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Regional Cyber and Energy Security (RCES) Center
              for Distributed Generation Systems

        Ralph Martinez, PhD PI, Ricardo, Pineda, PhD, Co-PI
     Center for Environmental Resource Management (CERM) &
Research Institute for Manufacturing and Engineering Systems (RIMES)
                           26 October 2011

    •    The “Fierce Urgency of Now”, Going Beyond the Phiston
         Feasibility Report
                   y   p
    •    What is the Regional Cyber and Energy Security (RCES)
         Center for Distributed Generation Systems?
    •    Benefits of the RCES to El Paso Region
    •    Summary

           @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution   2
“The Fierce Urgency of Now”,
 Going Beyond the Phiston Report
 Cyber and Energy Security are a top priority in the DoD, DOE, and many government,
    industry, and community sectors
 U S Army Definition: Energy Security
      Surety, Survivability, Supply, Sufficiency, Sustainability – these are the core
      characteristics defining the energy security necessary for the full range of Army
 Energy Security for the Army means preventing loss of access to power and fuel sources
    (surety), ensuring resilience in energy systems (survivability), accessing alternative and
    renewable energy sources available on installations (supply), providing adequate power
    for critical missions (sufficiency), and promoting support for the Army’s mission, its
    community, and the environment (sustainability).
 Smart Grid Cyber Security addresses deliberate attacks launched by disgruntled
    employees, agents of industrial espionage, and terrorists, and inadvertent compromises
    of the information infrastructure due to user errors, equipment failures, and natural
                                                         , q p                ,
    disasters. Cyber security measures prevent potential attackers to penetrate a network,
    gain access to control software, and alter load conditions to destabilize the power grid in
    unpredictable ways.

               @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution   3
Recent Cyber and Energy Security Incidents

Cyber Security Incidents
• Insider Security Threats to Utilities
• Security Incidents Rise In Industrial Control Systems
• Spike In Power Grid Attacks Likely In Next 12 Months
Energy Security Incidents
• One Electrical Worker Blamed for Leaving Millions Without Power in
  California, Arizona and Mexico, September 2011
     •   Cost estimate of San Diego outage tops $100 million
•   Arizona Wildfire Forces Evacuations as Texas New Mexico Face Power
     •   Busy Arizona wildfire season burns up state budget
•   February s
    February’s freeze still has the Sun City shivering
     •   Price tag for frigid storm could top $100 million
     •   El Paso Electric Reports and Links on Winter Storm 2011
•   Over the next 5 years, electric utilities face a reduction in force of 45% of 7000
    engineers due to retirement or job movement, increasing the security risks to
    the utility power grids
              @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution   4

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Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)

This document discusses various metrics for measuring website performance and user experience. It outlines different types of metrics including: - Network metrics like DNS resolution, TCP connection times, and time to first byte. - Browser metrics like start render time, DOM loading/ready times, and page load times. - Resource-level metrics obtained from the Resource Timing API like individual asset load times and response sizes. - User-centric metrics like Speed Index, time to visible content, and metrics for single-page applications without traditional page loads. It emphasizes the importance of measuring real user monitoring data alongside synthetic tests, and looking at higher percentiles rather than just averages due to variability in user environments and network conditions

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Está el gis muerto?
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El autor debate si los sistemas de información geográfica (GIS) están muertos debido a los rápidos cambios tecnológicos. El autor y sus colegas están actualizando su libro de texto sobre GIS para reflejar estos cambios, incluida la transición a modelos de publicación digital y la disponibilidad de materiales en línea. Ahora están sustituyendo "GIS" por "Sistemas y Ciencias de Información Geográfica" para enfatizar los aspectos sistémicos y de modelización. El análisis basado en GIS

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This document is a curriculum vitae for Viona Goliath. It outlines her personal details, education history, and employment history working in various roles for Nedbank since 2008. Her experience includes positions as a banker, enquiries consultant, administrator, sales and service consultant, and service champion. The CV lists her duties and responsibilities in each role and provides references from managers at Nedbank.


     •   We propose to establish a Cyber and Energy
         Security Center to address two national problems of
         modern energy systems:
           • Cyber and physical security to protect energy systems
             from inadvertent and deliberate disruptions of energy
           • Integration, test, certification of distributed generation
             systems and technology into current grids

           @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution   5
Why is this needed?

 •   Energy systems can crash:
      •   Weather,
          Weather natural disaster and fire damage
      •   Unexpected loads
      •   Sub-systems that do not interoperate properly
      •   Deliberate or inadvertent cyber and physical interference
 •   When they crash they affect everything:
      •   Other utilities: water, gas, pipeline, sewer
      •   Transportation
      •   Communications
      •   Business operations
      •   Military installations
      •   Daily life (home/school/work)

              @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution   6
Steps to Achieving a National and Regional Security and
  Reliable Power Grid

• RCES Center Core Capabilities
  • Derived from DOE/DoD WGs                                                                                       Sustain
                                                                                                     Year 3,4
                                                                y                                               Cyber Security
  •P d
    Product and S i test and
                 d Service  d                                Test &
    certification                                                                                                 Systems

• Ancillary RCES Center Capabilities                                                                               Manage
                                         Interoperability                                            Year 3
  •C b S
    Cyber Security/Power D
                 it /P    Degrees                                                                                 Incidents
                                          With Electric
  • Workforce Training                   Grid Standards                                                           & Training
  • Professional Engineer training
  • Technology Transfer                                                                                         Develop Test
                                   Cyber Security Architecture                                       Year 2     & Certification
  • Ed
    Educational W k h
          ti   l Workshops
                                             And Requirements for Region                                        Methodology

                                           Conceptual Cyber Security                                 Year 1       Assess &
                                        Reference Model for Electric Grids                                       Monitor Risk

                                                                                                                 Build Cyber
                                             Regional Business and Public
                                               g                                                     Year 1
                                                 Policy Requirements

                @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution              7
Market Viability in the Southwest Region

•   South Central and West Texas electric power grid and transmission are
    governed by the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (
              y                       y            g         (WECC) * and
    Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) *


                                                                                                    * WECC and WAPA websites

            @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution                    8

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Un sistema operativo es el software básico de un ordenador que proporciona una interfaz entre los programas, hardware y usuario. Sus funciones principales incluyen administrar los recursos de la máquina, coordinar el hardware, organizar archivos y directorios, e interpretar los comandos del usuario. Un sistema operativo tiene componentes como la gestión de procesos, memoria, almacenamiento, entrada/salida, archivos, protección y comunicaciones.


The document advertises the services of a technology solutions provider called ACC. It summarizes ACC's services as including expertly configured data centers, networking and audio/visual solutions, cloud computing, collaboration tools, cybersecurity, and professional services like consulting, integration, deployment and managed services. ACC works with leading technology partners and has over 300 industry certifications to provide customized solutions that meet clients' IT needs.

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mShopper. Polacy na zakupach mobilnych. Kto kupuje, jak często, gdzie, w jakich branżach i z jakich metod płatności korzysta. Pełny raport do pobrania tu:

Market Viability in the Region (Cont)
   El P
      Paso El t i Service Territory *
           Electric S i T it

                                         * Courtesy of EPE,

           @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution      9

               * NIST/EPRI Smart Grid Interim Roadmap Report, June 2009

Seven Smart Grid

                                         Cyber Security

     Physical and
       Secu ty
     For Domains

                           Copyright @ The University of Texas at El Paso       10
Education and Training Opportunities for Jobs in
Smart Grid Areas

         @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution   11
Benefits of the RCES to El Paso Region

•   Regional
     •   Job Creation in emerging high technology area
     •   Job opportunities and education for students
     •   Federal and state recognition for cyber and energy security of power grids
•   City of El Paso
     •   Energy security and security forensics that impacts all city sectors
     •   Foster economic and business development opportunities
•   El Paso Electric & other Utilities
     •   Addition of cyber and energy security system components and methodologies
     •   Cyber security for utility awareness, monitoring, and control
     •   Increased distribution system reliability and resiliency
     •   Professional certified job workforce
•   El Paso Utility Customer Base and Workforce
     •   Electricity, Water, Gas, Waste Services
•   Academic
     •   Degrees, certification, and professional engineer training
     •   Increased cyber and energy security infrastructure and facilities
              @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution   12

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El documento describe los componentes principales de una computadora, incluyendo la memoria para almacenar datos, las unidades de entrada y salida como el disco duro y la unidad óptica, los periféricos para proporcionar datos o mostrar resultados, y la unidad central de procesamiento como el cerebro de la computadora responsable de todas las operaciones y cálculos.

How it lead system integration projects on five continents

system integrationbusiness modeldigital marketing
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Job Opportunities in the NM/TX Region

   National Green Jobs
   • Green Jobs Search
   • Smart Grid Careers
   El Paso Green Jobs
   • Green Jobs Hiring
   • El Paso Electric Green Jobs
   • City of El Paso Green Jobs
   Academic Degree Options (UTEP and NMSU)
   • Power System Engineers
   • Modern Power Systems Engineering
   • Renewable Energy Sources
   • Wholesale Energy Markets

         @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution   13

•   El Paso region and its communities stand to benefit from the
    development of the Regional Cyber and Energy Security Center.
•   The emerging technology for cyber and energy security for smart grid
    system of systems has matured due to the infusion of research and
    development funding from the Department of Energy.
•   UTEP and its partners are uniquely positioned to implement the first
    System of Systems test and certification facility for verification and
    interoperability of smart grid components, products, and services.
•   Funding model aligned with local, state, and federal funding programs
    on cyber and energy security and T&E
•   El Paso region has stakeholders with vested interests for the
•   RCES Center provides a stimulus for new jobs and training of cyber
    security professionals

            @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution   14

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2012 Reenergize the Americas 1B: John Peichel
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Session 4B - Marty Howell

  • 1. Regional Cyber and Energy Security (RCES) Center for Distributed Generation Systems Ralph Martinez, PhD PI, Ricardo, Pineda, PhD, Co-PI Center for Environmental Resource Management (CERM) & Research Institute for Manufacturing and Engineering Systems (RIMES), 915-747-5433 26 October 2011
  • 2. Topics • The “Fierce Urgency of Now”, Going Beyond the Phiston Feasibility Report y p • What is the Regional Cyber and Energy Security (RCES) Center for Distributed Generation Systems? • Benefits of the RCES to El Paso Region • Summary @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution 2
  • 3. “The Fierce Urgency of Now”, Going Beyond the Phiston Report Cyber and Energy Security are a top priority in the DoD, DOE, and many government, industry, and community sectors U.S. U S Army Definition: Energy Security Surety, Survivability, Supply, Sufficiency, Sustainability – these are the core characteristics defining the energy security necessary for the full range of Army missions. Energy Security for the Army means preventing loss of access to power and fuel sources (surety), ensuring resilience in energy systems (survivability), accessing alternative and renewable energy sources available on installations (supply), providing adequate power for critical missions (sufficiency), and promoting support for the Army’s mission, its community, and the environment (sustainability). Smart Grid Cyber Security addresses deliberate attacks launched by disgruntled employees, agents of industrial espionage, and terrorists, and inadvertent compromises of the information infrastructure due to user errors, equipment failures, and natural , q p , disasters. Cyber security measures prevent potential attackers to penetrate a network, gain access to control software, and alter load conditions to destabilize the power grid in unpredictable ways. @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution 3
  • 4. Recent Cyber and Energy Security Incidents Cyber Security Incidents • Insider Security Threats to Utilities • Security Incidents Rise In Industrial Control Systems • Spike In Power Grid Attacks Likely In Next 12 Months Energy Security Incidents • One Electrical Worker Blamed for Leaving Millions Without Power in California, Arizona and Mexico, September 2011 • Cost estimate of San Diego outage tops $100 million • Arizona Wildfire Forces Evacuations as Texas New Mexico Face Power Texas, Outages • Busy Arizona wildfire season burns up state budget • February s February’s freeze still has the Sun City shivering • Price tag for frigid storm could top $100 million • El Paso Electric Reports and Links on Winter Storm 2011 • Over the next 5 years, electric utilities face a reduction in force of 45% of 7000 y engineers due to retirement or job movement, increasing the security risks to the utility power grids @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution 4
  • 5. Proposal • We propose to establish a Cyber and Energy Security Center to address two national problems of modern energy systems: • Cyber and physical security to protect energy systems from inadvertent and deliberate disruptions of energy service • Integration, test, certification of distributed generation systems and technology into current grids @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution 5
  • 6. Why is this needed? • Energy systems can crash: • Weather, Weather natural disaster and fire damage • Unexpected loads • Sub-systems that do not interoperate properly • Deliberate or inadvertent cyber and physical interference • When they crash they affect everything: • Other utilities: water, gas, pipeline, sewer • Transportation • Communications • Business operations • Military installations • Daily life (home/school/work) @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution 6
  • 7. Steps to Achieving a National and Regional Security and Reliable Power Grid • RCES Center Core Capabilities • Derived from DOE/DoD WGs Sustain Year 3,4 Cyber y Cyber Security •P d Product and S i test and d Service d Test & certification Systems Certification • Ancillary RCES Center Capabilities Manage Interoperability Year 3 •C b S Cyber Security/Power D it /P Degrees Incidents With Electric • Workforce Training Grid Standards & Training • Professional Engineer training • Technology Transfer Develop Test Cyber Security Architecture Year 2 & Certification • Ed Educational W k h ti l Workshops And Requirements for Region Methodology Conceptual Cyber Security Year 1 Assess & Reference Model for Electric Grids Monitor Risk Build Cyber Regional Business and Public g Year 1 Policy Requirements Security Culture @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution 7
  • 8. Market Viability in the Southwest Region • South Central and West Texas electric power grid and transmission are g governed by the Western Electricity Coordinating Council ( y y g (WECC) * and ) Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) * WAPA * WECC and WAPA websites @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution 8
  • 9. Market Viability in the Region (Cont) El P Paso El t i Service Territory * Electric S i T it * Courtesy of EPE, @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution 9
  • 10. * * NIST/EPRI Smart Grid Interim Roadmap Report, June 2009 Seven Smart Grid Domains Cyber Security Everywhere Physical and Operational Secu ty Security For Domains Copyright @ The University of Texas at El Paso 10
  • 11. Education and Training Opportunities for Jobs in Smart Grid Areas @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution 11
  • 12. Benefits of the RCES to El Paso Region • Regional • Job Creation in emerging high technology area • Job opportunities and education for students • Federal and state recognition for cyber and energy security of power grids • City of El Paso • Energy security and security forensics that impacts all city sectors • Foster economic and business development opportunities • El Paso Electric & other Utilities • Addition of cyber and energy security system components and methodologies • Cyber security for utility awareness, monitoring, and control • Increased distribution system reliability and resiliency • Professional certified job workforce • El Paso Utility Customer Base and Workforce • Electricity, Water, Gas, Waste Services • Academic • Degrees, certification, and professional engineer training • Increased cyber and energy security infrastructure and facilities @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution 12
  • 13. Job Opportunities in the NM/TX Region National Green Jobs • Green Jobs Search • Smart Grid Careers El Paso Green Jobs • Green Jobs Hiring • El Paso Electric Green Jobs • City of El Paso Green Jobs Academic Degree Options (UTEP and NMSU) • Power System Engineers • Modern Power Systems Engineering • Renewable Energy Sources gy • Wholesale Energy Markets @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution 13
  • 14. Summary • El Paso region and its communities stand to benefit from the development of the Regional Cyber and Energy Security Center. • The emerging technology for cyber and energy security for smart grid system of systems has matured due to the infusion of research and development funding from the Department of Energy. • UTEP and its partners are uniquely positioned to implement the first System of Systems test and certification facility for verification and interoperability of smart grid components, products, and services. • Funding model aligned with local, state, and federal funding programs on cyber and energy security and T&E • El Paso region has stakeholders with vested interests for the technology • RCES Center provides a stimulus for new jobs and training of cyber security professionals @ The University of Texas at El Paso, Proprietary Information, Not for Public Distribution 14