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Integrating Multiple CDN Providers
Our experiences at Etsy

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Marcus Barczak

Laurie Denness

Staff Operations Engineers
Integrating multiple CDN providers at Etsy - Velocity Europe (London) 2013
@lozzd • @ickymettle

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기존 온프레미스 환경에서는 비즈니스 성장에 따른 유연한 확장에 어려움 있어 AWS를 이용하여 더욱 탄력적인 환경을 구축하는 프로젝트를 수행하였습니다. 이 세션을 통해 카카오게임즈가 AWS와 함께 수행한 데이터레이크 마이그레이션의 여정과, 그 과정에서 Amazon S3, EMR, Athena, Redshift 등의 다양한 기술 요소들을 활용한 경험과 팁을 전달해 드립니다.

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With the maturity and breadth of cloud solutions, more enterprises are moving mission-critical workloads to the cloud. American Commercial Lines (ACL) recently migrated their Oracle ERP to AWS. ERP solutions such as Oracle E-Business Suite require specific knowledge in mapping AWS infrastructure to the specific configurations and needs of running these workloads. In this session, Apps Associates and ACL walk through the considerations for running Oracle E-Business Suite on AWS, including deployment architectures, concurrent processing, load balanced forms and web services, varying database transactional workloads, and performance requirements, as well as security and monitoring aspects. ACL shares their experiences and business drivers in making this transition to AWS.

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Amazon Redshift의 이해와 활용 (김용우) - AWS DB Day
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2016년 4월 27일 DB Day 에서 김용우 솔루션즈 아키텍트 께서 발표하신 “Amazon Redshift의 이해와 활용 “ 발표자료입니다.

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Beginning of 2010

@lozzd • @ickymettle
▪ First started using a single CDN in 2008
▪ Exponential Growth
▪ Start of 2012 began investigation into running

multiple CDNs

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Why use a CDN?
▪ Goal: Consistently fast user experience globally
▪ Improve last mile performance by caching content

close to the user
▪ Offload content delivery from origin infrastructure
to the CDN provider

@lozzd • @ickymettle

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Amazon Timestream is a fast, scalable, and fully managed time-series database for IoT and operational applications. It can ingest millions of events per second and queries trillions of events, at a cost of 1000x faster and 1/10th the price of relational databases. Timestream is optimized for time-series data and provides built-in functions for analysis. It offers flexible data storage tiers of memory, magnetic disk, and SSD.

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Why use more than one CDN?
▪ Resilience

Eliminate single point of failure

▪ Flexibility

Balance traffic based on business requirements

▪ Cost

Manage provider costs
@lozzd • @ickymettle
The Plan
The Plan
1. Establish evaluation criteria
2. Initial configuration and testing
3. Test with production traffic
4. Operationalising

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Evaluation Criteria

@lozzd • @ickymettle

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Learn how to convert and migrate your relational databases, nonrelational databases, and data warehouses to the cloud. AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) and AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT) can help with homogeneous migrations as well as migrations between different database engines, such as Oracle or SQL Server, to Amazon Aurora. Hear from Verizon about how they intend to migrate critical databases to Amazon Aurora with PostgreSQL compatibility from their current on-premises Oracle databases, and learn how they intend to deal with challenges such as conversion of legacy code and complex data types, supporting business resiliency, and maintaining data synchronization during the transition phase.

Evaluation Criteria
▪ Performance
▪ Configuration
▪ Reporting, Metrics and Logging
▪ Culture

@lozzd • @ickymettle
▪ Baseline Response Times

Should be within ±5% of our existing CDN provider’s
response times

▪ Hit Ratios and Origin Offload

Provider should achieve equivalent or better origin offload
performance and hit ratios

@lozzd • @ickymettle
▪ Complexity

how complex is the providers configuration system

▪ Self service

can you make changes directly or do they require
professional services or other intervention

▪ Latency for changes

how quickly do changes take to propagate
@lozzd • @ickymettle
Reporting, Metrics and Logging
▪ Resolution
▪ Latency
▪ Delivery
▪ Customisation

@lozzd • @ickymettle

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[Retail & CPG Day 2019] AWS기반의 Data 분석 플랫폼 구축, 고객사례 (GS SHOP) -김형일, AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트

▪ Understand our culture
▪ Postmortems
▪ Access to technical staff
▪ Shared success

@lozzd • @ickymettle
and Testing
Clean the house
Clean the house
▪ Managing caching TTLs from origin

CDNs honour the origin cache-control headers!

<LocationMatch ".(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|css|js)$">
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=94670800"

@lozzd • @ickymettle

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발표영상 다시보기: Aurora MySQL은 기존 MySQL의 운영에 추가한 많은 기능들을 제공해 드리고 있습니다. 이 중 복구에 관련된 기능인 Aurora MySQL PITR과 Backtrack에 대한 소개를 드리고자 합니다. 두 기능을 통해 운영 중 일어날 수 있는 rollback 상황에서, 어떠한 방식으로 복구를 할 수 있는지 실습해보실 수 있습니다.

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Clean the house
▪ Manage gzip compression from origin

Honoured by CDNs


Compression from origin to CDN

## mod_deflate compression - see OPS-1537 ##
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain
text/css application/x-javascript [..]

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Clean the house
If you can do it at origin,
do it at origin

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Mean Time To Curl
curl -i -H 'Host:'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache
Last-Modified: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 23:43:38 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=94670800
X-Served-By: cache-lo82-LHR
X-Cache: MISS
X-Cache-Hits: 0

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Northwestern Mutual Journey – Transform BI Space to Cloud
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The volume of available data is growing by the second (to an estimated 175 zetabytes by 2025), and it is becoming increasingly granular in its information. With that change every organization is moving towards building a data driven culture. We at Northwestern Mutual share similar story of driving towards making data driven decisions to improve both efficiency and effectiveness. Legacy system analysis revealed bottlenecks, excesses, duplications etc. Based on ever growing need to analyze more data our BI Team decided to make a move to more modern, scalable, cost effective data platform. As a financial company, data security is as important as ingestion of data. In addition to fast ingestion and compute we would need a solution that can support column level encryption, Role based access to different teams from our datalake. In this talk we describe our journey to move 100’s of ELT jobs from current MSBI stack to Databricks and building a datalake (using Lakehouse). How we reduced our daily data load time from 7 hours to 2 hours with capability to ingest more data. Share our experience, challenges, learning, architecture and design patterns used while undertaking this huge migration effort. Different sets of tools/frameworks built by our engineers to help ease the learning curve that our non-Apache Spark engineers would have to go through during this migration. You will leave this session with more understand on what it would mean for you and your organization if you are thinking about migrating to Apache Spark/Databricks.

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Content Delivery Networks (CDN) Industry Analysis February 2014
Content Delivery Networks (CDN) Industry Analysis February 2014Content Delivery Networks (CDN) Industry Analysis February 2014
Content Delivery Networks (CDN) Industry Analysis February 2014

An Analysis of the CDN marketing in February 2014. Market Overview, Threats, Opportunities, Projections. CDN strategy examples the appendix

curl -i -H 'Host:'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache
Last-Modified: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 23:43:38 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=94670800
X-Served-By: cache-lo82-LHR
X-Cache: HIT
X-Cache-Hits: 1
Mean Time To Curl = Done
Mean Time To Curl
▪ No need to touch existing infrastructure
▪ Smoke test of functionality
▪ 10 minutes from configuration to curl
▪ New providers should be plug and play

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Testing In Production

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Future of CDN - Next 10 Years - Ahmet Ozalp, Akamai Technologies - DigiWorld ...
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The document summarizes a presentation about the future of content delivery networks (CDNs) over the next 10 years. The presentation makes several predictions, including that traffic will grow exponentially as more content like video moves online, connected devices will drive complexity through spikes in demand, CDN architectures will evolve to move content closer to the edge, and cooperation between CDNs and telcos will be necessary to succeed in the future market. Overall, the CDN market is expected to have healthy growth over the next 10 years as services become more cost effective and enable business innovation.

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BigData & CDN - OOP2011 (Pavlo Baron)
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BigData & CDN - OOP2011 (Pavlo Baron)

Big Data comes from a variety of sources as human activities online generate vast amounts of data every day through intentional, accidental, and unknown means. This includes activities on social media, sensors, logs, and more. Content delivery networks (CDNs) can help distribute big data by caching content on servers located closer to users. While pushing content to CDNs offloads work from origin servers and improves performance, it also segments users and requires replication strategies to maintain consistency. Techniques include pre-computing static content from dynamic sources, pushing searches and other functions to CDNs, and experimenting with different cache models. Overall, CDNs can be an effective way to distribute big data but also introduce more complexity and dependence on the CDN


A content delivery network (CDN) distributes content across multiple servers located in different geographic locations. This improves performance by serving content from the server closest to the user. CDNs provide advantages like decreasing server load, faster content delivery, 100% availability even during outages, increased concurrent users, and more control over asset delivery. While CDNs improve performance, they also have disadvantages to consider like increased complexity and upfront costs.

sn chakrabortynstucdn
Testing with Production Traffic
▪ Images only at first
▪ Good test of caching performance
▪ Easy to test by swapping hostnames
▪ Made even easier with our A/B testing framework

@lozzd • @ickymettle
A/B Test Framework
▪ Fine grained control
▪ Enable test for specific users or groups
▪ Percentage of users
▪ All controlled via configuration in code
▪ Rapid and complete rollback

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Configure Mappings to CDNs
$server_config["image"] = array(
'akamai' => array(
'edgecast' => array(
'fastly' => array(

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Test Controls
$server_config['ab']['cdn'] = array(
'enabled' => 'on',
'weights' => array(
=> 0.0,
'edgecast' => 0.0,
=> 0.0,
=> 100.0,
'override' => 'cdn_diversity',

@lozzd • @ickymettle

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Netflix CDN and Open Source
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Netflix operates a large content delivery network (CDN) to stream video to over 50 million subscribers globally. To reduce costs and improve performance, Netflix built its own CDN called OpenConnect, using open source software like FreeBSD and Nginx. Netflix has significantly improved the performance of OpenConnect over time by contributions to open source projects, such as reducing locking contention and improving networking, storage, and virtual memory subsystems. Netflix aims to continue optimizing OpenConnect and working with open source communities to achieve its goal of over 80Gbps performance per appliance.

Monitoring CDN Performance
Monitoring CDN PerformanceMonitoring CDN Performance
Monitoring CDN Performance

This document discusses monitoring CDN performance from the user to the edge server to the origin server using ThousandEyes. It provides an overview of CDN architecture and monitoring methods including benchmarking performance, ensuring the proper edge server is used, identifying cache issues, and setting alerts. Specific tips are provided on using response headers, customizing alerts, and demoing tests from the user to edge to origin.

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Metrics and Monitoring

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Metrics and Monitoring

Even if it doesn’t move, graph it anyway
@lozzd • @ickymettle
Metrics and Monitoring
Simplest approach: Provider’s dashboards

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Metrics and Monitoring
▪ Get more detail by pulling metrics in house
▪ Write script to pull data from API
▪ Create dashboards with data

@lozzd • @ickymettle

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Rethinking Cloud Proxies
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Rethinking Cloud Proxies

An edge gateway is an essential piece of infrastructure for large scale cloud based services. This presentation details the purpose, benefits and use cases for an edge gateway to provide security, traffic management and cloud cross region resiliency. How a gateway can be used to enhance continuous deployment, and help testing of new service versions and get service insights and more are discussed. Philosophical and architectural approaches to what belongs in a gateway vs what should be in services will be discussed. Real examples of how gateway services are used in front of nearly all of Netflix's consumer facing traffic will show how gateway infrastructure is used in real highly available, massive scale services.

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This document summarizes Netflix's global cloud edge architecture. Key points include: - Netflix uses edge services and a global cloud infrastructure to deliver content to over 1000 device types in over 40 countries. - Zuul is an open source framework that Netflix uses for dynamic routing, authentication, testing, and security across its edge services. - Netflix's edge scripting tier allows device teams to rapidly deploy scripts that control endpoints, content formatting, and APIs for different devices. - RxJava and Hystrix help make the edge service API asynchronous, fault tolerant, and able to handle high concurrency. - Netflix's delivery pipeline uses techniques like canary analysis, debugging, and load testing to continuously and automatically deploy changes

Zuul @ Netflix SpringOne Platform
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Zuul @ Netflix SpringOne Platform

An edge gateway is an essential piece of infrastructure for large scale cloud based services. This presentation details the purpose, benefits and use cases for an edge gateway to provide security, traffic management and cloud cross region resiliency. How a gateway can be used to enhance continuous deployment, and help testing of new service versions and get service insights and more are discussed. Philosophical and architectural approaches to what belongs in a gateway vs what should be in services will be discussed. Real examples of how gateway services, built on top of Netflix's Open source project, Zuul, are used in front of nearly all of Netflix's consumer facing traffic will show how gateway infrastructure is used in real highly available, massive scale services.

Metrics and Monitoring
▪ Get more detail by pulling metrics in house
▪ Write script to pull data from API
▪ Create dashboards with data

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Metrics and Monitoring

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Metrics and Monitoring

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Testing Plan
1. for c in $cdns; do rampup $c; done;
2. Deliberately slow and steady
3. Watch traffic increase
4. Watch origin offload increase
5. Watch performance

@lozzd • @ickymettle

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KVM and docker LXC Benchmarking with OpenStackKVM and docker LXC Benchmarking with OpenStack
KVM and docker LXC Benchmarking with OpenStack

Passive benchmarking with docker LXC and KVM using OpenStack hosted in SoftLayer. These results provide initial incite as to why LXC as a technology choice offers benefits over traditional VMs and seek to provide answers as to the typical initial LXC question -- "why would I consider Linux Containers over VMs" from a performance perspective. Results here provide insight as to: - Cloudy ops times (start, stop, reboot) using OpenStack. - Guest micro benchmark performance (I/O, network, memory, CPU). - Guest micro benchmark performance of MySQL; OLTP read, read / write complex and indexed insertion. - Compute node resource consumption; VM / Container density factors. - Lessons learned during benchmarking. The tests here were performed using OpenStack Rally to drive the OpenStack cloudy tests and various other linux tools to test the guest performance on a "micro level". The nova docker virt driver was used in the Cloud scenario to realize VMs as docker LXC containers and compared to the nova virt driver for libvirt KVM. Please read the disclaimers in the presentation as this is only intended to be the "chip of the ice burg".

Content Delivery Network
Content Delivery NetworkContent Delivery Network
Content Delivery Network

This document provides an overview of content delivery networks (CDNs) with three key points: 1. CDNs replicate content across multiple mirrored web servers to improve performance and overcome bandwidth limitations by distributing content closer to end-users. 2. A CDN has four main architectural components: original servers, a distribution system, a request routing system, and an account system. The request routing system directs clients to optimal surrogate servers. 3. There are two main pricing models for CDNs - pricing based on aggregate monthly usage billed in tiers (e.g. 50TB/month) and percentile-based pricing which calculates the 95th percentile of monthly bandwidth usage to determine fees.

Integrating multiple CDNs at Etsy
Integrating multiple CDNs at EtsyIntegrating multiple CDNs at Etsy
Integrating multiple CDNs at Etsy

We embarked on a project to use multiple CDNs concurrently at Etsy. This talk goes through how and why.

Downsides of this approach
▪ AB testing can’t be used for main site
▪ Exposing your test CNAMEs
▪ Especially if hotlinking is a concern

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Downsides of this approach
▪ Exposing your test CNAMEs
▪ Especially if hotlinking is a concern

@lozzd • @ickymettle
How do you know it’s broke?
▪ Check the graphs!
▪ Check with your community
▪ Keep support in the loop

@lozzd • @ickymettle

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SPDY - http reloaded - WebTechConference 2012
SPDY - http reloaded - WebTechConference 2012SPDY - http reloaded - WebTechConference 2012
SPDY - http reloaded - WebTechConference 2012

The SPDY Protocol is likely going to be the successor of http. This short talk summarizes the most important points and includes a demo on how to migrate a Wordpress blog on httpd.

Continuous Integration, the minimum viable product
Continuous Integration, the minimum viable productContinuous Integration, the minimum viable product
Continuous Integration, the minimum viable product

What does it mean to 'do' Continuous Integration? It used to be enough to execute your unit tests in CI. But the bar is steadily raising for engineering practices. In the last decade we've seen tremendous improvements inacceptance testing. JavaScript is now a platform in it's own right. Cloudcomputing is now vital. There's growing interest in deployment to prod.So Continuous Integration is under more pressure than ever. As the bar slowly raises for engineering practices, we ll present 2011's minimum viable feature set for Continuous Integration

continuous integrationagileagile2011
20 tips for website performance
20 tips for website performance20 tips for website performance
20 tips for website performance

Lets look at an example of what a performant website can look like. This discuss what concepts should we be considering when looking at website performance. Next we will go over two areas pertaining to website performance: 1) website performance tweaks that you as a web developer can directly make 2) website performance tweaks that you may have to work with your hosting provider or IT department to achieve

website performanceweb performance testingweb performance monitoring
Content Partitioning

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Etsy’s site partitioning
Dynamic HTML Content

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Etsy’s site partitioning

Static Assets (js, css, fonts)

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Etsy’s site partitioning
Listing Images, Avatars

@lozzd • @ickymettle

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Introducing Backblaze B2, the lowest cost cloud storage on the planet.
Introducing Backblaze B2, the lowest cost cloud storage on the planet.Introducing Backblaze B2, the lowest cost cloud storage on the planet.
Introducing Backblaze B2, the lowest cost cloud storage on the planet.

For nearly a decade Backblaze has designed, built and profitably utilized our own cloud storage. Now, with B2 Cloud Storage, developers and IT personnel can use the lowest cost cloud storage on the planet: 1/4th the cost of anyone else. Here's how we do it.

cloud storagestorage pods3
Care and Feeding of Large Scale Graphite Installations - DevOpsDays Austin 2013
Care and Feeding of Large Scale Graphite Installations - DevOpsDays Austin 2013Care and Feeding of Large Scale Graphite Installations - DevOpsDays Austin 2013
Care and Feeding of Large Scale Graphite Installations - DevOpsDays Austin 2013

This document discusses the care and feeding of large scale Graphite installations. It begins with introductions and then discusses Graphite components like carbon-cache, carbon-aggregator, carbon-relay and StatsD. It covers Graphite storage, installation, documentation, middleware, backups, monitoring and the web UI. It provides tips on tuning, debugging and visualizing metrics in Graphite.

Oracle ZDM KamaleshRamasamy Sangam2020
Oracle ZDM KamaleshRamasamy Sangam2020Oracle ZDM KamaleshRamasamy Sangam2020
Oracle ZDM KamaleshRamasamy Sangam2020

ZDM (Zero Downtime Migration) is Oracle's tool for migrating databases to the Oracle Cloud with zero downtime and data loss. It supports both physical and logical migration methods. Upcoming enhancements include logical migration capabilities, cross-platform and cross-version support, and centralized logging of fleet migrations to Oracle Cloud Object Storage. ZDM leverages Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture best practices to provide simple, reliable database migrations to the Oracle Cloud.

Etsy’s site partitioning
Dynamic HTML Content
Static Assets (js, css, fonts)
Listing Images, Avatars

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Balancing Traffic in
Balancing Traffic Using DNS
▪ Traffic Manager
▪ Extends DNS to dynamically return records based

on rules
▪ Weighted round robin

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Balancing Traffic Using DNS
[2589:~] $ dig +short
[2589:~] $ dig +short
[2589:~] $ dig +short
[2589:~] $ dig +short

@lozzd • @ickymettle

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Optimising Web Application Frontend
Optimising Web Application FrontendOptimising Web Application Frontend
Optimising Web Application Frontend

This document discusses various techniques for optimizing the frontend performance of web applications. It provides 5 rules: 1) Only optimize when it makes a meaningful difference. 2) Download resources in parallel to reduce page load time. 3) Eliminate unnecessary requests through techniques like merging, inlining, sprites and caching. 4) Defer parsing of JavaScripts when possible to improve perceived page load speeds. 5) Consider factors like server location and content delivery networks to improve global performance.


This document discusses migrating databases to Oracle's multitenant architecture. It begins with an overview of using AutoUpgrade to upgrade databases and then plugging them into a container database (CDB). It also covers concepts of Oracle Multitenant like pluggable databases (PDBs), resource sharing, and connecting to different containers. The document provides guidance on tasks like cloning PDBs, upgrading within a CDB, and migrating non-CDBs to PDBs.

Dibi Conference 2012
Dibi Conference 2012Dibi Conference 2012
Dibi Conference 2012

This document discusses lessons learned from building and growing a software startup. It describes how the company quickly built their initial product but ran into scaling issues. It outlines the technical infrastructure changes they made to improve stability, such as moving to the cloud, adding Redis, Resque, and MongoDB. The document also provides recommendations on performance testing, libraries, tools, and localization. Overall it advocates for just starting to build the product now rather than overplanning.

Balancing Traffic Using DNS
[2589:~] $ dig +short
[2589:~] $ dig +short
[2589:~] $ dig +short
[2589:~] $ dig +short

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Balancing Traffic Using DNS
▪ Rule updates typically made via web UI
▪ Can be slow and error prone
▪ Changes need to be applied to all three domains
▪ API available to make changes programmatically

@lozzd • @ickymettle

@lozzd • @ickymettle

@lozzd • @ickymettle

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Silverlight vs HTML5 - Lessons learned from the real world...

Peter tells us from his last project: building a better EBay in Silverlight and shows us his view on this topic.

Consuming Cinder from Docker
Consuming Cinder from DockerConsuming Cinder from Docker
Consuming Cinder from Docker

This document provides a summary of a presentation about using Docker volume plugins with OpenStack Cinder block storage. The presentation discusses: 1. The speaker introducing themselves and their background with OpenStack Cinder. 2. An overview of the Docker volume plugin API and how the speaker created a Cinder volume plugin in Golang to provide block storage to Docker containers. 3. A demonstration of deploying a sample web application on a Docker Swarm cluster using the Cinder volume plugin to persist Redis data, showing how storage can be provided to containers across nodes.

How Adobe uses Structured Streaming at Scale
How Adobe uses Structured Streaming at ScaleHow Adobe uses Structured Streaming at Scale
How Adobe uses Structured Streaming at Scale

Adobe’s Unified Profile System is the heart of its Experience Platform. It ingests TBs of data a day and is PBs large. As part of this massive growth we have faced multiple challenges in our Apache Spark deployment which is used from Ingestion to Processing. We want to share some of our learnings and hard earned lessons and as we reached this scale specifically with Structured Streaming. Know thy Lag While consuming off a Kafka topic which sees sporadic loads, its very important to monitor the Consumer lag. Also makes you respect what a beast backpressure is. Reading Data In Fan Out Pattern using minPartitions to Use Kafka Efficiently Overload protection using maxOffsetsPerTrigger More Apache Spark Settings used to optimize Throughput MicroBatching Best Practices Map() +ForEach() vs MapPartitons + forEachPartition Adobe Spark Speculation and its Effects Calculating Streaming Statistics Windowing Importance of the State Store RocksDB FTW Broadcast joins Custom Aggegators OffHeap Counters using Redis Pipelining


@lozzd • @ickymettle

@lozzd • @ickymettle

@lozzd • @ickymettle

@lozzd • @ickymettle

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Supercharging Optimizely Performance by Moving Decisions to the Edge
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Supercharging Optimizely Performance by Moving Decisions to the Edge

To survive in today’s competitive market, it’s imperative that you drive high-velocity experimentation and maximize site performance. In this talk, Optimizely will be joined by performance experts, Cloudflare to share latest updates to the Optimizely platform to make client-side experimentation blazing fast. In this session you’ll learn: - How to take advantage of the latest performance enhancements to the Optimizely platform - Best practices for implementing Optimizely for maximum performance including how to take advantage of your CDN - How to have an informed conversation with your performance engineering team when it comes to Optimizely

Habitat hack slides - Infracoders Meetup Graz
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Why use Gitlab
Why use GitlabWhy use Gitlab
Why use Gitlab

This document discusses running your own Gitlab runner fleet. It begins with an overview of Gitlab and Gitlab runners. The main benefits of running your own fleet are availability, security, cost optimization, and customization. The document then covers estimating costs, designing an auto-scaling fleet architecture using Kubernetes and docker+machine, and establishing service level objectives and metrics to monitor fleet performance.


@lozzd • @ickymettle

@lozzd • @ickymettle

@lozzd • @ickymettle

@lozzd • @ickymettle

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Why and How to Run Your Own Gitlab Runners as Your Company Grows
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Why and How to Run Your Own Gitlab Runners as Your Company Grows

In this session, Casey Zednick, Senior Software Engineer for NGINX, tells you everything you need to know about GitLab Runner, an app for running jobs in your CI/CD pipeline. Using your own runners gives you full control to meet your service level objectives (SLOs), increase security, and save money at scale. It's notoriously difficult to forecast costs for dynamic cloud services like an autoscaling fleet of runners, but Casey demos a tool from the NGINX tools team that calculates your costs based on a handful of numbers. He also shows how to clone our GitLab repos to set up a production-grade fleet in Azure and monitor its performance. Speakers: Casey Zednick

Integrating Oracle Data Integrator with Oracle GoldenGate 12c
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Integrating Oracle Data Integrator with Oracle GoldenGate 12c

The document discusses integrating Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) with Oracle GoldenGate (OGG) for real-time data integration. It describes how OGG captures change data from source systems and delivers it to ODI. Key steps include configuring OGG installations and JAgents, defining OGG data servers in ODI, applying journalizing to ODI models, and creating and starting ODI processes that integrate with the OGG capture and delivery processes. The integration provides benefits like low impact on sources, great performance for real-time integration, and support for heterogeneous databases.

odioracledata integration
Mobile web performance dwx13
Mobile web performance dwx13Mobile web performance dwx13
Mobile web performance dwx13

The document discusses improving mobile web performance. It notes that mobile is different than desktop due to limitations in power, memory, battery and connections on mobile devices. Sites are growing larger in size which slows performance, and users strongly prefer faster loading sites. A variety of tools can measure performance, and waterfalls charts show where time is spent loading pages between the server and client. Optimizations discussed include enabling caching, compression, image resizing, lazy loading images, inlining images and scripts where possible, minifying assets, and delivering scripts and styles in a single HTTP request through techniques like application caching.


@lozzd • @ickymettle
DNS balancing downsides
▪ Low TTLs for fast convergence
▪ Mo QPS == Mo Money
▪ More DNS lookups for users
▪ Not 100% instant or


@lozzd • @ickymettle
50% within 1
Long Tail is Loooong

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Monitoring in Production
@lozzd • @ickymettle

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Big Data Application Meetup @ Google Nov 21, 2019 Speakers: Dipti Borkar, Alluxio Roderick Yao, Google

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Coordinate Systems in FME 101 - Webinar Slides
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If you’ve ever had to analyze a map or GPS data, chances are you’ve encountered and even worked with coordinate systems. As historical data continually updates through GPS, understanding coordinate systems is increasingly crucial. However, not everyone knows why they exist or how to effectively use them for data-driven insights. During this webinar, you’ll learn exactly what coordinate systems are and how you can use FME to maintain and transform your data’s coordinate systems in an easy-to-digest way, accurately representing the geographical space that it exists within. During this webinar, you will have the chance to: - Enhance Your Understanding: Gain a clear overview of what coordinate systems are and their value - Learn Practical Applications: Why we need datams and projections, plus units between coordinate systems - Maximize with FME: Understand how FME handles coordinate systems, including a brief summary of the 3 main reprojectors - Custom Coordinate Systems: Learn how to work with FME and coordinate systems beyond what is natively supported - Look Ahead: Gain insights into where FME is headed with coordinate systems in the future Don’t miss the opportunity to improve the value you receive from your coordinate system data, ultimately allowing you to streamline your data analysis and maximize your time. See you there!

Whoopsie Page
▪ Static HTML delivered for 5xx errors



Translated error messages


Links to status page

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Whoopsie Page
▪ Static HTML delivered for 5xx errors



Translated error messages


Links to status page

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Failure Beacons
1. 1x1 tracking pixel embedded in page
<img src="//">

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Failure Beacons
1. 1x1 tracking pixel embedded in page
2. Request creates an access log line

@lozzd • @ickymettle

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7 Most Powerful Solar Storms in the History of Earth.pdf
7 Most Powerful Solar Storms in the History of Earth.pdf7 Most Powerful Solar Storms in the History of Earth.pdf
7 Most Powerful Solar Storms in the History of Earth.pdf

Solar Storms (Geo Magnetic Storms) are the motion of accelerated charged particles in the solar environment with high velocities due to the coronal mass ejection (CME).

solar storms
What’s New in Teams Calling, Meetings and Devices May 2024
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Manual | Product | Research Presentation
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Manual Method of Product Research | Helium10 | MBS RETRIEVER

product researchhelium10 | mbs retriever
Failure Beacons
1. 1x1 tracking pixel embedded in page
2. Request creates an access log line
3. Scrape them out minutely using logster
self.reg = re.compile('^S+(s:)? (?P<remote_addr>[0-9.]+),?
[0-9.,- ]+ [[^]]+] "GET /status/images/beacon.gif?
(beacon_)?source=(?P<source>S+) HTTP/1.d" d+ [d-]+ "(?
P<referrer>[^"]+)" "(?P<user_agent>[^"]+)" .*$')

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Failure Beacons
1. 1x1 tracking pixel embedded in page
2. Request creates an access log line
3. Scrape them out minutely using logster
4. Logster posts event counts to Graphite

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Failure Beacons
1. 1x1 tracking pixel embedded in page
2. Request creates an access log line
3. Scrape them out minutely using logster
4. Logster posts event counts to Graphite

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Failure Beacons
1. 1x1 tracking pixel embedded in page
2. Request creates an access log line
3. Scrape them out minutely using logster
4. Logster posts event counts to Graphite
5. Alert on Graphite graph in Nagios

@lozzd • @ickymettle

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Active Inference is a veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyActive Inference is a veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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Not so much to say

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How do we build an IoT product, and make it profitable? Talk from the IoT meetup in March 2024.

The Rise of Supernetwork Data Intensive Computing
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Invited Remote Lecture to SC21 The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis St. Louis, Missouri November 18, 2021

distributed supercomputerdistributed machine learning
Failure Beacons
1. 1x1 tracking pixel embedded in page
2. Request creates an access log line
3. Scrape them out minutely using logster
4. Logster posts event counts to Graphite
5. Alert on Graphite graph in Nagios

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Failure Beacons
▪ Client IP address can be geolocated

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Failure Beacons
▪ Optional extra debugging information
[31/Oct/2013:07:06:42 +0000] "GET /status/images/
&server_identity=cache-ny57-NYC HTTP/1.1"

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Failure Beacons
▪ Optional extra debugging information

@lozzd • @ickymettle

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Blockchain technology is transforming industries and reshaping the way we conduct business, manage data, and secure transactions. Whether you're new to blockchain or looking to deepen your knowledge, our guidebook, "Blockchain for Dummies", is your ultimate resource.

blockchainweb3blockchain technology
BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf
BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdfBT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf
BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf

Presented at Gartner Data & Analytics, London Maty 2024. BT Group has used the Neo4j Graph Database to enable impressive digital transformation programs over the last 6 years. By re-imagining their operational support systems to adopt self-serve and data lead principles they have substantially reduced the number of applications and complexity of their operations. The result has been a substantial reduction in risk and costs while improving time to value, innovation, and process automation. Join this session to hear their story, the lessons they learned along the way and how their future innovation plans include the exploration of uses of EKG + Generative AI.

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How Social Media Hackers Help You to See Your Wife's Message.pdf
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How Social Media Hackers Help You to See Your Wife's Message.pdf

In the modern digital era, social media platforms have become integral to our daily lives. These platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Snapchat, offer countless ways to connect, share, and communicate.

social media hackerfacebook hackerhire a instagram hacker
Tracking Requests to Origin
GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.24.0
Accept: */*
X-CDN-Provider: edgecast

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Tracking Requests to Origin
GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.24.0
Accept: */*
X-CDN-Provider: edgecast

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Backend Monitoring
▪ Vendor APIs to bring data in house

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Backend Monitoring
▪ Logster on CDN provider header
▪ Vendor APIs to bring data in house

@lozzd • @ickymettle

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accommodate the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of autonomous vehicles

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UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference
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UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference

We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

Backend Monitoring
▪ Vendor APIs to bring data in house
▪ Data in-house benefits include

Integration with our anomaly detection systems


Consistent and unified view of all CDN metrics


We control data retention period

@lozzd • @ickymettle
▪ Over 100 engineers
▪ Deploying 60 times a day
▪ Correlating external and internal services

@lozzd • @ickymettle

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Deploy lines

@lozzd • @ickymettle

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Scaling Connections in PostgreSQL Postgres Bangalore(PGBLR) Meetup-2 - Mydbops
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Scaling Connections in PostgreSQL Postgres Bangalore(PGBLR) Meetup-2 - Mydbops

This presentation, delivered at the Postgres Bangalore (PGBLR) Meetup-2 on June 29th, 2024, dives deep into connection pooling for PostgreSQL databases. Aakash M, a PostgreSQL Tech Lead at Mydbops, explores the challenges of managing numerous connections and explains how connection pooling optimizes performance and resource utilization. Key Takeaways: * Understand why connection pooling is essential for high-traffic applications * Explore various connection poolers available for PostgreSQL, including pgbouncer * Learn the configuration options and functionalities of pgbouncer * Discover best practices for monitoring and troubleshooting connection pooling setups * Gain insights into real-world use cases and considerations for production environments This presentation is ideal for: * Database administrators (DBAs) * Developers working with PostgreSQL * DevOps engineers * Anyone interested in optimizing PostgreSQL performance Contact for PostgreSQL Managed, Consulting and Remote DBA Services

Fluttercon 2024: Showing that you care about security - OpenSSF Scorecards fo...
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Have you noticed the OpenSSF Scorecard badges on the official Dart and Flutter repos? It's Google's way of showing that they care about security. Practices such as pinning dependencies, branch protection, required reviews, continuous integration tests etc. are measured to provide a score and accompanying badge. You can do the same for your projects, and this presentation will show you how, with an emphasis on the unique challenges that come up when working with Dart and Flutter. The session will provide a walkthrough of the steps involved in securing a first repository, and then what it takes to repeat that process across an organization with multiple repos. It will also look at the ongoing maintenance involved once scorecards have been implemented, and how aspects of that maintenance can be better automated to minimize toil.

Advanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly Detection
Advanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly DetectionAdvanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly Detection
Advanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly Detection

Cybersecurity is a major concern in today's connected digital world. Threats to organizations are constantly evolving and have the potential to compromise sensitive information, disrupt operations, and lead to significant financial losses. Traditional cybersecurity techniques often fall short against modern attackers. Therefore, advanced techniques for cyber security analysis and anomaly detection are essential for protecting digital assets. This blog explores these cutting-edge methods, providing a comprehensive overview of their application and importance.

cybersecurityanomaly detectionadvanced techniques
Frontend Monitoring
▪ Performance is important to us
▪ Monitoring overall site performance
▪ Monitoring performance by CDN provider
▪ Real User Monitoring on key pages to track page


@lozzd • @ickymettle
Frontend Monitoring
▪ Performance is important to us
▪ Monitoring overall site performance
▪ Monitoring performance by CDN provider
▪ SOASTA mPulse on key pages to track real user

page performance

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Debugging: What broke?
▪ MTTD/MTTR can be extremely low with this

▪ But not always

@lozzd • @ickymettle

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Revolutionize your transportation processes with our cutting-edge RPA software. Automate repetitive tasks, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency in the logistics sector with our advanced solutions.

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Slide of the tutorial entitled "Paradigm Shifts in User Modeling: A Journey from Historical Foundations to Emerging Trends" held at UMAP'24: 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (July 1, 2024 | Cagliari, Italy)

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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetryObservability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry

Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

cloudcloud native observabilitycloud native
Debugging: What broke?
▪ MTTD/MTTR can be extremely low with this

▪ But not always

@lozzd • @ickymettle
Debugging: What broke?
▪ Non technical member base
▪ Confusing and time consuming
▪ Amazing support team
▪ Log as much information as possible

@lozzd • @ickymettle

Great success
▪ 12 months in the benefits have far outweighed the

few downsides
▪ We’re continuing to evolve the system
▪ We’ll be sure to share our experience with the

community along the way

@lozzd • @ickymettle

Recommended for you

Links/Open Source
▪ cdncontrol

▪ logster

▪ CDN API to Graphite scripts
@lozzd • @ickymettle
@lozzd • @ickymettle

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