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Questions tagged [readings]

読み. The reading of a kanji character or a word written in kanji characters refers to how it is “read” in terms of kana characters. Please use this tag rather than 'pronunciation' if it fits your question.

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てもいいもんだよね at the end of this sentence?

The character laying down is a horror writer who likes to visit spooky places. He asks his editor "which place would you like to visit?" and he's against it. 人の念が籠もる場所は何度も行ってもいいもんだよ My ...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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What does にすると mean?

であるならば、何でもない素振りというのは彼にすると上出来の演技なのかもしれなかった。 "If that's the case, acting like nothing happened... may have been an excellent performance" What does 彼にすると here mean? He's saying he didn't ...
Bluegate's user avatar
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what does the sentence highlighted in blue mean?

I can't quite understand what the sentence means, specially the もし. it doesn't seem to be conditional, so why is it there?
Dri's user avatar
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How are numbers used here in this sentence?

「多数派ではありますが、決して総意ではありません。感覚として、六四で復権派の方が多い、というくらいでしょうか。しかも、復権派のほとんどは土御門系ですね」 The character asks "Is the hope for the restoration the consensus of the people?" to which the character replies ...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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When is explicitly knowledge of a kanji reading's category ('on', 'kun', etc) ever needed?

When is explicit knowledge of a kanji reading's category (on, kun, etc) ever needed? By this I mean knowledge of any of the following mappings: (kanji, reading)-pair to category: eg being able to say ...
Lover of Structure's user avatar
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How does reading 名乗り really work?

I know the reading 名乗り is an exclusive reading for proper nouns, the question is: Is there a way to create or decide on a new 名乗り reading? Would it be possible for a name to have a "double ...
Tokami Chelsea's user avatar
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方 【かた】or 方 【ほう】?

In this sentence, what is the reading of 方? 「京都【きょうと】の方【?】から『京都【きょうと】にはおしゃれ過【す】ぎる人【ひと】はいない、“過【す】ぎる”は恥【は】ずかしいことです』と聞【き】きました "I heard from a Kyōtoite that there are no overly fashionable people in ...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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Reading of 氷円弾 and other similar made up words

In this RPG video game I'm currently playing, monsters attack you with different techniques with made up names, such as 氷円弾. Since I don't know how I should read that kanji compound I searched this ...
Juan Martín de Iparraguirre's user avatar
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Which reading of 通って is correct in this sentence?

Question Part 1: Which reading of 通って is correct in this sentence? もっともっと学校【がっこう】に通【??】って、絵【え】を勉強【べんきょう】したかった I wanted to go to school more and study painting.
Ned Reif's user avatar
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Song lyric reads 愛 as "ito"

I was listening to the Song "Miracle Maker" by Spirit of Adventure (better known as the opening song to Digimon World 3 in the Japanese version). The youtube video I was listening it to on ...
user2309750's user avatar
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How to create poetic readings for names?

Can I create poetic readings for invented Japanese names? Based on [小鳥遊]{たかなし}, I would like to create the name [冷]{つめたい} with this special reading, referencing the adjective 冷たい. If I am doing ...
Tokami Chelsea's user avatar
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Parsing usage of 方

The following is from a scholarly book describing old Jerusalem in the context of the modern geo-political world. The bolded part stands out for me. 市街は、古い巨大な城壁にかこまれています。城壁は[方千]{ほうせん}メートルたらず。 ...
A.Ellett's user avatar
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How does one pronounce "11.53 cups"?

I am uncertain how to handle the combination of the fraction, counter, and rendaku. Is it じゅういっぱいてんごじゅうさん or maybe じゅういちてんごじゅうさんばい? It occurred in this sentence here: 全日本【ぜんにほん】コーヒー協会【きょうかい】の2020年【...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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Usage of ずつ片す in this sentence

7時半 各方面に連絡も済ませたし 見積書も作り直した あとは返事来たやつから1個ずつ片すだけ Context: an office worker just finished setting his business and it's early in the morning, after he pulled an all-nighter. This dialog is all said ...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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What is the reading of "toy store"?

There seem to be various readings for toy store. Do they have different meanings? Are they regionalisms? 玩具店【おもちゃてん】 玩具店【おもちゃみせ】 玩具屋【おもちゃや】 玩具屋【がんぐや】 玩具店【がんぐてん】 I came across it in this sentence in ...
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