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Symfony2 Components - The Event Dispatcher
Matt Agar
Technical Director at August
“...the foundation of the Symfony
full-stack framework, but they can
also be used standalone even if you
don't use the framework...”

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Building a desktop app using HTTP::Engine as a micro web server, SQLite for data storage, and jQuery for the user interface. Comet and asynchronous workers are used to enable real-time features. JSON-RPC and routing are implemented to support AJAX actions. The combination provides a lightweight "desktop app" architecture that is cross-platform.

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Day 1 of 7-days "JavaScript and Rich User Interfaces" training for my colleagues. It covers XMLHttpRequest, iframe, img cookie transport, script transport, JSONP, comet.


Tatsumaki is a non-blocking web framework for Perl built on Plack and AnyEvent. It allows building asynchronous applications that can handle thousands of concurrent connections. Tatsumaki uses psgi.streaming to enable asynchronous responses. It includes a non-blocking HTTP client and pure Perl message queue for building real-time applications like chat and comet. The framework is in a beta stage but plans include services for XMPP/IRC bots and a standard comet interface.

perl psgi plack web frameworks
BrowserKit, ClassLoader, Config, Console,
CssSelector, Debug, DependencyInjection,
DomCrawler, EventDispatcher,
ExpressionLanguage, Filesystem, Finder, Form,
HttpFoundation, HttpKernel, Locale, Intl, Icu,
OptionsResolver, Process, PropertyAccess,
Routing, Security, Serializer, Stopwatch,
Templating, Translation, Validator, Yaml
BrowserKit, ClassLoader, Config, Console,
CssSelector, Debug, DependencyInjection,
DomCrawler, EventDispatcher,
ExpressionLanguage, Filesystem, Finder, Form,
HttpFoundation, HttpKernel, Locale, Intl, Icu,
OptionsResolver, Process, PropertyAccess,
Routing, Security, Serializer, Stopwatch,
Templating, Translation, Validator, Yaml
Sculpin, Symfony Full Stack,
phpBB, Drupal, Thelia,
phpspec, Silex, Behat,
Guzzle, Laravel,
phpDocumentor, Carew

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Punc is a framework for building system administration applications. It allows users to select target hosts, connect to them securely, run modules on them to retrieve information or make changes, and reuse code via a module programming model. Modules run commands and return structured data like scalars, hashes and arrays. Punc uses JSON-RPC over HTTPS to call modules securely on target hosts. It detects operating systems using Pfacter to use the right module for the target system. The framework is open source and development is ongoing to support more modules and features.

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Keep hearing about Plack and PSGI, and not really sure what they're for, and why they're popular? Maybe you're using Plack at work, and you're still copying-and-pasting `builder` lines in to your code without really knowing what's going on? What's the relationship between Plack, PSGI, and CGI? Plack from first principles works up from how CGI works, the evolution that PSGI represents, and how Plack provides a user-friendly layer on top of that.

Flask patterns
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Flask patterns

The document provides an overview of advanced patterns in Flask including: 1. State management using application and request contexts to bind resources like databases. 2. Resource management using teardown callbacks to commit transactions and release resources. 3. Customizing response creation by passing response objects down a stack or replacing implicit responses. 4. Server-sent events for real-time updates using Redis pub/sub and streaming responses. 5. Separating worker processes for blocking and non-blocking tasks using tools like Gunicorn and Nginx. 6. Signing data with ItsDangerous to generate tokens and validate user activations without a database. 7. Customizing Flask like adding cache bust

Getting Started
// Clone directly from
$ git clone
// Install using Composer
$ curl -s | php
$ php composer.phar require symfony/event-dispatcher

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This document discusses the evolution of web development in Perl, from CGI scripts to modern PSGI-based frameworks. It introduces PSGI as an interface between web applications and web servers, and Plack as a toolkit for building PSGI applications and middleware. The document outlines many PSGI web servers and frameworks that can be used to build and deploy Perl web applications according to the PSGI standard.

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flask tutorial for beginnerspython flask tutorialflask tutorial
The Dispatcher
1. Events
Instances of
Events have a
unique name

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A server is a computer that responds to requests from clients like web browsers. Common requests include serving web pages, uploading/downloading files, and sending email. Apache is a popular web server software that runs on 66% of websites. It is feature-rich, efficient, robust, secure, and open source. A port is a software connection between a server and client used to identify the service, like port 80 for HTTP. Servlets are Java programs that extend functionality of web servers. They have advantages over CGI scripts like improved performance from residing in memory.

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Zephir is a high-level domain-specific language that simplifies creating and maintaining native PHP extensions in C. It was developed by the team behind Phalcon to make it easier for developers to write low-level PHP extensions. Zephir compiles to C code and generates PHP extensions. It supports object-oriented programming and common control structures like if/else statements, while loops, and for loops. Zephir code is type safe and supports type hints.

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This document discusses potential updates to the Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) specification and some of the challenges involved. It notes that WSGI 1.0 has limitations for asynchronous systems and middleware. The author explored ideas for WSGI 2.0 like making requests and responses objects and adding context managers for resource management, but concluded it may be too late since so much code relies on the current specification.

namespace AcmeStoreBundle;
final class StoreEvents
* The store.order event is thrown each time an order is created
* in the system.
const STORE_ORDER = 'store.order';
No need for
Event objects
namespace AcmeStoreBundleEvent;
use SymfonyComponentEventDispatcherEvent;
use AcmeStoreBundleOrder;
class StoreOrderEvent extends Event {
protected $order;
public function __construct(Order $order) {
$this->order = $order;
public function getOrder() {
return $this->order;

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1) The document provides details on various aspects of Flask application development including typical project structure, blueprints, databases, forms and validation, management commands, assets management, testing, and debugging. 2) It discusses Flask extensions for these areas such as Flask-SQLAlchemy, Flask-Werkzeug, Flask-Assets, Flask-Mail, and Flask-DebugToolbar. 3) The document raises some issues around porting Flask to Python 3 and the size and scope of the Werkzeug library that Flask is built upon.

Event Extras
use SymfonyComponentEventDispatcherGenericEvent;
$storeOrderEvent = new GenericEvent(
array('a' => 'b', 'c' => 0)
// Implements ArrayAccess and IteratorAggregate
echo $event['a'];
$order === $storeOrderEvent->getSubject();

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Symfony is a set of reusable and decoupled PHP components designed to solve common web development problems. While as a framework it might not be the best for some of your projects, you can always build on top of its solid foundation of well written, tested and flexible components. Original presentation:

2. The Dispatcher
use SymfonyComponentEventDispatcherEventDispatcher;
$dispatcher = new EventDispatcher();
Use the Single
// access the dispatcher service in a controller
$dispatcher = $this->container->get('event_dispatcher');

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Michael Peacock gave a presentation on Symfony components and related libraries. The presentation [1] introduced several Symfony components including routing, event dispatching, forms, validation, security, and HTTP foundation, [2] discussed related libraries like Pimple and Twig, and [3] covered how to install the components using Composer.

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Andreas Hucks SensioLabs Deutschland CTO Symfony has a wide user base today. Most who work with Symfony on a daily basis have configured their own services, are fluent in configuring routing and validators. But what is actually going on under the hood? What happens when the configuration is parsed? What is a cache warmup? What happens to a request before hitting your controller? How does the HttpKernel work? Andreas will help us gain insight into the inner workings of the Symfony framework. If you have used Symfony, but have never built a compiler pass, a cache warmer, or are wondering how exactly the container is built, this talk is for you.

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This document provides an overview of the Symfony framework and its components. It discusses: - The front controller (app[_env].php) which bootstraps the application - The ClassLoader which implements autoloading based on PSR-0 - The HttpKernel which handles requests and returns responses - The DependencyInjection component which manages the service container - Bundles which extend Symfony functionality and can hook into the request-response lifecycle - The Router which matches URLs to controllers - The FrameworkBundle which ties other components together into a full-stack MVC framework

# app/config/config.yml
class: AcmeHelloBundleEventGenerator
arguments: ["@event_dispatcher"]
namespace AcmeHelloBundle;
use SymfonyComponentEventDispatcherEventDispatcherInterface;
class EventGenerator
protected $dispatcher;
public function __construct(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher)
$this->dispatcher = $dispatcher;
// event name only
// create the StoreOrderEvent and dispatch it
$event = new StoreOrderEvent($order);
$dispatcher->dispatch(StoreEvents::STORE_ORDER, $event);

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$a = $dispatcher->dispatch('store.event', $b);
$a === $b; // true
// returns the dispatcher created event
Dispatcher Extras

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The document provides a history and overview of the Symfony framework. It describes the initial release of Symfony 1.0 in 2007 and key updates through 1.4 in 2009. It then introduces Symfony 2 as a next generation version with a new low-level architecture built for PHP 5.3. The document provides examples of how configuration, routing, and controllers work in Symfony 2 through PHP code snippets and configuration files. It highlights improvements in Symfony 2 like increased flexibility in configuration through the dependency injection container.

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This document provides an overview of key concepts for developing applications with Symfony2 including: setting up the framework, code flow, dependency injection, configuration, controllers, applications, Doctrine integration, caching, performance tips, asset management, testing, deployment, third party bundles, and resources for contributing to Symfony2. It discusses service definitions, controller choices, application choices, Doctrine examples, caching strategies, performance optimization techniques, testing approaches, deployment options, and how to work with third party bundles.

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Symfony is a PHP web framework that provides features like templating, caching, internationalization and MVC architecture out of the box. It uses the Model-View-Controller pattern and includes tools for scaffolding, routing, form generation and more. Symfony projects can be created via the command line and include an auto-generated directory structure for applications, modules and actions.

3. The Listeners
Basic Listeners
$listener, // PHP callable
$priority = 0

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# app/config/config.yml
class: AcmeHelloBundleEventListener
- { name: kernel.event_listener,
event: kernel.exception,
method: onKernelException,
priority: 0 }
// Implements EventSubscriberInterface
$subscriber = new StoreSubscriber();
class StoreSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface {
public static function getSubscribedEvents() {
return array(
'kernel.request' => 'onKernelRequest',
'store.order' => array('onStoreOrder', 5),
'kernel.response' => array(
array('onKernelResponsePre', 10),
array('onKernelResponsePost', 0),

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Le moyen le plus rapide d'obtenir une réponse d'un Backend est de ne pas l'appeler ;-) Une solution fournie par les "reverse-proxy" me direz-vous, mais pas si simple d'invalider le cache... Ce talk aborde une fonctionnalité méconnue de Varnish: les tags. Nous verrons comment en tirer partie via les "event listeners" d'une application Symfony standard. Au menu, un cluster de Rasberry Pi, une API, et des données toujours fraîches sous la milliseconde.

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Mozilla is a nonprofit dedicated to empowering users and promoting open web standards. The document discusses Mozilla's Browser ID system for user authentication, tools for developing web applications including manifest files, installing apps, accessing device capabilities like the camera and battery, and using technologies like IndexedDB, HTML5, and CSS3. It also covers Mozilla's Boot to Gecko project and APIs for telephony, SMS, and vibration in mobile browsers.

# app/config/config.yml
class: AcmeHelloBundleEventSubscriber
- { name: kernel.event_subscriber }
Listener Extras
// Event name and the dispatcher passed to listener
public function onStoreOrder(
Event $event,
EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher
What next?

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Build powerfull and smart web applications with Symfony2
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Symfony2 first stable release is scheduled for the first week of March 2011. During this session, we will have a look at the new framework architecture and most of its powerfull features. We will show you how Symfony2 implements the MVC pattern and an HTTP request is processed and converted as a response for the end user. Of course, we will talk about the configuration principles and how it's easy to configure Symfony2 project parts like the routing system or the data model. We will also focus on other major components of the framework like the Doctrine2 integration, forms, security (authentication and authorizations) or HTTP cache management.

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This document discusses various tools for handling files, images, and asynchronous tasks in Symfony applications. It introduces the Gaufrette filesystem abstraction layer, VichUploaderBundle for file uploads, LiipImagineBundle for image processing, Enqueue for asynchronous message queues, and Symfony Messenger component. It provides code examples for integrating these tools and addressing common issues like file storage, processing, and background tasks.

Thank You!

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