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Questions tagged [verbs]

動詞. A class of words which describe events or states and can be inflected to indicate tense, aspect, voice, and so forth. In citation form, all Modern Japanese verbs end in -(r)u.

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Is it weird linking four verbs together?

As I was thinking some mock conversations I tought the next phrase: この漫画は友達が日本に行って買って来てくれた Does it get confusing, weird or unnatural linking four verbs like that? (I can't remember hearing/reading ...
Raul Alexandre's user avatar
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Basic stems that end in "w"?

I am reading "Essential Japanese Grammar" (from Dover) by Everett F. Bleiler. The section about the consonant conjugation lists some verb examples in their present form with corresponding ...
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What is this usage of いざなってみたら

It seems to be the verb 誘う but I don't think any of the meaning fits? I'm gonna guess みたら is "After I tried to do x" but I don't get the verb.
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What does 身を起こしている mean?

空はコンクリートフロアに両ひざと両手をついていた。倒れ込みはしなかったものの、強度の脱力感から身を起こしているのがやっとだ。 As far I know 身を起こしている means to wake up why is used to describe a character with hands and knees on the floor?
Bluegate's user avatar
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Breaking down 「お間違えないでしょうか。」

In this video 「お間違えないでしょうか。」 was spoken by restaurant staff after confirming a customer's order. I'm unsure which breakdown of this phrase is correct: お+間違え is a noun. ない = ありません, and the speaker ...
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What does 丸めた here mean? (in describing how someone speaks)

彼特有の丸めた―目的を背後に隠して相手に好意を示す話し方は、めいは好きではない。 I don't quite get it. "His characteristic... the way to show to the partner kindness while hiding his true motive. Mei didn't like it at all.
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Meaning of V + ての + noun

In かつて神だった獣たちへ volume 5 I found these sentences, speaking about bayonets: もちろん接近しなくては使いようもなく、ライフルの登場は歩兵同士が肉薄しての銃撃と突撃による戦術、つまり銃剣を過去の物にするはずだった 内戦末期、戦場に登場した回転式機関砲は十分な威力と連射速度を持っていたため、肉薄しての突撃を押さえ込まれ無力だった ...
Mauro's user avatar
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How does おめでとう become 'to congratulate'?

I'm a Korean so I know many Chinese letters. In Japanes あけましておめでとうございます means Happy New Year. Litterally it's 'It's new year so congratulations.' おめでとう is written in Kanji as 御目出度う. 御 : to rule, or to ...
Chan Kim's user avatar
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What is the nuance of 取らない in this sentence? What does it mean?

「つまり学園内で何かあったとしても、病院に運び込むつもりはない。全て学園内で処理すると最初から決まっていた故の設備の充実とも取れねぇか」 つまり学園内で何かあったとしても、病院に運び込むつもりはない In the first part of the sentence, the character subscribes the theory that no matter what happens,...
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How do you negate っこない

I don understand how to negate the grammar point of っこない I get that you put the verb in the ますstem before っこない Like in the example 泳げっこない --> There is no way I can swim But what if I've always been ...
Nyhiko's user avatar
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What are all the "special" suru verbs?

Some Japanese verbs are composed of a sino-morpheme followed by す、する、ずる、or じる. They conjugate differently from normal する verbs, and (as far as I know) they're always one kanji rather than two. Some ...
Stumpy Joe Pete's user avatar
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What is the etymology of onani [duplicate]

In the Book of Genesis chapter 38, Judah had a son named Onan. Onan's story of spilling his seed, leads to the term Onanism. Onanism is an interpretation of Onan's story. Regardless of whether there ...
user1416486's user avatar
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Understanding the verb 諫める: broader than English "to admonish"?

This usage of いさめる is from a sentence in Hunter x Hunter, where two characters are together and one of them [A] senses an enemy from the shadows about to attack them. The other character [B] asks why ...
whatyouexpect's user avatar
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Meaning of ことを受ける

This comes from a new Reuters JP article I read today about Netanyahu's responses to Iran's missile/drone launchings: [エルサレム 14日 ロイター] - イスラエルのネタニヤフ首相は14日、イランが発射した300���のドローン(無人機)...
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Is this で with 思い当たる the particle or te-form

From the anime "Heavenly Delusion", and a main character asks someone about their knowledge of a place called "Heaven" (天国): あっ あと 天国って場所で 何か思い当たることないですか? Oh, before I forget, have ...
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