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Presenting ActiveWeb making Java Web programming fun...again! Igor Polevoy
About me Developer like you
Have bad aftertaste of many web frameworks
Presented ActiveJDBC to CJUG last year at about the same time

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Was suggested to shut up and make a change
Currently a Chief Technologist at ProductiveEdge, Chicago
But why? Don't we have enough frameworks in Java? Restlet Brill Aranea Web Framework RSF JSF RichFaces Strecks Google Web Toolkit Aurora JPublish Jucas MyFaces WebOnSwing Chrysalis VRaptor SwingWeb Barracuda ThinWire Struts1/2 Turbine Tapestry Cocoon Spring Maverick Echo SOFIA Verge Anvil Jaffa Japple RIFE Swinglets  Millstone  Wicket  DWR  JSPWidget  JOSSO JAT  OpenXava  Stripes  Click  ZK  Caramba  wingS  Helma
All we need is: Simple to use, sophisticated on the inside

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This document provides an overview of the Play! web framework for Java, including how it differs from traditional Java web development approaches by avoiding servlets, portlets, XML, EJBs, JSPs, and other technologies. It demonstrates creating a simple PDF generation application using Play!, including defining a model, controller, and view. The framework uses conventions over configuration and allows rapid development through features like automatic reloading of code changes and helpful error pages.

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This document discusses best practices for developing useful APIs. It recommends treating all reusable code as an API and following principles like using minimal dependencies and packaging code appropriately. It also provides examples of API design patterns at the module, class, and method level, such as using dependency injection, builder patterns, and exception handling conventions. The goal is to make APIs easy to read, use, extend, and hard to misuse by learning from open source projects and following trends in API design.

javajug latvia
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HTML 5 is a new version of HTML that is still being developed. It aims to evolve HTML instead of reinventing it. Key features include new form elements, input types, semantic elements, APIs for offline apps, and standardized video and audio embedding. Browser support is growing but the specification may not be finalized until 2022. However, many features are already implemented and can be used today through emulation if needed.

Full stack
Supporting TDD
Can test views

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The document discusses the goals and design of Zepto.js, a JavaScript framework for mobile web applications. It aims to have a very small codebase that is easy to use, extends native browser APIs, and avoids non-essential browser implementations. It provides a jQuery-like API but takes advantage of mobile features for better performance on small screens and devices with limited bandwidth.

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This document discusses using AngularJS with Django to build a single page application called Tweeter. Some key advantages of this approach are that it is faster since pages don't need to reload, any JavaScript framework can be used, and the backend is reusable for mobile apps. Django REST framework is used to create RESTful APIs for models like Tweets that Angular consumes through resources and controllers. Templates are used to pass data from Django to Angular initially, while Angular routing and partials handle page changes within the SPA. Overall this provides a smooth integration of Django and Angular that separates concerns for a better user experience.

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The way JavaScript is standardized and improved is changing this year. Learning how will help you understand why transpilers have become so popular, and why we will likely be using them for a long time. Ember itself will need to adapt to changes in JavaScript, and we will take a look at how the existing object model might be migrated to a pure EcmaScript solution.

web developmentes2015es6
Clean URLs
Fast, lightweight (as few dependencies as possible)
Conforms to (few good) standards
Fun(because of immediate gratification)

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This document provides instructions for setting up an EJB 3 project that integrates with the Struts web framework. It describes creating entity beans for Book and Customer objects and defining the relationship between them. It also covers implementing a stateless session bean with local and remote interfaces to perform basic CRUD operations using the entity manager. The tutorial uses PostgreSQL as the database and provides code samples for the entity beans, session bean, and persistence configuration file.

Comparing Hot JavaScript Frameworks: AngularJS, Ember.js and React.js - Sprin...
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JavaScript MVC Frameworks are all the rage these days. Theyā€™ve taken the web development world by storm. This session explores the various features of the three hottest JavaScript MVC frameworks: AngularJS, Ember.js and React.js. It also compares client-side templating vs. server-side templating and how well each framework supports Isomorphic JavaScript (code that can run both client-side and server-side). Finally, it ranks each framework on 10 different criteria using Yevgeniy Brikmanā€™s framework scorecard. Video on InfoQ:

Intro to node.js - Ran Mizrahi (28/8/14)
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This document provides an introduction to Node.js, including what it is, how it works, and some common frameworks and tools used with Node.js. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine that uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model to handle requests. It allows for easy development of scalable network applications. The document discusses Node.js' event loop architecture, non-blocking I/O, and provides examples of using Express, Socket.IO, Mongoose and testing with Mocha/Chai.

History First version in 2009
In parallel development with ActiveJDBC
First put in production in summer 2010
Currently in production at major insurance company, 4 websites, clustered REST web services, internal tools, displacing legacy systems (Spring/Hibernate)

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The document provides an overview of front-end technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax and jQuery. It discusses how the front-end interacts with the user's browser and backend servers. It describes the roles of HTML, CSS and JavaScript in content, styles and behaviors. It then covers HTML tags and structures, CSS, JavaScript basics and its use in browsers with BOM and DOM APIs. The document also summarizes Ajax and how it enables asynchronous JavaScript requests, and introduces jQuery and how it simplifies DOM and Ajax operations.

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In this session, Aaron Gustafson introduces attendees to the client-side scripting language known as JavaScript. After being taken on a quick tour through the language's features and syntax, attendees will be introduced through a series of examples to ways in which JavaScript can progressively enhance the user experience and really make their designs sing. This session also introduces attendees to several JavaScript libraries and demonstrate how to execute the same task in each.

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- The original vision of the World Wide Web was as a hyperlinked document retrieval system, not for presentation, sessions, or interactivity. If it had stayed true to this vision, modern sites like Yahoo would not exist. - Browser wars in the 1990s led to proprietary technologies that frustrated developers. The introduction of JavaScript in 1995 allowed for dynamic and interactive web pages. - By the 2000s, Microsoft's Internet Explorer dominated the browser market, bringing some stability through standards like DOM and DHTML. However, cross-browser differences still posed challenges for developers.

ā€¢by kaven yan
Meet new friend Navigate  to: http://localhost:8080/testapp/greeting?name=Bob Executes: public   class   GreetingController   extends   AppController{ public   void   index(){ view(ā€œnameā€, param(ā€œnameā€)); } } Renders: /WEB-INF/views/greeting/index.ftl View code: Hello, ${name}! Output: Hello, Bob! A few conventions at work here:  URL to Controller Default action view location by controller name view name by action name No configuration.  In fact, ActiveWeb has no property files, no XML, no Yaml, no text files of any kind.
Lets TDD this public   cla ss  G r eetingControllerSpec   extends   ControllerSpec{ @Test public   void   shouldRenderHelloWorld(){ request().param(ā€œnameā€, ā€œBobā€).get(ā€œindexā€); a(assigns().get(ā€œnameā€)).shouldBeEqual(ā€œBobā€); } } Test HTML content: public   class  G reet ingControllerSpec   extends   ControllerSpec{ @Test public   void   shouldRenderHelloWorld(){ request().param(ā€œnameā€, ā€œBobā€). integrateViews () .get(ā€œindexā€); a(responseContent().contains(ā€œHello,   Bob!ā€)).shouldBeTrue(); } } Convention at work: Controller name from spec name.
Configuration in code public   class   DbConfig   extends   AbstractDBConfig   { public   void   init(AppContext   context)   { environment( "development" ) .jndi( "jdbc/kitchensink_development" ); environment( "development" ).testing() .jdbc( "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" ,   "jdbc:mysql://localhost/kitchensink_development"  ,   "root" ,   "****" );   environment( "hudson" ).testing() .jdbc( "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" ,   "jdbc:mysql://",  "root", "****" ); environment( "production" ) .jndi( "jdbc/kitchensink_production" ); } } DSL for environments, JNDI, JDBC and testing mode You get help from IDE and from compiler, less likely to make a typo
Structure of project Standard Maven structure,  View are located under:  /WEB-INF/views Controllers   are   in   app.controllers   package . Result: Huge selection of anything built under the  sun for Maven in general and Maven Web  specifically

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- Hibernate is an ORM tool that uses POJO objects and allows working with objects instead of directly with the database. - It uses a SessionFactory to provide Sessions which represent a single unit of work and handles dirty checking. Mapping is defined in XML files. - Hibernate supports complex queries using the Criteria interface to create restrictions and conditions equivalent to SQL queries.

ā€¢by hr1383

The document discusses JSPs (JavaServer Pages) and how they allow for the creation of dynamic web content by mixing static HTML with Java code, describing how JSPs are translated into servlets at request time to generate dynamic output. It provides an overview of why JSPs are used, how they work, and some of their advantages over other technologies like servlets for building web applications.

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Layouts Default Layout: src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/layouts/default_layout.ftl < html > < head > < LINK   href = &quot;${context_path}/css/main.css&quot;   rel = &quot;stylesheet&quot; /> < script   src = &quot;${context_path}/js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js&quot; </ script > < script   src = &quot;${context_path}/js/aw.js&quot; </ script > < title > ActiveWeb -  < @yield   to = &quot;title&quot; /></ title > </ head > < body > < div   class = &quot;main&quot; > < #include   &quot;header.ftl&quot;   > ${page_content}  < #include   &quot;footer.ftl&quot;   > </ div > </ body > </ html > Serves the same purpose as Tiles or Sitemesh, but integrated into the  system as another template. There are wrapper/nested layouts too.
<@content for and <@yield Page titles with custom tags < @content   for = &quot;title&quot; > Books List </@content> This sends content to  < @yield   to = &quot;title&quot; />  located in layout Can send any content to layout with content tag, including links to CSS, JS, etc: < @content   for = &quot;js&quot; > < script   src = &quot;${context_path}/js/page_specific.js&quot;   type = &quot;text/javascript&quot; ></ script > </ @ > Content will be rendered in layout in place of  < @yield   to = &quot;js&quot; /> This allows to easily declare content specific for a page, but rendered outside  page context.
Unobtrusive JS and <@link_to < form   id = &quot;da_form&quot;   > First name:  < input   type = &quot;text&quot;   name = &quot;first_name&quot; >< br > Last name:  < input   type = &quot;text&quot;   name = &quot;last_name&quot; >   </ form > < @link_to   controller = &quot;people&quot;   action = &quot;do-get&quot;   form = &quot;da_form&quot;   destination = &quot;result&quot; > Ajax Get </ @ > Result will be inserted into: < div   id = &quot;result&quot; ></ div > No JavaScript is generated, the HTML page is clean More ways to use Ajax with  link_to Magic happens in   aw.js
Partials Naming src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/greeting/_hello.ftl Rendering a partial: < @render   partial = &quot;hello&quot; /> Rendering a collection with a partial (no ugly for loops building iterative HTML): Content of  _fruit.ftl :  Fruit name: ${fruit}<hr> Host page: < @render   partial = &quot;fruit&quot;   collection = fruits /> Result of rendering: Fruit name: apple<hr>Fruit name: prune<hr>Fruit name: pear<hr> Partial will iterate itself. Also: spacers, counters, first and last.

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This is a presentation I gave to the Charteris TechDay in January 2008 and will be giving at DDD Ireland.

ā€¢by Alan Dean

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ActiveWeb: Chicago Java User Group Presentation

  • 1. Presenting ActiveWeb making Java Web programming fun...again! Igor Polevoy
  • 3. Have bad aftertaste of many web frameworks
  • 4. Presented ActiveJDBC to CJUG last year at about the same time
  • 5. Was suggested to shut up and make a change
  • 6. Currently a Chief Technologist at ProductiveEdge, Chicago
  • 7. But why? Don't we have enough frameworks in Java? Restlet Brill Aranea Web Framework RSF JSF RichFaces Strecks Google Web Toolkit Aurora JPublish Jucas MyFaces WebOnSwing Chrysalis VRaptor SwingWeb Barracuda ThinWire Struts1/2 Turbine Tapestry Cocoon Spring Maverick Echo SOFIA Verge Anvil Jaffa Japple RIFE Swinglets Millstone Wicket DWR JSPWidget JOSSO JAT OpenXava Stripes Click ZK Caramba wingS Helma
  • 8. All we need is: Simple to use, sophisticated on the inside
  • 14. Fast, lightweight (as few dependencies as possible)
  • 15. Conforms to (few good) standards
  • 16. Fun(because of immediate gratification)
  • 18. In parallel development with ActiveJDBC
  • 19. First put in production in summer 2010
  • 20. Currently in production at major insurance company, 4 websites, clustered REST web services, internal tools, displacing legacy systems (Spring/Hibernate)
  • 21. Meet new friend Navigate to: http://localhost:8080/testapp/greeting?name=Bob Executes: public class GreetingController extends AppController{ public void index(){ view(ā€œnameā€, param(ā€œnameā€)); } } Renders: /WEB-INF/views/greeting/index.ftl View code: Hello, ${name}! Output: Hello, Bob! A few conventions at work here: URL to Controller Default action view location by controller name view name by action name No configuration. In fact, ActiveWeb has no property files, no XML, no Yaml, no text files of any kind.
  • 22. Lets TDD this public cla ss G r eetingControllerSpec extends ControllerSpec{ @Test public void shouldRenderHelloWorld(){ request().param(ā€œnameā€, ā€œBobā€).get(ā€œindexā€); a(assigns().get(ā€œnameā€)).shouldBeEqual(ā€œBobā€); } } Test HTML content: public class G reet ingControllerSpec extends ControllerSpec{ @Test public void shouldRenderHelloWorld(){ request().param(ā€œnameā€, ā€œBobā€). integrateViews () .get(ā€œindexā€); a(responseContent().contains(ā€œHello, Bob!ā€)).shouldBeTrue(); } } Convention at work: Controller name from spec name.
  • 23. Configuration in code public class DbConfig extends AbstractDBConfig { public void init(AppContext context) { environment( &quot;development&quot; ) .jndi( &quot;jdbc/kitchensink_development&quot; ); environment( &quot;development&quot; ).testing() .jdbc( &quot;com.mysql.jdbc.Driver&quot; , &quot;jdbc:mysql://localhost/kitchensink_development&quot; , &quot;root&quot; , &quot;****&quot; ); environment( &quot;hudson&quot; ).testing() .jdbc( &quot;com.mysql.jdbc.Driver&quot; , &quot;jdbc:mysql://;, &quot;root&quot;, &quot;****&quot; ); environment( &quot;production&quot; ) .jndi( &quot;jdbc/kitchensink_production&quot; ); } } DSL for environments, JNDI, JDBC and testing mode You get help from IDE and from compiler, less likely to make a typo
  • 24. Structure of project Standard Maven structure, View are located under: /WEB-INF/views Controllers are in app.controllers package . Result: Huge selection of anything built under the sun for Maven in general and Maven Web specifically
  • 25. Layouts Default Layout: src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/layouts/default_layout.ftl < html > < head > < LINK href = &quot;${context_path}/css/main.css&quot; rel = &quot;stylesheet&quot; /> < script src = &quot;${context_path}/js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js&quot; </ script > < script src = &quot;${context_path}/js/aw.js&quot; </ script > < title > ActiveWeb - < @yield to = &quot;title&quot; /></ title > </ head > < body > < div class = &quot;main&quot; > < #include &quot;header.ftl&quot; > ${page_content} < #include &quot;footer.ftl&quot; > </ div > </ body > </ html > Serves the same purpose as Tiles or Sitemesh, but integrated into the system as another template. There are wrapper/nested layouts too.
  • 26. <@content for and <@yield Page titles with custom tags < @content for = &quot;title&quot; > Books List </@content> This sends content to < @yield to = &quot;title&quot; /> located in layout Can send any content to layout with content tag, including links to CSS, JS, etc: < @content for = &quot;js&quot; > < script src = &quot;${context_path}/js/page_specific.js&quot; type = &quot;text/javascript&quot; ></ script > </ @ > Content will be rendered in layout in place of < @yield to = &quot;js&quot; /> This allows to easily declare content specific for a page, but rendered outside page context.
  • 27. Unobtrusive JS and <@link_to < form id = &quot;da_form&quot; > First name: < input type = &quot;text&quot; name = &quot;first_name&quot; >< br > Last name: < input type = &quot;text&quot; name = &quot;last_name&quot; > </ form > < @link_to controller = &quot;people&quot; action = &quot;do-get&quot; form = &quot;da_form&quot; destination = &quot;result&quot; > Ajax Get </ @ > Result will be inserted into: < div id = &quot;result&quot; ></ div > No JavaScript is generated, the HTML page is clean More ways to use Ajax with link_to Magic happens in aw.js
  • 28. Partials Naming src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/greeting/_hello.ftl Rendering a partial: < @render partial = &quot;hello&quot; /> Rendering a collection with a partial (no ugly for loops building iterative HTML): Content of _fruit.ftl : Fruit name: ${fruit}<hr> Host page: < @render partial = &quot;fruit&quot; collection = fruits /> Result of rendering: Fruit name: apple<hr>Fruit name: prune<hr>Fruit name: pear<hr> Partial will iterate itself. Also: spacers, counters, first and last.
  • 29. Lets flash public class BooksController extends AppController { @POST public void create(){ Book book = new Book(); book.fromMap(params1st()); if ({ flash( &quot;message&quot; , &quot;New book was added: &quot; + book.get( &quot;title&quot; )); redirect(BooksController. class ); } else { //handle errors } } } //Use in view: < @flash name = &quot;message&quot; /> Flash is a short-lived object, survives only one more request Use in POST/redirect for destructive operations
  • 30. Custom tags 1. Develop: public class HelloTag extends FreeMarkerTag{ protected void render(Map params, String body, Writer writer) throws Exception { writer.write(ā€œhelloā€); } } 2. Register: public class FreeMarkerConfig extends AbstractFreeMarkerConfig { public void init() { registerTag(ā€œhelloā€, new HelloTag()); } } 3. Use: < @hello />
  • 31. Dependency Injection with Google Guice public class HelloController extends AppController { private Greeter greeter; public void index(){ view( &quot;message&quot; , greeter.greet()); } @Inject public void setGreeter( Greeter greeter) { this .greeter = greeter; } } public class GreeterModule extends AbstractModule { protected void configure() { bind(Greeter. class ) .to(GreeterImpl. class ).asEagerSingleton(); } } public class AppBootstrap extends Bootstrap { public void init(AppContext context) { setInjector(Guice.createInjector( new GreeterModule())); } }
  • 32. TDD with DI public class GreeterMock implements Greeter{ public String greet() { return &quot;Hello from &quot; + getClass().toString(); } } public class GreeterMockModule extends AbstractModule { @Override protected void configure() { bind(Greeter. class ).to(GreeterMock. class ).asEagerSingleton(); } } public class HelloControllerSpec extends ControllerSpec { @Before public void before(){ setInjector(Guice.createInjector( new GreeterMockModule())); } @Test public void shouldTestWithMockService(){ request().get( &quot;index&quot; ); a(assigns().get( &quot;message&quot; )).shouldBeEqual( &quot;Hello from class; ); } } Can use any mocking framework.
  • 33. Making tests web specific ā€œ Sendā€ parameters to controller: public class HelloControllerSpec extends ControllerSpec{ @Test public void shouldSendParamsToIndex(){ request() .param( &quot;first_name&quot; , &quot;John&quot; ).param( &quot;last_name&quot; , &quot;Deere&quot; ) .get( &quot;index&quot; ); a(assigns().get( &quot;message&quot; )) .shouldBeEqual( &quot;Hello, John Deere, welcome back!&quot; ); } } Seeing HTML in test! public class HelloControllerSpec extends ControllerSpec @Test public void shouldPrintGeneratedHTML(){ request(). integrateViews ().get( &quot;index&quot; ); System.out.println(responseContent()); // prints entire HMTL, decorated by layout. } }
  • 34. What else in tests? Transaction rolled back
  • 37. ā€œ Sendā€ GET, POST, DELETE, PUT HTTP requests
  • 40. Controller scenarios with IntegrationTests.
  • 41. Bootstrap entire application with AppIntegrationTests
  • 42. REST web services Controller: public class Books Controller extends AppController { public void index(){ List<Book> books = Book.findAll(); view( &quot; books&quot;, books); render().noLayout(); } } View: <? xml version = &quot;1.0&quot; encoding = &quot;UTF-8&quot; ?> < books > < #list books as book > < book > < isbn > ${book.isbn} </ isbn > < title > ${book.title} </ title > < author > ${} </ author > </ book > </ #list > </ books > Access: http://host:port/context/books
  • 43. What else can controllers do? //getting parameters String name = param(ā€œnameā€); List<String> selectValues = param(ā€œmyselectā€); List<String> params = params1st(); Map<String, String[]> allParams = params(); //passing data to view view(ā€œnameā€, name); assign(ā€œnameā€, name); //detecting Ajax: if (xhr()){...} else {...} //Responding directly (short hand XML service): respond( &quot;<message>hello</message>&quot; ) .contentType( &quot;text/xml&quot; ).status( 200 ); //sending view with no layout //(useful in web services when a view is used): render().noLayout();
  • 44. Binary content in controllers //Downloading binary to client: sendFile(f).contentType( &quot;application/pdf&quot; ).status( 200 ); //Streaming large content: streamOut(in).contentType( &quot;applicaiton/pdf&quot; ); //Uploading files: Iterator<FormItem> iterator = uploadedFiles(); while (iterator.hasNext()){ FormItem item =; name = item.getName(); if (item.isFile()){ InputStream in = item.getInputStream()); //process data } }
  • 45. @RESTful routing @RESTful public BooksController extends AppController{} verb path action used for ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GET /books index display a list of all books GET /books/new_form new_form HTML form for creating a new book POST /books create create a new book GET /books/id show display a specific book GET /books/id/edit_form edit_form return an HTML form for editing a books PUT /books/id update update a specific book DELETE /books/id destroy delete a specific book
  • 46. Standard routing public BooksController extends AppController{ //GET by default public void index(){} @PUT public void save(); @DELETE public void delete(); @POST public void update(); } Allows only one HTTP method per action
  • 47. GWT Support Compile GWT client.... and PRC server on the fly: GWT server: public class EchoController extends GWTAppController implements EchoService { public String echo(String text) { return &quot;Hello from server :&quot; + text + &quot;,.... and time now is: &quot; + new Date() ; } } GWT client: business as usual GWT DEMO
  • 48. Ad hock development demo Start container
  • 55. ActiveWeb and ActiveJDBC ActiveJDBC is not baked into ActiveWeb
  • 56. ActiveJDBC is a general purpose ORM for Java
  • 57. ActiveWeb can be used with any other ORM, or without one
  • 58. ActiveWeb has nice features for managing a DB connection at runtime and during tests ā€“ tailored for ActiveJDBC, but in either case you can get access to java.sql.Connection and do with it as you wish:
  • 59. java.sql.Connection con = Base.connection();
  • 60. Conclusion Be happier with real TDD
  • 62. Have access to anything Java under the sun (there is a lot)