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is there such thing as a よと suffix?

I am currently trying to translate a song and am kind of struggling. Several of the lines end with "信じているよと". I am very unsure about the purpose of the "よと". The only thing I could ...
sea's user avatar
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How does おめでとう become 'to congratulate'?

I'm a Korean so I know many Chinese letters. In Japanes あけましておめでとうございます means Happy New Year. Litterally it's 'It's new year so congratulations.' おめでとう is written in Kanji as 御目出度う. 御 : to rule, or to ...
Chan Kim's user avatar
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Understanding the verb 諫める: broader than English "to admonish"?

This usage of いさめる is from a sentence in Hunter x Hunter, where two characters are together and one of them [A] senses an enemy from the shadows about to attack them. The other character [B] asks why ...
whatyouexpect's user avatar
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is the use of 突っ込まないで considered rude?

ごめん。深く突っ込まないで In this context and in general, I wonder is the meaning more like "please don't be noisy and leave it", or "haha, it's nothing to worry about!"? The use of ごめん ...
Chestershire Liddell's user avatar
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Difference between the verbs used in the main clause of 間 and 間に

I saw these two sentences in a Youtube video- 私は冬休みの間韓国へ行きました。 私は冬休みの間に韓国へ行きました。 Shouldn't the first sentence be- 私は冬休みの間韓国へ行っていました。 My question is that shouldn't we use ています form of verbs with 間?( to ...
Ananya's user avatar
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N1 を N2 に見る structure

四畳半神話大系 EP6, I encountered this sentence: 「ラブドールを性欲処理の道具にしか見ていない輩には分からないだろうが これは高尚な趣味である。」 In which the protagonist is introducing a love doll he has been engaging with romantically for some time. I ...
Siena's user avatar
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What does “~をあてに~” mean?

Context: 今日は午後からまつ毛パーマをあてに行きました。 What is the difference between "まつ毛パーマをしに行きました" and "まつ毛パーマをあてに行きました"?
Theseus's user avatar
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Meaning and reading of 益し加える

Reading in a book by 落合淳思 I wonder about (what looks like) the compound verb 益し加える in the sentence 「自は鼻の象形であり、それに声符を益し加えた繁文である。」 (繁文 is used by Ochiai as a technical term for the modern shape of a ...
hurdsean's user avatar
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とどく; 届く meaning in this sentence

と…とても信じられん…こ…この聖域にまでパワーがとどくなんて Unbelievable! That the power would reach even this sanctuary...! Looking for an in depth explanation of the usage of とどく; 届く here, because I've read that it means reach ...
eren_my_beloved's user avatar
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コンビニによって帰ります - what does the "よって帰ります" mean in this sentence? [duplicate]

My Sensei has said it means "popping in" to the shop. But I'm stuck on the "よって" part in particular. What verb is this? Is it an adverb instead? Sorry if this is a dumb question, ...
Matt Parker's user avatar
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Help understanding the meaning of a part in a song's lyric はち切れてしまいそう [closed] I'm having trouble to understand this part from a song's lyric はち切れてしまいそう Hope someone can give me a correct definition of this verb.
4chan user's user avatar
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What are the differences between ~といわれている, ~とされている and ~と考えられている?

I understand that these verbs related to expressing a certain belief or viewpoint. I frequently confuse the three. From what I can understand the meanings are: ~といわれている Repeating or reporting on ...
Ambo100's user avatar
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What does つく mean in this context?

I hope this question is not too dumb. The context comes from Spirited Away: Mother father and daughter arrive at some empty food stand (Fater) すみませーん、どなたかいませんかー? (Mother) 千尋{ちひろ}もおいで、おいしそうよ。 (...
Gianni Trattore's user avatar
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Usage of 消す in this context?

My question is that can 消す be used for wanting to get rid of something? For example, "I really need to get rid of this weird feeling." この変な感じはどうしても消さないと。 Is 消す an acceptable verb to use here ...
Jet's user avatar
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what does it mean when there is Verb+Adverb+Verb

おかげで僕は、辛うじてこいつらへの不信感を誤魔化せるギリギリに留まっていられた。 In English, would we use a comma here? I heard somewhere that Japanese doesn't use commas in those situations. I feel like the same scenario would be: ...
bulgur69's user avatar
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How often is 戦う used with the particle を?

I learned the word 戦う as an instransitive verb for "to fight" (the verb is listed as intransitive at, mainly combined with と to like this: Aと戦う, to express the party or entity (A)...
jarmanso7's user avatar
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What does されています here? レポートには間違っていた箇所が指摘されています

in this sentence (レポートには間違っていた箇所が指摘されています) "Xが指摘されています" can mean: "X will be pointed out" or only "X is pointed out"? "されています" can be used to express actions ...
Eagle377 host's user avatar
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How does reduplication of words work in Japanese?

Recently I've heard words like ただただ and ゆっくりゆっくり showing up. I guessed that saying adverbs one more time over again puts more emphasis on them, but I'm not at all sure if that's true. (Always means ...
Liam fenlon's user avatar
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Meaning of ご帰還あそばれなされた [duplicate]

Full sentence: 「俺様がご帰還あそばれなされたぞ!」 I think this sentence means something alike to: "I have returned!" My main problem with this sentence is the usage of あそばれなされた. From my understanding, this ...
Gabriel Costa's user avatar
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What is the meaning of なりうるがため in this context?

恐るべき 事態に なりうるがため、 子細を 伝えることはできぬ。 The context is that I'm talking to a wizard in the game who happens to know something about my future. Currently, I am trying to figure the exact construction/meaning ...
Viet Nguyen's user avatar
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です vs ありますwhat is the difference between the two? Can they ever be interchangeable?

Q: 日本語の授業は毎日ありますか。一日に何時間ですか。 A: 日本語の授業は毎日あります。一日に二時間あります。 I have questions about the difference between “です” and “あります” regarding the above sentences taken from my textbook. Why is that “です” was used ...
user112563's user avatar
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Cannot understand 甘える

I will show two examples from Japanese websites. First of all, from Weblio: 「彼女は私に甘える=She spoils me」 Secondly from some site for Japanese English learners (Gabastyle): 「悲しいことが起きたときには友達や家族に甘えてもいいんだよ=In ...
Jack D's user avatar
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What does 攻めた mean when used about someone's appearance?

I came across the expression 攻めた格好 recently, and I'd like to know what exactly it means. The original sentence was uttered by a character that was surprised to see another in a wildly different place ...
Emesira's user avatar
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「ぶられる」とは「ぶる」の受動態? What does it mean to be ぶる-ed? [duplicate]

I can't find a related discussion, not here, not on the Internet at large, so I am surprised this seemingly hasn't been asked or discussed. 純真ぶるのはやめろ。この数週間、僕たちはいつ情熱的なキスを交わしてもおかしくなかった。君もそれはわかっているはずだ。...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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What does the word もえる mean in the following sentence and what is the kanji for it? [closed]

Here's the sentence: もえるごみと一緒に毎週土曜日に集めます。 That sentence has been taken from the text explaining different ways of garbage disposal. What does the word もえる mean here and is there a kanji for it?
JConstantine's user avatar
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Qual o significado de ようで e ような na seguinte frase? | What is the meaning of ようで and ような in this sentence?

Estou analisando a letra de uma música chamada 君が好きだと叫びたい. Cheguei em um ponto de dúvida na frase 恋をしているようで 躍らされてるような. Mais especificamente eu gostaria de entender o conceito por traz de ようで, o ...
Magic Guido's user avatar
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「 〜のです。」is confusing when I have to use it with the casual form of the verb

I'm having trouble understanding the difference between 何かあるのですか。and 何かあったのですか。Are they both the same? Initially I thought that the former was present tense and the latter was past tense but I really ...
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Difference between 任せる and 任す?

Looking at the dictionary, both 任せる and 任す seem to have the same meaning and they're both transitive verbs, so I wonder if there is any difference between them. Is there any situation where one of ...
Orbit's user avatar
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What does 送る mean in this sentence and is it similar to 生活を送る?

幻聴?あたし妄想見やすいタイプなのかな?父親の愛情なき幼児体験おくってっからな… (first sentence for context)...because I experienced childhood without my father's love. Would it work to also say 「幼児体験で育ったから」? I'm also wondering if it is ...
hexuanshiqingxuan's user avatar
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What effect does adding 「取り~」 before a verb have?

I've encountered many verbs with 「取り~」 inserted. Up till now I've treated 「取り+verb」 as separate vocabulary, but quite often, the definitions are not much different than the base verb alone. In ...
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