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Perlbal Tutorial Takatsugu Shigeta YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2009
重田崇嗣 Takatsugu Shigeta TypePad Profiles
"Perlbal is a Perl-based reverse proxy load balancer and web server." Perlbal From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Perlbal is a single-threaded event-based server supporting HTTP load balancing, web serving, and a mix of the two (see below)." Perlbal
$ cpan Perlbal
WARNING: AIO mode disabled or not available.          Perlbal will run slowly under load if          you're doing any          disk operations. (e.g. web_server mode).          Install IO::AIO for better performance.
$ cpan IO::AIO requires:      BSD::Resource:       0      Danga::Socket:       1.44      File::Find:          0      HTTP::Date:          0      HTTP::Response:      0      Sys::Syscall:        0      Test::More:          0      Time::HiRes:         0 Subversion Repository
$ svn co $ cd trunk $ perl Makefile.PL $ make $ sudo make install
start Perlbal
# ./perlbal --help Usage: perlbal [OPTS]  --help          This usage info  --version       Print perlbal release version  --config=[file] Specify Perlbal config file           (default:  /etc/perlbal/perlbal.conf )  --daemon        Daemonize
$ perlbal > --config=/path/to/foo.conf > --daemon
$ perlbal > -c /path/to/foo.conf > -d
reverse_proxy web_server management selector upload_tracker
reverse proxy
CREATE POOL my_apaches   POOL my_apaches ADD   POOL my_apaches ADD   POOL my_apaches ADD   POOL my_apaches ADD CREATE SERVICE balancer   SET listen          =   SET role            =  reverse_proxy   SET pool            = my_apaches   SET persist_client  = on   SET persist_backend = on   SET verify_backend  = on ENABLE balancer
CREATE POOL dynamic   SET nodefile = conf/nodelist.dat CREATE SERVICE balancer2   SET listen          =   SET role            =  reverse_proxy   SET pool            = dynamic   SET persist_client  = on   SET persist_backend = on   SET verify_backend  = on  ENABLE balancer2
# whitespace and comments allowed     # test machine #    # test machine # can include port numbers, but defaults to 80 if not provided: # In node file, you should list IP addresses. It's a comment after "#".
web server
CREATE SERVICE docs   SET listen         =   SET role           =  web_server   SET docroot        = /usr/share/doc/   SET dirindexing    = 1   SET persist_client = on ENABLE docs
CREATE SERVICE mgmt   SET role   =  management   SET listen = ENABLE mgmt
seealso /config-guide.txt
LOAD vhosts CREATE SERVICE foo   SET listen      =   SET role        = web_server   SET docroot     = /var/www/html/yapcasia2009/   SET dirindexing = 1 ENABLE foo CREATE SERVICE bar   SET listen      =   SET role        = web_server   SET docroot     = /var/www/html/yapcasia2009/   SET dirindexing = 0 ENABLE bar
CREATE SERVICE vdemo   SET listen         =   SET role           =  selector   SET plugins        = vhosts   SET persist_client = on   VHOST * = foo   VHOST * = bar #  VHOST * = foo ENABLE vdemo
I'm sorry. I have never used it. I omitted upload_tracker. But... # create UDP upload tracker listener if ($self->{role} eq "upload_tracker") {      $listener = Perlbal::UploadListener->new($self->{listen}, $self); }
CREATE POOL  poolname    POOL  poolname  ADD CREATE POOL  poolname    SET nodefile =  /path/to/file    SET balance_method = random
CREATE SERVICE  foo    SET role =  reverse_proxy    SET listen = 192 .168.0.1:81    SET persist_client =  false    SET persist_client_timeout =  30      SET enable_ssl =  false    SET ssl_cert_file =  certs/server-cert.pem    SET ssl_key_file  =  certs/server-key.pem    SET ssl_cipher_list =  ALL:!LOW:!EXP    SET always_trusted =  false    SET backend_persist_cache =  2    SET buffer_backend_connect =  100k      SET buffer_size =  256k    SET buffer_size_reproxy_url =  50k
   SET buffer_upload_threshold_rate =  0      SET buffer_upload_threshold_size =  250k    SET buffer_upload_threshold_time =  5    SET buffer_uploads =  false    SET buffer_uploads_path =  /path/to    SET connect_ahead =  0    SET enable_reproxy =  false    SET enable_error_retries =  false    SET error_retry_schedule =  0,.25,.50,1,1,1,1,1    SET high_priority_cookie    SET high_priority_cookie_contents    SET max_backend_uses =  0    SET persist_backend =  false
   SET pool    SET queue_relief_chance =  0    SET queue_relief_size =  0    SET trusted_upstream_proxies =    SET upload_status_listeners =  ""    SET verify_backend =  false    SET verify_backend_path =  *    SET blind_proxy =  0    SET reproxy_cache_maxsize =  0    SET max_chunked_request_size =  209715200
CREATE SERVICE  foo    SET role =  web_server    SET listen = 192 .168.0.1:81    SET persist_client =  false    SET persist_client_timeout =  30      SET enable_ssl =  false    SET ssl_cert_file =  certs/server-cert.pem    SET ssl_key_file  =  certs/server-key.pem    SET ssl_cipher_list =  ALL:!LOW:!EXP    SET dirindexing =  false    SET docroot =  /path/to    SET index_files =  index.html
   SET max_put_size =  0    SET min_put_directory =  0    SET client_sndbuf_size =  0    SET always_trusted =  false    SET enable_concatenate_get =  0    SET enable_delete =  0    SET enable_put =  0    SET max_chunked_request_size =  209715200
CREATE SERVICE  foo    SET role =  selector    SET listen = 192 .168.0.1:81    SET persist_client =  false    SET persist_client_timeout =  30      SET enable_ssl =  false    SET ssl_cert_file =  certs/server-cert.pem    SET ssl_key_file  =  certs/server-key.pem    SET ssl_cipher_list =  ALL:!LOW:!EXP    SET default_service    SET latency =  0    SET always_trusted =  false     SET max_chunked_request_size =  209715200
CREATE SERVICE  mgmt   SET role   =  management   SET listen =      SET persist_client =  false    SET persist_client_timeout =  30      SET enable_ssl =  false    SET ssl_cert_file =  certs/server-cert.pem    SET ssl_key_file  =  certs/server-key.pem    SET ssl_cipher_list =  ALL:!LOW:!EXP    SET always_trusted =  false    SET max_chunked_request_size =  209715200
Perlbal Classes Perlbal Perlbal::AIO Perlbal::BackendHTTP Perlbal::Cache Perlbal::ChunkedUploadState Perlbal::ClientHTTP Perlbal::ClientHTTPBase Perlbal::ClientManage Perlbal::ClientProxy Perlbal::CommandContext Perlbal::HTTPHeaders Perlbal::ManageCommand Perlbal::Pool Perlbal::ReproxyManager Perlbal::Service Perlbal::Socket Perlbal::SocketSSL Perlbal::TCPListener Perlbal::Test Perlbal::Test::WebClient Perlbal::Test::WebServer Perlbal::UploadListener Perlbal::Util
class diagram
Created by GraphViz
how to work
call ENABLE  servicename,  start to listen on Perlbal::TCPListener                 {{ INTERNET }}                       |                       v   [Service]<===>[TCPListener]               ___/    |    __              v        v        v   [ClientManage]  [ClientHTTP] [ClientProxy]                                      ^                                      |                                      v                                [BackendHTTP]
Perlbal::Plugin AccessControl AtomInject AtomStream AutoRemoveLeadingDir Cgilike Cgilike::Request EchoService EchoService::Client Highpri Include LazyCDN MaxContentLength NotModified Palimg Queues Redirect Stats Stats::Storage Vhosts Vpaths
writing plugins
package  Perlbal::Plugin ::MyPlugin; use strict; use warnings; # when &quot;LOAD&quot; directive loads us up sub  load  {      return 1; } # unload our global commands, clear our service object sub  unload  {      return 1; } # called when we're being added to a service sub  register  {      return 1; } # called when we're no longer active on a service sub  unregister  {      return 1; } 1; __END__
LOAD MyPlugin LOAD OtherPlugin CREATE SERVICE hogehoge      plugins =  OtherPlugin,  MyPlugin  ENABLE hogehoge
$ telnet localhost 60000 plugins hogehoge OtherPlugin  MyPlugin
This slide introduced Perlbal to you. If you are interested in Perlbal, please try again later!
Danga::Socket::AnyEvent From: Martin Atkins Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 16:26:09 -0700 Subject: AnyEvent implementation of Danga::Socket     &quot;This allows Perlbal to, in theory, run in any event loop supported by AnyEvent, and more interestingly allows Perlbal plugins to make use of AnyEvent protocol implementations.&quot;
Try Danga::Socket::AnyEvent, if you are interested in AnyEvent!
Resources Perlbal   Six Apart Code   Google Code   Google Groups
Thank you!

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Perlbal Tutorial

  • 1. Perlbal Tutorial Takatsugu Shigeta YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2009
  • 6. &quot;Perlbal is a Perl-based reverse proxy load balancer and web server.&quot; Perlbal From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • 7. &quot;Perlbal is a single-threaded event-based server supporting HTTP load balancing, web serving, and a mix of the two (see below).&quot; Perlbal
  • 10. WARNING: AIO mode disabled or not available.          Perlbal will run slowly under load if          you're doing any          disk operations. (e.g. web_server mode).          Install IO::AIO for better performance.
  • 12. requires:      BSD::Resource:       0      Danga::Socket:       1.44      File::Find:          0      HTTP::Date:          0      HTTP::Response:      0      Sys::Syscall:        0      Test::More:          0      Time::HiRes:         0
  • 14. $ svn co $ cd trunk $ perl Makefile.PL $ make $ sudo make install
  • 16. # ./perlbal --help Usage: perlbal [OPTS]  --help          This usage info  --version       Print perlbal release version  --config=[file] Specify Perlbal config file           (default: /etc/perlbal/perlbal.conf )  --daemon        Daemonize
  • 17. $ perlbal > --config=/path/to/foo.conf > --daemon
  • 18. $ perlbal > -c /path/to/foo.conf > -d
  • 19. roles
  • 20. reverse_proxy web_server management selector upload_tracker
  • 22. CREATE POOL my_apaches   POOL my_apaches ADD   POOL my_apaches ADD   POOL my_apaches ADD   POOL my_apaches ADD CREATE SERVICE balancer   SET listen          =   SET role            = reverse_proxy   SET pool            = my_apaches   SET persist_client  = on   SET persist_backend = on   SET verify_backend  = on ENABLE balancer
  • 23. CREATE POOL dynamic   SET nodefile = conf/nodelist.dat CREATE SERVICE balancer2   SET listen          =   SET role            = reverse_proxy   SET pool            = dynamic   SET persist_client  = on   SET persist_backend = on   SET verify_backend  = on ENABLE balancer2
  • 24. # whitespace and comments allowed    # test machine #    # test machine # can include port numbers, but defaults to 80 if not provided: # In node file, you should list IP addresses. It's a comment after &quot;#&quot;.
  • 26. CREATE SERVICE docs   SET listen         =   SET role           = web_server   SET docroot        = /usr/share/doc/   SET dirindexing    = 1   SET persist_client = on ENABLE docs
  • 28. CREATE SERVICE mgmt   SET role   = management   SET listen = ENABLE mgmt
  • 31. LOAD vhosts CREATE SERVICE foo   SET listen      =   SET role        = web_server   SET docroot     = /var/www/html/yapcasia2009/   SET dirindexing = 1 ENABLE foo CREATE SERVICE bar   SET listen      =   SET role        = web_server   SET docroot     = /var/www/html/yapcasia2009/   SET dirindexing = 0 ENABLE bar
  • 32. CREATE SERVICE vdemo   SET listen         =   SET role           = selector   SET plugins        = vhosts   SET persist_client = on   VHOST * = foo   VHOST * = bar #  VHOST * = foo ENABLE vdemo
  • 34. I'm sorry. I have never used it. I omitted upload_tracker. But...
  • 35. # create UDP upload tracker listener if ($self->{role} eq &quot;upload_tracker&quot;) {     $listener = Perlbal::UploadListener->new($self->{listen}, $self); }
  • 37. CREATE POOL poolname   POOL poolname ADD CREATE POOL poolname   SET nodefile = /path/to/file   SET balance_method = random
  • 38. CREATE SERVICE foo   SET role = reverse_proxy   SET listen = 192 .168.0.1:81   SET persist_client = false   SET persist_client_timeout = 30     SET enable_ssl = false   SET ssl_cert_file = certs/server-cert.pem   SET ssl_key_file  = certs/server-key.pem   SET ssl_cipher_list = ALL:!LOW:!EXP   SET always_trusted = false   SET backend_persist_cache = 2   SET buffer_backend_connect = 100k     SET buffer_size = 256k   SET buffer_size_reproxy_url = 50k
  • 39.   SET buffer_upload_threshold_rate = 0   SET buffer_upload_threshold_size = 250k   SET buffer_upload_threshold_time = 5   SET buffer_uploads = false   SET buffer_uploads_path = /path/to   SET connect_ahead = 0   SET enable_reproxy = false   SET enable_error_retries = false   SET error_retry_schedule = 0,.25,.50,1,1,1,1,1   SET high_priority_cookie   SET high_priority_cookie_contents   SET max_backend_uses = 0   SET persist_backend = false
  • 40.   SET pool   SET queue_relief_chance = 0   SET queue_relief_size = 0   SET trusted_upstream_proxies =   SET upload_status_listeners = &quot;&quot;   SET verify_backend = false   SET verify_backend_path = *   SET blind_proxy = 0   SET reproxy_cache_maxsize = 0   SET max_chunked_request_size = 209715200
  • 41. CREATE SERVICE foo   SET role = web_server   SET listen = 192 .168.0.1:81   SET persist_client = false   SET persist_client_timeout = 30     SET enable_ssl = false   SET ssl_cert_file = certs/server-cert.pem   SET ssl_key_file  = certs/server-key.pem   SET ssl_cipher_list = ALL:!LOW:!EXP   SET dirindexing = false   SET docroot = /path/to   SET index_files = index.html
  • 42.   SET max_put_size = 0   SET min_put_directory = 0   SET client_sndbuf_size = 0   SET always_trusted = false   SET enable_concatenate_get = 0   SET enable_delete = 0   SET enable_put = 0   SET max_chunked_request_size = 209715200
  • 43. CREATE SERVICE foo   SET role = selector   SET listen = 192 .168.0.1:81   SET persist_client = false   SET persist_client_timeout = 30     SET enable_ssl = false   SET ssl_cert_file = certs/server-cert.pem   SET ssl_key_file  = certs/server-key.pem   SET ssl_cipher_list = ALL:!LOW:!EXP   SET default_service   SET latency = 0   SET always_trusted = false   SET max_chunked_request_size = 209715200
  • 44. CREATE SERVICE mgmt   SET role   = management   SET listen =     SET persist_client = false   SET persist_client_timeout = 30     SET enable_ssl = false   SET ssl_cert_file = certs/server-cert.pem   SET ssl_key_file  = certs/server-key.pem   SET ssl_cipher_list = ALL:!LOW:!EXP   SET always_trusted = false   SET max_chunked_request_size = 209715200
  • 46. Perlbal Classes Perlbal Perlbal::AIO Perlbal::BackendHTTP Perlbal::Cache Perlbal::ChunkedUploadState Perlbal::ClientHTTP Perlbal::ClientHTTPBase Perlbal::ClientManage Perlbal::ClientProxy Perlbal::CommandContext Perlbal::HTTPHeaders Perlbal::ManageCommand Perlbal::Pool Perlbal::ReproxyManager Perlbal::Service Perlbal::Socket Perlbal::SocketSSL Perlbal::TCPListener Perlbal::Test Perlbal::Test::WebClient Perlbal::Test::WebServer Perlbal::UploadListener Perlbal::Util
  • 50. call ENABLE servicename, start to listen on Perlbal::TCPListener                {{ INTERNET }}                       |                       v   [Service]<===>[TCPListener]               ___/    |    __              v        v        v   [ClientManage]  [ClientHTTP] [ClientProxy]                                      ^                                      |                                      v                                [BackendHTTP]
  • 52. Perlbal::Plugin AccessControl AtomInject AtomStream AutoRemoveLeadingDir Cgilike Cgilike::Request EchoService EchoService::Client Highpri Include LazyCDN MaxContentLength NotModified Palimg Queues Redirect Stats Stats::Storage Vhosts Vpaths
  • 53. hooks
  • 56. package Perlbal::Plugin ::MyPlugin; use strict; use warnings; # when &quot;LOAD&quot; directive loads us up sub load {      return 1; } # unload our global commands, clear our service object sub unload {      return 1; } # called when we're being added to a service sub register {      return 1; } # called when we're no longer active on a service sub unregister {      return 1; } 1; __END__
  • 57. LOAD MyPlugin LOAD OtherPlugin CREATE SERVICE hogehoge     plugins = OtherPlugin, MyPlugin ENABLE hogehoge
  • 58. $ telnet localhost 60000 plugins hogehoge OtherPlugin MyPlugin
  • 59. This slide introduced Perlbal to you. If you are interested in Perlbal, please try again later!
  • 62. Danga::Socket::AnyEvent From: Martin Atkins Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 16:26:09 -0700 Subject: AnyEvent implementation of Danga::Socket   &quot;This allows Perlbal to, in theory, run in any event loop supported by AnyEvent, and more interestingly allows Perlbal plugins to make use of AnyEvent protocol implementations.&quot;
  • 63. Try Danga::Socket::AnyEvent, if you are interested in AnyEvent!
  • 64. Resources Perlbal   Six Apart Code   Google Code   Google Groups