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PSGI and Plack
     Tatsuhiko Miyagawa
 London Perl Workshop 2009
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

• Japanese, lives in San Francisco
• Works at Six Apart
• 170+ CPAN modules (id:MIYAGAWA)
• @miyagawa
Web Frameworks

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PSGI and Plack from first principles
PSGI and Plack from first principlesPSGI and Plack from first principles
PSGI and Plack from first principles

Keep hearing about Plack and PSGI, and not really sure what they're for, and why they're popular? Maybe you're using Plack at work, and you're still copying-and-pasting `builder` lines in to your code without really knowing what's going on? What's the relationship between Plack, PSGI, and CGI? Plack from first principles works up from how CGI works, the evolution that PSGI represents, and how Plack provides a user-friendly layer on top of that.

Plack perl superglue for web frameworks and servers
Plack perl superglue for web frameworks and serversPlack perl superglue for web frameworks and servers
Plack perl superglue for web frameworks and servers

Plack provides a common interface called PSGI (Perl Server Gateway Interface) that allows Perl web applications to run on different web servers. It includes tools like Plackup for running PSGI applications from the command line and middleware for adding functionality. Plack has adapters that allow many existing Perl web frameworks to run under PSGI. It also provides high performance PSGI servers and utilities for building and testing PSGI applications.

plackpsgiperl oasis
A reviravolta do desenvolvimento web
A reviravolta do desenvolvimento webA reviravolta do desenvolvimento web
A reviravolta do desenvolvimento web

This document discusses the evolution of web development in Perl, from CGI scripts to modern PSGI-based frameworks. It introduces PSGI as an interface between web applications and web servers, and Plack as a toolkit for building PSGI applications and middleware. The document outlines many PSGI web servers and frameworks that can be used to build and deploy Perl web applications according to the PSGI standard.

Maypole Mason Mojo Sledge Catalyst Spoon PageKit
 AxKit Egg Gantry Continuity Solstice Mojolicious
Tripletail Konstrukt Reaction Jifty Cyclone3 WebGUI
  OpenInteract Squatting Dancer CGI::Application
    Nanoa Ark Angelos Noe Schenker Tatsumaki
   Web::Simple Apache2::REST SweetPea Hydrant
Most of them run on
 mod_perl and CGI
Some run on FastCGI
Some run standalone

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Sinatra for REST services
Sinatra for REST servicesSinatra for REST services
Sinatra for REST services

This document provides an overview and introduction to using the Sinatra web framework for building RESTful web applications in Ruby. It discusses Sinatra's philosophy of being simple and easy to use, introduces REST principles and how Sinatra supports them through HTTP verbs, routing, caching, authentication and more. Code examples are provided to demonstrate how a basic "Hello World" application is structured in Sinatra and how requests are routed and executed under the hood.

Plack basics for Perl websites - YAPC::EU 2011
Plack basics for Perl websites - YAPC::EU 2011Plack basics for Perl websites - YAPC::EU 2011
Plack basics for Perl websites - YAPC::EU 2011

Run a website with Perl? - you should learn how to use Plack. Most Perl web frameworks support it and it makes your life a lot easier and a lot more fun

Lightweight Webservices with Sinatra and RestClient
Lightweight Webservices with Sinatra and RestClientLightweight Webservices with Sinatra and RestClient
Lightweight Webservices with Sinatra and RestClient

This document summarizes a talk about using Sinatra and RestClient for building lightweight web services and clients. Sinatra provides a simple and lightweight way to build web applications compared to full-featured frameworks like Rails. RestClient provides a simple way to make HTTP requests from client applications, offering more functionality than Net::HTTP but with less complexity than ActiveResource. Examples of Sinatra and RestClient use include a Git wiki application built in 355 lines of Ruby code and a Heroku client library.

Very few supports
No common server
environment layers

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Ruby HTTP clients comparison
Ruby HTTP clients comparisonRuby HTTP clients comparison
Ruby HTTP clients comparison

This document summarizes and compares Ruby HTTP client libraries. It discusses the sync and async APIs of 16 libraries including Net::HTTP, HTTPClient, and Faraday. It covers their compatibility, supported features like keep-alive connections, and performance based on benchmarks. The document recommends libraries based on priorities like speed, HTML handling, API clients, and SSL support. It encourages readers to check the detailed feature matrix and report any errors found.

Using Sinatra to Build REST APIs in Ruby
Using Sinatra to Build REST APIs in RubyUsing Sinatra to Build REST APIs in Ruby
Using Sinatra to Build REST APIs in Ruby

An in-depth look at Sinatra and Rack, how they can be used to build web APIs, and some useful Rubygems and patterns for building complex Sinatra apps.

restapi designsinatra
Writing Pluggable Software
Writing Pluggable SoftwareWriting Pluggable Software
Writing Pluggable Software

"How to write pluggable software" presented by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa at YAPC::Asia 2007 in Tokyo on April 5th 2007.

Runs “fine” on:
    CGI, FastCGI, mod_perl (1 & 2)
Standalone (with HTTP::Server::Simple) = LCD
   It’s also Perl core
The most popular framework as of today
            Server abstractions.
Well supported Apache, FCGI and Standalone

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"Swoole: double troubles in c", Alexandr Vronskiy
"Swoole: double troubles in c", Alexandr Vronskiy"Swoole: double troubles in c", Alexandr Vronskiy
"Swoole: double troubles in c", Alexandr Vronskiy

Practices in using Swoole ecosystem & migration real production marketplace app to async approach. Which benefits we got and what problems happens on stack with PHP8, Postgresql, Redis, RebbitMQ, Doctrine, coroutines/fibers, concurrency HTTP Server.

Deploying Plack Web Applications: OSCON 2011
Deploying Plack Web Applications: OSCON 2011Deploying Plack Web Applications: OSCON 2011
Deploying Plack Web Applications: OSCON 2011

This document discusses deploying Plack web applications. It begins with an overview of the PSGI specification and how it allows various web frameworks like Catalyst and Dancer to run on different web servers through a common interface. It then discusses various options for the server environment including standalone HTTP servers like Starman and FastCGI servers. Finally, it covers useful Plack middleware for application environments, including modules for rate limiting, caching, authentication, and more.

plack psgi web perl oscon2011 oscon
No callbacks, No Threads - Cooperative web servers in Ruby 1.9
No callbacks, No Threads - Cooperative web servers in Ruby 1.9No callbacks, No Threads - Cooperative web servers in Ruby 1.9
No callbacks, No Threads - Cooperative web servers in Ruby 1.9

The document discusses using fibers and evented programming with Ruby to achieve asynchronous and concurrent behavior without threads. It introduces EventMachine and EM-Synchrony for implementing asynchronous drivers and applications. Code examples show wrapping database queries in fibers to make them non-blocking. This allows running queries concurrently using a threadpool and achieving higher throughput than blocking implementations. The approach is applied to build an asynchronous version of Rails using EventMachine, fibers and the Thin web server.

  Jifty, CGI::Application, Spoon

mod_perl centric
Mason, Sledge, PageKit, WebGUI

  Catalyst, Maypole, Squatting
       Duplicated efforts
No fair performance evaluations
 Can we share
those adapters?

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About Data::ObjectDriver
About Data::ObjectDriverAbout Data::ObjectDriver
About Data::ObjectDriver

Data::ObjectDriver is a simple and transparent data interface library with caching capabilities. It provides an object-oriented interface to database tables and supports features like master-slave replication, partitioning, and caching using Memcached. Classes define the schema and connection details. Methods provide CRUD functionality and relationships. Custom drivers can be created to support different database architectures or caching strategies.

Practical Testing of Ruby Core
Practical Testing of Ruby CorePractical Testing of Ruby Core
Practical Testing of Ruby Core

The document discusses testing practices for the Ruby programming language. It provides details on how to run various test suites that are part of the Ruby source code repository, including: 1. Running the "make test" command which runs sample tests, known bug tests, and tests defined in the test/ directory. 2. Running "make test-all" which runs core library and standard library tests under the test/ directory. 3. Running "make check" which builds encodings and extensions, runs all test tasks including test frameworks like Test::Unit and Minitest. 4. It also discusses strategies for merging test changes from external repositories like RubyGems and RDoc back into the Ruby source code

Sinatra Rack And Middleware
Sinatra Rack And MiddlewareSinatra Rack And Middleware
Sinatra Rack And Middleware

This document discusses Sinatra, a Ruby web application framework built with Rack middleware. It provides examples of basic Sinatra applications and routes, and discusses how Sinatra apps can also be used as Rack middleware. It promotes some projects by the author including Amnesia for Memcached stats, Munch for recipe search, and Postie for postcode services implemented as Rack middleware. It also discusses related tools like Shotgun for reloading and Rack middleware like Rack::Cache.

Lots of adapters (FCGI, Apache2, POE)
     Clean Request/Response API
Written by Yappo, tokuhirom and others
Mo[ou]se everywhere
 Mouse is light but still overspec for some env.
All implementations share HTTP::Engine roles
and builders, which is sometimes hard to adapt
      and has less place for optimizations.

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Rhebok, High Performance Rack Handler / Rubykaigi 2015
Rhebok, High Performance Rack Handler / Rubykaigi 2015Rhebok, High Performance Rack Handler / Rubykaigi 2015
Rhebok, High Performance Rack Handler / Rubykaigi 2015

This document discusses Rhebok, a high performance Rack handler written in Ruby. Rhebok uses a prefork architecture for concurrency and achieves 1.5-2x better performance than Unicorn. It implements efficient network I/O using techniques like IO timeouts, TCP_NODELAY, and writev(). Rhebok also uses the ultra-fast PicoHTTPParser for HTTP request parsing. The document provides an overview of Rhebok, benchmarks showing its performance, and details on its internals and architecture.

Speed up web APIs with Expressive and Swoole (PHP Day 2018)
Speed up web APIs with Expressive and Swoole (PHP Day 2018) Speed up web APIs with Expressive and Swoole (PHP Day 2018)
Speed up web APIs with Expressive and Swoole (PHP Day 2018)

In this talk we will present a middleware async architecture based on Expressive and Swoole to speed up web API development and runtime in PHP. Using this approach, you will be able to achieve great performance improvement, up to 4x faster than nginx or Apache (benchmark).

expressiveswoolephpweb apis
Psgi Plack Sfpm
Psgi Plack SfpmPsgi Plack Sfpm
Psgi Plack Sfpm

PSGI and Plack provide a common interface (PSGI) and shared infrastructure (Plack) for building web applications and frameworks in Perl. PSGI defines a standard way for applications to communicate with web servers through a request/response interface. Plack provides many server implementations like FastCGI and standalone that can run PSGI applications. It also includes middleware, testing tools, and utilities to help developers. This new approach allows frameworks and applications to focus on their logic while reusing common plumbing through PSGI and Plack.

testing upload
APIs everywhere
Most frameworks have their request/response API
          Sometimes there are gaps.
    Annoying to write bridges and wrappers
Steal good stuff
from Python/Ruby
WSGI (Python)

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Get your teeth into Plack
Get your teeth into PlackGet your teeth into Plack
Get your teeth into Plack

Plack is an interface for web request handlers that simplifies the interface and makes code more portable. It allows developers to focus on request handling rather than API specifics. Plack addresses issues with traditional CGI and mod_perl approaches by running handlers outside of servers in a standardized way. This encapsulation improves performance, debugging, and code reuse across different server implementations. Plack includes modules for common tasks like routing, middleware, and running PSGI applications on various web servers.

How to build a High Performance PSGI/Plack Server
How to build a High Performance PSGI/Plack Server How to build a High Performance PSGI/Plack Server
How to build a High Performance PSGI/Plack Server

How to build a High Performance PSGI/Plack Server PSGI/Plack・Monocerosで学ぶ ハイパフォーマンス Webアプリケーションサーバの作り方

Mojolicious - A new hope
Mojolicious - A new hopeMojolicious - A new hope
Mojolicious - A new hope

Marcus works at Nordaaker Consulting but they are moving south in January. He demonstrates how to use Mojolicious to make HTTP requests and parse the response using Mojo::DOM. Mojolicious is a full-stack web framework for Perl 5 that provides a modular architecture and aims to have minimal dependencies.

WSGI (PEP-333)
mod_wsgi, Paste, AppEngine
 Django, CherryPy, Pylons
Plack - LPW 2009
Passenger, thin, Unicorn, Heroku
      Rails, Merb, Sinatra
Plack - LPW 2009

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Creating a modern web application using Symfony API Platform, ReactJS and Red...
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Creating a modern web application using Symfony API Platform, ReactJS and Red...

The API Platform framework is a set of tools to help you building API-first projects. The API project Platform is built on top of the Symfony framework, it means you can reuse all your Drupal 8 and Symfony skills and benefit of the incredible amount of Symfony documentation and community bundles. During this session, you will learn how to use the API Platform project to create a modern web application using Symfony, Doctrine, ReactJS, Redux, Redux-Saga, Ant Design and DVA.

Complex Made Simple: Sleep Better with TorqueBox
Complex Made Simple: Sleep Better with TorqueBoxComplex Made Simple: Sleep Better with TorqueBox
Complex Made Simple: Sleep Better with TorqueBox

The document discusses using TorqueBox, a Ruby application server based on JRuby and JBoss AS7, to deploy a Rails application in production. It compares various deployment options from rolling your own infrastructure to using a platform as a service like Heroku. TorqueBox provides a middle ground where it handles services like caching, background jobs, scheduling, and clustering but still allows customization. The document walks through migrating an existing Rails app's Delayed::Job and caching implementations to use TorqueBox equivalents to simplify the deployment.

Intro to Rack
Intro to RackIntro to Rack
Intro to Rack

Rack is a Ruby web server interface that provides a minimal interface between web servers and Ruby frameworks like Rails. It allows web applications to be written as Ruby objects that respond to the call method. Rack applications take a request environment hash and return a status, headers, and response body array. Rack allows modularity through middlewares that act as filters on requests. Rails itself is built with Rack and exposes its middleware stack.

 Completely separate interface
from the actual implementation
Split HTTP::Engine
 into three parts
PSGI (interface)
Plack::Server (implementations)
      Plack::* (utilities)

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Building native Android applications with Mirah and Pindah
Building native Android applications with Mirah and PindahBuilding native Android applications with Mirah and Pindah
Building native Android applications with Mirah and Pindah

Mirah is a Ruby-like language that compiles to Java bytecode, allowing Ruby developers to write Android apps without using Java. The document introduces Mirah and Pindah, a framework that makes it easier to develop Android apps in Mirah. It provides an example "Up or Down?" app that checks the status of websites and displays results. While Mirah offers a more Ruby-like syntax, it is still immature and tooling support needs improvement, making large Android app development challenging.

software developmentandroidmobile application development 10周年記念 Plack/PSGI 入門 10周年記念 Plack/PSGI 入門 10周年記念 Plack/PSGI 入門 10周年記念 Plack/PSGI 入門

The document discusses various web application frameworks and deployment methods in Perl. It covers common frameworks like CGI, mod_perl, Catalyst, and PSGI. It then discusses running PSGI applications with plackup, configuring middleware, and deploying PSGI apps behind web servers or as standalone daemons. Finally, it briefly covers application deployment and management with tools like daemontools.

Cloud meets Fog & Puppet A Story of Version Controlled Infrastructure
Cloud meets Fog & Puppet A Story of Version Controlled InfrastructureCloud meets Fog & Puppet A Story of Version Controlled Infrastructure
Cloud meets Fog & Puppet A Story of Version Controlled Infrastructure

Talk at rootconf - A conference at Bangalore for sysadmins. Gist of the talk:- Puppet is a great configuration management tool and git is great at version controlling.AWS lets you create instances in few clicks. But when it comes to large deployments only automation(where tools come together) can make you productive and happy. I will take you through following.. Fog - The Ruby cloud services library and how it helps you to create vendor neutral cloud deployments, Puppet- Multi region puppet masters, Ruby- How Ruby pulls the strings together in EC2/ELB/RDS creation, Security group creation, IP authorization, Route53 DNS etc, Git- how we use git to version control deployment configs/configurations.

Who’s on board
Benjamin Trott, Yuval Kogman, Stevan Little, Shawn M
 Moore, Mark Stosberg, Matt S Trout, Jesse Vincent,
     Chia-liang Kao, Dave Rolsky, John Beppu ...
Perl Web Server Gateway Interface
You DON’T need to care about these
 interface details as an app developer.

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Clojure and the Web
Clojure and the WebClojure and the Web
Clojure and the Web

An introduction to the Ring and Compojure libraries for clojure. Presentation from the February meeting of the Austin Clojure Meetup.

Bangpypers april-meetup-2012
Bangpypers april-meetup-2012Bangpypers april-meetup-2012
Bangpypers april-meetup-2012

This document summarizes Deepak Garg's presentation on Fabric and app deployment automation. Fabric allows defining Python functions to automate system administration and deployment tasks across multiple servers. Example functions showed provisioning VMs, installing packages, deploying code, and more. Fabric offers commands to run commands remotely, upload/download files, and decorators to define server groups and task properties. The goals of Fabric include testing infrastructure, deploying and scaling apps across identical environments, and making systems administration tasks Pythonic and automated.

How and why i roll my own node.js framework
How and why i roll my own node.js frameworkHow and why i roll my own node.js framework
How and why i roll my own node.js framework

1) The document discusses the author's experience building their own node.js web framework, including their background with other technologies like Ruby on Rails. 2) It describes the key features of their framework, such as MVC structure, middleware support, asset packaging, and command line tools. 3) The author explains that they rolled their own framework to learn more about how frameworks work, have more control over the technology stack, and because node.js performance is better than Ruby on Rails. They emphasize that building the framework was a fun learning experience.

my $app = sub {
   my $env = shift;
   # ...
   return [ $status, $header, $body ];
PSGI application
   code reference
   $app = sub {...};
my $app = sub {
   my $env = shift;
   # ...
   return [ $status, $header, $body ];
environment hash
$env: CGI-like env variables
+ psgi.input, psgi.errors etc.

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Building web framework with Rack
Building web framework with RackBuilding web framework with Rack
Building web framework with Rack

Rack provides a simple interface for building web applications in Ruby. This document outlines how to build a basic web framework on top of Rack by leveraging existing Rack middleware and tools. It demonstrates how to add features like routing, controllers, views, ORM, authentication, testing, and a console using middleware like Usher, Tilt, DataMapper, Warden, rack-test, and racksh. The goal is to create a simple but full-featured framework with minimal code by combining existing Rack components.

Deploying Symfony |
Deploying Symfony | symfony.catDeploying Symfony |
Deploying Symfony |

The document discusses automating software deployment using Ansible. It provides an overview of Ansible's basic concepts like inventory files to define hosts, playbooks to execute tasks on hosts, and roles to bundle related tasks. It then discusses using Ansible roles to automate deployments, including the ansistrano roles which can deploy applications by copying files, managing releases, and supporting deployment hooks. Overall the document presents Ansible as a way to easily automate and standardize software deployment processes.

Tasks: you gotta know how to run them
Tasks: you gotta know how to run themTasks: you gotta know how to run them
Tasks: you gotta know how to run them

This presentation covers from the basics of what is an async task and how it works to more advanced features of Celery.

my $app = sub {
   my $env = shift;
   # ...
   return [ $status, $header, $body ];
 array ref with three elements
status code, headers (array ref)
and body (IO-like or array ref)
my $app = sub {
   my $env = shift;
   # ...
   return [ $status, $header, $body ];
getline() and close()

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Cannibalising The Google App Engine
Cannibalising The  Google  App  EngineCannibalising The  Google  App  Engine
Cannibalising The Google App Engine

This document discusses using various technologies on Google App Engine including JIQL, GaeVFS, RESTlets, scheduled tasks, JRuby on Rails, task queues, XMPP, and Clojure. JIQL emulates a relational database on App Engine's Bigtable datastore. GaeVFS provides a virtual filesystem on Bigtable. RESTlets make RESTful web services easy to implement in Java on App Engine. Scheduled tasks allow for background processing via cron jobs. JRuby on Rails provides a way to run Ruby on Rails applications on App Engine. Task queues allow for asynchronous background processing. XMPP enables instant messaging and peer-to-peer applications. Clojure can also be used

Rapid Prototyping FTW!!!
Rapid Prototyping FTW!!!Rapid Prototyping FTW!!!
Rapid Prototyping FTW!!!

This document discusses how Rails may not be the best tool for rapid prototyping and suggests alternatives that are more lightweight and collaborative. It introduces Serve, an alternative to Rails that uses a simple folder structure and views to quickly prototype ideas without models, controllers or routing. Serve works with popular front-end tools and libraries and can deploy to Heroku. The document argues that prototyping tools should empower all team members, including front-end developers, and that Rack middleware like Rack::Cascade allows reusing mockups and wireframes in a Rails app.

Flask and Angular: An approach to build robust platforms
Flask and Angular:  An approach to build robust platformsFlask and Angular:  An approach to build robust platforms
Flask and Angular: An approach to build robust platforms

AngularJS is a really powerful and extensible Javascript library that can be used for all number of applications. The team that up with Flask and you've got a great power and maintainability.

pythonsoftware developmentjavascript
       We really envy Python/Ruby
          for built-in iterators
(Perl��s filehandle is also an object, but it really sucks)
You DON’T need to care about these
 interface details as an app developer.
              Becuase ...
Write an adapter to return
 PSGI application code ref.
(and forget about servers!)
Framework Adapters
  CGI::Application, Catalyst, Maypole
Mason, Squatting, Mojo, HTTP::Engine etc.

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Yapc::Asia 2008 Tokyo - Easy system administration programming with a framewo...
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Yapc::Asia 2008 Tokyo - Easy system administration programming with a framewo...

Punc is a framework for building system administration applications. It allows users to select target hosts, connect to them securely, run modules on them to retrieve information or make changes, and reuse code via a module programming model. Modules run commands and return structured data like scalars, hashes and arrays. Punc uses JSON-RPC over HTTPS to call modules securely on target hosts. It detects operating systems using Pfacter to use the right module for the target system. The framework is open source and development is ongoing to support more modules and features.

Carton CPAN dependency manager
Carton CPAN dependency managerCarton CPAN dependency manager
Carton CPAN dependency manager

This document summarizes a presentation about managing CPAN dependencies for web development projects. It describes a case study where a developer installed many CPAN modules for a new web app, but ran into problems with dependency and versioning issues during deployment to production servers. The presenter then introduced their solution called Carton, a tool for creating isolated, local Perl environments for apps and locking dependency versions to allow reproducible, stable deployments across different machines. Key features discussed included dependency declaration, isolated environments, version control, analysis and more. The document concludes with a call for questions and thanks.

carton perl cpan yapc yapcasia
cpanminus at YAPC::NA 2010
cpanminus at YAPC::NA 2010cpanminus at YAPC::NA 2010
cpanminus at YAPC::NA 2010

cpanminus (cpanm) is an awesome and lightweight CPAN installer with zero dependencies. It requires less than 10MB of RAM, has no interactive shell, uses sane defaults with quiet output, and can be easily upgraded via a single command. The document recommends starting to use cpanm and provides tips on commands like --prompt, --notest, and using it with PERL_CPANM_OPT and perlbrew.

cpan perl yapc
MT::App, WebGUI
use Foo; # is a Catalyst application
my $app = sub { Foo->run };
   Set up $env, run the app
and emits response out of $res
namespace for servers and utilities

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CPAN Realtime feed
CPAN Realtime feedCPAN Realtime feed
CPAN Realtime feed

This document summarizes how a new module is uploaded and distributed on CPAN. It takes approximately 48 hours from when an author uploads a module until it is available to most users. To address this, a real-time CPAN feed was created using FriendFeed to notify users more quickly, within an hour, after a new module is uploaded. The cpanf application allows users to install new CPAN modules via these real-time feeds to get modules more quickly than waiting for the standard 24 hour CPAN cache update.

Asynchronous programming with AnyEvent
Asynchronous programming with AnyEventAsynchronous programming with AnyEvent
Asynchronous programming with AnyEvent
Remedie OSDC.TW
Remedie OSDC.TWRemedie OSDC.TW
Remedie OSDC.TW

Remedie is a media RSS browser written in Perl and jQuery. It aggregates RSS/Atom feeds and supports playing videos and audio inline with Flash or QuickTime. Features include support for Media RSS, custom plugins, playback options, local video folders, and an iPhone-like UI. A demo is provided showing features like continuous playback, hotkeys, drag and drop, incremental search and more. The roadmap includes making the daemon non-blocking and adding downloads, social network integration and an iPhone remote.

 reference server implementations
  Standalone, FCGI, Apache2, CGI
Standalone, Prefork, AnyEvent, Coro
Very fast
 5000 QPS on standalone
15000 QPS with prefork :)
Run PSGI app instantly from CLI
     (inspired by rackup)

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Why Open Matters It Pro Challenge 2008
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Why Open Matters It Pro Challenge 2008
20 modules i haven't yet talked about
20 modules i haven't yet talked about20 modules i haven't yet talked about
20 modules i haven't yet talked about

The document shows code for parsing and handling XML using different Perl modules. It demonstrates parsing XML strings into DOM documents using XML::LibXML and XML::Liberal, handling XML encoding such as entities and namespaces, and extracting elements and contents from the parsed DOM documents.

Web::Scraper for LT
Web::Scraper for LTWeb::Scraper for LT
Web::Scraper for LT

This document introduces the Web::Scraper module for Perl, which provides a more robust and maintainable way to scrape web pages compared to regular expressions. Web::Scraper uses a DSL to select elements and extract data via CSS or XPath selectors. It returns structured data like URLs, text, and name-value pairs from selected elements. The document provides examples of scraping timestamps, links, and lists of sites to demonstrate how Web::Scraper works and its advantages over traditional scraping with regular expressions.

Plack - LPW 2009
my $app = sub {
   my $env = shift;
   return [ $status, $header, $body ];

my $mw = sub {
   my $env = shift;
   # do something with $env
   my $res = $app->($env);
   # do something with $res;
   return $res;

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Web Scraper tech talk #8
Web Scraper tech talk #8Web Scraper tech talk #8
Web Scraper tech talk #8

The document discusses using Web::Scraper to scrape web pages in a robust, maintainable way by using CSS selectors and XPath queries rather than fragile regular expressions. Web::Scraper provides a domain-specific language for defining scraping processes and extracting desired data from web pages into structured results. Examples show how to scrape links, text, and nested data from HTML elements using a simple declarative syntax.


The document discusses practical web scraping using the Web::Scraper module in Perl. It provides an example of scraping the current UTC time from a website using regular expressions, then refactors it to use Web::Scraper for a more robust and maintainable approach. Key advantages of Web::Scraper include using CSS selectors and XPath to be less fragile, and proper handling of HTML encoding.


The document discusses XML::Liberal, a Perl module that allows XML parsers to successfully parse XML documents that contain errors. It provides examples of how XML::Liberal can be used to override an existing XML parser like XML::LibXML to make it more liberal in parsing invalid XML. It also shows how XML::Liberal can be used to try parsing XML with a fallback parser if the primary parser fails due to errors in the XML.

Static, AccessLog, ConditionalGET
 ErrorDocument, StackTrace etc.
  reusable and extensible
  Middleware framework
 Plack::Builder DSL in .psgi
my $app = sub {
   return [ $status, $header, $body ];

use Plack::Builder;

builder {
  enable “Static”, root => “/htdocs”,
    path => qr!^/static/!;
  enable “Deflater”; # gzip/deflate
    Multiplex multiple apps
 Integrated with Builder DSL

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The document discusses Test::Base, a Perl module for data-driven testing. It provides examples of using Test::Base for testing functions, with compatibility with Test::More. Test::Base allows writing tests in a simple format and filtering of input/output. It also supports features like default blocks, block-specific tests, subclassing and more. Tips discussed include avoiding chomp filters and separating success and error tests.

Hacking Vox and Plagger
Hacking Vox and PlaggerHacking Vox and Plagger
Hacking Vox and Plagger

at DECON (Developers environment conference) 2006 in Tokyo.

Plagger the duct tape of internet
Plagger the duct tape of internetPlagger the duct tape of internet
Plagger the duct tape of internet

Plagger is a pluggable RSS/Atom aggregator that allows users to combine ("pipe") various plugins to customize how feeds are aggregated, filtered, and published/notified. It aims to be the "UNIX pipe of the internet" by providing a simple yet powerful framework to connect different data sources and processing modules in a customizable workflow. The document provides many examples of how Plagger can be used to aggregate feeds from sources like Bloglines or OPML files and publish them to email via Gmail by chaining together relevant subscription, filter, and publish plugins.

use CatApp;
use CGIApp;

my $c1 = sub { CatApp->run };
my $c2 = sub { CGIApp->run_psgi };

use Plack::Builder;

builder {
  mount “/cat” => $c1;
  mount “/cgi-app” => builder {
    enable “StackTrace”;
Easy migration from
Easiest migration from CGI scripts (like Registry)
    like libapreq (Apache::Request)
wrapper APIs for framework developers

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We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

use Plack::Request;

my $app = sub {
 my $req = Plack::Request->new(shift);

 my $body = “Hello “ . $req->param(‘n’);
 my $res = $req->new_response(200);

  return $res->finalize;
 Unified interface to write tests
with Mock HTTP and Live HTTP
use Plack::Test;
use HTTP::Request::Common;

my $app = sub {
   my $env = shift;
   return [ $status, $header, $body ];

test_psgi app => $app, client => sub {
   my $cb = shift;
   my $req = GET “http://localhost/foo”;
   my $res = $cb->($req);
   # test $res;
use Plack::Test;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
$Plack::Test::Impl = “Server”;

my $app = sub {
   my $env = shift;
   return [ $status, $header, $body ];

test_psgi app => $app, client => sub {
   my $cb = shift;
   my $req = GET “http://localhost/foo”;
   my $res = $cb->($req);
   # test $res;

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event loop / long-poll
# Pull streaming for blocking server
use IO::Handle::Util qw(io_from_getline);

my $app = sub {
   my $env = shift;
   my $io = io_from_getline sub {
      return $chunk; # undef when done
   return [ $status, $header, $io ];
# Push streaming for non-blocking server
use AnyEvent;
use JSON;

my $app = sub {
  my $env = shift;
  return sub {
    my $respond = shift;
    my $w = $respond->([ 200, $headers ]);
    AnyEvent::Example->fetch(sub {
Non-blocking servers
AnyEvent, Coro, POE, Danga::Socket

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comes with PSGI ...

• PSGI is an interface, Plack is the code.
• We have many (pretty fast) servers.
• We have adapters and tools for most web
• Use it!

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