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Performance Testing with
SoapUI and Siege
Diana Cârciu

10th of November 2012
Performance Testing

How ?
Why Performance Test?

“A business in today’s digital
 culture needs to make sure that
 its website is working hard for the
 business and not against it.”
Why Performance Test?


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This document discusses the importance of performance testing and provides an introduction to the topic. It notes that performance testing determines how a system behaves under different loads and helps identify bottlenecks. The document outlines why performance testing is important from a user experience perspective, discussing metrics like page load times and the financial costs of poor performance. It then covers various performance testing approaches, targets, levels, and common metrics used to evaluate performance.

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Quick guide to plan and execute a load test
Quick guide to plan and execute a load testQuick guide to plan and execute a load test
Quick guide to plan and execute a load test

The document provides guidance on developing a load testing approach, emphasizing the importance of requirements analysis, defining test scenarios based on user load and activity analysis, and configuring and executing load tests in LoadRunner while collecting key performance metrics. Proper planning including understanding the goal of testing, estimating user loads, and mirroring the production environment is recommended to efficiently perform load testing and generate useful reports.

Does the application respond quickly
 enough for the intended users?

How do we measure?
 User experience
Will the application handle the
expected user load and beyond?

How do we measure?
Is the application stable under
 expected and unexpected user loads?
 (AKA Robustness)

How do we measure?
What is Performance Testing?

 Speed             Load testing
 Scalabilit   ->   Stress testing
 y                 Endurance testing

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Performance testing is one of the kinds of Non-Functional Testing. Building any successful product hinges on its performance. User experience is the deciding unit of fruitful application and Performance testing helps to reach there. You will learn the key concept of performance testing, how the IT industry gets benefitted, what are the different types of Performance Testing, their lifecycle, and much more.

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Web Performance Testing

- The document discusses the challenges of traditional web performance testing and introduces trusted cloud web performance testing as an effective alternative using real-time monitoring, sophisticated analytics, and affordable load and performance testing capabilities. - A case study is presented of a tax filing website that was performance tested using cloud-based testing and was able to detect 27 critical issues while ramping up to 300,000 concurrent users, achieving results 75 times better than traditional testing. - An accreditation process is described that uses cloud-based performance testing to validate a website's performance over 25 hours against key metrics and benchmarks.

Load Testing

Concurrent users
Response time
Stress Testing

Upper limits

“That’ll never happen in
….but it does 
Endurance Testing
Continuous expected load

Tests ran long time
Emergent behaviors
How to conduct Performance

Performance key points
Performance Test Plan (how much load?)
Choose tools

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Learn more about building and mangaging a IT Test Lab that centralizes process and tools to create a more robust CoE (Center of Excellence)

Performance Testing using LoadRunner
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Performance Testing using LoadRunner

Detailed presentation on performance testing and Loadrunner. Complete course is available on udemy. Use below link to get the course for just 20 USD

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The document discusses best practices for performance testing. It provides an overview of the typical performance testing process, including defining goals, planning tests, scripting tests, executing tests, analyzing results, and delivering findings. It also discusses considerations for choosing testing tools and resources as well as common pitfalls to avoid, such as not testing, poor planning, relying on customers to find issues, using the wrong tools, and failing to properly isolate variables.

Performance key points

 Concurrency/throughput (Transaction Rate)
 Server Response Time
 Server Resources Monitoring
Performance Test Plan
(how much load?)

Three situations
Tools – 2 case studies

SoapUI – testing
Web-Service based
Application Performance

Siege – Web site
load testing
Simple but powerful Linux based tool
Supports basic
 authentication, cookies, HTTP and HTTPS
Configurable number of simulated users
Can be used test a Windows server.

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This document introduces performance testing. It discusses what performance testing is, why it is needed, and when to perform tests. It also outlines the performance testing process and different types of performance tests, including capacity/volume testing, spike testing, stress testing, and load testing. The goal of performance testing is to determine a software program's speed, effectiveness, responsiveness, reliability, throughput, and scalability under different workloads.

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Performance Testing With Loadrunner
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Performance Testing With Loadrunner

The document provides an overview of various types of performance testing that can be conducted including speed tests, contention tests, volume tests, stress/overload tests, fail-over tests, spike tests, endurance tests, scalability tests, and availability tests. For each type of test, it describes the purpose and provides examples of accomplishments. It also outlines the course topics to be covered related to performance planning, load testing, and tools.


The document provides an overview of different types of performance testing that can be done using LoadRunner software, including speed tests, contention tests, volume tests, stress/overload tests, fail-over tests, spike tests, and endurance tests. For each type of test, it describes the goal of the testing, examples of what would be tested, and example accomplishments/outcomes. It also provides details on who will teach a course on performance testing with LoadRunner and examples of projects that will be used.

A java-based web service testing tool
Used for
 inspecting, invoking, developing, simulating
 , mocking and load-testing web services
Server monitoring

Performance Monitor statistics
  Users   Time      CPU%     Memory         Network bytes/sec
          run/min            private (KB)

                    Tomcat   Tomcat         Mean          Max

  1000    15        18.2     1,096,024      661,634       11,860,523

  2000    15        29.6     1,246,924      1,042,553     7,420,530
Where to go for more information
  - Scott Barber presentations
- Web Load Testing for Dummies - Scott
Thank you!

Please fill the evaluation form!

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This presentation includes: - Why performance matters for digital businesses? - Use Cases for performance / load testing - Load Test Design Considerations - Tools and Technologies - Methodology and Approach - Activities and Deliverables - Load Testing Success Stories

kehperformance testload test
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Load testing for jquery based e commerce web applications with cloud performa...

This document discusses load testing of jQuery-based e-commerce websites using cloud-based performance testing tools. It provides an overview of load testing and describes how tools like BlazeMeter and Load Impact were used to test an Indian e-commerce site ( Graphs and results from testing on these tools are presented and described. The results help analyze the site's performance under different loads and identify potential bottlenecks.

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