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Measuring User Experience
Alois Reitbauer
We used to
measure here
We miss about 80%

Your visibility ends here

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Why you have less than a second to deliver exceptional performance
Why you have less than a second to deliver exceptional performanceWhy you have less than a second to deliver exceptional performance
Why you have less than a second to deliver exceptional performance

1) Users expect web pages and interactions to load within 1 second or less for exceptional performance. 2) When loading a web page, many factors beyond a developer's control contribute to delay, including bandwidth, latency, third party content, and client-side processing. 3) To achieve exceptional performance, continuous optimization of all aspects that impact load time is required, from server-side processing to real user monitoring and benchmarking.

wpojavascriptweb performance
Building the Future of Monitoring with Artificial Intelligence
Building the Future of Monitoring with Artificial IntelligenceBuilding the Future of Monitoring with Artificial Intelligence
Building the Future of Monitoring with Artificial Intelligence

Incedo Inc is an artificial intelligence and technology firm that has experienced strong growth since its inception in 2011, growing from 1500 employees to over 671% in size. The company provides specialized product engineering and data analytics services with a focus on emerging technologies. Incedo has experience using machine learning and natural language processing for applications in various industries like monitoring industrial equipment, developing chatbots for customer service, and creating diagnostic services for connected vehicles.

incedo technologyincedo servicesiot
Monitoring without alerts
Monitoring without alertsMonitoring without alerts
Monitoring without alerts

Why modern monitoring software infrastructures require artificial intelligence based problem analysis

devopsanomaly detectionoperations
… let‟s look at an example
Web Application Delivery Chain




                                  3rd Party
Robots for
Monitor from

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The Dark Art of Production Alerting
The Dark Art of Production AlertingThe Dark Art of Production Alerting
The Dark Art of Production Alerting

The document discusses how to build an effective incident detection system using statistics. It explains that a baseline is needed to determine what normal behavior looks like and how to define abnormal behavior that requires an alert. Key metrics like errors, response times, and percentiles are identified. The document provides examples of how to use statistical distributions like the binomial distribution to calculate the likelihood of an observed value and determine if it warrants an alert or is still within the expected range of normal behavior.

Can a monitoring tool pass the turing test
Can a monitoring tool pass the turing testCan a monitoring tool pass the turing test
Can a monitoring tool pass the turing test

The document discusses whether a monitoring tool could pass the Turing test, which tests a machine's ability to exhibit human-like intelligence through natural language conversations. It introduces the concept of ChatOps, which uses conversation-driven operations to provide proactive, knowledge-based and guided interactions that are more than just simple commands. It concludes that while a monitoring tool does not need full human-level intelligence, it aims to provide a system that is intelligent, helpful and informative through natural language interactions.

Monitoring large scale Docker production environments
Monitoring large scale Docker production environmentsMonitoring large scale Docker production environments
Monitoring large scale Docker production environments

This document discusses the challenges of monitoring large scale Docker production environments. It notes that monitoring is critical for Docker in production according to 46% of respondents. When using microservices and Docker, environments can be 20 times larger, requiring techniques like network monitoring, machine-assisted problem resolution, and monitoring from the infrastructure to the application level. Effective monitoring also requires monitoring the orchestration layer, container dynamics, components like those from Netflix OSS, and the network. It should provide capabilities like visualizing the impact of automation, automated problem analysis, massive scalability, and acting as a platform feature through auto-injection and self-configuration.

Robots are not humans
(even if they come close)
Challenges Today

Lack of standards

In Browser Measurement Complex

Most tools for development/troubleshooting
We need this …
Measuring User Experience

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The definition of normal - An introduction and guide to anomaly detection.
The definition of normal - An introduction and guide to anomaly detection. The definition of normal - An introduction and guide to anomaly detection.
The definition of normal - An introduction and guide to anomaly detection.

What is normal behaviour? How are expectations about future behaviour derived from data? How do anomaly detection algorithms work including trending and seasonality? How do these algorithms know whether something is an anomaly? Which algorithms can be used for which type of data?

anomaly detectionoperationsdevops
Ruxit - How we launched a global monitoring platform on AWS in 80 days.
Ruxit - How we launched a global monitoring platform on AWS in 80 days. Ruxit - How we launched a global monitoring platform on AWS in 80 days.
Ruxit - How we launched a global monitoring platform on AWS in 80 days.

How Ruxit has developed a global monitoring solution on AWS within 80 days. Talking about architecture, processes and tools.

ruxitamazon web servicescloud
Monitoring Docker Application in Production
Monitoring Docker Application in ProductionMonitoring Docker Application in Production
Monitoring Docker Application in Production

Lessons learned at Ruxit on what it means to run dockerized applications and how your monitoring practices have to change.

Request Start Time
                                Business Event Time

OnLoad Time                    DNS/Network Time

          Bandwidth     Rendering Time
Latency      (Geo)Location
                                   JS Execution Time
     Browser Info
                          Resource Download Time
Rendering Time
… we want to get all this
information non intrusively
                  (aka hacking)
OnLoad Time Measurement
 <script type="text/javascript">
  var start = new Date().getTime();
  function onLoad() {
     var now = new Date().getTime();
     var latency = now - start; alert("page loading time: " + latency);
 <body onload="onLoad()">
Resource Time Measurement

<script type="text/javascript">
<img src=“./myimg.jpg” onload=“downloadEnd(„myimg‟)” />

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Microservice, Micro Deployments and DevOps
Microservice, Micro Deployments and DevOpsMicroservice, Micro Deployments and DevOps
Microservice, Micro Deployments and DevOps

Micro Services provide a means to build more flexible infrastructures that can maintained by large and distributed teams. Micro Deployments allow us to constantly evolve our applications step by step in small increments constantly. These paradigms helps us to achieve more agility. At the same time the force us to rethink how we run our DevOps processes. This talk covers the key requirements for DevOps follow the Site Reliability Engineering approach

micro servicesarchitecturedevops
Performance Forensics - Understanding Application Performance
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Performance Forensics - Understanding Application Performance

This document discusses performance forensics and optimization techniques. It emphasizes the importance of collecting multi-layered measurements from the user level down to the system level to understand performance problems. Common measurements include response time, memory usage, CPU usage, database queries and latency. Identifying the problem area and isolating it is key before applying optimizations like caching, reducing interactions and data locality. Tuning may be needed at the application, web or database layers. The goal is to make problems reproducible and ensure optimizations address the underlying issues rather than just symptoms.

java performance .net web
The High Performance Web Application Lifecycle
The High Performance Web Application LifecycleThe High Performance Web Application Lifecycle
The High Performance Web Application Lifecycle

This document discusses high performance web application lifecycles. It covers trends in continuous integration, automated web performance testing, and continuous monitoring in production. Metrics like page load time, resource timing, and third party content load time are discussed. The document also covers browser APIs like Navigation Timing and Performance Timeline that provide performance metrics, and how these can be used to analyze performance across builds and detect common problems. Limitations include lack of support in older browsers and inability to provide insight into JavaScript.

javascriptreal user monitoringperformance agile testing
… browsers have all this
information, so why not
               expose it
Web Performance Specs
Navigation Timing
  Basic page navigation information

Resource Timing
  Information about page resources (own & third party)

User Timing
  Custom actions and high-res timer

  Unified Access to Performance Data
Understand Page

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Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?) Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)

This document discusses various metrics for measuring website performance and user experience. It outlines different types of metrics including: - Network metrics like DNS resolution, TCP connection times, and time to first byte. - Browser metrics like start render time, DOM loading/ready times, and page load times. - Resource-level metrics obtained from the Resource Timing API like individual asset load times and response sizes. - User-centric metrics like Speed Index, time to visible content, and metrics for single-page applications without traditional page loads. It emphasizes the importance of measuring real user monitoring data alongside synthetic tests, and looking at higher percentiles rather than just averages due to variability in user environments and network conditions

onlineperformance testingperformance
Velocity NYC: Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Velocity NYC: Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)Velocity NYC: Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Velocity NYC: Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)

This document discusses various metrics for measuring website performance. It begins by noting that there are many metrics to consider and no single metric tells the whole story. It then discusses several key metrics for measuring different aspects of performance, including: - Front-end metrics like start render, DOM loading/ready, and page load that can isolate front-end from back-end performance. - Network metrics like DNS and TCP timings that provide insight into connectivity issues. - Resource timing metrics that measure individual assets to understand impacts of third parties and CDNs. - User timing metrics like measuring above-the-fold content that capture user experience. It emphasizes the importance of considering real user monitoring data alongside

user experienceperformancewebperf
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to metrics. In this session, Cliff Crocker and I walk through various metrics that answer performance questions from multiple perspectives — from designer and DevOps to CRO and CEO. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of your options, as well as a clear understanding of how to choose the right metric for the right audience.

velocity conferenceweb performance
Navigation Timing
Navigation Timing
       in Chrome
Navigation Timing on
    Windows Mobile
Let‟s try this ourselves ...

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Using Modern Browser APIs to Improve the Performance of Your Web Applications
Using Modern Browser APIs to Improve the Performance of Your Web ApplicationsUsing Modern Browser APIs to Improve the Performance of Your Web Applications
Using Modern Browser APIs to Improve the Performance of Your Web Applications

This document discusses modern browser APIs that can improve web application performance. It covers Navigation Timing, Resource Timing, and User Timing which provide standardized ways to measure page load times, resource load times, and custom events. Other APIs discussed include the Performance Timeline, Page Visibility, requestAnimationFrame for script animations, High Resolution Time for more precise timestamps, and setImmediate for more efficient script yielding than setTimeout. These browser APIs give developers tools to assess and optimize the performance of their applications.

performance w3c html javascript dom web
Make It Fast - Using Modern Browser Performance APIs to Monitor and Improve t...
Make It Fast - Using Modern Browser Performance APIs to Monitor and Improve t...Make It Fast - Using Modern Browser Performance APIs to Monitor and Improve t...
Make It Fast - Using Modern Browser Performance APIs to Monitor and Improve t...

Make It Fast Using Modern Browser Performance APIs to Monitor and Improve the Performance of your Web Apps. Presented at CodeMash 2015. Performance matters. How fast your site loads — not just on your development machine, but from your actual customers, across the globe — has a direct impact on your visitors’ happiness and conversion rate. Today’s browsers provide several new cutting-edge performance APIs that can give you Real User Metrics (RUM) of your live site’s performance. Whether you run a small blog or a top-1K site, monitoring and understanding your performance is the key to giving your visitors a better experience. We will be discussing the NavigationTiming, ResourceTiming and UserTiming performance APIs, which are available in the majority of modern browsers. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of what problem these APIs solve and how to start using them today. We’ll also go through both D.I.Y. and commercial options that utilize these APIs to help you better monitor and improve the performance of your websites.

performance user-timing resource-timing navigation
Understanding Web Applications and Web Testing Tools - QAConf
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Understanding Web Applications and Web Testing Tools - QAConf

This presentation talks about various approaches taken by web automation tools, and pros and cons of the approach.

The page is not enough
Resource Timing
Custom Time
mark (markName)
  add a new mark with the current timestamp

getMarks (markName)
  Retrieve all marks with the specified name. If none is
  specified all marks will be returned
  Result Structure:
        <markName> : [<val1>, <val2>, …]

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The document provides information on performance testing processes and tools. It outlines 8 key steps: 1) create scripts, 2) create test scenarios, 3) execute load testing, 4) analyze results, 5) test reporting, 6) performance tuning, 7) communication planning, and 8) troubleshooting. It also discusses tools like LoadRunner, Controller, and Analysis for executing and analyzing tests. The document emphasizes having a thorough test process and communication plan to ensure performance testing is done correctly.

Do we need a bigger dev data culture
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Do we need a bigger dev data culture

In front-end software development it's still rare that data is collected on the client side besides some analytics data where developers usually don't have access to. Imagine what you can do when you have front-end log data, you see how many ajax calls hitting your servers and you finally know whether the single page application is used like you expected or not. I will briefly talk about projects I was part of where we used these kind of data to improve our product and surprisingly reduced AWS costs by changing front-end code.

Grails and Ajax
Grails and AjaxGrails and Ajax
Grails and Ajax

This tutorial is about Grails and Ajax. The tutorial includes an introduction to Ajax, Grails inbuilt support for Ajax, Ajax enabled Form fields, a note on Ajax and Performance. The tutorial begins with an introduction to Ajax. This section gives a detailed introduction of Ajax as a technology, and also presents the flow of Ajax. The introduction section is followed by Grails support section. This section explains Grails inbuilt support for Ajax by providing a prototype library. It also includes form remote, remote function, executing before and after a call, handling events as a part of Grails support. The next section is about Ajax enabled Form fields. This section informs about Ajax codes enabling Form Fields. The last section of this tutorial is a note on Ajax. This section includes Ajax and its performance as a technology like serving as a mechanism, debugging is tough, caching is an important technique, Ajax call is a remote network call.

measure ()
  fetchStart -> now

measure (startTime)
   startTime -> now

measure(startTime, endTime)
   startTime -> endTime
Performance Timeline
Real world examples
what‟s possible today
Measuring User Experience

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JavaOne presentation looking at the different tools available to JavaScript developers for debugging, performance and deployment

SEC303 Automating Security in cloud Workloads with DevSecOps
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SEC303 Automating Security in cloud Workloads with DevSecOps

This session is designed to teach security engineers, developers, solutions architects, and other technical security practitioners how to use a DevSecOps approach to design and build robust security controls at cloud-scale. This session walks through the design considerations of operating high-assurance workloads on top of the AWS platform and provides examples of how to automate configuration management and generate audit evidence for your own workloads. We’ll discuss practical examples using real code for automating security tasks, then dive deeper to map the configurations against various industry frameworks. This advanced session showcases how continuous integration and deployment pipelines can accelerate the speed of security teams and improve collaboration with software development teams.

Easy Web Project Development & Management with Django & Mercurial
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Easy Web Project Development & Management with Django & Mercurial

This document summarizes the steps to create a basic human resource management web application using Django and Mercurial. It includes setting up the development environment with Ubuntu, Python, Django, SQLite and Mercurial. It then walks through creating models, views and templates to manage personnel data and training records, along with an admin interface. It also covers version control with Mercurial and basic public interfaces.

Measuring User Experience
Measuring User Experience
Open Issues
How to send the data back to the server

Rendering and JS Execution

Implementing the backend services

Full browser support

More efficient bandwidth measurement

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Get Ahead with HTML5 on Moible
Get Ahead with HTML5 on MoibleGet Ahead with HTML5 on Moible
Get Ahead with HTML5 on Moible

This document discusses how HTML5 can be used to build engaging mobile applications. Key features covered include offline storage using the Application Cache API, storing data locally using Web Storage, using a SQL database with Web SQL, advanced graphics capabilities with Canvas and SVG, real-time communications over WebSockets, and tools for developing HTML5 apps like jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, and Google Web Toolkit. It emphasizes testing on multiple platforms and browsers to ensure compatibility.

Presentation Tier optimizations
Presentation Tier optimizationsPresentation Tier optimizations
Presentation Tier optimizations

The document discusses optimization of the presentation tier of web applications. It notes that the presentation tier is often overlooked despite being responsible for over 30% of client/server performance. Some key optimizations discussed include reducing HTTP requests, optimizing response objects by reducing size and load pattern, JavaScript minification and placement, image sprites, caching, and ensuring valid HTML markup.

Meetup Performance
Meetup PerformanceMeetup Performance
Meetup Performance

Presentation on how Meetup tackles web performance. Given on: - Nov 17th, 2009 for the NY Web Performance Group ( - Jan 26th, 2010 for NYC Tech Talks Meetup Group (

Alois Reitbauer

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