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with Pam Selle

@pamasaur // //
AllThings Open 2015
me,Tim Ruffles, Christopher
Hiller, and Jamie White
I will not tell you what to do.
What I will do, however

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Play Framework workshop: full stack java web app
Play Framework workshop: full stack java web appPlay Framework workshop: full stack java web app
Play Framework workshop: full stack java web app

The slides of Play Framework workshop from the meetup on Google Campus Tel Aviv on January 2014. Includes 5 hands-on assignments mixed with 5 additional steps to create a full application for remotely controlling YouTube on another computer. Demonstrates usage of AngularJS, Twitter Bootstrap, WebSockets. Discusses forms-based and single page web applications.

play frameworkjavascala
Migraine Drupal - syncing your staging and live sites
Migraine Drupal - syncing your staging and live sitesMigraine Drupal - syncing your staging and live sites
Migraine Drupal - syncing your staging and live sites

The document discusses using the Migraine tool to migrate changes between development, staging, and production environments for a Drupal website. It outlines the development methodology, requirements for Migraine, and the workflow it uses to synchronize databases and file systems between environments with minimal downtime. Key aspects include categorizing database tables, taking backups, comparing schemas, and commands to dump, migrate, and restore databases.

jQuery Proven Performance Tips & Tricks
jQuery Proven Performance Tips & TricksjQuery Proven Performance Tips & Tricks
jQuery Proven Performance Tips & Tricks

Performance optimization is a crucial aspect of building ‘snappy’ client-side applications and something which all developers using jQuery should bear in mind. In this talk, we're going to take a look at some of the best practices, tips and tricks for improving the performance of your jQuery code in 2011 with some quick wins and a few new surprises along the way.

javascriptperformanceperformance management
is walk you through each of the major frameworks
in the hope that you can make an informed choice for 

a project, for additional learning, or general knowledge
• What is a JavaScript framework?
• Major frameworks:
• Backbone
• Angular
• Ember
• Rising stars:
• Polymer
• React
• Framework evaluation techniques

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Laravel 8 export data as excel file with example
Laravel 8 export data as excel file with exampleLaravel 8 export data as excel file with example
Laravel 8 export data as excel file with example

In this step-by-step guide of Laravel 8 export data as excel file, learn how to implement Excel export functionality in Laravel.

laravel 8excel fileprogramming
Play Framework: async I/O with Java and Scala
Play Framework: async I/O with Java and ScalaPlay Framework: async I/O with Java and Scala
Play Framework: async I/O with Java and Scala

This document discusses asynchronous I/O in Java and Scala using the Play Framework. It describes how LinkedIn uses a service-oriented architecture with hundreds of services making requests to each other. It then covers how Play supports non-blocking I/O using asynchronous code, promises, and futures to allow parallel requests without blocking threads. Key points covered include using map and flatMap to transform promises and futures, handling errors and timeouts, and the benefits of non-blocking I/O for scalability.

play frameworkjavalinkedin
Build Your Own CMS with Apache Sling
Build Your Own CMS with Apache SlingBuild Your Own CMS with Apache Sling
Build Your Own CMS with Apache Sling

This document provides an overview of building a content management system (CMS) using Apache Sling. It discusses how Sling uses OSGi and the Java Content Repository to provide a RESTful framework. Example uses of Sling include content CRUD operations via the Sling Post Servlet and resource resolution. The document then demonstrates how to set up a Sling development environment and build sample pages that include a WYSIWYG editor and image uploads using Sling and technologies like JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap and Groovy.

restapache slingjava
Okay, not that different from now

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Real World Lessons in Progressive Web Application & Service Worker Caching
Real World Lessons in Progressive Web Application & Service Worker CachingReal World Lessons in Progressive Web Application & Service Worker Caching
Real World Lessons in Progressive Web Application & Service Worker Caching

Over the past year we have seen a lot of excitement around Progressive Web Applications. Browser evangelist are selling developers and business owners on their advantages and promising future. But what is the real story? What are the details to proper execution? What do engineers need to know to make their web sites into Progressive Web Applications that not only meet the minimum criteria, but meet the sales hype? Searching the Pokedex offline is fun, what is the real experience like caching a business application? Caching application assets and data can be complex, especially for larger applications. What to cache, how long to cache and how to cache are all valid questions. Often, in an effort to just ship something, we cache nothing. When we don't cache, we disappoint the customer and miss a key promise of progressive web applications.

html5progressive web applicationsservice worker
Building a real life application in node js
Building a real life application in node jsBuilding a real life application in node js
Building a real life application in node js

This document provides an overview of building a real-life application in Node.js. It discusses selecting a database like MongoDB, using Express for routing and templating, and Mongoose for modeling and interacting with the database. Key components covered include setting up routing, views, and static assets in Express, performing CRUD operations in MongoDB via Mongoose, and using templating engines like Jade or EJS. The overall goal is to build a basic content management system to demonstrate integrating these technologies.

High Performance JavaScript - jQuery Conference SF Bay Area 2010
High Performance JavaScript - jQuery Conference SF Bay Area 2010High Performance JavaScript - jQuery Conference SF Bay Area 2010
High Performance JavaScript - jQuery Conference SF Bay Area 2010

Learn the inner workings of JavaScript to learn what makes things slow and how to speed them up. Heavily focused on DOM manipulation and UI updates.

(that hasn’t changed much either)
There wasn’t “one way”
Most of the major JavaScript frameworks started in 2009/2010
As a result, frameworks emerged
–Johnny Appleseed
“Type a quote here.”

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Web Development with NodeJS
Web Development with NodeJSWeb Development with NodeJS
Web Development with NodeJS

This document discusses the basics of web application architecture using Node.js and Express. It introduces HTTP requests and responses between clients and servers, and common status codes and verbs like GET and POST. It explains how to create a basic server with the HTTP module in Node.js, and how Express simplifies this with routing, middleware, request/response extensions and view handling capabilities. Specific examples are given for creating routes, using middleware, and setting up a view engine like Handlebars to render templates.

Asynchronous web apps with the Play Framework 2.0
Asynchronous web apps with the Play Framework 2.0Asynchronous web apps with the Play Framework 2.0
Asynchronous web apps with the Play Framework 2.0

This document discusses Play's asynchronous capabilities for building scalable and responsive web applications. It begins by explaining the traditional blocking request processing model and Play's asynchronous non-blocking model. It then covers asynchronous requests using Futures and Promises in Play. Examples are provided for making actions asynchronous using asynchronous responses. The document also discusses reactive IO in Play using Enumerators and Iteratees for non-blocking streaming of data. Real world use cases for asynchronous programming include asynchronous web services, streaming files and data, and websockets.

Future of Web Apps: Google Gears
Future of Web Apps: Google GearsFuture of Web Apps: Google Gears
Future of Web Apps: Google Gears

Dion Almaer's talk on Google Gears and taking your apps offline, given at the Future of Web Apps conference 2007.

by dion
Still, JS frameworks are a very GOOD thing
Because you shouldn’t have to write a router.
Ask yourself:What’s your 15%?

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Play + scala + reactive mongo
Play + scala + reactive mongoPlay + scala + reactive mongo
Play + scala + reactive mongo

Meetup presentation. Covers building a non-blocking asynchronous data-access layer using Scala, Play framework, MongoDB and the Reactive Mongo Driver

Serverless Java on Kubernetes
Serverless Java on KubernetesServerless Java on Kubernetes
Serverless Java on Kubernetes

Krzysztof Sobkowiak presented on serverless Java on Kubernetes. Serverless computing refers to building applications without server management by deploying functions that automatically scale in response to demand. Function as a Service (FaaS) platforms like Apache OpenWhisk allow running Java code as stateless functions on Kubernetes. OpenWhisk supports Java actions and integrates with services through triggers and rules to enable event-driven architectures. Spring Cloud Functions provides a framework for building serverless applications using Spring Boot and Java.

serverlessapache openwhiskkubernetes
[Bristol WordPress] Supercharging WordPress Development
[Bristol WordPress] Supercharging WordPress Development[Bristol WordPress] Supercharging WordPress Development
[Bristol WordPress] Supercharging WordPress Development

Slide links: - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- Often WordPress themes are not easy to change, maintain or fun to work on. This can rule WordPress out as a viable option for bespoke, non-trivial websites. In this talk we’ll dive into how this happens & look at how we can benefit from software engineering techniques to help make your code easier to change. I’ll also show how using Lumberjack, a powerful MVC framework built on Timber, can be used to power-up your themes.

• Backbone
• Angular
• Ember
Overview, strengths/weaknesses + a little code
• Origin story: DocumentCloud, Rails
• “Core” of an application
• “Unopinionated”

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Play framework
Play frameworkPlay framework
Play framework

The document introduces the Play Framework version 2.1 and highlights its key features. It demonstrates building a sample application in Scala using Play's reactive, non-blocking architecture. Key features discussed include Play's built-in support for Scala, reactive programming, JSON APIs, routing, templates, and testing.

Service workers
Service workersService workers
Service workers

Service Workers is coming. Bring your own magic with the first programmable cache in your script, and more! Presented at the GDG Korea DevFest 2014 on the 31st of May 2014:

gdg devfestservice worker
Frontend Application Architecture, Patterns, and Workflows
Frontend Application Architecture, Patterns, and WorkflowsFrontend Application Architecture, Patterns, and Workflows
Frontend Application Architecture, Patterns, and Workflows

The document discusses frontend application architecture, patterns, and workflows. It covers topics like transpilation with Babel, debugging, modules, assets, environments, dependency injection, immutability with Immutable.js, Flux architecture, and development workflows using tools like Node Version Manager, ESLint, and Webpack Hot Module Replacement.

Opinionated: there’s an obvious (or best practices-
driven) way to solve the problem.
Unopinionated:“Choose your own adventure,”
generally more flexible, ex. if incorporating other
libraries into the project.
• Core MVC components
• Nudge in an event-driven application design
• Underscore
• jQuery or jQuery alternative (ex. Zepto)

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Choosing a JavaScript Framework
Choosing a JavaScript FrameworkChoosing a JavaScript Framework
Choosing a JavaScript Framework

Review of MVC frameworks including AngularJS, EmberJS, and Knockout. Also View Only frameworks such as React, Polymer, and others.

angularjs emberjs knockout
Choosing a JavaScript Framework
Choosing a JavaScript FrameworkChoosing a JavaScript Framework
Choosing a JavaScript Framework

This document discusses choosing a JavaScript framework. It notes that web applications can gradually become complex, making them difficult to iterate on. It suggests that frameworks should provide documentation explaining why the framework works the way it does. Frameworks should also be modular to avoid vendor lock-in. Unidirectional data flow is better for how the human brain works. Testing is important but not the most important factor. The conclusion is that a good framework is not a single monolithic framework, but a combination of frameworks.

Angular 2 vs React
Angular 2 vs ReactAngular 2 vs React
Angular 2 vs React

This document provides an overview and comparison of Angular and React frameworks from the perspective of an experienced AngularJS and React developer. Key points of comparison addressed include React being more lightweight and modular while Angular provides more out-of-the-box functionality. Performance benchmarks generally show React as faster while Angular's testing and routing capabilities are more robust. The document avoids making definitive conclusions and emphasizes choosing based on individual needs and preferences.

• Unopinionated
• Integrates well with many libraries and backends
• Events system
• Unopinionated
• “… that’d be your problem”
• Models
• Views
• Collections
• Routing
• Basic Model +View setup

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ReactJS vs AngularJS - Head to Head comparison
ReactJS vs AngularJS - Head to Head comparisonReactJS vs AngularJS - Head to Head comparison
ReactJS vs AngularJS - Head to Head comparison

This document summarizes a meetup comparing Angular2 and React frameworks. It provides overviews of both frameworks, including their histories, core concepts, and differences. Some key points covered include React's use of a virtual DOM for efficient updates, Angular2's focus on being a full development platform, and both frameworks' growing communities and adoption. The meetup agenda also included rounds for comparing the frameworks and a Q&A panel discussion.

angularjsreactjsangular 2.0
Angular 2 - Core Concepts
Angular 2 - Core ConceptsAngular 2 - Core Concepts
Angular 2 - Core Concepts

A quick overview about Angular 2 Components, DI, Lifecycle and Change Detection. Interactive slides: Plunkr:

Getting Started with Angular 2
Getting Started with Angular 2Getting Started with Angular 2
Getting Started with Angular 2

FITC events. For digital creators. Save 10% off ANY FITC event with discount code 'slideshare' See our upcoming events at Getting Started with Angular 2 with Rob McDiarmid OVERVIEW Angular 2 is a powerful framework that lets you create fast and scalable web apps with clean and readable code. With the lessons learned from previous web frameworks and the advantages of modern web technologies, the Angular team has created a framework that will push the limits of what SPAs are capable of. In this session we’ll go through building an Angular 2.0 app from the ground up. In the process, you will learn how it handles core concepts like components, templates, services, and routing. You’ll also see how angular takes advantage of ES6 modules, Web Components, and TypeScript. By the end of the session, you’ll have a good understanding of why you might want to use Angular 2 for your next project and how to get started. OBJECTIVE Demonstrate what Angular 2 has to offer and reduce the barrier to entry. TARGET AUDIENCE Web Developers interested in learning Angular 2. ASSUMED AUDIENCE KNOWLEDGE Intermediate experience with JavaScript. FIVE THINGS AUDIENCE MEMBERS WILL LEARN 1. Core concepts of the Angular 2 framework 2. How to use ES6 modules 3. The benefits of TypeScript annotations 4. How to setup an Angular 2 project from scratch 5. The ecosystem of tools that Angular 2 apps will be built on

Make a model subclass using .extend( )
(code in this presentation is from the book, & final versions of sample
apps are @
.extend(), define DOM properties, render
.extend(), define DOM properties, render
.extend(), define DOM properties, render

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Basics of AngularJS
Basics of AngularJSBasics of AngularJS
Basics of AngularJS

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that allows developers to create single-page applications. It provides features like two-way data binding, dependency injection, templating, directives and services. The document defines AngularJS, describes its key features and provides examples of how to use controllers, scopes, expressions, services, factories, directives and more to build Angular applications. It also includes exercises for readers to practice creating an Angular movie app that displays now playing movies, actors and allows loading more movies.

Introduction to angular js
Introduction to angular jsIntroduction to angular js
Introduction to angular js

This document provides an introduction to HTML enhanced for web apps using AngularJS. It discusses key AngularJS concepts like templates (directives), controllers, dependency injection, services, filters, models, configuration, routing, resources and testing. Directives allow HTML to be extended with new attributes and elements. Controllers contain business logic. Dependency injection provides dependencies to controllers and services. Filters transform displayed data. Models represent application data. Configuration sets up modules. Routing maps URLs to templates. Resources interact with RESTful APIs. Testing ensures code works as expected.

Javascript first-class citizenery
Javascript first-class citizeneryJavascript first-class citizenery
Javascript first-class citizenery

Javascript and first-class citizenry: require.js & node.js Javascript on web pages is ubiquitous and its problems are legendary. Javascript, seen as a second-class code citizen, is usually hacked together even by seasoned developers. New libraries (jQuery, prototype, backbone, knockout, underscore) and runtime tools (firebug, jasmine) look like they solve many problems - and they do. But they still leave poorly written code as just that. One key problem is that all javascript code lives globally and this results in poorly managed, tested and delivered code. In this session, I will illustrate that we can treat javascript as a first-class citizen using with require.js and node.js: it can be modular, encapsulated and easily unit tested and added to continuous integration cycle. The dependencies between javascript modules can also be managed and packaged just like in C# and Java. In the end, we can resolve many javascript difficulties at compile time rather than waiting until runtime.

javascript requirejs node.js
.extend(), define DOM properties, render
Using a view with a model


• Collections
• Groups of models
• Router
• Read/write the URL without reloading the page

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This document provides an overview of AngularJS including: - What AngularJS is and its features such as directives, filters, data binding, views, controllers and scope - How it can be used to build single page applications (SPAs) - Key directives like ng-app, ng-bind, and ng-model - How to use filters, iterate with ng-repeat, and bind data - The roles of views, controllers and scopes in AngularJS - How to create controllers within modules and use factories - How to create custom directives - The differences between values, services, factories and providers - How $watch and $watchCollection work

[Coscup 2012] JavascriptMVC
[Coscup 2012] JavascriptMVC[Coscup 2012] JavascriptMVC
[Coscup 2012] JavascriptMVC

This document discusses JavascriptMVC, an alternative Javascript MVC framework to BackboneJS. It provides an overview of JavascriptMVC's features such as MIT licensing, clear documentation, and providing an almost total solution for building web applications. Potential pros include the licensing, documentation, and comprehensive features. Potential cons include it being less well known and having fewer online resources than BackboneJS in Taiwan. Examples of how it handles classes, CSS, data loading/validation, and views are also provided.

Good karma: UX Patterns and Unit Testing in Angular with Karma
Good karma: UX Patterns and Unit Testing in Angular with KarmaGood karma: UX Patterns and Unit Testing in Angular with Karma
Good karma: UX Patterns and Unit Testing in Angular with Karma

The document discusses unit testing in Angular with Karma. It provides examples of UX patterns in Angular like binding elements to variables, lists, and click handlers. It also covers what controllers and scopes are and examples of testing components in Angular like services, factories, and UI elements. Hands-on examples are provided for setting up a test environment and writing tests.

mobile designconferencemodevux
• Events
• Views trigger updates to model, vice versa
• Core component of Backbone
• Annotated source:
• Fastest growing JavaScript framework
• Write behavior in your markup (directives)
• Google!

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AngularJS: The Bridge Between Today and Tomorrow's Web (Todd Motto)
AngularJS: The Bridge Between Today and Tomorrow's Web (Todd Motto)AngularJS: The Bridge Between Today and Tomorrow's Web (Todd Motto)
AngularJS: The Bridge Between Today and Tomorrow's Web (Todd Motto)

Browsers are exciting. JavaScript libraries make them even more exciting. We’ll see what’s in store for the future of the web and how AngularJS is making huge strides to bringing it to us today. Angular pushes the limits of what’s possible in current and emerging technologies, exploring upcoming and recently landed APIs with regular new releases. This rapid cycle to push the web forward is increasingly making Angular the framework of choice for client-side MVW engineering. We’ll look at ES6, two way data-binding, upcoming Web Components, including ShadomDOM, Custom Elements, differences from Polymer, and how Angular fits in the picture.

web design and developmentjavascriptangularjs
Django Rest Framework and React and Redux, Oh My!
Django Rest Framework and React and Redux, Oh My!Django Rest Framework and React and Redux, Oh My!
Django Rest Framework and React and Redux, Oh My!

This document discusses integrating Django, Django Rest Framework, React, Redux, and related technologies. It recommends using Webpack to bundle JavaScript assets. It provides code examples for defining React components, Redux reducers, and connecting a React frontend to a Django Rest Framework backend via API calls. The document emphasizes building reusable presentational and container components, and wiring actions and reducers to the backend via Redux middleware like redux-promise.

djangoreactjs react webpack redux javascript

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework for building complex client-side web applications. It provides modules, controllers, directives, services and other core features out of the box. Modules allow separating an application into logical domains and define dependencies. Controllers contain business logic and retrieve data from services. Directives extend HTML attributes and elements. Services provide reusable behavior across the application. AngularJS uses dependency injection for testability and supports unit and end-to-end testing.

• Strongly defined building components (directives,
controllers, services)
• Two-way data binding
• Dependency injection
• Auxiliary tools available: Karma, Protractor
• None
• Loads its own smaller jQuery

(will use your copy if provided on page, supports
• Short/low-context setup
• Long feature list
• Module-friendly
• Major industry backing
• Recent rise to prominence = less time in prod
• High lock-in with writing behavior in markup
• Skeptics for future roadmap/Google backing
• 1.3 dropped IE8 support, some teams stuck in
older version now (abandonware fears)

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Javascript unit testing, yes we can e big
Javascript unit testing, yes we can   e bigJavascript unit testing, yes we can   e big
Javascript unit testing, yes we can e big

This document discusses test-driven development for JavaScript using ScrewUnit and BlueRidge. It introduces the Carbon Five consulting firm and covers why JavaScript unit testing is important. It then demonstrates how to write behavioral tests using ScrewUnit's BDD style and shows a live example testing a wizard component. Some challenges of JavaScript testing like DOM cleanup and structure are addressed. The document emphasizes that JavaScript testing is possible and can be integrated into the development process.

AngularJS Basic Training
AngularJS Basic TrainingAngularJS Basic Training
AngularJS Basic Training

This document provides an overview of AngularJS including that it is 100% JavaScript and client-side, uses an MVC pattern, and key concepts like data binding, templating, routing, and dependency injection. It also describes components like directives, controllers, services, and filters and includes code samples to demonstrate concepts like scopes, bindings, and organizing an Angular application.

jQuery & 10,000 Global Functions: Working with Legacy JavaScript
jQuery & 10,000 Global Functions: Working with Legacy JavaScriptjQuery & 10,000 Global Functions: Working with Legacy JavaScript
jQuery & 10,000 Global Functions: Working with Legacy JavaScript

Long ago, in the late days of the first Internet boom, before jQuery, before Underscore, before Angular, there was a web application built by a large corporation. This application was written as a server-side application using server-side technology like Java or PHP. A tiny seed of JavaScript was added to some of the pages of this application to give it a little sizzle. Over the ages, this tiny bit of JavaScript grew like kudzu. Most of it was embedded in the HTML in

• Modules
• Directives
• Services
• Controllers
Every Angular app has 1+ module definition
Modify the behavior of the DOM (custom)
Modify the behavior of the DOM (built in)

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Get AngularJS Started!
Get AngularJS Started!Get AngularJS Started!
Get AngularJS Started!

This document provides an introduction to AngularJS presented by Dmitry Ivashutin. It discusses key concepts like AngularJS being a framework rather than a library, its use of MVC/MVVM patterns, and features like directives, controllers, scopes and dependency injection. Specific directives and recipes for services, factories and providers are demonstrated. The document aims to explain core AngularJS concepts for developers new to the framework.

angularjsangularintroduction to angular
Web Components v1
Web Components v1Web Components v1
Web Components v1

This document discusses JavaScript frameworks and web components. It provides examples of code for Dojo, Ember, Angular, React, and jQuery. It also discusses the benefits of web components, including that they are part of the DOM, future-proof, and modular. Web components include custom elements, shadow DOM, templates, and HTML imports. Browser support is improving but not yet universal. Polyfills exist to provide support in older browsers. The web components specification has changed from version 0 to version 1 to support ES6 classes.

custom elementsweb componentshtml5
Web Components Everywhere
Web Components EverywhereWeb Components Everywhere
Web Components Everywhere

Presentation about the native browser way for building web components. We look at examples and the pros and cons of doing it natively and using a library. At the end we look at the Angular way of wrapping custom components into Custom Elements.

• Singleton to inject into any Angular component
• Lazily instantiated
• Controllers augment scope ($scope)
• Bind business logic to the view
• Controllers augment scope ($scope)
• Bind business logic to the view
• Filters
• Animations
• i18n l10n
• Accessibility with ngAria
• Testing (Karma, Protractor)

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This document provides an overview of AngularJS, including its features, directives, filters, data binding, views, controllers, modules, and factories. It discusses key AngularJS concepts like single page applications, directives like ng-repeat and ng-model, filters, creating controllers within modules, and using factories. It also covers creating custom directives, dependency injection with $inject, and the differences between values, services, factories and providers in AngularJS.


This document provides an overview of AngularJS, including its features, directives, filters, data binding, views, controllers, modules, and factories. It discusses key AngularJS concepts like single page applications, directives like ng-repeat and ng-model, filters, creating controllers within modules, using factories to share data between controllers, and $watch. Code examples are provided for common tasks like creating a view with a controller, using directives and filters, and defining modules, controllers, and factories.

Single Page Web Applications with CoffeeScript, Backbone and Jasmine
Single Page Web Applications with CoffeeScript, Backbone and JasmineSingle Page Web Applications with CoffeeScript, Backbone and Jasmine
Single Page Web Applications with CoffeeScript, Backbone and Jasmine

This document discusses using CoffeeScript, Backbone.js, and Jasmine BDD to build single page web applications. It begins by explaining why CoffeeScript is useful for cleaning up JavaScript code and avoiding errors. It then discusses how Backbone.js provides structure for single page apps by defining models, collections, views and routers. It notes that Backbone works well with CoffeeScript. Finally, it mentions that Jasmine BDD can be used for writing professional tests.

backbone coffeescript jasmine bdd tdd web applicat
• Angular 2:
• TypeScript
• (great short videos, ~$20/mo.)
• (live video podcast)

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Building Custom AngularJS Directives - A Step-by-Step Guide - Dan Wahlin | Fa...
Building Custom AngularJS Directives - A Step-by-Step Guide - Dan Wahlin | Fa...Building Custom AngularJS Directives - A Step-by-Step Guide - Dan Wahlin | Fa...
Building Custom AngularJS Directives - A Step-by-Step Guide - Dan Wahlin | Fa...

AngularJS provides many built-in directives that can be used to manipulate the DOM, handle events, and more but there will be times when you need to write custom directives. How do you get started? Are directives really as scary as they look at first glance? In this session Dan Wahlin will provide a step-by-step look at creating custom AngularJS directives and show how to use templates, controllers, the link function, and many other features. You'll also see how custom directives can be used along with other AngularJS features such as $http interceptors and validation. By the end of the session you'll realize that directives aren't quite as scary as they first appear.

domdan wahlinangular js
The Best (and Worst) of Django
The Best (and Worst) of DjangoThe Best (and Worst) of Django
The Best (and Worst) of Django

The document discusses best practices and anti-patterns for Django projects. It recommends keeping projects simple by avoiding over-engineering, using application-based modular design, and properly structuring settings files across multiple environments rather than relying on files. It also addresses common issues like import errors caused by PYTHONPATH configuration.

Building Reliability - The Realities of Observability
Building Reliability - The Realities of ObservabilityBuilding Reliability - The Realities of Observability
Building Reliability - The Realities of Observability

Presented at the ATO RTP Meetup Presented by Jeremy Proffit, Director of DevSecOps & SRE for Customer Care and Communications, Ally Title: Building Reliability - The Realities of Observability Abstract: Join me as we discuss true observability, learn what works and what doesn't. We'll not only discuss dashboards, monitoring and alerting, but how these can be built by automation or included in your IAC modules. We'll talk about how to properly alert staff based on priority to keep your staff and yourself sane. And even discuss architecture and how it impacts reliably and why serverless isn't always the best at being reliable.

all things openopen sourceato2024
• Most complete JS framework
• Built completely on modular OSS components
• Community super-powered
• Very strongly defined MVC components
• Data binding
• Ember Components
• Great routing support
• Dependency injection
• Code generation with Ember CLI
• Debugging tools with Ember Inspector
• Node.js

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Modern Database Best Practices
Modern Database Best PracticesModern Database Best Practices
Modern Database Best Practices

Presented at the ATO RTP Meetup Presented by Peter Zaitsev, Founder of Percona Title: Modern Database Best Practices Abstract: There are now more Database choices available for developers than ever before - there are general purpose databases and specialized databases, single node and distributed databases, Open Source, Proprietary databases and databases available exclusively in the cloud. In this presentation we will cover the best practices of choosing database(s) for your applications, best practices as it comes to application development as well as managing those databases to achieve best possible performance, security, availability at the lowest cost.

all things openato2024open source
Open Source and Public Policy
Open Source and Public PolicyOpen Source and Public Policy
Open Source and Public Policy

All Things Open 2023 Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Deb Bryant - Open Source Initiative, Patrick Masson - Apereo Foundation, Stephen Jacobs - Rochester Institute of Technology, Ruth Suehle - SAS, & Greg Wallace - FreeBSD Foundation Title: Open Source and Public Policy Abstract: New regulations in the software industry and adjacent areas such as AI, open science, open data, and open education are on the rise around the world. Cyber Security, societal impact of AI, data and privacy are paramount issues for legislators globally. At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic drove collaborative development to unprecedented levels and took Open Source software, open research, open content and data from mainstream to main stage, creating tension between public benefit and citizen safety and security as legislators struggle to find a balance between open collaboration and protecting citizens. Historically, the open source software community and foundations supporting its work have not engaged in policy discussions. Moving forward, thoughtful development of these important public policies whilst not harming our complex ecosystems requires an understanding of how our ecosystem operates. Ensuring stakeholders without historic benefit of representation in those discussions becomes paramount to that end. Please join our open discussion with open policy stakeholders working constructively on current open policy topics. Our panelists will provide a view into how oss foundations and other open domain allies are now rising to this new challenge as well as seizing the opportunity to influence positive changes to the public’s benefit. Topics: Public Policy, Open Science, Open Education, current legislation in the US and EU, US interest in OSS sustainability, intro to the Open Policy Alliance Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

all things openopen sourceopen source initiative
Weaving Microservices into a Unified GraphQL Schema with graph-quilt - Ashpak...
Weaving Microservices into a Unified GraphQL Schema with graph-quilt - Ashpak...Weaving Microservices into a Unified GraphQL Schema with graph-quilt - Ashpak...
Weaving Microservices into a Unified GraphQL Schema with graph-quilt - Ashpak...

This document summarizes a presentation about graph-quilt, an open source GraphQL orchestrator library. It discusses the challenges of building a GraphQL orchestrator to unify data from multiple services. Graph-quilt addresses this by allowing services to register their GraphQL schemas and composing them into a unified schema. It also supports features like remote schema extensions, authorization, and adapting existing REST APIs. The presenters believe graph-quilt provides a flexible way to build GraphQL gateways and help more clients adopt GraphQL.

all things openopen sourceato2023
• Community!
• Convention-driven
• Commonalities with every other Ember app
• Generation tools and templates
• SometimesTOO much information
• “Right” way to do things = difficult to get up to
speed quickly
• Not as pervasive as other two major frameworks
• Templating via Handlebars
• Models
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The State of Passwordless Auth on the Web - Phil Nash
The State of Passwordless Auth on the Web - Phil NashThe State of Passwordless Auth on the Web - Phil Nash
The State of Passwordless Auth on the Web - Phil Nash

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Phil Nash - Sonar Title: The State of Passwordless Auth on the Web Abstract: Can we get rid of passwords yet? They make for a poor user experience and users are notoriously bad with them. The advent of WebAuthn has brought a passwordless world closer, but where do we really stand? In this talk we'll explore the current user experience of WebAuthn and the requirements a user has to fulfil to authenticate without a password. We'll also explore the fallbacks and safeguards we can use to make the password experience better and more secure. By the end of the session you'll have a vision of how authentication could look in the future and a blueprint for how to build the best auth experience today. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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Total ReDoS: The dangers of regex in JavaScript
Total ReDoS: The dangers of regex in JavaScriptTotal ReDoS: The dangers of regex in JavaScript
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Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Phil Nash - Sonar Title: Total ReDoS: The dangers of regex in JavaScript Abstract: Regular expressions are complicated and can be hard to learn. On top of that, they can also be a security risk; writing the wrong pattern can open your application up to denial of service attacks. One token out of place and you invite in the dreaded ReDoS. But how can a regular expression cause this? In this talk we’ll track down the patterns that can cause this trouble, explain why they are an issue and propose ways to fix them now and avoid them in the future. Together we’ll demystify these powerful search patterns and keep your application safe from expressions that behave in a way that is anything but regular. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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What Does Real World Mass Adoption of Decentralized Tech Look Like?
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Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Karl Mozurkewich - Storj Title: What Does Real World Mass Adoption of Decentralized Tech Look Like? Abstract: We delve into the transformative potential of decentralized technology. Beginning with a brief overview of the rise of centralization with the advent of the internet and the counter-shift marked by blockchain we explore the intrinsic characteristics of decentralized and distributed systems, such as trustless operations, peer-to-peer networks, and enterprise application scalability. Various sectors, including finance, supply chains, media and entertainment, data science and cloud infrastructure are on the brink of disruption. The societal implications are vast, with the potential for greater individual empowerment, a greener planet and more viable resource utilization, but concerns about data security persist. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Anastasia Lalamentik - Kaleido Title: How to Write & Deploy a Smart Contract Abstract: In this talk, Anastasia Lalamentik, Full Stack Engineer at Kaleido, will walk through how Ethereum smart contracts work and go over related concepts like gas fees, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), the block explorer, and the Solidity programming language. This is vital to anyone who wants to build a blockchain app and is a great introduction to blockchain technology for newcomers to the space. By the end of the talk, attendees will better understand how to: - Write a simple smart contract - Deploy their smart contract to an Ethereum test network through the latest tools like Hardhat and the MetaMask wallet - Test interactions with their deployed smart contract and ensure that everything is working properly Additionally, participants will get to interact with Anastasia's deployed smart contract at the end of the talk. Anastasia’s past talks have attracted and have been attended by a diverse group of participants with a range of experience in the space. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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Spinning Your Drones with Cadence Workflows, Apache Kafka and TensorFlow
 Spinning Your Drones with Cadence Workflows, Apache Kafka and TensorFlow Spinning Your Drones with Cadence Workflows, Apache Kafka and TensorFlow
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Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Paul Brebner - Instaclustr (by Spot by NetApp) Title: Spinning Your Drones with Cadence Workflows, Apache Kafka and TensorFlow Abstract: In this talk we’ll build a Drone delivery application, and then use it to do some Machine Learning “on the fly”. In the 1st part of the talk, we'll build a real-time Drone Delivery demonstration application using a combination of two open-source technologies: Uber’s Cadence (for stateful, scheduled, long-running workflows), and Apache Kafka (for fast streaming data). With up to 2,000 (simulated) drones and deliveries in progress at once this application generates a vast flow of spatio-temporal data. In the 2nd part of the talk, we'll use this platform to explore Machine Learning (ML) over streaming and drifting Kafka data with TensorFlow to try and predict which shops will be busy in advance. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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DEI Challenges and Success
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DEI Challenges and Success

Presented at the All Things Open 2023 Inclusion and Diversity in Open Source Event Presented by Efraim Marquez-Arreaza - Red Hat Title: DEI Challenges and Success Abstract: In today's world, many companies and organizations have Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) communities. Red Hat Unidos is a DEI community focused on advocating for the Hispanic/Latine community. In this talk, we would like to share our challenges and success during the past 4-years and plans for the future. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

all things openato2023open source
Web components!
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Scaling Web Applications with Background
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Scaling Web Applications with Background

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Lydia Cupery - HubSpot Title: Scaling Web Applications with Background Jobs: Takeaways from Generating a Huge PDF Abstract: Do you need to perform time-consuming or CPU-intensive processes in your web application but are concerned about performance? That’s where background jobs come in. By offloading resource-intensive tasks to separate worker processes, you can improve the scalability of your web application. In this talk, I'll share my experience of using background jobs to scale our web application. I'll discuss the challenges my team faced that led us to adopt background jobs. Then, I'll share practical tips on how to design background jobs for CPU-intensive or time-consuming processes, such as generating huge PDFs and batch emailing. I'll wrap up by going over the performance and cost tradeoffs of background jobs. I'll use Typescript, Express, and Heroku as examples in this talk, but the concepts and best practices that I'll share are applicable to other languages and tools. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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Supercharging tutorials with WebAssembly
Supercharging tutorials with WebAssemblySupercharging tutorials with WebAssembly
Supercharging tutorials with WebAssembly

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Robert Aboukhalil - CZI Title: Supercharging tutorials with WebAssembly Abstract: is a free platform that features interactive command-line tutorials for bioinformatics. This talk is a deep-dive into how was built, with a focus on how WebAssembly enabled bringing command-line tools like awk and grep to the web. Although these tools were originally written in C/C++, they all run directly in the browser, thanks to WebAssembly! And since the computations run on each user's computer, this makes the application highly scalable and cost-effective. Along the way, I'll discuss how WebAssembly works and how to get started using it in your own applications. The talk will also cover more advanced WebAssembly features such as threads and SIMD, and will end with a discussion of WebAssembly's benefits and pitfalls (it's a powerful technology, but it's not always the right tool!). Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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Using SQL to Find Needles in Haystacks
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Using SQL to Find Needles in Haystacks

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by K.S. Bhaskar - YottaDB LLC Title: Using SQL to Find Needles in Haystacks Abstract: Database journal files capture every update to a database. A database of a few hundred GB can generate GBs worth of journal files every minute at busy times. Troubleshooting and forensices, especially of rare and intermittent problems, such as which process made what update and when, is an exercise of finding needles in haystacks. A similar problem exists with syslogs. A solution is to load the journal files and syslogs into a database, and use SQL to query the database. Bhaskar will present and demonstrate this with a 100% FOSS stack. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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// components/my-component/template.hs

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Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Carol Huang & Mike Fix - Stripe Title: Scaling an Open Source Sponsorship Program Abstract: ​​We already know this: the open-source ecosystem needs further monetary investment from the companies that benefit most from it. Likewise, companies say they want to participate in these initiatives, but find it hard to dedicate resources to open source funding when there isn’t a clear ROI. This talk discusses how the Open Source Program Office at Stripe built a scalable, sustainable open source sponsorship model that aligns internal company incentives with those of open source maintainers and the community at large. We go over the unique “platformization” of our OSPO that allowed us to create multiple funding models, such as BYOB (Bring Your Own Budget), and share lessons learned from this experience as well as other OSPOs. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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Build Developer Experience Teams for Open Source
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Build Developer Experience Teams for Open Source

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Arundeep Nagaraj - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Title: Build Developer Experience Teams for Open Source Abstract: Open Source has become the default strategy for many IT organizations and Enterprises. However, the constant challenge with Open Source leaders of these organizations has been - How is my product's developer experience? Is this the right metric to track? How can I scale my team to support our products better? How can I add automation to scale redundant workflows? If my product involves working with developers, how can I scale to the complexity of the requests and reduce Engineering bandwidth? The challenges within support of open source products continues to magnify depending on the end user persona whether they are consumers or contributors to your product. Consumers utilize your product, SDK's and API's and are blocked with using it or run into issues, whereas contributors are advanced users of your software that understands the codebase to provide a meaningful contribution back to the product. The answer to the above is to look at Open Source support as a first-class citizen of your corporate support strategy. To employ the right level of developer focused support as opposed to traditional infrastructure based support is key to scale to the amount of developers using your product. Supporting customers in the open involves more than pure support - building customer / developer experiences (DX) in the open (across platforms and communities) that pivots over the ability of your product's users or developers to be focused on the end-to-end value add. This helps with your active developer growth and retention of users. Key Takeaways: - IT leaders of Open Source will learn to employ strategies to build a DX team that engages on multiple platforms - Work on identifying accurate metrics for product and organization - Innovate on platforms such as Discord to build a bot and a dashboard - Ability to leverage customer feedback and iterate over the customer success flywheel - Distinguish between DX and Developer Advocacy (DA) Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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Deploying Models at Scale with Apache Beam
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Deploying Models at Scale with Apache Beam

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Danny McCormick - Google Title: Deploying Models at Scale with Apache Beam Abstract: Apache Beam is an open source tool for building distributed scalable data pipelines. This talk will explore how Beam can be used to perform common machine learning tasks, with a heavy focus on running inference at scale. The talk will include a demo component showing how Beam can be used to deploy and update models efficiently on both CPUs and GPUs for inference workloads. An attendee can expect to leave this talk with a high level understanding of Beam, the challenges of deploying models at scale, and the ability to use Beam to easily parallelize their inference workloads. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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Sudo – Giving access while staying in control
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Sudo – Giving access while staying in control

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Peter Czanik - One Identity Title: Sudo – Giving access while staying in control Abstract: Sudo is used by millions to control and log administrator access to systems, but using the default configuration only, there are plenty of blind spots. Using the latest features in sudo let you watch some previously blind spots and control access to them. Here are four major new features, which arrived since the 1.9.0 release, allowing you see your blind spots: - configuring a working directory or chroot within sudo often makes full shell access redundant - JSON-formatted logs give you more details on events and are easier to act on - relays in sudo_logsrvd make session recording collection more secure and reliable - you can log and control sub-commands executed by the command run through sudo Let us take a closer look at each of these. Previously, there were quite a few situations where you had to give users full shell access through sudo. Typical examples include when you need to run a command from a given directory, or running commands in a chroot environment. You can now configure the working directory or the chroot directory and give access only to the command the user really needs. Logging is a central role of sudo, to see who did what on the system. Using JSON-formatted log messages gives you even more information about events. What is even more: structured logs are easier to act on. Setting up alerting for suspicious events is much easier when you have a single parser to configure for any kind of sudo logs. You can collect sudo logs not only by local syslog, but also by using sudo_logsrvd, the same application used to collect session recordings. Speaking of session recordings: instead of using a single central server, you can now have multiple levels of sudo_logsrvd relays between the client and the final destination. This allows session collection even if the central server is unavailable, providing you with additional security. It also makes your network configuration simpler. Finally, you can log sub-commands executed from the command started through sudo. You can see commands started from a shell. No more unnoticed shell access from text editors. Best of all: you can also intercept sub-commands. These are just a few of the most prominent features helping you to watch and control previous blind spots on your systems. See these and other possibilities in action in some live demos during our presentation. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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Fortifying the Future: Tackling Security Challenges in AI/ML Applications
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Fortifying the Future: Tackling Security Challenges in AI/ML Applications

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Christine Abernathy - F5, Inc. Title: Fortifying the Future: Tackling Security Challenges in AI/ML Applications Abstract: As Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications continue to surge, it is crucial to be aware of and address the security risks associated with these technologies. In this talk, Christine will explore AI/ML failure modes, threats, and mitigation strategies. She will guide you through the fundamentals of ML models then introduce you to key security challenges such as adversarial attacks, data poisoning, model inversion, model stealing, and membership inference attacks, using real-world examples to demonstrate their potential impact. Christine will also discuss privacy and ethical considerations in ML, touching upon techniques like federated learning and shedding light on the current regulatory landscape surrounding security risks. If you are developing AI/ML applications or incorporating AI/ML components into your technology stack, check out this talk. You will walk away with a deeper understanding of the current AI/ML security landscape and a toolkit to help you address these risks, enabling you to build safer, more secure, and privacy-aware applications. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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all things openato2023open source
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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
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Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

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var CommentBox = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<div className="commentBox">
Hello, world! I am a CommentBox.
<CommentBox />,
var CommentBox = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<div className="commentBox">
Hello, world! I am a CommentBox.
ReactDOM.render(<CommentBox />, document.getElementById('content'));
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The presentation showcases the diverse real-world applications of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) across multiple industries: 1. **Manufacturing**: FDM is utilized in manufacturing for rapid prototyping, creating custom tools and fixtures, and producing functional end-use parts. Companies leverage its cost-effectiveness and flexibility to streamline production processes. 2. **Medical**: In the medical field, FDM is used to create patient-specific anatomical models, surgical guides, and prosthetics. Its ability to produce precise and biocompatible parts supports advancements in personalized healthcare solutions. 3. **Education**: FDM plays a crucial role in education by enabling students to learn about design and engineering through hands-on 3D printing projects. It promotes innovation and practical skill development in STEM disciplines. 4. **Science**: Researchers use FDM to prototype equipment for scientific experiments, build custom laboratory tools, and create models for visualization and testing purposes. It facilitates rapid iteration and customization in scientific endeavors. 5. **Automotive**: Automotive manufacturers employ FDM for prototyping vehicle components, tooling for assembly lines, and customized parts. It speeds up the design validation process and enhances efficiency in automotive engineering. 6. **Consumer Electronics**: FDM is utilized in consumer electronics for designing and prototyping product enclosures, casings, and internal components. It enables rapid iteration and customization to meet evolving consumer demands. 7. **Robotics**: Robotics engineers leverage FDM to prototype robot parts, create lightweight and durable components, and customize robot designs for specific applications. It supports innovation and optimization in robotic systems. 8. **Aerospace**: In aerospace, FDM is used to manufacture lightweight parts, complex geometries, and prototypes of aircraft components. It contributes to cost reduction, faster production cycles, and weight savings in aerospace engineering. 9. **Architecture**: Architects utilize FDM for creating detailed architectural models, prototypes of building components, and intricate designs. It aids in visualizing concepts, testing structural integrity, and communicating design ideas effectively. Each industry example demonstrates how FDM enhances innovation, accelerates product development, and addresses specific challenges through advanced manufacturing capabilities.

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