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International Conference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security (ReDCySec2023)
30-31 May, 2024
Organized by Center for Cyber Security and Cryptology, Sharda University
Paper ID:
Navigating Post-Quantum Blockchain: Resilient
Cryptography in Quantum Threats
Dr Anupam Tiwari, Ph.D
InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
— Problem Statement
— Introduction
— Cryptographic Primitives in Blockchain Technology
— Vulnerabilities of current cryptography to QC attacks in Blockchain Technology
— Foundations of PQC
— Literature Review
— Current State
— Challenges
— Conclusion
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InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
Navigating Post-Quantum Blockchain: Resilient
Cryptography in Quantum Threats
— Blockchain banks heavily on CRYPTOGRAPHY
— Blockchain imparts all it’s well known characteristics attributed to CRYPTOGRAPHY
• Transparency
• Redundancy
• Accountability
• Immutability
• Decentralization
• Consensus - Proof-of-work
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Traditional CRYPTOGRAPHIC algorithms, which have effectively
demonstrated data integrity and privacy, now are confronted with
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InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
RSA: Based on prime factorization
AES: Utilizes substitution-permutation
DES: Employs Feistel network
ECC: Relies on elliptic curve
Diffie-Hellman: Solves discrete
logarithm problem.
SHA: Uses Merkle-Damgård construction
Blowfish: Variable key length Feistel
Twofish: Variable key size substitution-
permutation network.
DSA: Modular exponentiation for
RC4: Stream cipher for data encryption.
Well known Encryption and Hashing Algorithms
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Where is Cryptography used in Blockchain Technology?
—Hash Functions
• Data Integrity
• Digital Signatures and Authenticity
—Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Key Exchange
• Cryptographic Random Number Generators
• Merkle trees
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InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
Vulnerabilities of Current Cryptography to QC Attacks in BCT
—Shor's Algorithm
• Quantum algorithm for factoring large integers.
• Threatens security of RSA and other cryptographic schemes.
• Exponential speedup over classical factoring algorithms.
• Basis for potential quantum attacks on modern encryption.
• Discovered by Peter Shor in 1994.
—Grover's Algorithm
• Quantum search algorithm for unsorted databases.
• Quadratic speedup compared to classical search.
• Implications for breaking symmetric key cryptography.
• Discovered by Lov Grover in 1996.
Shor's algorithm threatens
Asymmetric Encryption by
efficiently factoring large
numbers, compromising
Grover's algorithm poses a
threat to Symmetric Encryption
by speeding up brute-force
attacks, reducing its
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InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
Asymmetric Encryption Algorithms
Symmetric Encryption Algorithms
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Asymmetric Encryption Algorithms
• Generally more vulnerable to quantum threats compared to
symmetric encryption algorithms.
• Arises from the fact that many asymmetric encryption algorithms rely
on mathematical problems that can be efficiently solved by quantum
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Symmetric Encryption Algorithms
• Considered to be less vulnerable to quantum threats because they do
not rely on the same mathematical problems as asymmetric encryption.
• Typically based on operations such as Permutations, Substitutions,
and Bitwise operations rather than the mathematical problems that
asymmetric encryption algorithms rely on.
• Emergence of Quantum Computing raises concerns about the future
security of blockchain networks relying on traditional cryptographic methods.
• Transitioning to post-quantum cryptographic methods is imperative to
ensure the continued security of digital communication and asset protection
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Foundations of Post
Quantum Cryptography
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Foundations of Post
Quantum Cryptography
(PQC) • Quantum cryptography relies on the
principles of quantum mechanics to
secure communication channels.
• Unlike classical cryptography, quantum
cryptography utilizes the behavior of
particles like photons to create secure
communication protocols.
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• Qubits
• Superposition
• Entanglement
• Quantum Gates
• Quantum Algorithms
• De-coherence & Error Correction
• Quantum Measurement
Foundations of Post
Quantum Cryptography
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• Qubits: Quantum computing's core, like classical bits
• Superposition: Qubits can represent 0 and 1 simultaneously, boosting computational power.
• Entanglement: Qubits can be correlated regardless of distance, enhancing computational capabilities.
• Quantum Gates: Manipulate qubits to perform operations like classical logic gates.
• Quantum Algorithms: Leverage qubits to solve problems exponentially faster than classical methods.
• De-coherence & Error Correction: Techniques counteract errors caused by environmental factors.
• Quantum Measurement: Process collapses qubit states, providing classical output from quantum
Foundations of PQC
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• In the world of computers, information is built on bits, tiny switches that are either on (1) or off (0).
• Quantum computers take things a step further with qubits. These are like bits, but weirder.
• A qubit can be 1, 0, or both at the same time (superposition), thanks to the strangeness of quantum
mechanics. Imagine a coin spinning – it's both heads and tails until you stop it and look.
• This lets qubits explore many possibilities simultaneously, making them supercharged for tackling
problems that would take regular computers forever.
• Here's the catch: qubits are delicate. Measuring them forces them to be a 1 or 0, collapsing their
superposition. But if we can harness them, they hold immense potential for revolutionizing fields like
medicine, materials science, and cryptography. Think of it as unlocking a whole new way of processing
information, with qubits as the key.
• Qubits vs Bits: Qubits, the building blocks of quantum computers, differ from classical bits. While bits
are restricted to 0 or 1, qubits can be in a superposition of both states at once.
• Superposition Explained: This "both-at-once" state arises from quantum mechanics. Mathematically, a
qubit's state is a combination of |0> and |1> with probabilities encoded by complex numbers (amplitudes).
• Basis States: The |0> and |1> states are the foundation for qubits. They act as reference points for
describing more complex quantum states.
• Bloch Sphere Visualization: This mathematical tool depicts a qubit's state as a point on a sphere. The
position depends on the amplitudes associated with the basis states.
• Parallel Processing Power: Superposition allows multiple qubits to explore numerous possibilities
simultaneously. This unlocks the ability to tackle problems that would overwhelm classical computers.
• Fragile Nature: Measuring a qubit forces it to collapse into a definite state (0 or 1), destroying the
superposition. Careful control is needed to harness its potential.
• Twin Qubits: Imagine two qubits linked like twins. This is entanglement, where their fates are
• Instantaneous Connection: A change in one entangled qubit instantly affects the other, no matter the
distance. (Think: Separated coins flipping the same way every time!)
• Not Teleportation: Entanglement doesn't transmit information faster than light, but allows for powerful
correlations in quantum algorithms.
• Beyond Bits: Unlike classical bits, entangled qubits share a single quantum state, defying classical
• Unlocking Potential: Entanglement holds promise for secure communication and solving complex
problems in various fields.
• The Tools of the Trade: Quantum gates are like logic gates in classical computers, but for qubits. They
manipulate the superposition and entanglement of qubits.
• Flipping and Combining: Common gates like Hadamard and CNOT can flip a qubit's state (0 to 1 or
vice versa) or combine the states of two entangled qubits.
• Building Quantum Circuits: By combining different gates in specific sequences, we create quantum
circuits to perform complex calculations.
• Unlocking Potential: Quantum gates allow us to control and orchestrate the unique properties of
qubits, paving the way for solving problems intractable for classical computers.
• Precision is Key: Quantum gates are delicate, requiring precise control to maintain the fragile quantum
states of qubits.
• Beyond Classical Limits: Unlike classical algorithms designed for bits, quantum algorithms leverage
the power of superposition and entanglement.
• Tackling the Intractable: These algorithms can solve certain problems exponentially faster than
classical computers, especially those involving complex optimization or large simulations.
• Famous Examples: Shor's Algorithm could break many encryption standards, while Grover's Algorithm
can speed up search tasks.
• Still Under Development: Quantum algorithms are a young field, constantly evolving and being
optimized for specific tasks.
• The Future is Quantum: Mastering these algorithms will unlock breakthroughs in fields like drug
discovery, materials science, and financial modeling.
• Decoherence is the enemy of qubits. It's the loss of their delicate quantum states due to interactions
with the environment, making them behave classically (0 or 1).
• Keeping it Quantum: Quantum error correction fights back. These techniques use multiple qubits to
encode information redundantly, detecting and correcting errors caused by decoherence.
• Like Fort Knox for Qubits: Error correction codes act like shields, protecting the fragile superposition
of qubits during computations.
• The Challenge Remains: Implementing effective error correction requires many extra qubits, making it
a hurdle for large-scale quantum computers.
• The Race is On: Researchers are constantly developing new error correction methods to pave the way
for robust and reliable quantum computations.
• Extracting the Unknown: Unlike classical bits, qubits hold probabilistic information. Measurement
aims to extract this information from a qubit (or entangled qubits) existing in superposition (both 0 and 1).
• Superposition Collapse: Measurement forces the "both-at-once" state to collapse. The qubit is forced
into a definite state (0 or 1) – a one-way trip.
• Probabilistic Outcomes: Forget certainties! We only get the probability of finding the qubit in a specific
state (0 or 1) after measurement, based on its wavefunction before.
• The Observer Effect: Measurement requires interaction with a device, disrupting the qubit and forcing
collapse. This interaction highlights how the act of measurement itself influences the system.
• Bridging Two Worlds: Quantum measurement connects the probabilistic world of qubits with the
classical world of definite states. It provides information, but fundamentally alters the measured system.
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Hash Function(s) Used Blockchain Platforms
Bitcoin, Ripple (XRP), Bitcoin Cash, TRON, VeChain,
Stellar, Algorand, NEM, Hedera Hashgraph
Keccak-256 (SHA-3)
Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Cardano, Polkadot,
Solana, EOS
Blake2b Binance Smart Chain, Cardano
Scrypt Litecoin, Multichain
CryptoNight Monero
Kerl (Custom Hash Function) IOTA
X11 (Combination of Hash Functions) Dash
Equihash (Memory-Bound Proof-of-Work) Zcash
RIPEMD-160 Bitcoin, Tezos, NEO
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Navigating Post-Quantum Blockchain: Resilient Cryptography in Quantum Threats
Navigating Post-Quantum Blockchain: Resilient Cryptography in Quantum Threats
InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
[8]: System design has been proposed that schemes a voting system on the
blockchain, incorporating PQC offering a systematic and critical view towards laying
down a quantum-resistant blockchain for near future online voting systems in the
PQC era ahead.
[9] addresses the challenge of collaborating network services with heterogeneous
devices from various vendors by leveraging blockchain technology.
Research also explores the integration of PQC algorithms to safeguard against
future threats and demonstrates superior write performance of Quorum Blockchain
by exploiting PQC algorithm shortest vector problem (SVP) in a lattice.
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[12]: Employs Grobner basis algorithms over finite fields, bidding better security
against possible quantum attacks
Grobner basis algorithms
Special kind of set of polynomials that captures the
essence of a larger set. Like having a bunch of complex
polynomial equations & a Grobner basis renders a
simplified set that holds all the essential
information about the original equations, making it
easier to analyze.
InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
[12]: Employs Grobner basis algorithms over finite fields, bidding better security
against possible quantum attacks
[13]: Concentrating specifically on Bitcoin & Ethereum, the authors demonstrate how
these platforms enable primitives to ensure data integrity, authenticity, and non-
repudiation and then they acknowledge the potential threat posed by emergent QC
advancements. The authors foresee a future where BCT networks employ NIST-
recommended PQC primitives, ascertaining their continued practicality in the QC era.
Primitive Name Vulnerability Quantum Attack Impact on Blockchain Security
Elliptic Curve
Shor's Algorithm
Breaks ECC algorithms used for digital
signatures and key exchange
Loss of transaction integrity, unauthorized access to
funds, and potential manipulation of the ledger
RSA Shor's Algorithm
Breaks RSA algorithms used for digital
signatures and key exchange
Similar impact as ECC
SHA-256 Grover's Algorithm
Enables finding collisions with
considerably less effort
Potential for forging transactions and compromising
data integrity
ECDSA Signatures Shor's Algorithm Breaks ECDSA signature scheme Loss of transaction authenticity and non-repudiation
Merkle Trees Grover's Algorithm
Speeds up finding preimages and
second preimages
Potential for forging transactions and compromising
data integrity
Proof-of-Work Grover's Algorithm
Enables finding solutions to PoW
puzzles with reduced computational
Potential for mining dominance and centralization of
the network
Most PQC algorithms base
their security on one or
more of the mathematical
PQC methods with
different mathematical
Lattice Based
Code Based
Hash Based
Isogeny Based
Key Exchange
Elliptic Curve
Most PQC algorithms base
their security on one or
more of the mathematical
Lattice Based
Code Based
Hash Based
Isogeny Based
Key Exchange
Elliptic Curve
PQC methods that are to be
taken seriously belong to 5
families that differ in
mathematical foundations
• Building with Lattices: This approach leverages mathematical structures called lattices – grids of
points formed by integer combinations of vectors.
• Hard Problems, Secure Keys: The security of lattice-based PQC relies on the difficulty of solving
specific lattice problems in polynomial time, even for quantum computers. Think complex mazes with no
easy escape!
• Encryption & Signatures: Lattice-based schemes offer both encryption and digital signature
functionalities, crucial for secure communication and data integrity in the quantum age.
• Standardization on the Horizon: Promising lattice-based PQC algorithms like CRYSTALS-KYBER and
CRYSTALS-Dilithium are undergoing standardization, paving the way for real-world adoption.
Approaches of Post Quantum Cryptography
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Based on Description TRL
Lattice Based Mathematical structures based on grids of points and Defined by basis
Code Based Relies on error-correcting codes for its security 3
Multivariate Polynomial Employs systems of polynomial equations for cryptographic security. 2
Hash Based Leverages the collision resistance 4
Isogeny Based Involves the complexity of computing isogenies between elliptic curves. 5
Primitive Name Potential Post-Quantum Replacement Algorithm
Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Lattice-based cryptography, multivariate cryptography, Supersingular
Isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH)
Lattice-based cryptography, multivariate cryptography, post-quantum RSA
SHA-256 Quantum-resistant Merkle trees
ECDSA Signatures Lattice-based signatures, multivariate signatures, XMSS
Merkle Trees
Quantum-resistant Merkle trees with alternative collision-resistant hash
Quantum-resistant PoW algorithms, post-quantum consensus
Potential Post-Quantum Replacement Algorithm
InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
Mechanism Name Latency Throughput
Suitability for Different Blockchain Use
Lattice-based Moderate Moderate High Good
Suitable for public and permissioned
Multivariate BFT Low Moderate Low Good
Suitable for resource-constrained private
Isogeny Moderate High Moderate Good
Suitable for high-throughput applications
and public blockchains
Hash-based Low Moderate Low Good
Suitable for private blockchains requiring
fast consensus
Proof of Work (PoW)
High Low High Moderate
Suitable for public blockchains requiring
high security and decentralization
Proof of Stake (PoS)
Moderate Moderate Low Good
Suitable for public and permissioned
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InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
Navigating Post-Quantum Blockchain: Resilient Cryptography in Quantum Threats
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InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
NIST chose four finalist algorithms in July 2022 for post-quantum cryptography.
The fourth standard (FALCON) will release its draft for comments in 2024.
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CRYSTALS-Kyber : Lattice method for asymmetric encryption.
CRYSTALS-Dilithium : Lattice method, it is used for digital signature.
FALCON : Signature method is also based on lattices.
SPHINCS+ : Hash-based SPHINCS+ is another signature method
NIST also identified many additional candidates to be evaluated which also include non-lattice-based
NIST chose four finalist algorithms in July 2022 for post-quantum cryptography.
The fourth standard (FALCON) will release its draft for comments in 2024.
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CRYSTALS-Kyber : Lattice method for asymmetric encryption.
CRYSTALS-Dilithium : Lattice method, it is used for digital signature.
FALCON : Signature method is also based on lattices.
SPHINCS+ : Hash-based SPHINCS+ is another signature method
NIST also identified many additional candidates to be evaluated which also include non-lattice-based
In addition to NIST, German federal office BSI recommends two PQC models
• Classic McEliece
• FrodoKEM
IETF has proposed two hash based models
• XMSS (RFC 8391)
• Leighton-Micali (RFC 8554)
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InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
Literature Review Summary
- 15 Papers explored with Lattice based PQC in maximum
- Voting enabled on blockchain applications
- Max demonstrations limited to Ethereum blockchain and few on Quoram
- QKD for Quantum-Safe Smart Contracts
- Mostly Theoretical frameworks
- Lack of Quantum research resources
- Promising and Definite association of Blockchain and PQC
- Threats and repercussions to Smart Contracts
- Existing Governance Mechanisms in place
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Challenges of Implementing PQC in Blockchain
— Performance and Efficiency
• PQC algorithms demand more computation, potentially slowing down blockchain platforms.
— Interoperability and Compatibility
• Integrating PQC requires major updates to blockchain protocols for compatibility with existing systems.
• Lack of standardized PQC algorithms can lead to compatibility issues across blockchain platforms.
— Security Considerations in Transitioning to PQC
• PQC implementations are vulnerable to side-channel attacks.
— Migration
• Likewise for any migration in PQC by NIST, there exists a number of challenges
—Current Chip Architectures
• Current card chip architectures are designed for RSA or Diffie-Hellman keys and have a corresponding coprocessor.
• In contrast, they are not designed to perform lattice or, code operations, certainly not with the necessary key lengths.
• Revision of current chip architectures is therefore an important challenge for the coming years
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InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
• Solution without a problem
• Cryptoagility
• Ability of a cryptographic system to rapidly adapt and evolve in response to new
threats, vulnerabilities, or technological advancements
• Realisation of threat by state
• Harvest now Decrypt Later
• Blockchain future readiness imminent
• AI arrival spoils the scenario further
InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
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InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
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InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024

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Navigating Post-Quantum Blockchain: Resilient Cryptography in Quantum Threats

  • 1. International Conference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security (ReDCySec2023) 30-31 May, 2024 Organized by Center for Cyber Security and Cryptology, Sharda University Presenter: Paper ID: Navigating Post-Quantum Blockchain: Resilient Cryptography in Quantum Threats by Dr Anupam Tiwari, Ph.D #7 InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
  • 2. — Problem Statement — Introduction — Cryptographic Primitives in Blockchain Technology — Vulnerabilities of current cryptography to QC attacks in Blockchain Technology — Foundations of PQC — Literature Review — Current State — Challenges — Conclusion InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024 PRESENTATION LAYOUT
  • 3. InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024 Navigating Post-Quantum Blockchain: Resilient Cryptography in Quantum Threats PROBLEM STATEMENT
  • 4. INTRODUCTION — Blockchain banks heavily on CRYPTOGRAPHY — Blockchain imparts all it’s well known characteristics attributed to CRYPTOGRAPHY • Transparency • Redundancy • Accountability • Immutability • Decentralization • Consensus - Proof-of-work InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
  • 5. Traditional CRYPTOGRAPHIC algorithms, which have effectively demonstrated data integrity and privacy, now are confronted with QUANTUM COMPUTERS InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024 INTRODUCTION
  • 6. InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024 WELL KNOWN ENCRYPTION & HASHING ALGORITHMS
  • 7. RSA: Based on prime factorization difficulty. AES: Utilizes substitution-permutation network. DES: Employs Feistel network structure. ECC: Relies on elliptic curve properties. Diffie-Hellman: Solves discrete logarithm problem. SHA: Uses Merkle-Damgård construction Blowfish: Variable key length Feistel network. Twofish: Variable key size substitution- permutation network. DSA: Modular exponentiation for signatures. RC4: Stream cipher for data encryption. Well known Encryption and Hashing Algorithms InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
  • 8. Where is Cryptography used in Blockchain Technology? —Hash Functions • Data Integrity • Digital Signatures and Authenticity —Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Key Exchange • Cryptographic Random Number Generators • Merkle trees InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
  • 9. VULNERABILITIES OF CURRENT CRYPTOGRAPHY TO QC ATTACKS IN BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
  • 10. Vulnerabilities of Current Cryptography to QC Attacks in BCT —Shor's Algorithm • Quantum algorithm for factoring large integers. • Threatens security of RSA and other cryptographic schemes. • Exponential speedup over classical factoring algorithms. • Basis for potential quantum attacks on modern encryption. • Discovered by Peter Shor in 1994. —Grover's Algorithm • Quantum search algorithm for unsorted databases. • Quadratic speedup compared to classical search. • Implications for breaking symmetric key cryptography. • Discovered by Lov Grover in 1996. Shor's algorithm threatens Asymmetric Encryption by efficiently factoring large numbers, compromising security. Grover's algorithm poses a threat to Symmetric Encryption by speeding up brute-force attacks, reducing its effectiveness. InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
  • 11. InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024 Asymmetric Encryption Algorithms Symmetric Encryption Algorithms CONTEXT PQC
  • 12. InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024 Asymmetric Encryption Algorithms • Generally more vulnerable to quantum threats compared to symmetric encryption algorithms. • Arises from the fact that many asymmetric encryption algorithms rely on mathematical problems that can be efficiently solved by quantum computers
  • 13. InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024 Symmetric Encryption Algorithms • Considered to be less vulnerable to quantum threats because they do not rely on the same mathematical problems as asymmetric encryption. • Typically based on operations such as Permutations, Substitutions, and Bitwise operations rather than the mathematical problems that asymmetric encryption algorithms rely on.
  • 14. Thus • Emergence of Quantum Computing raises concerns about the future security of blockchain networks relying on traditional cryptographic methods. • Transitioning to post-quantum cryptographic methods is imperative to ensure the continued security of digital communication and asset protection InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
  • 15. Foundations of Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
  • 16. Foundations of Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) • Quantum cryptography relies on the principles of quantum mechanics to secure communication channels. • Unlike classical cryptography, quantum cryptography utilizes the behavior of particles like photons to create secure communication protocols. InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
  • 17. • Qubits • Superposition • Entanglement • Quantum Gates • Quantum Algorithms • De-coherence & Error Correction • Quantum Measurement Foundations of Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
  • 18. • Qubits: Quantum computing's core, like classical bits • Superposition: Qubits can represent 0 and 1 simultaneously, boosting computational power. • Entanglement: Qubits can be correlated regardless of distance, enhancing computational capabilities. • Quantum Gates: Manipulate qubits to perform operations like classical logic gates. • Quantum Algorithms: Leverage qubits to solve problems exponentially faster than classical methods. • De-coherence & Error Correction: Techniques counteract errors caused by environmental factors. • Quantum Measurement: Process collapses qubit states, providing classical output from quantum computations. Foundations of PQC InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
  • 19. • In the world of computers, information is built on bits, tiny switches that are either on (1) or off (0). • Quantum computers take things a step further with qubits. These are like bits, but weirder. • A qubit can be 1, 0, or both at the same time (superposition), thanks to the strangeness of quantum mechanics. Imagine a coin spinning – it's both heads and tails until you stop it and look. • This lets qubits explore many possibilities simultaneously, making them supercharged for tackling problems that would take regular computers forever. • Here's the catch: qubits are delicate. Measuring them forces them to be a 1 or 0, collapsing their superposition. But if we can harness them, they hold immense potential for revolutionizing fields like medicine, materials science, and cryptography. Think of it as unlocking a whole new way of processing information, with qubits as the key. QUBITS
  • 20. • Qubits vs Bits: Qubits, the building blocks of quantum computers, differ from classical bits. While bits are restricted to 0 or 1, qubits can be in a superposition of both states at once. • Superposition Explained: This "both-at-once" state arises from quantum mechanics. Mathematically, a qubit's state is a combination of |0> and |1> with probabilities encoded by complex numbers (amplitudes). • Basis States: The |0> and |1> states are the foundation for qubits. They act as reference points for describing more complex quantum states. • Bloch Sphere Visualization: This mathematical tool depicts a qubit's state as a point on a sphere. The position depends on the amplitudes associated with the basis states. • Parallel Processing Power: Superposition allows multiple qubits to explore numerous possibilities simultaneously. This unlocks the ability to tackle problems that would overwhelm classical computers. • Fragile Nature: Measuring a qubit forces it to collapse into a definite state (0 or 1), destroying the superposition. Careful control is needed to harness its potential. SUPERPOSITION
  • 21. • Twin Qubits: Imagine two qubits linked like twins. This is entanglement, where their fates are connected. • Instantaneous Connection: A change in one entangled qubit instantly affects the other, no matter the distance. (Think: Separated coins flipping the same way every time!) • Not Teleportation: Entanglement doesn't transmit information faster than light, but allows for powerful correlations in quantum algorithms. • Beyond Bits: Unlike classical bits, entangled qubits share a single quantum state, defying classical physics. • Unlocking Potential: Entanglement holds promise for secure communication and solving complex problems in various fields. ENTANGLEMENT: SPOOKY ACTION AT A DISTANCE
  • 22. • The Tools of the Trade: Quantum gates are like logic gates in classical computers, but for qubits. They manipulate the superposition and entanglement of qubits. • Flipping and Combining: Common gates like Hadamard and CNOT can flip a qubit's state (0 to 1 or vice versa) or combine the states of two entangled qubits. • Building Quantum Circuits: By combining different gates in specific sequences, we create quantum circuits to perform complex calculations. • Unlocking Potential: Quantum gates allow us to control and orchestrate the unique properties of qubits, paving the way for solving problems intractable for classical computers. • Precision is Key: Quantum gates are delicate, requiring precise control to maintain the fragile quantum states of qubits. QUANTUM GATES: THE ARCHITECTS OF QUBIT MAGIC
  • 23. • Beyond Classical Limits: Unlike classical algorithms designed for bits, quantum algorithms leverage the power of superposition and entanglement. • Tackling the Intractable: These algorithms can solve certain problems exponentially faster than classical computers, especially those involving complex optimization or large simulations. • Famous Examples: Shor's Algorithm could break many encryption standards, while Grover's Algorithm can speed up search tasks. • Still Under Development: Quantum algorithms are a young field, constantly evolving and being optimized for specific tasks. • The Future is Quantum: Mastering these algorithms will unlock breakthroughs in fields like drug discovery, materials science, and financial modeling. QUANTUM ALGORITHMS
  • 24. • Decoherence is the enemy of qubits. It's the loss of their delicate quantum states due to interactions with the environment, making them behave classically (0 or 1). • Keeping it Quantum: Quantum error correction fights back. These techniques use multiple qubits to encode information redundantly, detecting and correcting errors caused by decoherence. • Like Fort Knox for Qubits: Error correction codes act like shields, protecting the fragile superposition of qubits during computations. • The Challenge Remains: Implementing effective error correction requires many extra qubits, making it a hurdle for large-scale quantum computers. • The Race is On: Researchers are constantly developing new error correction methods to pave the way for robust and reliable quantum computations. DE-COHERENCE & ERROR CORRECTION
  • 25. • Extracting the Unknown: Unlike classical bits, qubits hold probabilistic information. Measurement aims to extract this information from a qubit (or entangled qubits) existing in superposition (both 0 and 1). • Superposition Collapse: Measurement forces the "both-at-once" state to collapse. The qubit is forced into a definite state (0 or 1) – a one-way trip. • Probabilistic Outcomes: Forget certainties! We only get the probability of finding the qubit in a specific state (0 or 1) after measurement, based on its wavefunction before. • The Observer Effect: Measurement requires interaction with a device, disrupting the qubit and forcing collapse. This interaction highlights how the act of measurement itself influences the system. • Bridging Two Worlds: Quantum measurement connects the probabilistic world of qubits with the classical world of definite states. It provides information, but fundamentally alters the measured system. QUANTUM MEASUREMENT
  • 26. InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024 LITERATURE REVIEW
  • 27. Hash Function(s) Used Blockchain Platforms SHA-256 Bitcoin, Ripple (XRP), Bitcoin Cash, TRON, VeChain, Stellar, Algorand, NEM, Hedera Hashgraph Keccak-256 (SHA-3) Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Cardano, Polkadot, Solana, EOS Blake2b Binance Smart Chain, Cardano Scrypt Litecoin, Multichain CryptoNight Monero Kerl (Custom Hash Function) IOTA X11 (Combination of Hash Functions) Dash Equihash (Memory-Bound Proof-of-Work) Zcash RIPEMD-160 Bitcoin, Tezos, NEO InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
  • 30. InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024 [8]: System design has been proposed that schemes a voting system on the blockchain, incorporating PQC offering a systematic and critical view towards laying down a quantum-resistant blockchain for near future online voting systems in the PQC era ahead. [9] addresses the challenge of collaborating network services with heterogeneous devices from various vendors by leveraging blockchain technology. Research also explores the integration of PQC algorithms to safeguard against future threats and demonstrates superior write performance of Quorum Blockchain by exploiting PQC algorithm shortest vector problem (SVP) in a lattice.
  • 31. InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024 [12]: Employs Grobner basis algorithms over finite fields, bidding better security against possible quantum attacks Grobner basis algorithms Special kind of set of polynomials that captures the essence of a larger set. Like having a bunch of complex polynomial equations & a Grobner basis renders a simplified set that holds all the essential information about the original equations, making it easier to analyze.
  • 32. InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024 [12]: Employs Grobner basis algorithms over finite fields, bidding better security against possible quantum attacks [13]: Concentrating specifically on Bitcoin & Ethereum, the authors demonstrate how these platforms enable primitives to ensure data integrity, authenticity, and non- repudiation and then they acknowledge the potential threat posed by emergent QC advancements. The authors foresee a future where BCT networks employ NIST- recommended PQC primitives, ascertaining their continued practicality in the QC era.
  • 33. Primitive Name Vulnerability Quantum Attack Impact on Blockchain Security Elliptic Curve Cryptography Shor's Algorithm Breaks ECC algorithms used for digital signatures and key exchange Loss of transaction integrity, unauthorized access to funds, and potential manipulation of the ledger RSA Shor's Algorithm Breaks RSA algorithms used for digital signatures and key exchange Similar impact as ECC SHA-256 Grover's Algorithm Enables finding collisions with considerably less effort Potential for forging transactions and compromising data integrity ECDSA Signatures Shor's Algorithm Breaks ECDSA signature scheme Loss of transaction authenticity and non-repudiation Merkle Trees Grover's Algorithm Speeds up finding preimages and second preimages Potential for forging transactions and compromising data integrity Proof-of-Work Grover's Algorithm Enables finding solutions to PoW puzzles with reduced computational effort Potential for mining dominance and centralization of the network
  • 34. Most PQC algorithms base their security on one or more of the mathematical problems PQC methods with different mathematical foundations Lattice Based Code Based Multivariate Polynomial Hash Based Isogeny Based Post-Quantum Key Exchange Hybrid Cryptographic Schemes Super-Singular Elliptic Curve
  • 35. Most PQC algorithms base their security on one or more of the mathematical problems Lattice Based Code Based Multivariate Polynomial Hash Based Isogeny Based Post-Quantum Key Exchange Hybrid Cryptographic Schemes Super-Singular Elliptic Curve PQC methods that are to be taken seriously belong to 5 families that differ in mathematical foundations
  • 36. • Building with Lattices: This approach leverages mathematical structures called lattices – grids of points formed by integer combinations of vectors. • Hard Problems, Secure Keys: The security of lattice-based PQC relies on the difficulty of solving specific lattice problems in polynomial time, even for quantum computers. Think complex mazes with no easy escape! • Encryption & Signatures: Lattice-based schemes offer both encryption and digital signature functionalities, crucial for secure communication and data integrity in the quantum age. • Standardization on the Horizon: Promising lattice-based PQC algorithms like CRYSTALS-KYBER and CRYSTALS-Dilithium are undergoing standardization, paving the way for real-world adoption. LATTICE IS SPECIAL TODAY
  • 37. Approaches of Post Quantum Cryptography InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024 Based on Description TRL Lattice Based Mathematical structures based on grids of points and Defined by basis vectors 4 Code Based Relies on error-correcting codes for its security 3 Multivariate Polynomial Employs systems of polynomial equations for cryptographic security. 2 Hash Based Leverages the collision resistance 4 Isogeny Based Involves the complexity of computing isogenies between elliptic curves. 5
  • 38. Primitive Name Potential Post-Quantum Replacement Algorithm Elliptic Curve Cryptography Lattice-based cryptography, multivariate cryptography, Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) RSA Lattice-based cryptography, multivariate cryptography, post-quantum RSA (PQ-RSA) SHA-256 Quantum-resistant Merkle trees ECDSA Signatures Lattice-based signatures, multivariate signatures, XMSS Merkle Trees Quantum-resistant Merkle trees with alternative collision-resistant hash functions Proof-of-Work Quantum-resistant PoW algorithms, post-quantum consensus mechanisms Potential Post-Quantum Replacement Algorithm InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
  • 39. Mechanism Name Latency Throughput Energy Consumption Scalability Suitability for Different Blockchain Use Cases Lattice-based Moderate Moderate High Good Suitable for public and permissioned blockchains Multivariate BFT Low Moderate Low Good Suitable for resource-constrained private blockchains Isogeny Moderate High Moderate Good Suitable for high-throughput applications and public blockchains Hash-based Low Moderate Low Good Suitable for private blockchains requiring fast consensus Quantum-resistant Proof of Work (PoW) High Low High Moderate Suitable for public blockchains requiring high security and decentralization Quantum-resistant Proof of Stake (PoS) Moderate Moderate Low Good Suitable for public and permissioned blockchains PQC MECHANISMS: PERFORMANCE & SUITABILITY FOR BLOCKCHAIN
  • 40. InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024 CURRENT STATE
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  • 43. InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
  • 44. InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
  • 45. NIST chose four finalist algorithms in July 2022 for post-quantum cryptography. The fourth standard (FALCON) will release its draft for comments in 2024. InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024 CRYSTALS-Kyber : Lattice method for asymmetric encryption. CRYSTALS-Dilithium : Lattice method, it is used for digital signature. FALCON : Signature method is also based on lattices. SPHINCS+ : Hash-based SPHINCS+ is another signature method NIST also identified many additional candidates to be evaluated which also include non-lattice-based choices.
  • 46. NIST chose four finalist algorithms in July 2022 for post-quantum cryptography. The fourth standard (FALCON) will release its draft for comments in 2024. InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024 CRYSTALS-Kyber : Lattice method for asymmetric encryption. CRYSTALS-Dilithium : Lattice method, it is used for digital signature. FALCON : Signature method is also based on lattices. SPHINCS+ : Hash-based SPHINCS+ is another signature method NIST also identified many additional candidates to be evaluated which also include non-lattice-based choices.
  • 47. In addition to NIST, German federal office BSI recommends two PQC models • Classic McEliece • FrodoKEM IETF has proposed two hash based models • XMSS (RFC 8391) • Leighton-Micali (RFC 8554) InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
  • 48. InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024 Literature Review Summary - 15 Papers explored with Lattice based PQC in maximum - Voting enabled on blockchain applications - Max demonstrations limited to Ethereum blockchain and few on Quoram - QKD for Quantum-Safe Smart Contracts - Mostly Theoretical frameworks - Lack of Quantum research resources - Promising and Definite association of Blockchain and PQC - Threats and repercussions to Smart Contracts - Existing Governance Mechanisms in place
  • 49. InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024 CHALLENGES OF IMPLEMENTING PQC IN BLOCKCHAIN
  • 50. Challenges of Implementing PQC in Blockchain — Performance and Efficiency • PQC algorithms demand more computation, potentially slowing down blockchain platforms. — Interoperability and Compatibility • Integrating PQC requires major updates to blockchain protocols for compatibility with existing systems. • Lack of standardized PQC algorithms can lead to compatibility issues across blockchain platforms. — Security Considerations in Transitioning to PQC • PQC implementations are vulnerable to side-channel attacks. — Migration • Likewise for any migration in PQC by NIST, there exists a number of challenges —Current Chip Architectures • Current card chip architectures are designed for RSA or Diffie-Hellman keys and have a corresponding coprocessor. • In contrast, they are not designed to perform lattice or, code operations, certainly not with the necessary key lengths. • Revision of current chip architectures is therefore an important challenge for the coming years InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024
  • 51. InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024 Conclusion • Solution without a problem • Cryptoagility • Ability of a cryptographic system to rapidly adapt and evolve in response to new threats, vulnerabilities, or technological advancements • Realisation of threat by state • Harvest now Decrypt Later • Blockchain future readiness imminent • AI arrival spoils the scenario further
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  • 54. InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security- ReDCySec-2024