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TornadoRocking the Non-Blocking WebContact:Twitter:	Kurtiss Hare, CTO & Co-Founder of
What is Tornado?Scalable, Non-blocking Web ServerPowered www.friendfeed.comNow open-sourced by Facebook after FF acquisition
Why Tornado?
Why Tornado?Paul Buchheit

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The document discusses using the Tornado web framework to develop RESTful APIs. It provides examples of implementing RESTful APIs in Tornado, including handling HTTP verbs, returning JSON/JSONP responses, handling exceptions, scraping web pages to monitor server status, and notifying subscribers via push notifications when status changes. Other topics mentioned include internationalization, cron jobs, and related resources for Tornado and RESTful APIs.

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Why Tornado?Don’tBePaul Buchheit
Why Tornado?Processor/Thread ModelCherryPy, Mod_WSGI, uWSGI, …Lightweight ThreadsGevent, Eventlet, …IOLoop/Callback ModelTornado, Cogen, …What are you trying to do?
Why Tornado?Trying to address the c10k problem?10,000 concurrent connectionsProcessor/thread is known to fall overTrying to enable real-time/long-polling, WebSockets?Different problem than handling many short-lived, pipelined requests.Want to extend your arsenal with a tool that addresses these problems?Tornado might be for you.
Tornado’s Architecture~2000 clientstornado.ioloop._polltornado.web.RequestHandlertornado.httpserver.HTTPServersocket.sockettornado.ioloop.IOStreamtornado.httpserver.HTTPConnectiontornado.web.ApplicationRouting/MVCtornado.ioloop

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This document introduces Tornado Web and AsyncMongo for asynchronous access to MongoDB from Tornado applications. It discusses evented I/O web servers and the C10k problem. It provides an overview of Tornado Web and demonstrates basic usage. It introduces AsyncMongo for asynchronous MongoDB access from Tornado. It demonstrates how to fetch, insert, update and delete data from MongoDB using AsyncMongo with examples.

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Tornado’s Architecturetornado.ioloop._pollEdge-triggered when possible (epoll/kqueue)Falls back on level triggered (select)Handles:Callback registrationNew connectionsConnections with new dataHeart of Tornado’s approach to c10k
Hello, worldimport tornado.httpserverimport tornado.ioloopimport tornado.webclass MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):    def get(self):        self.write("Hello, world")application = tornado.web.Application([    (r"/", MainHandler),])if __name__ == "__main__”:    http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application)    http_server.listen(8888)    tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
Rocking the Non-Blockclass MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):    @tornado.web.asynchronous    def get(self):        http = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()        http.fetch("",                   callback=self.async_callback(self.on_response))    def on_response(self, response):        if response.error: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(500)        json = tornado.escape.json_decode(response.body)        self.write("Fetched " + str(len(json["entries"])) + " entries ”)        self.finish()
Performance NotesSource:

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Performance NotesBetter ComparisonsNode.js – Tornado by 110% throughput [0]Twisted.Web – Tornado by 84% shorter average response time [1]Caveat Emptor, OK? note, “Server Latency,” vs. gEvent, uWSGILikely due to CPU availabilityNothing beats a load test on your own environmentPlayHaven’s use is modest, but growing:<500 concurrent web requestsNo long polling … yet.[0][1]
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Questions? Beer?

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