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Cliff Crocker 
VP Product, mPulse
1. How fast am I? 
2. How fast should I be? 
3. How do I get there?
Synthetic 101 
Synthetic monitoring (for purposes of this discussion) refers to 
the use of automated agents (bots) to measure your website 
from different physical locations. 
• A set ‘path’ or URL is defined 
• Tests are run either adhoc or scheduled and data is collected

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Edge 2016 can webpagetest be trusted
Edge 2016 can webpagetest be trustedEdge 2016 can webpagetest be trusted
Edge 2016 can webpagetest be trusted is the de-facto benchmark to measure website performance. However, the many testing options it offers can significantly impact its results, and it has become challenging to decide which ones to use. Based on real-life measurements of popular websites, this presentation explores its repeatability and relevance to help its users define Webpagetest settings that best meet their needs.

Measuring What Matters - Fluent Conf 2018
Measuring What Matters - Fluent Conf 2018Measuring What Matters - Fluent Conf 2018
Measuring What Matters - Fluent Conf 2018

Cliff Crocker discusses best practices for measuring what matters and applying an understandable methodology that achieves what we are all after: happier users.


The document discusses how Akamai's Intelligent Internet Platform addresses challenges posed by increasingly sophisticated websites and rising consumer expectations for faster load times and richer content. It does this through a global network of servers that optimize routing, cache content closer to users, compress data and prefetch resources to accelerate page loads. Case studies show how Akamai has helped customers like Best Buy and Urban Outfitters improve performance, scale to handle traffic spikes and reduce infrastructure costs.

RUM 101 
Real User Measurement (RUM) is a technology for collecting 
performance metrics directly from the browser of an end user. 
• Involves instrumentation of your website via JavaScript 
• Measurements are fired across the network to a collection point 
through a small request object (beacon) 
Cast a wide net 
• Identify key areas of concern 
• Understand real user impact 
• Map performance to human behavior & $$ 
Diagnostic tool 
• Identify issues in a ‘lab’/remove variables 
• Reproduce a problem found with RUM 
The Early Days of RUM 
• Round-trip time 
• Start/stop timers via JavaScript 
• Early contributors: 
• Steve Souders/Episodes 
• Philip Tellis/Boomerang.js 
• Both widely in use today
Navigation Timing

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Applying Advanced Techniques to Azure Web Apps
Applying Advanced Techniques to Azure Web AppsApplying Advanced Techniques to Azure Web Apps
Applying Advanced Techniques to Azure Web Apps

A lap around 4 advanced techniques or services to complement an Azure Web App solution. Application Gateway with Web Application Firewall Azure SQL VNet Integration with (ASE v2) Azure CDN Auto Scale & Visual Studio Load Testing

azureazure web appsapplication gateway
Implementing Large Scale Digital Asset Repositories with Adobe Experience Man...
Implementing Large Scale Digital Asset Repositories with Adobe Experience Man...Implementing Large Scale Digital Asset Repositories with Adobe Experience Man...
Implementing Large Scale Digital Asset Repositories with Adobe Experience Man...

This document discusses scaling digital asset management systems to handle large repositories. It begins by describing challenges that can arise from trying to scale a DAM system without optimization. It then provides recommendations for optimizing asset processing workflows and configurations. Finally, it outlines several architectural approaches for scaling a DAM system, such as using separate instances for ingestion/processing and executing intensive tasks. The goal is to first optimize and then scale the system in a way that matches asset usage and adds necessary resources.

scene7adobe experience managerdam
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity NY
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity NYExtreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity NY
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity NY

The document discusses optimizing web performance for mobile devices. It covers mobile web platforms and browsers, the importance of performance on mobile, tools for measuring performance, optimizing initial loading and above-the-fold content within 1 second, and maintaining responsiveness. The key recommendations are to measure on real devices, avoid redirects, reduce requests, load above-the-fold content quickly and defer the rest, and prioritize simplicity over complex designs and frameworks.

html5optimizationweb performance
Browser Support for Navigation Timing 
© 2014 SOASTA CONFIDENTIAL - All rights reserved.10 
Navigation Timing 
DNS: Domain Lookup Time 
function getPerfStats() { 
var timing = window.performance.timing; 
return { 
dns: timing.domainLookupEnd - timing.domainLookupStart}; 
© 2014 SOASTA CONFIDENTIAL - All rights reserved.11 
Navigation Timing 
TCP: Connection Time to Server 
function getPerfStats() { 
var timing = window.performance.timing; 
return { 
connect: timing.connectEnd - timing.connectStart}; 
© 2014 SOASTA CONFIDENTIAL - All rights reserved.12 
Navigation Timing 
TTFB: Time to First Byte 
function getPerfStats() { 
var timing = window.performance.timing; 
return { 
ttfb: timing.responseStart - timing.connectEnd}; 

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Performance tuning of Websites
Performance tuning of WebsitesPerformance tuning of Websites
Performance tuning of Websites

A tutorial on how to improve performance of webpages. Covers most of the artifacts needed for a good audit score on browsers.

Responsive Websites and Grid-Based Layouts by Gabriel Walt
Responsive Websites and Grid-Based Layouts by Gabriel Walt Responsive Websites and Grid-Based Layouts by Gabriel Walt
Responsive Websites and Grid-Based Layouts by Gabriel Walt

The document discusses Adobe Experience Manager's capabilities for responsive web design. It provides an overview of responsive vs adaptive design and how AEM allows editing responsive layouts through a grid system. It then details how to set up responsive editing in AEM, including enabling the responsive emulator, layouting mode, and responsive grid. It also covers developing components for the responsive grid and leveraging breakpoints.

40 - IDNOG03 - Bob Lau (Akamai) - BGP and Traffic Engineering
40 - IDNOG03  - Bob Lau (Akamai) - BGP and Traffic Engineering40 - IDNOG03  - Bob Lau (Akamai) - BGP and Traffic Engineering
40 - IDNOG03 - Bob Lau (Akamai) - BGP and Traffic Engineering

The document discusses Akamai's content delivery network and traffic engineering with Akamai. It provides an overview of Akamai's global intelligent platform and typical daily traffic volumes. It also covers how Akamai mapping works and why peering with Akamai benefits both Akamai and internet service providers. The document analyzes two scenarios involving traffic tuning during a cable break and issues with incomplete route announcements. It concludes with recommendations for internet service providers to maintain complete route announcements and work with Akamai on traffic engineering solutions.

© 2014 SOASTA CONFIDENTIAL - All rights reserved.13 
Navigation Timing 
Base Page 
function getPerfStats() { 
var timing = window.performance.timing; 
return { 
basePage: timing.responseEnd - timing.responseStart}; 
© 2014 SOASTA CONFIDENTIAL - All rights reserved.14 
Navigation Timing 
Front-end Time 
function getPerfStats() { 
var timing = window.performance.timing; 
return { 
frontEnd: timing.loadEventStart - timing.responseEnd}; 
© 2014 SOASTA CONFIDENTIAL - All rights reserved.15 
Navigation Timing 
Page Load Time 
function getPerfStats() { 
var timing = window.performance.timing; 
return { 
load: timing.loadEventStart - timing.navigationStart}; 
Measuring Assets 
• Strength of synthetic 
• Full visibility into asset performance 
• Images 
• JavaScript 
• CSS 
• A lot of which is served by third-parties 
• CDN!

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Secure DevOps Workflow at Dell with Enterprise Application Access (EAA)
Secure DevOps Workflow at Dell with Enterprise Application Access (EAA)Secure DevOps Workflow at Dell with Enterprise Application Access (EAA)
Secure DevOps Workflow at Dell with Enterprise Application Access (EAA)

Dell uses Akamai's Enterprise Application Access (EAA) to securely test changes to redirects and caching rules. EAA allows Dell developers and testers to access non-production environments from various devices internally and externally without a VPN. This helps Dell validate complex configurations before deploying updates to production and identify issues by seeing which redirect rule was triggered. Dell installed EAA appliances in their environment which use reverse proxies and Active Directory integration to securely grant internal users access for automated testing of Akamai rules.

Developing High Performance Web Apps - CodeMash 2011
Developing High Performance Web Apps - CodeMash 2011Developing High Performance Web Apps - CodeMash 2011
Developing High Performance Web Apps - CodeMash 2011

This document provides an overview of techniques for developing high performance web applications. It discusses why front-end performance matters, and outlines best practices for optimizing page load times, using responsive interfaces, loading and executing JavaScript efficiently, and accessing data. The presentation recommends tools for monitoring and improving performance, such as Firebug, Page Speed, and YSlow.

AWS Simple Workflow: Distributed Out of the Box! - JEEConf 2016
AWS Simple Workflow: Distributed Out of the Box! - JEEConf 2016AWS Simple Workflow: Distributed Out of the Box! - JEEConf 2016
AWS Simple Workflow: Distributed Out of the Box! - JEEConf 2016

Do you have a lot of complex jobs that you need to run as part of your application? Do they consist of multiple tasks and you wonder how to orchestrate them properly? Do you want to be able to easily scale their execution? Is availability of your workers important to you? If you answer “Yes” to these questions then AWS Simple Workflow is the right tool for you. In this talk we will go through Amazon SWF and Java Flow Framework and you will see how to get a distributed job execution engine right out of the box. We will also compare SWF to alternative solutions, discuss real life experience, and of course enjoy a live demo. The talk will be most useful to everyone who is interested in the design of distributed systems and is new to AWS SWF.

aws simple workflowjeeconfaws swf
Object Level RUM
Browser Support for Resource Timing
CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing 
Timing-Allow-Origin = "Timing-Allow-Origin" ":" origin-list-or- 
null | "*" 
Start/End time only unless Timing-Allow-Origin HTTP 
Request Header defined
Resource Timing 
var rUrl = ‘ 
var me = performance.getEntriesByName(url)[0]; 
var timings = { 
loadTime: me.duration, 
dns: me.domainLookupEnd - me.domainLookupStart, 
tcp: me.connectEnd - me.connectStart, 
waiting: me.responseStart - me.requestStart, 
fetch: me.responseEnd - me.responseStart 

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Integration Reloaded - Integration solutions based on reactive principles
Integration Reloaded - Integration solutions based on reactive principlesIntegration Reloaded - Integration solutions based on reactive principles
Integration Reloaded - Integration solutions based on reactive principles

Integration is not hip but relevant, especially with respect to the ongoing digital transformation. What does this mean in concrete terms with modern software architectures? Traditionally, monolithic ESB platforms are used in the integration space. Is this still in keeping with the times? We think not. Why? Today’s requirements are volatile, and data loads are increasing constantly. So modern integration architectures need to be scalable, flexible, and easy to adjust. This session discusses requirements for integration architectures based on reactive principles and patterns. It also looks at possible solution architectures based on groundbreaking technologies such as Akka and modern platform solutions (on premises and cloud).

7 Use Cases in 7 Minutes Each : The Power of Workflows and Automation (SVC101...
7 Use Cases in 7 Minutes Each : The Power of Workflows and Automation (SVC101...7 Use Cases in 7 Minutes Each : The Power of Workflows and Automation (SVC101...
7 Use Cases in 7 Minutes Each : The Power of Workflows and Automation (SVC101...

The Amazon Simple Workflow (Amazon SWF) service is a building block for highly scalable applications. Where Amazon EC2 helps developers scale compute and Amazon S3 helps developers scale storage, Amazon SWF helps developers scale their business logic. Customers use Amazon SWF to coordinate, operate, and audit work across multiple machines—across the cloud or their own data centers. In this power-packed session, we demonstrate the power of workflows through 7 customer stories and 7 use cases, in 7 minutes each. We show how you can use Amazon SWF for curating social media streams, processing user-generated video, managing CRM workflows, and more. We show how customers are using Amazon SWF to automate virtually any script, library, job, or workflow and scale their application pipeline cost-effectively.

amazon web servicesaws cloudsqf
A Modern Approach to Performance Monitoring
A Modern Approach to Performance MonitoringA Modern Approach to Performance Monitoring
A Modern Approach to Performance Monitoring

Akamai Edge 14 - Discussion on RUM, Synthetic and setting realistic and meaningful performance goals.

Resource Timing 
• Slowest resources 
• Time to first image 
• Response time by domain 
• Time a group of assets 
• Response time by initiator type (element type) 
• Cache-hit ratio for resources 
For examples see:
Resource Timing 
• PerfMap - 
• Mark Zeman 
• Waterfall.js - 
• Andy Davies
1. How fast am I? 
2. How fast should I be? 
3. How do I get there?
Picking a Number 
• Industry benchmarks? 
• Apdex? 
• Analyst report? 
• Case studies?

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Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?) Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)

This document discusses various metrics for measuring website performance and user experience. It outlines different types of metrics including: - Network metrics like DNS resolution, TCP connection times, and time to first byte. - Browser metrics like start render time, DOM loading/ready times, and page load times. - Resource-level metrics obtained from the Resource Timing API like individual asset load times and response sizes. - User-centric metrics like Speed Index, time to visible content, and metrics for single-page applications without traditional page loads. It emphasizes the importance of measuring real user monitoring data alongside synthetic tests, and looking at higher percentiles rather than just averages due to variability in user environments and network conditions

onlineperformance testingperformance
Velocity NYC: Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Velocity NYC: Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)Velocity NYC: Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Velocity NYC: Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)

This document discusses various metrics for measuring website performance. It begins by noting that there are many metrics to consider and no single metric tells the whole story. It then discusses several key metrics for measuring different aspects of performance, including: - Front-end metrics like start render, DOM loading/ready, and page load that can isolate front-end from back-end performance. - Network metrics like DNS and TCP timings that provide insight into connectivity issues. - Resource timing metrics that measure individual assets to understand impacts of third parties and CDNs. - User timing metrics like measuring above-the-fold content that capture user experience. It emphasizes the importance of considering real user monitoring data alongside

user experienceperformancewebperf
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to metrics. In this session, Cliff Crocker and I walk through various metrics that answer performance questions from multiple perspectives — from designer and DevOps to CRO and CEO. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of your options, as well as a clear understanding of how to choose the right metric for the right audience.

velocity conferenceweb performance
“Synthetic monitoring shows you 
how you relate to your competitors, 
RUM shows you how you relate to 
your customers.” 
– Buddy Brewer
• Page construction 
• Requests 
• Images 
• Size 
• Other important metrics 
• Speedindex 
• Start Render 
• PageSpeed/Yslow scoring

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Measuring CDN performance and why you're doing it wrong
Measuring CDN performance and why you're doing it wrongMeasuring CDN performance and why you're doing it wrong
Measuring CDN performance and why you're doing it wrong

Integrating content delivery networks into your application infrastructure can offer many benefits, including major performance improvements for your applications. So understanding how CDNs perform — especially for your specific use cases — is vital. However, testing for measurement is complicated and nuanced, and results in metric overload and confusion. It's becoming increasingly important to understand measurement techniques, what they're telling you, and how to apply them to your actual content. In this session, we'll examine the challenges around measuring CDN performance and focus on the different methods for measurement. We'll discuss what to measure, important metrics to focus on, and different ways that numbers may mislead you. More specifically, we'll cover: Different techniques for measuring CDN performance Differentiating between network footprint and object delivery performance Choosing the right content to test Core metrics to focus on and how each impacts real traffic Understanding cache hit ratio, why it can be misleading, and how to measure for it

future of cdnscdnanalytics
Keys To World-Class Retail Web Performance - Expert tips for holiday web read...
Keys To World-Class Retail Web Performance - Expert tips for holiday web read...Keys To World-Class Retail Web Performance - Expert tips for holiday web read...
Keys To World-Class Retail Web Performance - Expert tips for holiday web read...

As’s former head of Performance and Reliability, Cliff Crocker knows large scale web performance. Now SOASTA’s VP of products, Cliff is pouring his passion and expertise into cloud testing to solve the biggest challenges in mobile and web performance. The holiday rush of mobile and web traffic to your web site has the potential for unprecedented success or spectacular public failure. The world’s leading retailers have turned to the cloud to assure that no matter what load, mobile and web apps will delight customers and protect revenue. Join us as Cliff explores the key criteria for holiday web performance readiness: Closing the gap in front- and back-end web performance and reliability Collecting real user data to define the most realistic test scenarios Preparing properly for the virtual walls of traffic during peak events Leveraging CloudTest technology, as have 6 of 10 leading retailers

load testingretailperformance testing
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)

You want a single, unicorn metric that magically sums up the user experience, business value, and numbers that DevOps cares about, but so far, you're just not getting it. So where do you start? In this talk at the 2015 Velocity conference in Santa Clara, Cliff Crocker and I walked through various metrics that answer performance questions from multiple perspectives -- from designer and DevOps to CRO and CEO.

Performance is a Business 
Yahoo! - 2008 
Increase of 400ms causes 
5-9% increase in user 
Shopzilla - 2009 
A reduction in Page Load 
time of 5s increased site 
conversion 7-12%! 
Walmart - 2012 
SF WebPerf – 2012 
Up to 2% 
conversion drop for 
every additional 

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Metrics, Metrics Everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, Metrics Everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)Metrics, Metrics Everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, Metrics Everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)

Not surprisingly, there’s no one-size-fits-all performance metric (though life would be simpler if there were). Different metrics will give you different critical insights into whether or not your pages are delivering the results you want — both from your end user’s perspective and ultimately from your organization’s perspective. Join Tammy Everts, and walk through various metrics that answer performance questions from multiple perspectives. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of your options, as well as a clear understanding of how to choose the right metric for the right audience.

web performancemobile performance testingbusiness metrics
Metrics, Metrics Everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, Metrics Everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)Metrics, Metrics Everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, Metrics Everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)

Not surprisingly, there’s no one-size-fits-all performance metric (though life would be simpler if there were). Different metrics will give you different critical insights into whether or not your pages are delivering the results you want — both from your end user’s perspective and ultimately from your organization’s perspective. Join Tammy Everts, and walk through various metrics that answer performance questions from multiple perspectives. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of your options, as well as a clear understanding of how to choose the right metric for the right audience.

mobile performanceweb performance testingbusiness metrics
Synthetic and RUM - Best of bo
Synthetic and RUM - Best of boSynthetic and RUM - Best of bo
Synthetic and RUM - Best of bo

RUM and synthetic monitoring each provide valuable but different performance data. RUM captures real user behavior but numbers vary greatly depending on user environments, while synthetic provides consistent baseline data but doesn't reflect real users. Both data sets are needed to understand a site's true performance across different user scenarios. There is no single performance number, and the right metrics depend on the intended audience and business goals.

So What?" 
Edge 2014: A Modern Approach to Performance Monitoring
Edge 2014: A Modern Approach to Performance Monitoring

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Browser Based Performance Testing and Tuning
Browser Based Performance Testing and TuningBrowser Based Performance Testing and Tuning
Browser Based Performance Testing and Tuning

The document discusses client side performance testing. It defines client side performance as how fast a page loads for a single user on a browser or mobile device. Good client side performance is important for user experience and business metrics like sales. It recommends rules for faster loading websites, and introduces the WebPageTest tool for measuring client side performance metrics from multiple locations. WebPageTest provides waterfall views, filmstrip views, packet captures and reports to analyze page load times and identify optimization opportunities.

improving the performance of Rails web Applications
improving the performance of Rails web Applicationsimproving the performance of Rails web Applications
improving the performance of Rails web Applications

This presentation is the first in a series on Improving Rails application performance. This session covers the basic motivations and goals for improving performance, the best way to approach a performance assessment, and a review of the tools and techniques that will yield the best results. Tools covered include: Firebug, yslow, page speed, speed tracer, dom monster, request log analyzer, oink, rack bug, new relic rpm, rails metrics,, msfast, and The upcoming sessions will focus on: Improving sql queries, and active record use Improving general rails/ruby code Improving the front-end And a final presentation will cover how to be a more efficient and effective developer! This series will be compressed into a best of session for the 2010 conference

cachingvrtaactive record
MeasureWorks - Why your customers don't like to wait!
MeasureWorks - Why your customers don't like to wait!MeasureWorks - Why your customers don't like to wait!
MeasureWorks - Why your customers don't like to wait!

My presentation at the Zycko breakfast session... About why your users don't like to wait and why you should care as a site owner. This presentation covers the importance of perception of speed, navigation and how to do proper performance monitoring...

web performance analyticsreal user monitoringend user experience
How Fast Should You Be? 
• Use synthetic measurement for benchmarking your 
• Understand how fast your site needs to be to reach 
business goals/objectives with RUM 
• You must look at your own data
1. How fast am I? 
2. How fast should I be? 
3. How do I get there?
Real users are not normal
Edge 2014: A Modern Approach to Performance Monitoring

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Using Modern Browser APIs to Improve the Performance of Your Web Applications
Using Modern Browser APIs to Improve the Performance of Your Web ApplicationsUsing Modern Browser APIs to Improve the Performance of Your Web Applications
Using Modern Browser APIs to Improve the Performance of Your Web Applications

This document discusses modern browser APIs that can improve web application performance. It covers Navigation Timing, Resource Timing, and User Timing which provide standardized ways to measure page load times, resource load times, and custom events. Other APIs discussed include the Performance Timeline, Page Visibility, requestAnimationFrame for script animations, High Resolution Time for more precise timestamps, and setImmediate for more efficient script yielding than setTimeout. These browser APIs give developers tools to assess and optimize the performance of their applications.

performance w3c html javascript dom web
Web Performance BootCamp 2013
Web Performance BootCamp 2013Web Performance BootCamp 2013
Web Performance BootCamp 2013

The document provides an overview of Daniel Austin's Web Performance Boot Camp. The class aims to (1) provide an understanding of web performance, (2) empower attendees to identify and resolve performance issues, and (3) demonstrate common performance tools. The class covers topics such as the impact of performance on business, definitions of performance, statistical analysis, queuing theory, the OSI model, and the MPPC model for analyzing the multiple components that determine overall web performance. Attendees will learn tools like Excel, web testing tools, browser debugging tools, and optional tools like R and Mathematica.

htmlweb performancetechnology
Микола Ковш “Performance Testing Implementation From Scratch. Why? When and H...
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Микола Ковш “Performance Testing Implementation From Scratch. Why? When and H...

This document discusses the importance of performance testing and provides an introduction to the topic. It notes that performance testing determines how a system behaves under different loads and helps identify bottlenecks. The document outlines why performance testing is important from a user experience perspective, discussing metrics like page load times and the financial costs of poor performance. It then covers various performance testing approaches, targets, levels, and common metrics used to evaluate performance.

baq conference qadakiry
Page Load Times 
2.76s – Median 
17.26s – p98 
10.45s – p95
Page Load Times 
Page Load Times 
Windows 7 
Mac OS X/10 
Android 4 
Windows 8 
Other Factors 
• Geography 
• User Agent 
• Connection Type 
• Carrier/ISP 
• Device Type

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MeasureWorks - Why people hate to wait for your website to load (and how to f...

My slides from DrupalJam 2014... About why users abandon your website and best practices to align content and speed to create a fast user experience, and continue to keep it aligned for every release

performance managementdrupalcondrupalconf
Client-Side Performance Monitoring (MobileTea, Rome)
Client-Side Performance Monitoring (MobileTea, Rome)Client-Side Performance Monitoring (MobileTea, Rome)
Client-Side Performance Monitoring (MobileTea, Rome)

The document discusses effective strategies for monitoring client-side web performance. It recommends collecting both real user monitoring metrics from actual users as well as synthetic metrics from automated tests. It describes tools like Navigation Timing API, paint metrics, custom metrics, and open-source libraries that can capture metrics. It also discusses storing and visualizing metrics with tools like Graphite and Grafana and how to reduce noise and account for environment differences when analyzing performance data. The overall goal is to utilize performance metrics to inform decisions that improve the user experience.

Performance Testing from Scratch + JMeter intro
Performance Testing from Scratch + JMeter introPerformance Testing from Scratch + JMeter intro
Performance Testing from Scratch + JMeter intro

Why performance testing is important? Introduction to performance testing. Load profiles, metrics Performance testing tools Implementation process Performance testing engineer skills JMeter intro LINKS: About performance testing: Concurrent users calculation: Browser performance: Books for start: “Web Load Testing For Dummies”, Scott Barber with Colin Mason “JMeter Cookbook”, Bayo Erinle

performance testingloadperformance
Not All Pages are Created Equal 
For a typical 
eCommerce site, 
conversion rate 
drops by up to 50% 
when “browse” 
pages increase 
from 1 to 6 
Not All Pages are Created Equal 
However, there is 
much less impact 
to conversion 
when “checkout” 
pages degrade
How Do I Get There? 
• Focus on the highest value opportunities/demographics 
• Identify key pages that have the most impact on your 
• Prioritize based on reducing friction within the funnel or 
critical path
Thank You!" 

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Tips for Optimizing Web Performance
Tips for Optimizing Web PerformanceTips for Optimizing Web Performance
Tips for Optimizing Web Performance

ThousandEyes provides network intelligence and monitoring of web performance. It offers different test types - HTTP server tests measure server response times, page load tests measure loading of full web pages in a browser, and web transaction tests measure performance of specific user interactions on a site. The tests provide metrics on response times, throughput, errors and performance of individual page components from different network locations and internet providers. The document recommends tips for optimizing web transactions such as adjusting timeouts, configuring start/stop steps, using XPath locators, and inserting wait conditions. It demonstrates creating and running page load, HTTP server and web transaction tests to monitor web performance.

web performanceenterprise applicationsweb operations
Akamai Intelligent Edge Security
Akamai Intelligent Edge SecurityAkamai Intelligent Edge Security
Akamai Intelligent Edge Security

This document discusses edge security and Akamai's intelligent edge security platform. It notes that security remains a challenge as the threat landscape and attack surfaces continue to change rapidly. Akamai's edge security platform provides strategic protection around applications, infrastructure, and users by enforcing consistent security policies across its global network. It offers visibility into billions of daily attacks and adapts to protect assets anywhere. The platform includes services like DDoS protection, web application firewall, zero trust network access, and bot management.

cyber securityinformation securitysecurity
Replacing recovery with resilience
Replacing recovery with resilienceReplacing recovery with resilience
Replacing recovery with resilience

The document discusses replacing recovery with resilience in cloud infrastructure. It summarizes Akamai's experience in maintaining operations during various disruptive events like cable disruptions, natural disasters, and large DDoS attacks. It promotes Akamai's cloud security and delivery platform that provides solutions like DDoS protection, bot management, web application protection, and acceleration to ensure superior digital experience and security. It emphasizes choosing a strategic partner with experience in multiplying capabilities and acting as a shield.

akamai technologiesakamaiakamai edge
1. Modern (Title Slide): 
2. Man vs. Machine: 
5. Dartboard: 

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Edge 2014: A Modern Approach to Performance Monitoring

  • 1. Cliff Crocker @cliffcrocker SOASTA VP Product, mPulse
  • 2. 1. How fast am I? 2. How fast should I be? 3. How do I get there?
  • 4. Synthetic 101 Synthetic monitoring (for purposes of this discussion) refers to the use of automated agents (bots) to measure your website from different physical locations. • A set ‘path’ or URL is defined • Tests are run either adhoc or scheduled and data is collected
  • 5. RUM 101 Real User Measurement (RUM) is a technology for collecting performance metrics directly from the browser of an end user. • Involves instrumentation of your website via JavaScript • Measurements are fired across the network to a collection point through a small request object (beacon) <JS> <beacon>
  • 6. RUM Cast a wide net • Identify key areas of concern • Understand real user impact • Map performance to human behavior & $$ Synthetic Diagnostic tool • Identify issues in a ‘lab’/remove variables • Reproduce a problem found with RUM h0p:// h0p://
  • 7. The Early Days of RUM • Round-trip time • Start/stop timers via JavaScript • Early contributors: • Steve Souders/Episodes • Philip Tellis/Boomerang.js • Both widely in use today
  • 9. Browser Support for Navigation Timing !
  • 10. © 2014 SOASTA CONFIDENTIAL - All rights reserved.10 Navigation Timing DNS: Domain Lookup Time function getPerfStats() { var timing = window.performance.timing; return { dns: timing.domainLookupEnd - timing.domainLookupStart}; }
  • 11. © 2014 SOASTA CONFIDENTIAL - All rights reserved.11 Navigation Timing TCP: Connection Time to Server function getPerfStats() { var timing = window.performance.timing; return { connect: timing.connectEnd - timing.connectStart}; }
  • 12. © 2014 SOASTA CONFIDENTIAL - All rights reserved.12 Navigation Timing TTFB: Time to First Byte function getPerfStats() { var timing = window.performance.timing; return { ttfb: timing.responseStart - timing.connectEnd}; }
  • 13. © 2014 SOASTA CONFIDENTIAL - All rights reserved.13 Navigation Timing Base Page function getPerfStats() { var timing = window.performance.timing; return { basePage: timing.responseEnd - timing.responseStart}; }
  • 14. © 2014 SOASTA CONFIDENTIAL - All rights reserved.14 Navigation Timing Front-end Time function getPerfStats() { var timing = window.performance.timing; return { frontEnd: timing.loadEventStart - timing.responseEnd}; }
  • 15. © 2014 SOASTA CONFIDENTIAL - All rights reserved.15 Navigation Timing Page Load Time function getPerfStats() { var timing = window.performance.timing; return { load: timing.loadEventStart - timing.navigationStart}; }
  • 16. Measuring Assets • Strength of synthetic • Full visibility into asset performance • Images • JavaScript • CSS • HTML • A lot of which is served by third-parties • CDN!
  • 18. Browser Support for Resource Timing
  • 19. CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing Timing-Allow-Origin = "Timing-Allow-Origin" ":" origin-list-or- null | "*" Start/End time only unless Timing-Allow-Origin HTTP Request Header defined
  • 20. Resource Timing var rUrl = ‘ 150x150.png’; var me = performance.getEntriesByName(url)[0]; var timings = { loadTime: me.duration, dns: me.domainLookupEnd - me.domainLookupStart, tcp: me.connectEnd - me.connectStart, waiting: me.responseStart - me.requestStart, fetch: me.responseEnd - me.responseStart }
  • 21. Resource Timing • Slowest resources • Time to first image • Response time by domain • Time a group of assets • Response time by initiator type (element type) • Cache-hit ratio for resources For examples see:
  • 22. Resource Timing • PerfMap - • Mark Zeman • Waterfall.js - • Andy Davies
  • 23. 1. How fast am I? 2. How fast should I be? 3. How do I get there?
  • 24. Picking a Number • Industry benchmarks? • Apdex? • Analyst report? • Case studies?
  • 25. “Synthetic monitoring shows you how you relate to your competitors, RUM shows you how you relate to your customers.” – Buddy Brewer
  • 28. Benchmarking • Page construction • Requests • Images • Size • Other important metrics • Speedindex • Start Render • PageSpeed/Yslow scoring
  • 29. Performance is a Business Problem" "
  • 30. Yahoo! - 2008 Increase of 400ms causes 5-9% increase in user abandonment
  • 31. Shopzilla - 2009 A reduction in Page Load time of 5s increased site conversion 7-12%! %20What%20You%20Measure%20Presentation.ppt
  • 32. Walmart - 2012 SF WebPerf – 2012 Up to 2% conversion drop for every additional second
  • 37. How Fast Should You Be? • Use synthetic measurement for benchmarking your competitors • Understand how fast your site needs to be to reach business goals/objectives with RUM • You must look at your own data
  • 38. 1. How fast am I? 2. How fast should I be? 3. How do I get there?
  • 39. Real users are not normal
  • 41. Page Load Times 2.76s – Median 17.26s – p98 10.45s – p95
  • 42. Page Load Times Platform Median 95th Percentile 98th Percentile Mobile 3.62s 12.53s 20.04s Desktop 2.44s 9.31s 15.86s
  • 43. Page Load Times OS Median 95th Percentile 98th Percentile Windows 7 2.41s 9.29s 15.89s Mac OS X/10 2.30s 8.11s 13.45s iOS7 3.27s 10.64s 15.79s Android 4 4.06s 14.30s 27.93s iOS8 3.53s 11.54s 19.72s Windows 8 2.67s 10.75s 18,74s
  • 44. Other Factors • Geography • User Agent • Connection Type • Carrier/ISP • Device Type
  • 45. Not All Pages are Created Equal For a typical eCommerce site, conversion rate drops by up to 50% when “browse” pages increase from 1 to 6 seconds
  • 46. Not All Pages are Created Equal However, there is much less impact to conversion when “checkout” pages degrade
  • 47. How Do I Get There? • Focus on the highest value opportunities/demographics • Identify key pages that have the most impact on your KPIs • Prioritize based on reducing friction within the funnel or critical path
  • 49. Images 1. Modern (Title Slide): 4yBqug-2rk5he-4nZVzJ-4yE45J-9t3Fvj-2rptr5-69ymdr-6XVTH-6QZ4dg-9t3HN5-8geUkB-6oEXs5-eH9zS-H2XTt-cKdJvb- 7GNKWx-cKdKZd-5Rw3qt-jfT5Dx-Jfiuy-bTop6R-2m8kAB-Jfiuu-7E8eMf-9jqD6-9hYAvd-Jfius-gsqr7U- 7KiNAZ-8kzG9V-euXdb-44qJNN-47jBuY-nsxZrZ-7cGjQL-4cfHKq-cGzbSC-aQtWPR- 8y3sR3-6okjAW-5A7BSC-6aRsvh-eSMHkX-kxvdyK-9t3udu-c8EkYu 2. Man vs. Machine: dfinF1-4GjK24-4GjL6Z-4GoV6C-dibVCU-4GoTXo-4GjF3k-4GjH7Z-4GoR6h-ek6eT9- ek6eUU-4fADUx-4fEDV9-65JA6W-65Jsxu-65JDnj-4fAE12-65JDTh-65JBZu-65Ek9M-65JtDu-65JuiN-65JzFS-65EfiH-65Jv63- 65JxX7-65Enyc-65Eh4c-65Jxjm-65JwmU-65EhUP-65JCML-65EjxP-65JBQf-65Ee4Z-65JD4b-65JBF1-65Ec1r-65EkPB-65Jy4 o-65Eg96-65JAjb-65Emfe-65Efoz-65JBam-65Eniv-65JCrU-65Eed2 3. 4. 5. Dartboard: References: 1. 2.