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Gavin Barron, Solution Architect
March 22, 2014
ComCamp Auckland
Automation for
The only five commands you need
Rules for writing scripts
Wrap up
Our agenda
PowerShell: Automation for Everyone | 3
 SharePoint Server MVP
 Developer
 Skier
 @gavinbarron
Gavin Barron
Solution Architect
Your presenter
PowerShell: Automation for Everyone | 4
Why Automate?
 Repeatability
 Reliability
 Save time?
 Eliminate boring manual tasks

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Why I am hooked on the future of React
Why I am hooked on the future of ReactWhy I am hooked on the future of React
Why I am hooked on the future of React

The React team rewrote the book on developing components. Before we had a choice between classes and functional components. Yet many components needed to be classes. A functional component was often too limited. Now, using hooks, we can extend functional components to be as powerful as we want. Suspense and asynchronous rendering is in the future of React. It will make large applications much more responsive and easier to deal with. Getting started with suspense and asynchronous rendering isn't hard as you will discover. Come to this session to learn what React hooks are and how to get started using hooks. But be warned, once seen React hooks can’t be unseen and your React components will never be the same again.

SPA Flask Vue
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SPA Flask Vue

A Single Page Application with Flask and Vue. Slides to Talk "Pain Free Web Development" of PyConWeb 2018 in Munich

Ansible Introduction
Ansible IntroductionAnsible Introduction
Ansible Introduction

This document provides an introduction to Ansible, an open source automation tool. It discusses what Ansible is, highlighting that it is a simple yet powerful IT automation system. It then covers Ansible fundamentals like architecture, modules, inventory, playbooks and variables. The document also discusses advanced Ansible topics such as YAML, debugging, SSH and plugins. It concludes with best practices for Ansible such as using roles and the automation server Tower.

PowerShell: Automation for Everyone | 5
Why PowerShell?
 Product specific cmdlets
 Able to run .NET code
 Hooks into WMI/COM
 Object pipeline
 Readable scripts
The only five
commands you need
Your Awesome Presentation Title {Segoe UI 12 pt.}
Your Awesome Presentation Title {Segoe UI 12 pt.}

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Streamlined Geek Talk

Web Services APIs and Always Up-to-Date Documentation with Rails and Cucumber by Sarah Allen and Wolfram Arnold

Don't roll your own HTTP server
Don't roll your own HTTP serverDon't roll your own HTTP server
Don't roll your own HTTP server

This is a session given by Joel W. Kall at Nordic APIs 2016 Platform Summit on October 25th, in Stockholm Sweden. Description: A lot of of today’s APIs are available using HTTP, so it’s no surprise that there are many options available for the software that actually handles the requests. There are giants like Microsoft and Apache, and there are small, modular packages from smaller vendors and independent developers. But if you only need 1% of the features, isn’t it tempting to just write your own HTTP parser? We did, and we wish we didn’t. And now we’ll tell you all about it so you won’t make the same mistakes we did.

2016 platform summithttpapis
Colin Bowern - The Not So Scary Side Of Asp.Net – Model View Controller In Th...
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Colin Bowern - The Not So Scary Side Of Asp.Net – Model View Controller In Th...

The document discusses ASP.NET Model View Controller (MVC) and how it fits into the ASP.NET framework. It provides an overview of the MVC pattern with the controller handling input, the model containing logic, and the view representing the model. It then discusses key aspects of ASP.NET MVC like models, views, controllers, getting data into the controller via model binders, and how ASP.NET MVC can run on different platforms. Resources for learning more about ASP.NET MVC are also provided.

Your Awesome Presentation Title {Segoe UI 12 pt.}
Your Awesome Presentation Title {Segoe UI 12 pt.}
Your Awesome Presentation Title {Segoe UI 12 pt.}

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Selenium – Web Browser Automation
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Selenium – Web Browser Automation

This document discusses the Selenium testing tool, which allows for automation of web application testing. Selenium is an open source suite of tools that can run tests across multiple browsers and supports scripting in languages like Java, C#, PHP, and Python. It has features like cross-browser testing, assertion statements to compare expected and actual results, and two main components - Selenium IDE for quick testing scripts and Selenium WebDriver for more robust regression testing.

automated testingtest automationselenium
“ASP.NET Core. Features and architecture”
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“ASP.NET Core. Features and architecture”

This document provides an overview of ASP.NET Core features and architecture. It discusses the generic host, startup class, middlewares, dependency injection container, configuration, and types of ASP.NET projects. Demos are also included showing how to create middleware, routing, Web API applications, and configure the built-in DI container and configuration.

API Test Automation Using Karate (Anil Kumar Moka)
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API Test Automation Using Karate (Anil Kumar Moka)

Author: Anil Kumar Moka (Capital One) - Presented at the RVA QA meetup on 18-April-2018 -

Your Awesome Presentation Title {Segoe UI 12 pt.}
Find the command
you need
Your Awesome Presentation Title {Segoe UI 12 pt.}
Simple Pipeline Use
PowerShell: Automation for Everyone | 15
File renaming in .bat
@echo off
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b *.txt') do call :dot "%%a"
goto :EOF
set "var=%~n1"
set "var=%var:.=_%"
echo ren %1 "%var%%~x1"
Rules for writing

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Save time, save money: Move your selenium testing on cloud
Save time, save money: Move your selenium testing on cloudSave time, save money: Move your selenium testing on cloud
Save time, save money: Move your selenium testing on cloud

As a software professional it is very important to make sure the software/utility being developed is performing as per specification and being tested thoroughly on cross browser and multi platform, in order to make sure the software is compatible across multiple platforms it takes substantial amount of infrastrucre, manpower and maintenance to it, what if we all of this can be acheived with faster results, better coverage and cost effectively. Come lets talk about how we can acheive all of this by leveraging the use of cloud platform for our selenium testing

#cloud platform@bscwest2016#selenium testing
Async/Await: TPL & Message Pumps
Async/Await: TPL & Message Pumps Async/Await: TPL & Message Pumps
Async/Await: TPL & Message Pumps

Daniel Marbach showa how to combine Async/Await together with the Task Parallel Library to create a message pump for a service bus. Learn how to: * Deal with non-true asynchronous code paths * Avoid unpleasant surprises when you combined Async/Await with the Task Parallel Library * Achieve "graceful" shutdowns by applying cancellation to the asynchronous operations * Achieve throttling with your concurrent operations without blocking unnecessarily If you want to learn how a message pump built can be built with Async/Await and the Task Parallel Library looks like — don't miss this webinar!

context capturingtask parallel librarypitfalls async/await
API Design in the Modern Era - Architecture Next 2020
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API Design in the Modern Era - Architecture Next 2020

APIs are at the heart of the modern software development world. Whether we author a distributed system, a microservices-based application, or a simple client-server n-tier application - our system will most probably expose an API at its core. APIs are a means to expose the functionality of a particular component to its users. Unsurprisingly, many formats for APIs have existed over the years, with the industry setting around RESTful APIs as the de-facto standard, with gRPC growing in popularity. Join me in this session, as I review today's most popular API formats and their relative strengths and weaknesses. From REST, through OpenAPI, via gRPC and to the rising star of AsyncAPI - we'll explain how these API formats work and the tools they employ and offer some guidance as towards when we should use each. At the end of this session, you'll have a good familiarity with these formats, and you'll be in a much better position to choose between them.

apisoftware developmentsoftware architecture
PowerShell: Automation for Everyone | 17
Consider error cases
 What should you do when it goes pear shaped?
 Default behaviour is Ignore and Continue
 $ErrorActionPreference
 -ErrorAction
 try{} catch{}
PowerShell: Automation for Everyone | 18
Consider your outputs
 Write-Host
 Write-Output
 Write-Progress
 Add-Content
 Out-File
PowerShell: Automation for Everyone | 19
Have style!
 Use a coding convention
 Naming
 Casing
 Bracing
 Avoid aliases
 Be Consistent!
PowerShell: Automation for Everyone | 20
Leverage functions for re-use
 Small tasks
 Compose a script from functions
 Functions are highly reusable
 Cmdlet Binding Attribute
 Parameters Attribute
 Default Values

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This document summarizes a presentation about Pivotal's route service in Cloud Foundry. The route service allows requests to be forwarded to an external endpoint before being routed to applications. This can be used for authentication, rate limiting, inspection, or integrating with other systems. The presentation demonstrates configuring a route service in Cloud Foundry to block a hack attempt and provides examples of rate limiting, logging, and web application firewall route services on GitHub. It also reviews documentation on the Cloud Foundry route service.

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If you have an app bootstrapped with [create-react-app](, you may have a certain amount of boilerplate code that came with it, especially if you ejected. Now you may want to sync up with the latest changes in create-react-app. I've ported [ember-cli-update]( to [create-react-app-updater]( to get the same benefits for react apps. You can keep your pojects in sync as well as run codemods based on react version.

Async/Await Best Practices
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Async/Await Best Practices

Daniel Marbach shows how to avoid common pitfalls in asynchronous code bases. Learn how to: * Differentiate between IO-bound vs CPU-bound work and how this relates to Threads and Tasks * Avoid serious production bugs as a result of asynchronous methods returning void * Opt-out from context capturing when necessary * Deal with synchronous code in the context of asynchronous code

asyncawaitmix asynchronous code with synchronous code
PowerShell: Automation for Everyone | 21
Use configuration files
$file =[xml] (Get-ChildItem $constantsFilePath)
$root = "setup-config"
$ConstantsNodeList = $file.$root.Constants
foreach($property in $ConstantsNodeList.Property) {
$key= $property.Key
Your Awesome Presentation Title {Segoe UI 12 pt.}
Script Examples
Wrap up
Your Awesome Presentation Title {Segoe UI 12 pt.}
Start scripting, it’s easy!

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This document discusses building an operations framework from scratch if necessary. It recommends using Chef instead if possible. The key components of such a framework would include an API, domain logic, operations implementations, database, and resources to transition between states. Building it as a framework allows others to subclass the core components. Benefits include testability, availability, debuggability, and auditability. Challenges include the work required and integrating with other tools.

ЮУРГУ Интернет ресурсы историка
ЮУРГУ Интернет ресурсы историкаЮУРГУ Интернет ресурсы историка
ЮУРГУ Интернет ресурсы историка


Исторический факультет ЮУР
IoT with SignalR & .NET Gadgeteer - NetMF@Work
IoT with SignalR & .NET Gadgeteer - NetMF@WorkIoT with SignalR & .NET Gadgeteer - NetMF@Work
IoT with SignalR & .NET Gadgeteer - NetMF@Work

Internet of things è vista come una possibile evoluzione dell'uso della Rete. Gli oggetti si rendono riconoscibili e acquisiscono intelligenza grazie al fatto di poter comunicare dati su se stessi e accedere ad informazioni aggregate da parte di altri. Partendo da queste affermazioni il talk preenterà una soluzione per il controllo ed il monitoraggio centralizzato dello stato di un sistema embedded a cui sono collegati una rete di sensori e di attuatori di varia natura attraverso l'utilizzo di SignalR. Tramite questa tecnologia è possibile realizzare servizi di notifica "push" con una straordinaria reattività, il tutto utilizzando il puro e semplice http

PowerShell: Automation for Everyone | 25
Handy resources
Any questions?
Twitter: @gavinbarron
Thank you
PowerShell: Automation for everyone

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UI design for Mobile

The document discusses UI design principles for mobile, including flat design and minimalism. It notes that flat design and minimalism became trends in 2011 and 2015. The document also discusses benefits of flat design such as saving time, resources and money. It provides examples of flat design principles implemented in iOS8 and MacOS, focusing on personalization, integration and ease of use. Resources for inspiration on flat design are also included.

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Caso d'uso reale di un prodotto basato su tecnologia .NET Micro Framework e .NET Gadgeteer

My Resume
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My Resume

Who is Mortada Shendy? He is ... PIP: Planner & Idea Producer German Curricular Coordinator Creator of German language club: De-Club. Author of German book series: German for All. Blogger of many blogs devoted for learning German Maker of channel of “FernTube”:  Online German TV Admin of DEUTSCHWELT group on Facebook Founder of  “D.S.B”: DaF-Schulbund Producer of  “D.D.D”: Radio Deutsch .. dies & das Editor in chief for the German magazine: Cool Deutsch German Consultant for Rahn Kairo Deutsche Schule Teacher trainer

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PowerShell: Automation for everyone

Editor's Notes

  1. Cmdlets take the form of <verb>-<noun> or <verb>-<noun group>Get-Help takes wildcards and can help you find whole groups of commandsAlias: gcm
  2. Every PowerShellCmdlet is REQUIRED to have a help entry.It’s is NOT required to be right howeverNo Alias
  3. Allows you to see what type and which properties and methods are on objects which are returned.Alias: gm
  4. Used to filter sets of object Alias:?
  5. Used to perform operations of a series of calls using a single object in a collectionAlias:%
  6. Short demo ~2mins showing the use of Get-Command, Get-Help and Get-Member
  7. 3 Quick demos of using the pipelineDemo 1) Show scraping photos off mum’s memory card to a local photo directory.Demo 2) Kill devenvDemo 3) Show the file re-name example
  8. Cmdlet binding attribute: Checks for argument overflow (normally allowed and put into $args[]) Allows autogeneration of positional parameters, Toggle availability when remoting, default parameter setParameter binding attribute: Mandatory? Parameter sets Parameter position Accept value from pipeline