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Windows PowerShell An introduction to...
Dale Lane [email_address] IBM Hursley Park
What is Windows PowerShell? How does PowerShell work? How can I 'hack' PowerShell so that  it can be used with my product? Agenda
What is Windows PowerShell?

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DevOps with Ansible
DevOps with AnsibleDevOps with Ansible
DevOps with Ansible

This document provides an overview of DevOps with Swapnil Jain. It introduces Swapnil and his background, then covers an agenda on Ansible including an introduction, use cases, architecture, modules demo, playbook demo, Ansible Tower features, and Tower demo. Ansible is introduced as an open source configuration management and orchestration tool that can automate and standardize remote host configuration. Common use cases include provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, continuous delivery, security and compliance, and orchestration.

Linux command ppt
Linux command pptLinux command ppt
Linux command ppt

Here are the key differences between relative and absolute paths in Linux: - Relative paths specify a location relative to the current working directory, while absolute paths specify a location from the root directory. - Relative paths start from the current directory, denoted by a period (.). Absolute paths always start from the root directory, denoted by a forward slash (/). - Relative paths are dependent on the current working directory and may change if the working directory changes. Absolute paths will always refer to the same location regardless of current working directory. - Examples: - Relative: ./file.txt (current directory) - Absolute: /home/user/file.txt (from root directory) So in summary, relative paths

Introduction to Node.js
Introduction to Node.jsIntroduction to Node.js
Introduction to Node.js

Basics of Node.js and where it is being used currently. Some introductory examples are also included in the presentation to get started.

node.jsserver side javascriptv8
What is Windows PowerShell for?
What is Windows PowerShell for? ADMIN
What is Windows PowerShell for? ADMIN Building GUIs on  top of PowerShell
What is Windows PowerShell for? ADMIN Interactive  command shell

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jQuery for beginners

Slides for presentation C002 | jQuery for beginners in Sumofyou Technologies

Apache Presentation
Apache PresentationApache Presentation
Apache Presentation

This summary provides an overview of the Apache installation and configuration document: 1) Apache Tomcat is an open source software that implements the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies. 2) The document outlines the steps to install Apache on Ubuntu using apt-get. 3) It describes how to configure Apache including directives for access control, authentication, default types, and more.

Ansible presentation
Ansible presentationAnsible presentation
Ansible presentation

This document discusses repetitive system administration tasks and proposes Ansible as a solution. It describes how Ansible works using agentless SSH to automate tasks like software installation, configuration, and maintenance across multiple servers. Key aspects covered include Ansible's inventory, modules, playbooks, templates, variables, roles and Docker integration. Ansible Tower is also introduced as a GUI tool for running Ansible jobs. The document recommends Ansible for anyone doing the same tasks across multiple servers to gain efficiencies over manual processes.

ansible presentation
What is Windows PowerShell for? ADMIN Scripting
What is Windows PowerShell for? ADMIN COM Scripting  for WMI
What is Windows PowerShell for? ADMIN
How does PowerShell  work?

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Bash shell scripting
Bash shell scriptingBash shell scripting
Bash shell scripting

This document discusses shell scripting and provides information on various shells, commands, and scripting basics. It covers: - Common shells like Bourne, C, and Korn shells. The Bourne shell is typically the default and fastest, while the C shell adds features like alias and history. - Basic bash commands like cd, ls, pwd, cp, mv, less, cat, grep, echo, touch, mkdir, chmod, and rm. - The superuser/root user with full privileges and password security best practices. - How login works and the difference between .login and .cshrc initialization files. - Exiting or logging out of shells.

bash shell scripting
Linux Training For Beginners | Linux Administration Tutorial | Introduction T...
Linux Training For Beginners | Linux Administration Tutorial | Introduction T...Linux Training For Beginners | Linux Administration Tutorial | Introduction T...
Linux Training For Beginners | Linux Administration Tutorial | Introduction T...

This Linux training will take you one step closer to becoming a Linux administrator. The most common and important tasks that a Linux admin is responsible for, is covered in this Linux training video. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial: 1) Linux File Permissions 2) ACLs (Access Control Lists) 3) Shell Scripting 4) Patching In Linux 5) Networking In Linux:- a) SSH For Remote Host Access b) SFTP For Remote File Transfer c) SCP For Remote Folder Transfer

edurekalinux courseslinux certification
Shell Script Linux
Shell Script LinuxShell Script Linux
Shell Script Linux

This document discusses the basics of writing shell scripts in Linux. It covers: - Stringing multiple commands together in a shell script by placing them on separate lines. - Creating a script file with the #!/bin/bash line to specify the shell, and adding commands and comments. - Ensuring the script file is executable by using chmod. - Using echo to display messages and strings, including proper use of quotes.

linuxshell script

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Laravel introduction

Laravel, längst kein unbestriebenes Blatt mehr, gewinnt immer mehr an Popularität. In diesem Vortrag wir Laravel kurz vorgestellt mit Themen wie: - Was ist Laravel? - Woher kommt Laravel? - Was bietet Laravel? - Laravel und sein Ecosystem. und einiges mehr...

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PowerShell 101
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PowerShell 101

This document provides an overview of the PowerShell 101 course, which introduces PowerShell's key components and language features. The course covers what PowerShell is, its core components like cmdlets, objects, and the pipeline. It also explores PowerShell's scripting language, including variables, data types, arrays, and hash tables. The goal is to teach attendees enough about PowerShell to begin writing scripts and taking advantage of its capabilities for automating IT tasks.

Red hat ansible automation technical deck
Red hat ansible automation technical deckRed hat ansible automation technical deck
Red hat ansible automation technical deck

Ansible Automation can be used to deliver a high-level introduction of Red Hat Ansible Automation. This deck contains speaker notes and can be used to start discussions with customers. It provides a technical overview but not a deep dive. Follow-on discussions would leverage Red Hat Ansible Automation technical materials.

a verb a noun Get-Process The verbs
The verbs Consistent Learnable Readable

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100+ run commands for windows
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100+ run commands for windows

This document contains a list of over 100 run commands for the Windows operating system. It provides the command name and a brief description for common commands like control panel apps, disk and file management tools, networking tools, and games. The document is dedicated to sharing this information to help users better utilize their Windows system.

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Getting started with Ansible
Getting started with AnsibleGetting started with Ansible
Getting started with Ansible

->Introduction ->>What is Ansible? ->>Ansible history ->Basic concepts ->>Inventory ->>Playbook ->>Role ->>Module ->>Plugin ->Diving into Ansible roles ->>Getting started ->>Create a role ->>Roles under the hood ->>How to use roles?

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ansible why ?ansible why ?
ansible why ?

This document contains information about the sys/net/sec admin Yashar Esmaildokht, including their contact information and websites. It then provides a brief overview of the open-source automation tool Ansible, describing its main features and uses for configuration management, application deployment, and cloud provisioning. Requirements and versions of Ansible are listed. The document concludes with examples of Ansible concepts including playbooks, tasks, modules, variables, and host inventory organization.

Get-Process |  Where { $_.Handles -gt 500 } |  Sort Handles | Format-Table
HELP! Get-Command Get-Help Get-PSDrive Get-Members

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The document provides an introduction to Linux operating system and how it differs from MS-DOS in allowing multiple users to use the system simultaneously. It then describes the process of installing Ubuntu Linux, including inserting the installation CD, selecting language and location, configuring the keyboard, and installing and completing the process. Finally, it lists and describes over 80 common Linux commands.

Introduction to Ansible
Introduction to AnsibleIntroduction to Ansible
Introduction to Ansible

Ansible is an open-source configuration management and provisioning tool, similar to Chef, Puppet or Salt.

Introduction To Windows Power Shell
Introduction To Windows Power ShellIntroduction To Windows Power Shell
Introduction To Windows Power Shell

The document introduces Windows PowerShell, covering its purpose as a command-line tool and scripting language, features and capabilities, command syntax, and use for administration and security. It provides an agenda for a training session that will demonstrate PowerShell basics like using cmdlets and automating tasks, and managing PowerShell security settings.

What command do I need?
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HBaseCon 2012 | HBase Schema Design - Ian Varley, Salesforce
HBaseCon 2012 | HBase Schema Design - Ian Varley, SalesforceHBaseCon 2012 | HBase Schema Design - Ian Varley, Salesforce
HBaseCon 2012 | HBase Schema Design - Ian Varley, Salesforce

Most developers are familiar with the topic of “database design”. In the relational world, normalization is the name of the game. How do things change when you’re working with a scalable, distributed, non-SQL database like HBase? This talk will cover the basics of HBase schema design at a high level and give several common patterns and examples of real-world schemas to solve interesting problems. The storage and data access architecture of HBase (row keys, column families, etc.) will be explained, along with the pros and cons of different schema decisions.

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[DSC x TAAI 2016] 林守德 / 人工智慧與機器學習在推薦系統上的應用
[DSC x TAAI 2016] 林守德 / 人工智慧與機器學習在推薦系統上的應用[DSC x TAAI 2016] 林守德 / 人工智慧與機器學習在推薦系統上的應用
[DSC x TAAI 2016] 林守德 / 人工智慧與機器學習在推薦系統上的應用

本課程特別邀請到臺大資工系林守德教授,利用六小時的課程簡介人工智慧的歷史演進以及其與機器學習的關聯,同時也會介紹在實務上如何訓練好的機器學習模型,及如何應用相��技術建立智慧推薦系統。 本課程由四個部分組成: 1. 人工智慧的演進:人工智慧的歷史脈絡演進,主要的方法與應用。 2. 機器學習簡介:從「廣義」的面相探討機器學習可以達成的目標,並討論建構出一個完善的機器學習系統的要素。 3. 推薦系統的分類與原理:介紹推薦系統的主要分類及背後原理,包括基於內容推薦、協同過濾、關聯性規則推薦、組合推薦等。 4. 協同過濾推薦方法:介紹目前效能最佳的推薦系統:基於矩陣分解的推薦方法與進階應用。

State of Startups 2016
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State of Startups 2016

This is First Round's effort to provide an in-depth snapshot of what founders across the entire tech ecosystem are thinking and doing, what they're excited about and worried about, and how they're seeing the market. We surveyed venture-backed founders from within and beyond the First Round community — and received over 700 responses, volunteering their experience and opinions.

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This paragraph describes the events of the Great Chicago Fire in chronological order, beginning with Daniel Sullivan noticing the flames and ending with the total number of buildings burned after the fire was out. Time clue words like "at around 8:30 pm", "By 9:30 pm", "In another 3 hours", and "It would be another day" indicate a chronological structure.


Originally presented as a Genius Lab at the 2016 ACPA Convention in Montreal, this presentation provides an overview of some basic concepts related to making great presentation slides.

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Cardiac cycle ppt (2)

The cardiac cycle consists of systole and diastole. During systole, the heart contracts and pumps blood out of the ventricles. During diastole, the heart relaxes and fills with blood. The cycle involves coordinated events in the atria and ventricles. It can be analyzed using a Wiggers diagram which plots various cardiac parameters over time, revealing phases like isovolumic contraction, ejection, isovolumic relaxation, and filling. Precisely measuring time intervals within the cycle using Doppler echocardiography provides clinical insights into cardiac function and timing.


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Here is an analysis of variations in a red beetle population across three situations: Situation 1 (Original population): The population consists of mostly red beetles, with a small percentage of black beetles. The red coloration provides better camouflage in their current environment. Situation 2 (Environment change): The environment darkens due to increased vegetation/debris. Now black beetles have better camouflage than red beetles. Over time, the percentage of black beetles in the population will increase relative to red beetles, as black beetles survive and reproduce at a higher rate. Situation 3 (New environment): The environment changes again, this time becoming lighter in color (e.g

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Resources: An introduction for Windows PowerShell scripting and showcasing its capabilities.

LTE Basics
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LTE Basics

This document outlines an agenda for a presentation on LTE basics and advanced topics. The presentation will cover LTE fundamentals including frame structures, reference signals, physical channels, signal processing architecture, and UE categories. It will then discuss advanced LTE topics such as MIMO modes, precoding techniques, CQI reporting, and LTE-Advanced developments. Diagrams and explanations are provided on key aspects of the LTE physical layer such as OFDMA transmission schemes, frame formats, reference signal patterns, and the transmitter and receiver processing chains.

Consistent Get-Process |  Where { $_.Handles -gt 500 } |  Sort Handles | Format-Table

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From videos to infographics, I’m constantly leveraging visual media. Can you guess why? It’s because these visual content pieces are generating more backlinks than any other form of content I publish, which—in the long run—helps increase my search engine rankings and overall readership numbers. So, how do you create these visual masterpieces? Well, this infographic should help you.

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This document provides an overview of fashion, including its history and key concepts. It discusses how fashion originated in Paris and key designers like Chanel who liberated women's styles. Major fashion eras are explored from the 1900s to 2000s, noting styles, silhouettes, and cultural influences of each decade. Key fashion terminology is defined like haute couture, mass market, the four global fashion capitals, and the annual fashion cycle. The repetitive nature of fashion trends over time is also examined.

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Why apache Flink is the 4G of Big Data Analytics Frameworks

This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on Apache Flink. It begins with an introduction to Apache Flink and how it fits into the big data ecosystem. It then explains why Flink is considered the "4th generation" of big data analytics frameworks. Finally, it outlines next steps for those interested in Flink, such as learning more or contributing to the project. The presentation covers topics such as Flink's APIs, libraries, architecture, programming model and integration with other tools.

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The document provides an overview of plant commissioning and start-up procedures. It discusses the commissioning process which includes preparation and planning, mechanical completion and integrity checking, pre-commissioning and operational testing, start-up and initial operation, performance and acceptance testing, and post-commissioning. It then goes into more detail on specific aspects of the commissioning process such as developing start-up procedures, commissioning utilities, pressure testing, cleaning and flushing, and pre-commissioning operational testing.

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Building an Empire with PowerShell
Building an Empire with PowerShellBuilding an Empire with PowerShell
Building an Empire with PowerShell

The document discusses PowerShell Empire, a PowerShell post-exploitation framework that aims to provide a flexible and extensible platform for integrating offensive PowerShell capabilities. It provides an overview of Empire's architecture, including its client-server design with a backend database, listeners for command and control, and modules for additional functionality. The document demonstrates Empire's capabilities through modules for process injection, privilege escalation, credential dumping, and lateral movement. It also discusses considerations for detecting and analyzing Empire agents on compromised systems.

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The document provides guidance for developing a business model canvas over three days at a startup workshop. Day 1 focuses on defining customer segments, validating problems, and sketching initial business model ideas. Day 2 involves further developing the business model canvas, designing surveys and questionnaires, and planning customer acquisition. Day 3 consists of finalizing the business model, preparing a pitch, and presenting to judges for feedback. The overall goal is to create a minimum viable product or prototype to demonstrate the business concept.

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1) The document discusses decision making approaches for tumors of the anterior and lateral skull base. It considers factors such as carotid control, nerve preservation, and minimizing brain retraction. 2) Key skull base surgeons like Kassam, Liu, Sanna, Sekhar, and Dugani provide expertise on various approaches and how the decision making has evolved over time with new techniques. 3) Carotid injury management is a critical topic, discussing options like covered stents, clamping, coiling, and the importance of revascularization when tumor resection jeopardizes the carotid artery.

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Slides from the Top 10 Trends 2014 Europe Tour, hosted in London, September 2014. How will the waves of the future impact your business? Join Roger James Hamilton in upcoming events and entrepreneur accelerators around the world at

Ancient Egypt PowerPoint
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Ancient Egypt PowerPoint

The ancient Egyptians developed a prosperous civilization along the banks of the Nile River. The predictable flooding of the Nile deposited rich silt that made the surrounding land fertile for agriculture. Egyptian society was dependent on the Nile for survival. The river also acted as a natural barrier that protected Egypt from invasion. Egyptian culture reached its peak during the New Kingdom when the country developed a powerful empire through trade and conquest.

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A complete guide to java core edition comprising of 175 slides written in a lucid, simple manner.Useful for students as well as professionals.

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An introduction-to-windows-powershell-1193007253563204-3
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An introduction-to-windows-powershell-1193007253563204-3

This document provides an introduction and overview of Windows PowerShell. It discusses what PowerShell is used for, how PowerShell works using verbs and nouns, and how to interact with and "hack" PowerShell to customize it. The document contains an agenda outlining these topics and includes examples of PowerShell commands and scripts.

Powershell Tech Ed2009
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Powershell Tech Ed2009

This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on Windows PowerShell. It introduces PowerShell concepts like the interactive shell, cmdlets, objects, variables, operators, and scripting best practices. It also demonstrates how to work with different object types like WMI, COM, and .NET objects from within PowerShell scripts. The goal is to familiarize attendees with PowerShell scripting and automation capabilities.

Stopping a process kill -9 `ps -aef  | grep 'notepad'  | grep -v grep  | awk '{print $2}'`
Stopping a process kill -9 `ps -aef  | grep 'notepad'  | grep -v grep  | awk '{print $2}'` Why so complicated?

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fog or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cloud

Learn how to easily get started on cloud computing with fog. If you can control your infrastructure choices, you’ll make better choices in development and get what you need in production. You'll get an overview of fog and concrete examples to give you a head start on your provisioning workflow.

fog or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cloud (OpenStack Edition)
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fog or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cloud (OpenStack Edition)

The document discusses how to use the Fog library to interact with cloud services. Fog allows interacting with multiple cloud providers like AWS, Rackspace, etc in a portable way. It provides models, collections, and methods to manage resources like servers, storage, DNS etc. in an abstracted way across providers. The document demonstrates how to boot a server, install SSH keys, run commands via SSH, and ping a target using the Fog and Ruby APIs in just a few lines of code.

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Punc is a framework for building system administration applications. It allows users to select target hosts, connect to them securely, run modules on them to retrieve information or make changes, and reuse code via a module programming model. Modules run commands and return structured data like scalars, hashes and arrays. Punc uses JSON-RPC over HTTPS to call modules securely on target hosts. It detects operating systems using Pfacter to use the right module for the target system. The framework is open source and development is ongoing to support more modules and features.

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Stopping a process Get-Process notepad  | Stop-Process Why so much easier?

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Windows Server 2008 (PowerShell Scripting Uygulamaları)

This document is a presentation about PowerShell scripting. It includes an agenda that covers topics like what PowerShell is, installation, basics, commands, variables, loops, applications, and the future of PowerShell. It also provides demonstrations of PowerShell concepts like aliases, the pipeline, drivers/registry, WMI applications, operators, loops/flow control, variables, arrays, forms, and file extensions. The presentation aims to introduce attendees to PowerShell and its capabilities.

Rack Middleware
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Rack Middleware

The document discusses Rack, a modular web server interface for Ruby that allows web applications and frameworks to be written as middleware stacks. It covers topics like Rack applications as middleware, common Rack middleware components, building applications with Rack and middleware, and integrating Rack middleware with frameworks like Rails.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cloud - Wesley Beary, Engine Yard
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cloud - Wesley Beary, Engine YardHow I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cloud - Wesley Beary, Engine Yard
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cloud - Wesley Beary, Engine Yard

Wesley Beary: Cloud computing scared the crap out of me - the quirks and nightmares of provisioning computing and storage on AWS, Terremark, Rackspace, etc - until I took the bull by the horns. Let me now show you how I tamed that bull. Learn how to easily get started cloud computing with fog. It gives you the reins within any Ruby application or script. If you can control your infrastructure choices, you can make better choices in development and get what you need in production. You'll get an overview of fog and concrete examples to give you a head start on your own provisioning workflow.

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VPN Access Runbook

1. The runbook grants a user VPN access by making changes to their Active Directory profile after their request is approved. 2. It runs .NET scripts to extract the user's SAM account name and grant VPN access by setting the msnpallowdialin property to true. 3. It then gets information on the user and their manager from Active Directory to notify them by email that VPN access was granted.

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Building a desktop app using HTTP::Engine as a micro web server, SQLite for data storage, and jQuery for the user interface. Comet and asynchronous workers are used to enable real-time features. JSON-RPC and routing are implemented to support AJAX actions. The combination provides a lightweight "desktop app" architecture that is cross-platform.

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## Tools - Frontend Application: [React]( + [Create React App]( - Backend Application - API: [Ruby on Rails]( - Environment: [Docker]( - Infrastructure as Code: [Hashicorp | Terraform ]( - Commands: [#!/bin/bash](

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This document provides summaries of 20 tools, scripts, and utilities for working with WebSphere MQ on UNIX and Windows systems. It begins with some equivalents between UNIX and Windows commands, then describes each tool in 1-2 sentences, including parsing trigger messages from the command line, checking if a queue manager is running, finding queues with message depths above a threshold, stopping all channels on a queue manager, and enhancing MQSC scripts and FTE XML files.

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Cutting Edge Data Processing with PHP & XQuery

The goal of this talk is to explore the gain of functionality and productivity that can be achieved by introducing XQuery into PHP applications.

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Single Page Web Applications with CoffeeScript, Backbone and Jasmine

This document discusses using CoffeeScript, Backbone.js, and Jasmine BDD to build single page web applications. It begins by explaining why CoffeeScript is useful for cleaning up JavaScript code and avoiding errors. It then discusses how Backbone.js provides structure for single page apps by defining models, collections, views and routers. It notes that Backbone works well with CoffeeScript. Finally, it mentions that Jasmine BDD can be used for writing professional tests.

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Distributed training is a complex process that does more harm than good if it not setup correctly. Big Data Spain 2017 November 16th - 17th Kinépolis Madrid

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Data Validation models

This document discusses data validation models and different approaches to validation. It covers syntactic validation to check data type and format, as well as semantic validation to check if data makes sense. Various PHP libraries and frameworks are benchmarked for validation performance. Deferred validation using argument resolvers is recommended to ensure objects are always valid. Domain models should encapsulate semantic validation rules. Validation should occur as early as possible to catch errors quickly.

Future Decoded - Node.js per sviluppatori .NET
Future Decoded - Node.js per sviluppatori .NETFuture Decoded - Node.js per sviluppatori .NET
Future Decoded - Node.js per sviluppatori .NET

"As an asynchronous event driven JavaScript runtime, Node is designed to build scalable network applications" così si presenta Node.js, piattaforma tecnologica che - grazie alla sua immediatezza e produttività - ha conquistato dapprima startup e piccole aziende, fino a ritagliarsi uno spazio importante in realtà come IBM, LinkedIn, Netflix e Yahoo. La stessa Microsoft ha riconosciuto le potenzialità della piattaforma, tanto da integrare Node.js in Visual Studio Code e nelle ultime release di Visual Studio, oltre a basarci alcuni dei propri servizi di Azure come "Mobile Services" e "Functions". In questa sessione vedremo come implementare con Node.js alcuni scenari applicativi comuni nell’ambito dello sviluppo web, analizzando quando la sua adozione può portarci vantaggi nel nostro lavoro quotidiano. In conclusione, faremo una breve panoramica architetturale, descrivendo alcuni scenari di cooperazione tra .NET e Node.js nello stesso sistema. Codice e demo:


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Charla EHU Noviembre 2014 - Desarrollo WebCharla EHU Noviembre 2014 - Desarrollo Web
Charla EHU Noviembre 2014 - Desarrollo Web

Slides from a presentation that David Lopez (@lopezator) and me made for the students of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) where we talk about current technologies and methodologies used in professional web development. CSS3, jQuery, Composer, MVC, Clean Code, Git, etc. are different items we talked about. Some examples shown in the presentation available at:

Itb session v_memcached
Itb session v_memcachedItb session v_memcached
Itb session v_memcached

The document discusses running memcached clusters on Amazon EC2. It covers key concepts like caching, clusters, and infrastructure as a service (AWS). It then provides step-by-step instructions for setting up a memcached cluster on EC2, including creating security groups, launching EC2 instances from AMIs, and configuring the memcached servers and clients. The summary concludes that setting up and running memcached clusters on infrastructure as a service environments like EC2 is straightforward.

Postman On Steroids
Postman On SteroidsPostman On Steroids
Postman On Steroids

Postman is a tool for designing, sharing and testing APIs between a group of collaborators that range from the API developers down to the final clients, be them mobile apps or web apps. This presentation focuses on using Postman's advanced free features, with a special focus on testing. I have linked an example collection which I refer to several times during the presentation. Section 1 - Fundamentals Environments, variables, collections, and workspaces Roles, VCS Section 2 - Scripts & Testing Pre request scripts and tests Scopes Pass data between requests Section 3 - Integrated testing Collection runners: read data from files, workflows Monitors CD/CI integration with Newman Section 4 - More! Documentation Mock server Integrations

-Confirm -Verbose -WhatIf -Debug

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Describing Kafka security in AsyncAPI
Describing Kafka security in AsyncAPIDescribing Kafka security in AsyncAPI
Describing Kafka security in AsyncAPI

This session will quickly show you how to describe the security configuration of your Kafka cluster in an AsyncAPI document. And if you've been given an AsyncAPI document, this session will show you how to use that to configure a Kafka client or application to connect to the cluster, using the details in the AsyncAPI spec.

Our NASA Space Apps Challenge 2019 entry
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Our NASA Space Apps Challenge 2019 entry

The document discusses a test video that teaches children about space debris, including what it is, how big of a problem it poses, the different types and sizes of debris, what countries have produced the most debris, how long debris has been in orbit, scientists' ideas for catching debris, and why it is important to address this problem. The video game depicted uses NASA APIs to base the space debris appearing in the game, as well as the size, location, and direction of debris, on real-time tracking data.

Useful Kafka tools
Useful Kafka toolsUseful Kafka tools
Useful Kafka tools

The document provides instructions on how to install, configure, and use various Kafka tools including kaf, kafkacat, and Node-RED. It shows how to produce messages to and consume messages from Kafka topics using the command line tools kaf and kafkacat. It also demonstrates integrating Kafka with Node-RED by adding Kafka nodes to consume and produce messages.

Get-Process | Export-Csv

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My talk from Kafka Summit London 2019. It's aimed at Kafka users who want to know what the serverless buzz is all about, with an explanation of what it's for, and a quick crash course in how to get started with Apache OpenWhisk. Video at

How to increase the social impact you make
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Speakers notes at Machine Learning for Kids puts IBM’s AI technologies in the hands of children so they can learn about AI by playing, experimenting and making with them. It was created as a volunteer activity, initially for Dale’s own use, but this was incrementally scaled - with a variety of approaches used to enable and encourage use by both IBM locations and schools around the world. This presentation describes some of the lessons learned doing this. It describes how you could increase the impact of the volunteer work that you do and ways to turn something that you do in a single local school into something that can be used around the world.

Introducing Machine Learning to Kids
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Introducing Machine Learning to Kids

The document discusses introducing machine learning to kids. It suggests that machine learning should be introduced to kids because it can help them become inventors, makers, problem solvers and help shape policy. The document also discusses how machine learning can be introduced to kids, but provides no specifics on methods or approaches.

mlaimachine learning

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Introducing machine learning to kids
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Introducing machine learning to kids

Speakers notes at

educationmachine learningml
Small Spaces, Big Ideas - our Space Apps Challenge
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Small Spaces, Big Ideas - our Space Apps Challenge

The document describes a paper design project that integrated Minecraft, Watson Conversation, and NASA Mars APIs to generate structures and integrate data about Mars. Students and others could learn about Mars in an exciting and creative way by building and exploring generated structures in Minecraft and getting facts from Watson Conversation, which was integrated with weather data from NASA's Mars API. The project reused existing tools like Minecraft, Raspberry Jam mod, NodeRED, IBM Bluemix, and APIs to build new ones and allow teleporting around Mars structures while accessing Mars information.


Faith's talk at Barcamp Southampton 2016 She made a chat bot that can answer questions about owls, and used that for most of her presentation. Here are some slides we used to talk about why she chose owls, and how she made the bot.

Using .NET

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The skills implications of Cognitive Computing
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The skills implications of Cognitive Computing

1) Cognitive computing systems learn from interactions with people and data to perform tasks like thinking and making complex decisions with large amounts of information. 2) These systems will change how people interact with technology and require new skills like designing systems that can learn to solve problems and access necessary data. 3) Cognitive computing will be highly disruptive and enable new combinations of human and computer intelligence beyond what either could do alone.

Conversational Internet - Creating a natural language interface for web pages
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Presenting a paper to the 10th International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility (W4A 2013)

Debugging Web Apps on Real Mobile Devices
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This document discusses debugging web apps on mobile devices. It introduces Weinre, an open-source tool that allows debugging of web content on mobile devices via a remote web interface. The document demonstrates Weinre's capabilities such as viewing and editing the DOM, using the console, and logging. It also explains how Weinre works by injecting scripts into the target web page and forwarding debugging output to its server. Alternative debugging tools for different mobile platforms are also mentioned.


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presentation I gave on GaianDB - a dynamic federated distributed database available on IBM alphaWorks The presentation wont make a lot of sense without speaker notes... which I've not written yet. Sorry about that.

Pushing, pulling or leaving the door open
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Pushing, pulling or leaving the door open

A talk about mobile apps that rely on data from the Internet, and some of the decisions and choices facing mobile app developers in writing them SlideShare kinda screws with the speaker's notes, so if you'd like the notes it's probably best to download the presentation file. Overview of the talk is written up at

Push notifications
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Push notifications

A presentation for developers on a way to push data to mobile devices. Speakers notes for the presentation are at

([xml](new-object Net.WebClient) .DownloadString ($bbc_news_rss_url)) | Select title, Desc*, *date  -first 8

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a hack created at Open Hack London 2009 hacked together using: - Yahoo! Blueprint - Yahoo! Fire Eagle - Google App Engine in under a day. see it live at slightly more info at

Monitoring your electricity usage
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Monitoring your electricity usage

Another CurrentCost presentation. Updated to put it in a bit of context, and to reflect some more recent hacking efforts Presented at BarCampLondon6 and BathCamp


The document contains information about electricity usage monitoring with a CurrentCost device. It includes XML output details, instructions for inserting the data into a MySQL database, an example bill, and links to related blogs and projects involving CurrentCost data collection and visualization.

How can I  “ hack” PowerShell?

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This document provides an introduction to developing mobile applications for Windows Mobile. It discusses screen types, development tools like Visual Studio 2005 and emulators, options for native or managed development, extending existing applications, networking APIs, and creating installers for mobile apps.

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WebSphere MQ “ Queue” “ Message” “ Queue  Manager”
a verb a noun Get-Process
a verb product  name object  type Get-ProdObject

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“ Some of the queues used by the sales team are getting a bit full. Can you increase the amount of space in them?”
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Sustainability requires ingenuity and stewardship. Did you know Pigging Solutions pigging systems help you achieve your sustainable manufacturing goals AND provide rapid return on investment. How? Our systems recover over 99% of product in transfer piping. Recovering trapped product from transfer lines that would otherwise become flush-waste, means you can increase batch yields and eliminate flush waste. From raw materials to finished product, if you can pump it, we can pig it.

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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry

Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

cloudcloud native observabilitycloud native
“ Some of the queues used by the sales team are getting a bit full. Can you increase the amount of space in them?”
“ Some of the queues used by the sales team are getting a bit full. Can you increase the amount of space in them?”
Get-Command Get-*WMQ*Queue

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Implementations of Fused Deposition Modeling in real world
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Implementations of Fused Deposition Modeling in real world

The presentation showcases the diverse real-world applications of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) across multiple industries: 1. **Manufacturing**: FDM is utilized in manufacturing for rapid prototyping, creating custom tools and fixtures, and producing functional end-use parts. Companies leverage its cost-effectiveness and flexibility to streamline production processes. 2. **Medical**: In the medical field, FDM is used to create patient-specific anatomical models, surgical guides, and prosthetics. Its ability to produce precise and biocompatible parts supports advancements in personalized healthcare solutions. 3. **Education**: FDM plays a crucial role in education by enabling students to learn about design and engineering through hands-on 3D printing projects. It promotes innovation and practical skill development in STEM disciplines. 4. **Science**: Researchers use FDM to prototype equipment for scientific experiments, build custom laboratory tools, and create models for visualization and testing purposes. It facilitates rapid iteration and customization in scientific endeavors. 5. **Automotive**: Automotive manufacturers employ FDM for prototyping vehicle components, tooling for assembly lines, and customized parts. It speeds up the design validation process and enhances efficiency in automotive engineering. 6. **Consumer Electronics**: FDM is utilized in consumer electronics for designing and prototyping product enclosures, casings, and internal components. It enables rapid iteration and customization to meet evolving consumer demands. 7. **Robotics**: Robotics engineers leverage FDM to prototype robot parts, create lightweight and durable components, and customize robot designs for specific applications. It supports innovation and optimization in robotic systems. 8. **Aerospace**: In aerospace, FDM is used to manufacture lightweight parts, complex geometries, and prototypes of aircraft components. It contributes to cost reduction, faster production cycles, and weight savings in aerospace engineering. 9. **Architecture**: Architects utilize FDM for creating detailed architectural models, prototypes of building components, and intricate designs. It aids in visualizing concepts, testing structural integrity, and communicating design ideas effectively. Each industry example demonstrates how FDM enhances innovation, accelerates product development, and addresses specific challenges through advanced manufacturing capabilities.

fdmffffused deposition modeling
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The DealBook is our annual overview of the Ukrainian tech investment industry. This edition comprehensively covers the full year 2023 and the first deals of 2024.

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This is a powerpoint that features Microsoft Teams Devices and everything that is new including updates to its software and devices for May 2024

microsoft teamsmicrosoft
Where {$_.Name -like “SALES.*”  -and  $_.CurrentDepth -gt  ($_.MaximumDepth - 10)}
Select Name,  CurrentDepth,  MaximumDepth

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Quantum Communications Q&A with Gemini LLM. These are based on Shannon's Noisy channel Theorem and offers how the classical theory applies to the quantum world.

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Coordinate Systems in FME 101 - Webinar Slides
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If you’ve ever had to analyze a map or GPS data, chances are you’ve encountered and even worked with coordinate systems. As historical data continually updates through GPS, understanding coordinate systems is increasingly crucial. However, not everyone knows why they exist or how to effectively use them for data-driven insights. During this webinar, you’ll learn exactly what coordinate systems are and how you can use FME to maintain and transform your data’s coordinate systems in an easy-to-digest way, accurately representing the geographical space that it exists within. During this webinar, you will have the chance to: - Enhance Your Understanding: Gain a clear overview of what coordinate systems are and their value - Learn Practical Applications: Why we need datams and projections, plus units between coordinate systems - Maximize with FME: Understand how FME handles coordinate systems, including a brief summary of the 3 main reprojectors - Custom Coordinate Systems: Learn how to work with FME and coordinate systems beyond what is natively supported - Look Ahead: Gain insights into where FME is headed with coordinate systems in the future Don’t miss the opportunity to improve the value you receive from your coordinate system data, ultimately allowing you to streamline your data analysis and maximize your time. See you there!

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Slide of the tutorial entitled "Paradigm Shifts in User Modeling: A Journey from Historical Foundations to Emerging Trends" held at UMAP'24: 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (July 1, 2024 | Cagliari, Italy)

user modelinguser profilinguser model
ForEach-Object -process  {Set-WMQQueue $_  -MaximumDepth  ($_.MaximumDepth * 2)}
ForEach-Object -process  {Set-WMQQueue $_  -MaximumDepth  ($_.MaximumDepth * 2)}

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Solar Storms (Geo Magnetic Storms) are the motion of accelerated charged particles in the solar environment with high velocities due to the coronal mass ejection (CME).

solar storms
find out more about the role of autonomous vehicles in facing global challenges
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accommodate the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of autonomous vehicles

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Presented at Gartner Data & Analytics, London Maty 2024. BT Group has used the Neo4j Graph Database to enable impressive digital transformation programs over the last 6 years. By re-imagining their operational support systems to adopt self-serve and data lead principles they have substantially reduced the number of applications and complexity of their operations. The result has been a substantial reduction in risk and costs while improving time to value, innovation, and process automation. Join this session to hear their story, the lessons they learned along the way and how their future innovation plans include the exploration of uses of EKG + Generative AI.

neo4jneo4j webinarsgraph database
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This presentation, delivered at the Postgres Bangalore (PGBLR) Meetup-2 on June 29th, 2024, dives deep into connection pooling for PostgreSQL databases. Aakash M, a PostgreSQL Tech Lead at Mydbops, explores the challenges of managing numerous connections and explains how connection pooling optimizes performance and resource utilization. Key Takeaways: * Understand why connection pooling is essential for high-traffic applications * Explore various connection poolers available for PostgreSQL, including pgbouncer * Learn the configuration options and functionalities of pgbouncer * Discover best practices for monitoring and troubleshooting connection pooling setups * Gain insights into real-world use cases and considerations for production environments This presentation is ideal for: * Database administrators (DBAs) * Developers working with PostgreSQL * DevOps engineers * Anyone interested in optimizing PostgreSQL performance Contact for PostgreSQL Managed, Consulting and Remote DBA Services

Where {$_.CreationDateTime  -ge $(Get-Date -month 10 -day 15 -year 2007) -and  $_.CreationDateTime -le $(Get-Date -month 10 -day 20 -year 2007)}
“ Set the maximum depth for all cluster queues that start with a letter between 'D' and 'K'to 20.”
“ Set the maximum depth for all cluster queues that start with a letter between 'D' and 'K'to 20.” Get-WMQQueue * * | Where  {$_.Name -like "[D-K]*" -and $_.ClusterName -ne ''}  | Set-WMQQueue -MaximumDepth 20
“ Set the maximum depth for all cluster queues that start with a letter between 'D' and 'K'to 20.” Get-WMQQueue * * | Where  {$_.Name -like "[D-K]*" -and $_.ClusterName -ne ''}  | Set-WMQQueue -MAXDEPTH 20

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How RPA Help in the Transportation and Logistics Industry.pptx

Revolutionize your transportation processes with our cutting-edge RPA software. Automate repetitive tasks, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency in the logistics sector with our advanced solutions.

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“ Get a list of non-system sender channels, showing the name, connection name, transmission queue, SSL Cipher Spec, and the name of the queue manager it is on.”
“ Get a list of non-system sender channels, showing the name, connection name, transmission queue, SSL Cipher Spec, and the name of the queue manager it is on.” Get-WMQChannel * * | Where {$_.ChannelType -eq [IBM.WMQ.MQC]::MQCHT_SENDER -and $_.Name -match  "^(?!SYSTEM).*"} | Select Name, Conn*Name, Trans*Name, SSLCiph*, @{e={$_.QueueManager.Name};n='Host'}  Name  ConnectionName  TransmissionQueueName  SSLCipherSpec  Host  ----  --------------  ---------------------  -------------  ----  SECURE  TRANS1  NULL_MD5  post  SECURE.R  TRANSR  TRIPLE_DES_SHA_US  test
Export-CSV ConvertTo-HTML

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What can I do with PowerShell? Ad-hoc scripts Production scripts
What can I do with PowerShell? Ad-hoc scripts Production scripts
What can I do with PowerShell? Ad-hoc scripts Production scripts

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What can I do with PowerShell? try stuff out in an interactive shell tie a few things together in utilities build commands up into a script generalize (parameterize, etc.) clean up and productize share!
Ad-hoc function Get-WMQQueue ($qmgr) { # display details of any WMQ errors encountered in this function Trap [IBM.WMQ.MQException] { Write-Error ("WMQ Exception: CC=" + $_.Exception.CompletionCode +    "  RC=" + $_.Exception.ReasonCode) continue } # if we have a connection to a queue manager... if ($qmgr -ne $null) { $qNames = Get-WMQQueueNames($qmgr) foreach ($queuename in $qNames) { $nextQueue = $qmgr.AccessQueue($queuename.Trim(), [IBM.WMQ.MQC]::MQOO_INQUIRE) Write-Output $nextQueue } } else { Write-Host "No queue manager connection" } }
Ad-hoc function Get-WMQQueue ($qmgr) { # display details of any WMQ errors encountered in this function Trap [IBM.WMQ.MQException] { Write-Error ("WMQ Exception: CC=" + $_.Exception.CompletionCode +    "  RC=" + $_.Exception.ReasonCode) continue } # if we have a connection to a queue manager... if ($qmgr -ne $null) { $qNames = Get-WMQQueueNames($qmgr) foreach ($queuename in $qNames) { $nextQueue = $qmgr.AccessQueue($queuename.Trim(), [IBM.WMQ.MQC]::MQOO_INQUIRE) Write-Output $nextQueue } } else { Write-Host "No queue manager connection" } }
Ad-hoc function Get-WMQQueue ($qmgr) { # display details of any WMQ errors encountered in this function Trap [IBM.WMQ.MQException] { Write-Error ("WMQ Exception: CC=" + $_.Exception.CompletionCode +    "  RC=" + $_.Exception.ReasonCode) continue } # if we have a connection to a queue manager... if ($qmgr -ne $null) { $qNames = Get-WMQQueueNames($qmgr) foreach ($queuename in $qNames) { $nextQueue = $qmgr.AccessQueue($queuename.Trim(), [IBM.WMQ.MQC]::MQOO_INQUIRE) Write-Output $nextQueue } } else { Write-Host "No queue manager connection" } }

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Ad-hoc function Get-WMQQueue ($qmgr) { # display details of any WMQ errors encountered in this function Trap [IBM.WMQ.MQException] { Write-Error ("WMQ Exception: CC=" + $_.Exception.CompletionCode +    "  RC=" + $_.Exception.ReasonCode) continue } # if we have a connection to a queue manager... if ($qmgr -ne $null) { $qNames = Get-WMQQueueNames($qmgr) foreach ($queuename in $qNames) { $nextQueue = $qmgr.AccessQueue($queuename.Trim(), [IBM.WMQ.MQC]::MQOO_INQUIRE) Write-Output $nextQueue } } else { Write-Host "No queue manager connection" } }
Ad-hoc function Get-WMQQueueManager($name, $hostname, $port, $svrconn) { # display details of any WMQ errors encountered in this function Trap [IBM.WMQ.MQException] { Write-Error ("WMQ Exception: CC=" + $_.Exception.CompletionCode +    " RC=" + $_.Exception.ReasonCode) continue } # hashtable to describe the connection to the queue manager $connProperties = New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable if (($hostname -eq $null) -and ($port -eq $null) -and ($svrconn -eq $null)) { # user has not provided any information for a client connection #  so we default to a local bindings connection type  $connProperties.Add([string][IBM.WMQ.MQC]::TRANSPORT_PROPERTY, [string][IBM.WMQ.MQC]::TRANSPORT_MQSERIES_BINDINGS) }
Ad-hoc else { # user has provided some information for a client connection # # a future version of this should provide support for other #  connection types (e.g. managed or XA client) but for #  my initial purposes, bindings and client connections are #  sufficient $connProperties.Add([string][IBM.WMQ.MQC]::TRANSPORT_PROPERTY, [string][IBM.WMQ.MQC]::TRANSPORT_MQSERIES_CLIENT) if ($hostname -ne $null) { $connProperties.Add([string][IBM.WMQ.MQC]::HOST_NAME_PROPERTY, $hostname) }
Ad-hoc if ($svrconn -ne $null) { $connProperties.Add([string][IBM.WMQ.MQC]::CHANNEL_PROPERTY, $svrconn) } else { # use a sensible default #  this wont be to everyone's tastes, but will often be #  right for me, and will save me a lot of typing! $connProperties.Add([string][IBM.WMQ.MQC]::CHANNEL_PROPERTY, "SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN") }

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Ad-hoc if ($port -ne $null) { $connProperties.Add([string][IBM.WMQ.MQC]::PORT_PROPERTY, $port) } else { # use a sensible default #  this wont be to everyone's tastes, but will often be #  right for me, and will save me a lot of typing! $connProperties.Add([string][IBM.WMQ.MQC]::PORT_PROPERTY, "1414") } } return New-Object IBM.WMQ.MQQueueManager($name, $connProperties) }
Ad-hoc function Get-WMQQueueNames($qmgr) { # display details of any WMQ errors encountered in this function Trap [IBM.WMQ.MQException] { Write-Error ("WMQ Exception: CC=" + $_.Exception.CompletionCode +    " RC=" + $_.Exception.ReasonCode) continue } # if we have a connection to a queue manager... if ($qmgr -ne $null) { # using PCF to access a list of queue names # # this is sort of cheating - this is an undocumented, unsupported # API, and I wrote this using tab-complete to identify what # seems like sensible method names # # please do *not* take this as any sort of IBM recommendation # or endorsement to use PCF in C# # [IBM.WMQ.PCF.PCFMessageAgent]$agent =  New-Object IBM.WMQ.PCF.PCFMessageAgent $agent.Connect($qmgr)
Ad-hoc [IBM.WMQ.PCF.PCFMessage]$request =  New-Object IBM.WMQ.PCF.PCFMessage([IBM.WMQ.MQC]::MQCMD_INQUIRE_Q_NAMES) $request.AddParameter([IBM.WMQ.MQC]::MQCA_Q_NAME,   "*") $request.AddParameter([IBM.WMQ.MQC]::MQIA_Q_TYPE,   [IBM.WMQ.MQC]::MQQT_LOCAL)   [IBM.WMQ.PCF.PCFMessage[]]$responses = $agent.Send($request, $TRUE) [IBM.WMQ.PCF.PCFParameter[]]$pcfParms = $responses[0].GetParameters() $queueNames = $pcfParms[0].GetValue() # we don't want to display temporary queues # (such as that which will have been created by the PCF command!) # so we filter the response array before returning it return $queueNames | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_ -notlike "AMQ.*"} } else { Write-Host "No queue manager" } }

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Production #region GetProcCommand /// <summary> /// This class implements a Get-Proc cmdlet that has no parameters. /// </summary> [Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Get, &quot;Proc&quot;)] public class GetProcCommand : Cmdlet  { #region Cmdlet Overrides /// <summary> /// For each of the requested process names, retrieve and write /// the associated processes. /// </summary> protected override void ProcessRecord() { // Get the current processes Process[] processes = Process.GetProcesses(); // Write the processes to the pipeline making them available to the // next cmdlet. The second parameter tells PowerShell to enumerate the // array, and send one process at a time to the pipeline WriteObject(processes, true); } #endregion Overrides } #endregion GetProcCommand

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An Introduction to Windows PowerShell

  • 1. Windows PowerShell An introduction to...
  • 2. Dale Lane [email_address] IBM Hursley Park
  • 3. What is Windows PowerShell? How does PowerShell work? How can I 'hack' PowerShell so that it can be used with my product? Agenda
  • 4. What is Windows PowerShell?
  • 5. What is Windows PowerShell for?
  • 6. What is Windows PowerShell for? ADMIN
  • 7. What is Windows PowerShell for? ADMIN Building GUIs on top of PowerShell
  • 8. What is Windows PowerShell for? ADMIN Interactive command shell
  • 9. What is Windows PowerShell for? ADMIN Scripting
  • 10. What is Windows PowerShell for? ADMIN COM Scripting for WMI
  • 11. What is Windows PowerShell for? ADMIN
  • 13.  
  • 14.  
  • 17. a verb a noun Get-Process
  • 19. The verbs Consistent Learnable Readable
  • 20.  
  • 21. Get-Process | Where { $_.Handles -gt 500 } | Sort Handles | Format-Table
  • 22. HELP!
  • 23. HELP! Get-Command Get-Help Get-PSDrive Get-Members
  • 24.  
  • 25. What command do I need?
  • 26.  
  • 27. How does it work?
  • 28. How does it work?
  • 29. How does it work?
  • 30. How does it work?
  • 31. How does it work?
  • 32.  
  • 33.  
  • 34.  
  • 35.  
  • 36.  
  • 37.  
  • 38.  
  • 39. Consistent Get-Process | Where { $_.Handles -gt 500 } | Sort Handles | Format-Table
  • 40.  
  • 41. What data stores are available?
  • 42.  
  • 44.  
  • 46.  
  • 48.  
  • 51.  
  • 53.  
  • 54.  
  • 55. Stopping a process kill -9 `ps -aef | grep 'notepad' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`
  • 56. Stopping a process kill -9 `ps -aef | grep 'notepad' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'` Why so complicated?
  • 57. Stopping a process Get-Process notepad | Stop-Process
  • 58. Stopping a process Get-Process notepad | Stop-Process Why so much easier?
  • 59.  
  • 60.  
  • 61.  
  • 62.  
  • 63.  
  • 64.  
  • 65.  
  • 66.  
  • 67.  
  • 68. Select Where Sort Compare
  • 69.  
  • 70.  
  • 71.  
  • 72.  
  • 73.  
  • 74.  
  • 75.  
  • 76.  
  • 78.  
  • 79.  
  • 80.  
  • 81.  
  • 83.  
  • 84.  
  • 85.  
  • 86.  
  • 87.  
  • 88.  
  • 90.  
  • 91.  
  • 92.  
  • 93.  
  • 94.  
  • 95.  
  • 96.  
  • 97.  
  • 98.  
  • 99. ([xml](new-object Net.WebClient) .DownloadString ($bbc_news_rss_url)) | Select title, Desc*, *date -first 8
  • 100.  
  • 101.  
  • 102.  
  • 103. How can I “ hack” PowerShell?
  • 104. Why?
  • 105. WebSphere MQ “ Queue” “ Message” “ Queue Manager”
  • 106.  
  • 107. a verb a noun Get-Process
  • 108. a verb product name object type Get-ProdObject
  • 109.  
  • 110.  
  • 111. “ Some of the queues used by the sales team are getting a bit full. Can you increase the amount of space in them?”
  • 112. “ Some of the queues used by the sales team are getting a bit full. Can you increase the amount of space in them?”
  • 113. “ Some of the queues used by the sales team are getting a bit full. Can you increase the amount of space in them?”
  • 114. “ Some of the queues used by the sales team are getting a bit full. Can you increase the amount of space in them?”
  • 115.  
  • 118. Where {$_.Name -like “SALES.*” -and $_.CurrentDepth -gt ($_.MaximumDepth - 10)}
  • 119. Select Name, CurrentDepth, MaximumDepth
  • 120.  
  • 121.  
  • 122. ForEach-Object -process {Set-WMQQueue $_ -MaximumDepth ($_.MaximumDepth * 2)}
  • 123. ForEach-Object -process {Set-WMQQueue $_ -MaximumDepth ($_.MaximumDepth * 2)}
  • 124.  
  • 125.  
  • 127.  
  • 128.  
  • 129. Where {$_.CreationDateTime -ge $(Get-Date -month 10 -day 15 -year 2007) -and $_.CreationDateTime -le $(Get-Date -month 10 -day 20 -year 2007)}
  • 130. “ Set the maximum depth for all cluster queues that start with a letter between 'D' and 'K'to 20.”
  • 131. “ Set the maximum depth for all cluster queues that start with a letter between 'D' and 'K'to 20.” Get-WMQQueue * * | Where {$_.Name -like &quot;[D-K]*&quot; -and $_.ClusterName -ne ''} | Set-WMQQueue -MaximumDepth 20
  • 132. “ Set the maximum depth for all cluster queues that start with a letter between 'D' and 'K'to 20.” Get-WMQQueue * * | Where {$_.Name -like &quot;[D-K]*&quot; -and $_.ClusterName -ne ''} | Set-WMQQueue -MAXDEPTH 20
  • 133. “ Get a list of non-system sender channels, showing the name, connection name, transmission queue, SSL Cipher Spec, and the name of the queue manager it is on.”
  • 134. “ Get a list of non-system sender channels, showing the name, connection name, transmission queue, SSL Cipher Spec, and the name of the queue manager it is on.” Get-WMQChannel * * | Where {$_.ChannelType -eq [IBM.WMQ.MQC]::MQCHT_SENDER -and $_.Name -match &quot;^(?!SYSTEM).*&quot;} | Select Name, Conn*Name, Trans*Name, SSLCiph*, @{e={$_.QueueManager.Name};n='Host'} Name ConnectionName TransmissionQueueName SSLCipherSpec Host ---- -------------- --------------------- ------------- ---- SECURE TRANS1 NULL_MD5 post SECURE.R TRANSR TRIPLE_DES_SHA_US test
  • 136. How?
  • 137.  
  • 138. What can I do with PowerShell? Ad-hoc scripts Production scripts
  • 139. What can I do with PowerShell? Ad-hoc scripts Production scripts
  • 140. What can I do with PowerShell? Ad-hoc scripts Production scripts
  • 141. What can I do with PowerShell? try stuff out in an interactive shell tie a few things together in utilities build commands up into a script generalize (parameterize, etc.) clean up and productize share!
  • 142. Ad-hoc function Get-WMQQueue ($qmgr) { # display details of any WMQ errors encountered in this function Trap [IBM.WMQ.MQException] { Write-Error (&quot;WMQ Exception: CC=&quot; + $_.Exception.CompletionCode + &quot; RC=&quot; + $_.Exception.ReasonCode) continue } # if we have a connection to a queue manager... if ($qmgr -ne $null) { $qNames = Get-WMQQueueNames($qmgr) foreach ($queuename in $qNames) { $nextQueue = $qmgr.AccessQueue($queuename.Trim(), [IBM.WMQ.MQC]::MQOO_INQUIRE) Write-Output $nextQueue } } else { Write-Host &quot;No queue manager connection&quot; } }
  • 143. Ad-hoc function Get-WMQQueue ($qmgr) { # display details of any WMQ errors encountered in this function Trap [IBM.WMQ.MQException] { Write-Error (&quot;WMQ Exception: CC=&quot; + $_.Exception.CompletionCode + &quot; RC=&quot; + $_.Exception.ReasonCode) continue } # if we have a connection to a queue manager... if ($qmgr -ne $null) { $qNames = Get-WMQQueueNames($qmgr) foreach ($queuename in $qNames) { $nextQueue = $qmgr.AccessQueue($queuename.Trim(), [IBM.WMQ.MQC]::MQOO_INQUIRE) Write-Output $nextQueue } } else { Write-Host &quot;No queue manager connection&quot; } }
  • 144. Ad-hoc function Get-WMQQueue ($qmgr) { # display details of any WMQ errors encountered in this function Trap [IBM.WMQ.MQException] { Write-Error (&quot;WMQ Exception: CC=&quot; + $_.Exception.CompletionCode + &quot; RC=&quot; + $_.Exception.ReasonCode) continue } # if we have a connection to a queue manager... if ($qmgr -ne $null) { $qNames = Get-WMQQueueNames($qmgr) foreach ($queuename in $qNames) { $nextQueue = $qmgr.AccessQueue($queuename.Trim(), [IBM.WMQ.MQC]::MQOO_INQUIRE) Write-Output $nextQueue } } else { Write-Host &quot;No queue manager connection&quot; } }
  • 145. Ad-hoc function Get-WMQQueue ($qmgr) { # display details of any WMQ errors encountered in this function Trap [IBM.WMQ.MQException] { Write-Error (&quot;WMQ Exception: CC=&quot; + $_.Exception.CompletionCode + &quot; RC=&quot; + $_.Exception.ReasonCode) continue } # if we have a connection to a queue manager... if ($qmgr -ne $null) { $qNames = Get-WMQQueueNames($qmgr) foreach ($queuename in $qNames) { $nextQueue = $qmgr.AccessQueue($queuename.Trim(), [IBM.WMQ.MQC]::MQOO_INQUIRE) Write-Output $nextQueue } } else { Write-Host &quot;No queue manager connection&quot; } }
  • 146. Ad-hoc function Get-WMQQueueManager($name, $hostname, $port, $svrconn) { # display details of any WMQ errors encountered in this function Trap [IBM.WMQ.MQException] { Write-Error (&quot;WMQ Exception: CC=&quot; + $_.Exception.CompletionCode + &quot; RC=&quot; + $_.Exception.ReasonCode) continue } # hashtable to describe the connection to the queue manager $connProperties = New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable if (($hostname -eq $null) -and ($port -eq $null) -and ($svrconn -eq $null)) { # user has not provided any information for a client connection # so we default to a local bindings connection type $connProperties.Add([string][IBM.WMQ.MQC]::TRANSPORT_PROPERTY, [string][IBM.WMQ.MQC]::TRANSPORT_MQSERIES_BINDINGS) }
  • 147. Ad-hoc else { # user has provided some information for a client connection # # a future version of this should provide support for other # connection types (e.g. managed or XA client) but for # my initial purposes, bindings and client connections are # sufficient $connProperties.Add([string][IBM.WMQ.MQC]::TRANSPORT_PROPERTY, [string][IBM.WMQ.MQC]::TRANSPORT_MQSERIES_CLIENT) if ($hostname -ne $null) { $connProperties.Add([string][IBM.WMQ.MQC]::HOST_NAME_PROPERTY, $hostname) }
  • 148. Ad-hoc if ($svrconn -ne $null) { $connProperties.Add([string][IBM.WMQ.MQC]::CHANNEL_PROPERTY, $svrconn) } else { # use a sensible default # this wont be to everyone's tastes, but will often be # right for me, and will save me a lot of typing! $connProperties.Add([string][IBM.WMQ.MQC]::CHANNEL_PROPERTY, &quot;SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN&quot;) }
  • 149. Ad-hoc if ($port -ne $null) { $connProperties.Add([string][IBM.WMQ.MQC]::PORT_PROPERTY, $port) } else { # use a sensible default # this wont be to everyone's tastes, but will often be # right for me, and will save me a lot of typing! $connProperties.Add([string][IBM.WMQ.MQC]::PORT_PROPERTY, &quot;1414&quot;) } } return New-Object IBM.WMQ.MQQueueManager($name, $connProperties) }
  • 150. Ad-hoc function Get-WMQQueueNames($qmgr) { # display details of any WMQ errors encountered in this function Trap [IBM.WMQ.MQException] { Write-Error (&quot;WMQ Exception: CC=&quot; + $_.Exception.CompletionCode + &quot; RC=&quot; + $_.Exception.ReasonCode) continue } # if we have a connection to a queue manager... if ($qmgr -ne $null) { # using PCF to access a list of queue names # # this is sort of cheating - this is an undocumented, unsupported # API, and I wrote this using tab-complete to identify what # seems like sensible method names # # please do *not* take this as any sort of IBM recommendation # or endorsement to use PCF in C# # [IBM.WMQ.PCF.PCFMessageAgent]$agent = New-Object IBM.WMQ.PCF.PCFMessageAgent $agent.Connect($qmgr)
  • 151. Ad-hoc [IBM.WMQ.PCF.PCFMessage]$request = New-Object IBM.WMQ.PCF.PCFMessage([IBM.WMQ.MQC]::MQCMD_INQUIRE_Q_NAMES) $request.AddParameter([IBM.WMQ.MQC]::MQCA_Q_NAME, &quot;*&quot;) $request.AddParameter([IBM.WMQ.MQC]::MQIA_Q_TYPE, [IBM.WMQ.MQC]::MQQT_LOCAL) [IBM.WMQ.PCF.PCFMessage[]]$responses = $agent.Send($request, $TRUE) [IBM.WMQ.PCF.PCFParameter[]]$pcfParms = $responses[0].GetParameters() $queueNames = $pcfParms[0].GetValue() # we don't want to display temporary queues # (such as that which will have been created by the PCF command!) # so we filter the response array before returning it return $queueNames | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_ -notlike &quot;AMQ.*&quot;} } else { Write-Host &quot;No queue manager&quot; } }
  • 152. Ad-hoc
  • 154. Production “ How to Create a Windows PowerShell Cmdlet” walkthrough
  • 155. Production “ How to Create a Windows PowerShell Cmdlet” walkthrough “ PowerShell Cmdlet guidelines”
  • 156. Production #region GetProcCommand /// <summary> /// This class implements a Get-Proc cmdlet that has no parameters. /// </summary> [Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Get, &quot;Proc&quot;)] public class GetProcCommand : Cmdlet { #region Cmdlet Overrides /// <summary> /// For each of the requested process names, retrieve and write /// the associated processes. /// </summary> protected override void ProcessRecord() { // Get the current processes Process[] processes = Process.GetProcesses(); // Write the processes to the pipeline making them available to the // next cmdlet. The second parameter tells PowerShell to enumerate the // array, and send one process at a time to the pipeline WriteObject(processes, true); } #endregion Overrides } #endregion GetProcCommand
  • 160. What can I do with PowerShell? try stuff out in an interactive shell tie a few things together in utilities build commands up into a script generalize (parameterize, etc.) clean up and productize share!
  • 161.  
  • 162.  
  • 163. Extending function --> scripts and Cmdlets Extending data stores --> providers Extending PowerShell
  • 164.  
  • 165. What is Windows PowerShell? How does PowerShell work? How can I hack PowerShell so that it can be used with my product? Recap
  • 166. Dale Lane [email_address] IBM Hursley Park Windows PowerShell An introduction to...