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Metrics, metrics everywhere
(but where the heck do you start?)
@tameverts @cliffcrocker
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Who cares about performance today?
How do I measure performance?
How fast am I?
How fast should I be?
How do I get there?
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
The myth of a single metric
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Start render DNS TCP TTFB
DOM loading DOM ready Page load Fully loaded
User timing Resource timing Requests Bytes in
Speed Index Pagespeed score 1s = $$ DOM elements
DOM size Visually complete Redirect SSL negotiation
Who cares about performance?
“47% of consumers expect a web
page to load in 2 seconds or less.”
Akamai, 2009
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
1s = $27M DNS
Start render
Hero image render
How do I measure performance?
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
How do we measure UX for mobile?
RUM versus plus synthetic
Real User Monitoring 101
Technology for collecting performance metrics
directly from the end user’s browser
Involves instrumenting your site via JavaScript
Measurements are fired across the network to a
collection point through a small request object
What makes RUM great
 Always on
 Every user, every browser, everywhere
 Able to capture human behavior/events
 Only getting better
Questions your RUM data can answer
What are
my users’
How do visitors move
through my site?
How are my
third-party scripts
performing in
real time?
What impact does
performance have
on my business?
Synthetic Monitoring 101
Uses automated agents (bots) to measure your
website from different physical locations
A set “path” or URL is defined
Tests are run either ad hoc or scheduled,
and data is collected
What makes synthetic monitoring great
 Rich data collected (waterfall, video,
filmstrip, HTTP headers)
 Consistent “clean room” baseline
 Nothing to install
 Doesn’t require users / ability to
measure pre-production and
Questions your synthetic data can answer
How do I compare to the competition?
How does the
design of my
pages affect
How does the newest version of my site
compare to previous versions?
How well am I sticking to my performance budget?
What if my third parties fail?
Original: 3.5s
SPOF: 22.7s
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
38© 2014 SOASTA CONFIDENTIAL - All rights reserved.
Why are these numbers so different?
I don’t trust your data. Your numbers are wrong.
How are you calculating page load time?
I can’t share two sets of numbers with the business.
“But it loads so much faster for me!?!”
2015 Macbook Pro
Warm browser cache
X86 – Windows 7 VM
Completely cold cache/DNS
Throttled bandwidth
W3C Performance
Working Group
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
How fast am I?
NavigationTiming API
Browser support for NavigationTiming
48© 2014 SOASTA CONFIDENTIAL - All rights reserved.
Network operations
Front-end developer
Marketing and site operations
Use case: Measure
network performance
I need visibility into…
 issues with authoritative DNS servers
 impact of denial of service attacks
on end users
 efficiency of connection re-use
 tier 1 connectivity issues (load balancer,
web server)
Start render DNS TCP TTFB
DOM loading DOM ready Page load Fully loaded
User timing Resource timing Requests Bytes in
Speed Index Pagespeed score 1s = $$ DOM elements
DOM size Visually complete Redirect SSL negotiation
Measuring DNS and TCP
function getPerf() {
var timing = window.performance.timing;
return {
dns: timing.domainLookupEnd -
connect: timing.connectEnd - timing.connectStart};
What’s with all those zeros!
 Connection reuse
 DNS caching
 Prefetching
Focus on higher percentiles
85th percentile
Median (50th)
Use case: Measure
front-end browser events
How do I…
 understand the impact of back-end
versus front-end on page speed?
 investigate how DOM complexity affects
 measure a “fully loaded” page?
Start render DNS TCP TTFB
DOM load event DOM ready Page load Fully loaded
User timing Resource timing Requests Bytes in
Speed Index Pagespeed score 1s = $$ DOM elements
DOM size Visually complete Redirect SSL negotiation
Isolate front-end vs. back-end
Isolate front-end vs. back-end
function getPerf() {
var timing = window.performance.timing;
return {
ttfb: timing.responseStart - timing.connectEnd};
basePage: timing.responseEnd - timing.responseStart};
frontEnd: timing.loadEventStart -
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Measuring the critical rendering path
Investigate DOM events
function getPerf() {
var timing = window.performance.timing;
return {
DLoading: timing.domLoading –
DInt: timing.domInteractive –
DContLoaded: timing.domContentLoadedEventEnd –
DContLoadTime: timing.domContentLoadedEventEnd –
DComplete: timing.domComplete -
PLoad: timing.loadEventStart -
Understanding critical rendering path
 DOM Loading – browser begins parsing initial
bytes of the document
 DOM Interactive – doc parsed, DOM has been
 DOM Content Loaded – No blocking style sheets
 DOM Complete – All processing complete, all
assets downloaded
2618 DOM nodes
86 DOM nodes
Visualizing DOM complexity
Use case: Measure
object-level performance
I need to understand…
 how third-party content affects my
 how long a group of assets takes to
 how assets served by a CDN are
Start render DNS TCP TTFB
DOM loading DOM ready Page load Fully loaded
User timing Resource timing Requests Bytes in
Speed Index Pagespeed score 1s = $$ DOM elements
DOM size Visually complete Redirect SSL negotiation
ResourceTiming interface
Browser support for Resource Timing
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
Start/End time only unless Timing-Allow-Origin
HTTP Response Header defined
Timing-Allow-Origin = "Timing-Allow-Origin" ":" origin-list-
or-null | "*"
var rUrl = ‘
var me = performance.getEntriesByName(rUrl)[0];
var timings = {
loadTime: me.duration,
dns: me.domainLookupEnd - me.domainLookupStart,
tcp: me.connectEnd - me.connectStart,
waiting: me.responseStart - me.requestStart,
fetch: me.responseEnd - me.responseStart
Measuring a single resource
Other uses for ResourceTiming
 Slowest resources
 Time to first image (download)
 Response time by domain
 Time a group of assets
 Response time by initiator type (element type)
 Cache-hit ratio for resources
For examples see:
Using Resource Groups
PLT impact not due
resource groups
PLT impact
correlates with
from image domains
Use case: Measure
the user experience
I just need to understand…
 when users perceive the page to
be ready
 how long until my page begins
to render
 when content above the fold is visible
Start render DNS TCP TTFB
DOM loading DOM ready Page load Fully loaded
User timing Resource timing Requests Bytes in
Speed Index Pagespeed score 1s = $$ DOM elements
DOM size Visually complete Redirect SSL negotiation
The fallacy of “First Paint” in the wild
 Support for First Paint is not standardized between browsers
 Metric can be misleading (i.e. painting a white screen)
First Paint is not equal to Start Render!
Chrome – “First Paint” True Start Render
Start Render and filmstrips
UserTiming Interface
 Allows developers to measure performance of
their applications through high-precision
 Consists of “marks” and “measures”
 PerformanceMark: Timestamp
 PerformanceMeasure: Duration between
two given marks
Browser support for UserTiming
Measure duration between two marks
//Some stuff you want to measure happens here
//Measure the duration between the two marks
How long does it
take to display
the main product
image on my site?
Record when an img loads
<img src=“image1.gif” onload=“performance.mark(‘image1’)”>
For more interesting examples, see:
Measure hero image delay
Measure aggregate times to get an “above fold time”
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Adoption of
for top 25
shopping sites
How do I measure performance
when the onload event loses
Use case: Measure
performance of SPAs
What is a SPA?
• Single Page Application
• HTML loads once
• Fluid user experience
• Can be great for performance
• Hard to measure
onload event
visible resources
Measuring SPAs
• Accept the fact that onload no longer matters
• Tie into routing events of SPA framework
• Measure downloads during soft refreshes
• (support in boomerang.js for Angular and other
SPA frameworks)
How fast should I be?
Use case: Measure
business impact
I need to understand…
 how performance affects business KPIs
 how our site compares to our
Start render DNS TCP TTFB
DOM loading DOM ready Page load Fully loaded
User timing Resource timing Requests Bytes in
Speed Index Pagespeed score 1s = $$ DOM elements
DOM size Visually complete Redirect SSL negotiation
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
2% increase in conversions
for every 1 second of improvement
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Cut load time by 80%
83% traffic increase
32% increase in time on
108% increase in
interaction rate with ads
So what?
You must look at your own data.
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Not all pages are created equal
For a typical
ecommerce site,
conversion rate
drops by up to 50%
when “browse”
pages increase from
1 to 6 seconds
Not all pages are created equal
However, there is
much less impact
to conversion
when “checkout”
pages degrade
What is the Conversion Impact Score?
The Conversion Impact Score (CIS) is a relative score that ranks page groups
by their propensity to negatively impact conversions due to high load times.
For each page group, the Conversion Impact Score is calculated using the
proportion of overall requests that are associated with that group, along with
the Spearman Ranked Correlation between its load times and number of
conversions. The Conversion Impact Score will always be a number between
-1 and 1, though scores much greater than zero should be very rare. The more
negative the score, the more detrimental to conversions that high load times
for that page group are, relative to the other page groups.
The Conversion Impact Score answers this question:
How much impact does the performance
of this page have on conversions?
Conversion Impact Score
How do I get there?
Create a performance budget
Setting a Performance Budget
Performance Budget Metrics
Set meaningful, page-specific SLAs
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Chapter 8:
Changing Culture
at Your Organization
Free download (until November 4)
Meet us at booth #51

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Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)

  • 1. Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
  • 4. Who cares about performance today? How do I measure performance? How fast am I? How fast should I be? How do I get there?
  • 6. The myth of a single metric
  • 8. Start render DNS TCP TTFB DOM loading DOM ready Page load Fully loaded User timing Resource timing Requests Bytes in Speed Index Pagespeed score 1s = $$ DOM elements DOM size Visually complete Redirect SSL negotiation
  • 9. Who cares about performance?
  • 10. “47% of consumers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less.” Akamai, 2009
  • 12. 1s = $27M DNS 144ms Start render 1.59s Hero image render 2.01s
  • 13. How do I measure performance?
  • 18. How do we measure UX for mobile?
  • 20. RUM versus plus synthetic
  • 22. Technology for collecting performance metrics directly from the end user’s browser Involves instrumenting your site via JavaScript Measurements are fired across the network to a collection point through a small request object (beacon)
  • 23. What makes RUM great  Always on  Every user, every browser, everywhere  Able to capture human behavior/events  Only getting better
  • 24. Questions your RUM data can answer
  • 26. How do visitors move through my site?
  • 27. How are my third-party scripts performing in real time?
  • 28. What impact does performance have on my business?
  • 30. Uses automated agents (bots) to measure your website from different physical locations A set “path” or URL is defined Tests are run either ad hoc or scheduled, and data is collected
  • 31. What makes synthetic monitoring great  Rich data collected (waterfall, video, filmstrip, HTTP headers)  Consistent “clean room” baseline  Nothing to install  Doesn’t require users / ability to measure pre-production and competition
  • 32. Questions your synthetic data can answer
  • 33. How do I compare to the competition?
  • 34. How does the design of my pages affect performance?
  • 35. How does the newest version of my site compare to previous versions?
  • 36. How well am I sticking to my performance budget?
  • 37. What if my third parties fail? Original: 3.5s SPOF: 22.7s
  • 39. 38© 2014 SOASTA CONFIDENTIAL - All rights reserved. Why are these numbers so different? I don’t trust your data. Your numbers are wrong. How are you calculating page load time? I can’t share two sets of numbers with the business.
  • 40. “But it loads so much faster for me!?!” 2015 Macbook Pro Warm browser cache FIOS X86 – Windows 7 VM Completely cold cache/DNS Throttled bandwidth
  • 48. Browser support for NavigationTiming
  • 49. 48© 2014 SOASTA CONFIDENTIAL - All rights reserved. Network operations Front-end developer Marketing and site operations Designer C-level
  • 51. I need visibility into…  issues with authoritative DNS servers  impact of denial of service attacks on end users  efficiency of connection re-use  tier 1 connectivity issues (load balancer, web server)
  • 52. Start render DNS TCP TTFB DOM loading DOM ready Page load Fully loaded User timing Resource timing Requests Bytes in Speed Index Pagespeed score 1s = $$ DOM elements DOM size Visually complete Redirect SSL negotiation
  • 53. Measuring DNS and TCP function getPerf() { var timing = window.performance.timing; return { dns: timing.domainLookupEnd - timing.domainLookupStart}; connect: timing.connectEnd - timing.connectStart}; }
  • 54. What’s with all those zeros!  Connection reuse  DNS caching  Prefetching
  • 55. Focus on higher percentiles 85th percentile Median (50th)
  • 56. Use case: Measure front-end browser events
  • 57. How do I…  understand the impact of back-end versus front-end on page speed?  investigate how DOM complexity affects performance?  measure a “fully loaded” page?
  • 58. Start render DNS TCP TTFB DOM load event DOM ready Page load Fully loaded User timing Resource timing Requests Bytes in Speed Index Pagespeed score 1s = $$ DOM elements DOM size Visually complete Redirect SSL negotiation
  • 60. Isolate front-end vs. back-end function getPerf() { var timing = window.performance.timing; return { ttfb: timing.responseStart - timing.connectEnd}; basePage: timing.responseEnd - timing.responseStart}; frontEnd: timing.loadEventStart - timing.responseEnd}; }
  • 63. Measuring the critical rendering path
  • 64. Investigate DOM events function getPerf() { var timing = window.performance.timing; return { DLoading: timing.domLoading – timing.navigationStart}; DInt: timing.domInteractive – timing.navigationStart}; DContLoaded: timing.domContentLoadedEventEnd – timing.navigationStart; DContLoadTime: timing.domContentLoadedEventEnd – timing.domContentLoadedEventStart}; DComplete: timing.domComplete - timing.navigationStart}; PLoad: timing.loadEventStart -
  • 65. Understanding critical rendering path  DOM Loading – browser begins parsing initial bytes of the document  DOM Interactive – doc parsed, DOM has been constructed  DOM Content Loaded – No blocking style sheets  DOM Complete – All processing complete, all assets downloaded
  • 66. 2618 DOM nodes 86 DOM nodes Visualizing DOM complexity
  • 68. I need to understand…  how third-party content affects my performance  how long a group of assets takes to download  how assets served by a CDN are performing
  • 69. Start render DNS TCP TTFB DOM loading DOM ready Page load Fully loaded User timing Resource timing Requests Bytes in Speed Index Pagespeed score 1s = $$ DOM elements DOM size Visually complete Redirect SSL negotiation
  • 71. Browser support for Resource Timing
  • 72. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Start/End time only unless Timing-Allow-Origin HTTP Response Header defined Timing-Allow-Origin = "Timing-Allow-Origin" ":" origin-list- or-null | "*"
  • 73. ResourceTiming var rUrl = ‘ dualtone-150x150.png’; var me = performance.getEntriesByName(rUrl)[0]; var timings = { loadTime: me.duration, dns: me.domainLookupEnd - me.domainLookupStart, tcp: me.connectEnd - me.connectStart, waiting: me.responseStart - me.requestStart, fetch: me.responseEnd - me.responseStart } Measuring a single resource
  • 74. Other uses for ResourceTiming  Slowest resources  Time to first image (download)  Response time by domain  Time a group of assets  Response time by initiator type (element type)  Cache-hit ratio for resources For examples see:
  • 75. Using Resource Groups PLT impact not due resource groups PLT impact correlates with improvement from image domains
  • 76. Use case: Measure the user experience
  • 77. I just need to understand…  when users perceive the page to be ready  how long until my page begins to render  when content above the fold is visible
  • 78. Start render DNS TCP TTFB DOM loading DOM ready Page load Fully loaded User timing Resource timing Requests Bytes in Speed Index Pagespeed score 1s = $$ DOM elements DOM size Visually complete Redirect SSL negotiation
  • 79. The fallacy of “First Paint” in the wild  Support for First Paint is not standardized between browsers  Metric can be misleading (i.e. painting a white screen)
  • 80. First Paint is not equal to Start Render! Chrome – “First Paint” True Start Render
  • 81. Start Render and filmstrips
  • 82. UserTiming Interface  Allows developers to measure performance of their applications through high-precision timestamps  Consists of “marks” and “measures”  PerformanceMark: Timestamp  PerformanceMeasure: Duration between two given marks
  • 83. Browser support for UserTiming
  • 84. Measure duration between two marks performance.mark(“startTask”); //Some stuff you want to measure happens here performance.mark(“stopTask”); //Measure the duration between the two marks performance.measure(“taskDuration”,“startTask”,“stopTask”);
  • 85. How long does it take to display the main product image on my site?
  • 86. Record when an img loads <img src=“image1.gif” onload=“performance.mark(‘image1’)”> For more interesting examples, see: Measure hero image delay Measure aggregate times to get an “above fold time” experience.html
  • 88. Adoption of UserTiming for top 25 shopping sites (Global) Nope User Timing Sales
  • 90. How do I measure performance when the onload event loses relevance? Use case: Measure performance of SPAs
  • 92. What is a SPA? • Single Page Application • HTML loads once • Fluid user experience • Can be great for performance • Hard to measure
  • 94. Measuring SPAs • Accept the fact that onload no longer matters • Tie into routing events of SPA framework • Measure downloads during soft refreshes • (support in boomerang.js for Angular and other SPA frameworks)
  • 97. I need to understand…  how performance affects business KPIs  how our site compares to our competitors
  • 98. Start render DNS TCP TTFB DOM loading DOM ready Page load Fully loaded User timing Resource timing Requests Bytes in Speed Index Pagespeed score 1s = $$ DOM elements DOM size Visually complete Redirect SSL negotiation
  • 101. 2% increase in conversions for every 1 second of improvement
  • 103. Cut load time by 80% 83% traffic increase 32% increase in time on site 108% increase in interaction rate with ads
  • 104. So what? You must look at your own data.
  • 107. Not all pages are created equal For a typical ecommerce site, conversion rate drops by up to 50% when “browse” pages increase from 1 to 6 seconds
  • 108. Not all pages are created equal However, there is much less impact to conversion when “checkout” pages degrade
  • 109. What is the Conversion Impact Score? The Conversion Impact Score (CIS) is a relative score that ranks page groups by their propensity to negatively impact conversions due to high load times. For each page group, the Conversion Impact Score is calculated using the proportion of overall requests that are associated with that group, along with the Spearman Ranked Correlation between its load times and number of conversions. The Conversion Impact Score will always be a number between -1 and 1, though scores much greater than zero should be very rare. The more negative the score, the more detrimental to conversions that high load times for that page group are, relative to the other page groups.
  • 110. TL;DR The Conversion Impact Score answers this question: How much impact does the performance of this page have on conversions?
  • 113. How do I get there?
  • 114. Create a performance budget Setting a Performance Budget Performance Budget Metrics
  • 117. Chapter 8: Changing Culture at Your Organization
  • 118. Free download (until November 4) ismoneybook
  • 121. Meet us at booth #51

Editor's Notes

  1. By 2015, GQ found that its average load time had grown to a sluggish 7 seconds. The solution: a reboot that targeted ads and other third-party tags and features, as well as a migration to a single CMS. The newly streamlined site reduced server calls by 400% and ultimately cut load times by 80%, down to just under 2 seconds. 83% traffic increase (from 6 million to 11 million unique visitors) 32% increase in time on site (from 5.9 minutes to 7.8 minutes) 108% increase in interaction rate with ads
  2. In this example, I’ve shown the impact of performance (Page Load time) on the Bounce rate for two different groups of sites. Site A: A collection of user experiences for Specialty Goods eCommerce sites (luxury goods)) Site B: A collection of user experiences for General Merchandise eCommerce sites (commodity goods) Notice the patience levels of the users after 6s for each site. Users for a specialty goods site with fewer options tend to be more patient. Meanwhile users that have other options for a GM site continue to abandon at the same rate.
  3. The relationship between speed and behavior is even more noticeable when we look at conversion rates between the two sites. Notice how quickly users will decide to abandon a purchase for Site A, versus B.
  4. Another important aspect is the realize all pages are not created equal. In this study of retail, we found that pages that were at the top of the funnel (browser pages) such as Home, Search, Product were extremely sensitive to user dissatisfaction. As these pages slowed from 1-6s, we saw a 50% decrease in the conversion rate!
  5. However, when we looked at pages deeper in the funnel like Login, Billing (checkout pages) – users were more patient and committed to the transaction.