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Questions tagged [particle-に]

助詞「に」. The particle に (ni) represents motion towards something (English "to") and location (English "at" and "in"). Dative, locative and temporal case particle.

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What does に mean in 口止め料にこうして色々やらせてもらってる [duplicate]

I am uncertain about the function of に in this sentence: 口止め料にこうして色々やらせてもらってるし I think this に indicates a reason. So, 口止め料に mean "because I receive hush money"? (Source: she is beautiful ...
weeab00's user avatar
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What's the difference: 「ワンさんがはたらいているびょういんはこうべ[に・が]あります」

ワンさん が はたらいて いる びょういん は こうべ "が" あります。 ワンさん が はたらいて いる びょういん は こうべ "に" あります。 What is difference between those two sentences?
Md Tarek Abdullah Sakib's user avatar
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Using particle に with 今回/次回/前回

Is the particle NI required with these words? 姉は次回に連れてきます。 姉は次回連れてきます。 Are they both correct?
Varvara Yarovenko's user avatar
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Why and how does から work with「話を聞く」?

I came across the following sentence in my Japanese textbook: リサイクルの店を開くにあたって、いろいろな方面から話を聞いた。 Which I translate as "at the occasion of opening a recycling shop, [ I ] consulted with / asked for ...
jarmanso7's user avatar
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Why is で used with タイミング instead of に?

The norm is to use the で particle with タイミング for "at a ... time", here are some examples. Normally the に particle marks points in time (8時に, 火曜日に, 10月に...), although で can also do this with ...
Hikonyan's user avatar
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What does にすると mean?

であるならば、何でもない素振りというのは彼にすると上出来の演技なのかもしれなかった。 "If that's the case, acting like nothing happened... may have been an excellent performance" What does 彼にすると here mean? He's saying he didn't ...
Bluegate's user avatar
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How is 以上に used in this sentence exactly?

今起こっている全て―行為以上に己の感覚すらも、神様のせいだという気持ちになった。 The character is undergoing a ritual "行為" which causes him an intense amount of pain and other emotions. What I don't get is what 以上に mean here? &...
Bluegate's user avatar
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How is this sentence divided exactly?

(変なことを言ってしまったな…)  質問されたから答えたものの、明光の望む答えにも、自分の気持ちすら満足に表現できる言葉ではなかった、と思う。 I don't really understand how the sentence is divide in the second bubble. The narrator had something asked (by 明光) and she ...
Bluegate's user avatar
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Possible pattern? Masu-stem+に+masu-stem+まくる

I know that masu-stem+まくる usually means to do a verb with reckless abandon, but on a radio show I heard a phrase that went something like masu-stem+に+Same verb masu-stem+まくる. Search results reveal ...
whatyouexpect's user avatar
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に marking passive verb?

I noticed something in a song title I was unfamiliar with and haven't been able to figure out how to interpret it: 抱かれにきた女-濱田 金吾 Specifically 抱かれに, this appears to be 抱く in passive form, but it doesn'...
Valevalorin's user avatar
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What is this usage of には?

声をかけるには空気が張り詰めている。あたしは黙って、美織を見守ることにした。 "空気が張り詰めている。あたしは黙って、美織を見守ることにした。" is the atmosphere is too tense, so I stay silent and decided to watch over Miori. What is this usage of には?
Bluegate's user avatar
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Can "date + にも" mean "as soon as"?

This article from NHK News Web Easy has the following sentence: 環境省は、今年7月にも会議を開いて、法律を変えるための準備をする予定です。 Based on my understanding that も roughly means "even," my naïve translation is that ...
Josh Grosso's user avatar
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に with passive meaning

お金に困りました。When I came across this sentence, I read the に as by as in troubled with/by money. Is it correct.
Thuan Nguyen's user avatar
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Does noun function as adverb with に attached

I am reading a Japanese book that has this sentence: マリヤの円光を現実に見た夜もあったのです。 The 現実に here sounds like an adverb to me.
Thuan Nguyen's user avatar
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語る and に particle

コロッケ一つにこんなに熱く語るなんて I'm confused by this sentence, 語る usually uses を to talk about something, so what does this mean? For context the person in this manga is very enthusiastic about croquettes but I do ...
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