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Jan 12, 2016
 A server is a computer that responds to requests from a client
 Typical requests: provide a web page, upload or download a file, send
 A server is also the software that responds to these requests; a
client could be the browser or other software making these
 Typically, your little computer is the client, and someone else’s
big computer is the server
 However, any computer can be a server
 It is not unusual to have server software and client software running on the
same computer
 Apache is a very popular server
 66% of the web sites on the Internet use Apache
 Apache is:
 Full-featured and extensible
 Efficient
 Robust
 Secure (at least, more secure than other servers)
 Up to date with current standards
 Open source
 Free
 Why use anything else?
 A port is a connection between a server and a client
 Ports are identified by positive integers
 A port is a software notion, not a hardware notion, so there may be very
many of them
 A service is associated with a specific port
 Typical port numbers:
21—FTP, File Transfer Protocol
22—SSH, Secure Shell
25—SMTP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
53—DNS, Domain Name Service
80—HTTP, Hypertext Transfer Protocol
8080—HTTP (used for testing HTTP)
7648, 7649—CU-SeeMe
27960—Quake III
These are the ports
of most interest to us
Ports II
 My UPenn Web page is:
 But it is also:
 The http: at the beginning signifies a particular protocol
(communication language), the Hypertext Transfer Protocol
 The :80 specifies a port
 By default, the Web server listens to port 80
 The Web server could listen to any port it chose
 This could lead to problems if the port was in use by some other server
 For testing servlets, we typically have the server listen to port 8080
 In the second URL above, I explicitly sent my request to port 80
 If I had sent it to some other port, say, 99, my request would either go
unheard, or would (probably) not be understood
CGI Scripts
 CGI stands for “Common Gateway Interface”
Client sends a request to server
Server starts a CGI script
Script computes a result for server
and quits
Another client sends a request
client server
Server starts the CGI script again
Server returns response to client
 A servlet is like an applet, but on the server side
Client sends a request to server
Server starts a servlet
Servlet computes a result for
server and does not quit
Another client sends a request
client server
Server calls the servlet again
Server returns response to client
Servlets vs. CGI scripts
 Advantages:
 Running a servlet doesn’t require creating a separate process
each time
 A servlet stays in memory, so it doesn’t have to be reloaded
each time
 There is only one instance handling multiple requests, not a
separate instance for every request
 Untrusted servlets can be run in a “sandbox”
 Disadvantage:
 Less choice of languages (CGI scripts can be in any language)
 Tomcat is the Servlet Engine than handles servlet requests
for Apache
 Tomcat is a “helper application” for Apache
 It’s best to think of Tomcat as a “servlet container”
 Apache can handle many types of web services
 Apache can be installed without Tomcat
 Tomcat can be installed without Apache
 It’s easier to install Tomcat standalone than as part of
 By itself, Tomcat can handle web pages, servlets, and JSP
 Apache and Tomcat are open source (and therefore free)
 A servlet is any class that implements the
javax.servlet.Servlet interface
 In practice, most servlets extend the
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet class
 Some servlets extend javax.servlet.GenericServlet instead
 Servlets, like applets, usually lack a main method, but
must implement or override certain other methods
Important servlet methods, I
 When a servlet is first started up, its init(ServletConfig config)
method is called
 init should perform any necessary initializations
 init is called only once, and does not need to be thread-safe
 Every servlet request results in a call to
service(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response)
 service calls another method depending on the type of service requested
 Usually you would override the called methods of interest, not service
 service handles multiple simultaneous requests, so it and the methods it
calls must be thread safe
 When the servlet is shut down, destroy() is called
 destroy is called only once, but must be thread safe (because other threads
may still be running)
HTTP requests
 When a request is submitted from a Web page, it is almost always
a GET or a POST request
 The HTTP <form> tag has an attribute action, whose value can
be "get" or "post"
 The "get" action results in the form information being put after
a ? in the URL
 Example:
 The & separates the various parameters
 Only a limited amount of information can be sent this way
 "put" can send large amounts of information
Important servlet methods, II
 The service method dispatches the following kinds of requests:
 A GET request is dispatched to the doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) method
 A POST request is dispatched to the doPost(HttpServletRequest
request, HttpServletResponse response) method
 These are the two methods you will usually override
 doGet and doPost typically do the same thing, so usually you do the real
work in one, and have the other just call it
 public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) {
doPost(request, response);
A “Hello World” servlet
(from the Tomcat installation documentation)
public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet {
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
String docType =
out.println(docType +
"<HTML>n" +
"<HEAD><TITLE>Hello</TITLE></HEAD>n" +
"<H1>Hello World</H1>n" +
} Don’t worry, we’ll take this a little at a time!
The superclass
 public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet {
 Every class must extend GenericServlet or a
subclass of GenericServlet
 GenericServlet is “protocol independent,” so you could
write a servlet to process any protocol
 In practice, you almost always want to respond to an
HTTP request, so you extend HttpServlet
 A subclass of HttpServlet must override at least one
method, usually one doGet, doPost, doPut,
doDelete, init and destroy, or getServletInfo
The doGet method
 public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
 This method services a GET request
 The method uses request to get the information that was sent to
 The method does not return a value; instead, it uses response to
get an I/O stream, and outputs its response
 Since the method does I/O, it can throw an IOException
 Any other type of exception should be encapsulated as a
 The doPost method works exactly the same way
Parameters to doGet
 Input is from the HttpServletRequest parameter
 Our first example doesn’t get any input, so we’ll discuss this a
bit later
 Output is via the HttpServletResponse object, which we
have named response
 I/O in Java is very flexible but also quite complex, so this
object acts as an “assistant”
Using the HttpServletResponse
 The second parameter to doGet (or doPost) is
HttpServletResponse response
 Everything sent via the Web has a “MIME type”
 The first thing we must do with response is set the MIME type
of our reply: response.setContentType("text/html");
 This tells the client to interpret the page as HTML
 Because we will be outputting character data, we need a
PrintWriter, handily provided for us by the getWriter method
of response:
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
 Now we’re ready to create the actual page to be returned
Using the PrintWriter
 From here on, it’s just a matter of using our PrintWriter,
named out, to produce the Web page
 First we create a header string:
String docType =
 This line is technically required by the HTML spec
 Browsers mostly don’t care, but HTML validators do care
 Then use the println method of out one or more times
out.println(docType +
"<HTML>n" +
"<HEAD> ... </BODY></HTML>");
 And we’re done!
Input to a servlet
 A GET request supplies parameters in the form
URL ? name=value & name=value & name=value
 (Illegal spaces added to make it more legible)
 Actual spaces in the parameter values are encoded by + signs
 Other special characters are encoded in hex; for example, an
ampersand is represented by %26
 Parameter names can occur more than once, with
different values
 A POST request supplies parameters in the same syntax,
only it is in the “body” section of the request and is
therefore harder for the user to see
Getting the parameters
 Input parameters are retrieved via messages to the
HttpServletRequest object request
 Most of the interesting methods are inherited from the superinterface
 public Enumeration getParameterNames()
 Returns an Enumeration of the parameter names
 If no parameters, returns an empty Enumeration
 public String getParameter(String name)
 Returns the value of the parameter name as a String
 If the parameter doesn’t exist, returns null
 If name has multiple values, only the first is returned
 public String[] getParameterValues(name)
 Returns an array of values of the parameter name
 If the parameter doesn’t exist, returns null
Enumeration review
 An Enumeration is almost the same as Iterator
 It’s an older class, and the names are longer
 Example use:
 Enumeration e = myVector.elements();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
Example of input parameters
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) {
... stuff omitted ...
String names[] =
if (names != null)
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++)
out.println(" " + names[i]);
Java review: Data from Strings
 All parameter values are retrieved as Strings
 Frequently these Strings represent numbers, and
you want the numeric value
 int n = new Integer(param).intValue();
 double d = new Double(param).doubleValue();
 byte b = new Byte(param).byteValue();
Similarly for short, float, and long
These can all throw a NumberFormatException, which is a
subclass of RuntimeException
 boolean p = new Boolean(param).booleanValue();
 But:
 char c = param.charAt(0);
What’s left?
 We’ve covered enough so far to write simple servlets,
but not enough to write useful servlets
 We still need to be able to:
Use configuration information
Authenticate users
Keep track of users during a session
Retain information across different sessions
Make sure our servlets are thread safe
Communicate between servlets
 But remember: The most difficult program in any language is
Hello World!
The End

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  • 2. 2 Servers  A server is a computer that responds to requests from a client  Typical requests: provide a web page, upload or download a file, send email  A server is also the software that responds to these requests; a client could be the browser or other software making these requests  Typically, your little computer is the client, and someone else’s big computer is the server  However, any computer can be a server  It is not unusual to have server software and client software running on the same computer
  • 3. 3 Apache  Apache is a very popular server  66% of the web sites on the Internet use Apache  Apache is:  Full-featured and extensible  Efficient  Robust  Secure (at least, more secure than other servers)  Up to date with current standards  Open source  Free  Why use anything else?
  • 4. 4 Ports  A port is a connection between a server and a client  Ports are identified by positive integers  A port is a software notion, not a hardware notion, so there may be very many of them  A service is associated with a specific port  Typical port numbers:  21—FTP, File Transfer Protocol  22—SSH, Secure Shell  25—SMTP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol  53—DNS, Domain Name Service  80—HTTP, Hypertext Transfer Protocol  8080—HTTP (used for testing HTTP)  7648, 7649—CU-SeeMe  27960—Quake III These are the ports of most interest to us
  • 5. 5 Ports II  My UPenn Web page is:  But it is also:  The http: at the beginning signifies a particular protocol (communication language), the Hypertext Transfer Protocol  The :80 specifies a port  By default, the Web server listens to port 80  The Web server could listen to any port it chose  This could lead to problems if the port was in use by some other server  For testing servlets, we typically have the server listen to port 8080  In the second URL above, I explicitly sent my request to port 80  If I had sent it to some other port, say, 99, my request would either go unheard, or would (probably) not be understood
  • 6. 6 CGI Scripts  CGI stands for “Common Gateway Interface” Client sends a request to server Server starts a CGI script Script computes a result for server and quits Another client sends a request client server client script Server starts the CGI script again Etc. script Server returns response to client
  • 7. 7 Servlets  A servlet is like an applet, but on the server side Client sends a request to server Server starts a servlet Servlet computes a result for server and does not quit Another client sends a request client server client servlet Server calls the servlet again Etc. Server returns response to client
  • 8. 8 Servlets vs. CGI scripts  Advantages:  Running a servlet doesn’t require creating a separate process each time  A servlet stays in memory, so it doesn’t have to be reloaded each time  There is only one instance handling multiple requests, not a separate instance for every request  Untrusted servlets can be run in a “sandbox”  Disadvantage:  Less choice of languages (CGI scripts can be in any language)
  • 9. 9 Tomcat  Tomcat is the Servlet Engine than handles servlet requests for Apache  Tomcat is a “helper application” for Apache  It’s best to think of Tomcat as a “servlet container”  Apache can handle many types of web services  Apache can be installed without Tomcat  Tomcat can be installed without Apache  It’s easier to install Tomcat standalone than as part of Apache  By itself, Tomcat can handle web pages, servlets, and JSP  Apache and Tomcat are open source (and therefore free)
  • 10. 10 Servlets  A servlet is any class that implements the javax.servlet.Servlet interface  In practice, most servlets extend the javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet class  Some servlets extend javax.servlet.GenericServlet instead  Servlets, like applets, usually lack a main method, but must implement or override certain other methods
  • 11. 11 Important servlet methods, I  When a servlet is first started up, its init(ServletConfig config) method is called  init should perform any necessary initializations  init is called only once, and does not need to be thread-safe  Every servlet request results in a call to service(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response)  service calls another method depending on the type of service requested  Usually you would override the called methods of interest, not service itself  service handles multiple simultaneous requests, so it and the methods it calls must be thread safe  When the servlet is shut down, destroy() is called  destroy is called only once, but must be thread safe (because other threads may still be running)
  • 12. 12 HTTP requests  When a request is submitted from a Web page, it is almost always a GET or a POST request  The HTTP <form> tag has an attribute action, whose value can be "get" or "post"  The "get" action results in the form information being put after a ? in the URL  Example: 8&q=servlets  The & separates the various parameters  Only a limited amount of information can be sent this way  "put" can send large amounts of information
  • 13. 13 Important servlet methods, II  The service method dispatches the following kinds of requests: DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST, PUT, and TRACE  A GET request is dispatched to the doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) method  A POST request is dispatched to the doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) method  These are the two methods you will usually override  doGet and doPost typically do the same thing, so usually you do the real work in one, and have the other just call it  public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { doPost(request, response); }
  • 14. 14 A “Hello World” servlet (from the Tomcat installation documentation) public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); String docType = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 " + "Transitional//EN">n"; out.println(docType + "<HTML>n" + "<HEAD><TITLE>Hello</TITLE></HEAD>n" + "<BODY BGCOLOR="#FDF5E6">n" + "<H1>Hello World</H1>n" + "</BODY></HTML>"); } } Don’t worry, we’ll take this a little at a time!
  • 15. 15 The superclass  public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet {  Every class must extend GenericServlet or a subclass of GenericServlet  GenericServlet is “protocol independent,” so you could write a servlet to process any protocol  In practice, you almost always want to respond to an HTTP request, so you extend HttpServlet  A subclass of HttpServlet must override at least one method, usually one doGet, doPost, doPut, doDelete, init and destroy, or getServletInfo
  • 16. 16 The doGet method  public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {  This method services a GET request  The method uses request to get the information that was sent to it  The method does not return a value; instead, it uses response to get an I/O stream, and outputs its response  Since the method does I/O, it can throw an IOException  Any other type of exception should be encapsulated as a ServletException  The doPost method works exactly the same way
  • 17. 17 Parameters to doGet  Input is from the HttpServletRequest parameter  Our first example doesn’t get any input, so we’ll discuss this a bit later  Output is via the HttpServletResponse object, which we have named response  I/O in Java is very flexible but also quite complex, so this object acts as an “assistant”
  • 18. 18 Using the HttpServletResponse  The second parameter to doGet (or doPost) is HttpServletResponse response  Everything sent via the Web has a “MIME type”  The first thing we must do with response is set the MIME type of our reply: response.setContentType("text/html");  This tells the client to interpret the page as HTML  Because we will be outputting character data, we need a PrintWriter, handily provided for us by the getWriter method of response: PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();  Now we’re ready to create the actual page to be returned
  • 19. 19 Using the PrintWriter  From here on, it’s just a matter of using our PrintWriter, named out, to produce the Web page  First we create a header string: String docType = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 " + "Transitional//EN">n";  This line is technically required by the HTML spec  Browsers mostly don’t care, but HTML validators do care  Then use the println method of out one or more times out.println(docType + "<HTML>n" + "<HEAD> ... </BODY></HTML>");  And we’re done!
  • 20. 20 Input to a servlet  A GET request supplies parameters in the form URL ? name=value & name=value & name=value  (Illegal spaces added to make it more legible)  Actual spaces in the parameter values are encoded by + signs  Other special characters are encoded in hex; for example, an ampersand is represented by %26  Parameter names can occur more than once, with different values  A POST request supplies parameters in the same syntax, only it is in the “body” section of the request and is therefore harder for the user to see
  • 21. 21 Getting the parameters  Input parameters are retrieved via messages to the HttpServletRequest object request  Most of the interesting methods are inherited from the superinterface ServletRequest  public Enumeration getParameterNames()  Returns an Enumeration of the parameter names  If no parameters, returns an empty Enumeration  public String getParameter(String name)  Returns the value of the parameter name as a String  If the parameter doesn’t exist, returns null  If name has multiple values, only the first is returned  public String[] getParameterValues(name)  Returns an array of values of the parameter name  If the parameter doesn’t exist, returns null
  • 22. 22 Enumeration review  An Enumeration is almost the same as Iterator  It’s an older class, and the names are longer  Example use:  Enumeration e = myVector.elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { System.out.println(e.nextElement()); }
  • 23. 23 Example of input parameters public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { ... stuff omitted ... out.println("<H1>Hello"); String names[] = request.getParameterValues("name"); if (names != null) for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) out.println(" " + names[i]); out.println("!"); }
  • 24. 24 Java review: Data from Strings  All parameter values are retrieved as Strings  Frequently these Strings represent numbers, and you want the numeric value  int n = new Integer(param).intValue();  double d = new Double(param).doubleValue();  byte b = new Byte(param).byteValue();  Similarly for short, float, and long  These can all throw a NumberFormatException, which is a subclass of RuntimeException  boolean p = new Boolean(param).booleanValue();  But:  char c = param.charAt(0);
  • 25. 25 What’s left?  We’ve covered enough so far to write simple servlets, but not enough to write useful servlets  We still need to be able to:  Use configuration information  Authenticate users  Keep track of users during a session  Retain information across different sessions  Make sure our servlets are thread safe  Communicate between servlets  But remember: The most difficult program in any language is Hello World!