
Unbelievable! That the power would reach even this sanctuary...!

Looking for an in depth explanation of the usage of とどく; 届く here, because I've read that it means reach as a movement verb that's synonymous with "arrive", and what it means contextually for the subject here "パワー"

1 Answer 1


It should just mean 'to arrive/reach'.

I suppose the sentence comes from somewhere later in Dragon Ball (super saiyan 3?), where the power='気' is described as a kind of wave (like かめはめ).

The stronger/larger 気 is, the farther it is felt. So the sentence is saying that the power is so strong to be felt even in the remotest place where the speaker is.

  • Thank you for the response, and yes, it is indeed Super Saiyan 3! I see, so the context given would be that the power wave travelled to and reached/arrived at the speaker's location hence being felt there? Commented Jun 21, 2023 at 8:03
  • @ssj_janessa Yup. It's basically the same as saying, about a wave, a thing like the tsunami caused by an earthquake in Chile reached Japan. Literally - Can't believe it. The (wave caused by) power reaches as far as this (remote) sacred place.
    – sundowner
    Commented Jun 21, 2023 at 10:07

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