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MUMPS is dead? Rob Tweed M/Gateway Developments Ltd Twitter: @rtweed
What is Node.js?
What is Node.js?
What is Node.js? … so what does that mean?

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JS everywhere 2011
JS everywhere 2011JS everywhere 2011
JS everywhere 2011

The document discusses the future of server-side JavaScript. It covers various Node.js frameworks and libraries that support both synchronous and asynchronous programming styles. CommonJS aims to provide interoperability across platforms by implementing synchronous proposals using fibers. Examples demonstrate how CommonJS allows for synchronous-like code while maintaining asynchronous behavior under the hood. Benchmarks show it has comparable performance to Node.js. The author advocates for toolkits over frameworks and continuing development of common standards and packages.

web developmentjavascriptringojs
Async and Await on the Server
Async and Await on the ServerAsync and Await on the Server
Async and Await on the Server

This is the Async / Await feature added to .NET in .NET 4.5, specifically...Everything I Wish I Knew When I Started Using It! By avoiding the client side discussions around the UI and parallel processing, we can focus on the environment in which most of us live and have both an introduction and deeper dive into how it all works. This is about how we can all use the feature RIGHT NOW to write better performing code.
Getting started with Perl XS and Inline::C
Getting started with Perl XS and Inline::CGetting started with Perl XS and Inline::C
Getting started with Perl XS and Inline::C

Perl XS is notoriously ugly, but it's also useful. The dirt can be swept under the carpet to a large

What is Node.js?
What is Node.js? Node.js is a server-side JavaScript environment.
What is Node.js? Node.js is a server-side JavaScript environment. Node.js is a server-side JavaScript interpreter that allows us to handle and make requests via JavaScript: In a web or networked environment
Just Javascript Browsers Node.js server process Javascript Javascript Database

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Node.js - Advanced Basics
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Node.js - Advanced Basics

Node has revolutionized modern runtimes. Their async by default strategy boasts 3x the throughput of Java. And yet, the language runs 5x slower than C++ (when JS is interpreted). This talk is an advanced intro into the world of Node where we take a closer look under the hood. What's the event loop? Why are there multiple compilers for JS in Node/V8? How many threads are actually used in Node and for what purpose? We'll answer these questions and more as we go over libuv, v8, the node core library, npm, and more. If you're developing with Node, want to start, or are just curious about how it works, please check it out!

End to-end async and await
End to-end async and awaitEnd to-end async and await
End to-end async and await

The document discusses asynchronous programming using async and await in C#. It begins by explaining what asynchronous programming is and why it is useful for improving app responsiveness and simplifying asynchronous code. It then describes how async and await works by generating state machines and using continuation tasks. The document covers some gotchas with async code as well as best practices like naming conventions. It provides references for further reading on asynchronous patterns, tasks, and unit testing asynchronous code.

Real-Time Web Apps & Symfony. What are your options?
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Real-Time Web Apps & Symfony. What are your options?

This document discusses options for building real-time web applications with Symfony. It covers existing solutions like ReactPHP, Ratchet, Faye and Pusher that provide real-time functionality. It also considers factors like programming language, application functionality, architecture, and whether to use a self-hosted or hosted solution. Example architectures are presented using Symfony with Ratchet and Faye. The document aims to help developers choose the right real-time solution for their needs.

So instead of this: http/ https Persistent connections Browser Browser Browser Web Server (Apache/ IIS) CSP Caché CSP interface Caché CSP interface Your scripts Your data EWD CSP pages
You'd have something like this: Browser Browser Browser Cach é http/ https WebLink interface Cach é CSP interface Child_process connections EWD Runtime Your scripts Your data EWD routines Node.js process Javascript Web server & request/response Handling logic stdin/stdout GT.M or Cach é
What is Node.js?
V8 Node.js uses the Google V8 engine to provide the Javascript environment V8 is the engine in the Chrome browser V8 is  very  fast!

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Async await

Presentation given at SoCal .NET Architecture group in March 2015. We introduced the async/await keywords and discussed architectural considerations: like why async may be superior to Parallel.ForEach and other parallel options, especially for server-side scaling

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introduction to node.js
introduction to node.jsintroduction to node.js
introduction to node.js

This document provides an introduction to Node.js, a framework for building scalable server-side applications with asynchronous JavaScript. It discusses what Node.js is, how it uses non-blocking I/O and events to avoid wasting CPU cycles, and how external Node modules help create a full JavaScript stack. Examples are given of using Node modules like Express for building RESTful APIs and Socket.IO for implementing real-time features like chat. Best practices, limitations, debugging techniques and references are also covered.

This document discusses asynchronous programming using async/await in C#. It covers why multithreading is important, how to use async/await to offload work or scale applications, and how to properly structure asynchronous code. The key points are: async/await provides an easier way to write multithreaded code compared to previous approaches; methods should be marked async if they use await; and tasks can be used to start asynchronous work and wait for completion in a non-blocking way.

What is Node.js?
What is Node.js? Node.js is a server-side JavaScript environment   that uses an asynchronous event-driven model .
What is Node.js? Node.js is a server-side JavaScript environment   that uses an asynchronous event-driven model . No threads Node.js runs in a single process, handling all client requests Non-blocking I/O Can't wait for slow resources to respond Files, databases, etc Must not block the process or everyone waits
Asynchronous I/O & Javascript Javascript is an ideal language for this No I/O in a browser Access to remote resources is asynchronous The A in Ajax! Send a request for a resource and define a handler to deal with it when it arrives "Call-back function"

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DaNode - A home made web server in D
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DaNode is a simple and small web server written in D that allows running websites using any programming language as CGI scripts. It has fewer than 2000 lines of code, runs on Windows, Linux, and ARM, and allows serving multiple secure domains from a single server using SSL and SNI. While simple and useful for quick tasks, it does not fully implement web standards and its security has limitations, but it serves as a basis for further development and adding features from other frameworks like vibe.d.

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This document introduces Reactive Programming with RxJava and how it can be used to create non-blocking applications. It discusses the limitations of blocking code and how RxJava uses Observables and Subscribers to implement reactive and asynchronous operations. It provides examples of converting blocking servlets and HTTP calls to non-blocking using RxJava. While non-blocking code is not always faster, it allows asynchronous operations to utilize threads more efficiently.

How NOT to write in Node.js
How NOT to write in Node.jsHow NOT to write in Node.js
How NOT to write in Node.js

This document discusses Node.js architecture and how software lives in hardware. It notes that Node.js uses a single-threaded, event loop model to avoid context switching and blocking I/O. This allows high throughput for operations like HTTP requests but is not optimal for long-running computations in a single thread. The document also addresses issues like callback hell and scaling event emitters, providing solutions like using promises and external queue systems. It concludes by stating Node.js is best for I/O operations, not all problems, and event loop models have existed in other frameworks before Node.js.

Asynchronous I/O & Javascript On the server, in Node.js: Make a request for I/O (file/ database) Define a call-back function Move on immediately When the I/O is complete: Call-back function is fired to handle it
Asynchronous I/O & Javascript Synchronous read from a file in MUMPS: set file = "mydata.txt" open file:"r" use file read buffer // do something with the buffer contents … . // then move on to the next task
Asynchronous I/O & Javascript Synchronous read from a file in MUMPS: set file = "mydata.txt" open file:"r" use file read buffer // do something with the buffer contents … .// at this point the thread is blocked … .// until the buffer contents are read from the file // then move on to the next task
Asynchronous I/O & Javascript The Asynchronous way in Javascript: var fs = require('fs'); fs.readFile('mydata.txt', function (err, buffer) { // Do something with the data in the buffer }); // Immediately execute the next statements //  while it waits for I/O

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Ruby is considered by many to be slow and unscalable. In this talk we’ll try to disprove this premise by introducing EventMachine. We will cover the basic concepts of evented I/O programming and the Reactor pattern. Talk about best practices and useful libraries for EventMachine and see how to test your event driven code. Code examples from the presentation can be found at:

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Actor Programming is a software building approach that lets you can go beyond fault tolerance and achieve Resilience, which is the capacity of a system to self-heal and spring back into a fresh shape. First I'll introduce the difference between Reactive Programming and Reactive Systems, and then we'll go over a couple of implementation examples using Scala and Akka. The coupled GitHub repository with the code is here:

What is Node.js?
Node.js Evented I/O Node.js is a single process running an event loop When an event occurs, fire a call-back function to handle it When no events are coming in, the Node.js process sits in a dormant state
Node.js process A Node.js process can handle many thousands of clients Provided none of them block Provided none of them do CPU-intensive processing
Node.js / Javascript: popularity Node.js is now the most followed project on Github, exceeding Ruby on Rails Javascript is now the most popular language in the world, based on a number of measures including number of Github projects

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CTU June 2011 - C# 5.0 - ASYNC & Await

This document discusses C# 5's new async and await keywords for asynchronous programming. It begins with an overview of concurrency vs asynchrony, then demonstrates converting synchronous code to asynchronous code using async and await. Key points include using await to wait for asynchronous operations to complete without blocking threads, and assigning continuations to be invoked after asynchronous operations complete. The document also discusses best practices for implementing cancellation and progress reporting in asynchronous methods.

c#c sharp 5.0asynchrony
Introduction Node.js
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Introduction Node.js

This document provides an introduction to Node.js. It discusses why JavaScript can be strange, but explains that JavaScript is relevant as the language of the web. It then discusses what Node.js is and its event-driven, non-blocking architecture. Popular Node.js applications like HTTP servers, REST APIs, and web sockets are mentioned. Examples are provided of building a simple web app with Express and Jade, a REST API with Restify, and using web sockets with The document also discusses using Mongoose with MongoDB for data modeling.

Node js
Node jsNode js
Node js

This document discusses asynchronous I/O in NodeJS. It begins by covering traditional control flow models like single-threaded and multi-threaded processes. It then introduces emerging models like coroutines, fibers, and event-driven non-blocking I/O. The rest of the document focuses on how NodeJS implements an asynchronous event-driven model using libev, libeio, and callbacks. It notes some issues with callbacks and introduces flow control libraries like Steps that help address these issues.

php day 2008
Significance for GT.M & Cach é Opportunity to use Javascript as a primary scripting language Global storage for Javascript JSON / Global mapping
Why Javascript? The world's most popular language The world's sexiest, coolest server-side environment Javascript's dynamic interpreted nature has many similarities to MUMPS
Why not MUMPS? Rightly or wrongly, the perception in the mainstream is that the MUMPS language is old-fashioned and inherently broken Daily WTF article: Yet global storage has a great deal to offer as a NoSQL database technology Result: the benefits and advantages of global storage are ignored because modern developers will refuse to learn the language
Making Global Storage Attractive Make it accessible via the coolest, sexiest, most popular language on the planet Demonstrate that global storage is a great NoSQL technology "Universal NoSQL Engine"

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Everything you wanted to know about writing async, concurrent http apps in java Everything you wanted to know about writing async, concurrent http apps in java
Everything you wanted to know about writing async, concurrent http apps in java

As presented at CodeMotion Tel Aviv: Facing tens of millions of clients continuously downloading binaries from its repositories, JFrog decided to offer an OSS client that natively supports these downloads. This session shares the main challenges of developing a highly concurrent, resumable, async download library on top of an Apache HTTP client. It also covers other libraries JFrog tested and why it decided to reinvent the wheel. Consider yourself forewarned: lots of HTTP internals, NIO, and concurrency ahead!

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hacking with node.JS
hacking with node.JShacking with node.JS
hacking with node.JS

Node.js is an exciting new platform developed by Ryan Dahl that allows JavaScript developers to create extremely high performance servers by leveraging Google's V8 JavaScript engine and asynchronous I/O. It uses a non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, as well as features like CommonJS modules and the npm package manager. The document provides examples of building simple HTTP servers and modules in Node.js to demonstrate its capabilities.

node.jsopen hack day india
Implementing Comet using PHP
Implementing Comet using PHPImplementing Comet using PHP
Implementing Comet using PHP

This talk was given at the Dutch PHP Conference 2011 and details the use of Comet (aka reverse ajax or ajax push) technologies and the importance of websockets and server-sent events. More information is available at

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Downside of Node.js Asynchronous programming Callback hell! Deeply nested call-backs Complexity of logic Essential to understand closures 2 main types: Dependent Concurrent Care needed when using for loops to invoke logic that includes callbacks
Dependent callbacks myFunc1(inputs, function(error, results) { var value = results.value; // myFunc2 can't run until myFunc1 returns its results myFunc2(value, function(error, results) { var myResult = results.value; });  });
Concurrent callbacks var count = 0; myFunc1(inputs, function(error, results) { count++; if (count === 3) myFunc4(inputs); }); myFunc2(inputs, function(error, results) { count++; if (count === 3) myFunc4(inputs); }); myFunc3(inputs, function(error, results) { count++; if (count === 3) myFunc4(inputs); }); // myFunc isn't invoked until all 3 functions are complete // Uses the properties of closures to allow count to be incremented by  // the callbacks in the three functions
Closures Inner functions have access to the outer function's variables, even after the outer function has completed

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Introduction to node.js
Introduction to node.jsIntroduction to node.js
Introduction to node.js

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine that is used to develop fast and scalable network applications. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, especially for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices. Node.js relies heavily on asynchronous event handling, callbacks, and data streams.

node.js javascript
Introduction to node.js by Ran Mizrahi @ Reversim Summit
Introduction to node.js by Ran Mizrahi @ Reversim SummitIntroduction to node.js by Ran Mizrahi @ Reversim Summit
Introduction to node.js by Ran Mizrahi @ Reversim Summit

Node.js is a platform built on Chrome V8 javascript runtime engine for building fast and scalable, non-blocking, real-time and network applications. In this session I'll introduce you to node.js and developing large code bases using it. We'll cover the following aspects: * What is node.js? * Apache vs. Nginx performance (One thread per connection vs. event loop) and what it has to do with node.js. * Why node was written in Javascript? * Main tools and frameworks (Express,, mongoose etc.) * TDD/BDD with node.js using mocha and Expect.js

node.jstechnologyweb development

This document provides an introduction and overview of Node.js. It discusses the brief history of server-side JavaScript, how Node.js was created to enable easy push capabilities for websites, and its growth in popularity in the following years. The document also covers key aspects of Node.js like non-blocking I/O, event loops, streams, modules, and dependency management with NPM. Popular frameworks like Express, Hapi, and tools/concepts like IoT, desktop apps, and real-time apps are also mentioned.

#nodejs #javascript
Closures Inner functions have access to the outer function's variables, even after the outer function has completed  var digit_name = function() { var names = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven',  'eight', 'nine']; return function(n) { return names[n]; }; }; var test = digit_name(); // test is a function that takes a value var text = test(3); console.log("text = " + text);
Closures Inner functions have access to the outer function's variables, even after the outer function has completed  var digit_name = function() { var names = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven',  'eight', 'nine']; return function(n) { return names[n]; }; }; var test = digit_name(); // test is a function that takes a value var text = test(3); console.log("text = " + text);
Closures Could be rewritten to use a self-executing function as follows  var digit_name = function() {   var names = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven',  'eight', 'nine'];   return function(n) {     return names[n];   }; } () ; // digit_name is the result of running the outer function,  //  so it's a function that takes a value var name = digit_name(3); // name will be 'three'
Downside of Node.js Asynchronous programming Database access functions can't return a value Value is embedded inside the callback Can't chain database functions as objects: document.getElementById('x').parent.firstChild.tagName

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Introduction to Node.js
Introduction to Node.jsIntroduction to Node.js
Introduction to Node.js

Basics of Node.js and where it is being used currently. Some introductory examples are also included in the presentation to get started.

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Writing robust Node.js applications
Writing robust Node.js applicationsWriting robust Node.js applications
Writing robust Node.js applications

This document provides an introduction and overview of a Node.js tutorial presented by Tom Hughes-Croucher. The tutorial covers topics such as building scalable server-side code with JavaScript using Node.js, debugging Node.js applications, using frameworks like Express.js, and best practices for deploying Node.js applications in production environments. The tutorial includes exercises for hands-on learning and demonstrates tools and techniques like, clustering, error handling and using Redis with Node.js applications.

Event-driven IO server-side JavaScript environment based on V8 Engine
Event-driven IO server-side JavaScript environment based on V8 EngineEvent-driven IO server-side JavaScript environment based on V8 Engine
Event-driven IO server-side JavaScript environment based on V8 Engine

This document contains information about Ricardo Silva's background and areas of expertise. It includes his degree in Computer Science from ISTEC and MSc in Computation and Medical Instrumentation from ISEP. It also notes that he works as a Software Developer at Shortcut, Lda and maintains a blog and email contact for Node.js topics. The document then covers several JavaScript, Node.js and Websockets topics through examples and explanations in 3 sentences or less each.

Accessing globals from Node.js Cache & GT.M: Complete webserver + gateway for EWD Also includes global access functions, eg: get set getJSON mFunction

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Node.js: CAMTA Presentation

  • 1. MUMPS is dead? Rob Tweed M/Gateway Developments Ltd Twitter: @rtweed
  • 4. What is Node.js? … so what does that mean?
  • 6. What is Node.js? Node.js is a server-side JavaScript environment.
  • 7. What is Node.js? Node.js is a server-side JavaScript environment. Node.js is a server-side JavaScript interpreter that allows us to handle and make requests via JavaScript: In a web or networked environment
  • 8. Just Javascript Browsers Node.js server process Javascript Javascript Database
  • 9. So instead of this: http/ https Persistent connections Browser Browser Browser Web Server (Apache/ IIS) CSP Caché CSP interface Caché CSP interface Your scripts Your data EWD CSP pages
  • 10. You'd have something like this: Browser Browser Browser Cach é http/ https WebLink interface Cach é CSP interface Child_process connections EWD Runtime Your scripts Your data EWD routines Node.js process Javascript Web server & request/response Handling logic stdin/stdout GT.M or Cach é
  • 12. V8 Node.js uses the Google V8 engine to provide the Javascript environment V8 is the engine in the Chrome browser V8 is very fast!
  • 14. What is Node.js? Node.js is a server-side JavaScript environment that uses an asynchronous event-driven model .
  • 15. What is Node.js? Node.js is a server-side JavaScript environment that uses an asynchronous event-driven model . No threads Node.js runs in a single process, handling all client requests Non-blocking I/O Can't wait for slow resources to respond Files, databases, etc Must not block the process or everyone waits
  • 16. Asynchronous I/O & Javascript Javascript is an ideal language for this No I/O in a browser Access to remote resources is asynchronous The A in Ajax! Send a request for a resource and define a handler to deal with it when it arrives "Call-back function"
  • 17. Asynchronous I/O & Javascript On the server, in Node.js: Make a request for I/O (file/ database) Define a call-back function Move on immediately When the I/O is complete: Call-back function is fired to handle it
  • 18. Asynchronous I/O & Javascript Synchronous read from a file in MUMPS: set file = "mydata.txt" open file:"r" use file read buffer // do something with the buffer contents … . // then move on to the next task
  • 19. Asynchronous I/O & Javascript Synchronous read from a file in MUMPS: set file = "mydata.txt" open file:"r" use file read buffer // do something with the buffer contents … .// at this point the thread is blocked … .// until the buffer contents are read from the file // then move on to the next task
  • 20. Asynchronous I/O & Javascript The Asynchronous way in Javascript: var fs = require('fs'); fs.readFile('mydata.txt', function (err, buffer) { // Do something with the data in the buffer }); // Immediately execute the next statements // while it waits for I/O
  • 22. Node.js Evented I/O Node.js is a single process running an event loop When an event occurs, fire a call-back function to handle it When no events are coming in, the Node.js process sits in a dormant state
  • 23. Node.js process A Node.js process can handle many thousands of clients Provided none of them block Provided none of them do CPU-intensive processing
  • 24. Node.js / Javascript: popularity Node.js is now the most followed project on Github, exceeding Ruby on Rails Javascript is now the most popular language in the world, based on a number of measures including number of Github projects
  • 25. Significance for GT.M & Cach é Opportunity to use Javascript as a primary scripting language Global storage for Javascript JSON / Global mapping
  • 26. Why Javascript? The world's most popular language The world's sexiest, coolest server-side environment Javascript's dynamic interpreted nature has many similarities to MUMPS
  • 27. Why not MUMPS? Rightly or wrongly, the perception in the mainstream is that the MUMPS language is old-fashioned and inherently broken Daily WTF article: Yet global storage has a great deal to offer as a NoSQL database technology Result: the benefits and advantages of global storage are ignored because modern developers will refuse to learn the language
  • 28. Making Global Storage Attractive Make it accessible via the coolest, sexiest, most popular language on the planet Demonstrate that global storage is a great NoSQL technology "Universal NoSQL Engine"
  • 29. Downside of Node.js Asynchronous programming Callback hell! Deeply nested call-backs Complexity of logic Essential to understand closures 2 main types: Dependent Concurrent Care needed when using for loops to invoke logic that includes callbacks
  • 30. Dependent callbacks myFunc1(inputs, function(error, results) { var value = results.value; // myFunc2 can't run until myFunc1 returns its results myFunc2(value, function(error, results) { var myResult = results.value; }); });
  • 31. Concurrent callbacks var count = 0; myFunc1(inputs, function(error, results) { count++; if (count === 3) myFunc4(inputs); }); myFunc2(inputs, function(error, results) { count++; if (count === 3) myFunc4(inputs); }); myFunc3(inputs, function(error, results) { count++; if (count === 3) myFunc4(inputs); }); // myFunc isn't invoked until all 3 functions are complete // Uses the properties of closures to allow count to be incremented by // the callbacks in the three functions
  • 32. Closures Inner functions have access to the outer function's variables, even after the outer function has completed
  • 33. Closures Inner functions have access to the outer function's variables, even after the outer function has completed var digit_name = function() { var names = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine']; return function(n) { return names[n]; }; }; var test = digit_name(); // test is a function that takes a value var text = test(3); console.log("text = " + text);
  • 34. Closures Inner functions have access to the outer function's variables, even after the outer function has completed var digit_name = function() { var names = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine']; return function(n) { return names[n]; }; }; var test = digit_name(); // test is a function that takes a value var text = test(3); console.log("text = " + text);
  • 35. Closures Could be rewritten to use a self-executing function as follows var digit_name = function() {  var names = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven',  'eight', 'nine'];  return function(n) {    return names[n];  }; } () ; // digit_name is the result of running the outer function, // so it's a function that takes a value var name = digit_name(3); // name will be 'three'
  • 36. Downside of Node.js Asynchronous programming Database access functions can't return a value Value is embedded inside the callback Can't chain database functions as objects: document.getElementById('x').parent.firstChild.tagName
  • 37. Accessing globals from Node.js Cache & GT.M: Complete webserver + gateway for EWD Also includes global access functions, eg: get set getJSON mFunction