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Implement Comet using PHP Dutch PHP Conference 2011 Jonas Mariën – King Foo
Jonas Mariën, King Foo Author “Zend Framework Web Services” (php|architect) Online since 93 (yep). PHP for fun since 96, professional since 2001. Master in Biological and Genetic Engineering, University of Leuven.
Comet = data push from server to client
Comet aka Reverse Ajax HTTP server Push Ajax Push HTTP streaming ... abused/umbrella term
Use case Example updates being pushed: ticker info
news items
chat messages
status updates
e-mail notifications
in-app messaging
monitoring feedback
feedback on processes that take time to complete
Push? But, but ... a browser pulls and the server responds, no? Fake push using polling trickery
Connection is kept open as long as possible
A giant hack
Does the trick for now
The Basics
Short polling Client tries to get something new from the server and polls at regular and short intervals.
Responsiveness at the cost of performance (on the server side). Wasteful in terms of resources.
Easy, but not really what we are looking for.
Not considered 'comet'.
Short polling function  getUpdate()  { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "server.php", data: "type=news&category=PHP", success : function(msg){ $('#feed').append(msg);/** we do something **/ setTimeout("getUpdate()", 2000); } }); } $(document).ready(function() { getUpdate(); }
Short polling demo
The forever frame An iframe keeps loading, never stops (or reloads occasionally)
Also called “streaming”
Dirty, e.g IE doesn't like this
The forever frame In the page: <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;>function updateResult(/** do something **/)</script>) <iframe style='width: 0px; height: 0px' src='./serverside.php'></iframe> On the server: <?php set_time_limit(0); header(&quot;Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate&quot;); header(&quot;Expires: Mon, 24 Jul 1974 05:00:00 GMT&quot;); flush(); ob_flush();//if ob_start (implicitly) called before while(true) { $result = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); echo '<script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;>parent.updateResult(apos;'.$result.'apos;);</script>'; flush(); ob_flush(); $sleeptimer = rand(1, 15);  sleep($sleeptimer); }
The forever frame demo
XHR “XHR streaming”
Output 'busy' && sleep() on the server side untill finishing
We need to get  the status before  oncomplete/onsuccess Note: there is also multipart/x-mixed-replace  as part of XHR
XHR “ The XMLHttpRequest object can be in several states.  The readyState attribute must return the current state, which must be one of the following values” * UNSENT (0) The object has been constructed.  OPENED (1) The open() method has been successfully invoked. During this state request headers can be set using setRequestHeader() and the request can be made using the send() method.  HEADERS_RECEIVED (2) All redirects (if any) have been followed and all HTTP headers of the final response have been received. Several response members of the object are now available.  LOADING (3) The response entity body is being received.  DONE (4) The data transfer has been completed or something went wrong during the transfer (e.g. infinite redirects).
XHR Sine jQuery 1.5, no direct access to the underlying XHR object
No access to loading state
Can use a filter: Plugin:
Mixed results using different browsers for direct XHR manipulation
XHR xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if(http.readyState == 3  && http.status == 200) { //do something   document.write(xhr.responseText); } }
Long polling Longer intervals
Each time something  is returned from the  server, a new request  is started
Using XHR
Server: checks for updates for a few cycles and keeps a counter. If counter limit reached, 'false' or 'error' message goes back. If an update is available before that, exit the loop and return an 'ok' message with payload.
Long Polling function getUpdate(){ $.ajax({ type: &quot;GET&quot;, url: &quot;server.php&quot;, async: true,  cache: false, timeout:50000, success: function(data) {  /** do something **/ setTimeout ( 'getUpdate()', 1000 ); }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){ /**show error notice**/ setTimeout ( 'getUpdate()', &quot;20000&quot;); }, }); }; $(document).ready(function(){ getUpdate();  });
Long Polling <?php ...  $twitterSearch  = new Zend_Service_Twitter_Search('json'); $hashtag = 'dpc11'; if (isset($_GET['hashtag'])) { $hashtag = $_GET['hashtag']; } $result = false; while($result === false) { if (isset($_GET['since_id']) && $_GET['since_id'] > 0) { $since_id = (int) $_GET['since_id'] + 1; $searchResults  = $twitterSearch->search($hashtag, array('lang' => 'en', 'rpp' => 30,'since_id' => $since_id)); } else { $searchResults  = $twitterSearch->search($hashtag, array('lang' => 'en','rpp' => 30)); } if (isset($searchResults['results']) && count($searchResults['results'])) { $result = json_encode($searchResults['results'][0]); } } echo $result;
Long Polling demo
Thoughts & notes Piggybacking
Long polling issues: Requests are kept open for a while
Objects (other then the ones being pulled/pushed) on server side can be changed, need to have these changes fed to the client. Piggybacking to the rescue again?
One or more long polling requests open and then an AJAX call: might give you browser problems with simultaneous requests
Server performance: we need event driven solutions (message queues and/or something like node.js) to fix this
Proxies (chunking stuff) and firewalls (dropping long connections). Some Comet libs (next slides) try to detect intermediate proxies Comet is not mature. Uses HTTP against most of the basic assumptions and no real standards available. Not a real standard.
Thoughts & Notes Performance is the biggest problem A Comet server should be able to handle as much connections as fast as possible, with a high troughput and low latency.  Long polling requests stay idle for a while, so claiming a thread is not ok.
DWR Direct Web Remoting  (
Nice, but Java  only
Fallback different  polling mechanisms
Dynamic Javascript  generation
Attempts at PHP implementations, one could use something like json-rpc to mimic this Could use a Java bridge from PHP perhaps?
Cometd & Bayeux Dojo Foundation
Cometd: reference implementation (in Java, Perl and Python). Java implementation uses Jetty.
Bayeux: protocol, JSON for request/response
Handshake + Publish/Subscribe

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