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"Swoole: double troubles in c", Alexandr Vronskiy
Production monolith
migration to Swoole!
● What existing problems need to solve?
● Why choose Swoole?
● How solve it with Swoole?
● What unexpected troubles could happens?
● Show methods to avoid then (or not?)
● Talk about theory
● Examples in a context of a real project
Side Effects of
- PHP no dying (long-lived)
- Concurrency Async
- Shared Memory access

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High-Performance Networking Using eBPF, XDP, and io_uring
High-Performance Networking Using eBPF, XDP, and io_uringHigh-Performance Networking Using eBPF, XDP, and io_uring
High-Performance Networking Using eBPF, XDP, and io_uring

Bryan McCoid discusses using eBPF, XDP, and io_uring for high performance networking. XDP allows programs to process packets in the kernel without loading modules. AF_XDP sockets use eBPF to route packets between kernel and userspace via ring buffers. McCoid is building a Rust runtime called Glommio to interface with these techniques. The runtime integrates with io_uring and allows multiple design patterns for receiving packets from AF_XDP sockets.

p99 latencyp99 confio_uring
게임서버프로그래밍 #1 - IOCP
게임서버프로그래밍 #1 - IOCP게임서버프로그래밍 #1 - IOCP
게임서버프로그래밍 #1 - IOCP

NHN NEXT 게임 서버 프로그래밍 강의 자료입니다. 최소한의 필요한 이론 내용은 질문 위주로 구성되어 있고 (답은 학생들 개별로 고민해와서 피드백 받는 방식) 해당 내용에 맞는 실습(구현) 과제가 포함되어 있습니다. 참고로, 서버 아키텍처에 관한 과목은 따로 있어서 본 강의에는 포함되어 있지 않습니다.

게임서버 프로그래밍nhn next

NDC2012 발표자료

lockless game server
● ZF2 / Laminas / Mezzio / PSR-15 / ..
● PHP 5.6 -> … -> 7.4 --> 8.0 + swoole
● PostgreSQL / ElasticSearch Typesense / Redis / RabbitMQ / PubSub
● Docker / k8s / autoscale / Google Cloud
● Files: 2.5k, LOC: 200k, LLOC: 30k
Intro. About project
Intro. About project
Current AVG metrics:
- GA online users: ~3500
- API RPS: ~200
- DB transactions: ~3000/sec
- Products count: ~25kk
Consuming resources:
- PHP: 60 vCPU
- ElasticSearch: 40 vCPU
- PostgreSQL: 16 vCPU
- Others: 20 vCPU
● Not optimized resources usage.
● Hard tuning horizontal scale.
● Over-complicated infrastructure
● Not well performance (TTFB)
Why? Problems
Elastic Elastic
4x times
● Not optimized resources usage.
● Hard tuning horizontal scale.
● Over-complicated infrastructure
● Not well performance (TTFB)
Why? Problems
4 vCPU
16 vCPU

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게임서버프로그래밍 #4 - 멀티스레드 프로그래밍
게임서버프로그래밍 #4 - 멀티스레드 프로그래밍게임서버프로그래밍 #4 - 멀티스레드 프로그래밍
게임서버프로그래밍 #4 - 멀티스레드 프로그래밍

NHN NEXT 게임 서버 프로그래밍 강의 자료입니다. 최소한의 필요한 이론 내용은 질문 위주로 구성되어 있고 (답은 학생들 개별로 고민해와서 피드백 받는 방식) 해당 내용에 맞는 실습(구현) 과제가 포함되어 있습니다. 참고로, 서버 아키텍처에 관한 과목은 따로 있어서 본 강의에는 포함되어 있지 않습니다.

nhn next게임서버 프로그래밍
Project ACRN hypervisor introduction
Project ACRN hypervisor introduction Project ACRN hypervisor introduction
Project ACRN hypervisor introduction

The document discusses ACRN, an open-source lightweight hypervisor intended for consolidating heterogeneous workloads and streamlining IoT edge development. It provides an overview of ACRN's architecture and key modules, including boot process, CPU virtualization, memory management, interrupt handling, pass-through devices, and device model for handling I/O requests. The document also outlines enhancements in ACRN 2.0, such as supporting new operating systems and safety/real-time virtual machines.

Windows 10 Nt Heap Exploitation (English version)
Windows 10 Nt Heap Exploitation (English version)Windows 10 Nt Heap Exploitation (English version)
Windows 10 Nt Heap Exploitation (English version)

The document discusses the Windows memory allocator and heap exploitation. It describes the core components and data structures of the NT heap, including the _HEAP structure, _HEAP_ENTRY chunks, BlocksIndex structure, and FreeLists. It also explains the differences between the backend and frontend allocators as well as how chunks of different sizes are managed.

● Not optimized resources usage.
● Hard tuning horizontal scale.
● Over-complicated infrastructure
● Not well performance (TTFB)
Why? Problems
Docker, k8s, Terraform, Helm, GitHub
Actions, Envs: prod+stage+devs+local, Go,
● Not optimized resources usage.
● Hard tuning horizontal scale.
● Over-complicated infrastructure
● Not well performance (TTFB)
Why? Problems
● ASYNC entire ecosystem
● Performance
● Easy to start
- Coroutine based concurrent asynchronous IO
- Event Loop
- Process management
- In-memory storage and management
- Async TCP/UDP/HTTP/WebSocket/HTTP2/FastCGI client
and servers
- Async Task API
- Channels, Locks, Timer, Scheduler
NO PECL: ext-pcntl, ext-pthreads, ext-event
Why Swoole?
Milestone 1: PHP no die
● Run HTTP Server
○ replace NGINX+FPM
○ simplify infrastructure (less DevOps, easy building & k8s configs)
○ change (unified) operations: CI / CD / local env
● Prepare bootstrap
● Implement best practices in shared memory usage to avoid side-effects

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Kernel Recipes 2017: Using Linux perf at Netflix
Kernel Recipes 2017: Using Linux perf at NetflixKernel Recipes 2017: Using Linux perf at Netflix
Kernel Recipes 2017: Using Linux perf at Netflix

This document discusses using the Linux perf profiling tool at Netflix. It begins with an overview of why Netflix needs Linux profiling to understand CPU usage quickly and completely. It then provides an introduction to the perf tool, covering its basic workflow and commands. The document discusses profiling CPU usage with perf, including potential issues like JIT runtimes and missing symbols. It provides several examples of perf commands for listing, counting, and recording events. The overall summary is that perf allows Netflix to quickly and accurately profile CPU usage across the entire software stack, from applications to libraries to the kernel, to optimize performance.

Iocp 기본 구조 이해
Iocp 기본 구조 이해Iocp 기본 구조 이해
Iocp 기본 구조 이해

IOCP Basic

Node.js + Websocket 삽질기
Node.js + Websocket 삽질기Node.js + Websocket 삽질기
Node.js + Websocket 삽질기

[20160311 삽질세미나자료] Node.js + Websocket을 통한 프로젝트 개발 삽질기

● Dispatch Mode: 1-9 (Round-Robin, Fixed, Preemptive, etc)
● Worker Num: 1-1000 (CPU*2)
● Max Request: 0-XXX (0)
Other Options: Limits, Timeouts, Memory buffers...
php bin/http-server.php
Swoole HTTP Server
$server = new SwooleHTTPServer("", 9501);
$server->on('Request', function(Swoole/Server/Request $request, Swoole/Server/Response $response)
$response->end('<h1>Hello World!</h1>');
● Scan config files, env, run reflection, attributes, build DI, generate proxy, warm caches:
● NO NEED cache layer anymore
● NOW it before real start http server
(if no traffic: readiness probe=negative)
PSR-7 HTTP Messages
PSR-15 Middleware
PSR-11 Container
bootstrap in master
http request in worker process
Bootstrap app once
fork state
What are the problems?
- No PHP Session (it is CLI SAPI)
- Stateful services that should mutate on each request
- DI containers - global state too.
Shared Memory
Any wrong example?
Shared Memory
public function onRequest(RequestEvent $event) : void
if (!$this->isMainRequest ($event)) {
$req = $event->getRequest();
if ($this->trustRequest && ($id = $req->headers->get($this->requestHeader )))
$this->idStorage->setRequestId ($id);
if ($id = $this->idStorage->getRequestId ()) {
$req->headers->set($this->requestHeader , $id);
$id = $this->idGenerator ->generate();
$req->headers->set($this->requestHeader , $id);
$this->idStorage->setRequestId ($id);
Empty storage - no return
Generate NEW
Saving to storage

Recommended for you

Linux 4.x Tracing: Performance Analysis with bcc/BPF
Linux 4.x Tracing: Performance Analysis with bcc/BPFLinux 4.x Tracing: Performance Analysis with bcc/BPF
Linux 4.x Tracing: Performance Analysis with bcc/BPF

Talk about bcc/eBPF for SCALE15x (2017) by Brendan Gregg. "BPF (Berkeley Packet Filter) has been enhanced in the Linux 4.x series and now powers a large collection of performance analysis and observability tools ready for you to use, included in the bcc (BPF Complier Collection) open source project. BPF nowadays can do system tracing, software defined networks, and kernel fast path: much more than just filtering packets! This talk will focus on the bcc/BPF tools for performance analysis, which make use of other built in Linux capabilities: dynamic tracing (kprobes and uprobes) and static tracing (tracepoints and USDT). There are now bcc tools for measuring latency distributions for file system I/O and run queue latency, printing details of storage device I/O and TCP retransmits, investigating blocked stack traces and memory leaks, and a whole lot more. These lead to performance wins large and small, especially when instrumenting areas that previously had zero visibility. Tracing superpowers have finally arrived, built in to Linux."

linux performance tracingebpfperformance
[KGC 2012] Online Game Server Architecture Case Study Performance and Security
[KGC 2012] Online Game Server Architecture Case Study Performance and Security[KGC 2012] Online Game Server Architecture Case Study Performance and Security
[KGC 2012] Online Game Server Architecture Case Study Performance and Security

The document discusses various strategies for scaling online game server architecture to improve performance and handle increasing loads. It describes partitioning game worlds across multiple servers, using instance dungeons served by separate servers, and maintaining parallel game worlds each with their own set of game and database servers. Hardware-based scaling through use of SSDs, high-RPM disks, RAID configurations, and careful database modeling is also covered.

game server architecture온라인 게임 서버 구조와 보안online game security


Any wrong example?
Shared Memory
public function onRequest(RequestEvent $event) : void
if (!$this->isMainRequest ($event)) {
$req = $event->getRequest();
if ($this->trustRequest && ($id = $req->headers->get($this->requestHeader )))
$this->idStorage->setRequestId ($id);
if ($id = $this->idStorage->getRequestId ()) {
$req->headers->set($this->requestHeader , $id);
$id = $this->idGenerator ->generate();
$req->headers->set($this->requestHeader , $id);
$this->idStorage->setRequestId ($id);
Now has ID in storage
Dead code
Shared Memory
HTTP Server options:
Max Request: 100
What if...
In logs request ID is changed.
Best practices:
- Middlewares, Factories, Proxies, Delegators
Shared Memory
use PsrHttpMessageResponseInterface
use PsrHttpMessageServerRequestInterface
use PsrHttpServerRequestHandlerInterface
use PsrLogLoggerInterface
class SomeHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface
public function __construct(
private Closure $appServiceFactory
private LoggerInterface $logger
) {}
// Idempotent method!!!
public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface
$logger = clone $this->logger;
$appService = ($this->appServiceFactory)(
return new JsonResponse($appService->createBook())
Memory leaks
… in Doctrine ORM :(
Shared Memory
use DoctrineORMDecoratorEntityManagerDecorator as
class ReopeningEntityManager extends EMD
private $createEm;
public function __construct (callable $createEm)
$this->createEm = $createEm;
public function open(): void
if (! $this->wrapped->isOpen()) {
$this->wrapped = ($this->createEm)();
class CloseDbConnectionMiddleware implements
public function __construct(
private ReopeningEntityManager $em)
public function process(
ServerRequestInterface $request,
RequestHandlerInterface $handler
) : ResponseInterface
$this->em->open() ;
try {
return $handler->handle($request);
} finally {
$this->em->getConnection()->close() ;
$this->em->clear() ;
Saved in DI

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게임 서버 성능 분석하기
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게임 서버 성능 분석하기

The document is about a 2017 developer day hosted by iFunFactory. It discusses iFunFactory's technology for powering games. The technology provides flexibility for different types of games, high performance through optimizations, and tools to help developers build and monitor their games. The event aimed to help developers learn how to create great games using iFunFactory's technology.

아이펀팩토리 데브데이아이펀팩토리아이펀 엔진
소셜게임 서버 개발 관점에서 본 Node.js의 장단점과 대안
소셜게임 서버 개발 관점에서 본 Node.js의 장단점과 대안소셜게임 서버 개발 관점에서 본 Node.js의 장단점과 대안
소셜게임 서버 개발 관점에서 본 Node.js의 장단점과 대안

play.node node.js conference

Shared Memory
Memory leaks
abstract class EntityManagerDecorator extends
/** @var EntityManagerInterface */
protected $wrapped;
public function __construct (EntityManagerInterface $wrapped)
$this->wrapped = $wrapped;
public function getRepository ($className)
return $this->wrapped->getRepository ($className);
public function getRepository ($entityName )
return $this->repositoryFactory ->getRepository ($this,
$entityName );
Somewhere far far away
in EntityManager
PROBLEMS DUE TO: timeouts / lifecycles
Avoid: Stateful convert to stateless
$redis = $di->get(Redis::class); // FactoryRedis: $redis->connect(...);
$redisFactory = $di->get(RedisFactory::
$redisFactory()->get(‘KEY1’); // + close connect in desctructor
Request Wrapper/Delegator:
new/refresh state on each request
Milestone 2: ASYNC
● Async theory
● Using coroutines
● Non-blocked IO solutions
● Concurrency problems review
● Again memory leaks
● GET /some/action1/ SELECT sleep(1);
○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec
○ 2 worker = 2 req/sec
● GET /some/action2/ fibonacci(30);
○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec
○ 2 worker = depends on CPU cores
Why/What async?
Try benchmark this:

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GCGC- CGCII 서버 엔진에 적용된 기술 (5) - Executor with Exception
GCGC- CGCII 서버 엔진에 적용된 기술 (5) - Executor with ExceptionGCGC- CGCII 서버 엔진에 적용된 기술 (5) - Executor with Exception
GCGC- CGCII 서버 엔진에 적용된 기술 (5) - Executor with Exception

GCGC- CGCII 서버 엔진에 적용된 기술 (5) SEH와 C++ Exception을 이용해 다운 당하지 않는 시스템의 구현.

Introduction to Perf
Introduction to PerfIntroduction to Perf
Introduction to Perf

Perf is a Linux profiler tool that uses performance monitoring hardware to count various events like CPU cycles, instructions, and cache misses. It can count events for a single thread, entire process, specific CPUs, or system-wide. Perf stat is used to count events during process execution, while perf record collects profiling data in a file for later analysis with perf report.

perf performance linux
DSLing your System For Scalability Testing Using Gatling - Dublin Scala User ...
DSLing your System For Scalability Testing Using Gatling - Dublin Scala User ...DSLing your System For Scalability Testing Using Gatling - Dublin Scala User ...
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The power of Gatling is the DSL it provides to allow writing meaningful and expressive tests. We provide an overview of the framework, a description of their development environment and goals, and present their test results. Source code available

scala performance scalability gatling nodejs node
● GET /some/action1/ SELECT sleep(1);
○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec
○ 2 worker = 2 req/sec
● GET /some/action2/ fibonacci(30);
○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec
○ 2 worker = depends on CPU cores
MIX 50/50 = 1 req/sec
50% CPU
Why/What async?
Try benchmark this:
Now enable coroutines: http server options: .
'enable_coroutine' => true,
Why/What async?
● GET /some/action1/
○ 1 worker = 10000 req/sec
○ 2 worker = 10000 req/sec
● GET /some/action2/
○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec
○ 2 worker = depends on CPU cores
Now enable coroutines: http server options: .
'enable_coroutine' => true,
Why/What async?
● GET /some/action1/
○ 1 worker = 10000 req/sec
○ 2 worker = 10000 req/sec
● GET /some/action2/
○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec
○ 2 worker = depends on CPU cores
MIX 50/50 = 2 req/sec
100% CPU
go(function () { // FIRST CO
echo '1';
go(function () { // SECOND CO
echo '2';
co::sleep(3); // IO (in 2 CO), will return in 3 sec
echo '6';
go(function () { // THIRD CO
echo '7';
co::sleep(2); // IO
echo "9n";
}); // END THIRD
echo '8';
echo '3';
co::sleep(1); // Again IO but in 1 CO
echo '5';
echo '4';

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Original slides from Ryan Dahl's NodeJs intro talk
Original slides from Ryan Dahl's NodeJs intro talkOriginal slides from Ryan Dahl's NodeJs intro talk
Original slides from Ryan Dahl's NodeJs intro talk

These are the original slides from the nodejs talk. I was surprised not find them on slideshare so adding them. The video link is here

ApacheConNA 2015: What's new in Apache httpd 2.4
ApacheConNA 2015: What's new in Apache httpd 2.4ApacheConNA 2015: What's new in Apache httpd 2.4
ApacheConNA 2015: What's new in Apache httpd 2.4

The document discusses the new features of Apache HTTP Server version 2.4, including performance improvements through more efficient modules and data structures, enhanced configuration options, new modules for capabilities like Lua scripting and remote IP access, and improved proxy functionality for dynamic and cloud environments. Key areas covered are performance, configuration, new modules, and proxy features.

php & performance
 php & performance php & performance
php & performance

Here are some ways to optimize the code: 1. Use strtr() instead of preg_replace() since it avoids the overhead of regular expressions. 2. Define the replacement array outside the loop to avoid redefining it on each iteration. 3. Use direct string concatenation instead of sprintf() for better performance. 4. Avoid function calls inside the loop like sizeof(). Define the length before the loop for better performance. 5. Consider using string replacement/manipulation functions like str_replace() instead of redefining/reconcatenating strings on each loop iteration. So in summary, the optimized code would be: $rep = ['-' => '*', '.' => '*

php performance
Swoole Hooks
Coroutine Clients:
● Socket
● FastCGI
● Redis
● Postgresql
Runtime HOOKS:
● Coroutine support (any IO libraries based on php_stream):
○ Redis (phpredis) or (predis)
○ MySQL (mysqlnd) PDO and MySQLi
○ file_get_contents, fopen and many more file I/O operations
○ stream_socket_client functions
○ fsockopen
○ CURL with libcurl
● Libraries without coroutine support:
○ MySQL with libmysqlclient
○ MongoDB with mongo-c-client
○ pdo_pgsql, pdo_ori, pdo_odbc, pdo_firebird, php-amqp
Non-blocked IO
$swooleServer->onRequest: go($this->requestHandler);
non-blocked: multiple requests in same time/code
function onRequest() {
$class = $di->get(stdClass:class);
if ($class->some === null) {
$class->some = 123;
// && some logic
$class->some = null;
First request awaiting here
We expected clean in request end
http server options: .
'enable_coroutine' => true,
$swooleServer->onRequest: go($this->requestHandler);
non-blocked: multiple requests in same time/code
function onRequest() {
$class = $di->get(stdClass:class);
if ($class->some === null) {
$class->some = 123;
// && some logic
$class->some = null;
First request awaiting here
We expected clean in request end
EPIC FAIL! in second request
http server options: .
'enable_coroutine' => true,

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Building and Scaling Node.js Applications
Building and Scaling Node.js ApplicationsBuilding and Scaling Node.js Applications
Building and Scaling Node.js Applications

A introduction to web frameworks built on node. A discussion about scaling up and out your single server.

PHP & Performance
PHP & PerformancePHP & Performance
PHP & Performance

PHP & Performance document discusses various techniques to improve PHP and web server performance. Some key points: - Compilation of PHP scripts can consume significant time, opcode caches like APC reduce this. - Profiling tools like APD and XDebug help identify bottlenecks in PHP code. Optimizations like output buffering, reducing output, content compression and database tuning can improve performance. - Server configuration like Apache optimizations for file I/O, syscalls and KeepAlive headers also impact performance. PHP settings like disabling register_globals and using opcaches help. - Application techniques like avoiding unnecessary functions, using class constants, and reducing regex usage in PHP code provide performance benefits.

phpperforming arts
Haproxy - zastosowania
Haproxy - zastosowaniaHaproxy - zastosowania
Haproxy - zastosowania

HAProxy is a free, open-source load balancer and proxy server. It is fast, reliable, and widely used. Some common uses of HAProxy include load balancing HTTP traffic, using access control lists to route requests, handling HTTPS traffic, load balancing MySQL databases, and proxying SSH connections. The latest version of HAProxy introduced new features like connection tracking, limiting connections per IP address, and peer synchronization between HAProxy instances. HAProxy provides high performance, flexibility, and scalability for traffic routing and distribution.

Request Wrapper/Delegator: new/refresh state on each request
Uncaught SwooleError: Socket# has already been
bound to another coroutine
Connections. Again?
$http = new SwooleHttpServer( '', '80', SWOOLE_PROCESS) ;
$http->on('request', function (SwooleHttpRequest $request, SwooleHttpResponse $response)
if (empty($redis)) {
$redis = new Redis();
$redis->connect('' , 6379);
$redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER , Redis::SERIALIZER_PHP) ;
try {
$redisJson = $redis->get('key');
} catch (Exception $e) {
$response->end('some response' );
Connections. Again?
Connections. Again?
DoctrineCommonCacheCacheProvider ;
use Redis;
use SwooleDatabaseRedisPool ;
class SwooleRedisCacheProvider extends
public function __construct (
private RedisPool $pool,
) {
protected function doFetch($id, ?Redis $redis = null)
if (! $redis) {
return $this->run(fn (Redis $redis) : mixed =>
. $this->doFetch($id, $redis));
return $redis->get($id);
private function run(callable $procedure)
$redis = $this->pool->get();
$redis->setOption(Redis::SERIALIZER, $this->getSerializer ());
try {
$result = $procedure($redis);
} catch (Throwable $e) {
throw $e;
} finally {
return $result;
Memory Leaks. Again?
final class ReopeningEntityManager implements EntityManagerInterface
private Closure $entityManagerFactory ;
protected array $wrapped = [];
public function clear($object = null) : void
unset ($this->wrapped[Co::getCid()]); // does not help!
private function getWrapped() : EntityManagerInterface
if (! isset($this->wrapped[Co::getCid()])) {
$this->wrapped[Co::getCid()] =
($this->entityManagerFactory )();
return $this->wrapped[Co::getCid()];
public function getConnection ()
return $this->getWrapped()->getConnection ();

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This document describes how to build a scalable socket server using Node.js. It discusses using multiple servers and a message queue like Redis to utilize multiple CPU cores. It also describes using a load balancer like HAProxy to distribute requests from clients across servers. An example configuration is provided using a single computer with 4 CPU cores, Redis for centralized messaging, 2 Node.js servers, and HAProxy for load balancing.

agate studiotds
Symfony Performance
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Symfony Performance

Covers Performance improvements with the Symfony web framework for PHP. - Google cares about user happiness, Google owns your 
search traffic Google put page speed in PageRank (and crawl speed) - Your site is more trustworthy and less frustrating - Increase page views and ad impressions - Increase conversions and revenue! It pays for itself! - Bonus: run less app servers

PHP Sessions and Non-Sessions
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Let's look at ways how to make PHP applications remember what your user did on the last web page. The first half will be about the classic PHP sessions, what the SessionHandlerInterface is about and why all of it's methods are important for a successful alternative implementation. The second half will explore alternatives to the problems created using PHP sessions, including alternatives to sessions: Splitting the problem on the server or moving the data to the client.

php sessions usergroup munich
Memory Leaks. Again?
Using WeakMap &
defer in coroutines!
Restart workers?
You are coward!
Using PostgreSQL - no PDO hooks in Swoole
● Use Coroutine Postgresql Client:
● Write new Driver for Doctrine ORM
● Be ready to problems
Problem Again
Other miscellaneous:
Manage crons (by timers)
Manage message workers (process manager)
Manage Signals (soft termination)
Milestone 3: others
Cron jobs
- persist Deployment: run “crontab” process + list php CLI command
- CronJob (k8s) periodical run POD with “php bin/app cron:process”
- CronJob as Message (run as “bin/app messenger:consume transport.amqp”)
- + Swoole Timer async callback in PHP master process (instead linux crontab)

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Socket programming, and openresty
Socket programming, and openrestySocket programming, and openresty
Socket programming, and openresty

This document discusses socket programming and network programming concepts like TCP and UDP. It provides examples of using Netcat and Python for sockets. It also summarizes the architecture of Nginx and Openresty, a framework that embeds Lua in Nginx allowing full web applications to run within the Nginx process for high performance and scalability. Openresty allows accessing and modifying requests and responses with Lua scripts.


What is Redis and what can you really do with it? Data structures Command processing Persistence Recipes Redis roadmap

202107 - Orion introduction - COSCUP
202107 - Orion introduction - COSCUP202107 - Orion introduction - COSCUP
202107 - Orion introduction - COSCUP

An introduction slide about Orion, a framework built by Carousell. This framework is mainly to help you create services in a short time.

Supervisor & Metrics server for Symfony Messenger
use SpiralGoridgeRelay
use SpiralGoridgeRPCRPC
use SpiralGoridgeRPCRPCInterface
* @see SymfonyComponentMessengerWorker
class PraefectusListener implements EventSubscriberInterface
private const IPC_SOCKET_PATH_TPL = '/tmp/praefectus_%d.sock'
// …
public function onMessageReceived (EventWorkerMessageReceivedEvent $event) : void
$this->getRpc()->call('PraefectusRPC.WorkerState' ,['pid'=>getmypid() ,'state'=>self::WORKER_BUSY]);
$this->getRpc()->call('PraefectusRPC.MessageState' , [
'id' => $messageIdStamp ->id(),
'name' => get_class( $event->getEnvelope ()->getMessage()),
'transport' => $event->getReceiverName (),
'bus' => $busName,
*not yet released on GitHub
● no compatibility in code:
○ run same code in FPM & build-in http server
○ work without swoole extension (PoC - write stubs?)
○ XDebug - goodbye (use PCOV for coverage)
○ Profiling -
● Doctrine + async = EVIL*
* But is possible, if enough extra memory:
Each concurrency EntityManager = +100-150Mb

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MySQL HA Orchestrator Proxysql Consul.pdf
MySQL HA Orchestrator Proxysql Consul.pdfMySQL HA Orchestrator Proxysql Consul.pdf
MySQL HA Orchestrator Proxysql Consul.pdf

Achieving HA for asynchronous replication. Tools used here are Orchestrator, proxysql, consul, consul-template


This document provides an introduction and overview of Node.js. It discusses the brief history of server-side JavaScript, how Node.js was created to enable easy push capabilities for websites, and its growth in popularity in the following years. The document also covers key aspects of Node.js like non-blocking I/O, event loops, streams, modules, and dependency management with NPM. Popular frameworks like Express, Hapi, and tools/concepts like IoT, desktop apps, and real-time apps are also mentioned.

#nodejs #javascript
Debugging: Rules & Tools
Debugging: Rules & ToolsDebugging: Rules & Tools
Debugging: Rules & Tools

Finding and fixing bugs is a major chunk of any developers time. This talk describes the basic rules for effective debugging in any language, but shows how the tools available in PHP can be used to find and fix even the most elusive error

● Swoole Table for cache - must have!
Doctrine (any) cache shared between workers.
Solved case: Deployment & migration process without
50x errors
● Benchmarks - good results!
- empty handler (bootstrap) - TTFB before: 140 ms, after: 4 ms
● Benchmarks - good results!
- empty handler (bootstrap) - TTFB before: 140 ms, after: 4 ms
- AVG (all traffic) TTFB reduced on 40% - before: 250 ms, after: 150 ms
- 95 percentile - before: 1500 ms, after: 600 ms
P.S. Load by same API RPS: ~200
- Now: 20 (PHP) / 20 (Typesense) / 20 (other) / 16 (DB) vCPUs
- 6k$ --> 3.5k$ (per month)
● Resources usage - (ETA) reduced!

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PHP is a widely used open source scripting language for web development. It was originally created in 1995 to generate dynamic web pages. PHP code is embedded within HTML code and interpreted on the server side to create the web page output. PHP scripts can connect to databases like MySQL to store and retrieve data, send emails, and perform other tasks to interact with the web server. Common PHP features include variables, operators, flow control, functions, classes and objects, arrays, sessions, cookies, and connecting to databases.

phpwebweb design
Presentation of OrientDB v2.2 - Webinar
Presentation of OrientDB v2.2 - WebinarPresentation of OrientDB v2.2 - Webinar
Presentation of OrientDB v2.2 - Webinar

OrientDB v2.2 introduces several new features including live queries, parallel queries, command caching, sequences, incremental backups, improved security features, an easier distributed configuration, load balancing strategies, and SQL commands for managing high availability configurations. It also introduces the Teleporter tool for migrating data from relational databases like Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, and PostgreSQL into OrientDB.

big datagraphdbdatabase
Introduction to ZooKeeper - TriHUG May 22, 2012
Introduction to ZooKeeper - TriHUG May 22, 2012Introduction to ZooKeeper - TriHUG May 22, 2012
Introduction to ZooKeeper - TriHUG May 22, 2012

Presentation given at TriHUG (Triangle Hadoop User Group) on May 22, 2012. Gives a basic overview of Apache ZooKeeper as well as some common use cases, 3rd party libraries, and "gotchas" Demo code available at

Useful links:
We looking: DevOps / Backend Developer / Frontend Developer / QA
Any Questions?

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"Swoole: double troubles in c", Alexandr Vronskiy

  • 3. ● What existing problems need to solve? ● Why choose Swoole? ● How solve it with Swoole? ● What unexpected troubles could happens? ● Show methods to avoid then (or not?) ● Talk about theory ● Examples in a context of a real project Intro
  • 4. Side Effects of - PHP no dying (long-lived) - Concurrency Async - Shared Memory access Intro
  • 5. ● ZF2 / Laminas / Mezzio / PSR-15 / .. ● PHP 5.6 -> … -> 7.4 --> 8.0 + swoole ● PostgreSQL / ElasticSearch Typesense / Redis / RabbitMQ / PubSub ● Docker / k8s / autoscale / Google Cloud ● Files: 2.5k, LOC: 200k, LLOC: 30k Intro. About project
  • 6. Intro. About project Current AVG metrics: - GA online users: ~3500 - API RPS: ~200 - DB transactions: ~3000/sec - Products count: ~25kk Consuming resources: - PHP: 60 vCPU - ElasticSearch: 40 vCPU - PostgreSQL: 16 vCPU - Others: 20 vCPU
  • 7. ● Not optimized resources usage. ● Hard tuning horizontal scale. ● Over-complicated infrastructure ● Not well performance (TTFB) Why? Problems Database PHP PHP PHP PHP Elastic Elastic Elastic Other 4x times
  • 8. ● Not optimized resources usage. ● Hard tuning horizontal scale. ● Over-complicated infrastructure ● Not well performance (TTFB) Why? Problems PHP 4 vCPU PHP 16 vCPU VS
  • 9. ● Not optimized resources usage. ● Hard tuning horizontal scale. ● Over-complicated infrastructure ● Not well performance (TTFB) Why? Problems Docker, k8s, Terraform, Helm, GitHub Actions, Envs: prod+stage+devs+local, Go, Typescript
  • 10. ● Not optimized resources usage. ● Hard tuning horizontal scale. ● Over-complicated infrastructure ● Not well performance (TTFB) Why? Problems
  • 11. ● ASYNC entire ecosystem ● Performance ● Easy to start - Coroutine based concurrent asynchronous IO - Event Loop - Process management - In-memory storage and management - Async TCP/UDP/HTTP/WebSocket/HTTP2/FastCGI client and servers - Async Task API - Channels, Locks, Timer, Scheduler NO PECL: ext-pcntl, ext-pthreads, ext-event Why Swoole?
  • 12. Milestone 1: PHP no die ● Run HTTP Server ○ replace NGINX+FPM ○ simplify infrastructure (less DevOps, easy building & k8s configs) ○ change (unified) operations: CI / CD / local env ● Prepare bootstrap ● Implement best practices in shared memory usage to avoid side-effects Plan
  • 13. ● Server Mode: SWOOLE_PROCESS / SWOOLE_BASE ● Dispatch Mode: 1-9 (Round-Robin, Fixed, Preemptive, etc) ● Worker Num: 1-1000 (CPU*2) ● Max Request: 0-XXX (0) Other Options: Limits, Timeouts, Memory buffers... php bin/http-server.php Swoole HTTP Server MUST SEE: <?php $server = new SwooleHTTPServer("", 9501); $server->on('Request', function(Swoole/Server/Request $request, Swoole/Server/Response $response) { $response->end('<h1>Hello World!</h1>'); }); $server->start();
  • 14. ● Scan config files, env, run reflection, attributes, build DI, generate proxy, warm caches: ● NO NEED cache layer anymore ● NOW it before real start http server (if no traffic: readiness probe=negative) PSR-7 HTTP Messages PSR-15 Middleware PSR-11 Container bootstrap in master http request in worker process Bootstrap app once fork state
  • 15. What are the problems? - NO SUPER GLOBALS ($_SERVER, ...) - No PHP Session (it is CLI SAPI) - Stateful services that should mutate on each request - DI containers - global state too. Shared Memory
  • 16. Any wrong example? Shared Memory public function onRequest(RequestEvent $event) : void { if (!$this->isMainRequest ($event)) { return; } $req = $event->getRequest(); if ($this->trustRequest && ($id = $req->headers->get($this->requestHeader ))) { $this->idStorage->setRequestId ($id); return; } if ($id = $this->idStorage->getRequestId ()) { $req->headers->set($this->requestHeader , $id); return; } $id = $this->idGenerator ->generate(); $req->headers->set($this->requestHeader , $id); $this->idStorage->setRequestId ($id); } Empty storage - no return Generate NEW Saving to storage 1 HTTP REQUEST:
  • 17. Any wrong example? Shared Memory public function onRequest(RequestEvent $event) : void { if (!$this->isMainRequest ($event)) { return; } $req = $event->getRequest(); if ($this->trustRequest && ($id = $req->headers->get($this->requestHeader ))) { $this->idStorage->setRequestId ($id); return; } if ($id = $this->idStorage->getRequestId ()) { $req->headers->set($this->requestHeader , $id); return; } $id = $this->idGenerator ->generate(); $req->headers->set($this->requestHeader , $id); $this->idStorage->setRequestId ($id); } 2 HTTP REQUEST: Now has ID in storage THE END Dead code
  • 18. Shared Memory HTTP Server options: Max Request: 100 What if... Then… In logs request ID is changed.
  • 19. Best practices: - Middlewares, Factories, Proxies, Delegators Shared Memory use PsrHttpMessageResponseInterface ; use PsrHttpMessageServerRequestInterface ; use PsrHttpServerRequestHandlerInterface ; use PsrLogLoggerInterface ; class SomeHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface { public function __construct( private Closure $appServiceFactory , private LoggerInterface $logger ) {} // Idempotent method!!! public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface { $logger = clone $this->logger; $logger->getProcessor( 'RequestID')->setRequestId( $request->getAttribute( 'RequestID')); $appService = ($this->appServiceFactory)( $logger); return new JsonResponse($appService->createBook()) ; } }
  • 20. Memory leaks … in Doctrine ORM :( Shared Memory cation-served-with-swoole/ use DoctrineORMDecoratorEntityManagerDecorator as EMD; class ReopeningEntityManager extends EMD { private $createEm; public function __construct (callable $createEm) { parent::__construct($createEm()); $this->createEm = $createEm; } public function open(): void { if (! $this->wrapped->isOpen()) { $this->wrapped = ($this->createEm)(); } } class CloseDbConnectionMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface { public function __construct( private ReopeningEntityManager $em) {} public function process( ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler ) : ResponseInterface { $this->em->open() ; try { return $handler->handle($request); } finally { $this->em->getConnection()->close() ; $this->em->clear() ; } } } Saved in DI
  • 21. Shared Memory Memory leaks BUT WHERE??? abstract class EntityManagerDecorator extends ObjectManagerDecorator { /** @var EntityManagerInterface */ protected $wrapped; public function __construct (EntityManagerInterface $wrapped) { $this->wrapped = $wrapped; } public function getRepository ($className) { return $this->wrapped->getRepository ($className); } public function getRepository ($entityName ) { return $this->repositoryFactory ->getRepository ($this, $entityName ); } Somewhere far far away in EntityManager
  • 22. PROBLEMS DUE TO: timeouts / lifecycles Avoid: Stateful convert to stateless Connections $redis = $di->get(Redis::class); // FactoryRedis: $redis->connect(...); $redis->get('KEY1'); $redisFactory = $di->get(RedisFactory:: class); $redisFactory()->get(‘KEY1’); // + close connect in desctructor Request Wrapper/Delegator: new/refresh state on each request OR
  • 23. Milestone 2: ASYNC ● Async theory ● Using coroutines ● Non-blocked IO solutions ● Concurrency problems review ● Again memory leaks
  • 24. ● GET /some/action1/ SELECT sleep(1); ○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec ○ 2 worker = 2 req/sec ● GET /some/action2/ fibonacci(30); ○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec ○ 2 worker = depends on CPU cores Why/What async? Try benchmark this:
  • 25. ● GET /some/action1/ SELECT sleep(1); ○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec ○ 2 worker = 2 req/sec ● GET /some/action2/ fibonacci(30); ○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec ○ 2 worker = depends on CPU cores MIX 50/50 = 1 req/sec 50% CPU Why/What async? Try benchmark this:
  • 26. Now enable coroutines: http server options: . 'enable_coroutine' => true, Why/What async? ● GET /some/action1/ ○ 1 worker = 10000 req/sec ○ 2 worker = 10000 req/sec ● GET /some/action2/ ○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec ○ 2 worker = depends on CPU cores
  • 27. Now enable coroutines: http server options: . 'enable_coroutine' => true, Why/What async? ● GET /some/action1/ ○ 1 worker = 10000 req/sec ○ 2 worker = 10000 req/sec ● GET /some/action2/ ○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec ○ 2 worker = depends on CPU cores MIX 50/50 = 2 req/sec 100% CPU
  • 28. go(function () { // FIRST CO echo '1'; go(function () { // SECOND CO echo '2'; co::sleep(3); // IO (in 2 CO), will return in 3 sec echo '6'; go(function () { // THIRD CO echo '7'; co::sleep(2); // IO echo "9n"; }); // END THIRD echo '8'; }); // END SECOND echo '3'; co::sleep(1); // Again IO but in 1 CO echo '5'; }); // END FIRST CO echo '4'; Coroutines 1 2 3 4 5
  • 30. Swoole Hooks Coroutine Clients: ● TCP/UDP ● HTTP ● HTTP2 ● Socket ● FastCGI ● Redis ● MySQL ● Postgresql Runtime HOOKS: ● Coroutine support (any IO libraries based on php_stream): ○ Redis (phpredis) or (predis) ○ MySQL (mysqlnd) PDO and MySQLi ○ PHP SOAP ○ file_get_contents, fopen and many more file I/O operations ○ stream_socket_client functions ○ fsockopen ○ CURL with libcurl ● Libraries without coroutine support: ○ MySQL with libmysqlclient ○ MongoDB with mongo-c-client ○ pdo_pgsql, pdo_ori, pdo_odbc, pdo_firebird, php-amqp VS Non-blocked IO
  • 31. $swooleServer->onRequest: go($this->requestHandler); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- non-blocked: multiple requests in same time/code Concurrency function onRequest() { $class = $di->get(stdClass:class); if ($class->some === null) { $class->some = 123; } sleep(2); // && some logic $class->some = null; } First request awaiting here We expected clean in request end http server options: . 'enable_coroutine' => true,
  • 32. $swooleServer->onRequest: go($this->requestHandler); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- non-blocked: multiple requests in same time/code Concurrency function onRequest() { $class = $di->get(stdClass:class); if ($class->some === null) { $class->some = 123; } sleep(2); // && some logic $class->some = null; } First request awaiting here We expected clean in request end EPIC FAIL! in second request http server options: . 'enable_coroutine' => true,
  • 33. Request Wrapper/Delegator: new/refresh state on each request Uncaught SwooleError: Socket# has already been bound to another coroutine Connections. Again? $http = new SwooleHttpServer( '', '80', SWOOLE_PROCESS) ; $http->on('request', function (SwooleHttpRequest $request, SwooleHttpResponse $response) { if (empty($redis)) { $redis = new Redis(); $redis->connect('' , 6379); $redis->select(1); $redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER , Redis::SERIALIZER_PHP) ; } try { $redisJson = $redis->get('key'); } catch (Exception $e) { // SWOOLE ERROR HERE ! } $response->end('some response' ); });
  • 35. Connections. Again? use DoctrineCommonCacheCacheProvider ; use Redis; use SwooleDatabaseRedisPool ; class SwooleRedisCacheProvider extends CacheProvider { public function __construct ( private RedisPool $pool, ) { } protected function doFetch($id, ?Redis $redis = null) { if (! $redis) { return $this->run(fn (Redis $redis) : mixed => . $this->doFetch($id, $redis)); } return $redis->get($id); } private function run(callable $procedure) { $redis = $this->pool->get(); $redis->setOption(Redis::SERIALIZER, $this->getSerializer ()); try { $result = $procedure($redis); } catch (Throwable $e) { throw $e; } finally { $this->pool->put($redis); } return $result; }
  • 36. Memory Leaks. Again? final class ReopeningEntityManager implements EntityManagerInterface { private Closure $entityManagerFactory ; protected array $wrapped = []; public function clear($object = null) : void { $this->getWrapped()->clear($object); unset ($this->wrapped[Co::getCid()]); // does not help! } private function getWrapped() : EntityManagerInterface { if (! isset($this->wrapped[Co::getCid()])) { $this->wrapped[Co::getCid()] = ($this->entityManagerFactory )(); } return $this->wrapped[Co::getCid()]; } public function getConnection () { return $this->getWrapped()->getConnection (); }
  • 37. Memory Leaks. Again? Using WeakMap & defer in coroutines! Restart workers? You are coward!
  • 38. Using PostgreSQL - no PDO hooks in Swoole ● Use Coroutine Postgresql Client: ● Write new Driver for Doctrine ORM ● Be ready to problems Problem Again
  • 39. Other miscellaneous: Manage crons (by timers) Manage message workers (process manager) Manage Signals (soft termination) Milestone 3: others
  • 40. Cron jobs - persist Deployment: run “crontab” process + list php CLI command - CronJob (k8s) periodical run POD with “php bin/app cron:process” - CronJob as Message (run as “bin/app messenger:consume transport.amqp”) - + Swoole Timer async callback in PHP master process (instead linux crontab)
  • 42. Prӕfectus PraefectusListener use SpiralGoridgeRelay ; use SpiralGoridgeRPCRPC ; use SpiralGoridgeRPCRPCInterface ; /** * @see SymfonyComponentMessengerWorker */ class PraefectusListener implements EventSubscriberInterface { private const IPC_SOCKET_PATH_TPL = '/tmp/praefectus_%d.sock' ; // … public function onMessageReceived (EventWorkerMessageReceivedEvent $event) : void { $this->getRpc()->call('PraefectusRPC.WorkerState' ,['pid'=>getmypid() ,'state'=>self::WORKER_BUSY]); $this->getRpc()->call('PraefectusRPC.MessageState' , [ 'id' => $messageIdStamp ->id(), 'name' => get_class( $event->getEnvelope ()->getMessage()), 'transport' => $event->getReceiverName (), 'bus' => $busName, 'state' => self::MESSAGE_STATE_PROCESSING, ]); } } *not yet released on GitHub
  • 43. ● no compatibility in code: ○ run same code in FPM & build-in http server ○ work without swoole extension (PoC - write stubs?) ○ XDebug - goodbye (use PCOV for coverage) ○ Profiling - Results
  • 44. ● Doctrine + async = EVIL* Results * But is possible, if enough extra memory: Each concurrency EntityManager = +100-150Mb
  • 45. ● Swoole Table for cache - must have! Results Doctrine (any) cache shared between workers. Solved case: Deployment & migration process without 50x errors
  • 46. ● Benchmarks - good results! Results - empty handler (bootstrap) - TTFB before: 140 ms, after: 4 ms SWOOLE FPM
  • 47. ● Benchmarks - good results! Results - empty handler (bootstrap) - TTFB before: 140 ms, after: 4 ms - AVG (all traffic) TTFB reduced on 40% - before: 250 ms, after: 150 ms - 95 percentile - before: 1500 ms, after: 600 ms P.S. Load by same API RPS: ~200
  • 48. - Now: 20 (PHP) / 20 (Typesense) / 20 (other) / 16 (DB) vCPUs - 6k$ --> 3.5k$ (per month) Results ● Resources usage - (ETA) reduced!
  • 49. Useful links: - - - - - - We looking: DevOps / Backend Developer / Frontend Developer / QA manual+automation. Any Questions? BTW: