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Python, MongoDB, and
asynchronous web frameworks
        A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
• Talk about web services in a really dumb
  (“abstract”?) way
• Explain when we need async web servers
• Why is async hard?
• What is Tornado and how does it work?
• Why am I writing a new PyMongo wrapper to
  work with Tornado?
• How does my wrapper work?
CPU-bound web service

   Client                 Server

• No need for async
• Just spawn one process per core
Normal web service

   Client                Server            (DB, web service,
              socket              socket        SAN, …)

• Assume backend is unbounded
• Service is bound by:
  • Context-switching overhead
  • Memory!
What’s async for?
• Minimize resources per connection
• I.e., wait for backend as cheaply as possible
CPU- vs. Memory-bound

Crypto         Most web services?           Chat
CPU-bound                           Memory-bound
HTTP long-polling (“COMET”)
• E.g., chat server
• Async’s killer app
• Short-polling is CPU-bound: tradeoff between
  latency and load
• Long-polling is memory bound
• “C10K problem”:
• Tornado was invented for this
Why is async hard to code?
Client                   Server                 Backend


                       store state


Ways to store state
                                    this slide is in beta

Memory per connection

                        Greenlets / Gevent
                                                       Tornado, Node.js

                                  Coding difficulty
What’s a greenlet?
• A.K.A. “green threads”
• A feature of Stackless Python, packaged as a
  module for standard Python
• Greenlet stacks are stored on heap, copied to
  / from OS stack on resume / pause
• Cooperative
• Memory-efficient
       State stored on OS stacks
# pseudo-Python

sock = listen()

request = parse_http(sock.recv())

mongo_data = db.collection.find()

response = format_response(mongo_data)

      State stored on greenlet stacks
# pseudo-Python
import gevent.monkey; monkey.patch_all()

sock = listen()

request = parse_http(sock.recv())

mongo_data = db.collection.find()

response = format_response(mongo_data)

 State stored in RequestHandler
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
  def get(self):

  def on_response(self, response):
    formatted = format_response(response)
Tornado IOStream
class IOStream(object):
  def read_bytes(self, num_bytes, callback):
    self.read_bytes = num_bytes
    self.read_callback = callback


  def handle_events(self, fd, events):
    data = self.socket.recv(self.read_bytes)
Tornado IOLoop
class IOLoop(object):
  def add_handler(self, fd, handler, events):
    self._handlers[fd] = handler
    # _impl is epoll or kqueue or ...
    self._impl.register(fd, events)

  def start(self):
    while True:
       event_pairs = self._impl.poll()
       for fd, events in event_pairs:
          self._handlers[fd](fd, events)
Python, MongoDB, & concurrency
• Threads work great with pymongo
• Gevent works great with pymongo
  – monkey.patch_socket(); monkey.patch_thread()
• Tornado works so-so
  – asyncmongo
     • No replica sets, only first batch, no SON manipulators, no
       document classes, …
  – pymongo
     • OK if all your queries are fast
     • Use extra Tornado processes
Introducing: “Motor”
•   Mongo + Tornado
•   Experimental
•   Might be official in a few months
•   Uses Tornado IOLoop and IOStream
•   Presents standard Tornado callback API
•   Stores state internally with greenlets
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
  def __init__(self):
    self.c = MotorConnection()

  def post(self):
    # No-op if already open

  def connected(self, c, error):

  def inserted(self, result, error):
Motor internals
                   stack depth
   Client       IOLoop              RequestHandler        greenlet        pymongo

                                                      switch()   IOStream.sendall(callback)


                       callback()          switch()

                                                      parse Mongo response


       HTTP response
Motor internals: wrapper
class MotorCollection(object):
  def insert(self, *args, **kwargs):
    callback = kwargs['callback']
    del kwargs['callback']
    kwargs['safe'] = True

     def call_insert():
       # Runs on child greenlet
       result, error = None, None
          sync_insert = self.sync_collection.insert
          result = sync_insert(*args, **kwargs)
       except Exception, e:
          error = e

       # Schedule the callback to be run on the main greenlet
          lambda: callback(result, error)

     # Start child greenlet

Motor internals: fake socket
class MotorSocket(object):
  def __init__(self, socket):
    # Makes socket non-blocking = tornado.iostream.IOStream(socket)

  def sendall(self, data):
    child_gr = greenlet.getcurrent()

    # This is run by IOLoop on the main greenlet
    # when data has been sent;
    # switch back to child to continue processing
    def sendall_callback():
       child_gr.switch()                   7, callback=sendall_callback)
    # Resume main greenlet
• Shows a general method for asynchronizing
  synchronous network APIs in Python
• Who wants to try it with MySQL? Thrift?
• (Bonus round: resynchronizing Motor for
   A. Jesse Jiryu Davis

(10gen is hiring, of course:

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Python, async web frameworks, and MongoDB

  • 1. Python, MongoDB, and asynchronous web frameworks A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
  • 2. Agenda • Talk about web services in a really dumb (“abstract”?) way • Explain when we need async web servers • Why is async hard? • What is Tornado and how does it work? • Why am I writing a new PyMongo wrapper to work with Tornado? • How does my wrapper work?
  • 3. CPU-bound web service Client Server socket • No need for async • Just spawn one process per core
  • 4. Normal web service Backend Client Server (DB, web service, socket socket SAN, …) • Assume backend is unbounded • Service is bound by: • Context-switching overhead • Memory!
  • 5. What’s async for? • Minimize resources per connection • I.e., wait for backend as cheaply as possible
  • 6. CPU- vs. Memory-bound Crypto Most web services? Chat • CPU-bound Memory-bound
  • 7. HTTP long-polling (“COMET”) • E.g., chat server • Async’s killer app • Short-polling is CPU-bound: tradeoff between latency and load • Long-polling is memory bound • “C10K problem”: • Tornado was invented for this
  • 8. Why is async hard to code? Client Server Backend request request time store state response response
  • 9. Ways to store state this slide is in beta Multithreading Memory per connection Greenlets / Gevent Tornado, Node.js Coding difficulty
  • 10. What’s a greenlet? • A.K.A. “green threads” • A feature of Stackless Python, packaged as a module for standard Python • Greenlet stacks are stored on heap, copied to / from OS stack on resume / pause • Cooperative • Memory-efficient
  • 11. Threads: State stored on OS stacks # pseudo-Python sock = listen() request = parse_http(sock.recv()) mongo_data = db.collection.find() response = format_response(mongo_data) sock.sendall(response)
  • 12. Gevent: State stored on greenlet stacks # pseudo-Python import gevent.monkey; monkey.patch_all() sock = listen() request = parse_http(sock.recv()) mongo_data = db.collection.find() response = format_response(mongo_data) sock.sendall(response)
  • 13. Tornado: State stored in RequestHandler class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): @tornado.web.asynchronous def get(self): AsyncHTTPClient().fetch( "", callback=self.on_response) def on_response(self, response): formatted = format_response(response) self.write(formatted) self.finish()
  • 14. Tornado IOStream class IOStream(object): def read_bytes(self, num_bytes, callback): self.read_bytes = num_bytes self.read_callback = callback io_loop.add_handler( self.socket.fileno(), self.handle_events, events=READ) def handle_events(self, fd, events): data = self.socket.recv(self.read_bytes) self.read_callback(data)
  • 15. Tornado IOLoop class IOLoop(object): def add_handler(self, fd, handler, events): self._handlers[fd] = handler # _impl is epoll or kqueue or ... self._impl.register(fd, events) def start(self): while True: event_pairs = self._impl.poll() for fd, events in event_pairs: self._handlers[fd](fd, events)
  • 16. Python, MongoDB, & concurrency • Threads work great with pymongo • Gevent works great with pymongo – monkey.patch_socket(); monkey.patch_thread() • Tornado works so-so – asyncmongo • No replica sets, only first batch, no SON manipulators, no document classes, … – pymongo • OK if all your queries are fast • Use extra Tornado processes
  • 17. Introducing: “Motor” • Mongo + Tornado • Experimental • Might be official in a few months • Uses Tornado IOLoop and IOStream • Presents standard Tornado callback API • Stores state internally with greenlets •
  • 18. Motor class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def __init__(self): self.c = MotorConnection() @tornado.web.asynchronous def post(self): # No-op if already open def connected(self, c, error): self.c.collection.insert( {‘x’:1}, callback=self.inserted) def inserted(self, result, error): self.write(’OK’) self.finish()
  • 19. Motor internals stack depth Client IOLoop RequestHandler greenlet pymongo request start switch() IOStream.sendall(callback) return time callback() switch() parse Mongo response schedule callback callback() HTTP response
  • 20. Motor internals: wrapper class MotorCollection(object): def insert(self, *args, **kwargs): callback = kwargs['callback'] 1 del kwargs['callback'] kwargs['safe'] = True def call_insert(): # Runs on child greenlet result, error = None, None try: sync_insert = self.sync_collection.insert 3 result = sync_insert(*args, **kwargs) except Exception, e: error = e # Schedule the callback to be run on the main greenlet tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().add_callback( lambda: callback(result, error) 8 ) # Start child greenlet 2 greenlet.greenlet(call_insert).switch() 6 return
  • 21. Motor internals: fake socket class MotorSocket(object): def __init__(self, socket): # Makes socket non-blocking = tornado.iostream.IOStream(socket) def sendall(self, data): child_gr = greenlet.getcurrent() # This is run by IOLoop on the main greenlet # when data has been sent; # switch back to child to continue processing def sendall_callback(): child_gr.switch() 7, callback=sendall_callback) 4 # Resume main greenlet child_gr.parent.switch() 5
  • 22. Motor • Shows a general method for asynchronizing synchronous network APIs in Python • Who wants to try it with MySQL? Thrift? • (Bonus round: resynchronizing Motor for testing)
  • 23. Questions? A. Jesse Jiryu Davis (10gen is hiring, of course: