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MAKE IT FASTUsing Modern Brower APIs to Monitor and Improve the
Performance of your Web Applications
| |nic jansma @nicj
Nic Jansma
SOASTA (current)
Microsoft (2005-2011)
Founding member of W3C WebPerf Working Group
How do we measure performance?
HTTP logs (apache, nginx, haproxy)
Server monitoring (top, iostat, vmstat, cacti, mrtg, nagios,
new relic)
Profiling (timestamps, xdebug, xhprof)
Load testing (ab, jmeter, soasta, blazemeter, loadrunner)

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Responsive interfaces
Responsive interfacesResponsive interfaces
Responsive interfaces

The document discusses responsive interfaces and how to keep the user interface responsive when executing JavaScript. It explains that the UI thread is used for both drawing updates and running JavaScript, so no updates can happen while JavaScript runs. It recommends keeping JavaScript execution under 50ms to avoid unresponsiveness, and describes using timers and web workers to split processing over multiple ticks to keep the UI responsive.

Building Cross Platform Apps with Electron
Building Cross Platform Apps with ElectronBuilding Cross Platform Apps with Electron
Building Cross Platform Apps with Electron

Electron is a fantastic tool for creating cross-platform apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that look and feel relatively native to the hosted Platform. In this presentation I'll give a quick overview of what's possible.

cross platformprogrammingjavascript
Performance on the Yahoo! Homepage
Performance on the Yahoo! HomepagePerformance on the Yahoo! Homepage
Performance on the Yahoo! Homepage

Overhauling one of the most visited web sites in the world is a major task, and add on top of it the pressure of keeping performance the same while adding a ton of new features, and you have quite a task. Learn how the Yahoo! homepage team achieved performance parity with the previous version even while adding a ton of new features.

Browser developer tools (ie, chrome, ff, opera, safari)
Network monitoring (fiddler, wireshark, tcpdump)
Measuring performance from the server and developer
perspective is not the full story
The only thing that really matters is what your end-user
Measuring real-world performance of your end-users is
(circa 2010)
var elapsedTime = - startTime;
Founded 2010 to give developers the ability to assess and
understand performance characteristics of their web apps
The mission of the Web Performance Working Group is to
provide methods to measure aspects of application
performance of user agent features and APIs
Microsoft, Google, Mozilla, Opera, Facebook, Netflix, etc

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High Performance JavaScript (Amazon DevCon 2011)
High Performance JavaScript (Amazon DevCon 2011)High Performance JavaScript (Amazon DevCon 2011)
High Performance JavaScript (Amazon DevCon 2011)

The document summarizes techniques for improving JavaScript performance in web applications. It discusses how JavaScript execution blocks the browser UI thread, leading to unresponsive user experiences if scripts run for too long. It then provides recommendations to limit JavaScript execution times to under 50ms and describes load time techniques like placing scripts at the bottom of the page, combining files, and loading scripts dynamically or deferring their execution to improve page load performance.

Measuring the visual experience of website performance
Measuring the visual experience of website performanceMeasuring the visual experience of website performance
Measuring the visual experience of website performance

This document discusses different methods for measuring website performance from both a synthetic and real-user perspective. It introduces the Speed Index metric for quantifying visual progress and compares the Speed Index of Amazon and Twitter. It also covers the Chrome resource prioritization and different challenges around visual performance metrics.

web performance
Advanced Caching Concepts @ Velocity NY 2015
Advanced Caching Concepts @ Velocity NY 2015Advanced Caching Concepts @ Velocity NY 2015
Advanced Caching Concepts @ Velocity NY 2015

The “caching ecosystem” has evolved over the years – what, where, and how long you cache your web assets are now important considerations for anyone doing business on the internet. Browser cache, html5 application cache, sophisticated reverse proxies like Varnish, and the evolution of CDNs have all elevated caching as the single most effective tool for creating high performing and scalable web applications. Using live demos, we will dive into some advance caching concepts that will enable you to squeeze the most benefits from this caching ecosystem, including: Prefresh Prefetching for sites Prefetching for single page apps Burst caching: caching for an extremely short burst of time, even a few seconds Dynamic page caching Cache invalidation and revalidation However, with caching power comes caching responsibility. If not implemented correctly, these advanced techniques can degrade or even break site functionality. We will conclude with some practical exercises to define the caching strategy for key use cases: E-commerce website Mobile application High traffic events.

Expose information that was not previously available
Give developers the tools they need to make their
applications more efficient
Little to no overhead
Easy to understand APIs
Navigation Timing (NT): Page load timings
Resource Timing (RT): Resource load timings
User Timing (UT): Custom site events and measurements
Performance Timeline: Access NT/RT/UT and future
timings from one API
High Resolution Time: Better
Page Visibility: Visibility state of document
Timing control for script-based animations:
Efficient Script Yielding: More efficient than
setTimeout(...,0): setImmediate()
Beacon: Async send data (even after page is closed)
Resource Hints: rel="preconnect" rel="preload"
Resource Priorities: lazyload
Frame Timing: Animation timings
Navigation Error Logging: For failed navigations

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Enough with the JavaScript already!
Enough with the JavaScript already!Enough with the JavaScript already!
Enough with the JavaScript already!

After consulting with several companies on performance related issues, it became clear that one of the biggest performance issues facing websites today is the sheer amount of JavaScript needed to power the page. The demand for more interactive and responsive applications has driven JavaScript usage through the roof. It’s quite common for large sites to end up with over 1 MB of JavaScript code on their page even after minification. But do today’s web applications really need that much JavaScript?

Building performance into the new yahoo homepage presentation
Building performance into the new yahoo  homepage presentationBuilding performance into the new yahoo  homepage presentation
Building performance into the new yahoo homepage presentation

Nicholas Zakas presented on optimizing the performance of the Yahoo homepage redesign from 2010. The new design added significant functionality but also increased page size and complexity, threatening performance. Areas of focus included reducing time to interactivity, improving Ajax responsiveness, and managing perceived performance. Through techniques like progressive rendering, non-blocking JavaScript loading, and indicating loading states, performance was improved and maintained users' perception of speed. The redesign achieved onload times of ~2.5 seconds, down from ~5 previously, while perceived performance matched the previous version.

yahooo home pagefront-endnicholas czakas
Instant and offline apps with Service Worker
Instant and offline apps with Service WorkerInstant and offline apps with Service Worker
Instant and offline apps with Service Worker

2 parts of talking at Google Developer Summit 2016 Seoul - How to optimize loading performance your web app - Introducing to Service Worker & Offline 101

Goal: Expose accurate performance metrics describing your
visitor's page load experience
Current status: Recommendation
Upcoming: NavigationTiming2
(this isn't accurate)
It only measures the time from when the HTML gets
parsed to when the last sub-resource is downloaded
It misses the initial DNS lookup, TCP connection and HTTP
request wait time
Date().getTime()is not reliable

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JavaScript Timers, Power Consumption, and Performance
JavaScript Timers, Power Consumption, and PerformanceJavaScript Timers, Power Consumption, and Performance
JavaScript Timers, Power Consumption, and Performance

This document discusses how timers, power consumption, and performance are related on web pages. It explains that CPUs can enter low-power sleep states when idle, but timers used in JavaScript can prevent this and increase power usage. The document recommends using higher interval timers (over 15ms) when possible to improve battery life on mobile devices. It also notes that having too many concurrent timers can flood the browser's queue and negatively impact rendering performance.

Tracking Performance - Velocity NYC 2013
Tracking Performance - Velocity NYC 2013Tracking Performance - Velocity NYC 2013
Tracking Performance - Velocity NYC 2013

The document discusses performance testing plans for a website. It proposes using synthetic testing from 14 global locations on representative pages every 5 minutes. A new plan tests from last-mile locations on desktop and mobile with 20 daily samples. Custom timing marks will measure user experience, sent to analytics. Synthetic testing will also run in continuous integration to catch performance regressions early.

High Performance JavaScript - Fronteers 2010
High Performance JavaScript - Fronteers 2010High Performance JavaScript - Fronteers 2010
High Performance JavaScript - Fronteers 2010

For much of its existence, JavaScript has been slow. No one complained until developers created complex web applications with thousands of lines of JavaScript code. Although newer JavaScript engines have improved the situation, there's still a lot to understand about what makes JavaScript slow and what you can do to speed up your code.

Date DOMHighResTimeStamp
Accessed Via Date().getTime()
Resolution millisecond sub-millisecond
Start Unix epoch navigationStart
No Yes
Affected by
user's clock
Yes No
Example 1420147524606 3392.275999998674

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Selecting and deploying automated optimization solutions
Selecting and deploying automated optimization solutionsSelecting and deploying automated optimization solutions
Selecting and deploying automated optimization solutions

This document discusses various methods for automating front-end optimization. It describes how HTML rewriting solutions can optimize HTML through proxies or in-app plugins. It also discusses when certain optimizations are best done by machines versus humans. The document outlines different architectures for front-end optimization solutions, including cloud-based and on-premises options, and considers when each is most appropriate. It emphasizes the importance of testing solutions before deploying and of monitoring performance after deployment.

High Performance JavaScript (YUIConf 2010)
High Performance JavaScript (YUIConf 2010)High Performance JavaScript (YUIConf 2010)
High Performance JavaScript (YUIConf 2010)

Ever wonder why the page appears frozen or why you get a dialog saying, "this script is taking too long"? Inside of the browser, JavaScript and the page's UI are very intertwined, which means they can affect each other and, in turn, affect overall page performance. Ensuring the fastest execution time of JavaScript code isn't about geek cred, it's about ensuring that the user experience is as fast and responsive as possible. In a world where an extra second can cost you a visitor, sluggishness due to poor JavaScript code is a big problem. In this talk, you'll learn what's going on inside the browser that can slow JavaScript down and how that can end up creating a "slow page". You'll also learn how to overcome the conspiracy against your code by eliminating performance bottlenecks.

Disrupting the application eco system with progressive web applications
Disrupting the application eco system with progressive web applicationsDisrupting the application eco system with progressive web applications
Disrupting the application eco system with progressive web applications

Progressive Web Applications (PWA) is a comprehensive term describing web applications that implement a base set of browser platform features like HTTPS, Web Manifest and Service Workers. But it bleeds beyond the scope of an application's code because browsers are enabling qualified web applications to offer the same user experiences native application enjoy. This includes prominent home screen placement, push notifications, eliminated browser chrome and app store placement. Become a Progressive Web App expert with my course: Progressive Web Apps (PWA) Beginner to Expert ->

businesstechnologyprogressive web applications
DIY / Open Source
Send this data to your backend for logging
Show any page's timings via a bookmarklet:

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Castles in the Cloud: Developing with Google App Engine
Castles in the Cloud: Developing with Google App EngineCastles in the Cloud: Developing with Google App Engine
Castles in the Cloud: Developing with Google App Engine

App Engine offers developers the opportunity to deploy systems on Google's robust and scalable server-farms. App Engine provides a higher-level platform than Amazon Web Services,with automated scaling and true pay-per-use billing. The poster-child of App Engine, "BuddyPoke", has gained over thirty million users. With App Engine, Google has released the first public API to BigTable, its planetary datastore, which performs successfully at petabyte scale across diverse applications from search to finance to Google Earth. This presentation will cover App Engine's features and limitations, and how to exploit this new and evolving platform.

Pagespeed what, why, and how it works
Pagespeed   what, why, and how it worksPagespeed   what, why, and how it works
Pagespeed what, why, and how it works

This document discusses PageSpeed, a tool for just-in-time performance optimization of web pages. It provides automatic image compression and resizing, CSS and JavaScript minification, inline small files, caching, and deferring JavaScript among other optimizations. While most performance issues are well understood, not all websites are fast due to the tradeoff between speed and ease of maintenance. PageSpeed tools like mod_pagespeed can automate optimizations to improve performance without extra work from developers.

Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?) Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)

This document discusses various metrics for measuring website performance and user experience. It outlines different types of metrics including: - Network metrics like DNS resolution, TCP connection times, and time to first byte. - Browser metrics like start render time, DOM loading/ready times, and page load times. - Resource-level metrics obtained from the Resource Timing API like individual asset load times and response sizes. - User-centric metrics like Speed Index, time to visible content, and metrics for single-page applications without traditional page loads. It emphasizes the importance of measuring real user monitoring data alongside synthetic tests, and looking at higher percentiles rather than just averages due to variability in user environments and network conditions

onlineperformance testingperformance
Collects beacons + maps (statsd) + forwards (extensible)
Collects beacons
"generation time" = responseEnd - requestStart

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Velocity NYC: Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Velocity NYC: Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)Velocity NYC: Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Velocity NYC: Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)

This document discusses various metrics for measuring website performance. It begins by noting that there are many metrics to consider and no single metric tells the whole story. It then discusses several key metrics for measuring different aspects of performance, including: - Front-end metrics like start render, DOM loading/ready, and page load that can isolate front-end from back-end performance. - Network metrics like DNS and TCP timings that provide insight into connectivity issues. - Resource timing metrics that measure individual assets to understand impacts of third parties and CDNs. - User timing metrics like measuring above-the-fold content that capture user experience. It emphasizes the importance of considering real user monitoring data alongside

user experienceperformancewebperf
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to metrics. In this session, Cliff Crocker and I walk through various metrics that answer performance questions from multiple perspectives — from designer and DevOps to CRO and CEO. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of your options, as well as a clear understanding of how to choose the right metric for the right audience.

velocity conferenceweb performance
Why is this ASP.NET web app running slowly?
Why is this ASP.NET web app running slowly?Why is this ASP.NET web app running slowly?
Why is this ASP.NET web app running slowly?

This presentation attempts to make assumptions used in popular web performance tools like YSlow and webpagetest explicit. It also looks at the NavTiming API and explores ways to capture RUM measurements and correlate them with server-side metrics. performanceweb application scalability
SOASTA mPulse:
Google Analytics Site Speed:
New Relic Browser:
NeuStar WPM:

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Catching-up web technologies - an endless story
Catching-up web technologies - an endless storyCatching-up web technologies - an endless story
Catching-up web technologies - an endless story

It is all about a huge knowledge chasm created by a few years out of practical programming and especially without experiencing web programming. This speech is about many of us that have knowledge of programming other technologies and have to face a new challenge, in this case: developing a web application.

Web assembly with PWA
Web assembly with PWA Web assembly with PWA
Web assembly with PWA

This document discusses modern web applications using progressive web apps (PWA) and WebAssembly (WASM). It begins by defining a web application and describing challenges like performance issues. It then introduces PWAs and WASM as solutions, explaining what they are, how they work, and providing examples. The document shares links to starter kits and success stories to help readers get started with building modern web apps using these technologies.

Measuring User Experience in the Browser
Measuring User Experience in the BrowserMeasuring User Experience in the Browser
Measuring User Experience in the Browser

The document discusses user experience management and outlines various web performance metrics that can be captured from browsers such as time-to-first-byte, onload time, bandwidth, rendering time, and resource download times. It describes the W3C Navigation Timing and Resource Timing APIs that browsers expose to capture this performance data non-intrusively. Examples are provided of how this data could be used for real-world applications like identifying geo hotspots, page error monitoring, and performance profiling.

ajaxjavascriptweb performance
Runs on top of WebPageTest
Use fetchStartinstead of navigationStartunless
you're interested in redirects, tab init time, etc
loadEventEndwill be 0 until after the body's loadevent
has finished (so you can't measure it in the loadevent)
We don't have an accurate way to measure the "request
time", as "requestEnd" is invisible to us (the server sees
secureConnectionStartisn't available in IE

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Monitoring web application response times^lj a hybrid approach for windows
Monitoring web application response times^lj a hybrid approach for windowsMonitoring web application response times^lj a hybrid approach for windows
Monitoring web application response times^lj a hybrid approach for windows

This document discusses web application performance monitoring and summarization. It covers tools like YSlow for analyzing page load times, and introduces an approach using Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) to capture performance data from web applications. This includes intercepting Yahoo Boomerang beacon requests to generate ETW events with page load time measurements and other data for analysis. A Web Application Trace Explorer is demonstrated to filter and report on these events to help explore server-side event streams and web application performance.

boomerang beaconsrumweb application performance
Presemtation Tier Optimizations
Presemtation Tier OptimizationsPresemtation Tier Optimizations
Presemtation Tier Optimizations

Performance is the most important attribute for success of any commercial and Enterprise Software. In a client server environment, developers focus a lot on optimizing the Data and Logical Tiers. Optimization of Presentation Tier which is responsible for more than 30 % of performance is usually ignored. The document is developed with the intension to teach the technical staff on Optimizing the Presentation Tier which significantly improves the performance of the Client Server applications.

Sherlock Homepage - A detective story about running large web services - NDC ...
Sherlock Homepage - A detective story about running large web services - NDC ...Sherlock Homepage - A detective story about running large web services - NDC ...
Sherlock Homepage - A detective story about running large web services - NDC ...

The site was slow. CPU and memory usage everywhere! Some dead objects in the corner. Something terrible must have happened! We have some IIS logs. Some traces from a witness. But not enough to find out what was wrong. In this session, we’ll see how effective telemetry, a profiler or two as well as a refresher of how IIS runs our ASP.NET web applications can help solve this server murder mystery. mvc
iOS still doesn't have support
Home page scenarios: Timestamps up through
responseEndevent may be 0 duration because some
browsers speculatively pre-fetch home pages (and don't
report the correct timings)
If possbile, do any beaconing of the data as soon as
possible. Browser onbeforeunloadisn't 100% reliable
for sending data
Single-Page Apps: You'll need a different solution for
"navigations" (Boomerang + plugin coming soon)
Builds on NavigationTiming:
Support for Performance Timeline
Support for High Resolution Time
timing information for link negotiation
timing information for prerender
Goal: Expose sub-resource performance metrics
Current status: Working Draft

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Introduction to JQuery, ASP.NET MVC and Silverlight
Introduction to JQuery, ASP.NET MVC and SilverlightIntroduction to JQuery, ASP.NET MVC and Silverlight
Introduction to JQuery, ASP.NET MVC and Silverlight

This document provides an overview of a presentation on jQuery, ASP.NET MVC, and Silverlight. It discusses jQuery being a lightweight JavaScript library that makes web development simpler. ASP.NET MVC is presented as an alternative to WebForms that separates concerns into models, views, and controllers. Silverlight is introduced as a technology for building rich interactive applications for the web using .NET.

silverlightaspnet mvcjquery
Sherlock Homepage - A detective story about running large web services - WebN...
Sherlock Homepage - A detective story about running large web services - WebN...Sherlock Homepage - A detective story about running large web services - WebN...
Sherlock Homepage - A detective story about running large web services - WebN...

The site was slow. CPU and memory usage everywhere! Some dead objects in the corner. Something terrible must have happened! We have some IIS logs. Some traces from a witness. But not enough to find out what was wrong. In this session, we’ll see how effective telemetry, a profiler or two as well as a refresher of how IIS runs our ASP.NET web applications can help solve this server murder mystery.

Sherlock Homepage (Maarten Balliauw)
Sherlock Homepage (Maarten Balliauw)Sherlock Homepage (Maarten Balliauw)
Sherlock Homepage (Maarten Balliauw)

The site was slow. CPU and memory usage everywhere! Some dead objects in the corner. Something terrible must have happened! We have some IIS logs. Some traces from a witness. But not enough to find out what was wrong. In this session, we’ll see how effective telemetry, a profiler or two as well as a refresher of how IIS runs our ASP.NET web applications can help solve this server murder mystery.

For dynamically inserted content, you could time how long it
took from DOM insertion to the element’s onLoad event
(this isn't practical for all content)
It measures end-to-end download time plus rendering
Not practical if you want to measure every resource on
the page (IMG, SCRIPT, LINK rel="css", etc)
Date().getTime()is not reliable

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Sherlock Homepage - A detective story about running large web services (VISUG...
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Sherlock Homepage - A detective story about running large web services (VISUG...

The site was slow. CPU and memory usage everywhere! Some dead objects in the corner. Something terrible must have happened! We have some IIS logs. Some traces from a witness. But not enough to find out what was wrong. In this session, we’ll see how effective telemetry, a profiler or two as well as a refresher of how IIS runs our ASP.NET web applications can help solve this server murder mystery. mvccsharpcloud
Cloud APIs Overview Tucker
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Cloud APIs Overview Tucker

Cloud APIs provide programmatic access to cloud resources and services. They allow developers to interact with applications, development environments, and raw compute/storage resources through standardized interfaces. While each cloud provider currently has their own proprietary APIs, there is a push for open standards to accelerate development of higher-level services and commoditization of basic resources. Key areas for a common cloud API include resource representations, security requirements, and orchestration of ensembles of resources across providers.

Webinar september 2013
Webinar september 2013Webinar september 2013
Webinar september 2013

Stardust is a mature, industry-proven business process management suite that is now available as an open source project under the Eclipse Public License. It includes capabilities for workflow, system integration, and document management. Stardust has seen production deployments with over 10,000 users, 1,000,000 processes per day, and 300,000 documents per day. The codebase consists of over 3 million lines of code and 200 third-party libraries. The Stardust community is actively enhancing the knowledge base and collaborating with other projects.

Goal: Unifying interface to access and retrieve performance
Current status: Recommendation
getEntries(): Gets all entries in the timeline
getEntriesByType(type): Gets all entries of the
specified type (eg resource, mark, measure)
getEntriesByName(name): Gets all entries with the
specified name (eg URL or mark name)

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Get Ahead with HTML5 on Moible
Get Ahead with HTML5 on MoibleGet Ahead with HTML5 on Moible
Get Ahead with HTML5 on Moible

This document discusses how HTML5 can be used to build engaging mobile applications. Key features covered include offline storage using the Application Cache API, storing data locally using Web Storage, using a SQL database with Web SQL, advanced graphics capabilities with Canvas and SVG, real-time communications over WebSockets, and tools for developing HTML5 apps like jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, and Google Web Toolkit. It emphasizes testing on multiple platforms and browsers to ensure compatibility.

Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)

You want a single, unicorn metric that magically sums up the user experience, business value, and numbers that DevOps cares about, but so far, you're just not getting it. So where do you start? In this talk at the 2015 Velocity conference in Santa Clara, Cliff Crocker and I walked through various metrics that answer performance questions from multiple perspectives -- from designer and DevOps to CRO and CEO.

Metrics, Metrics Everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, Metrics Everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)Metrics, Metrics Everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, Metrics Everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)

Not surprisingly, there’s no one-size-fits-all performance metric (though life would be simpler if there were). Different metrics will give you different critical insights into whether or not your pages are delivering the results you want — both from your end user’s perspective and ultimately from your organization’s perspective. Join Tammy Everts, and walk through various metrics that answer performance questions from multiple perspectives. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of your options, as well as a clear understanding of how to choose the right metric for the right audience.

web performancemobile performance testingbusiness metrics
localNameof that element:
css: url(), @import
Send all resource timings to your backend analytics
Raise an analytics event if any resource takes over X
seconds to download (and trend this data)
Watch specific resources (eg third-party ads or analytics)
and complain if they are slow
There is a ResourceTiming buffer (per IFRAME) that stops
filling after its size limit is reached (default: 150 entries)
Listen for the onresourcetimingbufferfullevent
clearResourceTimings()can be used to modify it
Don't just:
setResourceTimingBufferSize(99999999)as this
can lead to browser memory growing unbound

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Metrics, Metrics Everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, Metrics Everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)Metrics, Metrics Everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, Metrics Everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)

Not surprisingly, there’s no one-size-fits-all performance metric (though life would be simpler if there were). Different metrics will give you different critical insights into whether or not your pages are delivering the results you want — both from your end user’s perspective and ultimately from your organization’s perspective. Join Tammy Everts, and walk through various metrics that answer performance questions from multiple perspectives. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of your options, as well as a clear understanding of how to choose the right metric for the right audience.

mobile performanceweb performance testingbusiness metrics
Modern Metrics (2022)
Modern Metrics (2022)Modern Metrics (2022)
Modern Metrics (2022)

What is a “modern” metric anyway? An exploration on how to measure and evaluate popular (and experimental) web performance metrics, and how they affect user happiness and business goals. We'll talk about how data can be biased, and how best to interpret performance data given those biases. We'll look at a broad set of RUM data we've captured to see how the Core Web Vitals correlate (or not) to other performance and business metrics. Finally, we'll share a new way that others can research modern metrics and RUM data.

performanceweb performancerum
Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself: Auditing and Improving the Performa...
Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself: Auditing and Improving the Performa...Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself: Auditing and Improving the Performa...
Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself: Auditing and Improving the Performa...

Boomerang is an open-source Real User Monitoring (RUM) JavaScript library used by thousands of websites to measure their visitor's experiences. The developers behind Boomerang take pride in building a reliable and performant third-party library that everyone can use without being concerned about its measurements affecting their site. We recently performed and shared an audit of Boomerang's performance, to help communicate its "cost of doing business", and in doing so we found several areas of code that we wanted to improve. We'll discuss how we performed the audit, some of the improvements we've made, how we're testing and validating our changes, and the real-time telemetry we capture for our library to ensure we're having as little of an impact as possible on the sites we're included on. Boomerang is an open-source Real User Monitoring (RUM) JavaScript library used by thousands of websites to measure their visitor's experiences. Boomerang runs on billions of page loads a day, either via the open-source library or as part of Akamai's mPulse RUM service. The developers behind Boomerang take pride in building a reliable and performant third-party library that everyone can use without being concerned about its measurements affecting their site. Recently, we performed and shared an audit of Boomerang's performance, to help communicate the "cost of doing business" of including Boomerang on a page while it takes its measurements. In doing the audit, we found several areas of code that we wanted to improve and have been making continuous improvements ever since. We've taken ideas and contributions from the OSS community, and have built a Performance Lab that helps "lock in" our improvements by continuously measuring the metrics that are important to us. We'll discuss how we performed the audit, some of the improvements we've made, how we're testing and validating our changes, and the real-time telemetry we capture on our library to ensure we're having as little of an impact as possible on the sites we're included on.

performanceweb performanceboomerang
Each resource is ~ 500 bytes JSON.stringify()'d
tells us there's 99 HTTP resources on
average, per page, with an average URL length of 85 bytes
That means you could expect around 45 KB of
ResourceTiming data per page load
Compress it:
HTTP Archive
Overall, compresses ResourceTiming data down to 15% of
its original size
By default, cross-origin resources expose timestamps for
only the fetchStartand responseEndattributes
This is to protect your privacy (attacker can’t load random
URLs to see where you’ve been)
Override by setting Timing-Allow-Originheader
Timing-Allow-Origin = "Timing-Allow-Origin"
":" origin-list-or-null | "*"
If you have a CDN, use this
Note: Third-party libraries (ads, analytics, etc) must set
this on their servers. 5% do according to HTTP Archive.
Google, Facebook, Disqus, mPulse, etc.

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When Third Parties Stop Being Polite... and Start Getting RealWhen Third Parties Stop Being Polite... and Start Getting Real
When Third Parties Stop Being Polite... and Start Getting Real

By Nic Jansma and Charlie Vazac (Akamai) Fluent 2018 Would you give the Amazon Prime delivery robot the key to your house, just because it stops by to deliver delicious packages every day? Even if you would, do you still have 100% confidence that it wouldn’t accidentally drag in some mud, let the neighbor in, steal your things, or burn your house down? Worst-case scenarios such as these are what you should be planning for when deciding whether or not to include third-party libraries and services on your website. While most libraries have good intentions, by including them on your site, you have given them complete control over the kingdom. Once on your site, they can provide all of the great services you want—or they can destroy everything you’ve worked so hard to build. It’s prudent to be cautious: we’ve all heard stories about how third-party libraries have caused slowdowns, broken websites, and even led to downtime. But how do you evaluate the actual costs and potential risks of a third-party library so you can balance that against the service it provides? Every library requires nonzero overhead to provide the service it claims. In many cases, the overhead is minimal and justified, but we should quantify it to understand the real cost. In addition, libraries need to be carefully crafted so they can avoid causing additional pain when the stars don’t align and things go wrong. Nic Jansma and Charles Vazac perform an honest audit of several popular third-party libraries to understand their true cost to your site, exploring loading patterns, SPOF avoidance, JavaScript parsing, long tasks, runtime overhead, polyfill headaches, security and privacy concerns, and more. From how the library is loaded, to the moment it phones home, you’ll see how third-parties can affect the host page and discover best practices you can follow to ensure they do the least potential harm. With all of the great performance tools available to developers today, we’ve gained a lot of insight into just how much third-party libraries are impacting our websites. Nic and Charles detail tools to help you decide if a library’s risks and unseen costs are worth it. While you may not have the time to perform a deep dive into every third-party library you want to include on your site, you’ll leave with a checklist of the most important best practices third-parties should be following for you to have confidence in them.

Reliably Measuring Responsiveness
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Reliably Measuring Responsiveness

Responsiveness to user interaction is crucial for users of web apps, and businesses need to be able to measure responsiveness so they can be confident that their users are happy. Unfortunately, users are regularly bogged down by frustrations such as a delayed "time to interactive” during page load, high or variable input latency on critical interaction events (tap, click, scroll, etc.), and janky animations or scrolling. These negative experiences turn away visitors, affecting the bottom line. Sites that include third-party content (ads, social plugins, etc.) are frequently the worst offenders. The culprit behind all these responsiveness issues are “long tasks," which monopolize the UI thread for extended periods and block other critical tasks from executing. Developers lack the necessary APIs and tools to measure and gain insight into such problems in the wild and are essentially flying blind trying to figure out what the main offenders are. While developers are able to measure some aspects of responsiveness, it’s often not in a reliable, performant, or “good citizen” way, and it’s near impossible to correctly identify the perpetrators. Shubhie Panicker and Nic Jansma share new web performance APIs that enable developers to reliably measure responsiveness and correctly identify first- and third-party culprits for bad experiences. Shubhie and Nic dive into real-user measurement (RUM) web performance APIs they have developed: standardized web platform APIs such as Long Tasks as well as JavaScript APIs that build atop platform APIs, such as Time To Interactive. Shubhie and Nic then compare these measurements to business metrics using real-world data and demonstrate how web developers can detect issues and reliably measure responsiveness in the wild—both at page load and postload—and thwart the culprits, showing you how to gather the data you need to hold your third-party scripts accountable.

Measuring Real User Performance in the Browser
Measuring Real User Performance in the BrowserMeasuring Real User Performance in the Browser
Measuring Real User Performance in the Browser

To people responsible for the health of web properties, monitoring, measurement, and analysis of real-user experiences is key to delivering a consistent and delightful experience. Drawing on their experience with the open source boomerang project, Philip Tellis and Nic Jansma explore various tools and methods available to measure real-user performance in the browser. Topics include: Available browser APIs: Navigation Timing, Resource Timing (Levels 1 and 2), User Timing, Error Logging, and more Measuring full-page apps Measuring single-page apps RUM SpeedIndex Measuring continuity Hacks when an API isn’t available Avoiding the observer effect Filtering data to get rid of noise Identifying outliers and treating them differently

Browsers will open a limited number of connections to
each unique origin (protocol/server name/port)
If there are more resources than the # of connections, the
later resources will be "blocking", waiting for their turn to
durationincludes Blocking time!
So in general, don't use duration, but this is all you get
with cross-origin resources.
Compress + send this data to your backend for logging
Show any page's resources via a bookmarklet:
Heatmap bookmarklet / Chrome extension:
Nurun's Performance Bookmarklet:
Boomerang supports ResourceTiming:

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Measuring the Performance of Single Page Applications
Measuring the Performance of Single Page ApplicationsMeasuring the Performance of Single Page Applications
Measuring the Performance of Single Page Applications

Single page applications are a problem for RUM tools because there are no easy ways to tell when a new page component has been requested asynchronously as a result of an intentional user action. Many network requests are back-end service calls initiated periodically by the app – for example, a ping to check if content has been updated, or to check if the current user should still be signed in to their account. Even with requests that are initiated by a user action, not all may fit into the definition of a “page view.” For example, a user typing into a search box that has auto-complete capabilities will often result in network requests, but these requests result in very small amounts of data transfer, happen very frequently, and do not count toward page views. The scene is further complicated by SPA frameworks like Angular, Backbone, and others. In this talk, we’ll learn about some of the tricks used by boomerang to measure the performance of single page applications, going as far as capturing errors and waterfall information across browsers.

Javascript Module Patterns
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Javascript Module Patterns

This document discusses JavaScript module patterns, which help organize and limit the scope of code in projects. It covers different patterns for creating objects and modules, including using constructors, prototypes, the revealing module pattern, CommonJS, and AMD. The basic module pattern allows defining private and public members to encapsulate data and functions. Later patterns like CommonJS and AMD build on this to support asynchronous loading and use in different environments like the browser and Node.js.

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Sails.js Intro

Sails.js is a MVC web framework for Node.js built on Express. It is inspired by frameworks like Ruby on Rails and uses conventions over configurations. Sails.js features include a database-agnostic ORM, auto-generated REST APIs, and easy WebSocket integration. To get started, install Sails.js globally and use the sails command to generate a new project, lift the app, and generate models, controllers and REST APIs.

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SOASTA mPulse:
New Relic Browser:
App Dynamics Web EUEM:

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For many sites, most of your content will not be same-
origin, so ensure all of your CDNs and third-party libraries
send Timing-Allow-Origin
What isn't included in ResourceTiming:
The root HTML page (get this from
Transfer size or content size (privacy concerns)
HTTP code (privacy concerns)
Content that loaded with errors (eg 404s)

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- Nic Jansma is a developer who previously worked at Microsoft and recently founded Wolverine Digital to develop high-performance websites and apps. - He used Appcelerator Titanium to build cross-platform mobile apps, including a LEGO Minifigure catalog app, allowing him to write code once and deploy to both iOS and Android. - While Titanium allowed cross-platform development, Nic still encountered platform-specific issues and the need to occasionally write platform-specific code, but found Titanium a good choice overall for his needs.

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If you're going to be managing the ResourceTiming buffer,
make sure no other scripts are managing it as well
The durationattribute includes Blocking time (when a
resource is behind other resources on the same socket)
Each IFRAMEwill have its own ResourceTiming data, and
those resources won't be included in the parent
FRAME/document. So you'll need to traverse the
document frames to get all resources. See
an example
about:blank, javascript:URLs will be seen in RT data
Goal: Standardized interface to note timestamps ("marks")
and durations ("measures")
Current status: Recommendation
Nothing really, but...
Date().getTime()is not reliable
We can do better!

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These fighter aircraft have uses outside of traditional combat situations. They are essential in defending India's territorial integrity, averting dangers, and delivering aid to those in need during natural calamities. Additionally, the IAF improves its interoperability and fortifies international military alliances by working together and conducting joint exercises with other air forces.

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voidclearMarks(optional DOMStringmarkName);

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Uses the PerformanceTimeline, so marksand
measuresare in the PerformanceTimeline along with
other events
Uses DOMHighResTimestampinstead of Dateso sub-
millisecond, monotonically non-decreasing, etc
More efficient, as the native browser runtime can do math
quicker and store things more performantly than your
JavaScript runtime can
Easy way to add profiling events to your application
Note important scenario durations in your Performance
Measure important durations for analytics
Browser tools are starting to add support for showing

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Cookies program to display the information though cookie creationCookies program to display the information though cookie creation
Cookies program to display the information though cookie creation

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Polyfill that adds UserTiming support to browsers that do
not natively support it.
UserTiming is accessed via the PerformanceTimeline, and
requires support, so
UserTiming.js adds a limited version of these interfaces if
the browser does not support them
Compress + send this data to your backend for logging
WebPageTest sends UserTiming to Google Analytics,
Boomerang and SOASTA mPulse
SOASTA mPulse:
Not the same as Google Analytic's "User Timings" API

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Implementations of Fused Deposition Modeling in real world
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The presentation showcases the diverse real-world applications of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) across multiple industries: 1. **Manufacturing**: FDM is utilized in manufacturing for rapid prototyping, creating custom tools and fixtures, and producing functional end-use parts. Companies leverage its cost-effectiveness and flexibility to streamline production processes. 2. **Medical**: In the medical field, FDM is used to create patient-specific anatomical models, surgical guides, and prosthetics. Its ability to produce precise and biocompatible parts supports advancements in personalized healthcare solutions. 3. **Education**: FDM plays a crucial role in education by enabling students to learn about design and engineering through hands-on 3D printing projects. It promotes innovation and practical skill development in STEM disciplines. 4. **Science**: Researchers use FDM to prototype equipment for scientific experiments, build custom laboratory tools, and create models for visualization and testing purposes. It facilitates rapid iteration and customization in scientific endeavors. 5. **Automotive**: Automotive manufacturers employ FDM for prototyping vehicle components, tooling for assembly lines, and customized parts. It speeds up the design validation process and enhances efficiency in automotive engineering. 6. **Consumer Electronics**: FDM is utilized in consumer electronics for designing and prototyping product enclosures, casings, and internal components. It enables rapid iteration and customization to meet evolving consumer demands. 7. **Robotics**: Robotics engineers leverage FDM to prototype robot parts, create lightweight and durable components, and customize robot designs for specific applications. It supports innovation and optimization in robotic systems. 8. **Aerospace**: In aerospace, FDM is used to manufacture lightweight parts, complex geometries, and prototypes of aircraft components. It contributes to cost reduction, faster production cycles, and weight savings in aerospace engineering. 9. **Architecture**: Architects utilize FDM for creating detailed architectural models, prototypes of building components, and intricate designs. It aids in visualizing concepts, testing structural integrity, and communicating design ideas effectively. Each industry example demonstrates how FDM enhances innovation, accelerates product development, and addresses specific challenges through advanced manufacturing capabilities.

fdmffffused deposition modeling
Thanks - Nic Jansma - @NicJ

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