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The Hardest Part of Microservices: Your Data - Christian Posta, Red Hat
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Twitter: @christianposta
Christian Posta
Principal Architect – Red Hat
•  Author “Microservices for Java Developers”
•  Committer/contributor Apache Camel, Apache ActiveMQ,, Apache Kafka,, et. al.
•  Worked with large Microservices, web-scale, unicorn company
•  Blogger, speaker about DevOps, integration, and microservices
The Hardest Part of Microservices: Your Data - Christian Posta, Red Hat
People	try	to	copy	Net,lix,	but	they	can	only		
copy	what	they	see.	They	copy	the		
results,	not	the	process.	
Adrian	Cockcro,,	former	Chief	Cloud	Architect,	Ne6lix
“Microservices” is about optimizing … for speed.
How	does	your	company	go	fast?
Manage				dependencies.
Wait.	What	is	data?
What	is	one	“thing”?
Book	checkout	/	purchase	 Title	Search	
Weekly	reporBng
Focus	on	domain	models,	not	data	models
•  Break things into smaller,
understandable models
•  Surround a model and its
“context” with an explicit
•  Implement the model in code
or get a new model
•  Explicitly map between
different contexts
•  Model transactional
boundaries as aggregates
The Hardest Part of Microservices: Your Data - Christian Posta, Red Hat
The Hardest Part of Microservices: Your Data - Christian Posta, Red Hat
The Hardest Part of Microservices: Your Data - Christian Posta, Red Hat
SBck	with	these	conveniences	as	long	as	you	can.	
But	...	
•  Load/size	is	too	great	to	fit	on	one	box	
•  Modules/use	cases	have	different	read/write	characterisBcs	
•  Queries/joins	are	geOng	too	complex	
•  Security	issues	
•  Lots	of	conflicBng	changes	to	the	model/schema	
•  Need	denormalized,	opBmized	indexing	engines	
•  We	want	to	explicitly	reduce	dependencies	on	data	between	
our	services
From	here	on	out,	what	we’re	saying	is	“thank	you	old	
work-horse	database,	we’ve	got	it	from	here”…
“A	microservice	has	its	own	database”
We’re	now	building	a	full-fledged		
data-centric	distributed	system.	
Some	things	to	remember…
Plan	for	failures.		
Build	concepts	of	Bme,	delay,		
network,	and	failures	into	the		
design	as	a	first-class	ciBzen.
The Hardest Part of Microservices: Your Data - Christian Posta, Red Hat
The Hardest Part of Microservices: Your Data - Christian Posta, Red Hat
We	need	“consistency”.	But	we	expect	failures.	This	is	
starBng	to	sound	like	CAP…
Consistency	models…
•  Strict consistency (Linearizability)
•  Sequential consistency
•  Causal consistency
•  Processor consistency
•  PRAM consistency (FIFO)
•  Bounded staleness consistency
•  Monotonic read consistency
•  Monotonic write consistency
•  Read your writes consistency
•  Eventual consistency
Replicated	Data	Consistency	Explained	through	Baseball	
(Doug	Terry)
•  What consistency model do you need, depending on
what role you’re playing?
•  What consistency model are you willing to pay for?
•  Official score keeper? (Linearizability or RMW)
•  Umpire? (Linearizability)
•  Sports writer? (Bounded staleness, Eventual
•  Radio updates? (Monotonic read, Bounded staleness)
•  Statistician (Bounded staleness)
•  Friends in the pub (Eventual consistency)
Maybe	we	can	use	a	relaxed	consistency	model		
for	some	of	those	previously	menBoned	use	cases…		
...and	solve	for	data-sharing	issues	while	taking	into	
account	the	network	and	failures.
Example	using	sequenBal	consistency…
What	we’ve	done	is	gone	off	and	built	a	data	system	
at	the	applicaBon	layer.
And	this	is	what	the	internet	companies	did	also.		
(some	even	opensource!!)
•  Yelp – MySQL Streamer
•  LinkedIn – Databus
•  Zendesk – Maxwell
The Hardest Part of Microservices: Your Data - Christian Posta, Red Hat
The Hardest Part of Microservices: Your Data - Christian Posta, Red Hat
Twitter: @christianposta
Thanks for listening! Time for demo?
Full slide deck here:

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