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What are the differences between ~といわれている, ~とされている and ~と考えられている?

I understand that these verbs related to expressing a certain belief or viewpoint. I frequently confuse the three. From what I can understand the meanings are: ~といわれている Repeating or reporting on ...
Ambo100's user avatar
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Qual o significado de ようで e ような na seguinte frase? | What is the meaning of ようで and ような in this sentence?

Estou analisando a letra de uma música chamada 君が好きだと叫びたい. Cheguei em um ponto de dúvida na frase 恋をしているようで 躍らされてるような. Mais especificamente eu gostaria de entender o conceito por traz de ようで, o ...
Magic Guido's user avatar
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Difference between 任せる and 任す?

Looking at the dictionary, both 任せる and 任す seem to have the same meaning and they're both transitive verbs, so I wonder if there is any difference between them. Is there any situation where one of ...
Orbit's user avatar
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How to translate わからない in the following sentence

Context: a boxer named Yanagi is fighting against an opponent named Hyodo. Although Hyodo is really young, he is considered a very talented boxer and is often called genius (天才). Yanagi is thinking ...
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Meaning of もったいぶらず in the following sentence

Context: while talking about himself, a boxer says: 今持っ��るモノはもったいぶらず全て出す。それが俺の武器に繋がるんでねェ。拳に表れるんだよォ ――――[生き方]【スタイル】ってヤツは。 According to dictionaries, the meaning of もったいぶらない is unpretentious, modest. ...
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Difference between 助ける【たすける】 and 救う【すくう】

What is the difference between the verbs 助ける【たすける】 and 救う【すくう】? Apparently, both mean to save. When searching on Google, I found the same question asked on Yahoo! 知恵袋: 『助ける』と『救う』の意味の違いを教えてください。 ...
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