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Selenium Sandwich Part 3: What you aren't
Steven Lembark
Workhorse Computing
What is a Selenium Sandwich?
No really...
What is a Selenium Sandwich?
Last time we saw how to combine Selenium and Plack.
Selenium calls a page.
Plack returns a specific response.
Catch: You can' get there from here.
What is a Selenium Sandwich?
Last time we saw how to combine Selenium and Plack.
Selenium calls a page.
Plack returns a specific response.
Catch: You can' get there from here.
Or you can, which is the problem.

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Implementing Comet using PHP
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This talk was given at the Dutch PHP Conference 2011 and details the use of Comet (aka reverse ajax or ajax push) technologies and the importance of websockets and server-sent events. More information is available at

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Ansible for beginners ...?
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Ansible for beginners...? This presentation shows Ansible can not only Provisioning but also orchestration like capistrano or fabric. Module is super easy to create by not only Python like shell, Ruby and so on.

Shared Object images in Docker: What you need is what you want.
Shared Object images in Docker: What you need is what you want.Shared Object images in Docker: What you need is what you want.
Shared Object images in Docker: What you need is what you want.

Docker images require appropriate shared object files (".so") to run. Rather than assume Ubuntu has the correct lib's, use ldd to get a list and install the ones you know you need. This can reduce the underlying images from GB to a few MB.

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Getting to the server
Q: How do we get a specific page loaded?
Say a Google map, Yelp search, or *aaS dashboard?
A: Load the page from a server?
Getting to the server
Q: How do we get a specific page loaded?
Say a Google map, Yelp search, or *aaS dashboard?
A: Load the page from a server?
What about our static content?
Locally sourced
You want to test a Google page.
Save it locally?
Only if you want to save all of it.
Trucked in
Q: How many URL's does it take to screw in a...

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Beyond Breakpoints: A Tour of Dynamic Analysis
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Despite advances in software design and static analysis techniques, software remains incredibly complicated and difficult to reason about. Understanding highly-concurrent, kernel-level, and intentionally-obfuscated programs are among the problem domains that spawned the field of dynamic program analysis. More than mere debuggers, the challenge of dynamic analysis tools is to be able record, analyze, and replay execution without sacrificing performance. This talk will provide an introduction to the dynamic analysis research space and hopefully inspire you to consider integrating these techniques into your own internal tools.

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Learn REST API with Python
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Learn REST API with Python

This document outlines exercises for learning REST APIs with Python in 90 minutes. It introduces REST APIs and JSON format and how to make GET and POST requests using curl, requests module, and Python scripts. Exercises include making GET requests to retrieve headers and JSON data, handling HTTPS and basic authentication, and posting data to create a GitHub gist. The homework is to implement full CRUD operations for gists API, use OAuth for GitHub authentication, and get Jenkins job details in Python scripts.

pythonrequestsrest api
Trucked in
Q: How many URL's does it take to make a Google page?
A: Lots.
Banners, logos, JS lib's, Java lib's, ads...
Trucked in
Q: How many URL's does it take to make a Google page?
A: Lots.
Banners, logos, JS lib's, Java lib's, ads...
Many are dynamic: they cannot be saved.
Werefore art thou?
Many URL's are relative.
They re-cycle the schema+host+port.
Relative paths
Many URL's are relative.
They re-cycle the schema+host+port:
http://localhost:24680/<everything else>

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Going crazy with Varnish and Symfony
Going crazy with Varnish and SymfonyGoing crazy with Varnish and Symfony
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You know how HTTP caching works but need more? In this talk we look into ways to cache personalized content. We will look at Edge Side Includes (ESI) to tailor caching rules of fragments, and at the user context concept to differentiate caches not by individual user but by permission groups.

Plack at YAPC::NA 2010
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Plack at YAPC::NA 2010

Plack is a superglue for Perl web frameworks that provides a common interface called PSGI (Perl Web Server Gateway Interface) inspired by WSGI and Rack. PSGI allows any web application or framework to run on any web server by providing a standard way for applications to communicate with servers. Plack also includes tools like Plackup for running PSGI applications from the command line and middleware for common functionality that can be shared across frameworks. Many existing Perl web frameworks have been adapted to run under PSGI through Plack.

plack psgi yapcna2010 yapc perl
Real Time Event Dispatcher
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Pushing symfony events in real time to your clients This talk, held at the symfony live Paris unconference, gives an overview about how events thrown in symfony can be dispatched in real time to web clients. It describes the architecture of the solution and provides examples using the open source comet server APE

Relative paths
Need to ask locally for a remote page.
With the browser having no idea where it came from.
In other words: We need a proxy.
HTTP Proxying
Normally for security or content filtering.
Or avoiding security and content filtering.
Explicit proxy
Configure browser.
It asks the proxy for everything.
Proxy pulls content, returns it.
Proxy decides which content goes to test server.
Run as a daemon.
User filters.
LWP as back-end for fetching.
Slow but reliable...

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Testing http calls with Webmock and VCR

Webmock and VCR are tools for stubbing and recording HTTP requests in tests. Webmock allows fine-grained control over stubbing but requires the remote server, while VCR records and replays requests without the server through cassettes. The document provides information on setting up and using both tools to stub or record HTTP requests in different testing frameworks for reliable and isolated tests.

Puppet and the HashiStack
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Puppet is an open source configuration management tool that can be used to automate the configuration and management of infrastructure and applications. It uses a client-server architecture and declarative language to define and enforce the desired state of systems. Other HashiCorp tools like Packer, Terraform, Vault and Nomad can integrate with Puppet for tasks like infrastructure provisioning, secrets management and workload orchestration. Bolt is a task orchestration tool from Puppet that can be used to automate operational tasks across infrastructure defined by tools like Terraform. Consul provides service discovery and configuration for the Puppet infrastructure.

Building Scalable Websites with Perl
Building Scalable Websites with PerlBuilding Scalable Websites with Perl
Building Scalable Websites with Perl

This document discusses techniques for building scalable websites with Perl, including: 1) Caching at various levels (page, partial page, and database caching) to improve performance and reduce load on application servers. 2) Using job queuing and worker processes to distribute processing-intensive tasks asynchronously instead of blocking web requests. 3) Leveraging caching and queueing libraries like Cache::FastMmap, Memcached, and Spread::Queue to implement caching and job queueing in Perl applications.

Basic proxy setup
Grab a port...
and go!
use HTTP::Proxy;
my $proxy = HTTP::Proxy->new( port => 24680 );
# or...
my $proxy = HTTP::Proxy->new;
$proxy->port( 24680 );
# loop forever
Initializing HTTP::Proxy
Base class
Derived class
provides its
own “init”.
package Mine;
use parent qw( HTTP::Proxy );
my $src_dir = '';
sub init
# @args == whatever was passed to new
# in this case a path.
my ( undef, %argz ) = @_;
$src_dir = $argz{ src_dir } || '.'
or die 'Missing “work_dir” in MyPath';
Adding filters
HTTP::Proxy supports request and response filters.
Requests modify outgoing content.
Response filters hack what comes back.
Our trick is to only filter some of it.
Four ways to filter content
request-headers request-body
response-headers response-body
Filters go onto a stack:
response => $filter # or request => ...

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DevOps(3) : Ansible - (MOSG)

Ansible is an IT automation tool that can provision and configure servers. It works by defining playbooks that contain tasks to be run on target servers. Playbooks use YAML format and modules to automate configuration changes. Vagrant and Ansible can be integrated so that Ansible playbooks are run as part of the Vagrant provisioning process to automate server setup. The document provides an introduction and examples of using Ansible playbooks with Vagrant virtual machines to install and configure the Apache HTTP server.

mulodo open study groupdevopsansible
Nodejs Explained with Examples
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Nodejs Explained with Examples

The document discusses Node.js and asynchronous I/O. It explains that Node.js is an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime that uses a single-threaded model with non-blocking I/O to handle high volumes of simultaneous connections efficiently. It also discusses how Node.js handles asynchronous operations using an event loop and callback functions instead of blocking operations.


The document discusses practical web scraping using the Web::Scraper module in Perl. It provides an example of scraping the current UTC time from a website using regular expressions, then refactors it to use Web::Scraper for a more robust and maintainable approach. Key advantages of Web::Scraper include using CSS selectors and XPath to be less fragile, and proper handling of HTML encoding.

Massage your body
package MyFilter;
use base qw( HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter );
sub filter
# modify content in the reply
( $self, $dataref, $message, $protocol, $buffer )
= @_;
$$dataref =~ s/PERL/Perl/g;
Fix your head
package MyFilter;
use base qw( HTTP::Proxy::HeaderFilter );
# change User-Agent header in all requests
sub filter
my ( $self, $headers, $message ) = @_;
( User_Agent => 'MyFilter/1.0' );
Have to hack the request
Or pass through to remote server.
Timing is everything
Modifying the response is too late.
That leaves the request or agent.

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Node.js - A Quick Tour
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Node.js is an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime that aims to provide an easy way to build scalable network programs. It uses an event loop model that keeps slow operations from blocking other operations by executing callbacks asynchronously. This allows Node.js programs to handle multiple connections concurrently without creating new threads. Common uses of Node.js include building web servers, real-time applications, crawlers, and process monitoring tools. The document provides examples of using modules like HTTP, TCP, DNS, and file system modules to demonstrate Node.js's asynchronous and non-blocking I/O model.

Integrating icinga2 and the HashiCorp suite
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Integrating icinga2 and the HashiCorp suite

This document discusses integrating various HashiCorp tools like Packer, Vagrant, Terraform, Consul, and Vault with Icinga monitoring. Packer is used to build machine images while Vagrant provisions virtual machines. Terraform models infrastructure as code and can integrate with Icinga to provision hosts, checks, and notifications. Consul provides service discovery and can trigger Icinga config deployment. Vault manages secrets and certificates that could be used for authentication in Icinga. The presenter demonstrates using these tools together for infrastructure as code and monitoring workflows.

Getting testy with Perl
Getting testy with PerlGetting testy with Perl
Getting testy with Perl

Short introduction to the basics of Perl testing and some resources for further reading. Includes basics of Test::Simple, Test::More, using Inline for multi-language testing, testing coverage, testing tests.

Timing is everything
Modifying the response is too late.
That leaves the request or agent.
Request can easily modify headers or body.
Not the request.
Timing is everything
Modifying the response is too late.
That leaves the request or agent.
Request can easily modify headers or body.
Not the request.
That leaves the agent.
Secret Agents
Choice is a new HTTP::Proxy class (is-a).
Or replacing the agent (has-a).
For now let's try the agent.
Wrapping LWP::UserAgent
Anything LWP does, we check first.
Any path we know goes to test.
Any we don't goes to LWP.

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Memory unmanglement
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Memory unmanglement

The document provides tips for reducing memory usage when working with Perl. It discusses how Perl handles memory for different data types like scalars, arrays, and hashes. Some key points made include: undef does not immediately free memory; recycling buffers within loops can help avoid unbounded growth; hashes are much larger than arrays so consider alternatives; and managing variable lifespans lexically can help reduce memory usage. The document provides various code examples and techniques for optimizing memory in Perl applications.

Signal Stacktrace
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Signal Stacktrace

This document describes how to implement a stack trace handler for signals in Perl. It defines a subroutine called stack_trace that walks up the call stack using caller and prints each level. This subroutine is installed as the signal handler using $SIG. When a signal is received, stack_trace will be called and print out where in the code the signal occurred.

Get your teeth into Plack
Get your teeth into PlackGet your teeth into Plack
Get your teeth into Plack

Plack is an interface for web request handlers that simplifies the interface and makes code more portable. It allows developers to focus on request handling rather than API specifics. Plack addresses issues with traditional CGI and mod_perl approaches by running handlers outside of servers in a standardized way. This encapsulation improves performance, debugging, and code reuse across different server implementations. Plack includes modules for common tasks like routing, middleware, and running PSGI applications on various web servers.

Wrapping LWP::UserAgent
Anything LWP does, we check first.
Any path we know goes to test.
Any we don't goes to LWP.
Intercept all methods with AUTOLOAD.
Requires we have none of our own.
Generic wrapper
package Wrap::LWP;
use parent qw( LWP::UserAgent );
use Exporter::Proxy qw( wrap_lwp install_known );
our $wrap_lwp
= sub
my $lwp = shift or die ... ;
my $wrapper = bless $lwp, __PACKAGE __;
Generic wrapper
use Exporter::Proxy qw( wrap_lwp handle_locally );
use List::MoreUtils qw( uniq );
our @localz = ();
our $handle_locally
= sub
# list of URL's is on the stack.
# could be literals, regexen, objects.
# lacking smart match, use if-blocks.
@localz = uniq @localz, @_;
Generic wrapper
our $AUTOLOAD = '';
my ( $wrapper, $request ) = @_;
my $url = $request->url;
my $path = $url->path;
if( exists $known{ $path } )
# redirect this to the test server
$url->scheme( 'http' );
$url->host ( 'localhost' );
$url->port ( 24680 );

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Digital Age 2.0 - Andrea Harrison
Digital Age 2.0 - Andrea HarrisonDigital Age 2.0 - Andrea Harrison
Digital Age 2.0 - Andrea Harrison

This document discusses the rise of social media and social influence marketing. It notes that social networks have reached widespread global penetration led by Facebook. It then outlines key social media activities like video watching and blogging across different regions. The document advocates developing a social influence marketing strategy that integrates paid, owned, and earned social media platforms and their measurement. It proposes measuring brand health through a social influence marketing score that considers the sentiment and reach of a brand on social media. Finally, it argues that successful marketing now requires adapting to the constant change of the digital environment through multiple, coherent messages rather than a singular consistent one.

andrea harrisondigital age 20
Object Trampoline: Why having not the object you want is what you need.
Object Trampoline: Why having not the object you want is what you need.Object Trampoline: Why having not the object you want is what you need.
Object Trampoline: Why having not the object you want is what you need.

Overview of Trampoline Objects in Perl with examples for lazy construction, lazy module use, added sanity checks. This version includes corrections from the original presented at OSCON 2013 and comments.

object-oriented programmingoopperl
Perl Web Client
Perl Web ClientPerl Web Client
Perl Web Client

Come accedere al World Wide Web utilizzando Perl, dai primi passi ad un controllo avanzato sulle fasi di download e upload.

Generic wrapper
# now re-dispatch this to the LWP object.
# this is the same for any wrapper.
# goto preserves the call order (e.g., croak works).
my $i = rindex $AUTOLOAD, ':';
my $name = substr $AUTOLOAD, 1+$i;
my $agent = $$wrapper;
my $handler = $agent->can( $name )
or die ... ;
splice @_, 0, 1, $agent;
goto $handler
Using the wrapper
use Wrap::LWP;
use HTTP::Proxy;
my $proxy = HTTP::Proxy->new( ... );
my $wrapper = $wrap_lwp->( $proxy->agent );
$proxy->agent( $wrapper );
AUTOLOAD can handle known sites.
Instead of modifying the URL: just deal with it.
Upside: Skip LWP for local content.
Downside: Proxy gets more complicated.
Known pages are handled locally.
Others are passed to the cloud.
Server & client have repeatable sequence.
The test loop is closed.

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Mojolicious. Веб в коробке!
Mojolicious. Веб в коробке!Mojolicious. Веб в коробке!
Mojolicious. Веб в коробке!

Mojolicious is a full-stack web framework and HTTP client for Perl that provides an object-oriented API without hidden magic or dependencies. It includes features like asynchronous I/O, routing, plugins, sessions, templating, internationalization support, and JSON/XML handling. Mojolicious comes in three flavors: Mojolicious::Lite for simple apps, Mojolicious for full MVC apps, and Mojo as a lightweight base framework. It supports technologies like CGI, FastCGI, PSGI, HTTP 1.1, and WebSockets.

The promise of asynchronous php
The promise of asynchronous phpThe promise of asynchronous php
The promise of asynchronous php

This document discusses asynchronous PHP processing and libraries. It begins with an overview of synchronous vs asynchronous processing and blocking vs non-blocking I/O. It then reviews several approaches for asynchronous PHP including Pthreads, pcntl_fork, popen, curl_multi, and event loops with libraries like ReactPHP. ReactPHP is discussed in depth as an event-driven non-blocking I/O library that uses promises and streams for asynchronous operations. Examples are provided for asynchronous HTTP requests, DNS lookups, and a pub/sub application using ZeroMQ. Key points emphasized are that asynchronous code does not necessarily run faster and execution order is not guaranteed.

Mojo as a_client
Mojo as a_clientMojo as a_client
Mojo as a_client

Mojo started as an alternative to the aging LWP library for HTTP requests in Perl. It was created by Sebastian Riedel to have a more modern, asynchronous API. Mojo provides an easy to use and full-featured HTTP client and server with support for features like websockets, parallel requests, and more. The library uses a test-driven development approach and strives to have a pragmatic design with reusable components.

When you need to be who you're not: Use a proxy.
HTTP::Proxy gives control of request, reply, & agent.
Handling LWP is easy enough.
Which gives us a nice, wrapped sandwich.

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Selenium sandwich-3: Being where you aren't.

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  • 2. What is a Selenium Sandwich? Tasty!!! No really...
  • 3. What is a Selenium Sandwich? Last time we saw how to combine Selenium and Plack. Selenium calls a page. Plack returns a specific response. Catch: You can' get there from here.
  • 4. What is a Selenium Sandwich? Last time we saw how to combine Selenium and Plack. Selenium calls a page. Plack returns a specific response. Catch: You can' get there from here. Or you can, which is the problem.
  • 5. Getting to the server Q: How do we get a specific page loaded? Say a Google map, Yelp search, or *aaS dashboard? A: Load the page from a server?
  • 6. Getting to the server Q: How do we get a specific page loaded? Say a Google map, Yelp search, or *aaS dashboard? A: Load the page from a server? What about our static content?
  • 7. Locally sourced You want to test a Google page. How? Save it locally? Only if you want to save all of it.
  • 8. Trucked in Q: How many URL's does it take to screw in a...
  • 9. Trucked in Q: How many URL's does it take to make a Google page? A: Lots. Banners, logos, JS lib's, Java lib's, ads...
  • 10. Trucked in Q: How many URL's does it take to make a Google page? A: Lots. Banners, logos, JS lib's, Java lib's, ads... Many are dynamic: they cannot be saved.
  • 11. Werefore art thou? Many URL's are relative. They re-cycle the schema+host+port.
  • 12. Relative paths Many URL's are relative. They re-cycle the schema+host+port: http://localhost:24680/foobar. http://localhost:24680/<everything else>
  • 13. Relative paths Need to ask locally for a remote page. With the browser having no idea where it came from. In other words: We need a proxy.
  • 14. HTTP Proxying Normally for security or content filtering. Or avoiding security and content filtering. How?
  • 15. Explicit proxy Configure browser. It asks the proxy for everything. Proxy pulls content, returns it. Proxy decides which content goes to test server.
  • 16. HTTP::Proxy Run as a daemon. User filters. LWP as back-end for fetching. Slow but reliable...
  • 17. Basic proxy setup Grab a port... and go! use HTTP::Proxy; my $proxy = HTTP::Proxy->new( port => 24680 ); # or... my $proxy = HTTP::Proxy->new; $proxy->port( 24680 ); # loop forever $proxy->start;
  • 18. Initializing HTTP::Proxy Base class supplies “new”. Derived class provides its own “init”. package Mine; use parent qw( HTTP::Proxy ); my $src_dir = ''; sub init { # @args == whatever was passed to new # in this case a path. my ( undef, %argz ) = @_; $src_dir = $argz{ src_dir } || '.' or die 'Missing “work_dir” in MyPath'; ... }
  • 19. Adding filters HTTP::Proxy supports request and response filters. Requests modify outgoing content. Response filters hack what comes back. Our trick is to only filter some of it.
  • 20. Four ways to filter content request-headers request-body response-headers response-body Filters go onto a stack: $proxy->push_filter ( response => $filter # or request => ... );
  • 21. Massage your body package MyFilter; use base qw( HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter ); sub filter { # modify content in the reply my ( $self, $dataref, $message, $protocol, $buffer ) = @_; $$dataref =~ s/PERL/Perl/g; } 1 __END__
  • 22. Fix your head package MyFilter; use base qw( HTTP::Proxy::HeaderFilter ); # change User-Agent header in all requests sub filter { my ( $self, $headers, $message ) = @_; $message->headers->header ( User_Agent => 'MyFilter/1.0' ); ... }
  • 23. Have to hack the request Change: https://whatever to: http://localhost:test_port/... Or pass through to remote server.
  • 24. Timing is everything Modifying the response is too late. That leaves the request or agent.
  • 25. Timing is everything Modifying the response is too late. That leaves the request or agent. Request can easily modify headers or body. Not the request.
  • 26. Timing is everything Modifying the response is too late. That leaves the request or agent. Request can easily modify headers or body. Not the request. That leaves the agent.
  • 27. Secret Agents Choice is a new HTTP::Proxy class (is-a). Or replacing the agent (has-a). For now let's try the agent.
  • 28. Wrapping LWP::UserAgent Anything LWP does, we check first. Any path we know goes to test. Any we don't goes to LWP.
  • 29. Wrapping LWP::UserAgent Anything LWP does, we check first. Any path we know goes to test. Any we don't goes to LWP. Intercept all methods with AUTOLOAD. Requires we have none of our own.
  • 30. Generic wrapper package Wrap::LWP; use parent qw( LWP::UserAgent ); use Exporter::Proxy qw( wrap_lwp install_known ); our $wrap_lwp = sub { my $lwp = shift or die ... ; my $wrapper = bless $lwp, __PACKAGE __; $wrapper };
  • 31. Generic wrapper use Exporter::Proxy qw( wrap_lwp handle_locally ); use List::MoreUtils qw( uniq ); our @localz = (); our $handle_locally = sub { # list of URL's is on the stack. # could be literals, regexen, objects. # lacking smart match, use if-blocks. @localz = uniq @localz, @_; return };
  • 32. Generic wrapper our $AUTOLOAD = ''; AUTOLOAD { my ( $wrapper, $request ) = @_; my $url = $request->url; my $path = $url->path; if( exists $known{ $path } ) { # redirect this to the test server $url->scheme( 'http' ); $url->host ( 'localhost' ); $url->port ( 24680 ); } ...
  • 33. Generic wrapper # now re-dispatch this to the LWP object. # this is the same for any wrapper. # goto preserves the call order (e.g., croak works). my $i = rindex $AUTOLOAD, ':'; my $name = substr $AUTOLOAD, 1+$i; my $agent = $$wrapper; my $handler = $agent->can( $name ) or die ... ; splice @_, 0, 1, $agent; goto $handler }
  • 34. Using the wrapper use Wrap::LWP; use HTTP::Proxy; $handle_locally-> ( 'https://foo/bar', 'http://bletch/blort?bim="bam"' ); my $proxy = HTTP::Proxy->new( ... ); my $wrapper = $wrap_lwp->( $proxy->agent ); $proxy->agent( $wrapper ); $proxy->start;
  • 35. TMTOWDTI AUTOLOAD can handle known sites. Instead of modifying the URL: just deal with it. Upside: Skip LWP for local content. Downside: Proxy gets more complicated.
  • 36. Result Known pages are handled locally. Others are passed to the cloud. Server & client have repeatable sequence. The test loop is closed.
  • 37. So... When you need to be who you're not: Use a proxy. HTTP::Proxy gives control of request, reply, & agent. Handling LWP is easy enough. Which gives us a nice, wrapped sandwich.