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September 9, 2015
“Continuous Testing in DevOps”
Dan Boutin – Senior Product Evangelist
Mobile (404) 304-9529
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 2
• SOASTA Introduction
• The need for “Continuous”
• The “Big 3”
• CI with mobile and performance testing
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 3
100 Billion
User Experiences Tested
10 Million
Tests Performed
Actual CloudTest
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 4
• SOASTA Introduction
• The need for “Continuous”
• CI with mobile and performance testing

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Tis The Season: Load Testing Tips and Checklist for Retail Seasonal Readiness
Tis The Season: Load Testing Tips and Checklist for Retail Seasonal ReadinessTis The Season: Load Testing Tips and Checklist for Retail Seasonal Readiness
Tis The Season: Load Testing Tips and Checklist for Retail Seasonal Readiness

‘Tis the Season – Holiday 2014 eCommerce Quality Checklist Past Webinar Archived (originally presented June 26th, 2014) This year, your holiday traffic will increase 15% or more, and 50% of the users will be mobile. Recent research shows 71% of your revenue comes from multi-channel users, so if you haven’t started planning, you’re already behind. Leading retailers are preparing for Holiday “14 and testing their production sites for multi-channel access to 115% capacity, or beyond! If you’re not one of them, your plans are incomplete. Cover your risks. Join Tenzing and SOASTA experts as they discuss the must-do checklist for peak performance. In this webinar you’ll learn: Align your Marketing and Quality plans Cover the multichannel user experience Test early in the lab and fully in production Optimize end-to-end site speed and performance When to freeze for the winter Don’t miss this opportunity to “shop early” and see how the leading retailers are already beating the odds with cloud testing.

ecommercemobile testingretail readiness
O'Reilly Webcast: How Nordstrom Prepares Its Site for Holidays and Major Events
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O'Reilly Webcast: How Nordstrom Prepares Its Site for Holidays and Major Events

This document discusses how to prepare a website for holidays and major events by focusing on performance. It recommends taking a continuous improvement approach of analyzing site usage data, testing for performance issues, and monitoring site performance during events. Key steps include studying past events to understand customer impacts, projecting future usage, contingency planning, and building a feedback loop between development, product management, and engineering. The goal is to adopt a culture where performance is a key feature and the site is always being prepared through continuous delivery, instrumentation, and addressing issues before they affect customers.

web performanceweb performance testingperformance testing
Real User Measurement: The Secret Weapon for Quality
Real User Measurement: The Secret Weapon for QualityReal User Measurement: The Secret Weapon for Quality
Real User Measurement: The Secret Weapon for Quality

Real User Measurement (RUM) helps you to stop guessing about what to test. When you see where your users are, when they lose patience, their peak usage by the minute, and precise web and mobile traffic composition, you know exactly what to test. SOASTA’s mPulse is RUM that is easy to implement and gives instant insight that will change your perspective of performance, monitoring and testing forever. Performance experts Cliff Crocker and Buddy Brewer will walk thru the latest release of SOASTA’s mPulse and show how it helps companies see every user, every second, while providing critical information for more accurate testing.

performance testingload testingreal user measurement
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 5
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 6
o Small Batch Sizes
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 7
o Small Batch Sizes
o Comprehensive Version Control
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 8
o Small Batch Sizes
o Comprehensive Version Control
o Simple Branch Strategies

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Get Ready for Changes To Load Testing
Get Ready for Changes To Load Testing Get Ready for Changes To Load Testing
Get Ready for Changes To Load Testing

This document outlines a webinar presentation on performance testing. It discusses how performance testing needs to change to keep up with trends like increased application development, continuous delivery, and more demanding users. Traditional approaches using siloed teams and infrequent testing are outdated. The presentation provides tips on breaking the status quo by increasing test frequency, embracing mobile applications, and integrating performance testing into agile development teams throughout the software lifecycle. Distributed, collaborative performance testing driven by real user data is presented as the new modern approach.

load testingload runnercloudtest
Secrets to Realistic Load Testing
Secrets to Realistic Load TestingSecrets to Realistic Load Testing
Secrets to Realistic Load Testing

It's all about conversion. Every e-commerce business that cares about improving revenue has a narrow focus of optimizing their website to improve customer experience. However, most companies still lack the ability to create realistic website performance tests due to limitations in their current test methods. In this webinar you'll learn: 1) How to tie business metrics (ROI) with website performance metrics and real user data 2) How to build performance tests that will model user behavior on your site 3) How to correlate data analytics so you can troubleshoot bottlenecks to improve performance

performance testingload testingweb performance
SOASTA Webinar: Process Compression For Mobile App Dev 120612
SOASTA Webinar: Process Compression For Mobile App Dev 120612SOASTA Webinar: Process Compression For Mobile App Dev 120612
SOASTA Webinar: Process Compression For Mobile App Dev 120612

The webinar discusses continuous integration and automation for mobile development and testing. It presents tools from Atlassian, Zephyr, and SOASTA that can help automate the mobile development and testing process. Continuous integration with Bamboo can help developers integrate code changes more frequently and fail builds faster to catch bugs earlier. Zephyr provides test management to centralize test assets and provide visibility. SOASTA offers tools for test automation, real user monitoring, and performance/load testing to help achieve test completion with quality. Together these tools can help speed up the mobile development process through continuous integration, test automation, and visibility into the testing process.

© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 9
o Small Batch Sizes
o Comprehensive Version Control
o Simple Branch Strategies
o Automation
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 10
o Small Batch Sizes
o Comprehensive Version Control
o Simple Branch Strategies
o Automation
o Continuous Feedback
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 11
o Small Batch Sizes
o Comprehensive Version Control
o Simple Branch Strategies
o Automation
o Continuous Feedback
o Emphasis on working builds
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 12
o Small Batch Sizes
o Comprehensive Version Control
o Simple Branch Strategies
o Automation
o Continuous Feedback
o Emphasis on working builds
o Consistent environments

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Modern Load Testing: Move Your Load Testing from the Past to the Present
Modern Load Testing: Move Your Load Testing from the Past to the PresentModern Load Testing: Move Your Load Testing from the Past to the Present
Modern Load Testing: Move Your Load Testing from the Past to the Present

Load testing approaches of the past support application delivery of the past. Times have changed. Today’s leading companies do more testing in less time with higher coverage of their web and mobile applications, everyday. In this webinar you’ll learn: - Why user experience is king - How to do front-to-back performance testing for mobile and web apps - How to deploy web and mobile load tests with global scale and distribution - Live production testing enabled with real-time analysis and control - How real user monitoring drives test creation and guides production testing The time is now to move your testing from the past to the present! Join us for tips and tricks to get you there.

load testingmobile testingcontinuous integration
5 Keys to Your Best Automated Testing Strategy
5 Keys to Your Best Automated Testing Strategy5 Keys to Your Best Automated Testing Strategy
5 Keys to Your Best Automated Testing Strategy

Recent Microsoft studies have demonstrated not everyone gets automated testing right; many enterprises still lack the know-how to achieve optimum results. Join our upcoming webinar on 5 Keys to your best Automated Testing Strategy. In this webinar, we will cover: Avoiding the Automation ‘Gotchas’ Visualizing end-to-end performance Predicting and solving performance issues …along with a live demo of SOASTA’s Mobile Functional Test with integrated device performance metrics.

The Four Hats of Load and Performance Testing with special guest Mentora
The Four Hats of Load and Performance Testing with special guest MentoraThe Four Hats of Load and Performance Testing with special guest Mentora
The Four Hats of Load and Performance Testing with special guest Mentora

Performance testing may be the most critical function to assuring business success and continuity under unexpected application stress conditions. Professionals in this domain develop several key skills to model realistic workloads, develop robust scripts, monitor complex environments, and deliver actionable results. In this webinar hear how good teams effectively utilize the skills associated with the four hats of performance testing: - Business Analyst, for effective test planning - Developer, for creating maintainable scripts - Systems Engineer, to identify and configure resource monitors - Data Analyst, to interpret and report results Dan Downing, Managing Principal at Mentora, is a veteran performance tester, teacher, author, and presenter, with 30 years of enterprise testing expertise. Join Dan and fellow test industry veteran, Brad Johnson, SOASTA’s VP of Product, as they explore these four key areas where skills and expert tools must intersect to deliver speed and quality in today’s fast moving companies. About the presenters: Dan Downing, Managing Principal, Application Testing, Mentora Dan leads the Enterprise Application Performance Testing practice and serves as the principal consultant for quality assessments and large enterprise projects. He has 30 years technical and leadership experience as programmer, sales engineer, product manager, senior manager, and has led enterprise load testing projects for a variety of industries. Dan is widely regarded as a subject matter expert in load testing and created the 5-Steps of Load Testing methodology taught at Mercury Interactive. He is a frequent presenter at software quality conferences such as STAR, STPCon, and Workshop on Performance and Reliability for which he is one of the organizers. Brad Johnson, VP Product, SOASTA Brad Johnson has been supporting testers since the turn of the last century as head of monitoring and test products at Compuware, Mercury Interactive and Borland. He joined the new school of testing in 2009 when he signed on with SOASTA to deliver cloud testing on the CloudTest platform to a skeptical and established software testing market. Now, with the experience of tens-of-thousands of tests and hundreds of companies embracing the cloud, and using the same for mobile test automation, he’s helping expand the horizons of testers everywhere.

performance testingload testingweb design and development
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 13
o Small Batch Sizes
o Comprehensive Version Control
o Simple Branch Strategies
o Automation
o Continuous Feedback
o Emphasis on working builds
o Consistent environments
o Developer – Tester Collaboration
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 14
• SOASTA Introduction
• The need for “Continuous”
• CI with mobile and performance testing
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 15
• We can only test as fast as the conveyor belt allows.
• If the conveyor belt is moving slow, testing is delayed.
• The Big 3 drives testing cycle.
o Why is CI critical?
• Speed
• New features, functions, etc. need to get to the customer, ASAP!
“We didn’t have enough
testing for a very complicated
US Health and Human
Services Secretary, Kathleen
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 16
Memory leaks
Scale of Test
& Test
& Deploy
& Ops
CDN file placement
Load Balancer configuration
Network bandwidth
Network configuration
DNS routing
Inadequate server resources
Default configuration settings
Unbalanced web serversAuto-scaling failures
Latency between systems
Slow third-party plug-ins
Garbage collection
Database thread counts
Inefficient database queriesSlow pages
Conflict with other apps
Test Lab Staging Production (100% +++)
Search technology limits
Method-level tuning
Max sockets exceeded
Firewall max capacity
Global latency variance
Security bottlenecks
Tuning for full-scale…and well beyond

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Adopting Cloud Testing for Continuous Delivery, with the premier global provi...
Adopting Cloud Testing for Continuous Delivery, with the premier global provi...Adopting Cloud Testing for Continuous Delivery, with the premier global provi...
Adopting Cloud Testing for Continuous Delivery, with the premier global provi...

IDC, the premier global provider of IT market research, and SOASTA, an IDC industry leader in cloud testing know that maintaining leadership means moving quickly to outpace the competition. Both IDC and SOASTA work with clients to realize the benefits that cloud computing brings to delivering high quality, rapidly deployable web and mobile applications. Join them in this webinar where you will hear: IDC speak on: Perspectives on the state of cloud computing for agile web and mobile development Market dynamics and maturity around the cloud and cloud testing Recommendations for getting started with cloud testing SOASTA speak on: The business drivers for cloud and virtualization Customer goals of using and implementing cloud testing The road to implementing cloud testing in a continuous integration model Case studies of customer cloud testing success SOASTA’s services and technology will be highlighted and demonstrated as a solution for continuous web and mobile testing as utilized by the Paychex team. Who Should Attend? Senior IT Management Development and QA Executives and Directors Performance team leads and engineers Test Automation leads and engineers Mobile Development and Testing team leads and engineers

cloud computingcloud testingcloudtest
7 steps to pragmatic mobile testing
7 steps to pragmatic mobile testing7 steps to pragmatic mobile testing
7 steps to pragmatic mobile testing

Join us for this webinar that will introduce you to the latest mobile testing technology and processes implemented by Forbes Fortune 5 Companies and the Top 10 Internet Retailers, reducing time to market and giving back valuable time to your business with every test cycle. With the implementation of leading technology, people and processes, our customers have turned taxing four-week long test cycles to simple overnight automation. Give us an hour and let us show you the seven steps on the path to successful Mobile Test Automation. Topics we will cover will include: 1. Know your User 2. Know your App 3. Know your Matrix 4. Know your Devices 5. Know your plan to Automate 6. Know your Performance 7. Know your Edge

mobile testingmobilmobile test automation
What Retailers Know About Performance and User Experience
What Retailers Know About Performance and User ExperienceWhat Retailers Know About Performance and User Experience
What Retailers Know About Performance and User Experience

The document discusses a presentation by SOASTA on optimizing retail website performance. It outlines the agenda which includes retail case studies, considerations from optimizing performance, and SOASTA's solutions for measuring and testing user performance. It then shares case studies of retailers who worked with SOASTA to test and improve their websites, reducing issues and increasing sales.

© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 17
Does it work as
Does it perform
under extreme
Approve materials Real Drivers
What happens
in actual
Assembly Line
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 18
Functional validation
scalability tests
Real Users
What happens
in actual
Unit-tested code
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 19
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 20
Jenkins runs any
unit tests as usual

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Using JMeter in CloudTest for Continuous Testing
Using JMeter in CloudTest for Continuous TestingUsing JMeter in CloudTest for Continuous Testing
Using JMeter in CloudTest for Continuous Testing

The document discusses SOASTA's Spring Release of their CloudTest product. Some key highlights include new features like network emulation, version control integration, and first class support for the popular open source load testing tool JMeter. It also covers trends around shifting performance testing left into development and right from development into production environments.

Webinar: Version Control in SOASTA 57
Webinar: Version Control in SOASTA 57Webinar: Version Control in SOASTA 57
Webinar: Version Control in SOASTA 57

Version Control in SOASTA 57 Spring Release Video “Everything as Code” is a key to moving to DevOps, providing visibility and repeatability in processes. To support this, we added Version Control to the SOASTA 57 Spring release. Come to this webinar to learn how to connect CloudTest to your Git-compatible version control system so you can: Protect all your test assets as code with version control Support local and distributed teams with remote access Track changes to test artifacts, update to newer versions, or revert if needed

soastacloudtestload testing
Testing In Production (TiP) Advances with Big Data & the Cloud
Testing In Production (TiP) Advances with Big Data & the CloudTesting In Production (TiP) Advances with Big Data & the Cloud
Testing In Production (TiP) Advances with Big Data & the Cloud

Testing in Production (TiP) has moved from taboo to accepted practice owing to its ability to measure reality and provide actionable feedback. These risks can be mitigated by using proven methodologies, methodologies borne of experience and tools built specifically to handle TiP’s unique requirements. Big Data enables TIP by analyzing user behavior then creating realistic tests. During testing, cloud-based resources are used for the huge data volumes and processed within-memory technology specifically designed for this process Microsoft’s Seth Eliot is a TiP pioneer and SOASTA’s Rob Holcomb has helped evolve the practice with hundreds of SOASTA customers. Catch this webinar, now on-demand, as they dig into: How to leverage both active and passive monitoring for TiP Testing and measuring system stress in production Experimentation and iterative improvement How SOASTA CloudTest facilitates TiP for organizations of all sizes

microsoft tipload testingproduction testing
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 21
Run iterative load
tests via Jenkins
Spin up suitable, consistent
test environments in the
cloud or the lab
Jenkins runs any
unit tests as usual
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 22
Run iterative load
tests via Jenkins
Mobile? Run functional
automation on real devices
for functional & performance
Spin up suitable, consistent
test environments in the
cloud or the lab
Jenkins runs any
unit tests as usual
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 23
Run iterative load
tests via Jenkins
Daily (or more frequent) updates
keep teams quality focused
Embedded failure
details & bottleneck
data isolate issues
Mobile? Run functional
automation on real devices
for functional & performance
Spin up suitable, consistent
test environments in the
cloud or the lab
Jenkins runs any
unit tests as usual
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 24
Run iterative load
tests via Jenkins
Daily (or more frequent) updates
keep teams quality focused
Embedded failure
details & bottleneck
data isolate issues
Manage to a
Mobile? Run functional
automation on real devices
for functional & performance
Spin up suitable, consistent
test environments in the
cloud or the lab
Jenkins runs any
unit tests as usual

Recommended for you

New Features in CloudTest & TouchTest
New Features in CloudTest & TouchTestNew Features in CloudTest & TouchTest
New Features in CloudTest & TouchTest

Check out the latest and greatest features in the SOASTA Spring release of CloudTest and TouchTest including: – JMeter support for easy performance testing from development to production – Version control to manage all your testing assets in Git – Network emulation to build load tests that better model customer actions from desktop and mobile – iOS 9.3 support including 3D Touch – Much more that will be covered in the webinar

cloudtestload testingmobile testing
Continuous Testing and New Tools for Automation - Presentation from StarWest ...
Continuous Testing and New Tools for Automation - Presentation from StarWest ...Continuous Testing and New Tools for Automation - Presentation from StarWest ...
Continuous Testing and New Tools for Automation - Presentation from StarWest ...

Learn how you can create a full continuous integration solution entirely in the cloud using GitHub, Selenium, Sauce Labs, and Travis CI. Michael will show you how to take advantage of these hosted development resources to improve the velocity of your releases and provide the application quality your users demand. He will demonstrate how Sauce Labs can securely execute your Selenium tests in parallel and dramatically reduce the time required to run your critical integration and acceptance tests—so you can finally realize the promise of continuous delivery.

cicontinuous integrationselenium conference
Automated Testing in Continuous Change Management
Automated Testing in Continuous Change ManagementAutomated Testing in Continuous Change Management
Automated Testing in Continuous Change Management

Marc Hornbeek is a senior solutions architect at Spirent Communications who has managed their transition to more agile testing practices. This presentation describes Spirent's journey from large, infrequent "freight train" releases to more modular, continuous "mover" releases enabled by test automation tools and DevOps practices. It discusses how Spirent moved from separate test environments and processes to a centralized, change-driven model with integrated development and testing. The goal was to allow more incremental and frequent releases to increase velocity while maintaining stability and coverage.

© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 25
Use real user data to
iterate dev & test plans
Run iterative load
tests via Jenkins
Daily (or more frequent) updates
keep teams quality focused
Embedded failure
details & bottleneck
data isolate issues
Manage to a
Mobile? Run functional
automation on real devices
for functional & performance
Spin up suitable, consistent
test environments in the
cloud or the lab
Jenkins runs any
unit tests as usual
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 26
o Load and Performance Testing with Cloudtest
o Mobile Functional Test Automation with TouchTest
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 27
o SOASTA’s Process Metrics
• 3 Main Products
• (2) Builds per day of each product (Dev branch + Customer branch)
• 8,000 tests executed per build
• For Mobile (TouchTest), Over 300 fully-automated tests each for iOS & Android
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 28
o Understand your requirements
o Identify the cloud advantages for you
o Automate the obvious and most critical
o Connect to a continuous process
o Align teams with actionable information

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TestTalks - Performance Testing
TestTalks - Performance TestingTestTalks - Performance Testing
TestTalks - Performance Testing

Performance Testing Terminology Performance Requirements Server-side vs Client-side Code Tool Selection Considerations Cloud Integration Agile Delivery Pipeline Performance Testing Tips

Continuous Testing
Continuous TestingContinuous Testing
Continuous Testing

This is an overview of continuous integration, deployment and testing. It's a half day presentation, given in Orlando at Agile Dev Conference East.

softwareagilecontinuous integration
Continuous Testing
Continuous TestingContinuous Testing
Continuous Testing

The document discusses the concept of continuous testing using the Guard gem. It describes how Guard can be used to automatically run tests and linting tools on file changes. It provides examples of configuring Guard plugins to run PHPUnit, PHPCS, PHPMD, and custom shell commands on changes. It also discusses notifications for Guard using options like terminal titles, libnotify, and tmux.

continuous testingphpguard
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 29
o Understand your requirements
o Identify the cloud advantages for you
o Automate the obvious and most critical
o Connect to a continuous process
o Align teams with actionable information
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 30
o Understand your requirements
o Identify the cloud advantages for you
o Automate the obvious and most critical
o Connect to a continuous process
o Align teams with actionable information
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 31
o Understand your requirements
o Identify the cloud advantages for you
o Automate the obvious and most critical
o Connect to a continuous process
o Align teams with actionable information
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 32
o Understand your requirements
o Identify the cloud advantages for you
o Automate the obvious and most critical
o Connect to a continuous process
o Align teams with actionable information

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DevOps Tactical Adoption Theory: Continuous Testing
DevOps Tactical Adoption Theory: Continuous TestingDevOps Tactical Adoption Theory: Continuous Testing
DevOps Tactical Adoption Theory: Continuous Testing

DevOps Tactical Adoption Theory tries to make the transition process as smooth as possible. It hypothesis each step towards DevOps maturity should bring a visible business value empowering management and team commitment for the next step. The innovative idea here, it is not required to add the tools/processes to stack from sequential beginning to end, but seeking benefit. The reason behind the theory is to encourage practitioners to apply each step one-by-one and then having the benefits in projects. Consequently, each step is tested in terms of utility and proved method validity for the further steps. In contrast to previous adoption models, our model indicates concrete activities rather than general statements. Theory built on the claim that many DevOps transition projects considered problematic, impractical or even unsuccessful causing concept to become a goal more than a technique. Basically, theory consists of different areas of interest describing various actions on a schema. In the session, it is planned to demonstrate “DevOps Tactical Adoption Theory” with focus on Delivery Pipeline/Testing Practices sectioned "Continuous Testing in DevOps".

continuous testingdevopsagile
Developing Universal Apps and REST APIs using Visual Studio Online
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This document discusses Microsoft Universal Apps and provides an overview of their structure including views, code behind, models, view models, and services. It also covers using Visual Studio Online for universal app development, mentioning features like version control, work items, and how to login. The document concludes with a demo and Q&A section on universal apps and VSO.

unversal appwindows 8rest api
DevOps Tactical Adoption Theory - DevOpsDays istanbul 2016
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DevOps Tactical Adoption Theory - DevOpsDays istanbul 2016

This document contains information about DevOps tactics and adoption theories presented by Berk Dülger. It discusses implementing DevOps practices incrementally to demonstrate business value at each step and gain management support. It also emphasizes the importance of continuous testing, including both unit and UI testing, and provides an example of a tactical adoption approach for continuous testing.

continuous testingdevopsagile
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 33CONFIDENTIAL – Not for Distribution
Competitive advantage
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 34
We will close with some Mobile Trivia
© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 35
Dan Boutin – Senior Product Evangelist
Mobile (404) 304-9529
o Visit our Blog:
o Questions? @DanBoutinSOASTA

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Lean Enterprise, A Definitive Approach in Software Development Production
Lean Enterprise, A Definitive Approach in Software Development ProductionLean Enterprise, A Definitive Approach in Software Development Production
Lean Enterprise, A Definitive Approach in Software Development Production

This document summarizes a presentation on lean enterprise and software development methodologies. It discusses: 1) The chaotic nature of software development and how 66% of projects are unsuccessful or 30% cancelled due to unpredictable nature, leading many to adopt agile/lean methods. 2) An overview of agile methods like Scrum and Kanban, as well as DevOps and Continuous Delivery approaches. 3) How the target methodology selection is DevOps combined with Scrumban for management, to increase efficiency and push increments to production just in time, unlike sprints in Scrum. 4) The final section discusses tactical DevOps adoption through continuous testing and visible business value at each step to encourage practitioners

Optimizing your marketing promotions to mazimize your revenue
Optimizing your marketing promotions to mazimize your revenueOptimizing your marketing promotions to mazimize your revenue
Optimizing your marketing promotions to mazimize your revenue

Ecommerce businesses that aren’t optimizing the speed and performance of their online promotions are leaving large sums of money on the table. Analyzing the billions of collected customer experience data from top internet retailers tells us this is not the exception – it’s the norm. So how can your company maximize returns from your marketing campaigns? Join Mat Ball and SOASTA Chairman and Founder, Ken Gardner to see how top internet retailers – such as Gap, Neiman Marcus, and Lowe's – maximize revenue and conversion outcomes for their promotional campaigns. We'll cover: A “how-to” process for optimizing your marketing promotions through your user data Proof of Revenue - visual proof that better site performance (speed/availability) significantly impacts campaign performance (conversions and revenue generation) Beginning and end snapshots of success stories of SOASTA customers using data science Speakers Ken Gardner - SOASTA Founder and Chairman Mat Ball - Marketing Manager, SOASTA DataScience

Testing in DevOps: UKStar conference
Testing in DevOps: UKStar conferenceTesting in DevOps: UKStar conference
Testing in DevOps: UKStar conference

The document discusses a progressive approach to balancing quality and speed in software development. It proposes a 3-step process: 1) Testing the initial idea with examples and definitions of success, 2) Testing a first increment in production and measuring impact, and 3) Making the feature fully available once validation and automation are completed. The approach aims to test value first, invest progressively in quality, gain user feedback, and create an environment for experimentation.

agile testingsoftware testingdevops
September 9, 2015
“Continuous Testing in DevOps”
Dan Boutin – Senior Product Evangelist
Mobile (404) 304-9529

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Continuous Testing

  • 1. September 9, 2015 “Continuous Testing in DevOps” Dan Boutin – Senior Product Evangelist Mobile (404) 304-9529 @DanBoutinSOASTA
  • 2. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 2 Agenda: • SOASTA Introduction • The need for “Continuous” • The “Big 3” • CI with mobile and performance testing
  • 3. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 3 100 Billion User Experiences Tested 10 Million Tests Performed Actual CloudTest view
  • 4. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 4 Agenda: • SOASTA Introduction • The need for “Continuous” • CI with mobile and performance testing
  • 5. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 5
  • 6. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 6 o Small Batch Sizes
  • 7. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 7 o Small Batch Sizes o Comprehensive Version Control
  • 8. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 8 o Small Batch Sizes o Comprehensive Version Control o Simple Branch Strategies
  • 9. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 9 o Small Batch Sizes o Comprehensive Version Control o Simple Branch Strategies o Automation
  • 10. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 10 o Small Batch Sizes o Comprehensive Version Control o Simple Branch Strategies o Automation o Continuous Feedback
  • 11. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 11 o Small Batch Sizes o Comprehensive Version Control o Simple Branch Strategies o Automation o Continuous Feedback o Emphasis on working builds
  • 12. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 12 o Small Batch Sizes o Comprehensive Version Control o Simple Branch Strategies o Automation o Continuous Feedback o Emphasis on working builds o Consistent environments
  • 13. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 13 o Small Batch Sizes o Comprehensive Version Control o Simple Branch Strategies o Automation o Continuous Feedback o Emphasis on working builds o Consistent environments o Developer – Tester Collaboration
  • 14. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 14 Agenda: • SOASTA Introduction • The need for “Continuous” • CI with mobile and performance testing
  • 15. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 15 • We can only test as fast as the conveyor belt allows. • If the conveyor belt is moving slow, testing is delayed. • The Big 3 drives testing cycle. o Why is CI critical? • Speed • New features, functions, etc. need to get to the customer, ASAP! “We didn’t have enough testing for a very complicated project” US Health and Human Services Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius
  • 16. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 16 s Memory leaks Scale of Test Stage/Team Dev & Test Release & Deploy Network & Ops CDN file placement Load Balancer configuration Network bandwidth Network configuration DNS routing Inadequate server resources Default configuration settings Unbalanced web serversAuto-scaling failures Latency between systems Slow third-party plug-ins Garbage collection Database thread counts Inefficient database queriesSlow pages Conflict with other apps Test Lab Staging Production (100% +++) Search technology limits Method-level tuning Max sockets exceeded Firewall max capacity Global latency variance Security bottlenecks Tuning for full-scale…and well beyond
  • 17. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 17 Does it work as designed? Does it perform under extreme circumstances? Approve materials Real Drivers What happens in actual conditions? Assembly Line
  • 18. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 18 Functional validation Performance, reliability, scalability tests Real Users Build What happens in actual conditions? Unit-tested code
  • 19. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 19
  • 20. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 20 Jenkins runs any unit tests as usual
  • 21. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 21 Run iterative load tests via Jenkins Spin up suitable, consistent test environments in the cloud or the lab Jenkins runs any unit tests as usual
  • 22. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 22 Run iterative load tests via Jenkins Mobile? Run functional automation on real devices for functional & performance validation Spin up suitable, consistent test environments in the cloud or the lab Jenkins runs any unit tests as usual
  • 23. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 23 Run iterative load tests via Jenkins Daily (or more frequent) updates keep teams quality focused Embedded failure details & bottleneck data isolate issues Mobile? Run functional automation on real devices for functional & performance validation Spin up suitable, consistent test environments in the cloud or the lab Jenkins runs any unit tests as usual
  • 24. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 24 Run iterative load tests via Jenkins Daily (or more frequent) updates keep teams quality focused Embedded failure details & bottleneck data isolate issues Manage to a performance baseline Mobile? Run functional automation on real devices for functional & performance validation Spin up suitable, consistent test environments in the cloud or the lab Jenkins runs any unit tests as usual
  • 25. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 25 Use real user data to iterate dev & test plans Run iterative load tests via Jenkins Daily (or more frequent) updates keep teams quality focused Embedded failure details & bottleneck data isolate issues Manage to a performance baseline Mobile? Run functional automation on real devices for functional & performance validation Spin up suitable, consistent test environments in the cloud or the lab Jenkins runs any unit tests as usual
  • 26. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 26 o Load and Performance Testing with Cloudtest o Mobile Functional Test Automation with TouchTest
  • 27. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 27 o SOASTA’s Process Metrics • 3 Main Products • (2) Builds per day of each product (Dev branch + Customer branch) • 8,000 tests executed per build • For Mobile (TouchTest), Over 300 fully-automated tests each for iOS & Android
  • 28. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 28 o Understand your requirements o Identify the cloud advantages for you o Automate the obvious and most critical o Connect to a continuous process o Align teams with actionable information
  • 29. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 29 o Understand your requirements o Identify the cloud advantages for you o Automate the obvious and most critical o Connect to a continuous process o Align teams with actionable information
  • 30. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 30 o Understand your requirements o Identify the cloud advantages for you o Automate the obvious and most critical o Connect to a continuous process o Align teams with actionable information
  • 31. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 31 o Understand your requirements o Identify the cloud advantages for you o Automate the obvious and most critical o Connect to a continuous process o Align teams with actionable information
  • 32. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 32 o Understand your requirements o Identify the cloud advantages for you o Automate the obvious and most critical o Connect to a continuous process o Align teams with actionable information
  • 33. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 33CONFIDENTIAL – Not for Distribution Revenue Brand Competitive advantage
  • 34. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 34 We will close with some Mobile Trivia @DanBoutinSOASTA
  • 35. © 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 35 Questions? Dan Boutin – Senior Product Evangelist Mobile (404) 304-9529 @DanBoutinSOASTA o Visit our Blog: o Questions? @DanBoutinSOASTA
  • 37. September 9, 2015 “Continuous Testing in DevOps” Dan Boutin – Senior Product Evangelist Mobile (404) 304-9529 @DanBoutinSOASTA