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Patently Strategic
Patent Quality 101
KRISTEN J. HANSEN | April 2024
This presentation is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.
Patent Quality 101 Overview
•What do we mean when we say patent quality?
•Why is Patent Quality Important?
•Tips, Tricks, Examples and Kristen’s Musts
The Patent Office vs. The Inventor/Company
Patent Office Quality
• Standard of examiner review
used a reasonable inventive
step threshold
• Meets statutory
requirements for novelty and
• Correctly issued in
compliance with all Title 35
requirements and case law
at issuance
Inventor/Company Quality
• Invention(s) are captured
and articulated in a clear
and comprehensive manner
• Upholds if challenged in a
lawsuit or other proceeding
• Drafted to hold market value
[i.e., direct product revenue,
commercial value, add
complementary revenue
Why is Patent Quality Important?
• A patent application drafted with quality in mind will provide a stronger
place for an inventor/company and an Examiner to begin from
• It’s a house of cards once you begin dropping quality
• It becomes more difficult to uphold the patent, license the patent, withstand
litigation, withstand post grant proceedings, and sell/license IP assets
• However… there is a difference between quality and value
• Clearly articulated claims and examples provided in a patent application will
always provide more leverage and options in prosecution, especially in foreign
• When biased toward value (i.e., reduced costs), some quality (i.e., aspects of a well drafted
patent application) will be sacrificed
• When biased toward high quality, costs of drafting can skyrocket to ensure points of
novelty are well described, but costs of prosecution should be lower with fewer rounds
back and forth because a more focused point of novelty was identified before drafting and
more example back up positions are available in the specification

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The document describes the intellectual property (IP) research services provided by Aeren IP. Aeren IP conducts prior art searches, patentability analyses, freedom to operate analyses, and other IP tasks. It has experts in various technical domains and can perform searches in multiple languages without translators. Aeren IP aims to deliver high-quality results on time through its experienced staff and proprietary tools and databases. It also provides IP portfolio management services including patent drafting, filing, and commercialization support through licensing and technology transfers.

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Here are the key points about a divisional patent application in India: - A divisional application can be filed when the original application claims more than one invention. - It is filed to divide the scope of the original application into separate applications for each invention claimed. - This is done voluntarily by the applicant or in response to an objection raised by the patent examiner during prosecution. - The divisional application can only be filed when the original application is still pending. - It inherits the priority date of the original parent application. - The subject matter of the divisional must be supported by the disclosure of the original application. - Divisional applications are a useful tool to pursue patent protection for

iprpatentcmr college
Inventors & Companies:
Which way should you lean: Quality or Value?
• What is the anticipated value of invention?
• Low or Medium – use a value or a combined approach
• High – Use quality approach
• Is this invention a key/foundational piece of your IP portfolio?
• Use quality approach
• Do you have budget to perform prior art search(es)?
• Just do it!
Tips, Tricks, Examples,
and Kristen’s Must Do’s!
Kristen’s Must Do’s:
• Follow MPEP guidelines for drafting figures and
specifications, but also:
• Describe every claim in the specification in full – literally and by example
• Use Proofreading Software at each drafting step, but especially in claims
• Do not use patent profanity and at least know some case law around
this subject to avoid the big issues
• (e.g., invention, only, must, need, critical, necessary, very important, special,
superior, comprises, etc.); this applies to prosecution language as well
• Keep background sections short/do not include inventive details, needs
• Understand field of prior art closest to your invention before drafting
• Use a jury figure and regularly add method and/or CRM claims
• Draft several alternative embodiments of the invention
• Disclose the best mode, but…
Narrow vs Broad Claim Drafting Tips
• Aim to be broad enough to avoid competition and narrow
enough to not infringe prior art
• Specification should follow language of the claims and expound on
the claims with many examples
• Err on the side of broad claims, many examples in the specification
• Describe several alternative embodiments well enough to later claim
• Achieve balance between specificity and giving your patent a broad applicability
• Generate broad-ish preambles (e.g., instead of “Classifying
Depression” say “Classifying Mental States” or “Mental Status
Assessment,” etc.
• Strike a balance between specificity and giving your patent broad
• Strike a balance b/t obviousness and enablement

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Computers and software inventions can be patented under utility patents in most jurisdictions. Some key points: - Hardware aspects of computers (e.g. novel computer architecture) can be patented as machines or manufactures under utility patents. - Software inventions are also patentable if they produce a "useful, concrete and tangible result". This includes applications, algorithms, user interfaces etc. Merely presenting information or abstract ideas on a generic computer would not be patentable. - Business methods implemented via software can also be patented, though some jurisdictions have additional criteria for such patents. - Specific graphical user interface features and layouts can be covered by design patents if they satisfy the criteria of being novel and non-obvious design.

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IPR Awareness and patent Prosecution Day 4

Computer software inventions can generally be patented under a utility patent in most jurisdictions. Some key points: - Utility patents protect the functional and operational aspects of software inventions. This is the most common type of patent for software. - Software inventions that involve a novel and non-obvious technical solution to a technical problem can qualify for a utility patent. The invention needs to have a technical effect or impact. - Purely abstract software ideas, algorithms, business methods, etc. without a technical implementation may not be patentable subject matter. The eligibility criteria vary between jurisdictions. - In addition to utility patents, design patents can also protect the visual/aesthetic design aspects of a software user interface in some cases.

iprpatentcmr college
Imagine There's No ‘Bad Patents’ – Patent Life Cycle Metrics
Imagine There's No ‘Bad Patents’ – Patent Life Cycle MetricsImagine There's No ‘Bad Patents’ – Patent Life Cycle Metrics
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Determining whether a patent is a "good" asset can be tricky. With a patent's value typically being realized almost ten years after its grant, how can we know the value of any newly-granted patent? We offer concrete metrics as to how to gauge patent value at each point of its life cycle.

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Quality Tips for US drafting and later non-US filings
• Draft your applications to be PCT/EP friendly
• Use technical problem, technical solution, technical benefit language in
strategic places
• Add details on the algorithm, extra flow chart/description
• Describe how software might work with the hardware
• Claim device in a manner independent of human interaction to shield the
method from EP examiner scrutiny
• Describe claims alone (separately) and in combination to avoid EP
combining features issues
Tricks for quicker, but still quality drafting
• Choose a top-down or bottom-up approach to drafting
• Then describe each element that is important to the invention and
how the elements interact, receive data, improve processes and/or
improve conventional methods/systems
Top Down
Draft claims, work through
drawings and descriptions
Bottom Up
• Select drawings and draft
description, then draft
I use a combination of both – it works for me
Words are very important!
1A: …producing batter-coated dough…
heating the resulting batter-coated dough to a
temperature in the range of about 400o F. to 850o
degrees F…
1B: …producing batter-coated dough…
heating, the resulting batter-coated dough, to
at a temperature in the range of about 400o F. to
850o degrees F…
Chef America, Inc. v. Lamb-Weston, Inc., 358 F.3d 1371 (Fed. Cir. 2004)
Key Takeaways
• Identify the points of novelty before drafting begins
• Perform prior art searches religiously
• Draft with technical solutions for technical problems
in mind
• Practitioners: Consider having your own regimented
process for drafting to ensure that you make fewer
mistakes and cover all aspects of the invention
• Inventors: Consider the importance of your invention
wrt to your company and pay for descriptions for
additional embodiments, when warranted

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This document provides instructions and information for an FDP webinar. It includes directions to mute microphones, submit questions through a chat, and notes that the sequence of content may vary. It also provides a link to slides that will be shared on slideshare and information on how to read different parts of a patent document, including the bibliographic data, field of invention, claims, and more. Key details on different sections of a patent are summarized to help understand what information each section provides.

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What Questions Do You Have For Me?

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Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time

  • 1. Patently Strategic Musings Patent Quality 101 KRISTEN J. HANSEN | April 2024 This presentation is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.
  • 2. Patent Quality 101 Overview •What do we mean when we say patent quality? •Why is Patent Quality Important? •Tips, Tricks, Examples and Kristen’s Musts
  • 3. The Patent Office vs. The Inventor/Company Patent Office Quality • Standard of examiner review used a reasonable inventive step threshold • Meets statutory requirements for novelty and clarity • Correctly issued in compliance with all Title 35 requirements and case law at issuance Inventor/Company Quality • Invention(s) are captured and articulated in a clear and comprehensive manner • Upholds if challenged in a lawsuit or other proceeding • Drafted to hold market value [i.e., direct product revenue, commercial value, add complementary revenue streams]
  • 4. Why is Patent Quality Important? • A patent application drafted with quality in mind will provide a stronger place for an inventor/company and an Examiner to begin from • It’s a house of cards once you begin dropping quality • It becomes more difficult to uphold the patent, license the patent, withstand litigation, withstand post grant proceedings, and sell/license IP assets • However… there is a difference between quality and value • Clearly articulated claims and examples provided in a patent application will always provide more leverage and options in prosecution, especially in foreign jurisdictions • When biased toward value (i.e., reduced costs), some quality (i.e., aspects of a well drafted patent application) will be sacrificed • When biased toward high quality, costs of drafting can skyrocket to ensure points of novelty are well described, but costs of prosecution should be lower with fewer rounds back and forth because a more focused point of novelty was identified before drafting and more example back up positions are available in the specification
  • 5. Inventors & Companies: Which way should you lean: Quality or Value? • What is the anticipated value of invention? • Low or Medium – use a value or a combined approach • High – Use quality approach • Is this invention a key/foundational piece of your IP portfolio? • Use quality approach • Do you have budget to perform prior art search(es)? • Just do it!
  • 6. Tips, Tricks, Examples, and Kristen’s Must Do’s!
  • 7. Kristen’s Must Do’s: • Follow MPEP guidelines for drafting figures and specifications, but also: • Describe every claim in the specification in full – literally and by example • Use Proofreading Software at each drafting step, but especially in claims • Do not use patent profanity and at least know some case law around this subject to avoid the big issues • (e.g., invention, only, must, need, critical, necessary, very important, special, superior, comprises, etc.); this applies to prosecution language as well • Keep background sections short/do not include inventive details, needs • Understand field of prior art closest to your invention before drafting • Use a jury figure and regularly add method and/or CRM claims • Draft several alternative embodiments of the invention • Disclose the best mode, but…
  • 8. Narrow vs Broad Claim Drafting Tips • Aim to be broad enough to avoid competition and narrow enough to not infringe prior art • Specification should follow language of the claims and expound on the claims with many examples • Err on the side of broad claims, many examples in the specification • Describe several alternative embodiments well enough to later claim • Achieve balance between specificity and giving your patent a broad applicability • Generate broad-ish preambles (e.g., instead of “Classifying Depression” say “Classifying Mental States” or “Mental Status Assessment,” etc. • Strike a balance between specificity and giving your patent broad applicability • Strike a balance b/t obviousness and enablement
  • 9. Quality Tips for US drafting and later non-US filings • Draft your applications to be PCT/EP friendly • Use technical problem, technical solution, technical benefit language in strategic places • Add details on the algorithm, extra flow chart/description • Describe how software might work with the hardware • Claim device in a manner independent of human interaction to shield the method from EP examiner scrutiny • Describe claims alone (separately) and in combination to avoid EP combining features issues
  • 10. Tricks for quicker, but still quality drafting • Choose a top-down or bottom-up approach to drafting • Then describe each element that is important to the invention and how the elements interact, receive data, improve processes and/or improve conventional methods/systems Top Down Draft claims, work through drawings and descriptions together Bottom Up • Select drawings and draft description, then draft claims I use a combination of both – it works for me application/id=173748/#:~:text=Accordingly%2C%20in%20a%20nutshell%2C%20the,works%20up%20to%20the%20claims.
  • 11. Words are very important! 1A: …producing batter-coated dough… heating the resulting batter-coated dough to a temperature in the range of about 400o F. to 850o degrees F… 1B: …producing batter-coated dough… heating, the resulting batter-coated dough, to at a temperature in the range of about 400o F. to 850o degrees F… Chef America, Inc. v. Lamb-Weston, Inc., 358 F.3d 1371 (Fed. Cir. 2004)
  • 12. Key Takeaways • Identify the points of novelty before drafting begins • Perform prior art searches religiously • Draft with technical solutions for technical problems in mind • Practitioners: Consider having your own regimented process for drafting to ensure that you make fewer mistakes and cover all aspects of the invention • Inventors: Consider the importance of your invention wrt to your company and pay for descriptions for additional embodiments, when warranted
  • 13. What Questions Do You Have For Me?