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YAPC::Asia 2009 Tokyo 2009/9/10 Gosuke Miyashita
Speaker Gosuke Miyashita ( mizzy ) Technical manager at paperboy&co. Have most kids in Japan Perl world? 3 kids.Even with Yappo. 4 th  kid will be born in November.

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톰캣 #04-환경설정
톰캣 #04-환경설정톰캣 #04-환경설정
톰캣 #04-환경설정

설치 이후에는 사용하고자하는 환경에 맞게 몇가지 설정을 변경할 필요가 있습니다. 라고 아시나요?? - 리스너 - Java Options - ClassLoader - setenv? - web.xml - Log

톰캣톰캣 환경설정
PowerShell: Automation for everyone
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PowerShell is a rich and powerful automation language. Due to its self describing nature it's also dead easy to learn.


This document provides instructions for configuring Apache server and Perl for CGI (Common Gateway Interface) on Windows. It details how to install Apache server from the Apache website, download and install ActivePerl, edit the httpd.conf file to enable CGI, test the server, place CGI scripts in the cgi-bin folder, and provides an example "Hello World" CGI script and output. It also demonstrates printing environment variables using a CGI script.

Agenda Asynchronous processing with event driven programming Asynchronous processing with Danga::Socket Overview of Perlbal asynchronous processing How to write asynchronous Perlbal plugins Summary
Event driven programming A programming paradigm in which the flow of the program is determined by events Counter paradigm of flow-based programming
Events I/O On I/O read ready or write ready Timers On time passed Signal On getting a signal Child process On child process exit

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1) The document provides details on various aspects of Flask application development including typical project structure, blueprints, databases, forms and validation, management commands, assets management, testing, and debugging. 2) It discusses Flask extensions for these areas such as Flask-SQLAlchemy, Flask-Werkzeug, Flask-Assets, Flask-Mail, and Flask-DebugToolbar. 3) The document raises some issues around porting Flask to Python 3 and the size and scope of the Werkzeug library that Flask is built upon.

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Main loop Also called “event loop” On each loop, check that events are occurred or not, and process the events. After process the events, return to the loop and repeat the loop till next events occur This is the flow of asynchronous processing
Eaxmple of main loop Process timers Wait I/O events Process I/O events Post main loop process
Events supported by Danga::Socket I/O Timers

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The document discusses installing and building GTLAB, which contains a Grid portal, workflow suite, web services, and gadget container. It can be checked out from SVN or downloaded as a TAR file. To build GTLAB, edit the pom.xml file, run mvn clean install, and start the Tomcat server. Examples are provided and users can create new JSF pages and tags.

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This document discusses using the EM-Proxy Ruby gem to build a high performance proxy for monitoring and load testing web applications. It describes how to configure EM-Proxy to duplicate requests to both a production and test server, modifying requests and responses as needed. Examples are given to demonstrate transparent port forwarding, response alteration, and running post-processing steps after each request.

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This document provides an overview of Flask, a microframework for Python. It discusses that Flask is easy to code and configure, extensible via extensions, and uses Jinja2 templating and SQLAlchemy ORM. It then provides a step-by-step guide to setting up a Flask application, including creating a virtualenv, basic routing, models, forms, templates, and views. Configuration and running the application are also covered at a high level.

Process I/O events Danga::Socket supports 3 I/O event notification facility kqueue epoll poll Select adequate facility automatically
Add I/O watcher with Danga::Socket use   base  ‘Danga::Socket’; sub   new  { # pass file descripter $self->SUPER::new( $fd );  } sub   event_read  { # process when $fd is read ready } sub   event_write  { # procdess when $fd is write ready }
Add I/O wathcer (pattern 2) Danga::Socket->AddOtherFds( $fd  =>  sub  { # process when $fd is read ready }, );
Add I/O watcher (pattern 3) Danga::Socket::Callback->new( handle   =>  $fd , on_read_ready   =>  sub  { # process on read ready  }, on_write_ready  =>  sub  { # process on write ready }, );

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Mcollective is an open source framework for server orchestration and parallel job execution. It provides asynchronous and event-driven communication between nodes using a message broker like RabbitMQ. Nodes can be targeted based on facts, classes, or other criteria. Plugins allow mcollective to manage configurations, run puppet, install packages, manage firewall rules, and more across large server fleets. It provides a scalable and decentralized alternative to SSH loops for orchestrating infrastructure changes and operations.

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This document discusses Zend Server Job Queue, which allows offloading PHP code execution to improve perceived performance and manage load. It describes how to create and schedule jobs using the ZendJobQueue PHP API. Jobs can be created to run immediately, periodically on a schedule, or at a deferred time in the future. Parameters can be passed to jobs and their execution status reported.

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This document discusses design patterns in programming and provides examples of common patterns like singleton, registry, dependency injection, factory, and decorator. It explains what each pattern is used for and provides PHP code samples to illustrate how each pattern can be implemented. The document also discusses programming frameworks and languages like PHP, Java, and others. It aims to explain the power and usefulness of design patterns in programming.

design patternsphpjandbeyond
Add timer watcher with Danga::Socket Danga::Socket->AddTimer( 10, sub  { # process after 10 seconds }, }
Start main loop with Danga::Socket Danga::Socket->EventLoop();
Main loop(again) Process Timers Wait I/O events Process I/O events Post main loop process

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The document discusses using Varnish as a cache accelerator in front of Symfony applications. It provides an overview of Varnish configuration using VCL, the request flow through Varnish, and new features in Varnish 4. It also covers specific techniques for caching Symfony applications, including normalizing URLs and cookies, load balancing backends, handling internationalization, and invalidating caches.

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This document provides an overview of Flask, a Python-based web application framework. It begins with an introduction to Flask, explaining what Flask is and its advantages like being open source with a large community. It then covers topics like installing Flask, creating Flask applications, routing, templates, static files, the request object, cookies, redirects and errors. It concludes by mentioning some popular Flask extensions that add additional functionality for tasks like email, forms, databases and AJAX. The document appears to be from an online training course on Flask and aims to teach the basics of how to use the Flask framework to build web applications.

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Presentation for Go Meetup in Warsaw introducing main concepts of developing web applications in Revel.

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Perlbal mechanism(as reverse proxy) BackendHTTP ClientProxy TCPListener Client Server ClientProxy Client BackendHTTP Danga::Socket based objects
Perlbal with a plugin (on start_proxy_request hook) BackendHTTP ClientProxy TCPListener Client Server Plugin::Hoge Target of this session
Hooks Perlbal has many plugin hooks Explain with start_proxy_request hook in this session

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Real Time Event Dispatcher
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Komm und tanz! mit Dancer, es ist einfach zu erlernen, effizient zu programmieren und trotzdem ausdrucksstark genug für mittlere und größere Projekte. In unserer Tanzschule üben wir die wichtigsten Elemente (Routes, Plugins, Templates, Sessions, Konfiguration). Die abschließende Tanzkür zeigt exemplarisch die Einrichtung einer Produktionsumgebung mit Perlbal, Starman und einem Startskript für die Dancer-Anwendung.

In case of a synchronous plugin ClientProxy TCPListener Client Server Plugin::Sync Client
In case of an asynchronous plugin ClientProxy TCPListener Client Server Plugin::Async Client ClientProxy
How to write asynchronous plugins? Write the main process based on Danga::Socket process within the main loop of Danga::Socket Create Danga::Socket based class Or use Danga::Socket::Callback Or use Danga::Socket::AddTimer Also other libraries need to be non-blocking You can use Gearman::Client::Async with blocking processes
How to write asynchronous plugins? When finish asynchronous process, go to next phase Call back function Also need to fix Perlbal itself

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関西オープンソース 2008でお話しした、ペパボでは珍しくPerlをふんだんに つかっているサービス「30days Album」について、その後どうなったのか、 という話を、主にMogileFS運用上の苦労話、といった観点からお話ししたい と思います。 関西オープンソース 2008での発表資料はこちらです。

Main process of a plugin package   My::Drizzle ; use   base   ‘Danga::Socket’ ; use   Net::Drizzle  ':constants' ; sub   new  { $self->SUPER::new($fh); $self->watch_read(1); } sub   event_read  { # Check db request status and call back when finished }
Attention You can also use Danga::Socket::Callback You cannot use AddOtherFds() File descriptors added by Add AddOtherFds() are only evaluated at the beginning of the main loop So if already in the main loop, AddOtherFds() are meaningless. You can call epoll_ctl, EV_SET and so on directly, but no portability
plugin register package   Perlbal::Plugin::AsyncDb ; sub   register  { my  ( $class, $svc ) = @_; $svc->register_hook( 'Async' => 'start_proxy_request',   &request_db , ); return  1; }
Call asynchronous process sub   request_db  { my  Perlbal::ClientProxy $client =  shift ; My::Drizzle->new( callback  =>  sub  { # call back }, ); return  1;  # very important! }

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This document summarizes the backend architecture of Sqale, a cloud application platform similar to Heroku. Key components include containers deployed on EC2 instances that are assigned to individual users, an SSH router that routes SSH connections to the appropriate file repository, Git server, or user container, and a web proxy that load balances traffic across containers using dynamic configuration from Redis. The architecture aims to provide isolated virtual environments for each user's applications through the use of Linux containers and a customized kernel.

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This document summarizes the backend architecture of Sqale, a cloud application platform. It uses Linux containers hosted on Amazon EC2 instances. Containers are assigned to individual users and act as virtual environments. Traffic is routed to containers through an Nginx load balancer using dynamic configuration based on availability. An SSH router routes Git, SFTP, and SSH connections to the appropriate file or container servers using authorized keys scripts. Deployments are handled by separate servers.

In case of “return 0” BackendHTTP ClientProxy TCPListener Client Server Plugin::Async Go to next step even if Plugin::Async is not  finished
“ return 1” & “call back” BackendHTTP ClientProxy TCPListener Client Plugin::Async Stop the process and go to main loop Server return 1 call back
Call back function If plugin process finished, ClientProxy must go to the next process(call BackendHTTP) Stopped at the following code of handle_request() : return   if  $svc->run_hook( 'start_proxy_request', $self ); ClientProxy must start processing from the next of this code
Call back function my  Perlbal::ClientProxy  $client =  shift ; My::Drizzle->new( callback  =>  sub  { $client->{async_complete} = 1; $client->handle_request; }, );

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Flow based programming in golang
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Flow-based programming is a paradigm that defines applications as networks of black box processes that exchange data via message passing through predefined connections. Processes have ports for communication and are connected externally without awareness of each other. This approach improves workflow visualization and allows processes to be reused. GoFlow is a Golang library that implements this model by defining components as processes with input/output ports and connecting them to build an application graph. It supports various concurrency models and locking for state management.

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Node.js: CAMTA Presentation
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The document discusses Node.js, which is a server-side JavaScript environment that uses an asynchronous event-driven model. Some key points: - Node.js uses the V8 JavaScript engine and allows handling requests via JavaScript on the server-side rather than a separate language like PHP, Java, etc. - It has non-blocking I/O to avoid blocking the entire process when waiting for slow resources like files or databases. Callbacks are used to handle asynchronous operations. - The document discusses how Node.js could provide access to MUMPS databases to take advantage of the benefits of global storage while using the popular JavaScript language.

Patch of ClientProxy::handle_request -  return   if  $svc->run_hook( -   'start_proxy_request', $self -  ); +   unless  ( $self->{async_complete} ) { +   return if  $svc->run_hook( +   'start_proxy_request', $self +   ); +  } +  $self->{async_complete} = 0;
Points of asynchronous Perlbal plugins Process within the Danga::Socket main loop return 1 when plugin called Restart  ClientProxy process by a call back function when plugin finished Also need to fix Perlbal itself Be careful with order of plugins Following plugins on a same hook are ignored when after a plugin returns 1

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Tatsumaki is a non-blocking web framework for Perl built on Plack and AnyEvent. It allows building asynchronous applications that can handle thousands of concurrent connections. Tatsumaki uses psgi.streaming to enable asynchronous responses. It includes a non-blocking HTTP client and pure Perl message queue for building real-time applications like chat and comet. The framework is in a beta stage but plans include services for XMPP/IRC bots and a standard comet interface.

perl psgi plack web frameworks
Please look at the attach See.doc. I am getting this error all th.docx
Please look at the attach See.doc. I am getting this error all th.docxPlease look at the attach See.doc. I am getting this error all th.docx
Please look at the attach See.doc. I am getting this error all th.docx

Please look at the attach: See.doc. I am getting this error all the time 4 Lecture 1 The Socket API For Chapter 4 of your second textbook You need to read your book and practice the exercises. This is just an extra note for the chapter. Read this lecture after you have read chapter 4 of your second textbook. Note: I included extra file for those students who do not have SSH on their Windows. Introduction For the first part of the semester we study distributed programming. The programs are in Java. You can either use windows (XP, Vista, 7), and/or Linux. I assume you have a good knowledge in Java. However if you need tutorial in this language I can post or email my tutorial. But this tutorial is rather sizeable and may take a lot of your time. We use eclipse. I have a small tutorial about installing Java, eclipse, a couple of simple java programs to help you to trace a Java program using the debugging facilities of eclipse. As always I try to clarify the subject by small programs rather than the big programs in the book to make it easier to follow. Note: A good website on sockets is: 4.1 Background Through this part we like to have access to 2-3 computers. Let us assume a client program would like to request implementation of a task via a number server programs. I suggest having one server program in your Windows operating system and one in your account in our school server. Below are a couple of simple examples. I explain the APIs later. Just run those to make sure things are under control. Example 1: In the following program the client asks a server to add numbers 5 and 7. The server program: import*; import*; publicclass MyServer { publicstaticvoid main(String[] args) throws IOException { ServerSocket serverSocket = null; try {//Keep this number. For the pace server this is the number we must use. serverSocket = new ServerSocket(16790); Socket clientSocket = null; clientSocket = serverSocket.accept(); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(clientSocket.getOutputStream(), true); out.println("5 + 7 is: 12"); out.close(); clientSocket.close(); serverSocket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Error: " + e); System.exit(0); } } } The client program: import*; import*; publicclass MyClient { publicstaticvoid main(String[] args) throws IOException { Socket clientSocket = null; BufferedReader in = null; int ip; try {//Keep this number. For the pace server this is the number we must use. ip = 16790; InetAddress host = InetAddress.getByName("localhost");//(""); clientSocket = new Socket(host, ip); in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream())); String s = in.readLine(); while(s != null){ System.out.println(s); s = in.readLine(); } i.

JUDCon London 2011 - Bin packing with drools planner by example
JUDCon London 2011 - Bin packing with drools planner by exampleJUDCon London 2011 - Bin packing with drools planner by example
JUDCon London 2011 - Bin packing with drools planner by example

The document discusses using Drools Planner, an open source optimization tool, to solve planning problems like bin packing processes on cloud servers. It describes how Drools Planner models planning problems, defines score rules to evaluate solutions, and uses optimization algorithms like first fit, tabu search, and simulated annealing to improve solutions. It provides an example of using Drools Planner to optimize assigning processes to servers on a cloud to minimize costs while meeting constraints. The document advocates that organizations can benefit from using tools like Drools Planner to optimize their planning problems.

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How Danga::Socket handles asynchronous processing and how to write asynchronous Perlbal plugins

  • 1. YAPC::Asia 2009 Tokyo 2009/9/10 Gosuke Miyashita
  • 2. Speaker Gosuke Miyashita ( mizzy ) Technical manager at paperboy&co. Have most kids in Japan Perl world? 3 kids.Even with Yappo. 4 th kid will be born in November.
  • 3.  
  • 4.  
  • 5. Agenda Asynchronous processing with event driven programming Asynchronous processing with Danga::Socket Overview of Perlbal asynchronous processing How to write asynchronous Perlbal plugins Summary
  • 6.  
  • 7. Event driven programming A programming paradigm in which the flow of the program is determined by events Counter paradigm of flow-based programming
  • 8. Events I/O On I/O read ready or write ready Timers On time passed Signal On getting a signal Child process On child process exit
  • 9. Main loop Also called “event loop” On each loop, check that events are occurred or not, and process the events. After process the events, return to the loop and repeat the loop till next events occur This is the flow of asynchronous processing
  • 10. Eaxmple of main loop Process timers Wait I/O events Process I/O events Post main loop process
  • 11.  
  • 12. Events supported by Danga::Socket I/O Timers
  • 13. Process I/O events Danga::Socket supports 3 I/O event notification facility kqueue epoll poll Select adequate facility automatically
  • 14. Add I/O watcher with Danga::Socket use base ‘Danga::Socket’; sub new { # pass file descripter $self->SUPER::new( $fd ); } sub event_read { # process when $fd is read ready } sub event_write { # procdess when $fd is write ready }
  • 15. Add I/O wathcer (pattern 2) Danga::Socket->AddOtherFds( $fd => sub { # process when $fd is read ready }, );
  • 16. Add I/O watcher (pattern 3) Danga::Socket::Callback->new( handle => $fd , on_read_ready => sub { # process on read ready }, on_write_ready => sub { # process on write ready }, );
  • 17. Add timer watcher with Danga::Socket Danga::Socket->AddTimer( 10, sub { # process after 10 seconds }, }
  • 18. Start main loop with Danga::Socket Danga::Socket->EventLoop();
  • 19. Main loop(again) Process Timers Wait I/O events Process I/O events Post main loop process
  • 20.  
  • 21. Perlbal mechanism(as reverse proxy) BackendHTTP ClientProxy TCPListener Client Server ClientProxy Client BackendHTTP Danga::Socket based objects
  • 22. Perlbal with a plugin (on start_proxy_request hook) BackendHTTP ClientProxy TCPListener Client Server Plugin::Hoge Target of this session
  • 23.  
  • 24. Hooks Perlbal has many plugin hooks Explain with start_proxy_request hook in this session
  • 25. In case of a synchronous plugin ClientProxy TCPListener Client Server Plugin::Sync Client
  • 26. In case of an asynchronous plugin ClientProxy TCPListener Client Server Plugin::Async Client ClientProxy
  • 27. How to write asynchronous plugins? Write the main process based on Danga::Socket process within the main loop of Danga::Socket Create Danga::Socket based class Or use Danga::Socket::Callback Or use Danga::Socket::AddTimer Also other libraries need to be non-blocking You can use Gearman::Client::Async with blocking processes
  • 28. How to write asynchronous plugins? When finish asynchronous process, go to next phase Call back function Also need to fix Perlbal itself
  • 29. Main process of a plugin package My::Drizzle ; use base ‘Danga::Socket’ ; use Net::Drizzle ':constants' ; sub new { $self->SUPER::new($fh); $self->watch_read(1); } sub event_read { # Check db request status and call back when finished }
  • 30. Attention You can also use Danga::Socket::Callback You cannot use AddOtherFds() File descriptors added by Add AddOtherFds() are only evaluated at the beginning of the main loop So if already in the main loop, AddOtherFds() are meaningless. You can call epoll_ctl, EV_SET and so on directly, but no portability
  • 31. plugin register package Perlbal::Plugin::AsyncDb ; sub register { my ( $class, $svc ) = @_; $svc->register_hook( 'Async' => 'start_proxy_request', &request_db , ); return 1; }
  • 32. Call asynchronous process sub request_db { my Perlbal::ClientProxy $client = shift ; My::Drizzle->new( callback => sub { # call back }, ); return 1; # very important! }
  • 33. In case of “return 0” BackendHTTP ClientProxy TCPListener Client Server Plugin::Async Go to next step even if Plugin::Async is not finished
  • 34. “ return 1” & “call back” BackendHTTP ClientProxy TCPListener Client Plugin::Async Stop the process and go to main loop Server return 1 call back
  • 35. Call back function If plugin process finished, ClientProxy must go to the next process(call BackendHTTP) Stopped at the following code of handle_request() : return if $svc->run_hook( 'start_proxy_request', $self ); ClientProxy must start processing from the next of this code
  • 36. Call back function my Perlbal::ClientProxy $client = shift ; My::Drizzle->new( callback => sub { $client->{async_complete} = 1; $client->handle_request; }, );
  • 37. Patch of ClientProxy::handle_request - return if $svc->run_hook( - 'start_proxy_request', $self - ); + unless ( $self->{async_complete} ) { + return if $svc->run_hook( + 'start_proxy_request', $self + ); + } + $self->{async_complete} = 0;
  • 38.  
  • 39. Points of asynchronous Perlbal plugins Process within the Danga::Socket main loop return 1 when plugin called Restart ClientProxy process by a call back function when plugin finished Also need to fix Perlbal itself Be careful with order of plugins Following plugins on a same hook are ignored when after a plugin returns 1
  • 40.