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Apache CloudStack's Plugin Model:
Balancing the Cathedral with a Bazaar
Adding Hyper-V Support

    Feb 26th, 2012
The Call For Submissions sets the context

• “Open Source Community Leadership Drives Enterprise-Grade Innovation”
 ᵒCloudStack‟s plugin model permits enterprise-grade adaptions

• “Apache initiatives play a key role in powering today's Cloud”
 ᵒPlugin model allows cloud to adapt to compute loads (not the other way around)

• “particular focus on those [talks] demonstrating real-world experience of
  solving specific problems.”
 ᵒCase study of adding Hyper-V support as a newcomer
Innovators Need the System to be Disaggregated
                                                 CloudStack WebServices API
     OAM&P API                    End User API                                           AWS API                        Pluggable Service API Engine

                                                 Business Logic                                                            Provisioning







  Security Mgr
 Events Manager


 Usage Manager

                                                                                                      Network Guru

                                                                      Template Mgr
                                                    Network Mgr
                     VM Manager

                                   Storage Mgr
Domain Manager

                                                                                                     Network Element
  Account Mgr                                                                                            Planner
 Limits Manager                                                                                       Hypervisor Guru

         Agent Manager                                            Cluster Manager                                       Data Access Layer

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Использование maven для сборки больших модульных c++ проектов на примере Odin...

В докладе рассматривается технология сборки C++ проектов на основе maven, применяемая в Odin Service Automation (OSA)

Grizzly Comet Aquarium Paris
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Grizzly Comet Aquarium Paris

The document discusses Project Grizzly Comet, an open source framework for building real-time web applications using Comet techniques. It provides an overview of key Grizzly Comet components like CometContext, CometHandler, NotificationHandler, and how they enable asynchronous communication between a server and browsers. Additional related projects like Grizzly Messages Bus, Bayeux protocol, and Grizzlet interface are also summarized.

Juggling Java EE with Enterprise Apache Maven
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Juggling Java EE with Enterprise Apache Maven

This document discusses using Maven to manage the build and deployment of Java EE applications. It covers: 1. The components of Java EE applications like EJBs, web services, WARs, and EARs and how to structure them in Maven. 2. How to configure the Maven plugins for each type of artifact like the maven-ejb-plugin, maven-war-plugin, and maven-ear-plugin. 3. Tips for testing the different types of artifacts and deploying the finished application with tools like Cargo.

Disaggregation Started with Hardware Management

                   CloudStack Orchestration                                                       Adapters     CloudStack Provisioning
                                                                                               Network Guru

                                                                        Snapshot Manager
                      Template Manager
 Network Manager

                                         Storage Manager

                                                           VM Manager




                      Agent Manager                                                        Cluster Manager       Data Access Layer
Understand that the Plugin serves two masters

                                                             • Server Component:
                          Rest API                           ᵒJava
                                                             ᵒAdapter APIs
 Plugin API

                      Implementation                         ᵒDAO
                                                             ᵒRESTful API
                        Data Access Layer

                                                             • ServerResource:
 -        Optional. Required if Plugin needs to be co-
                                                             ᵒAgent Proxy, e.g. KVM
          located with the resource                            • „Message Bus‟ of JSON over TCP
 -        Implements translation layer to talk to resource
 -        Communicates with server component via JSON        ᵒDirect connect, e.g. XenServer

          … is it achievable?

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This document provides an overview of vMotion capabilities in VMware vSphere, including: - Types of virtual machine migrations like vMotion, Storage vMotion, and shared-nothing vMotion. - Requirements for vMotion like compatible CPUs and network connectivity. - Enhanced features in vSphere 6 like separate vMotion networking stacks and long distance vMotion. - Best practices for vMotion planning, limitations, and troubleshooting migration errors.

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WLST is a scripting tool that can be used to manage Oracle WebLogic Server domains and instances. It has two modes - offline for configuring domains without a running server, and online for managing running servers. The document discusses using WLST offline to create domains from templates, and online to perform tasks like deployment, configuration, and monitoring of running servers through JMX.

weblogic wlst
Follow the process for new features
      • Announce over mailing list
          - Attempt to get consensus: awareness & acceptance
      • Publish Functional Spec & Design
      • JIRA ticket for feature
      • Setup a Dev Environment
      • Branch on github, use your own (public) branch
      • Submit changes to Review Board
          - post-review for large packages of changes.
• Decide on the wiki you want
     • Incubator wiki cleaner, simpler view
     • CloudStack wiki for in depth development
     • Avoid the pre-Apache wiki (
Simpler Steps Make it Easier to Learn CloudStack
             CloudStack Manager                   CloudStack Manager
                 Hyper-V Types                        Hyper-V Types
Phase 1:                             Phase 2:
           Plugin Server Component              Plugin Server Component
             Proxy ServerResource                    ServerResource

                   Message Bus                          WS-Management

              Connected Agent
              WMI (or PowerShell)                        WMI
             Hyper-V Server 2012                  Hyper-V Server 2012

              XenServer Cluster                     Hyper-V based
                (System VMs)                         System VMs
Reuse and repurpose rather than rewrite

     Phase 1
     Remote            WMI via
                Server Resource (KVM)

                      Agent             Message Bus

ServerResource commands are easier to log and replay
public interface HypervisorResource extends ServerResource {
  StartAnswer execute(StartCommand cmd);
  StopAnswer execute(StopCommand cmd);
  RebootAnswer execute(RebootCommand cmd); }

public void TestCreateCommand() {
  String sample = "{"volId":10,"pool":{"id":201,"uuid":""+testLocalStoreUUID+"","h

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This document provides an overview of System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) including its architecture, supported platforms, high availability options, networking capabilities like software defined networks, bare metal deployment, services templates, hybrid cloud integration with App Controller, and managing third party hypervisors. SCVMM provides centralized management of private clouds and hypervisors. It supports features like VM templates, self-service, and role-based access.

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Spring Boot Revisited with KoFu and JaFu
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This document summarizes a presentation on Spring Boot revisited with KoFu and JaFu. KoFu and JaFu are new flavors of Spring Boot that use functional programming approaches. KoFu uses Kotlin and functional bean registration, while JaFu uses Java and a lambda-based infrastructure. The presentation discusses the benefits of Kotlin and Java evolutions, an overview of Spring Fu which is an incubator for KoFu and JaFu, examples of applications written in each flavor, efficiency gains from using Kotlin and KoFu, the team working on the project, and a roadmap for upcoming features including native application support and automated transformation between configurations.

core frameworkmodernization/refactoringspringone 2020
CloudStack is evolving, it may fix your problem

• Storage disaggregated

• SystemVM creation broadened & simplified

         XenServer Cluster                   Hyper-V based
           (System VMs)                       System VMs
Make advance preparations for IP clearance
# Copyright (c) 2010, Inc
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

Bonus Tips – Read at your leisure

• SystemVMs have logs
 ᵒConnect form hypervisor console, user:root, password: 6m1ll10n.
    • Avoids SSH over 3392 with management server RSA keys
• Import Maven projects into Eclipse using m2e
• Maven debuggable task paused waiting for Eclipse to attach:
      export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -
         - See
• Expand Log4j logging
 ᵒChange Threshold from INFO to TRACE
    • :%s/INFO/TRACE/g

• Innovators Need the System to be Disaggregated
• Disaggregation Started with Hardware Management
• Understand that the Plugin serves two masters
• Follow the process for new features
• Simpler Steps Make it Easier to Learn CloudStack
• Repurpose rather than rewrite
• ServerResource commands are easier to log and replay
• Keep an eye out for evolving solutions
• Make advance preparations for IP clearance

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“It is not the strongest of the species that
      survives, nor the most intelligent that
      survives. It is the one that is the most
      adaptable to change.”

                                      – Charles Darwin


• Theory behind plugins
• Disaggregating CloudStack
• Hyper-V Plugin Wiki

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Apache CloudStack's Plugin Model: Balancing the Cathedral with a Bazaar

  • 1. Apache CloudStack's Plugin Model: Balancing the Cathedral with a Bazaar Adding Hyper-V Support Feb 26th, 2012
  • 3. The Call For Submissions sets the context • “Open Source Community Leadership Drives Enterprise-Grade Innovation” ᵒCloudStack‟s plugin model permits enterprise-grade adaptions • “Apache initiatives play a key role in powering today's Cloud” ᵒPlugin model allows cloud to adapt to compute loads (not the other way around) • “particular focus on those [talks] demonstrating real-world experience of solving specific problems.” ᵒCase study of adding Hyper-V support as a newcomer
  • 4. Innovators Need the System to be Disaggregated CloudStack WebServices API OAM&P API End User API AWS API Pluggable Service API Engine Business Logic Provisioning Resource Capacity Accounts Mgr Update Mgr Rules Mgr Mgr Mgr HA Security Mgr Events Manager Adapters XenServer Orchestration VMWare Usage Manager OVM KVM Network Guru Template Mgr Network Mgr VM Manager Storage Mgr Domain Manager Snapshot Manager Network Element Deployment Account Mgr Planner Limits Manager Hypervisor Guru Framework Agent Manager Cluster Manager Data Access Layer
  • 6. Disaggregation Started with Hardware Management CloudStack Orchestration Adapters CloudStack Provisioning Plugins Network Guru Snapshot Manager Template Manager Network Manager Storage Manager VM Manager XenServer HypervisorGuru VMWare OVM KVM Etc… Framework Agent Manager Cluster Manager Data Access Layer
  • 7. Understand that the Plugin serves two masters • Server Component: Rest API ᵒJava ᵒAdapter APIs Plugin API Implementation ᵒDAO ᵒRESTful API Data Access Layer • ServerResource: ServerResource - Optional. Required if Plugin needs to be co- ᵒAgent Proxy, e.g. KVM located with the resource • „Message Bus‟ of JSON over TCP - Implements translation layer to talk to resource - Communicates with server component via JSON ᵒDirect connect, e.g. XenServer
  • 8. That’s the theory… … is it achievable?
  • 9. Follow the process for new features • • Announce over mailing list - Attempt to get consensus: awareness & acceptance • Publish Functional Spec & Design • JIRA ticket for feature • Setup a Dev Environment • Branch on github, use your own (public) branch • Submit changes to Review Board - post-review for large packages of changes. • Decide on the wiki you want • Incubator wiki cleaner, simpler view - • CloudStack wiki for in depth development - • Avoid the pre-Apache wiki (
  • 10. Simpler Steps Make it Easier to Learn CloudStack CloudStack Manager CloudStack Manager Hyper-V Types Hyper-V Types Phase 1: Phase 2: Plugin Server Component Plugin Server Component Proxy ServerResource ServerResource Message Bus WS-Management Connected Agent WMI (or PowerShell) WMI Hyper-V Server 2012 Hyper-V Server 2012 XenServer Cluster Hyper-V based (System VMs) System VMs
  • 11. Reuse and repurpose rather than rewrite Phase 1 Remote WMI via Python Agent Server Resource (KVM) Agent Message Bus AgentShell O/S
  • 12. ServerResource commands are easier to log and replay public interface HypervisorResource extends ServerResource { StartAnswer execute(StartCommand cmd); StopAnswer execute(StopCommand cmd); RebootAnswer execute(RebootCommand cmd); } @Test public void TestCreateCommand() { String sample = "{"volId":10,"pool":{"id":201,"uuid":""+testLocalStoreUUID+"","h ","path":"+testLocalStorePathJSON+","port":0,"type":"Filesystem"},"diskCharact ""tags":[],"type":"ROOT","name":"ROOT-9","useLocalStorage":true,"recreatab ""volumeId":10,"hyperType":"Hyperv"},"templateUrl":"+testSampleTemplateURLJ …
  • 13. CloudStack is evolving, it may fix your problem • Storage disaggregated • SystemVM creation broadened & simplified XenServer Cluster Hyper-V based (System VMs) System VMs
  • 14. Make advance preparations for IP clearance # Copyright (c) 2010, Inc # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. • ᵒ ᵒ
  • 15. Bonus Tips – Read at your leisure • SystemVMs have logs ᵒConnect form hypervisor console, user:root, password: 6m1ll10n. • Avoids SSH over 3392 with management server RSA keys • Import Maven projects into Eclipse using m2e • Maven debuggable task paused waiting for Eclipse to attach: export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE - Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=4000,server=y,suspend=y - See • Expand Log4j logging ᵒChange Threshold from INFO to TRACE • :%s/INFO/TRACE/g
  • 16. Summary • Innovators Need the System to be Disaggregated • Disaggregation Started with Hardware Management • Understand that the Plugin serves two masters • Follow the process for new features • Simpler Steps Make it Easier to Learn CloudStack • Repurpose rather than rewrite • ServerResource commands are easier to log and replay • Keep an eye out for evolving solutions • Make advance preparations for IP clearance
  • 17. “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” – Charles Darwin 17
  • 18. References • Theory behind plugins • Disaggregating CloudStack ᵒ refactoring-cloud-stack ᵒ • Hyper-V Plugin Wiki ᵒ