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2014 TBC-World 1
Web Performance Internals
2014 TBC-World 2
 Internet is built with
trust in mind
between nodes
 Scalable
Architecture, open to
add remove any
number of nodes
 IP Addresses,
2014 TBC-World 3
2014 TBC-World 4
Web Performance
Foundation of “User
Web performance
is widely

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Making Facebook Faster

Slides from talk on Frontend Performance Engineering delivered to Velocity 2009 by David Wei and Changhao Jiang

Keys To World-Class Retail Web Performance - Expert tips for holiday web read...
Keys To World-Class Retail Web Performance - Expert tips for holiday web read...Keys To World-Class Retail Web Performance - Expert tips for holiday web read...
Keys To World-Class Retail Web Performance - Expert tips for holiday web read...

As’s former head of Performance and Reliability, Cliff Crocker knows large scale web performance. Now SOASTA’s VP of products, Cliff is pouring his passion and expertise into cloud testing to solve the biggest challenges in mobile and web performance. The holiday rush of mobile and web traffic to your web site has the potential for unprecedented success or spectacular public failure. The world’s leading retailers have turned to the cloud to assure that no matter what load, mobile and web apps will delight customers and protect revenue. Join us as Cliff explores the key criteria for holiday web performance readiness: Closing the gap in front- and back-end web performance and reliability Collecting real user data to define the most realistic test scenarios Preparing properly for the virtual walls of traffic during peak events Leveraging CloudTest technology, as have 6 of 10 leading retailers

webperfperformance testingload testing
Veda Williams Project Management Secrets A Disciplined Approach To Develo...
Veda Williams   Project Management Secrets   A Disciplined Approach To Develo...Veda Williams   Project Management Secrets   A Disciplined Approach To Develo...
Veda Williams Project Management Secrets A Disciplined Approach To Develo...

This document provides tips for successful project management when developing small Plone sites. It emphasizes the importance of thorough documentation, clear scoping, consistent processes, effective communication and follow up. Key aspects include writing functional specifications, tracking project status in a database, using checklists to track tasks, minimizing handoffs, reviewing projects frequently, soliciting client feedback, and identifying areas for process improvement.

2014 TBC-World 5
 If measured objectively, both
site would have looked to have
taken same amount of time to
 But, perceived performance has
a lot to do with when is the
“Document Ready”
 Sometimes, all that requires is
“Perceived Experience” than
real performance numbers!
E.g. Effect on a Button Click
2014 TBC-World 6
2014 TBC-World 7
 Hundreds of files to load in a Web Address
 Sometimes more than a Megabyte to
 Developer Errors
 HTTP 1.1 is not that great
 100s of resources, Render blocking scripts,
DNS resolutions, Multiple downloads,
Bandwidth, Latency
 Not clear priority on critical performance
2014 TBC-World 8
 Your Computer: Client /
 Sea of Servers, Cloud
 DNS (Resolving NS, Root
Authoritative NS)
 IP Address, TCP
 Network
 HTTP Request, HTTP
 Binary data, Encode
 HTML (metadata, body)

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WordCamp RVA 2011 - Performance & Tuning
WordCamp RVA 2011 - Performance & TuningWordCamp RVA 2011 - Performance & Tuning
WordCamp RVA 2011 - Performance & Tuning

This document discusses optimizing WordPress performance. It recommends minimizing frontend assets like CSS and images, using caching plugins to improve load times, optimizing themes and plugins, and choosing a fast web server like Nginx. Real-world tests show Nginx outperforming Apache. Specific tips include simplifying themes, deleting unused plugins, moving scripts to the bottom, and using a CDN with caching plugins to serve static assets quickly. The document emphasizes improving perceived performance through responsiveness, feedback and progressive loading.

Velocity NY - How to Measure Revenue in Milliseconds
Velocity NY - How to Measure Revenue in MillisecondsVelocity NY - How to Measure Revenue in Milliseconds
Velocity NY - How to Measure Revenue in Milliseconds

Cliff from SOASTA and Steve from Staples discuss the three questions: How fast are you? How fast should you be? How do you get there? An overview of real world performance optimization and RUM.

Magento performance & optimisation best practices
Magento performance & optimisation best practicesMagento performance & optimisation best practices
Magento performance & optimisation best practices

This slide deck covers some of our Magento performances and optimisation best practices as we know them. We (NBS System) host 1800+ Magento shops since 2008, we hope this will help a lot of you to get good performances and enhance your conversion rate. It's not 100% complete coverage since it was a slide deck made for a 1H conference, but if you need more insights, contact us. Happy e-Commerce everyone!

optimisationbest practicesperformance
2014 TBC-World 9
 Amazon’s target in major US Cities
• <200 ms to First Byte (TTFB)
• <500 ms to Above the Fold content
• <2000 ms to complete a page load
2014 TBC-World 10
What a Desktop/Mobile
Browser is expected to
do at the Blink of an
2014 TBC-World 11
 Images
 JS 
2014 TBC-World 12
Image Source: Radware
Bringing it from 16+ sec to 7-8 sec is the
easier part
•Bringing it under 4 sec is the real
•Easy to blame Hardware – but that may
not be the issue
Mature Optimization is the key

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Measuring performance - Velocity 2016 Training

This document discusses various methods for measuring front-end performance, including synthetic testing, active testing, real user measurement, and measuring the visual experience. Synthetic testing provides consistent results but may not reflect actual user performance, while real user measurement captures real user experiences but with limited detail. The document also covers specific tools like Navigation Timing, Resource Timing, User Timing, SpeedIndex, and services from companies like Soasta, New Relic, and WebPageTest that can help with performance measurement.

Seatwave Web Peformance Optimisation Case Study
Seatwave Web Peformance Optimisation Case StudySeatwave Web Peformance Optimisation Case Study
Seatwave Web Peformance Optimisation Case Study

A web performance optimisation case study presented by Seatwave at the London Web Performance Meetup, Jan 2011. The PDF is in Landscape so you might be better to download it and then shift-ctrl-+ to rotate it clockwise in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

webperfwpoweb performance optimisation
AJAX for Scalability
AJAX for ScalabilityAJAX for Scalability
AJAX for Scalability

AJAX allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by exchanging data with a web server behind the scenes, allowing parts of a page to change without reloading the entire page. Tuenti uses AJAX extensively to update parts of their single-page application, caching content on both client and server sides for scalability. They route requests to different server farms based on client location and cache content to improve performance. Tuenti serves billions of images per day using multiple CDNs and pre-fetches content to minimize load times.

2014 TBC-World 13
 Round Trip Time,
Response Time
 Throughput
 Latency
 Load Time, time to
First Byte
 Payload
 DNS Lookup times
 End user
Experience on Real
 Type of Payload
 Level of Caching
 On Load
 Web Perf. on Phone,
Web, Tab, Desktop
,, Pingdom
 YSlow, Google Page Speed test
 Device Simulators
 Grinder, jMeter, Load Runner: Performance under stress/load
 Google Analytics (For real PROD numbers )
How to Measure and Analyze?
What to Measure?
2014 TBC-World 14
2014 TBC-World 15
WRONG?  Test conditions
 # of Resources to
Load and Type of
 Ordering of
 Trouble maker
resources -HTTP
 Too late to paint?
 Lack of Caching?
 Too many connections to
same host?
 Large Time to First Byte?
 Too many plugins?
 Total Payload, Too many
 Pages landing to naked
domain or www?
2014 TBC-World 16
 Payload
 Grade
 #of Requests
 Caching
 Other params

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O'Reilly Software Architecture Conf: Cloud Economics
O'Reilly Software Architecture Conf: Cloud EconomicsO'Reilly Software Architecture Conf: Cloud Economics
O'Reilly Software Architecture Conf: Cloud Economics

The availability of on-demand, utility computing via the cloud introduces a new world of flexibility but also an entirely new charging model for applications. This new model has long promised to provide metered compute, charging you for exactly the amount of processing power you need, at the points that you need it. The cloud is a large paradigm change, not just for some of the technologies involved but also for the economics and the return on investment for deploying and running a given application. Whereas traditional on-premises applications require upfront capital expenditure on hardware, cloud deployments have an ongoing operational expense. Additionally, clouds typically charge by the amount of memory used, whereas applications are typically developed and tuned to run as fast as possible using all the available (already paid for) resources. Chris Bailey explains how this new economics of the cloud is driving changes in the way applications are architected, developed, and deployed. Presented at the O'Reilly Software Architecture Conference, London 2017

Jon Arne Sæterås - Give Responsive Design a mobile performance boost
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Jon Arne Sæterås - Give Responsive Design a mobile performance boost

Responsive Web Design (RWD) is a giant leap in the right direction for web on mobile devices. However, RWD is just a small, part of the big picture. What we really want is for the whole value chain to be responsive, not only in the browser., There are a vast number of frameworks and tools on the webs for implementing RWD. Most of these provide a great starting point for mobile ventures. However, there are not so many tools out the to help you with the rest of the value chain. Especially tools that are easy to use and provide a relatively small footprint for front end developers., This talk will explore possibilities you get when you combine the best practices from the client side, with best practices from the server side. Sometimes this technique is called RESS, or Adaptive Design. The talk will contain coding, code samples and best practices based on popular frameworks and tools for Adaptive Design that combines client side and server side techniques. Results, effects and gains in terms of performance will also be documented and exemplified., The audience will gain insights into how their next project can perform even better in mobile devices and smart ways to reduce data traffic, increase speed and be more future friendly by utilizing the server for heavy-lifting.

Fundamentals of TempDB
Fundamentals of TempDBFundamentals of TempDB
Fundamentals of TempDB

You’ve been working with Microsoft SQL Server for a couple of years, and you know a little bit about TempDB. You’ve heard that temp tables and table variables have different performance characteristics than regular user database tables, and you’ve heard that you’re supposed to have multiple data files. You’re wondering what exactly goes on behind the scenes.

sql servermicrosoftbrent ozar
2014 TBC-World 17
 Beware of
 Performance
of all Pages
and not just
Home page or
few pages
 Beware of
on specific
routes on
2014 TBC-World 18
 Find the max
under a
Response time
 Repeat Load
Tests with
several perf
tuning steps
including HW
spec changes
2014 TBC-World 19
 Locations of the Client Browser
 Server Location, CDN Edge locations
 Bandwidth, Type of Connectivity (2G,
3G, 4G, DSL, Fiber, Cable)
 Type of Browser – some browsers are
 Client and Server Config, Scale
horizontal, Scale Vertical Cloud, PAAS
or IAAS Cloud
 One size fits all Language frameworks,
CMS Frameworks, e-COM Frameworks,
jQuery Libraries, Boiler plate templates
could impact perf.
 Payload of the page
 ISPs, Traffic en-Route
 # of Trans/Load on the
 Web Stack: OS, Web
Server, Relational DB
Servers, Programming
Lang, No SQL Databases
 Async, Lazy Loading
 Responsive vs Device
Type Specific
2014 TBC-World 20
 Front End Optimization
 Sprites, Compression
 Static/Dynamic Page Caching
 Bundling
 File Minification
 Domain Sharding
 Browser Caching
 Image Optimization,
Progressive jPEG
 Defer JS parsing
 DB Caching and Indexing
 Efficient Code
 SSD Drives, IOPS optimized
 DDOS counters, Defenders
 All the Fancy Scripts
(Analytics, Effects, Social
share scripts etc..)
 HTTP Failure Statuses

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Progressive Web APP ( PWA ) Progressive Web APP ( PWA )
Progressive Web APP ( PWA )

Progressive Web Apps are Web Apps which combines the best features of Web and Native Apps. It is progressive because it is constantly progressing.

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WPblog's Ultimate WordPress Guide to Boost Your Website Performance
WPblog's Ultimate WordPress Guide to Boost Your Website Performance WPblog's Ultimate WordPress Guide to Boost Your Website Performance
WPblog's Ultimate WordPress Guide to Boost Your Website Performance

Your website performance is crucial to its success. It is essential that you analyse your website’s speed and take critical steps to improve performance metrics. If you don’t, If you don’t, not only do you lose visitors, but you might be losing a lot of business as well. For this reason, WPblog has released a complete guide on WordPress performance optimization where you can learn how to analyse your website speed, and improve its performance. Source:

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Rechtsbijstandverzekering Cijfers & Trends
Rechtsbijstandverzekering Cijfers & TrendsRechtsbijstandverzekering Cijfers & Trends
Rechtsbijstandverzekering Cijfers & Trends

Opstappen naar een goedkope rechtsbijstandverzekering levert een besparing tot 195 euro op zo blijkt uit onderzoek van Wij hebben daarvoor 32 rechtsbijstandverzekeringen vergeleken. In deze Rechtsbijstandverzekering Cijfers & Trends vind je meer informatie over omzetten, marktaandelen en trends op het gebied van rechtsbijstandverzekeringen.

2014 TBC-World 21
 Understand the need – A sub 4 sec load time may not be
what all customers are looking for.
 If sub 4 sec load is required, check if it is required in all
pages – get Clarity
 Get the “Buy-in” for agreed numbers from all
 Do not let the perf measurement and tuning be the
first casuality in the rush to the reduce time to
market(TTM), and while shipping a minimum viable
product (MVP)
2014 TBC-World 22
 Build it Right, Deploy it right:
 Follow best practices. Everyone must be aware: Do share perf tips
learned here with your team!
 Eliminate 404 and un-necessary redirects
 Reduce # of images, Optimize images, Compress, Minimize payload,
 Cache it right, Use CDN, Avoid too many hosts but not too less too.
 Interpret Page test results correctly and take action
 Write Quality code – High Performance code
 Put Special Focus on Front-End, a typical problem area
 Identify critical screens, too much focus on home page can backfire
2014 TBC-World 23
 Benchmark/Optimize/Automate:
 Conduct User Experience Studies. Conduct Perf. tests
on load and otherwise
 Benchmark/Optimize: Make Page speed test (Use Yslow
or Google speed test) part of regular sprint test. If
possible, automate it right into continuous integration
scripts , where possible.
 Consider Deployment of Dynamic Site Acceleration
Solutions like Akamai/YOTTA when demands are for sub
3 sec page load, across geographies
2014 TBC-World 24
My Coordinates:
Image Sources: Radware, Akamaii,

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De hypotheekrente staat op het laagste punt in 8 jaar. Het is dan ook goedkoop om geld te lenen voor een nieuwe woning of een bestaande hypotheek over te sluiten.

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Lees hoe je de kosten van bestaande leningen verlaagt en een goedkopere nieuwe lening vindt.


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Web Performance Internals explained for Developers and other stake holders.

  • 1. 2014 TBC-World 1 Unravelling Web Performance Internals
  • 2. 2014 TBC-World 2  Internet is built with trust in mind between nodes  Scalable Decentralized Architecture, open to add remove any number of nodes  IP Addresses, Protocols SOME BASICS ON INTERNET!
  • 4. 2014 TBC-World 4 Web Performance Matters Foundation of “User Experience” Web performance is widely mis-understood! TIME(SPEED) IS MONEY!
  • 5. 2014 TBC-World 5 PERCIEVED EXP. VS REAL PERF.  If measured objectively, both site would have looked to have taken same amount of time to Load.  But, perceived performance has a lot to do with when is the “Document Ready”  Sometimes, all that requires is “Perceived Experience” than real performance numbers! E.g. Effect on a Button Click
  • 7. 2014 TBC-World 7  Hundreds of files to load in a Web Address  Sometimes more than a Megabyte to download  Developer Errors  HTTP 1.1 is not that great  100s of resources, Render blocking scripts, DNS resolutions, Multiple downloads, Bandwidth, Latency  Not clear priority on critical performance areas USERS ARE NOT READY TO WAIT!
  • 8. 2014 TBC-World 8 LET US GO UNDER THE HOOD  Your Computer: Client / Browser  Sea of Servers, Cloud  DNS (Resolving NS, Root NS, TLD NS, Authoritative NS)  IP Address, TCP Handshake  Network  HTTP Request, HTTP Response  Binary data, Encode  HTML (metadata, body)  SESSION  CSS,JS,AJAX/XML HTTP REQUESTS
  • 9. 2014 TBC-World 9 A WEB ADDRESS  Amazon’s target in major US Cities • <200 ms to First Byte (TTFB) • <500 ms to Above the Fold content • <2000 ms to complete a page load
  • 10. 2014 TBC-World 10 What a Desktop/Mobile Browser is expected to do at the Blink of an EYE!
  • 11. 2014 TBC-World 11 HTTP REQUEST AND RESPONSE  HTML DOM  CSS  Images  JS 
  • 12. 2014 TBC-World 12 IMPORTANT TO IMPROVE WEB PERF. Image Source: Radware Bringing it from 16+ sec to 7-8 sec is the easier part •Bringing it under 4 sec is the real challenge •Easy to blame Hardware – but that may not be the issue Mature Optimization is the key
  • 13. 2014 TBC-World 13  Round Trip Time, Response Time  Throughput  Latency  Load Time, time to First Byte  Payload  DNS Lookup times  End user Experience on Real Browsers  Type of Payload  Level of Caching  On Load Performance  Web Perf. on Phone, Web, Tab, Desktop ,, Pingdom  YSlow, Google Page Speed test  Device Simulators  Grinder, jMeter, Load Runner: Performance under stress/load  Google Analytics (For real PROD numbers ) How to Measure and Analyze? What to Measure?
  • 15. 2014 TBC-World 15 WHAT COULD BE WRONG?  Test conditions  # of Resources to Load and Type of resources  Ordering of Resources  Trouble maker resources -HTTP Statuses  Too late to paint?  Lack of Caching?  Too many connections to same host?  Large Time to First Byte?  Too many plugins?  Total Payload, Too many images?  Pages landing to naked domain or www?
  • 16. 2014 TBC-World 16 COMPARE  Payload  Grade  #of Requests  Caching  Other params
  • 17. 2014 TBC-World 17 REAL WORLD PERF.  Beware of Averages  Performance of all Pages and not just Home page or few pages  Beware of route congestions on specific routes on specific days/time
  • 18. 2014 TBC-World 18 PERF. WHEN STRESSED  Find the max throughput under a reasonable Response time variance  Repeat Load Tests with several perf tuning steps including HW spec changes
  • 19. 2014 TBC-World 19 WPO (WEB PERFORMANCE OPTIMISATION) FACTORS  Locations of the Client Browser  Server Location, CDN Edge locations  Bandwidth, Type of Connectivity (2G, 3G, 4G, DSL, Fiber, Cable)  Type of Browser – some browsers are Smarter  Client and Server Config, Scale horizontal, Scale Vertical Cloud, PAAS or IAAS Cloud  One size fits all Language frameworks, CMS Frameworks, e-COM Frameworks, jQuery Libraries, Boiler plate templates could impact perf.  Payload of the page  ISPs, Traffic en-Route  # of Trans/Load on the server  Web Stack: OS, Web Server, Relational DB Servers, Programming Lang, No SQL Databases  JSON vs XML  Async, Lazy Loading  Responsive vs Device Type Specific
  • 20. 2014 TBC-World 20 DEEP INTO WPO FACTORS  Front End Optimization  Sprites, Compression  Static/Dynamic Page Caching  Bundling  File Minification  Domain Sharding  Browser Caching  Image Optimization, Progressive jPEG  Defer JS parsing  DB Caching and Indexing  Efficient Code  SSD Drives, IOPS optimized Drives  DDOS counters, Defenders  HTTP1.1,HTTPS, SPDY, HTTP2  All the Fancy Scripts (Analytics, Effects, Social share scripts etc..)  LESSER CNAMEs  HTTP Failure Statuses
  • 21. 2014 TBC-World 21  Understand the need – A sub 4 sec load time may not be what all customers are looking for.  If sub 4 sec load is required, check if it is required in all pages – get Clarity  Get the “Buy-in” for agreed numbers from all stakeholders  Do not let the perf measurement and tuning be the first casuality in the rush to the reduce time to market(TTM), and while shipping a minimum viable product (MVP) ACTION STEPS
  • 22. 2014 TBC-World 22  Build it Right, Deploy it right:  Follow best practices. Everyone must be aware: Do share perf tips learned here with your team!  Eliminate 404 and un-necessary redirects  Reduce # of images, Optimize images, Compress, Minimize payload, bundle  Cache it right, Use CDN, Avoid too many hosts but not too less too.  Interpret Page test results correctly and take action  Write Quality code – High Performance code  Put Special Focus on Front-End, a typical problem area  Identify critical screens, too much focus on home page can backfire ACTION STEPS
  • 23. 2014 TBC-World 23  Benchmark/Optimize/Automate:  Conduct User Experience Studies. Conduct Perf. tests on load and otherwise  Benchmark/Optimize: Make Page speed test (Use Yslow or Google speed test) part of regular sprint test. If possible, automate it right into continuous integration scripts , where possible.  Consider Deployment of Dynamic Site Acceleration Solutions like Akamai/YOTTA when demands are for sub 3 sec page load, across geographies ACTION STEPS
  • 24. 2014 TBC-World 24 My Coordinates: THANK YOU Image Sources: Radware, Akamaii,

Editor's Notes

  4. Web Performance Optimization - WPO