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Observability For
You and Me with
Eric D. Schabell
Director Evangelism
4 Jul 2024
Tech Meetup Glasgow
Cloud Native O11y (at scale)
Nuts & Bolts of OpenTelemetry
Getting Your Feet Wet
Cloud Native Observability at Scale
Cloud Native
Data volume
- Hello World app on 4 node
Kubernetes cluster with Tracing,
End User Metrics (EUM), Logs,
Metrics (containers / nodes)
- 30 days == +450 GB
Cloud Native at Scale
Simple O11y
O11y at Scale (over time…)
“It’s remarkable how common this
situation is, where an organization
is paying more for their
observability data, than they do
for their production
O11y at Scale (need)
Telemetry is automatically collecting, transmitting
and measuring data from remote sources. It
transmits data back to a central location and
analyzes to monitor and control remote systems.
Nuts & Bolts of
OpenTelemetry is not an
observability back-end.
Traces give us the big picture and understanding
the full path a request takes in your application.
Spans represents a unit of work or operation and
are building blocks of traces.
Metrics are measurements of a service
captured at runtime.
Logs are a timestamped text record,
either structured (recommended) or
unstructured, with metadata.
● API - generating & correlating tracing data
● SDK - language specific impl
● Data - OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP)
Applications (Java)
OTel Auto Instrumentation (libraries)
OTel Collector
(Auto) instrumentation
Observability Backend
(Prometheus, Jaeger, Fluent Bit, etc.),
OTel Auto Instrumentation
OTel Collector Agent
Collector (agent)
Observability Backend
(Prometheus, Jaeger, Fluent Bit, etc.),
OTel Auto Instrumentation
OTel Collector Agent
Collector (gateway)
OTel Collector Gateway
Observability Backend
(Prometheus, Jaeger, Fluent Bit, etc.),
OTel Collector
Collector (internals)
Receiver Processor Exporter
Spans and Traces
Metrics in OTel
● Counter - value accumulates over time
● Asynchronous Counter - Same as the Counter, but is
collected once for each export (aggregated value)
● UpDownCounter: example could be a queue length
● Asynchronous UpDownCounter - Same as the
UpDownCounter, but is collected once for each export
● Gauge: Measures a current value at the time it is read
● Histogram: A client-side aggregation of values, such as request
latencies (buckets)
OpenTelemetry’s approach with logs is different. Because existing logging
solutions are widespread in language and operational ecosystems,
OpenTelemetry acts as a “bridge” between those logs, the tracing and
metrics signals, and other OpenTelemetry components.
Kubernetes Operator
Getting Your Feet Wet
CNCF - End User Community
Workshop (aka Demo)
Demo application is a Flask web application
written in Python:
● http://localhost:8001/ - page load count
● http://localhost:8001/doggo - photo from the Dog API
● http://localhost:8001/rolldice - simulated dice roll
● http://localhost:16686 - Jaeger UI
Short link:
Eric D. Schabell
Director Evangelism

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