to Enterprise Integration Patterns. And how you go about using these patterns in Camel routes, written in Java code or XML files. We will then discuss how you can get started developing with Camel, and how to setup new projects from scratch using Maven and Eclipse tooling. This session includes live demos that show how to build Camel applications in Java, Spring, OSGi Blueprint and alternative languages such as Scala and Groovy. You will also hear what other features Camel provides out of the box, which can make integration much easier for you. We also take a moment to look at hawtio, then hot new web console tooling that allows you to get insight into your running Apache Camel applications, which has among others visual route diagrams with tracing/debugging and profiling capabilities. Before opening up for QA, we will share useful links where you can dive into learning more about Camel.

integrationeipapache camel
Getting Started with Apache Camel - Devconf Conference - February 2013
Getting Started with Apache Camel - Devconf Conference - February 2013Getting Started with Apache Camel - Devconf Conference - February 2013
Getting Started with Apache Camel - Devconf Conference - February 2013

This session will teach you how to get a good start with Apache Camel. We will introduce you to Apache Camel and how Camel its related to Enterprise Integration Patterns. And how you go about using these patterns in Camel routes, written in Java code or XML files. We will then discuss how you can get started developing with Camel, and how to setup a new project from scratch using Maven and Eclipse tooling. This session includes live demos that show how to build Camel applications in Java, Spring, OSGi Blueprint and alternative languages such as Scala and Groovy. You will also hear what other features Camel provides out of the box, which can make integration much easier for you. At the end we demonstrate how to build custom components, allowing you to build custom adapters if not already provided by Camel. Before opening up for QA, we will share useful links where you can dive into learning more about Camel.

Getting Started with Apache Camel - Malmo JUG - March 2013
Getting Started with Apache Camel - Malmo JUG - March 2013Getting Started with Apache Camel - Malmo JUG - March 2013
Getting Started with Apache Camel - Malmo JUG - March 2013

This session will teach you how to get a good start with Apache Camel. We will introduce you to Apache Camel and how Camel its related to Enterprise Integration Patterns. And how you go about using these patterns in Camel routes, written in Java code or XML files. We will then discuss how you can get started developing with Camel, and how to setup a new project from scratch using Maven and Eclipse tooling. This session includes live demos that show how to build Camel applications in Java, Spring, OSGi Blueprint and alternative languages such as Scala and Groovy. You will also hear what other features Camel provides out of the box, which can make integration much easier for you. At the end we demonstrate how to build custom components, allowing you to build custom adapters if not already provided by Camel. Before opening up for QA, we will share useful links where you can dive into learning more about Camel.

camelintegrationapache camel
What is Apache Camel?
150+ Components
What is Apache Camel?
● Summary
● Integration Framework
● Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP)
● Routing (using DSL)
● Easy Configuration (endpoint as uri's)
● Just Java or XML code
● No Container Dependency
● A lot of components
● What is Apache Camel?
● A little Example
● Microservice Demo
● Standalone
● with Docker
● with OpenShift 3 / Kubernetes
● More Information
A Little Example
● File Copier Example

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Integration using Apache Camel and Groovy
Integration using Apache Camel and GroovyIntegration using Apache Camel and Groovy
Integration using Apache Camel and Groovy

Apache Camel is versatile integration library that supports a huge number of components, enterprise integration patterns, and programming languages. In this this talk I first introduce you to Apache Camel and its concepts. Then we move on to see how you can use the Groovy programming language with Camel as a first class Groovy DSL to build integration flows. You will also learn how to build a new Camel and Groovy app from scratch from a live demo. And we also touch how you can use Camel from grails using the grails-camel plugin. I will also show the web console tools that give you insight into your running Apache Camel applications, including visual route diagrams with tracing, debugging, and profiling capabilities. This session will be taught with a 50/50 mix of slides and live demos, and it will conclude with Q&A time.

Integration using Apache Camel and Groovy
Integration using Apache Camel and GroovyIntegration using Apache Camel and Groovy
Integration using Apache Camel and Groovy

Apache Camel is versatile integration library that supports a huge number of components, enterprise integration patterns, and programming languages. In this this talk I first introduce you to Apache Camel and its concepts. Then we move on to see how you can use the Groovy programming language with Camel as a first class Groovy DSL to build integration flows. You will also learn how to build a new Camel and Groovy app from scratch from a live demo. And we also touch how you can use Camel from grails using the grails-camel plugin. I will also show the web console tools that give you insight into your running Apache Camel applications, including visual route diagrams with tracing, debugging, and profiling capabilities. This session will be taught with a 50/50 mix of slides and live demos, and it will conclude with Q&A time.

hawtiointegrationopen source
Getting started with Apache Camel - May 2013
Getting started with Apache Camel - May 2013Getting started with Apache Camel - May 2013
Getting started with Apache Camel - May 2013

This session will teach you how to get a good start with Apache Camel. We will introduce you to Apache Camel and how Camel its related to Enterprise Integration Patterns. And how you go about using these patterns in Camel routes, written in Java code or XML files. We will then discuss how you can get started developing with Camel, and how to setup a new project from scratch using Maven and Eclipse tooling. This session includes live demos that show how to build Camel applications in Java, Spring, OSGi Blueprint and alternative languages such as Scala and Groovy. You will also hear what other features Camel provides out of the box, which can make integration much easier for you. Before opening up for QA, we will share useful links where you can dive into learning more about Camel. This presentation was video taped which you can find here:

integrationapache camelopen source
A Little Example
● File Copier Example
A Little Example
● File Copier Example
A Little Example
● File Copier Example
A Little Example
● File Copier Example

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Getting started with Apache Camel - Javagruppen Copenhagen - April 2014
Getting started with Apache Camel - Javagruppen Copenhagen - April 2014Getting started with Apache Camel - Javagruppen Copenhagen - April 2014
Getting started with Apache Camel - Javagruppen Copenhagen - April 2014

This session will teach you how to get a good start with Apache Camel. We will introduce you to Apache Camel and how Camel its related to Enterprise Integration Patterns. And how you go about using these patterns in Camel routes, written in Java code or XML files. We will then discuss how you can get started developing with Camel, and how to setup a new project from scratch using Maven and Eclipse tooling. This session includes live demos that show how to build Camel applications in Java, Spring, OSGi Blueprint and alternative languages such as Scala and Groovy. You will also hear what other features Camel provides out of the box, which can make integration much easier for you. At the end we demonstrate how to build custom components, allowing you to build custom adapters if not already provided by Camel. Before opening up for QA, we will share useful links where you can dive into learning more about Camel.

Apache Camel workshop at BarcelonaJUG in January 2014
Apache Camel workshop at BarcelonaJUG in January 2014Apache Camel workshop at BarcelonaJUG in January 2014
Apache Camel workshop at BarcelonaJUG in January 2014

Workshop how to get started coding with Apache Camel. Also shows how to use hawtio and how you can try out fabric8 with the embedded Camel editor.

Getting Started with Apache Camel at DevNation 2014
Getting Started with Apache Camel at DevNation 2014Getting Started with Apache Camel at DevNation 2014
Getting Started with Apache Camel at DevNation 2014

Get off to a good start with Apache Camel. This session will give you an introduction to Apache Camel and teach you: - How Camel is related to enterprise integration patterns (EIPs). - How to use EIPs in Camel routes written in Java code or XML files. - How to get started developing with Camel, including how to set up new projects from scratch using Maven and Eclipse. - With a live demo, how to build Camel applications in Java, Spring, and OSGi Blueprint. - How ready-to-use features make integration much easier. - About the web console tools that give you insight into your running Apache Camel applications, including visual route diagrams with tracing, debugging, and profiling capabilities. - Useful resources to learn more about Camel. This session will be taught with a 50/50 mix of slides and live demos, and it will conclude with Q&A time.

apache camelintegrationeip
● What is Apache Camel?
● A little Example
● Microservice Demo
● Standalone
● with Docker
● with OpenShift 3 / Kubernetes
● More Information
Microservice Demo - Overview
● camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web
Java Standalone Apache Tomcat
HTTP 8080
from timer
to http
to log
from http
Creating new Camel Projects
● Using Command Shell
● From Eclipse
Creating new Camel Projects
● ... or

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Using Apache Camel connectors for external connectivity
Using Apache Camel connectors for external connectivityUsing Apache Camel connectors for external connectivity
Using Apache Camel connectors for external connectivity

The document summarizes a public presentation by Claus Ibsen on using Apache Camel connectors for external connectivity. The presentation covers understanding Camel components, essential components like Direct, Bean, File, and JMS, and how to create new Camel components. It also provides information on where to find additional Camel resources.

Short journey into the serverless world
Short journey into the serverless worldShort journey into the serverless world
Short journey into the serverless world

This document provides an introduction to serverless computing and discusses various serverless technologies and concepts. It summarizes Apache OpenWhisk, a serverless platform, and Knative, which provides serverless primitives for container-based applications. It also outlines some benefits and challenges of serverless, including automatic scalability but also deployment complexity. Example use cases like action chaining and event-driven capabilities are demonstrated.

Openshift service broker and catalog ocp-meetup july 2018
Openshift service broker and catalog  ocp-meetup july 2018Openshift service broker and catalog  ocp-meetup july 2018
Openshift service broker and catalog ocp-meetup july 2018

This document discusses OpenShift Service Brokers and catalogs. It explains that service brokers standardize how services are consumed on cloud platforms by managing a catalog of available services. The OpenShift Ansible Broker and Template Broker make Ansible playbooks and OpenShift templates available as services. Service brokers provide automated, standard, and consistent access to services compared to manual processes.

Creating new Camel Projects
● Maven Archetypes
Archetypes Archetypes
camel-archetype-activemq camel-archetype-groovy
camel-archetype-api-component camel-archetype-java
camel-archetype-blueprint camel-archetype-scala
camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-scr
camel-archetype-component camel-archetype-spring
camel-archetype-cxf-code-first-blueprint camel-archetype-spring-boot
camel-archetype-cxf-contract-first-blueprint camel-archetype-spring-dm
camel-archetype-dataformat camel-archetype-web
Creating new Camel Projects
● camel-archetype-cdi
To run from CLI
mvn clean install
Creating new Camel Projects
● add http component
Adds the chosen component
to the pom.xml file.
Creating new Camel Projects
● add change route to call http://localhost:8080

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BBC's GraphDB (formerly Owlim) AWS Cloud Migration
BBC's GraphDB (formerly Owlim) AWS Cloud MigrationBBC's GraphDB (formerly Owlim) AWS Cloud Migration
BBC's GraphDB (formerly Owlim) AWS Cloud Migration

The BBC moved their OWLIM graph database to Amazon Web Services (AWS) to take ownership of OWLIM maintenance and support AWS adoption. They deployed OWLIM using AWS OpsWorks to define the infrastructure and Chef recipes to install and configure each layer. While OpsWorks and Chef provide benefits like simplicity and reuse, autoscaling is not supported and Chef recipes could be improved. Future plans include autoscaling, backup improvements, and refactoring Chef recipes.

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[HKOSCON][20190615][DevOps with Ansible, From Native to Kubernetes]
[HKOSCON][20190615][DevOps with Ansible, From Native to Kubernetes][HKOSCON][20190615][DevOps with Ansible, From Native to Kubernetes]
[HKOSCON][20190615][DevOps with Ansible, From Native to Kubernetes]

Edison Wong presented on using Ansible for DevOps automation. He discussed using Ansible to deploy applications to Kubernetes and managing infrastructure as code. He demonstrated testing roles locally with Molecule and testing complex clusters with Vagrant. Wong emphasized starting with test cases and using different test drivers like Docker, LXD, and Vagrant based on the complexity of what is being tested.

Docker for Java Developers
Docker for Java DevelopersDocker for Java Developers
Docker for Java Developers

This document outlines an introduction to Docker for Java developers, including running Java microservices and applications in Docker containers. It discusses building Docker images with Maven, interacting with the Docker API in Java, continuous delivery with Jenkins and Docker, and deploying Java applications to production using Docker clusters like Kubernetes and Docker Swarm.

Creating new Camel Projects
● add change bean to return a name
Creating new Camel Projects
● camel-archetype-web
To run from CLI
mvn clean install
Microservice Demo - Overview
● camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web
Java Standalone Apache Tomcat
HTTP 8080
from timer
to http
to log
from http
We are ready to run standalone
Running Standalone
● camel-archetype-web
● Start Apache Tomcat with bin/cataline run
● Copy the .war to Tomcat deploy folder

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Developing and deploying serverless applications (February 2017)
Developing and deploying serverless applications (February 2017)Developing and deploying serverless applications (February 2017)
Developing and deploying serverless applications (February 2017)

- The document discusses developments and tools for serverless applications on AWS Lambda. It begins with an overview of new Lambda features like environment variables and Step Functions for orchestrating Lambda functions. - Several serverless frameworks are demonstrated, including the Serverless Framework, Gordon, and Chalice, which simplify developing and deploying Lambda functions and event sources. - The AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) is presented as a way to bundle Lambda functions, APIs, and events using CloudFormation for simplified deployment. Additional resources on Lambda are also listed.

devopsamazon web servicesinfrastructure
K8s in 3h - Kubernetes Fundamentals Training
K8s in 3h - Kubernetes Fundamentals TrainingK8s in 3h - Kubernetes Fundamentals Training
K8s in 3h - Kubernetes Fundamentals Training

Kubernetes (K8s) is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. This training helps you understand key concepts within 3 hours.

The path to a serverless-native era with Kubernetes
The path to a serverless-native era with KubernetesThe path to a serverless-native era with Kubernetes
The path to a serverless-native era with Kubernetes

In this talk we'll talk about how the Serverless paradigms are changing the way we develop applications and cloud infrastructure and how we can implement them in a efficient and seamless way with Kubernetes. We'll go through the latest Kubernetes Serverless technologies, talking about all the aspects including pricing, scalability, observability and best practices.

Running Standalone
● camel-archetype-cdi
● mvn install exec:java
Monitor using hawtio embedded in Tomcat
● Copy hawtio.war to Tomcat deploy folder
● What is Apache Camel?
● A little Example
● Microservice Demo
● Standalone
● with Docker
● with OpenShift 3 / Kubernetes
● More Information
Camel and Docker
● Dockerizing your Camel Projects
● Using Roland Huss's Docker Maven Plugin
.. by manually adding to pom.xml and configure
● ... but we use the Forge

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Halifax DevOps - Meet-up - July.19 2017
Halifax DevOps - Meet-up - July.19 2017Halifax DevOps - Meet-up - July.19 2017
Halifax DevOps - Meet-up - July.19 2017

Kyle Bassett's from @ Arctiq ( Presentation from the Halifax DevOps Meet-up on July.19th - 2017. Linux Container Platform on Azure (Kubernetes, OpenShift, Ansible Automation) Pipeline Automation (From Code to Containers, Automated CI / CD on Azure

Low Code Integration with Apache Camel.pdf
Low Code Integration with Apache Camel.pdfLow Code Integration with Apache Camel.pdf
Low Code Integration with Apache Camel.pdf

Design your integration flows using Camel and JBang for a better developer experience, and make it easily production grade using Quarkus. Claus Ibsen, Apache Camel lead & Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat

apache camelintegrationopen source
Camel JBang - Quarkus Insights.pdf
Camel JBang - Quarkus Insights.pdfCamel JBang - Quarkus Insights.pdf
Camel JBang - Quarkus Insights.pdf

Camel CLI (Camel JBang) provides an easy way to try Apache Camel without extensive configuration. It allows installing Camel dependencies with jbang, developing and running Camel integrations locally, and exporting projects to runtimes like Quarkus. Current features include dependency management, running Camel DSLs, hot reloading, and exporting to Spring Boot. Future plans include managing multiple integrations, improved health checks, and running on additional runtimes. Camel JBang aims to lower the barrier to experimenting with Camel.

apache camelquarkus
Camel and Docker
● Dockerizing your Camel Projects with JBoss Forge
● From CLI Add FORGE_HOME/bin to
Camel and Docker
● Dockerizing your Camel Projects with JBoss Forge
● From Eclipse
● ... and web
Sorry I only have an old screenshot of forge-web
Camel and Docker
● Build Docker Containers
● mvn clean install docker:build
● ... Images now in your local docker repository
Fabric8 w/ OpenShift 3:
Camel and Docker
● Run Docker Containers
● docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -p 8778:8778
The 10.000$$$ Docker Question
What the f$QRC#%A%%EG
is the IP address of the container
8080 = Tomcat
8778 = Jolokia

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Camel Day Italy 2021 - What's new in Camel 3
Camel Day Italy 2021 - What's new in Camel 3Camel Day Italy 2021 - What's new in Camel 3
Camel Day Italy 2021 - What's new in Camel 3

Slides for the 50 min presentation at Camel Day Italy 2021, where Claus Ibsen and Andrea Cosentino had the opporunity to give a more deep dive talk about the journey towards Camel 3, and what we have done to re-architect camel core in v3 to make it awesome for microservices, cloud native, kubernetes, quarkus, graalvm, knative, apache kafka. Camel Day Italy 2021:

apache camelquarkus
DevNation Live 2020 - What's new with Apache Camel 3
DevNation Live 2020 - What's new with Apache Camel 3DevNation Live 2020 - What's new with Apache Camel 3
DevNation Live 2020 - What's new with Apache Camel 3

Join this webinar to learn what’s new in Camel 3 and about Camel projects: - Latest features in Camel 3 - Quick demos of Camel 3, Camel #Quarkus, #CamelK, and Camel Kafka Connector - Present insights into what's coming next

apache camelcamelkquarkus
Red Hat Nordics 2020 - Apache Camel 3 the next generation of enterprise integ...
Red Hat Nordics 2020 - Apache Camel 3 the next generation of enterprise integ...Red Hat Nordics 2020 - Apache Camel 3 the next generation of enterprise integ...
Red Hat Nordics 2020 - Apache Camel 3 the next generation of enterprise integ...

In this session, we'll focus on: Camel 3: Demos of how Camel 3, Camel K and Camel Quarkus all work together, and will provide insights into Camel’s role in the next major release of Red Hat Integration products. Camel K: This serverless integration platform provides low-code/no-code capabilities, where integrations can be snapped together quickly using the powers from integration patterns and Camel’s extensive set of connectors. Camel Quarkus: Using Knative (the fast runtime of Quarkus) and Camel K brings awesome serverless features, such as auto-scaling, scaling to zero, and event-based communication, with great integration capabilities from Apache Camel. You will also hear about the latest Camel sub-project Camel Kafka Connectors which makes it possible to use all the Camel components as Kafka Connect connectors. Finally we bring details of the roadmap for what is coming up in the Camel projects.

apache camelknativequarkus
Camel and Docker
● What is the IP Address of the Docker Container
Camel and Docker
● camel-archetype-cdi
● I would need to change the hostname to
the docker assigned IP address
Camel and Docker
● camel-archetype-cdi
● .. and then build the docker image
● And then run the docker image
● docker run -it
Camel and Docker
● Pheeew isn't this easier?
Yes !!!

Recommended for you

SouJava May 2020: Apache Camel 3 - the next generation of enterprise integration
SouJava May 2020: Apache Camel 3 - the next generation of enterprise integrationSouJava May 2020: Apache Camel 3 - the next generation of enterprise integration
SouJava May 2020: Apache Camel 3 - the next generation of enterprise integration

In this session, we'll discuss: - What’s Apache Camel: An overview of Camel and what you use it for and why you should care. - Camel 3: Demos of how Camel 3, Camel K and Camel Quarkus all work together, and will provide insights into Camel’s role in the next major release of Red Hat Integration products. - Camel K: This serverless integration platform provides low-code/no-code capabilities, where integrations can be snapped together quickly using the powers from integration patterns and Camel’s extensive set of connectors. - Camel Quarkus: Using Knative (the fast runtime of Quarkus) and Camel K brings awesome serverless features, such as auto-scaling, scaling to zero, and event-based communication, with great integration capabilities from Apache Camel. You will also hear about the latest Camel sub-project Camel Kafka Connectors which makes it possible to use all the Camel components as Kafka Connect connectors. Finally we bring details of the roadmap for what is coming up in the Camel projects. And after the presentation we have about 30 minutes of QA answering all the questions from the audience.

apache camelintegrationknative
Cloud-Native Integration with Apache Camel on Kubernetes (Copenhagen October ...
Cloud-Native Integration with Apache Camel on Kubernetes (Copenhagen October ...Cloud-Native Integration with Apache Camel on Kubernetes (Copenhagen October ...
Cloud-Native Integration with Apache Camel on Kubernetes (Copenhagen October ...

Camel K is a lightweight integration platform based on Apache Camel that is optimized to run on Kubernetes and Knative. It allows developers to write integration logic using the Apache Camel Domain Specific Language and deploy it to Kubernetes with a single command. Camel K runs the integration as microservices on Kubernetes and handles scaling and management of the integration runtime. It aims to provide a serverless experience for building and running integrations in cloud-native environments.

apache camelknativeserverless
State of integration with Apache Camel (ApacheCon 2019)
State of integration with Apache Camel (ApacheCon 2019)State of integration with Apache Camel (ApacheCon 2019)
State of integration with Apache Camel (ApacheCon 2019)

Apache Camel is the leading open source integration framework, which has been around for over a decade. In this talk we will look back in history, to understand how the integration landscape has evolved from EAI, SOA, and ESB architectures up to microservices, and now with modern serverless and cloud native platforms. Apache Camel has been along for the ride. And we will look to the future and see how the latest release v3 of Apache Camel, is aimed for running modern cloud native workloads with Camel K. In this talk you will: Learn from history software integration, and why you should rely on existing, proven fully featured integration frameworks instead of rolling out your own DIY solutions. See how software integration is (still) important in today’s modern architectures and what role does Camel have in the new cloud native world. What is new and noteworthy in Apache Camel version 3

apache camelintegrationmicroservices
● What is Apache Camel?
● A little Example
● Microservice Demo
● Standalone
● with Docker
● with OpenShift 3 / Kubernetes
● More Information
Microservices Demo - Recap
● camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web
Java Standalone Apache Tomcat
HTTP 8080
from timer
to http
to log
from http
Microservices Demo - Use Service
● camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web
Java Standalone Apache Tomcat
from timer
to http
to log
from http
What is a Kubernetes Service
● Kubernetes Service

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Serverless integration with Knative and Apache Camel on Kubernetes
Serverless integration with Knative and Apache Camel on KubernetesServerless integration with Knative and Apache Camel on Kubernetes
Serverless integration with Knative and Apache Camel on Kubernetes

This presentation will introduce Knative, an open source project that adds serverless capabilities on top of Kubernetes, and present Camel K, a lightweight platform that brings Apache Camel integrations in the serverless world. Camel K allows running Camel routes on top of any Kubernetes cluster, leveraging Knative serverless capabilities such as “scaling to zero”. We will demo how Camel K can connect cloud services or enterprise applications using its 250+ components and how it can intelligently route events within the Knative environment via enterprise integration patterns (EIP). Target Group: Developers, architects and other technical people - a basic understanding of Kubernetes is an advantage

apache camelknativekubernetes
Apache Camel K - Copenhagen v2
Apache Camel K - Copenhagen v2Apache Camel K - Copenhagen v2
Apache Camel K - Copenhagen v2

2 hour session where I cover what is Apache Camel, latest news on the upcoming Camel v3, and then the main topic of the talk is the new Camel K sub-project for running integrations natively on the cloud with kubernetes. The last part of the talk is about running Camel with GraalVM / Quarkus to archive native compiled binaries that has impressive startup and footprint.

apache camelserverlessknative
Apache Camel K - Fredericia
Apache Camel K - FredericiaApache Camel K - Fredericia
Apache Camel K - Fredericia

Camel K allows building and deploying Apache Camel integration applications on Kubernetes in about 1 second. It provides a lightweight runtime for Camel on Kubernetes that enables low-code/no-code integration using Camel's Java DSL. Camel K applications can take advantage of serverless capabilities provided by Knative like autoscaling and scaling to zero. Quarkus is a Kubernetes-native Java stack that provides a minimal footprint and container-first experience for building microservices. It works well with Camel/Camel K by enabling native compilation of Camel routes for very fast startup times and low memory usage.

apache camelkubernetesknative
Define Kubernetes Service
● Define in pom.xml in <properties>
Apache Tomcat
from http
Container Port = Inside Docker Container
(e.g. the port of Apache Tomcat)
Service Port = Outside
Consumers of Service to use
Name of service
Define Kubernetes Service
● ... generates into kubernetes.json
using fabric8:json plugin
Apache Tomcat
from http
About using Kubernetes Service
Discover Kubernetes Services
Java Standalone
from timer
to http
to log
Client - Use Kubernetes Service
● Use {{service:name}} in Camel
... you can use default values
Java Standalone
from timer
to http
to log
host:port would be default
if service is not discovered

Recommended for you

JEEConf 2018 - Camel microservices with Spring Boot and Kubernetes
JEEConf 2018 - Camel microservices with Spring Boot and KubernetesJEEConf 2018 - Camel microservices with Spring Boot and Kubernetes
JEEConf 2018 - Camel microservices with Spring Boot and Kubernetes

Apache Camel has fundamentally changed the way enterprise Java developers think about system-to-system integration by making enterprise integration patterns (EIP) a simple declaration in a lightweight application wrapped and delivered as a single JAR. In this session, we’ll show you how to bring the best practices from the EIP world together with containers, running on top of Kubernetes, and deployed as Spring Boot microservices, which are both cloud-native and cloud-portable. Building and designing cloud-native microservices impacts how we develop. We’ll discuss practices how to build distributed and fault-tolerant microservices with technologies such as Kubernetes Services, Netflix Hystrix, Camel EIP patterns, and Istio. You will see live demos of us killing containers to test fault tolerance, and more.

apache camelkubernetesmicroservices
Camel riders in the cloud
Camel riders in the cloudCamel riders in the cloud
Camel riders in the cloud

The document provides an overview and summary of a presentation titled "Camel riders in the cloud" given at Red Hat DevNation Live in March 2018. The presenter is a senior principal software engineer at Red Hat and long-time committer to the Apache Camel project. The presentation discusses how Apache Camel can be used for distributed integration in microservices and containerized architectures running in the cloud. It outlines best practices for running Camel in containers, including keeping Camel components small, stateless, and using configuration management. Fault tolerance, health checks, Enterprise Integration Patterns, and distributed tracing are also covered.

apache camelkubernetescloud
Meetup Melbourne August 2017 - Agile Integration with Apache Camel microservi...
Meetup Melbourne August 2017 - Agile Integration with Apache Camel microservi...Meetup Melbourne August 2017 - Agile Integration with Apache Camel microservi...
Meetup Melbourne August 2017 - Agile Integration with Apache Camel microservi...

How to get started developing Camel microservices (or any Java technology for that matter) on a local Kubernetes cluster from zero to deployment. As a Java developer it may be daunting to know how to get started how to develop container applications that runs on Kubernetes cluster. Using minikube its very easy to run a local cluster and with the help of fabric8 tooling its even easier to install and run using familiar tools like Maven. In this talk we will build a set of Apache Camel and Java based Microservices that uses Spring Boot and WildFly Swarm. With the help of fabric8 maven tooling you will see how to build, deploy, and run your Java projects on a Kubernetes cluster (local or remote). And even live debugging is easy to do as well. We will discuss practices how to build distributed and fault tolerant microservices using technologies such as Kubernetes Services, Netflix Hysterix, and Camel EIP patterns for fault tolerance. In the talk you will also hear about related open source projects where you can go explore more such as fabric8,, istio, etc. This presentation is a 50/50 mix between slides and demo.

kubernetesopenshiftapache camel
Microservice Demo - Ready for launch!
● camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web
Java Standalone Apache Tomcat
from timer
to http
to log
from http
Service defined
Ready to deploy to Kubernetes
Deploy - camel-archetype-web
● camel-archetype-web
● mvn clean install docker:build
fabric8:apply Apache Tomcat
from http
Deploy - camel-archetype-cdi
● camel-archetype-cdi
● mvn clean install docker:build
fabric8:apply Java Standalone
from timer
to http
to log
fabric8 web console
● http://fabric8.vagrant.local
● Easy by configuring the replication size

Recommended for you

ApacheCon EU 2016 - Apache Camel the integration library
ApacheCon EU 2016 - Apache Camel the integration libraryApacheCon EU 2016 - Apache Camel the integration library
ApacheCon EU 2016 - Apache Camel the integration library

This presentation will demonstrate to developers involved with integration how the Apache Camel project can make your life much easier. We start with an introduction to what Apache Camel is, and how you can use Camel to make integration much easier. Allowing you to focus on your business logic, rather than low level messaging protocols, and transports. You will hear how Apache Camel is related Enterprise Integration Patterns which you can use in your architectural designs and as well in Java or XML code, running on the JVM with Camel. You will also hear what other features Camel provides out of the box, which can make integration much easier for you.

integrationapache cameleip
Developing Java based microservices ready for the world of containers
Developing Java based microservices ready for the world of containersDeveloping Java based microservices ready for the world of containers
Developing Java based microservices ready for the world of containers

The so-called experts are saying microservices and containers will change the way we build, maintain, operate, and integrate applications. This talk is intended for Java developers who wants to hear and see how you can develop Java microservices that are ready to run in containers. In this talk we will build a set of Java based Microservices that uses a mix of technologies with Apache Camel, Spring Boot and WildFly Swarm. You will see how we can build small discrete microservices with these Java technologies and build and deploy on the Kubernets container platform. We will discuss practices how to build distributed and fault tolerant microservices using technologies such as Kubernetes Services, Camel EIPs, and Netflixx Hysterix. And the self healing and fault tolerant aspects of the Kubernetes platform is also discussed and demoed when we let the chaos monkeys loose killing containers. This talk is a 50/50 mix between slides and demo. The talk was presented at JDKIO on September 13th 2016.

kubernetesdockeropen source
Developing Java based microservices ready for the world of containers
Developing Java based microservices ready for the world of containersDeveloping Java based microservices ready for the world of containers
Developing Java based microservices ready for the world of containers

Developing Java based microservices ready for the world of containers The so-called experts are saying microservices and containers will change the way we build, maintain, operate, and integrate applications. This talk is intended for Java developers who wants to hear and see how you can develop Java microservices that are ready to run in containers. In this talk we will build a set of Java based Microservices that uses a mix of technologies with: - Spring Boot with Apache Camel - Apache Tomcat with Apache Camel You will see how we can build small discrete microservices with these Java technologies and build and deploy on the Kubernets/OpenShift3 container platform. We will discuss practices how to build distributed and fault tolerant microservices using technologies such as Kubernetes Services, Camel EIPs, Netflixx Hysterix, and Ribbon. We will use Zipkin service tracing across all four Java based microservices to provide a visualization of timings and help highlight latency problems in our mesh of microservices. And the self healing and fault tolerant aspects of the Kubernetes/OpenShift3 platform is also discussed and demoed when we let the chaos monkeys loose killing containers. This talk is a 50/50 mix between slides and demo.

dockerapache camelkubernetes
OpenShift 3 CLI
● osc get pods
docker CLI is also possible
docker images
docker ps
OpenShift 3 CLI
● osc get services
OpenShift 3 CLI
● osc logs -f <pod-name>
Scaling up / down
● ... by changing replication size on controller

Recommended for you

Riga Dev Day 2016 - Microservices with Apache Camel & fabric8 on Kubernetes
Riga Dev Day 2016 - Microservices with Apache Camel & fabric8 on KubernetesRiga Dev Day 2016 - Microservices with Apache Camel & fabric8 on Kubernetes
Riga Dev Day 2016 - Microservices with Apache Camel & fabric8 on Kubernetes

This document discusses microservices with Apache Camel and fabric8 on Kubernetes. It begins with a quick Apache Camel demo of a Twitter search application built with Camel. It then provides an overview of Kubernetes and fabric8, including key concepts like pods, replication controllers, services, and labels. The remainder discusses developing and deploying Java microservices to Kubernetes using Camel, CDI, fabric8, and the OpenShift CLI for tasks like deployment, scaling, and viewing logs.

apache cameldockerfabric8
Apache Camel Introduction & What's in the box
Apache Camel Introduction & What's in the boxApache Camel Introduction & What's in the box
Apache Camel Introduction & What's in the box

Slides from JavaBin talk in Grimstad Norway, presented by Claus Ibsen in February 2016. This slide deck is full up to date with latest Apache Camel 2.16.2 release and includes additional slides to present many of the features that Apache Camel provides out of the box.

apache camelintegration
Call India - AmanTel on the App Store.ppt
Call India - AmanTel on the App Store.pptCall India - AmanTel on the App Store.ppt
Call India - AmanTel on the App Store.ppt

Call India AmanTel allows you to call from any country in the world including India to the USA and Canada at the cheapest rate Limited offers new users some free minutes.

Scaling up / down
● web console shows we now have 3 pods
Scaling up / down
● and the camel-archetype-cli pod is load balancing the
mycoolservice among the 3 live pods
● What is Apache Camel?
● A little Example
● Microservice Demo
● Standalone
● with Docker
● with OpenShift 3 / Kubernetes
● More Information
Where do I get more information?
● Apache Camel Microservices
● Fabric8
● chat room #fabric-8 on freenode
● OpenShift 3
● Kubernetes

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motivational speaker
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The European Commission has clearly identified open source as a strategic tool for bringing some balance to an EU cloud market currently dominated by a handful of non-EU hyperscalers. Part of that commitment comes through a series of ambitious, multi-million EU projects like the SIMPL platform for Data Spaces and the multi-country “Important Project of Common European Interest on Next Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services” (IPCEI-CIS). For the first time in the history of the European Union, it is the EU industry who will be leading large-scale open source projects aimed at building European strategic technologies. In this talk we will explain in detail how specific European open source technologies are being brought together as part of some of those projects to start building Sovereign Multi-Cloud solutions that ensure interoperability and digital sovereignty for European users while preventing vendor lock-in in the cloud market, opening up competition in the emerging 5G/edge.

Any Questions ?
● Contact
● EMail: /
● Twitter: @davsclaus
● Blog:
● Linkedin:

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Claus Ibsen
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Claus Ibsen
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Claus Ibsen
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Integration using Apache Camel and Groovy
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Claus Ibsen
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Getting started with Apache Camel - May 2013
Claus Ibsen
Getting started with Apache Camel - Javagruppen Copenhagen - April 2014
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Getting started with Apache Camel - Javagruppen Copenhagen - April 2014
Claus Ibsen
Apache Camel workshop at BarcelonaJUG in January 2014
Apache Camel workshop at BarcelonaJUG in January 2014Apache Camel workshop at BarcelonaJUG in January 2014
Apache Camel workshop at BarcelonaJUG in January 2014
Claus Ibsen
Getting Started with Apache Camel at DevNation 2014
Getting Started with Apache Camel at DevNation 2014Getting Started with Apache Camel at DevNation 2014
Getting Started with Apache Camel at DevNation 2014
Claus Ibsen
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Using Apache Camel connectors for external connectivity
Claus Ibsen
Short journey into the serverless world
Short journey into the serverless worldShort journey into the serverless world
Short journey into the serverless world
Scott van Kalken
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Claus Ibsen
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Claus Ibsen
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Claus Ibsen
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Claus Ibsen
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Claus Ibsen
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Claus Ibsen
Apache Camel K - Copenhagen v2
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Claus Ibsen
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Claus Ibsen
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Claus Ibsen
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Claus Ibsen
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Claus Ibsen
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Claus Ibsen
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Claus Ibsen
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Cloud-Native Integration with Apache Camel on Kubernetes (Copenhagen October ...
Cloud-Native Integration with Apache Camel on Kubernetes (Copenhagen October ...Cloud-Native Integration with Apache Camel on Kubernetes (Copenhagen October ...
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Apache Camel K - Fredericia
JEEConf 2018 - Camel microservices with Spring Boot and Kubernetes
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Microservices with Apache Camel

  • 1. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN1 Microservices with Apache Camel Claus Ibsen (@davsclaus) Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
  • 2. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN2 Agenda ● What is Apache Camel? ● A little Example ● Microservice Demo ● Standalone ● with Docker ● with OpenShift 3 / Kubernetes ● More Information
  • 3. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN3 Your Speaker ● Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat ● Apache Camel ● 7 years working with Camel ● Author of Camel in Action book ● Contact ● EMail: ● Twitter: @davsclaus ● Blog: ● Linkedin:
  • 4. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN4 Agenda ● What is Apache Camel? ● A little Example ● Microservice Demo ● Standalone ● with Docker ● with OpenShift 3 / Kubernetes ● More Information
  • 5. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN5 What is Apache Camel? ● Quote from the website
  • 6. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN6 What is Apache Camel? ● Why do we need integration? ● Critical for your business to integrate ● Why Integration Framework? ● Framework do the heavy lifting ● You can focus on business problem ● Not "reinventing the wheel"
  • 7. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN7 What is Apache Camel? ● What is Enterprise Integration Patterns? It's a book
  • 8. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN8 What is Apache Camel? ● Enterprise Integration Patterns
  • 9. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN9 What is Apache Camel? ● EIP - Content Based Router
  • 10. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN10 What is Apache Camel? from newOrder
  • 11. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN11 What is Apache Camel? from newOrder choice
  • 12. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN12 What is Apache Camel? from newOrder choice when isWidget to widget
  • 13. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN13 What is Apache Camel? from newOrder choice when isWidget to widget otherwise to gadget
  • 14. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN14 What is Apache Camel? from(newOrder) choice when(isWidget) to(widget) otherwise to(gadget)
  • 15. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN15 What is Apache Camel? from(newOrder) .choice() .when(isWidget).to(widget) .otherwise().to(gadget);
  • 16. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN16 What is Apache Camel? Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder"); from(newOrder) .choice() .when(isWidget).to(widget) .otherwise().to(gadget);
  • 17. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN17 What is Apache Camel? Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder"); Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'"); from(newOrder) .choice() .when(isWidget).to(widget) .otherwise().to(gadget);
  • 18. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN18 What is Apache Camel? Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder"); Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'"); Endpoint widget = endpoint("activemq:queue:widget"); Endpoint gadget = endpoint("activemq:queue:gadget"); from(newOrder) .choice() .when(isWidget).to(widget) .otherwise().to(gadget);
  • 19. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN19 What is Apache Camel? ● Java Code public void configure() throws Exception { Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder"); Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'"); Endpoint widget = endpoint("activemq:queue:widget"); Endpoint gadget = endpoint("activemq:queue:gadget"); from(newOrder) .choice() .when(isWidget).to(widget) .otherwise().to(gadget) .end(); }
  • 20. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN20 What is Apache Camel? ● Java Code import org.apache.camel.Endpoint; import org.apache.camel.Predicate; import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder; public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder { public void configure() throws Exception { Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder"); Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'"); Endpoint widget = endpoint("activemq:queue:widget"); Endpoint gadget = endpoint("activemq:queue:gadget"); from(newOrder) .choice() .when(isWidget).to(widget) .otherwise().to(gadget) .end(); } }
  • 21. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN21 What is Apache Camel? ● Camel Java DSL import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder; public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder { public void configure() throws Exception { from("activemq:queue:newOrder") .choice() .when(xpath("/order/product = 'widget'")) .to("activemq:queue:widget") .otherwise() .to("activemq:queue:gadget") .end(); } }
  • 22. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN22 What is Apache Camel? ● Camel XML DSL <route> <from uri="activemq:queue:newOrder"/> <choice> <when> <xpath>/order/product = 'widget'</xpath> <to uri="activemq:queue:widget"/> </when> <otherwise> <to uri="activemq:queue:gadget"/> </otherwise> </choice> </route>
  • 23. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN23 What is Apache Camel? ● Endpoint as URIs <route> <from uri="file:inbox/orders"/> <choice> <when> <xpath>/order/product = 'widget'</xpath> <to uri="activemq:queue:widget"/> </when> <otherwise> <to uri="activemq:queue:gadget"/> </otherwise> </choice> </route> use file instead
  • 24. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN24 What is Apache Camel? ● Endpoint as URIs <route> <from uri="file:inbox/orders?delete=true"/> <choice> <when> <xpath>/order/product = 'widget'</xpath> <to uri="activemq:queue:widget"/> </when> <otherwise> <to uri="activemq:queue:gadget"/> </otherwise> </choice> </route> parameters
  • 25. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN25 Standard Java or XML ● Java DSL is just Java
  • 26. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN26 Standard Java or XML ● XML DSL is just XML ● … with XSD schema for validation/tooling
  • 27. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN27 What is Apache Camel? ● Camel's Architecture
  • 28. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN28 What is Apache Camel? 150+ Components
  • 29. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN29 What is Apache Camel? 150+ Components
  • 30. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN30 What is Apache Camel? ● Summary ● Integration Framework ● Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) ● Routing (using DSL) ● Easy Configuration (endpoint as uri's) ● Just Java or XML code ● No Container Dependency ● A lot of components
  • 31. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN31 Agenda ● What is Apache Camel? ● A little Example ● Microservice Demo ● Standalone ● with Docker ● with OpenShift 3 / Kubernetes ● More Information
  • 32. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN32 A Little Example ● File Copier Example
  • 33. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN33 A Little Example ● File Copier Example
  • 34. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN34 A Little Example ● File Copier Example
  • 35. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN35 A Little Example ● File Copier Example
  • 36. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN36 A Little Example ● File Copier Example
  • 37. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN37 Agenda ● What is Apache Camel? ● A little Example ● Microservice Demo ● Standalone ● with Docker ● with OpenShift 3 / Kubernetes ● More Information
  • 38. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN38 Microservice Demo - Overview ● camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web Java Standalone Apache Tomcat HTTP 8080 from timer to http to log from http choice setBody
  • 39. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN39 Creating new Camel Projects ● Using Command Shell ● From Eclipse
  • 40. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN40 Creating new Camel Projects ● ... or JBoss Forge
  • 41. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN41 Creating new Camel Projects ● Maven Archetypes Archetypes Archetypes camel-archetype-activemq camel-archetype-groovy camel-archetype-api-component camel-archetype-java camel-archetype-blueprint camel-archetype-scala camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-scr camel-archetype-component camel-archetype-spring camel-archetype-cxf-code-first-blueprint camel-archetype-spring-boot camel-archetype-cxf-contract-first-blueprint camel-archetype-spring-dm camel-archetype-dataformat camel-archetype-web
  • 42. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN42 Creating new Camel Projects ● camel-archetype-cdi To run from CLI mvn clean install exec:java
  • 43. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN43 Creating new Camel Projects ● add http component Adds the chosen component to the pom.xml file. CMD + ALT 4
  • 44. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN44 Creating new Camel Projects ● add change route to call http://localhost:8080
  • 45. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN45 Creating new Camel Projects ● add change bean to return a name
  • 46. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN46 Creating new Camel Projects ● camel-archetype-web To run from CLI mvn clean install jetty:run
  • 47. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN47 Microservice Demo - Overview ● camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web Java Standalone Apache Tomcat HTTP 8080 from timer to http to log from http choice setBody We are ready to run standalone
  • 48. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN48 Running Standalone ● camel-archetype-web ● Start Apache Tomcat with bin/cataline run ● Copy the .war to Tomcat deploy folder
  • 49. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN49 Running Standalone ● camel-archetype-cdi ● mvn install exec:java
  • 50. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN50 Monitor using hawtio embedded in Tomcat ● Copy hawtio.war to Tomcat deploy folder
  • 51. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN51 Agenda ● What is Apache Camel? ● A little Example ● Microservice Demo ● Standalone ● with Docker ● with OpenShift 3 / Kubernetes ● More Information
  • 52. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN52 Camel and Docker ● Dockerizing your Camel Projects ● Using Roland Huss's Docker Maven Plugin ● .. by manually adding to pom.xml and configure ● ... but we use the Forge
  • 53. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN53 Camel and Docker ● Dockerizing your Camel Projects with JBoss Forge ● From CLI Add FORGE_HOME/bin to $PATH
  • 54. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN54 Camel and Docker ● Dockerizing your Camel Projects with JBoss Forge ● From Eclipse IDEA NetBeans ● ... and web CMD + ALT 4 Sorry I only have an old screenshot of forge-web
  • 55. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN55 Camel and Docker ● Build Docker Containers ● mvn clean install docker:build ● ... Images now in your local docker repository camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web docker-maven-plugin uses $DOCKER_HOST Fabric8 w/ OpenShift 3: DOCKER_HOST="tcp://vagrant.local:2375" Boot2Docker: DOCKER_HOST="tcp://"
  • 56. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN56 Camel and Docker ● Run Docker Containers ● docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -p 8778:8778 The 10.000$$$ Docker Question What the f$QRC#%A%%EG is the IP address of the container 8080 = Tomcat 8778 = Jolokia
  • 57. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN57 Camel and Docker ● What is the IP Address of the Docker Container
  • 58. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN58 Camel and Docker ● camel-archetype-cdi ● I would need to change the hostname to the docker assigned IP address
  • 59. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN59 Camel and Docker ● camel-archetype-cdi ● .. and then build the docker image ● And then run the docker image ● docker run -it SNAPSHOT
  • 60. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN60 Camel and Docker ● Pheeew isn't this easier? Yes !!!
  • 61. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN61 Agenda ● What is Apache Camel? ● A little Example ● Microservice Demo ● Standalone ● with Docker ● with OpenShift 3 / Kubernetes ● More Information
  • 62. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN62 Microservices Demo - Recap ● camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web Java Standalone Apache Tomcat HTTP 8080 from timer to http to log from http choice setBody
  • 63. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN63 Microservices Demo - Use Service ● camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web Java Standalone Apache Tomcat from timer to http to log from http choice setBody Service Kubernetes Service
  • 64. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN64 What is a Kubernetes Service ● Kubernetes Service
  • 65. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN65 Define Kubernetes Service ● Define in pom.xml in <properties> Apache Tomcat from http choice setBody Service Container Port = Inside Docker Container (e.g. the port of Apache Tomcat) Service Port = Outside Consumers of Service to use Name of service
  • 66. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN66 Define Kubernetes Service ● ... generates into kubernetes.json using fabric8:json plugin Apache Tomcat from http choice setBody Service
  • 67. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN67 About using Kubernetes Service Discover Kubernetes Services Java Standalone from timer to http to log
  • 68. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN68 Client - Use Kubernetes Service ● Use {{service:name}} in Camel ... you can use default values {{service:name:host:port}} Java Standalone from timer to http to log host:port would be default if service is not discovered
  • 69. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN69 Microservice Demo - Ready for launch! ● camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web Java Standalone Apache Tomcat from timer to http to log from http choice setBody Service Service defined Ready to deploy to Kubernetes
  • 70. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN70 Deploy - camel-archetype-web ● camel-archetype-web ● mvn clean install docker:build fabric8:apply Apache Tomcat from http choice setBody Service
  • 71. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN71 Deploy - camel-archetype-cdi ● camel-archetype-cdi ● mvn clean install docker:build fabric8:apply Java Standalone from timer to http to log
  • 72. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN72 fabric8 web console ● http://fabric8.vagrant.local ● Easy by configuring the replication size
  • 73. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN73 OpenShift 3 CLI ● osc get pods docker CLI is also possible docker images docker ps
  • 74. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN74 OpenShift 3 CLI ● osc get services
  • 75. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN75 OpenShift 3 CLI ● osc logs -f <pod-name>
  • 76. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN76 Scaling up / down ● ... by changing replication size on controller
  • 77. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN77 Scaling up / down ● web console shows we now have 3 pods
  • 78. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN78 Scaling up / down ● and the camel-archetype-cli pod is load balancing the mycoolservice among the 3 live pods
  • 79. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN79 Agenda ● What is Apache Camel? ● A little Example ● Microservice Demo ● Standalone ● with Docker ● with OpenShift 3 / Kubernetes ● More Information
  • 80. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN80 Where do I get more information? ● Apache Camel Microservices ● ● Fabric8 ● ● chat room #fabric-8 on freenode ● OpenShift 3 ● ● Kubernetes ●
  • 81. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN81 Any Questions ? ● Contact ● EMail: / ● Twitter: @davsclaus ● Blog: ● Linkedin: