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javascript libraries:  jQuery and Prototype
jQuery:  Introduction "jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for  rapid web development ."  
jQuery:  A little less information "The Write Less,  Do More , Javascript Library"    Lightweight Footprint CSS3 Compliant Cross-Browser Compliant
jQuery:  A business approach Open License     jQuery is currently available for use in all personal or commercial projects under both MIT and GPL licenses. This means that you can choose the license that best suits your project, and use it accordingly.    Ongoing Refinement   jQuery has 5 core teams that  Development Team Evangelist Team jQuery UI Team Plugins Team Web and Design Team   jQuery has an additional unofficial team The web community jQuery extension authors 3rd party contributors  You!

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Jquery is a JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document traversal, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions. It is built on JavaScript and provides shortcuts and abstractions for many common tasks. Some key benefits of Jquery include providing cross-browser compatibility, an easy to use syntax, and a large number of plugins and functions to extend its capabilities.

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WordCamp ABQ 2013: Making the leap from Designer to Designer/Developer
WordCamp ABQ 2013: Making the leap from Designer to Designer/DeveloperWordCamp ABQ 2013: Making the leap from Designer to Designer/Developer
WordCamp ABQ 2013: Making the leap from Designer to Designer/Developer

This document summarizes Ray Gulick's presentation at WordCamp Albuquerque 2013 about making the transition from designer to designer/developer. It discusses how coding skills are an essential part of design work. It provides an overview of key WordPress coding concepts like PHP, tags, custom fields, custom post types, and using WP_Query to manage listings. Code examples are provided to demonstrate how to display custom fields and create a custom post type listing with pagination. The goal is to illustrate that becoming a designer/developer is a process of learning by doing and mastering these foundational skills.

AJAX Workshop Notes
AJAX Workshop NotesAJAX Workshop Notes
AJAX Workshop Notes

Put on by USC's Upsilon Pi Epsilon as part of Wonderful World of Web2.0 Workshop Series.

jQuery:  Show me the  money $ The dollar sign   ($)   is  your first step in talking to jQuery   The basics:   CSS selectors            $ ( ".className" ); DOM selectors           $ ( "a" ); classes, methods       $ . fn ();
jQuery:  Where the  action  is $ (). action () $(). action ()   is  how you perform your action on all of your items   *note:  actions  are stackable   *note:  actions  accept arguments and callbacks  Example:   simple fade in                                      $ ( "a" ). fadeIn (); hide, then fade in all anchor tags        $ ( "a" ). hide (). fadeIn (); fade in all anchor tags w/ callback      $ ( "a" ). fadeIn ( 'slow' ,  function (){});
jQuery:  Moving pictures $ (). animate () $(). animate () ;   the key aspect of this function is the object of style properties that will be animated, and to what end.  Animation: Animated effects can be controlled further and customized using jQuery's  $ (). animate ();  method // fade in: same as   $ (). fadeIn ();           $ ( "a" ). animate (      {          "opacity" :1      },      {          "duration" :500      } );    // fade in, change dimensions, left position add a callback  $ ( "a" ). animate (      {            "opacity" :1,          "height" :500,          "width" :400,          "left" :250       },      {          "duration" :500,          "complete" : function (){}       } );
jQuery:  per- form -ing relationship $ ( ":input" ) Collect all your form input fields in one step:  $ ( ":input" )   *more refined selects are available Example:   collect only checkboxes                        $ ( ":checkbox" ); collect only hidden inputs                      $ ( ":hidden" ); collect only text inputs + iterate             $ ( ":text" );

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JavaScript is an object-based scripting language used to add interactivity to web pages in browsers by manipulating HTML objects and handling events. It was originally developed at Netscape to enable dynamic and interactive pages but is now supported by all major browsers. The document provides an overview of JavaScript objects, events, and how to get started using it with HTML.

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The document discusses declarative approaches to building user interfaces, which focus on describing what user interface elements to display rather than how to display them. Declarative languages allow for easier design, reuse, and sharing of information compared to imperative languages. Some challenges of declarative approaches include cross-browser compatibility issues and a lack of support for certain features in some browsers.

jQuery:  In the  event  of... events jQuery's event system normalizes the event object according to W3C standards. The event object is guaranteed to be passed to the event handler.   *2 approaches exist, direct event, and binding event listeners Example:   perform a click                     $ ( "a" ). click ( function (){ alert ( 'you clinked' )});  bind a click                           $ ( "a" ). bind ( 'click' ,  function (){ alert ( 'you clinked' )}); call that event                      $ ( "a" ). trigger ( 'click' );  // calls #2 unbind that event                 $ ( "a" ). unbind ( 'click' );   *jQuery currently has support for over 39 different events! and that's just the core 
jQuery:  Are you  ready ? events: ready One of the more important events listener / broadcasters that jQuery support is the  ready  event. It truly is about being prepared, and  ready  will tell you when!   Example:   document                     $ ( document ). ready ( function (){ // ready when you are  });  shorthand                     $ ( function (){ // ready when you are  });
jQuery:  extensions : your deadline needn't one $ . extend () Extend one object with one or more others, returning the original, modified, object.   *hang on, this is how jQuery's core works, so...   Let's extend jQuery! // we need an extension that will bold all selected objects $ . extend (      {          bold :  function (obj)          {              $ (obj).each(                  function ()                  {                       $ ( this ). css ({ "font-weight" : "bold" });                  }               )           }      }  ) // usage  $ . bold ( "a" );
jQuery:  express -ions: faster and simpler  $ . expr () We can use  $ . extend  also to extend other objects defined inside of jQuery, eg. to add new selectors:    *hang on, this is how jQuery's core works, so... We've already seen, and used some of jQuery's extension expression method:   $ ( ":input" )   Let's express with jQuery! // we need an expression (filter) that will find all selected objects that are bold  $ . extend (    $ . expr [ ':' ],    {       bold: function (arg)       {         return ( $ (arg). css ( "font-weight" ) ===  "bold" )        }    } ) //usage $ ( ":bold" )

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In this session, Aaron Gustafson introduces attendees to the client-side scripting language known as JavaScript. After being taken on a quick tour through the language's features and syntax, attendees will be introduced through a series of examples to ways in which JavaScript can progressively enhance the user experience and really make their designs sing. This session also introduces attendees to several JavaScript libraries and demonstrate how to execute the same task in each.

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2011-11-02 | 03:45 PM - 04:35 PM | The NoSQL movement has stormed onto the development scene, and it’s left a few developers scratching their heads, trying to figure out when to use a NoSQL database instead of a regular database, much less which NoSQL database to use. In this session, we’ll examine the NoSQL ecosystem, look at the major players, how the compare and contrast, and what sort of architectural implications they have for software systems in general.

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Java script
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Java script

This document provides an overview of JavaScript fundamentals including a brief history of JavaScript, its uses, language features, inclusion of scripts in HTML documents, and the JavaScript object model. It discusses the window object and properties like location, frames, history. It also covers variables and data types, operators, control structures, arrays, functions, and communicating with the user through prompts, alerts and changing the status bar.

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jQuery:  AJAX  - fast data  $ . ajax () jQuery's  $ . ajax  provides a rich and robust method for handling data transport and manipulation. In addition to the low-level  $ . ajax  ( read:   more control ) method, we also have available to use high-level ( read:   quick and dirty ) methods as well, including:  $ . load,  $ . get  and   $ . post Let's take a look! // newsletter opt-in subscriber $ . ajax ( {      url : "" ,      cache : false ,      data :{action: "subscribe" ,email: "" ,name: "eugene" },      dataType : "json" ,     // [xml, html, script, json, jsonp, text]      type : "POST" ,         // [POST, GET, PUT, DELETE]      success :function(response)      {          // response is the data returned: in this case it will be expecting  json  data          // {success:true|false}                },      error :function()      {          // something went wrong!!!      } } )
libraries:  Rapid Development Cheaper, Better & Faster     The case used to be pick two of the above! You can't have all three. Until now!!!   javscript. library  =  { cheaper : true ,  better : true ,  faster : true } This holds true for being able to develop through the use of javascript libraries on the front end. Most common example: Typically in project estimation, there is still a fundamental amount of custom code that needs to be written and allotted for. In addition to that, the time is typically shortened through the process of not deliberating if the project will make use of a javascript library to leverage for your project development, but rather which one!!! As with other development languages, libraries for those languages will create a unified base for developers at all tiers of the projects   backend. developer  <=>  middleware. developer  <=>  frontend. developer
libraries:  Proof of Concept POC not POS     Don't throw away those prototype builds!!!   javscript. library  >>   POC   >>   Production This holds true for being able to develop through the use of javascript libraries on the front end. Most common example: Typically in project estimation, there is still a fundamental amount of custom code that needs to be written and allotted for. In addition to that, the time is typically shortened through the process of not deliberating if the project will make use of a javascript library to leverage for your project development, but rather which one!!! As with other development languages, libraries for those languages will create a unified base for developers at all tiers of the projects   backend. developer  <=>  middleware. developer  <=>  frontend. developer
libraries:  Studio Approach Easy to interpret     Through exposure and usage, a common language  (code & spoken)  will typically evolve within any size of given studio where developers, designer and the like work together on projects   designer . idea  =  developer . code  =   client .satisfaction Communication barriers fall and ideas blossom as to the handling of effects, motion, manipulation. If you are a  designer , how many times have you asked something similar to:  Can't you just make it slide up and fade at the same time?   If you are a  designer , how many times have you been asked similarly:  Make it slide up and fade at the same time? With the most common functionality already handled by most javascript framework, the guess work, browser compliance, backwards compatibility...    ...big list of client requirements  (are you still paying attention) ...    ...these now become and extension of your code without deteriorating the core intentions

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Jquery and JavaScript Best practices and Tips and tricks Cheat-sheet. This presentation very helpful for web developer.

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JavaScript events allow code to run in response to user actions or changes to the document. Common events include onclick which fires when the user clicks an element, and onload which fires when a page finishes loading. JavaScript code is associated with events using HTML event handler attributes or by registering event listeners in the code. Events help make pages dynamic and interactive by triggering JavaScript functions in response to user input.

Scripting The Dom
Scripting The DomScripting The Dom
Scripting The Dom

This document provides an overview of how to script the DOM using JavaScript. It discusses how the browser parses HTML into a DOM tree, with the window and document objects being the root nodes. It then explains how to access and manipulate DOM elements using the body, JavaScript functions, and events. Finally, it covers creating custom objects and namespacing in JavaScript.

libraries:  ROI Return on Investment   Othe than the $ being standard notation for both jQuery and Prototype there is it's literal interpretation...   ...$ the dollar sign!!!   javscript. library  =  { free : true ,  margin : true ,  profit : true } How it's done! Under both MIT and GPL licenses. This means that you can choose the license that best suits your project, and use it accordingly. Learning is easy! Both libraries leverage HTML and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) knowledge as a stepping stone into javascript library usage. Getting your feet wet does not require expert knowledge of javascript. Additionally, these libraries provide a  framework unification  of  CSS, DOM (document object model) and javascript , providing and enabling even non developers to create proof of concept work! Recently javascript library support has been introduced in Adobe's Dreamweaver CS3 (through extensions) and is fully supported in CS4. Pick your library, highlight your object, pick your action(), done! Code hinting and coloring also supported.
libraries:  Out of the basement Real world libraries, Real world clients   Tech Google BIM Dell Intel AOL Oracle News BBC NBC BusinessWeek Newsweek Reuturs CBS News Sales|Services NBC Amazon NetFlix SalesForce Dominos US Airways Prototype jQuery Tech Apple Tivo NASA Microsoft  News NBC ESPN Globe and Mail Sales|Services eBay H&M Sony DropSend Other Ruby on Rails
Thanks:  So long and thanks for all the  $ $ . thanks () The obligatory (often overlooked) thank you page   *copy, paste, and run!   // we need an extension that will bold all selected objects <script src=&quot;; type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;></script>     <script> $.extend(     {         thanks:function(obj){$(obj).each(function(i){             var text    = this.toString();             setTimeout(function(){var li    = $(document.createElement(&quot;li&quot;));li.text(text).hide().fadeIn('slow');$(&quot;body&quot;).append(li);},(i * 1000))         })}     } );          $(document).ready(function(){     $.thanks(         [&quot;refresh events&quot;, &quot;justin kuzoch&quot;,    &quot;centre for social innovation&quot;,    &quot;YOU&quot;]     )         }) </script> <body><h1>big thanks to:</h1></body>

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Eugene Andruszczenko: jQuery

  • 1. javascript libraries: jQuery and Prototype
  • 2. jQuery: Introduction &quot;jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development .&quot;  
  • 3. jQuery: A little less information &quot;The Write Less, Do More , Javascript Library&quot;   Lightweight Footprint CSS3 Compliant Cross-Browser Compliant
  • 4. jQuery: A business approach Open License   jQuery is currently available for use in all personal or commercial projects under both MIT and GPL licenses. This means that you can choose the license that best suits your project, and use it accordingly.   Ongoing Refinement   jQuery has 5 core teams that  Development Team Evangelist Team jQuery UI Team Plugins Team Web and Design Team   jQuery has an additional unofficial team The web community jQuery extension authors 3rd party contributors You!
  • 5. jQuery: Show me the money $ The dollar sign ($) is your first step in talking to jQuery   The basics:   CSS selectors           $ ( &quot;.className&quot; ); DOM selectors          $ ( &quot;a&quot; ); classes, methods      $ . fn ();
  • 6. jQuery: Where the action is $ (). action () $(). action () is how you perform your action on all of your items   *note: actions are stackable   *note: actions accept arguments and callbacks Example:   simple fade in                                     $ ( &quot;a&quot; ). fadeIn (); hide, then fade in all anchor tags       $ ( &quot;a&quot; ). hide (). fadeIn (); fade in all anchor tags w/ callback     $ ( &quot;a&quot; ). fadeIn ( 'slow' , function (){});
  • 7. jQuery: Moving pictures $ (). animate () $(). animate () ;  the key aspect of this function is the object of style properties that will be animated, and to what end. Animation: Animated effects can be controlled further and customized using jQuery's $ (). animate (); method // fade in: same as  $ (). fadeIn ();         $ ( &quot;a&quot; ). animate (      {          &quot;opacity&quot; :1      },      {          &quot;duration&quot; :500      } );   // fade in, change dimensions, left position add a callback  $ ( &quot;a&quot; ). animate (      {            &quot;opacity&quot; :1,         &quot;height&quot; :500,         &quot;width&quot; :400,         &quot;left&quot; :250      },      {          &quot;duration&quot; :500,         &quot;complete&quot; : function (){}      } );
  • 8. jQuery: per- form -ing relationship $ ( &quot;:input&quot; ) Collect all your form input fields in one step: $ ( &quot;:input&quot; )   *more refined selects are available Example:   collect only checkboxes                       $ ( &quot;:checkbox&quot; ); collect only hidden inputs                     $ ( &quot;:hidden&quot; ); collect only text inputs + iterate            $ ( &quot;:text&quot; );
  • 9. jQuery: In the event of... events jQuery's event system normalizes the event object according to W3C standards. The event object is guaranteed to be passed to the event handler.   *2 approaches exist, direct event, and binding event listeners Example:   perform a click                    $ ( &quot;a&quot; ). click ( function (){ alert ( 'you clinked' )}); bind a click                          $ ( &quot;a&quot; ). bind ( 'click' , function (){ alert ( 'you clinked' )}); call that event                     $ ( &quot;a&quot; ). trigger ( 'click' ); // calls #2 unbind that event                $ ( &quot;a&quot; ). unbind ( 'click' );   *jQuery currently has support for over 39 different events! and that's just the core 
  • 10. jQuery: Are you ready ? events: ready One of the more important events listener / broadcasters that jQuery support is the ready event. It truly is about being prepared, and ready will tell you when!   Example:   document                    $ ( document ). ready ( function (){ // ready when you are }); shorthand                    $ ( function (){ // ready when you are });
  • 11. jQuery: extensions : your deadline needn't one $ . extend () Extend one object with one or more others, returning the original, modified, object.   *hang on, this is how jQuery's core works, so...   Let's extend jQuery! // we need an extension that will bold all selected objects $ . extend (     {         bold : function (obj)          {             $ (obj).each(                 function ()                 {                      $ ( this ). css ({ &quot;font-weight&quot; : &quot;bold&quot; });                  }             )         }     } ) // usage $ . bold ( &quot;a&quot; );
  • 12. jQuery: express -ions: faster and simpler $ . expr () We can use $ . extend also to extend other objects defined inside of jQuery, eg. to add new selectors:   *hang on, this is how jQuery's core works, so... We've already seen, and used some of jQuery's extension expression method: $ ( &quot;:input&quot; )   Let's express with jQuery! // we need an expression (filter) that will find all selected objects that are bold $ . extend (   $ . expr [ ':' ],   {      bold: function (arg)      {        return ( $ (arg). css ( &quot;font-weight&quot; ) === &quot;bold&quot; )      }   } ) //usage $ ( &quot;:bold&quot; )
  • 13. jQuery:  AJAX - fast data $ . ajax () jQuery's $ . ajax provides a rich and robust method for handling data transport and manipulation. In addition to the low-level $ . ajax ( read: more control ) method, we also have available to use high-level ( read: quick and dirty ) methods as well, including: $ . load, $ . get and $ . post Let's take a look! // newsletter opt-in subscriber $ . ajax ( {      url : &quot;; ,     cache : false ,     data :{action: &quot;subscribe&quot; ,email: &quot;; ,name: &quot;eugene&quot; },     dataType : &quot;json&quot; ,     // [xml, html, script, json, jsonp, text]     type : &quot;POST&quot; ,        // [POST, GET, PUT, DELETE]     success :function(response)     {         // response is the data returned: in this case it will be expecting json data         // {success:true|false}              },     error :function()     {         // something went wrong!!!     } } )
  • 14. libraries: Rapid Development Cheaper, Better & Faster   The case used to be pick two of the above! You can't have all three. Until now!!!   javscript. library = { cheaper : true , better : true , faster : true } This holds true for being able to develop through the use of javascript libraries on the front end. Most common example: Typically in project estimation, there is still a fundamental amount of custom code that needs to be written and allotted for. In addition to that, the time is typically shortened through the process of not deliberating if the project will make use of a javascript library to leverage for your project development, but rather which one!!! As with other development languages, libraries for those languages will create a unified base for developers at all tiers of the projects   backend. developer <=> middleware. developer <=> frontend. developer
  • 15. libraries: Proof of Concept POC not POS   Don't throw away those prototype builds!!!   javscript. library >> POC >> Production This holds true for being able to develop through the use of javascript libraries on the front end. Most common example: Typically in project estimation, there is still a fundamental amount of custom code that needs to be written and allotted for. In addition to that, the time is typically shortened through the process of not deliberating if the project will make use of a javascript library to leverage for your project development, but rather which one!!! As with other development languages, libraries for those languages will create a unified base for developers at all tiers of the projects   backend. developer <=> middleware. developer <=> frontend. developer
  • 16. libraries: Studio Approach Easy to interpret   Through exposure and usage, a common language (code & spoken) will typically evolve within any size of given studio where developers, designer and the like work together on projects   designer . idea = developer . code = client .satisfaction Communication barriers fall and ideas blossom as to the handling of effects, motion, manipulation. If you are a designer , how many times have you asked something similar to:  Can't you just make it slide up and fade at the same time?   If you are a designer , how many times have you been asked similarly:  Make it slide up and fade at the same time? With the most common functionality already handled by most javascript framework, the guess work, browser compliance, backwards compatibility...    ...big list of client requirements (are you still paying attention) ...   ...these now become and extension of your code without deteriorating the core intentions
  • 17. libraries: ROI Return on Investment   Othe than the $ being standard notation for both jQuery and Prototype there is it's literal interpretation...   ...$ the dollar sign!!!   javscript. library = { free : true , margin : true , profit : true } How it's done! Under both MIT and GPL licenses. This means that you can choose the license that best suits your project, and use it accordingly. Learning is easy! Both libraries leverage HTML and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) knowledge as a stepping stone into javascript library usage. Getting your feet wet does not require expert knowledge of javascript. Additionally, these libraries provide a framework unification of CSS, DOM (document object model) and javascript , providing and enabling even non developers to create proof of concept work! Recently javascript library support has been introduced in Adobe's Dreamweaver CS3 (through extensions) and is fully supported in CS4. Pick your library, highlight your object, pick your action(), done! Code hinting and coloring also supported.
  • 18. libraries: Out of the basement Real world libraries, Real world clients Tech Google BIM Dell Intel AOL Oracle News BBC NBC BusinessWeek Newsweek Reuturs CBS News Sales|Services NBC Amazon NetFlix SalesForce Dominos US Airways Prototype jQuery Tech Apple Tivo NASA Microsoft News NBC ESPN Globe and Mail Sales|Services eBay H&M Sony DropSend Other Ruby on Rails
  • 19. Thanks: So long and thanks for all the $ $ . thanks () The obligatory (often overlooked) thank you page   *copy, paste, and run!   // we need an extension that will bold all selected objects <script src=&quot;; type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;></script>     <script> $.extend(     {         thanks:function(obj){$(obj).each(function(i){             var text    = this.toString();             setTimeout(function(){var li    = $(document.createElement(&quot;li&quot;));li.text(text).hide().fadeIn('slow');$(&quot;body&quot;).append(li);},(i * 1000))         })}     } );         $(document).ready(function(){     $.thanks(         [&quot;refresh events&quot;, &quot;justin kuzoch&quot;,    &quot;centre for social innovation&quot;,    &quot;YOU&quot;]     )        }) </script> <body><h1>big thanks to:</h1></body>

Editor's Notes

  1. Welcome and introduction