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Difference between the verbs used in the main clause of 間 and 間に

I saw these two sentences in a Youtube video- 私は冬休みの間韓国へ行きました。 私は冬休みの間に韓国へ行きました。 Shouldn't the first sentence be- 私は冬休みの間韓国へ行っていました。 My question is that shouldn't we use ています form of verbs with 間?( to ...
Ananya's user avatar
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N1 を N2 に見る structure

四畳半神話大系 EP6, I encountered this sentence: 「ラブドールを性欲処理の道具にしか見ていない輩には分からないだろうが これは高尚な趣味である。」 In which the protagonist is introducing a love doll he has been engaging with romantically for some time. I ...
Siena's user avatar
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Meaning and reading of 益し加える

Reading in a book by 落合淳思 I wonder about (what looks like) the compound verb 益し加える in the sentence 「自は鼻の象形であり、それに声符を益し加えた繁文である。」 (繁文 is used by Ochiai as a technical term for the modern shape of a ...
hurdsean's user avatar
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Usage of 消す in this context?

My question is that can 消す be used for wanting to get rid of something? For example, "I really need to get rid of this weird feeling." この変な感じはどうしても消さないと。 Is 消す an acceptable verb to use here ...
Jet's user avatar
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です vs ありますwhat is the difference between the two? Can they ever be interchangeable?

Q: 日本語の授業は毎日ありますか。一日に何時間ですか。 A: 日本語の授業は毎日あります。一日に二時間あります。 I have questions about the difference between “です” and “あります” regarding the above sentences taken from my textbook. Why is that “です” was used ...
user112563's user avatar
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What does 送る mean in this sentence and is it similar to 生活を送る?

幻聴?あたし妄想見やすいタイプなのかな?父親の愛情なき幼児体験おくってっからな… (first sentence for context)...because I experienced childhood without my father's love. Would it work to also say 「幼児体験で育ったから」? I'm also wondering if it is ...
hexuanshiqingxuan's user avatar
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Difference between 聞こえる and 聞かれる / 見える and 見られる

I came across this problem when I was studying, and I couldn't really understand the difference between using the passive form of 聞く or 見る and using the verbs 聞こえる and 見える, considering that, in my ...
Carmo's user avatar
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Can you answer the question 何を飲みますか? with 水です。?

It doesn’t seem that natural, as 水です seems to mean “It is water”, rather than a shorter form of 水を飲みます.
Roger Wang's user avatar
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Meaning of 掃き溜める

Context: a boxer is telling another one that he is too weak to participate in a tournament. 潰し合いさせられるトーナメントに浮かれてんの出場者ん中でお前だけだぞ?掃き溜められたコトにムカつくけどよ… お前みてェな甘ちゃんと肩並ばされんのはもっとハラが立つ。 Looking in the ...
Marco's user avatar
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What is the form of "売らん" in the sentence "ウランは売らん。"? [duplicate]

I'm not sure if "売らん" is acting as a verb in the dajare, "ウランは売らん。". If it is, please explain what conjugation or form of the verb that this is. If it isn't, can you tell me where "売らん" comes from and ...
slyfin's user avatar
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売る exact usage/meaning

I was reading a Japanese text, and came across this piece of dialogue : "なんで他人とケンカするの" "なんでって...売られるからだよ.売れられたケンカは買う.そんだけだ." But I really can't seem to understand what the second person is trying to ...
FMB's user avatar
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How do 自他 triplets of related verbs work?

I thought this had been asked before (possibly by me), but I couldn't find it. I'm wondering why for certain verbs/words, instead of just a 自他 pair, there is a triplet (or possibly more) where two of ...
istrasci's user avatar
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What is the difference between ~すぎ and ~すぎる?

When I was playing a video game a few months ago, I noticed that some of the characters (mostly young teen females, in case it matters) kept saying ~すぎ instead of ~すぎる. For example, when one of the ...
atlantiza's user avatar
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Usage and meaning of [passive verb]-てみれば

I am familiar with the set phrase 「言われてみれば」 as a way to say "Now that you say that", but as I examine the phrase further, the phrase structure strikes me as strange. The ��てみる conjugation is commonly ...
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