smarr calit2 big data cyberinfrastructure microbiome quantified self analytics health supercomputing healthcare ucsd optiputer research telepresence metagenomics pacific research platform gut lambdagrid personalized medicine aald university technology optiplanet prp gut microbiome ieee internet data nasa cenic photonics future growth supercomputer collaboration camera quantitative health genomics climate information technology climate change energy machine learning science inflammatory bowel disease medicine uci cinegrid ocean distributed systems computing innovation australia education distributed supercomputer distributed machine learning public health nsf genome sequencing cancer ecology onvector digital infrastructure cyberinfrastucture monash university campus nanobioinfotechnology national research platform optical fiber immune system sio genomic medicine ncsa connect university of california mexico computer science global networks broadband sdsc high performance fire cse gut health self-monitoring chronic disease systems biology nac-itic infrastructure virtual microbes california computational science iftf ciau networks biomedical wildfire extreme scale computing larry smarr artificial intelligence black hole bacteria brain initiative self-tracking quantified health cloud computing genome mhealth sensors networking pharmacy bioinformatics cicese digital disruptive technologies harvard lifechips geopolitics cloud global collaboration xconomy smart energy rady campus bridging low carbon economy aaas cisco pharmaceutical venter institute physics department sun microbial marine warren college telecommunications hydrology virtual reality educause university of sydney canada optical networks optiportal green sustainability greenlight tasmania it personal planetary-scale laboratory internet2 engineering lanl scientists venter astrobiology vrst collaboratory digital twins prostate cancer therapy supercomputer applications high performance computing teaching distributed computing supernetwork berkeley cloud computing meetup nautilus applications cyber security data science research platforms osteopathy the pacific research platform national science foundation higher education open science grid technology research hepatology gastroenterology cross-discipline distributed data super computer personalized wellness american philosophical society thought leaders lifestyle dark matter exponential medicine bill st arnaud telecom microorganisms automation surgery communications irvine aİhm goddard phenotype time series nih arts numerical relativity collision communication database microbiology biology dell big trillion tsensor colorectal p4 medicine body sensors students fiber optic connectivity bandwidth medicine genome sequencing microbial ecology patient of the future biodiversity digital health microorganism emr consumer health data mobile health fitness high-performance networking optics campus network 100 gbps imaging visualization health sensors quantitative self crohn's obesity crohns disease biomarkers culture high per gene sequencer health informatics health care usc rutgers tedmed game-changing lecture series stanford right care glif campus data topcoder helath innovation laboratory deloitte get conference sleep cenic 2012 ucsd library princeton picscie sara surfnet7 environment grid cluster acm regenerative medicine stem cell bio washington innovation summit personalized health pharmaceutical research data storage x-gen university of michigan latin america grand challenges quantified campus research educause 2010 preventive medicine quatified self sustainable computing ncar smart infrastructure nict msi nae grand challenges socal ucla marschak colloquium mark twain high school san diego science festival ucsb pragma pacific rim networked data optiportals lambdas virtual world c5 conference center for networked systems preventative medicine genetics school of medicine australian american leadership dialogue youth leadership dialogue ieee ism 2005 high resolution media nortel genetic sciences neptune ocean observatory geoss environmental observations fiber optics telluride tech festival 2005 oak ridge national laboratory genomes medicine and the environment conference 20 university research comuter science airforce calren-xd academic mscmc forum series onr lambda collaboratories terabit lan workshop starlight quartzite ocean observatories mobile internet motorola lambdagrids jpl visualizations interwest lookiing geon life sciences oceanography earth observing meteorology sc04 multimedia ism 2006 37th ieee semiconductor interface gigapixel ucop five year review marine ecology synthetic biology third annual seminar in experimental critical theo social networks optical circuits spie optics and photonics convention uc regents iucrp scripps institute of oceanography intel ict us india institute for the future nano-engineering nano-science institutes for science and innovation future in review adiat health science environmental australian institute of marine science sharecase gigabit firstmile lambdagid defanti innovation award brown biological sciences sixth college microbe coral reef observatory torrey pines high school san diego university university of auckland wildfires university of virginia scientific research 10gbps ttivanguard tsinghua university china university of new south wales university of adelaide australian national university university of queensland university of technology sydney swinburne university university of western australia nasa ames singularity calren pnnl digital media ieee spectrum salk institute ocean observing louisiana state university lambdacloud scipm 2009 science festival carbon constrained planetary scale computing sensornets global change greenovation jacobs school of engineering unm film and digital media ieee compsac digital futures australian industry group cyberspace e-research mitre us mexican studies ornl lbnl nics virginia on*vector school reef lightwaves
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