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The Reality of Managing
Microservices in Your CD Pipeline
Speakers – Experts in all things CD
Tracy Ragan, CEO & Co-founder
Microservices and Pipeline Evangelist,
Expert in microservice management.
Board Member CD Foundation, DevOps
Institute Ambassador.
Brendan O’Leary, DevOps Evangelist, GitLab
CI/CD and Jira expert. Passion for software
development and iterating on processes. Highly
focused on the end user’s experience.
Microservices are Taking Over
86% of development professionals internationally expect microservices to
become the default application architecture within the next five years.
Martin Henley, SD Times, 9/19
Its not a question of “if.” Its a question of “when.”
Key Takeaways:
q Build - Application configuration at
compile/link goes away.
q Deploy and Test - Microservices are
independently deployed.
q Orchestrate - The number of CD
Pipelines explode.
q Configuration Management – Tracking
and versioning microservices and their
usage will be critical and a new step in
the CD Pipeline.
The Way We Put Software Together is Broken
"What happened is we would release an update to a library, and
then one service would use the new service and now all of a
sudden all these other services were using an older version and
we had to try to keep track of which service was using what
version of the library."
Alexandra Noonan, Software Engineer, Segment
SDTimes April 2019 "Microservices: More isn't always better”
Microservice development “falls apart without coherent, disciplined
Randy Heffner, VP and Research Analyst, Forrester
“3 Big Mistakes When It Comes to APIs and Microservices,” Akana Webinar
A massive disruption in how we write and deliver software

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AWS Meetup: Career Day 2019 - Lightning Talk with Cloud Career Path: DevOps E...

The document discusses a career day presentation about DevOps engineering and cloud career paths. The presentation covers what DevOps is, the roles of developers and operations teams, DevOps practices like continuous integration and delivery, and AWS services that can be used as part of a DevOps approach like CodePipeline, CodeBuild, and CloudFormation. It emphasizes that DevOps is a culture of collaboration between development and operations and encourages automating as many processes as possible.

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Accelerate DevOps Transformation with App Migration to the Cloud
Accelerate DevOps Transformation with App Migration to the CloudAccelerate DevOps Transformation with App Migration to the Cloud
Accelerate DevOps Transformation with App Migration to the Cloud

Migrating enterprise apps to the cloud may sound like a daunting leap, but it doesn’t have to be! Hear how Lincoln Financial Group, a 113-year old insurance institution is moving from a traditional development infrastructure organization to functional DevOps teams deploying applications to the cloud.

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XebiaLabs Overview Slides
XebiaLabs Overview SlidesXebiaLabs Overview Slides
XebiaLabs Overview Slides

The document describes Deployit, an application release automation platform from XebiaLabs that optimizes the application deployment process. Deployit provides automated workflows to deploy applications across various infrastructure with benefits like reduced costs, accelerated time to market, and bridging the gap between development and operations.

deployitappllication release automationxebialabs
Container Orchestration:
An open source platform
from Google for
orchestrating containers
across clusters of servers
providing auto scaling and
fault tolerance.
Containers and Docker:
A container is a standard
unit of software that
packages up code and all
dependencies so the
application runs quickly
and reliably.
An architectural style that structures an
application as a collection of loosely
coupled services.
In a microservices architecture,
services are fine-grained and
independently deployable.
Let’s Talk Modern Architecture
Think small snippets of code.
• A service should implement a small set of strongly related functions;
• Services that change together should be packaged together;
• The Service can be changed without affecting clients;
• And, each team that owns one or more services must be autonomous. A team must
be able to develop and deploy their services with minimal collaboration with other
Chris Richardson of CloudFoundry
More on Microservices
• A service should implement a small set of strongly related functions;
• Services that change together should be packaged together;
• The Service can be changed without affecting clients;
Where are you in your microservice
implementation journey?
Poll Question 1
Increase Operational Efficiencies
One consistent view and collaboration space for Dev, Ops, and Security teams
Public cloud independent, deploy anywhere, SaaS and/or self-managed
Deliver Better Products Faster
Ability to work in parallel, get feedback and not have to wait on other teams
Automate testing, security, deployments to minimize manual intervention
Assess and resolve security, compliance, and code quality issues at the point of code change
Reduce Security and Compliance Risk
Decrease security exposure, cleaner and easier audits, reduce disruptions
What’s needed for digital transformation?

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How DevOps works in MOKA
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How DevOps works in MOKA

Moka is an Indonesian company that supports 800 employees and provides various products and services for restaurants. It uses a DevOps approach with teams focused on infrastructure, databases, performance testing, and more. Teams work based on operational needs such as research, support, releases, and incident response. The company philosophy is to be cloud agnostic and cloud native to avoid vendor lock-in and facilitate disaster recovery planning. An example showed how the team identified a limitation of a monitoring tool and found an alternative solution to address it. The presentation encouraged collaboration to be brilliant together.

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Building a Bridge Between CI/CD and ITSM
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DevOps has made great strides in reducing bottlenecks in the software delivery process. Yet, it is surprising how many organizations keep DevOps on a separate track from long-established IT service management (ITSM) implementations and systems such as ServiceNow. Consequently, development teams find it challenging to track features, user stories, and IT service requests across different tools for backlog management and ITSM. But how do they make sure tickets are closed when the work is complete? How can they ensure compliance? And can they answer the ultimate question: Which feature actually made it into which release?

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Today’s software delivery landscape
Toolchain tax - multiple tools, fragile integrations, hard to scale, outages
With Microservices your Landscape Changes
Shifting to a modern architecture will
disrupt our traditional CI/CD pipeline.
Why is the CI/CD process disrupted?
Microservices are deployed independently
and that change impacts everything.
Builds are Different
Smaller code means smaller builds, if at all. Python
is interpreted.
Linking is done at runtime, not at compile/link time.
Builds will focus on creating a container.
Reality of Builds
Traditional Modern
Reality of Builds
Less Control
The compile/link step assembles the
complete ‘application’ package to pass
to Test and Prod. Library configuration
management decision making is done
here. This is the hear of CI.
Microservices are loosely
coupled and linked at runtime
via APIs. Configuration
information is buried in
Kubernetes Deployment files or
Helm files.

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With the advent of Software Defined Networking, Operations Teams are being challenged with increased flexibility in provisioning network services, but also additional complexity in managing these networks and network services end to end. Covered topics: • Evolving current network management strategies to address increased complexity from SDN/NFV • How to leverage existing network management investments and extend them to cover new management domains • Moving from operational silos to cross-services operations management in support of SDN/NFV (moving network management up the value chain) To learn more about how CA Services can accelerate your success in the application economy, please visit:

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Intro to dev ops and cloud services
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DevOps aims to improve software development through collaboration between development and operations teams. This allows for more frequent and reliable deployments through automation and continuous integration. Key DevOps tools include version control systems, continuous integration servers, automation tools, and testing frameworks. Cloud services are well-suited for DevOps as they allow for flexible infrastructure provisioning and reduce time spent managing hardware. Common cloud service models are PaaS, SaaS, and IaaS, which provide platforms, software, and infrastructure respectively on a pay-per-use basis. While tools and cloud can help, people remain the most important factor in DevOps success.

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You’re faced with the business imperative to deliver value to your customers faster, with less risk, and at enterprise scale. But where do you start? There are so many approaches and products for implementing continuous delivery (CD) of modern apps. Join our webinar to learn about three trends that can make your delivery pipelines inherently resilient, accessible, and continuous: ● continuous delivery as a relay race ● turning monitoring into automated action ● developer experience at the heart We’ll share a demo of a delivery pipeline that includes Concourse CI, Pivotal Build Service, and Spinnaker CD with Pivotal Container Service as the destination. You’ll learn how a loosely coupled pipeline can provide speed with guardrails, enabling you to scale delivery of your modern applications. This webinar is especially relevant for those who: ● think full software delivery automation is a pipe dream. ● have an app delivery pipeline that’s a brittle monolith to maintain. ● suspect all your delivery problems are solved with Kubernetes. Speakers: Olga Kundzich, Pivotal, Senior Product Manager Spinnaker Tony Vetter, Pivotal, Technical Product Marketing Manager Patricia Johnson, Pivotal, Product Marketing Manager CI/CD

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• A service should implement a small set of strongly related functions;
• Services that change together should be packaged together;
• The Service can be changed without affecting clients;
If you are writing microservices, what
language are you using?
Poll Question 2
Because Microservices are independently
deployable - they should have their own
Repository and Workflow. Your application
will workflow will be replaced by many
microservice workflows.
Reality of Deployments
Loss of an Application Version and View
Multiple Workflows
To manage many moving parts, each
microservice will have their own repository
and CD Workflow. Orchestration of the CD
process will become increasingly critical.
Reality of Workflows
Multiple Workflows for a Single Application
• A service should implement a small set of strongly related functions;
• Services that change together should be packaged together;
• The Service can be changed without affecting clients;
Are you currently or planning to manage
each microservice in an independent
Poll Question 3

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Smartphones, wearables and IoT are driving an increase in app messaging and push notifications. Even SMS messaging has been overtaken by Over-the-Top (OTT) messaging. These trends are signaling a change in the experience paradigm, as mobile push replaces web-based pull interaction models. In this rapidly-changing, mobile-centric app world, how will you leverage the new “tap on the shoulder” to drive greater user and customer engagement? Join Mark D’Cunha, an expert in building mobile apps, platforms, products and services for media and telecom providers. This webinar explores how to design for the apps of the future. Topics covered include: - The role of push - Giving control to the user - Optimizing location and personalization - Selecting a platform for push services Watch the video here: Learn more here: Additional information here:

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1. The document discusses how to build relationships with developers through authentic, applicable, and actionable developer experiences. 2. It recommends a 4 step approach of connection, control, content, and conversion to engage developers along their journey. 3. Community building, both online and in-person, is also emphasized as important for developing advocacy and stickiness.

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DevOps combines software development and operations optimizing the development life cycle through continuous integration and delivery resulting Rapid Productization with superior quality. Here are the 5C's of DevOps that everyone must know.

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Your application goes away, but a logical view is
of its configuration is critical. Mapping (with
versions) your service to service and application
to service dependencies replaces your
traditional software bill of material report.
Haunted Graveyards, Frankenstein
Clusters, when do we deprecate?
Reality of Configuration
Navigating the Deathstar
• A service should implement a small set of strongly related functions;
• Services that change together should be packaged together;
• The Service can be changed without affecting clients;
Are you tracking service to service or
application to service dependencies?
Poll Question 4
New Microservice Pipeline
Continually track
service to service and service
to application configurations
Push a new
to the cluster
(Test, Prod)
Collect Feedback
Configuration reporting
identifies impact.
CD Pipeline
for each
Security Repo
Front End Repo
Product Catalog
Service Repo
Security Repo V1
Front End
Service V3
Catalog Service
Payment Service
GitLab Workflow
GitLab Workflow
GitLab Workflow
GitLab Workflow
Hipster Store
Hipster Store
Shifting with GitLab and DeployHub

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It’s hard to believe, but DevOps has been around for nearly ten years. From its specialist “unicorn” origins to a broadly accepted set of principles adopted by companies of all sizes and stripe, it’s been one of the most transformative movements in information technology since the PC. What comes next? Forrester Principal Analyst and DevOps Lead Charles Betz shares his 2018 research and predictions for next year.

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Measure Customer Value with Self-Service Observability
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Today’s digital economy and customer experience demands flawless service availability and reliability whilst delivering customer value at ever increasing pace. This rate and scale of change requires automation to assist teams as they continuously evolve digital products and services. Any compromised reliability or availability along the way means fundamentally taking two steps backwards in terms of customer experience and value delivery, instead of one step forward. To keep up constant development momentum as they scale services and experience, teams are turning to self-service observability for better insights and context that grow with their services, and allow development teams to focus their time on delivering the value that customers want. What you’ll learn: What does a truly self-service observability solution mean to you How customer value and experience insights are derived from your data How you can transform your data to enrich your data for more context How applying AI to your data continues to automate, automate, automate What AI techniques can benefit you and your processes

GitLab and DeployHub centralized reports
provides much needed visibility into containers
and what is running in your cluster
Container Image Build replaces
monolithic compile/link scripts
The GitLab delivery pipeline supports
independently deployable microservices
with 100s of workflows
DeployHub Configuration management is critical
to provide continuous mapping of service to
service and application to service relationships
(Your new BOM)
• DeployHub is a SaaS based central “Hub” for
sharing, managing and releasing microservices
• DeployHub tracks and shows the complete
application picture
• DeployHub simplifies the complexity of microservices
so organizations can achieve business agility
DeployHub – The First Microservice
Management Platform
DeployHub Team
Hosted Open Source
Open Source Project
We open sourced the mapping - DeployHub
Team is free and based on our Open source
Project –
High level of re-use
and collaboration
Digital Transformation
Business Agility
High Performance
and reuse
DeployHub streamlines the microservices adoption journey
Reduced cost
- minimizes code redundancy
- Reduces confusion
- Reduced deployment cost
Increased Collaboration
-internal ‘marketplace’ of
Data-Driven Decisions
- Service to Service Mapping
- Application versioning
Integrated into CD
- Automated configuration
- Evolves the CD Pipeline for
microservice management.
Applications and
traditional models
Tracking content and
Hybrid DeployDomains
Domain structure
to facilitate
microservice re-use
releases microservices
Map and
Provides service to
service and
application to
mapping and
Central Catalog of
microservices and
reusable components.
DeployHub facilitates microservice
collaboration and reuse as you mature
Typical starting points
DeployHub – Benefits
Visibility gives Site
Engineers the
knowledge of
what’s going on
and the ability to
make data-driven
decisions quickly
relationship mapping
saves 1-2 hours of
manual work per
week for every
development team
sharing reduces
redundant coding
by up to 50% and
creates a flexible
and dynamic
The delivery
pipeline is
evolved to
without a costly

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SpringOne 2020 Kerry Schaffer: Senior IT Director, OneMagnify; Yvonne Brye-Vela: Manager, VMware; Shuchi Mittal: Director Formation Labs, Fiserv; Miranda LeBlanc: Solutions Engineer, Liberty Mutual Insurance; Madison Schlegel: Customer Advocacy Program Manager, VMware

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DevOps – Don’t Be Left Behind
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DevOps – Don’t Be Left Behind

Development to Operations (DevOps) is driving a profound impact on the global IT sector. IT vendors that realize DevOps’ full potential are more agile in providing new products and services under the label “DevOps inside” at an ever increasing pace. With the growing number of product choices, conflicting definitions and competing services, you may often encounter confusion while making complex decisions, delaying time to market. You at times may be unsure about how to deploy DevOps and get the most out of the solutions and tools available. Are you looking to master the DevOps "Fog?" Learn new and trending innovations through the success of others during this informative session, and about tools and practices in the VMware world that will lead you to competitive advantage.

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Habitat is an open source tool for automating the build, deployment, and management of applications. It defines a standard lifecycle for applications that includes building, deploying, running, and managing applications and their dependencies. Habitat packages applications and dependencies together, and uses supervisors to manage applications in production. It aims to simplify and standardize the delivery of developer services by automating common tasks like configuration, service discovery, and clustering across different runtime environments.

Project management
Issue tracking
Container registries
Dependency scanning
License management
Concurrent development
Moving security forward (SecDevOps)
Seamless collaboration
Full accountability
Cycle time measurement
Real-time feedback
A single, intuitive user experience, data model and integrations
Say Hello to GitLab - an entirely new thing
DevOps Best Practices Built In
your infra
DevOps Maturity
Faster releases, fewer
errors, lower costs
Digital Transformation
Faster time-to-market,
increased revenue
DevOps Initiatives
Better collaboration,
higher IT productivity
Holistic value
with GitLab
GitLab streamlines the DevOps adoption journey
Reduced cost
- Single license
- Reduced maintenance
- Reduced integration costs
- Single data store
Improved toolchain security
Speed of innovation
Improved compliance
Continuous improvement
visibility and analytics
- Cycle time analytics
- Single pane of glass visibility
Seamless collaboration
Developer experience
- Single interface
- Developer flexibility (movement
between projects/new toolsets)
Code reviews,
developer experience,
Security Dashboard,
Shift left Security
SecuritySCM CDCI
build/test pipeline,
quality and speed
Multi cloud,
flexible infrastructure,
infrastructure as code
Backlog, sprint,
burndown, tracking
Epics and roadmaps
enable visualizing and
prioritizing future work
Holistic value increases with GitLab
Typical starting points
The Reality of Managing Microservices in Your CD Pipeline

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Containing your microservice sprawl
Containing your microservice sprawlContaining your microservice sprawl
Containing your microservice sprawl

This document discusses challenges with microservice sprawl and introduces DeployHub and Ortelius as solutions. The key challenges are: lack of organization among microservices, ambiguous service ownership and profiles, and a reactive approach lacking visibility. DeployHub provides a microservice catalog that tracks service versions, relationships, and inventory across clusters to improve visibility and control of microservices proactively. It also supports domain-driven design principles to better organize microservices. Ortelius is an open source microservice management platform governed by the CD Foundation.

A Guide on What Are Microservices: Pros, Cons, Use Cases, and More
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A Guide on What Are Microservices: Pros, Cons, Use Cases, and More

IT organizations can be benefitted from a microservices approach to application development with more agile and accelerated time to market. However, there is a catch in order to break an app into fine-grained services.

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Cloud computing

Team Pro Enterprise
Free $333
Per Project/Month
• Unlimited Projects
• Unlimited Users
• Unlimited Updates
• Unlimited Endpoints
• Restricted Domains
• Restricted Security
• No User Groups
• Single Project
• Unlimited Users
• Unlimited Updates
• Unlimited Endpoints
• Full Domain Hierarchy
• Secured Updates
• User and Group
Access Privileges
• Unlimited Projects
• Unlimited Users
• Unlimited Endpoints
• Unlimited Updates
• Full Domain Hierarchy
• Secured Updates
• User and Group
Access Privileges
API Developers publish
their microservices into
the Domain Catalog
allowing other developers
to easily find and reuse
the service. All meta data
is collected and
How it Works
Application Developers define
their application by
associating which
microservices are used. They
also publish application
specific services. All
application level meta data is
collected and versioned.
DeployHub’s versioning engine
maps microservice versions to
the application versions that
consume them, with all
deployment meta data.
(Change Request, SHA, Helm
Chart, DB updates, env.
settings, etc. )
DeployHub feeds deployment data and
logic to deployment engines to update
independent microservices to the
cluster, based on application version
and service version.
DeployHub locks the deployment to
its backend engine, providing a
‘Single Source of Truth’ for what is
running in the cluster.

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The Reality of Managing Microservices in Your CD Pipeline

  • 1. The Reality of Managing Microservices in Your CD Pipeline
  • 2. Speakers – Experts in all things CD Tracy Ragan, CEO & Co-founder Microservices and Pipeline Evangelist, Expert in microservice management. Board Member CD Foundation, DevOps Institute Ambassador. Brendan O’Leary, DevOps Evangelist, GitLab CI/CD and Jira expert. Passion for software development and iterating on processes. Highly focused on the end user’s experience.
  • 3. Microservices are Taking Over 86% of development professionals internationally expect microservices to become the default application architecture within the next five years. Martin Henley, SD Times, 9/19 Its not a question of “if.” Its a question of “when.”
  • 4. Key Takeaways: q Build - Application configuration at compile/link goes away. q Deploy and Test - Microservices are independently deployed. q Orchestrate - The number of CD Pipelines explode. q Configuration Management – Tracking and versioning microservices and their usage will be critical and a new step in the CD Pipeline. The Way We Put Software Together is Broken "What happened is we would release an update to a library, and then one service would use the new service and now all of a sudden all these other services were using an older version and we had to try to keep track of which service was using what version of the library." Alexandra Noonan, Software Engineer, Segment SDTimes April 2019 "Microservices: More isn't always better” Microservice development “falls apart without coherent, disciplined management” Randy Heffner, VP and Research Analyst, Forrester “3 Big Mistakes When It Comes to APIs and Microservices,” Akana Webinar A massive disruption in how we write and deliver software
  • 5. Container Orchestration: An open source platform from Google for orchestrating containers across clusters of servers providing auto scaling and fault tolerance. Containers and Docker: A container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably. Microservices: An architectural style that structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled services. In a microservices architecture, services are fine-grained and independently deployable. Let’s Talk Modern Architecture
  • 6. Think small snippets of code. • A service should implement a small set of strongly related functions; • Services that change together should be packaged together; • The Service can be changed without affecting clients; • And, each team that owns one or more services must be autonomous. A team must be able to develop and deploy their services with minimal collaboration with other teams. Chris Richardson of CloudFoundry More on Microservices
  • 7. • A service should implement a small set of strongly related functions; • Services that change together should be packaged together; • The Service can be changed without affecting clients; Where are you in your microservice implementation journey? Poll Question 1
  • 8. Increase Operational Efficiencies One consistent view and collaboration space for Dev, Ops, and Security teams Public cloud independent, deploy anywhere, SaaS and/or self-managed Deliver Better Products Faster Ability to work in parallel, get feedback and not have to wait on other teams Automate testing, security, deployments to minimize manual intervention Assess and resolve security, compliance, and code quality issues at the point of code change Reduce Security and Compliance Risk Decrease security exposure, cleaner and easier audits, reduce disruptions What’s needed for digital transformation?
  • 9. Today’s software delivery landscape Toolchain tax - multiple tools, fragile integrations, hard to scale, outages
  • 10. With Microservices your Landscape Changes Shifting to a modern architecture will disrupt our traditional CI/CD pipeline. Why is the CI/CD process disrupted? Microservices are deployed independently and that change impacts everything.
  • 11. Builds are Different Smaller code means smaller builds, if at all. Python is interpreted. Linking is done at runtime, not at compile/link time. Builds will focus on creating a container. + Reality of Builds
  • 12. Traditional Modern DEV DEVPROD PROD Reality of Builds Less Control The compile/link step assembles the complete ‘application’ package to pass to Test and Prod. Library configuration management decision making is done here. This is the hear of CI. Microservices are loosely coupled and linked at runtime via APIs. Configuration information is buried in Kubernetes Deployment files or Helm files.
  • 13. • A service should implement a small set of strongly related functions; • Services that change together should be packaged together; • The Service can be changed without affecting clients; If you are writing microservices, what language are you using? Poll Question 2
  • 14. Independently Deployable Because Microservices are independently deployable - they should have their own Repository and Workflow. Your application will workflow will be replaced by many microservice workflows. Reality of Deployments Loss of an Application Version and View
  • 15. Multiple Workflows To manage many moving parts, each microservice will have their own repository and CD Workflow. Orchestration of the CD process will become increasingly critical. Reality of Workflows Multiple Workflows for a Single Application
  • 16. • A service should implement a small set of strongly related functions; • Services that change together should be packaged together; • The Service can be changed without affecting clients; Are you currently or planning to manage each microservice in an independent workflow? Poll Question 3
  • 17. Configuration Management Your application goes away, but a logical view is of its configuration is critical. Mapping (with versions) your service to service and application to service dependencies replaces your traditional software bill of material report. Haunted Graveyards, Frankenstein Clusters, when do we deprecate? Reality of Configuration Navigating the Deathstar
  • 18. • A service should implement a small set of strongly related functions; • Services that change together should be packaged together; • The Service can be changed without affecting clients; Are you tracking service to service or application to service dependencies? Poll Question 4
  • 19. New Microservice Pipeline Build microservice container image Continually track service to service and service to application configurations Push a new single microservice to the cluster (Test, Prod) Collect Feedback Configuration reporting identifies impact. CD Pipeline for each microservice
  • 20. Security Repo Front End Repo Product Catalog Repo Payment Service Repo Security Repo V1 Front End Service V3 Product Catalog Service V5 Payment Service V2 GitLab Workflow GitLab Workflow GitLab Workflow GitLab Workflow Application Hipster Store V2 Prod Test Dev Hipster Store microservices Shifting with GitLab and DeployHub
  • 21. Results GitLab and DeployHub centralized reports provides much needed visibility into containers and what is running in your cluster Container Image Build replaces monolithic compile/link scripts The GitLab delivery pipeline supports independently deployable microservices with 100s of workflows DeployHub Configuration management is critical to provide continuous mapping of service to service and application to service relationships (Your new BOM)
  • 22. • DeployHub is a SaaS based central “Hub” for sharing, managing and releasing microservices • DeployHub tracks and shows the complete application picture • DeployHub simplifies the complexity of microservices so organizations can achieve business agility DeployHub – The First Microservice Management Platform DeployHub Team Hosted Open Source Open Source Project We open sourced the mapping - DeployHub Team is free and based on our Open source Project –
  • 23. Microservices Maturity High level of re-use and collaboration Digital Transformation Business Agility Microservices Initiatives High Performance Computing Facilitates collaboration and reuse Microservices adoption stages DeployHub streamlines the microservices adoption journey Reduced cost - minimizes code redundancy - Reduces confusion - Reduced deployment cost Increased Collaboration -internal ‘marketplace’ of microservices. Data-Driven Decisions - Service to Service Mapping - Application versioning Integrated into CD - Automated configuration management. - Evolves the CD Pipeline for microservice management. Containerized Applications and traditional models Tracking content and microservice relationships Hybrid DeployDomains Domain structure to facilitate microservice re-use Independently releases microservices Organization Map and Deploy Provides service to service and application to service relationships mapping and release. Central Catalog of microservices and reusable components. DeployHub facilitates microservice collaboration and reuse as you mature Typical starting points Versioning
  • 24. DeployHub – Benefits Visibility gives Site Reliability Engineers the knowledge of what’s going on and the ability to make data-driven decisions quickly Automated relationship mapping saves 1-2 hours of manual work per week for every development team Microservice sharing reduces redundant coding by up to 50% and creates a flexible and dynamic ecosystem The delivery pipeline is evolved to support microservices without a costly re-design
  • 25. GITLAB IS REPLACING POINT TOOLS… Project management SCM CI/CD Issue tracking Container registries Logging Dependency scanning License management AND ENABLING ENTIRELY NEW CAPABILITIES… Concurrent development Moving security forward (SecDevOps) Seamless collaboration Full accountability Cycle time measurement Transparency Real-time feedback ... A single, intuitive user experience, data model and integrations Say Hello to GitLab - an entirely new thing
  • 26. DevOps Best Practices Built In Configure your infra Feedback App Security
  • 27. DevOps Maturity Faster releases, fewer errors, lower costs Digital Transformation Faster time-to-market, increased revenue DevOps Initiatives Better collaboration, higher IT productivity Holistic value increases with GitLab adoption DevOps adoption stages GitLab streamlines the DevOps adoption journey Reduced cost - Single license - Reduced maintenance - Reduced integration costs Auditability - Single data store Improved toolchain security Speed of innovation Improved compliance Continuous improvement visibility and analytics - Cycle time analytics - Single pane of glass visibility Seamless collaboration Developer experience - Single interface - Developer flexibility (movement between projects/new toolsets) Code reviews, collaboration, developer experience, productivity Security Dashboard, Shift left Security SecuritySCM CDCI Automated build/test pipeline, quality and speed Multi cloud, flexible infrastructure, infrastructure as code Portfolio Project Backlog, sprint, burndown, tracking deliverable Epics and roadmaps enable visualizing and prioritizing future work Holistic value increases with GitLab adoption Typical starting points
  • 29. Pricing Team Pro Enterprise Free $333 Per Project/Month $160k • Unlimited Projects • Unlimited Users • Unlimited Updates • Unlimited Endpoints • Restricted Domains • Restricted Security • No User Groups • Single Project • Unlimited Users • Unlimited Updates • Unlimited Endpoints • Full Domain Hierarchy • Secured Updates • User and Group Access Privileges • Unlimited Projects • Unlimited Users • Unlimited Endpoints • Unlimited Updates • Full Domain Hierarchy • Secured Updates • User and Group Access Privileges
  • 30. API Developers publish their microservices into the Domain Catalog allowing other developers to easily find and reuse the service. All meta data is collected and versioned. How it Works Application Developers define their application by associating which microservices are used. They also publish application specific services. All application level meta data is collected and versioned. DeployHub’s versioning engine maps microservice versions to the application versions that consume them, with all deployment meta data. (Change Request, SHA, Helm Chart, DB updates, env. settings, etc. ) DeployHub feeds deployment data and logic to deployment engines to update independent microservices to the cluster, based on application version and service version. DeployHub locks the deployment to its backend engine, providing a ‘Single Source of Truth’ for what is running in the cluster.