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Designing CakePHP plugins for consuming APIsBy @neilcrookes for
ContentsFoundationsCakePHP plugins, APIs, REST, HTTP, CakePHP HttpSocket, OAuthDesign approachTraditional approach, issues with that, my solutionExamples
Types of CakePHP pluginsMini appsProvide full functionality you can include in your app e.g. blog, store locatorExtendersExtend your app with more functionality e.g. commentable & taggableEnhancersEnhance your apps existing functionality e.g. filterWrappersProvide functionality to access 3rd party APIs
APIsSource: 73%  of all APIs (listed on ProgrammableWeb) are RESTful

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The document discusses the Slim microframework for PHP. It provides an overview of Slim, describing how it is used to quickly write REST APIs. It covers installing Slim, using the Application class as the entry point, and handling requests and responses. Key aspects covered include registering routes, accessing request headers and body, setting response status and headers, and returning JSON responses.

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Web api
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Web api

ASP.NET Web API is a framework that makes it easy to build HTTP services that reach a broad range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices. ASP.NET Web API is an ideal platform for building RESTful applications on the .NET Framework.

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The document contains information about OpenAPI/Swagger including: - Members of the OpenAPI initiative including organizations from Oregon, São Paulo, and Frankfurt. - Details about the Swagger specification and examples of using Swagger code generation to generate API client code in C# from a Swagger specification. The generated code includes models, API interfaces, and an API client to call the API.

My work so far has been mainly consuming RESTful APIs so this presentation and examples will focus on REST
But concepts illustrated in the design approach section later on can be applied to any protocolQuick intro to RESTREspresentational State Transfer“The largest known implementation of a system conforming to the REST architectural style is…” World Wide WebClients and servers communicating via HTTPUses existing HTTP verbs (GET, POST etc)Acts on a resource (URI)
HTTPSend request<HTTP verb> <URI> HTTP/1.1<Header 1 name>: <Header 1 value>...<optional body>You’ll get some kind of response (hopefully)HTTP/1.1 <Status Code> <Status Message><Header 1 name>: <Header 1 value>...<optional body>
Simple HTTP GET Request & ResponseRequestGET HTTP/1.1User-Agent: My Web BrowserResponseHTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 70<html><head><title>My Web Page</title></head><body><h1>My Web Page</h1></body></html>

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Simple HTTP POST Request & ResponseRequestPOST HTTP/1.1Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedContent-Length: 38username=neilcrookes&password=abcd1234ResponseHTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyLocation:
CakePHP’s HttpSocket Classcake/libs/http_socket.phpUsage:    App::import(‘Core’, ‘HttpSocket’);    $Http = new HttpSocket();    $response = $Http->request(array(    ‘method’ => ‘POST’,      ‘uri’ => array(        ‘host’ => ‘’,        ‘path’ => ‘login’),      ‘body’ => array(        ‘username’ => ‘neilcrookes’,        ‘password’ => ‘abcd1234’)));See HttpSocket::request property for defaults HttpSocketHandles creating, writing to and reading from sockets (because it extends CakeSocket)Constructs HTTP escaped, encoded requests from array parameters you send itParses HTTP response from the server intoStatusBodyCookiesCan handle Basic Auth (username:password@)
OAuthIn summary, it allows users of a service (e.g. Twitter) to authorize other parties (i.e. your application) access to their accounts on that service, without sharing their password with the other parties.In reality, it means:a little bit of handshaking between your app and the service provider to get various string tokensredirecting the user to the service in order for them to authorize your app to access their account, so the user only signs in to the service, not your app.the service provides you with a token you can persist and use to make authorized requests to their service on behalf of the userIn practice it’s just an extra header line (Authorization header) in the HTTP request which containssome arbitrary parameters e.g. timestampa token that identifies your application to the API providera signature string that signs the request and is a hash of various request parameters and the secret tokens you retrieved aboveUsed by e.g. Twitter & Google APIs
HttpSocketOauthUsage example to tweet “Hello world!”:App::import('Vendor', 'HttpSocketOauth');$Http = new HttpSocketOauth();$response = $Http->request(array(  'method' => 'POST',  'uri' => array(    'host' => '',    'path' => '1/statuses/update.json'),  'auth' => array(    'method' => 'OAuth',    'oauth_token' => <oauth token>,    'oauth_token_secret' => <oauth token secret>,   'oauth_consumer_key' => <oauth consumer key>,    'oauth_consumer_secret' => <oauth consumer secret>),  'body' => array(    'status' => 'Hello world!')));

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REST is an alternate and simpler approach for implementing WebServices. It is based on the HTTP protocol and hence leverages a lot of existing infrastructures. It uses an uniform interface thus making it easy to build client applications. In this session we will look at the fundamental concepts behind REST (Resource, URI, Stateless Conversation ..) and how to apply it in the context of a real applcation. We will also discuss the pros & cons of RESTful vs Soap based webservices. We will discuss the design of RESTful application and then look at how to implement it using Spring MVC.

ContentsFoundationsCakePHP plugins, APIs, REST, HTTP, CakePHP HttpSocket, OAuthDesign approachTraditional approach, issues with that, my solutionExamples
Traditional approach: DataSourceComplex DataSource containing all the logicCall methods on the DataSource directly from your models or controllersor as implied by the example Twitter DataSource in the cook book: access DataSource methods through your models but include most of the logic in the DataSource well for simple stuffThis is how I started implementing
However...Does not scale well for large APIsTwitter has ~100 API calls available, all with a wide variety of options and parameters. The cook book Twitter DataSource partially implements 2 API calls and is 86 linesDoes not exploit built-in CakePHP goodnessCallbacksValidationPaginationDoes not allow for multiple models (and therefore  multiple schemas) to use the same DataSourceDidn’t feel right to me
So what does feel right?What operations are we actually doing?Reading dataCreating and updating dataDeleting datai.e. Find, save & deleteWhat type of classes in CakePHP provide these methods?

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ModelsPhoto by memoflores, available under creative commons what should models be?...
FAT!Photo by cstreetus, available under creative commons but every other image I found through searching for “fat models” or “fat ladies” was completely inappropriate ;-)
So if we move our API calls into Model::find(), Model::save() and Model::delete() methodsIt feels like the right placeWe’re more familiar with interacting with theseWe can have lots of simple models classes to achieve scale, separation of concerns and different models can have different validation rules and schemas and we can collect them together in a pluginBut...
But what about CakePHP goodness?Triggering callbacksbeforeFind(), afterFind(), beforeSave(), afterSave(), beforeValidate(), beforeDelete(), afterDelete()Triggering validationHandling custom find typesIf we made the API calls directly in these methods and returned the response, to exploit this excellent built-in additional CakePHP functionality we’d have to trigger/code them manuallyWe’d be duplicating loads of code from CakePHP’s core Model class.Not very DRY

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The document discusses building RESTful applications with Spring MVC. It covers the pillars of REST including resources, URIs, HTTP methods, and representations. It provides examples of modeling resources as controllers and mapping HTTP methods to controller actions. It also discusses content negotiation, supporting different data representations like JSON, XML and RSS using Spring views.

Zend framework
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Zend Framework is a PHP web application framework that uses a model-view-controller (MVC) architecture. It provides modules for common tasks like database access and Google APIs. The framework encourages separating code into models, views, and controllers. It also includes tools for creating projects, actions, forms and connecting to databases to build full-featured web applications.

To understand the solution, we must understand CakePHP Model internalsModel methods like find(), save() and delete() accept various params such as conditions, data to save etcHandle custom find types for find() onlyHandle validation for save() onlyTrigger the before*() callbacksCall create(), read(), update() or delete() on that model’s DataSourceTrigger the after*() callbacksReturn the result
So what’s my solution for designing CakePHP plugins for consuming APIs?Plugin containing one model for each type of resource in the API e.g. TwitterStatus or YouTubeVideoModels implement find() (or actually more commonly just CakePHP custom find types), save() and delete() methods as appropriateThese methods set the details of the request, i.e. The array that represents an HTTP request that HttpSocket::request() methods expects (as we saw earlier in this presentation) in a request property of your model, then calls the same method on the parent object i.e. Model.Cont...
Solution continuedCakePHP Model class handles validation and custom find types, triggers callbacks etc then calls create(), read(), update() or delete() on the child model’s (your model’s) DataSource, and passes the model objectYour model’s useDbConfig property should be set to a custom DataSource that you also include in your pluginYour DataSource implements the appropriate CRUD method(s) and issues the API call described in the model’s requestproperty, and returns the results
Hmmm, sounds complicatedIt’s notI’ve written a REST DataSource you can use (see later)All you have to do is create a model that has find() or save() methods, in which you set a request property to an array expected by HttpSocket::request() and call the same method on the parent.

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This document discusses using AngularJS to build single page applications for WordPress admin interfaces that use the WordPress REST API. It covers why this approach is beneficial, how to set it up using Angular routing, controllers, factories and HTTP requests to interact with the REST API. Benefits mentioned include making WordPress interfaces more modern and dynamic, empowering others to build plugins in a decentralized way, and the ease of transitioning to software as a service models. The document encourages readers to learn Angular and check out additional resources on the topic.

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Catalyst is a web framework for Perl that allows developers to build dynamic web applications in a modular, reusable way. It utilizes common Perl techniques like Moose, DBIx::Class and Template Toolkit to handle tasks like object modeling, database access and view rendering. Catalyst applications can be built in a model-view-controller style to separate application logic, data access and presentation layers. This framework provides a standard way to write reusable code and build web UIs for tasks like system administration and automation.

E.g. Creating a tweet<?phpclass TwitterStatus extends AppModel {  public function save($data = null) {    $this->request = array(      'uri' => array(        'host' => '',        'path' => '1/statuses/update.json'),      'body' => array(        'status' => $data['TwitterStatus']['text']));    return parent::save($data);  }}?>
Which you call like thisClassRegistry::init('Twitter.TwitterStatus')->save(array(  'TwitterStatus' => array(    'text' => “Hello world!”)));... from anywhere you like in your CakePHP application, e.g. In your Post model afterSave() method, thus automatically creating a tweet every time you create a new post.
RestSource can set your model’s useDbConfigparam to this DataSource, or you can write your own DataSource that extends this oneE.g. Override RestSource::request() to add in the host key in the $model->request property if it’s the same for all API calls, then call parent::(request)
This diagram illustrates the flow through the methods an classes involved in creating a tweet

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CakePHP 2.0 introduces major enhancements such as decoupling request and response handling, separating authentication logic into its own class, and allowing dynamic loading of components, helpers and behaviors through a new ObjectCollection class. It also resolves various issues like improving security, making pagination support GET requests, and allowing more flexible routes. The new version aims to improve decoupling, flexibility and performance while maintaining backwards compatibility.

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This talk was given at the Dutch PHP Conference 2011 and details the use of Comet (aka reverse ajax or ajax push) technologies and the importance of websockets and server-sent events. More information is available at

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Cookies and sessions allow storing and retrieving data across multiple requests in PHP. Cookies are stored on the client side while sessions are stored on the server side. Cookies are created using the setcookie() function and retrieved using the $_COOKIE superglobal array. Sessions are created using the session_start() function and data is stored in the $_SESSION superglobal array. Both cookies and sessions can be deleted by unset() or by letting them expire.

In summaryBy designing plugins like this you’re providingSimple (1 line) method calls to API functionsThat are familiar to all CakePHP bakersAnd easy to documentYou also get to exploit CakePHP goodness such as validation and callbacks etcYou can have multiple models, one for each resource type on the API, each with it’s own schema (which the FormHelper uses) and validation rules
ContentsFoundationsCakePHP plugins, APIs, REST, HTTP, CakePHP HttpSocket, OAuthDesign approachTraditional approach, issues with that, my solutionExamples
Uploading a YouTube Video – you doClassRegistry::init('Gdata.YouTubeVideo')->save(array(  'YouTubeVideo' => array(    'title' => 'Flying into Chicago Airport',    'description' => 'Filmed through the plane window coming in over the lake',    'category' => 'Travel',    'keywords' => 'Chicago, Plane, Lake, Skyline',    'rate' => 'allowed',    'comment' => 'allowed',    'commentVote' => 'allowed',    'videoRespond' => 'allowed',    'embed' => 'allowed',    'syndicate' => 'allowed',    'private' => 1,    'file' => array(      'name' => 'chicago 1 060.AVI',      'type' => 'video/avi',      'tmp_name' => 'C:indowsemphp6D66.tmp',      'error' => 0,      'size' => 5863102))));

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PHP is a server-side scripting language used for web development. It allows developers to embed PHP code into HTML pages which is executed on the server to produce dynamic web pages. Some key points about PHP include: - It is free, open source, and runs on many platforms including Windows and Linux. - PHP code is easy to embed into HTML and syntax uses opening and closing tags. - It can be used to connect to databases like MySQL and Oracle to dynamically display data on web pages. - Common PHP functions include echo to output content, if statements for conditional logic, and arrays to store multiple values. - Cookies can be used to store and retrieve data on the client-side browser to

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The document provides an introduction and overview of ASP.NET MVC, covering topics such as routing, controllers, actions, views, and passing data between controllers and views. It compares ASP.NET MVC to traditional ASP.NET WebForms, outlines the MVC architecture and project structure, and describes how routing maps URLs to controller actions. Key aspects of controllers, views, partial views, HTML helpers, and view engines are also summarized.

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Uploading a YouTube Video – plugin createsPOST /feeds/api/users/default/uploads HTTP/1.1Host: closeUser-Agent: CakePHPContent-Type: multipart/related; boundary="Next_Part_4c801b22-52e8-4c70-961b-0534fba3b5b1“Slug: chicago 1 060.AVIGdata-Version: 2X-Gdata-Key: key=<my developer key>Authorization: OAuth oauth_version="1.0",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_consumer_key="anonymous",oauth_token=“<my oauth token>",oauth_nonce="fa4b6fc350e19f675f2e5660657e643c",oauth_timestamp="1283463971",oauth_signature="3fIXJ%2BmdV6KLk4zJYszR7M90lIg%3D“Content-Length: 5864289--Next_Part_4c801b22-52e8-4c70-961b-0534fba3b5b1Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><entry xmlns="" xmlns:media="" xmlns:yt="">  <media:group>    <media:title type="plain">Flying into Chicago Airport</media:title>    <media:description type="plain">Filmed through the plane window, shows coming in over the lake</media:description>    <media:category scheme="">Travel</media:category>    <media:keywords>Chicago, Plane, Lake, Skyline</media:keywords>    <yt:private/>  </media:group>  <yt:accessControl action="rate" permission="allowed"/>  <yt:accessControl action="comment" permission="allowed"/>  <yt:accessControl action="commentVote" permission="allowed"/><  <yt:accessControl action="videoRespond" permission="allowed"/>  <yt:accessControl action="embed" permission="allowed"/>  <yt:accessControl action="syndicate" permission="allowed"/></entry> --Next_Part_4c801b22-52e8-4c70-961b-0534fba3b5b1 Content-Type: video/aviContent-Transfer-Encoding: binary<binary file data>

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Designing CakePHP plugins for consuming APIs

  • 1. Designing CakePHP plugins for consuming APIsBy @neilcrookes for
  • 2. ContentsFoundationsCakePHP plugins, APIs, REST, HTTP, CakePHP HttpSocket, OAuthDesign approachTraditional approach, issues with that, my solutionExamples
  • 3. Types of CakePHP pluginsMini appsProvide full functionality you can include in your app e.g. blog, store locatorExtendersExtend your app with more functionality e.g. commentable & taggableEnhancersEnhance your apps existing functionality e.g. filterWrappersProvide functionality to access 3rd party APIs
  • 4. APIsSource: 73% of all APIs (listed on ProgrammableWeb) are RESTful
  • 5. My work so far has been mainly consuming RESTful APIs so this presentation and examples will focus on REST
  • 6. But concepts illustrated in the design approach section later on can be applied to any protocolQuick intro to RESTREspresentational State Transfer“The largest known implementation of a system conforming to the REST architectural style is…” World Wide WebClients and servers communicating via HTTPUses existing HTTP verbs (GET, POST etc)Acts on a resource (URI)
  • 7. HTTPSend request<HTTP verb> <URI> HTTP/1.1<Header 1 name>: <Header 1 value>...<optional body>You’ll get some kind of response (hopefully)HTTP/1.1 <Status Code> <Status Message><Header 1 name>: <Header 1 value>...<optional body>
  • 8. Simple HTTP GET Request & ResponseRequestGET HTTP/1.1User-Agent: My Web BrowserResponseHTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 70<html><head><title>My Web Page</title></head><body><h1>My Web Page</h1></body></html>
  • 9. Simple HTTP POST Request & ResponseRequestPOST HTTP/1.1Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedContent-Length: 38username=neilcrookes&password=abcd1234ResponseHTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyLocation:
  • 10. CakePHP’s HttpSocket Classcake/libs/http_socket.phpUsage: App::import(‘Core’, ‘HttpSocket’); $Http = new HttpSocket(); $response = $Http->request(array( ‘method’ => ‘POST’, ‘uri’ => array( ‘host’ => ‘’, ‘path’ => ‘login’), ‘body’ => array( ‘username’ => ‘neilcrookes’, ‘password’ => ‘abcd1234’)));See HttpSocket::request property for defaults HttpSocketHandles creating, writing to and reading from sockets (because it extends CakeSocket)Constructs HTTP escaped, encoded requests from array parameters you send itParses HTTP response from the server intoStatusBodyCookiesCan handle Basic Auth (username:password@)
  • 11. OAuthIn summary, it allows users of a service (e.g. Twitter) to authorize other parties (i.e. your application) access to their accounts on that service, without sharing their password with the other parties.In reality, it means:a little bit of handshaking between your app and the service provider to get various string tokensredirecting the user to the service in order for them to authorize your app to access their account, so the user only signs in to the service, not your app.the service provides you with a token you can persist and use to make authorized requests to their service on behalf of the userIn practice it’s just an extra header line (Authorization header) in the HTTP request which containssome arbitrary parameters e.g. timestampa token that identifies your application to the API providera signature string that signs the request and is a hash of various request parameters and the secret tokens you retrieved aboveUsed by e.g. Twitter & Google APIs
  • 12. HttpSocketOauthUsage example to tweet “Hello world!”:App::import('Vendor', 'HttpSocketOauth');$Http = new HttpSocketOauth();$response = $Http->request(array( 'method' => 'POST', 'uri' => array( 'host' => '', 'path' => '1/statuses/update.json'), 'auth' => array( 'method' => 'OAuth', 'oauth_token' => <oauth token>, 'oauth_token_secret' => <oauth token secret>, 'oauth_consumer_key' => <oauth consumer key>, 'oauth_consumer_secret' => <oauth consumer secret>), 'body' => array( 'status' => 'Hello world!')));
  • 13. ContentsFoundationsCakePHP plugins, APIs, REST, HTTP, CakePHP HttpSocket, OAuthDesign approachTraditional approach, issues with that, my solutionExamples
  • 14. Traditional approach: DataSourceComplex DataSource containing all the logicCall methods on the DataSource directly from your models or controllersor as implied by the example Twitter DataSource in the cook book: access DataSource methods through your models but include most of the logic in the DataSource well for simple stuffThis is how I started implementing
  • 15. However...Does not scale well for large APIsTwitter has ~100 API calls available, all with a wide variety of options and parameters. The cook book Twitter DataSource partially implements 2 API calls and is 86 linesDoes not exploit built-in CakePHP goodnessCallbacksValidationPaginationDoes not allow for multiple models (and therefore multiple schemas) to use the same DataSourceDidn’t feel right to me
  • 16. So what does feel right?What operations are we actually doing?Reading dataCreating and updating dataDeleting datai.e. Find, save & deleteWhat type of classes in CakePHP provide these methods?
  • 17. ModelsPhoto by memoflores, available under creative commons what should models be?...
  • 18. FAT!Photo by cstreetus, available under creative commons but every other image I found through searching for “fat models” or “fat ladies” was completely inappropriate ;-)
  • 19. So if we move our API calls into Model::find(), Model::save() and Model::delete() methodsIt feels like the right placeWe’re more familiar with interacting with theseWe can have lots of simple models classes to achieve scale, separation of concerns and different models can have different validation rules and schemas and we can collect them together in a pluginBut...
  • 20. But what about CakePHP goodness?Triggering callbacksbeforeFind(), afterFind(), beforeSave(), afterSave(), beforeValidate(), beforeDelete(), afterDelete()Triggering validationHandling custom find typesIf we made the API calls directly in these methods and returned the response, to exploit this excellent built-in additional CakePHP functionality we’d have to trigger/code them manuallyWe’d be duplicating loads of code from CakePHP’s core Model class.Not very DRY
  • 21. To understand the solution, we must understand CakePHP Model internalsModel methods like find(), save() and delete() accept various params such as conditions, data to save etcHandle custom find types for find() onlyHandle validation for save() onlyTrigger the before*() callbacksCall create(), read(), update() or delete() on that model’s DataSourceTrigger the after*() callbacksReturn the result
  • 22. So what’s my solution for designing CakePHP plugins for consuming APIs?Plugin containing one model for each type of resource in the API e.g. TwitterStatus or YouTubeVideoModels implement find() (or actually more commonly just CakePHP custom find types), save() and delete() methods as appropriateThese methods set the details of the request, i.e. The array that represents an HTTP request that HttpSocket::request() methods expects (as we saw earlier in this presentation) in a request property of your model, then calls the same method on the parent object i.e. Model.Cont...
  • 23. Solution continuedCakePHP Model class handles validation and custom find types, triggers callbacks etc then calls create(), read(), update() or delete() on the child model’s (your model’s) DataSource, and passes the model objectYour model’s useDbConfig property should be set to a custom DataSource that you also include in your pluginYour DataSource implements the appropriate CRUD method(s) and issues the API call described in the model’s requestproperty, and returns the results
  • 24. Hmmm, sounds complicatedIt’s notI’ve written a REST DataSource you can use (see later)All you have to do is create a model that has find() or save() methods, in which you set a request property to an array expected by HttpSocket::request() and call the same method on the parent.
  • 25. E.g. Creating a tweet<?phpclass TwitterStatus extends AppModel { public function save($data = null) { $this->request = array( 'uri' => array( 'host' => '', 'path' => '1/statuses/update.json'), 'body' => array( 'status' => $data['TwitterStatus']['text'])); return parent::save($data); }}?>
  • 26. Which you call like thisClassRegistry::init('Twitter.TwitterStatus')->save(array( 'TwitterStatus' => array( 'text' => “Hello world!”)));... from anywhere you like in your CakePHP application, e.g. In your Post model afterSave() method, thus automatically creating a tweet every time you create a new post.
  • 27. RestSource can set your model’s useDbConfigparam to this DataSource, or you can write your own DataSource that extends this oneE.g. Override RestSource::request() to add in the host key in the $model->request property if it’s the same for all API calls, then call parent::(request)
  • 28. This diagram illustrates the flow through the methods an classes involved in creating a tweet
  • 29. In summaryBy designing plugins like this you’re providingSimple (1 line) method calls to API functionsThat are familiar to all CakePHP bakersAnd easy to documentYou also get to exploit CakePHP goodness such as validation and callbacks etcYou can have multiple models, one for each resource type on the API, each with it’s own schema (which the FormHelper uses) and validation rules
  • 30. ContentsFoundationsCakePHP plugins, APIs, REST, HTTP, CakePHP HttpSocket, OAuthDesign approachTraditional approach, issues with that, my solutionExamples
  • 32. Uploading a YouTube Video – you doClassRegistry::init('Gdata.YouTubeVideo')->save(array( 'YouTubeVideo' => array( 'title' => 'Flying into Chicago Airport', 'description' => 'Filmed through the plane window coming in over the lake', 'category' => 'Travel', 'keywords' => 'Chicago, Plane, Lake, Skyline', 'rate' => 'allowed', 'comment' => 'allowed', 'commentVote' => 'allowed', 'videoRespond' => 'allowed', 'embed' => 'allowed', 'syndicate' => 'allowed', 'private' => 1, 'file' => array( 'name' => 'chicago 1 060.AVI', 'type' => 'video/avi', 'tmp_name' => 'C:indowsemphp6D66.tmp', 'error' => 0, 'size' => 5863102))));
  • 33. Uploading a YouTube Video – plugin createsPOST /feeds/api/users/default/uploads HTTP/1.1Host: closeUser-Agent: CakePHPContent-Type: multipart/related; boundary="Next_Part_4c801b22-52e8-4c70-961b-0534fba3b5b1“Slug: chicago 1 060.AVIGdata-Version: 2X-Gdata-Key: key=<my developer key>Authorization: OAuth oauth_version="1.0",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_consumer_key="anonymous",oauth_token=“<my oauth token>",oauth_nonce="fa4b6fc350e19f675f2e5660657e643c",oauth_timestamp="1283463971",oauth_signature="3fIXJ%2BmdV6KLk4zJYszR7M90lIg%3D“Content-Length: 5864289--Next_Part_4c801b22-52e8-4c70-961b-0534fba3b5b1Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><entry xmlns="" xmlns:media="" xmlns:yt=""> <media:group> <media:title type="plain">Flying into Chicago Airport</media:title> <media:description type="plain">Filmed through the plane window, shows coming in over the lake</media:description> <media:category scheme="">Travel</media:category> <media:keywords>Chicago, Plane, Lake, Skyline</media:keywords> <yt:private/> </media:group> <yt:accessControl action="rate" permission="allowed"/> <yt:accessControl action="comment" permission="allowed"/> <yt:accessControl action="commentVote" permission="allowed"/>< <yt:accessControl action="videoRespond" permission="allowed"/> <yt:accessControl action="embed" permission="allowed"/> <yt:accessControl action="syndicate" permission="allowed"/></entry> --Next_Part_4c801b22-52e8-4c70-961b-0534fba3b5b1 Content-Type: video/aviContent-Transfer-Encoding: binary<binary file data>