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CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016
Digital Performance Management Platform
© 2015 SOASTA. All rights reserved.CONFIDENTIAL – Not for Distribution
Top ecommerce & media choose
58 of the Top 100
Internet Retailers
choose SOASTA
CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. 3
Over $1b in online
double-digit gains
from the Company’s
online business
“The brands that do not
evolve their shopping
habits to reach this
consumer will basically
No. 80 in the
Retailer 2015
Top 500 Guide
grew nearly
30% year-
My Offers initiative –
Focus on Omni-channel
CEO Steven Temares
pegged overall e-
commerce and
mobile seeing record
What we know about Bed, Bath & Beyond
CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 4
Evolve with SOASTA
Real Time Campaigns & Predictive Analytics
3rd Party Performance &
Conversion Impact
Conversion &
Bounce Rate

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Modern Load Testing: Move Your Load Testing from the Past to the Present
Modern Load Testing: Move Your Load Testing from the Past to the PresentModern Load Testing: Move Your Load Testing from the Past to the Present
Modern Load Testing: Move Your Load Testing from the Past to the Present

Load testing approaches of the past support application delivery of the past. Times have changed. Today’s leading companies do more testing in less time with higher coverage of their web and mobile applications, everyday. In this webinar you’ll learn: - Why user experience is king - How to do front-to-back performance testing for mobile and web apps - How to deploy web and mobile load tests with global scale and distribution - Live production testing enabled with real-time analysis and control - How real user monitoring drives test creation and guides production testing The time is now to move your testing from the past to the present! Join us for tips and tricks to get you there.

load testingmobile testingcontinuous integration
Real User Measurement: The Secret Weapon for Quality
Real User Measurement: The Secret Weapon for QualityReal User Measurement: The Secret Weapon for Quality
Real User Measurement: The Secret Weapon for Quality

Real User Measurement (RUM) helps you to stop guessing about what to test. When you see where your users are, when they lose patience, their peak usage by the minute, and precise web and mobile traffic composition, you know exactly what to test. SOASTA’s mPulse is RUM that is easy to implement and gives instant insight that will change your perspective of performance, monitoring and testing forever. Performance experts Cliff Crocker and Buddy Brewer will walk thru the latest release of SOASTA’s mPulse and show how it helps companies see every user, every second, while providing critical information for more accurate testing.

performance testingload testingreal user measurement
SOASTA Webinar: Process Compression For Mobile App Dev 120612
SOASTA Webinar: Process Compression For Mobile App Dev 120612SOASTA Webinar: Process Compression For Mobile App Dev 120612
SOASTA Webinar: Process Compression For Mobile App Dev 120612

The webinar discusses continuous integration and automation for mobile development and testing. It presents tools from Atlassian, Zephyr, and SOASTA that can help automate the mobile development and testing process. Continuous integration with Bamboo can help developers integrate code changes more frequently and fail builds faster to catch bugs earlier. Zephyr provides test management to centralize test assets and provide visibility. SOASTA offers tools for test automation, real user monitoring, and performance/load testing to help achieve test completion with quality. Together these tools can help speed up the mobile development process through continuous integration, test automation, and visibility into the testing process.

CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 5
Use cases
Promotions. A/B Tests. Inventory.
Promotion not performing?
…then be pro-active!
CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 6
….cut the price. Send out another
e-mail blast..
Use cases
CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 7
Get involved in the design. Build alternate scenarios.
Use cases
CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 8
Get involved in the design. Build alternate scenarios.
Use cases

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Webinar functional testing automation slideshare

SOASTA CloudTest offers FREE functional test automation with the power of Selenium coupled with the ease of a visual testing environment and the power of the cloud for users of the leading cloud-enabled test automation platform.

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Webinar: New Features in CloudTest & TouchTest
Webinar: New Features in CloudTest & TouchTestWebinar: New Features in CloudTest & TouchTest
Webinar: New Features in CloudTest & TouchTest

- Improved Continuous Testing as part of your CI (Continuous Integration) process so poor performing code never makes it into production - Faster time to testing with easier test recording in Chrome Reuse of existing UI Automation tests in your TouchTest Android mobile tests - New flexible licensing, supporting unlimited number of devices

softwaresoftware developmentcloud testing
New Features in CloudTest & TouchTest
New Features in CloudTest & TouchTestNew Features in CloudTest & TouchTest
New Features in CloudTest & TouchTest

Check out the latest and greatest features in the SOASTA Spring release of CloudTest and TouchTest including: – JMeter support for easy performance testing from development to production – Version control to manage all your testing assets in Git – Network emulation to build load tests that better model customer actions from desktop and mobile – iOS 9.3 support including 3D Touch – Much more that will be covered in the webinar

cloudtestload testingmobile testing
CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 9
DPM Unique
Campaign Analytics
NOT sampling
All the data
All the time
Kept forever
Complimentary Technology
Predictive Analytics
Correlate w/ Web Performance
CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 10
vs. Adobe Analytics, IBM Coremetrics, & Google Analytics:
• See real time campaign performance LIVE every
single second
• Compare current vs. past performance- and alert if
out of bounds
• Identify specifically if and how web performance is
effecting campaign performance- and how to fix it
CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 11
SOASTA Real-Time Campaign Analytics
(Tolerance Bands)
All Activity
Activity by
All Activity
Revenue by
Anomaly Detection
Revenue spike? Is there
a price error?
Revenue too low? Check
CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. 12
SOASTA Real-Time Campaign Analytics A day in the life…

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Mobile Performance: State of the Union

This webinar looks at performance metrics such as load time, time to interact, page size, page composition, and adoption of performance best practices.

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Continuous Load Testing with CloudTest and Jenkins
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Continuous Load Testing with CloudTest and Jenkins

Two key challenges to continuous load testing are provisioning a test system to handle the load and accessing load generators to drive the traffic. In this webinar from SOASTA & CloudBees, you will learn how to: Build realistic automated web performance tests and run them in Jenkins Architect and launch a test environment that auto-provisions in the cloud Manage a load generation grid to drive load tests in a lights-out mode Establish a performance baseline in your daily Jenkins reports

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Automated Testing and Continuous Integration for Mobile Apps: Jenkins & Cloud...
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Automated Testing and Continuous Integration for Mobile Apps: Jenkins & Cloud...

Build, Test, Deploy Mobile Apps with a fully automated Continuous Intergration the Cloud...for free... Kohsuke Kawaguchi, Jenkins creator, and Mark Prichard of CloudBees join SOASTA for a demos and discussion of CI for mobile in the cloud. From Nov. 15, 2012 webinar. (a repeat of Sept 27, 2012 webinar)

kohsuke kawaguchijenkinsmobile
Real-Time Session Path Analysis
How does this help you?
I want to make
more money
IT Ops:
What do I
improve first?
CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. 15
Top 3 challenges our customers address with
Digital Performance Management
• How does web performance impact conversion,
revenue and user engagement?
• How can we optimize revenue performance from our
digital campaigns and promotions?
• How to prioritize areas for improvement that have the
greatest impact on conversion and revenue?
CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016
Third Party Risk

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Engine Yard Cloud Architecture Enhancements
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Engine Yard Cloud Architecture Enhancements

We’re excited to announce that we are evolving our cloud application architecture to be more flexible and modular, giving you greater control of your environment and more choices for components, deployment options and infrastructure. During this webcast we'll provide more information on Engine Yard Cloud's new cluster model, infrastructure abstraction layer and monitoring and alerting agent, share what's coming and have an open Q&A to answer your questions.


The document discusses using the Fog gem to interact with cloud infrastructure providers through a unified interface. It provides examples of using Fog to get a list of providers and services, retrieve and create resources using collections and models, and execute requests directly against cloud APIs. Reader exercises demonstrate bootstrapping a server and executing SSH commands on the server instance.

Cohodatawebinar Cohodatawebinar

The document discusses the problem of storage hardware sprawl, where multiple storage arrays are added to address specific workload needs like performance, capacity, or connectivity. This leads to increased complexity and costs. The presentation proposes designing a single storage system that can adapt to different workloads through the use of scale-out flash and HDD resources, and software-defined networking to distribute storage intelligence and optimize performance across the system. An example product, Coho MicroArray, is highlighted as demonstrating this approach in a compact 2U form factor to eliminate hardware sprawl for mid-sized data centers.

CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 17
DPM is Real Time e-Business View
(Digital Operations Center)
Proof of Revenue (PoR)
CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016
Digital Performance Management Platform
© 2015 SOASTA. All rights reserved.CONFIDENTIAL – Not for Distribution
Top ecommerce & media choose
CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 20
Amazon is eating your lunch, and it’s not even close

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Simplifying PCI on a PaaS Environment
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Simplifying PCI on a PaaS Environment

Achieving PCI compliance can be a complex, time-consuming, and expensive undertaking. However, with the right approach it can be substantially less burdensome. In this webcast, we will provide background and recommendations to help you make the best possible decisions regarding PCI for your PaaS-based application. If you currently accept, or are contemplating accepting a payment card on your web application, this webcast is for you. In this presentation you will learn about: -An overview of PCI -How to scope your environment for PCI compliance -Ways to make compliance more manageable, and -Things to consider when approaching PCI compliance on a PaaS provider. To view the full webcast on-demand:

6 tips for improving ruby performance
6 tips for improving ruby performance6 tips for improving ruby performance
6 tips for improving ruby performance

This presentation was prepared for a Webcast where John Yerhot, Engine Yard US Support Lead, and Chris Kelly, Technical Evangelist at New Relic discussed how you can scale and improve the performance of your Ruby web apps. They shared detailed guidance on issues like: Caching strategies Slow database queries Background processing Profiling Ruby applications Picking the right Ruby web server Sharding data Attendees will learn how to: Gain visibility on site performance Improve scalability and uptime Find and fix key bottlenecks See the on-demand replay:

railsengine yarddatabase

Everyday, emails arrive and clutter your inbox.  Communications are easily lost or forgotten as mail piles up. Slack was conceived by Tiny Speck Company, who was searching for a truly efficient method of professional communication. Unlike email, Slack allows team members to share ideas in real time. Chat rooms are “hash-tagged” to specific topics, where everyone can share files and links relevant to the topic. Slack can also host non-employees for collaboration on dedicated projects. Larger corporations will probably shy away from Slack because communication is naturally more relaxed and open. Slack is not a traditional chat room. It’s a multi-platform app, featuring real-time communication, topic search, and file sharing history. Your team can assign unique notifications to any slack room, such as twitter updates or new bug warnings. Direct messaging removes the need for email or instant messaging. 8ninths uses Slack, and we love it. Slack us!

CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 21
Web Performance
CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 22
Web Performance
CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 23
Web Performance
CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 24
Conversion Impact Score

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In this session at IRCE 2016, Joseph Paulling from and Senior Researcher at SOASTA, Tammy Everts, talked about how Fanatics made their median page load 2 seconds faster and almost doubled mobile conversions.

online shoppingperformance testingdigital strategy
Digital performance management
Digital performance managementDigital performance management
Digital performance management

This document discusses the importance of digital performance management (DPM) in today's customer-centric business environment. It notes that customer experience will be a critical factor for business success in 2016. DPM allows companies to monitor key user experience, business, and IT metrics to improve site speed and performance, which can significantly impact sales conversions and revenue. Regular performance testing and predictive analytics help companies understand the business impacts of performance issues and identify optimization opportunities. Adopting a data-driven, user-focused approach to DPM through monitoring, measurement, optimization and analysis can improve customer experience and drive business outcomes.

webperformancedigital strategy
DPM in Pictures
DPM in PicturesDPM in Pictures
DPM in Pictures

The document discusses a digital performance management platform from SOASTA that provides real-time analytics and monitoring of web performance, campaigns, and third-party integrations. It highlights that 58 of the top 100 internet retailers and top e-commerce brands use SOASTA's platform. The platform helps companies optimize revenue from digital campaigns, prioritize areas for improvement, understand how web performance impacts conversions, and gain insights from real user performance data.

CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 25
3rd Party Performance

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DPM in Pictures

  • 1. CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 Digital Performance Management Platform © 2015 SOASTA. All rights reserved.CONFIDENTIAL – Not for Distribution Top ecommerce & media choose
  • 2. 58 of the Top 100 Internet Retailers choose SOASTA
  • 3. CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. 3 Over $1b in online sales double-digit gains from the Company’s online business “The brands that do not evolve their shopping habits to reach this consumer will basically lose,” No. 80 in the Internet Retailer 2015 Top 500 Guide E-commerce grew nearly 30% year- over-year My Offers initiative – Focus on Omni-channel personalization CEO Steven Temares pegged overall e- commerce and mobile seeing record growth What we know about Bed, Bath & Beyond MAKE SURE TO CUSTOMIZE THIS SLIDE
  • 4. CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 4 Evolve with SOASTA Real Time Campaigns & Predictive Analytics 3rd Party Performance & Conversion Impact Conversion & Bounce Rate Web Performance DP M
  • 5. CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 5 Use cases Promotions. A/B Tests. Inventory. Promotion not performing? …then be pro-active!
  • 6. CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 6 ….cut the price. Send out another e-mail blast.. Use cases
  • 7. CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 7 Get involved in the design. Build alternate scenarios. Use cases
  • 8. CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016© 2014 SOASTA. All rights reserved. 8 Get involved in the design. Build alternate scenarios. Use cases
  • 9. CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 9 DPM Unique Real-Time Campaign Analytics Real-User Performance Data NOT sampling All the data All the time Kept forever Complimentary Technology Real-Time Predictive Analytics Correlate w/ Web Performance
  • 10. CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 10 SOASTA DPM Unique vs. Adobe Analytics, IBM Coremetrics, & Google Analytics: • See real time campaign performance LIVE every single second • Compare current vs. past performance- and alert if out of bounds • Identify specifically if and how web performance is effecting campaign performance- and how to fix it
  • 11. CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 11 SOASTA Real-Time Campaign Analytics Anomaly Detection (Tolerance Bands) All Activity Activity by Campaign Cumulative Revenue All Activity Cumulative Revenue by Campaign Anomaly Detection Revenue spike? Is there a price error? Revenue too low? Check webperf
  • 12. CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. 12 SOASTA Real-Time Campaign Analytics A day in the life…
  • 14. 14 How does this help you? Business: I want to make more money IT Ops: What do I improve first?
  • 15. CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. 15 Top 3 challenges our customers address with Digital Performance Management • How does web performance impact conversion, revenue and user engagement? • How can we optimize revenue performance from our digital campaigns and promotions? • How to prioritize areas for improvement that have the greatest impact on conversion and revenue?
  • 16. CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 Third Party Risk
  • 17. CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 17 DPM is Real Time e-Business View (Digital Operations Center)
  • 19. CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 Digital Performance Management Platform © 2015 SOASTA. All rights reserved.CONFIDENTIAL – Not for Distribution Top ecommerce & media choose
  • 20. CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 20 Amazon is eating your lunch, and it’s not even close
  • 21. CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 21 Web Performance
  • 22. CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 22 Web Performance
  • 23. CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 23 Web Performance
  • 24. CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 24 Conversion Impact Score
  • 25. CONFIDENT IAL – Not for Distribution | ©2016 SOASTA, All rights reserved. | October 3, 2016 25 3rd Party Performance

Editor's Notes

  1. How’s this different from other analytics tools (GA, Coremetrics, etc.) How does the SOASTA approach leverage analytic tool data vs data from mpulse (performance) It’s all about the mPulse DATA – not products/product names It’s all about the output/results: real-time campaign analytics All of the data, all of the time, forever: Data science driven by real math Precision Predictive analytics Session analytics Setup the story – this is what you’re about to see This is the customer’s problem: XYZ (no visibility to promotions that weren’t working until the next day)
  2. How’s this different from other analytics tools (GA, Coremetrics, etc.) How does the SOASTA approach leverage analytic tool data vs data from mpulse (performance) It’s all about the mPulse DATA – not products/product names It’s all about the output/results: real-time campaign analytics All of the data, all of the time, forever: Data science driven by real math Precision Predictive analytics Session analytics Setup the story – this is what you’re about to see This is the customer’s problem: XYZ (no visibility to promotions that weren’t working until the next day)
  3. Tell the campaign story – what happens when something goes wrong? What does the marketer do as a result of this visualization? Top left : Activity -- Anomaly detection (seasonality within day) – (“Intelligent alerting”??????) Standard deviation Simple alerting thresholds don’t work – need deep data science to know how YOUR users use the site Give an example of when you might go out of the bands: i.e. mis-priced products at $9 instead of $90 and it causes page views to go way up Events mean different things at different times (midnight-8am, going below 1,000 page views is OK, but not ok during rest of day) Bottom left: activity by campaign Top right: cumulative revenue Bottom right: cumulative revenue by campaign
  4. Tell the campaign story – what happens when something goes wrong? What does the marketer do as a result of this visualization?
  5. This dashboard is geared toward the campaign manager. Same dashboard as previous, but Isolated to a single campaign Session path: key points What is the customer doing on their site? Abandonments & performance relationship? IN REAL-TIME OD story: Landing page is slow, but users are still going around it and converting via home page