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How often is 戦う used with the particle を?

I learned the word 戦う as an instransitive verb for "to fight" (the verb is listed as intransitive at, mainly combined with と to like this: Aと戦う, to express the party or entity (A)...
jarmanso7's user avatar
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Difference between shimatte arimasu and shimete arimasu

In this link, it is explained that shimeru is a transitive verb and so it can take the -te aru ending but shimaru is an intransitive verb so it can take the -te imasu ending. However, in some grammar ...
Echchama Nayak's user avatar
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Meaning of 欲ばっから and help with the following sentence

Context: Riku, the protagonist boxer of this manga, is fighting against an evasive opponent that is really good at dodging punches and who always tries to win on points rather than KOs. Riku tries to ...
Marco's user avatar
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Transitive meaning of the word "翻る"?

I was under the impression that the word 翻る(ひるがえる)is an intransitive verb (which is also how it appears to be defined in dictionaries), but I've come across a use of it that appears to be transitive, ...
Koxinga's user avatar
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How do 自他 triplets of related verbs work?

I thought this had been asked before (possibly by me), but I couldn't find it. I'm wondering why for certain verbs/words, instead of just a 自他 pair, there is a triplet (or possibly more) where two of ...
istrasci's user avatar
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Do all the meanings of 掛ける and 掛かる tally?

WWWJDIC does not tally their meanings of 掛ける and 掛かる so i find it hard for a beginner like me to properly learn these 2 words.. Do all these meanings of 掛ける and 掛かる tally: (is this list correct): 1a)...
Pacerier's user avatar
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