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Assurer – A server testing/monitoring framework Gosuke Miyashita
Myself Known as Chocoboy Miyashita somewhere Working in paperboy&co. Mainly developed public/private web service APIs with perl and catalyt ... but now also woking on servers and networks and so on Today’s my son’s entrance ceremony of an elementary school
What’s Assurer ? A server testing/monitoring framework like Plagger  Plugin mechanism YAML configurable assets Test by Test::Base  Originally developed for one time test of servers that are newly built Monitoring seems like testing, so decided to cover monitoring

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Getting Started with Capistrano
Getting Started with CapistranoGetting Started with Capistrano
Getting Started with Capistrano

Learn how to use Capistrano to automate the deployment of your Ruby on Rails applications. Apply best practices and add-ons for customizing Capistrano.

automationruby on railsdevops
Implement server push in flask framework
Implement server push in flask frameworkImplement server push in flask framework
Implement server push in flask framework

The document discusses different approaches for implementing server push in Flask including polling, long polling, server sent events, and websockets. It provides details on each approach, including their advantages and disadvantages. It also provides an example chatroom application that demonstrates each approach.

Designing net-aws-glacier
Designing net-aws-glacierDesigning net-aws-glacier
Designing net-aws-glacier

The document discusses designing a Perl module called Net::AWS::Glacier for interacting with Amazon Glacier, a cloud storage service. It proposes a two-level design with a low-level API module that mirrors the Glacier API and a high-level module that provides a more object-oriented interface. The high-level module would use a "Vault" object to manage downloads and access to archive data, hiding low-level details like iterating through job lists. An inheritance-based approach is described where derived classes can customize initialization while reusing a common object structure and initialization logic.

perl perl5 network amazon aws glacier api design p
Where the name Assurer derived from ? Pronounce “A-shu-ra” Plagger like tools ended with “er” Archer by tokuhirom Observer by Hatena (not in public) Dishuber by Yappo Precure by Kan Fushihara Testing is also called “Quality Assurance” MISS
Image of exec Assurer #0
Image of exec Assurer #1
Image of Asura Baster

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Capistrano - automate all the things
Capistrano - automate all the thingsCapistrano - automate all the things
Capistrano - automate all the things

For many years Capistrano has been the defacto deployment tool, but many organisations have yet to realise the benefits of automating their deployment process. Automated Deployments are fast, less error prone, easier to rollback and you can dish out the keys to other team members so anyone can deploy. During this talk we’ll look at how to “capify” a simple PHP project and deploy it in a few minutes. And, as Capistrano is a “remote server automation and deployment tool”, we’ll also look at some of the other things Capistrano can do for you such as restarting apache or grepping server log (and more). We’ll also take a look at the various plug-ins available and see how easy it can be to write your own. If you are deploying using ssh / git pull / apache restart? Then it’s time to make a change: automate all the things and live in a world of “repeatable success”.


This document provides instructions for deploying a Rails application using Capistrano. It includes steps to set up Capistrano, configure the deploy.rb file, generate SSH keys, add the deploy key to GitHub, run Capistrano tasks to deploy the application, and make subsequent deploys when code changes. The application is deployed to a server at running Mongrel and uses Git for version control.

Effective Benchmarks
Effective BenchmarksEffective Benchmarks
Effective Benchmarks

Performance benchmarks are all too often inaccurate. This talk introduces some things to look for in setting up and running benchmarks to make them effective.

Image of the real Asura
Image of fake Asura
Execution phases of Assurer
Execution phases of Assurer  Test phase Execute test Nofity phase Notify test results Format phase Format test results Publish phase Output formatted test results

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Unit Testing Lots of Perl
Unit Testing Lots of PerlUnit Testing Lots of Perl
Unit Testing Lots of Perl

perl often doesn't get updated because people don't have a way to know if their current code works with the new one. The problem is that they lack unit tests. This talk describes how simple it is to generate unit tests with Perl and shell, use them to automate solving problems like missing modules, and test a complete code base.

Getting testy with Perl
Getting testy with PerlGetting testy with Perl
Getting testy with Perl

Short introduction to the basics of Perl testing and some resources for further reading. Includes basics of Test::Simple, Test::More, using Inline for multi-language testing, testing coverage, testing tests.

Speed up web APIs with Expressive and Swoole (PHP Day 2018)
Speed up web APIs with Expressive and Swoole (PHP Day 2018) Speed up web APIs with Expressive and Swoole (PHP Day 2018)
Speed up web APIs with Expressive and Swoole (PHP Day 2018)

In this talk we will present a middleware async architecture based on Expressive and Swoole to speed up web API development and runtime in PHP. Using this approach, you will be able to achieve great performance improvement, up to 4x faster than nginx or Apache (benchmark).

expressiveswoolephpweb apis
Relation of each phases Test Publish Format Nofity
Details of each phases
Test phase
Test phase Execute test Plugins on this phase: Test::HTTP Test::SMTP Test::DBI Test::Ping etc

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Plack - LPW 2009
Plack - LPW 2009Plack - LPW 2009
Plack - LPW 2009

- PSGI (Perl Web Server Gateway Interface) and Plack provide a common interface and utilities for building web applications and servers in Perl. - PSGI defines a standard interface that web frameworks can implement to work with different server implementations. Plack provides server implementations like standalone, FastCGI and Apache modules. - This allows frameworks to focus on the application code instead of server specifics, and servers to handle multiple frameworks. Common middleware and testing utilities are also included. - Examples of frameworks that have adopted PSGI include Catalyst, Maypole and Mojolicious. Popular servers built on Plack include Starman and Dancer.

PowerShell: Automation for everyone
PowerShell: Automation for everyonePowerShell: Automation for everyone
PowerShell: Automation for everyone

PowerShell is a rich and powerful automation language. Due to its self describing nature it's also dead easy to learn.

Controlling multiple VMs with the power of Python
Controlling multiple VMs with the power of PythonControlling multiple VMs with the power of Python
Controlling multiple VMs with the power of Python

This document discusses using Python and related libraries to remotely control and manage multiple virtual machines. It recommends using PySphere and related tools to connect to VMWare servers, power on/off VMs, create snapshots, execute commands and programs on VMs, and more. The document provides instructions for setting up the necessary Python environment and configuring connections to VMWare servers. It also includes code examples for performing basic tasks like connecting to a VM, managing snapshots, running long-running tasks asynchronously, and executing programs on VMs with graphical interfaces.

Config of test phase test: -  module:  HTTP config: host: content:   It works!
Notify phase
Notify  フェーズ Notify test results Plugin on this phase: Notify::IRC
Config of notify phase notify: -  module:  IRC config: daemon_port:  9991 nickname:  assurerbot server_host: server_port:  6667 server_channels: - #assurer - #assurer-jp charset:  iso-2022-jp announce:  notice

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Perl web app 테스트전략
Perl web app 테스트전략Perl web app 테스트전략
Perl web app 테스트전략

This document contains test code for testing a Perl module called App::Zamakist. It shows the directory structure of the module with lib/ and t/ directories. It then shows the test workflow: installing dependencies with cpanm, building the module with Makefile.PL and make, and running tests with prove. This provides a high-level overview of how this Perl module is being tested in an automated way.

Asynchronous Programming FTW! 2 (with AnyEvent)
Asynchronous Programming FTW! 2 (with AnyEvent)Asynchronous Programming FTW! 2 (with AnyEvent)
Asynchronous Programming FTW! 2 (with AnyEvent)

This is a revamped Asynchronous Programming FTW talk, given at YAPC::NA 2013,, and

anyeventperlasynchronous i/o
Ruby HTTP clients
Ruby HTTP clientsRuby HTTP clients
Ruby HTTP clients

This document provides a taxonomy and survey of Ruby HTTP client libraries. It discusses several popular client libraries like HTTParty, Faraday, Net::HTTP, Rest-Client and Typhoeus. The survey found HTTParty and Faraday to be the most popular based on stars. It also provides code samples for making requests with some of the top libraries.

ruby http
Notify::IRC example
Format phase
Format phase Format test results Plugins on this phase: Format::Text Fomat::HTML
Config of format phase format: -  module:  HTML config: css:  /css/style.css

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Asynchronous programming done right - Node.js
Asynchronous programming done right - Node.jsAsynchronous programming done right - Node.js
Asynchronous programming done right - Node.js

This document discusses asynchronous programming and avoiding race conditions. It covers how asynchronous actions allow the main program flow to continue processing without blocking on I/O. It also discusses how asynchronous programming works with callbacks and promises rather than sequential execution. It provides examples of using libraries like Async to control asynchronous flows and common pitfalls to avoid like double callbacks and unexpected asynchronous behavior.

Flask Introduction - Python Meetup
Flask Introduction - Python MeetupFlask Introduction - Python Meetup
Flask Introduction - Python Meetup

Flask is a micro web development framework for Python that keeps its core simple but allows for extensibility. It emphasizes building applications with extensions rather than having all functionality contained within the framework. A minimal Flask app requires only a few lines of code and runs a development server. Templates can be rendered to generate dynamic HTML content by passing context through the render_template function. Flask supports common features like request handling, cookies, sessions, and file uploads through extensions.

flaskpythonweb design and development
Server specのご紹介
Server specのご紹介Server specのご紹介
Server specのご紹介


Publish phase
Publish phase Output formatted results Plugins on this phase: Publish::Term Publish::Mail Publish::File
Config of publish phase publish: - module: Mail config: subject: Test results from Assurer to: from: publish: -  module:  Mail config: subject:  Test results from Assurer to: from:
Format::Text + Publish::Term

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社内勉強会で発表した資料です。 serverspecの基本から属性値の管理、カスタマイズ方法まで紹介しています。 ※2013/8/14 version 0.7.8時点の情報なので注意

Serverspecを自分好みにアレンジ スクリーンショットで証跡保存を撲滅-
Serverspecを自分好みにアレンジ スクリーンショットで証跡保存を撲滅- Serverspecを自分好みにアレンジ スクリーンショットで証跡保存を撲滅-
Serverspecを自分好みにアレンジ スクリーンショットで証跡保存を撲滅-

2017/3/31 Tech-Cirlce Itamae&Serverspecの会でのLT資料。

Format::HTML + Publish::File
Format::Text + Publish::Mail
Summary for now Assurer is a serverPlagger  Test, Notify, Format and Publish phases Easily change tests and outputs with plugins
Extra functions

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2016.3.10 OSSコンソーシアム クラウド部会主催 「開発エンジニアのためのインフラ勉強会」資料。 Serverspecの入門的な資料です。


Serverspecを使ってサーバ5000台のBaculaクライアントを簡単にテストする手順書です。 Ansibleなどの構成管理ツールを使って自動で簡単に設定したサーバ群のテストに活用できます。 もちろん構成管理ツールを使っていない手動設定もテスト可能です。

Effizientere WordPress-Plugin-Entwicklung mit Softwaretests
Effizientere WordPress-Plugin-Entwicklung mit SoftwaretestsEffizientere WordPress-Plugin-Entwicklung mit Softwaretests
Effizientere WordPress-Plugin-Entwicklung mit Softwaretests

Introduction: How to use Unit Testing (TDD) and Behaviour Testing (BDD) for Wordpress, building a Continuous Integration workflow.

Hosts and Roles
Hosts and roles Write target hosts and roles in one place on config.yaml
Config without hosts and roles test: - module: HTTP config: host: - module: HTTP config: host:
Config with hosts and roles test: - module: HTTP role: web hosts: web: - -

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One commit, one release. Continuously delivering a Symfony project.
One commit, one release. Continuously delivering a Symfony project.One commit, one release. Continuously delivering a Symfony project.
One commit, one release. Continuously delivering a Symfony project.

For the last few months we've been implementing a Continuous Delivery pipeline for the redesign of Time Out. In this talk I will demonstrate a real life example of what our pipeline looks like, the different tools we've used to get it done (phing, github, jenkins, ansible, AWS S3, ...), and peculiarities for PHP and Symfony2 projects. Most importantly, I'll be looking at things we've struggled with along the way and the lessons we've learnt.

Deploying Symfony |
Deploying Symfony | symfony.catDeploying Symfony |
Deploying Symfony |

The document discusses automating software deployment using Ansible. It provides an overview of Ansible's basic concepts like inventory files to define hosts, playbooks to execute tasks on hosts, and roles to bundle related tasks. It then discusses using Ansible roles to automate deployments, including the ansistrano roles which can deploy applications by copying files, managing releases, and supporting deployment hooks. Overall the document presents Ansible as a way to easily automate and standardize software deployment processes.

Performance and Scalability Testing with Python and Multi-Mechanize
Performance and Scalability Testing with Python and Multi-MechanizePerformance and Scalability Testing with Python and Multi-Mechanize
Performance and Scalability Testing with Python and Multi-Mechanize

Performance and Scalability Testing with Python and Multi-Mechanize. visit

Filter Filtering test results on format and notify phase Filtering formatted results on publish phase
Filter on format phase Only OK results are formatted as text format format: - module: Text filter: module:  Status status:  ok
Filter on notify phase Only NOK results are notified to IRC notify: - module: IRC filter: module:  Status status:  not ok

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Continous Delivering a PHP application
Continous Delivering a PHP applicationContinous Delivering a PHP application
Continous Delivering a PHP application

The document discusses continuous delivery and building a continuous delivery pipeline. It begins with an overview of continuous delivery, describing the basic steps of commit, build, test, and deploy. It then covers the tools used to build the pipeline, including GitHub and Jenkins plugins. The document outlines the process for building the pipeline, including checking out code, installing dependencies, running tests, generating assets, and deploying artifacts. It also discusses splitting the process into separate jobs for testing deployment scripts and running automated tests. Finally, it covers benefits of continuous delivery such as increased release frequency, reduced risk, and releases becoming a non-event.

RichFaces - Testing on Mobile Devices
RichFaces - Testing on Mobile DevicesRichFaces - Testing on Mobile Devices
RichFaces - Testing on Mobile Devices

This document summarizes how to test Java web applications on mobile devices using Arquillian and Selenium. It describes setting up Android emulators, configuring the Arquillian extension for AndroidDriver, and writing sample unit and functional tests for a mobile web application using Page Object Model patterns and the WebDriver API. Tips are provided for debugging tests, capturing screenshots on failure, and integrating tests with Jenkins.

Vagrant introduction for Developers
Vagrant introduction for DevelopersVagrant introduction for Developers
Vagrant introduction for Developers

This document summarizes a presentation on using Vagrant for development. The presentation covers motivation for using Vagrant, basic Vagrant usage, provisioning Vagrant machines with Chef cookbooks, and creating custom base images with Packer. The agenda includes an introduction to Vagrant, demonstrating common Vagrant commands, modifying Vagrantfiles to configure VMs, provisioning VMs with Chef recipes, and using Packer to build reusable base images.

Filter on publish phase Text formatted results are displayed on a terminal,html formatted results are sent as a mail format: - module: Text - module: HTML pusblish: - module: Term filter: module:  Type type:  text/plain - module: Mail filter: module:  Type type:  text/html
Config validation
Config validation Kwalify – YAML schema validator /   Validate common config Validate config of each plugin Kwalify schemas for each plugin put under assets/kwalify/plugins
Mistake on common config test s :  # test is right - module: Test::HTTP  $ ./ -c config.yaml Assurer::ConfigLoader [fatal] - [/]  Expected required key  `test‘ - [/tests]  Unexpected key  `tests'  at line 46

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Node.js API 서버 성능 개선기
Node.js API 서버 성능 개선기Node.js API 서버 성능 개선기
Node.js API 서버 성능 개선기

The document discusses performance testing of an API server. It provides details on: 1) Preparing for performance testing by generating test data and configuring tools like Artillery to simulate user traffic. 2) Conducting the performance tests on different server configurations to identify bottlenecks, including testing with different Node.js versions. 3) Analyzing the results of the performance tests by profiling requests and examining response times to further optimize the server performance.

How to ensure Presto scalability 
in multi use case
How to ensure Presto scalability 
in multi use case How to ensure Presto scalability 
in multi use case
How to ensure Presto scalability 
in multi use case

This document discusses how to ensure Presto scalability in multi-use case environments. It describes how Treasure Data uses Prestobase Proxy, a Finagle-based RPC proxy, to provide a scalable interface for BI tools. It also discusses Presto's node scheduler for distributing query stages across nodes and Treasure Data's use of resource groups to limit resource usage and isolate queries. The document advocates for approaches like dependency injection, VCR testing, and multi-dimensional resource scheduling to make Presto and its components reliable in distributed systems.

Beyond Unit Testing
Beyond Unit TestingBeyond Unit Testing
Beyond Unit Testing

The document discusses various techniques for testing large, distributed systems beyond traditional unit testing. It recommends embracing virtualization to simulate production environments and deploying applications and tests across multiple virtual machines. Various tools are presented to help with distributed, automated testing including Cactus for in-container testing, Selenium and jsUnit for browser testing, and SmartFrog as a framework for describing, deploying and managing distributed service components and tests. The document calls for a focus on system-level tests that simulate the full production environment and integrate testing across distributed systems.

Mistake on plugin config test: - module: HTTP config: content s : XXX  # content is right $ ./ -c config.yaml Assurer::ConfigLoader [fatal] Config error in  Test::HTTP - [/contents]  Unexpected key  `contents'  at line 66
Shell mode
Shell mode Execute shell command on hosts in config.yaml
Shell mode $ ./ --shell assurer>   uptime []  21:48:24 up 5 days, 23:08, 2 users, load average: 0.24, 0.16, 0.17 []  21:48:24 up 5 days, 23:08, 2 users, load average: 0.24, 0.16, 0.17 []  21:48:24 up 5 days, 23:08, 2 users, load average: 0.24, 0.16, 0.17

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Infrastructure = code - 1 year later
Infrastructure = code - 1 year laterInfrastructure = code - 1 year later
Infrastructure = code - 1 year later

This document discusses using infrastructure as code to automate server setup and deployment using Ansible. It outlines benefits like reducing human error, allowing developers and operations teams to work seamlessly through continuous integration and testing. Specifics of the infrastructure as code stack used are covered, including Ansible for configuration management, Docker for containers, and Vagrant for local virtual machine provisioning. Challenges and lessons learned around testing, debugging, and migrating existing systems are also presented. The overall message is that infrastructure as code takes time to implement but results in major improvements to deployment speed, reliability, and ability to rapidly iterate.

continuous integrationinfrastructuredevops

Slides from presentation: "Revoke-Obfuscation: PowerShell Obfuscation Detection (And Evasion) Using Science" originally released at Black Hat USA 2017 & DEF CON by @danielhbohannon and @Lee_Holmes. For more information:

Codeception presentation
Codeception presentationCodeception presentation
Codeception presentation

Codeception is a testing framework that allows testing at multiple levels: acceptance, functional, and unit. It provides bundled actions and assertions to make testing easier. Codeception tests can be run with PHPBrowser, which uses a PHP scraper, or Selenium WebDriver to test in a real browser. Modules in Codeception encapsulate common testing actions and reduce the need to rewrite test code.

phpacceptance testssymfony2
Exec on hosts belong to specified role $ ./ --shell  --role=web assurer>   uptime []  21:48:24 up 5 days, 23:08, 2 users, load average: 0.24, 0.16, 0.17
Special command !on assurer>   !on   do  uptime # Exec on and only assurer>   !on   /.*foocom/   do   uptime # Exec on hosts matched .*foocom only
Special command !with assurer>   !with   web db   do  uptime # exec on hosts belong to web role and db role assurer>   !with   /web|mail/   do  uptime # exec on hosts belong to role match web or mail
Special command !test assurer>   !test  HTTP Assurer::Plugin::Test::HTTP [info] Testing HTTP on ...  ok 1 - HTTP status code of is 200 not ok 2 – Content of matches 'It works!‘ assurer>

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SaltConf14 - Ben Cane - Using SaltStack in High Availability Environments
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SaltConf14 - Ben Cane - Using SaltStack in High Availability Environments

An overview on the benefits and best practices of using SaltStack for consistency and automation in highly available enterprise environments such as financial services.

saltsaltstacksystems management
Unit Testing from Setup to Deployment
Unit Testing from Setup to DeploymentUnit Testing from Setup to Deployment
Unit Testing from Setup to Deployment

Starting unit testing on a project can seem like a daunting task, and earning team and leadership buy-in can be challenging. We'll walk-through setup with composer, creating the first test, restructuring existing classes with dependency injection to allow unit testing, and releasing code confidently with test coverage. We'll also discuss overcoming common biases, unit testing challenges, and shortcomings of unit testing. Watch the presentation at

software developmentsoftware testingautomatic testing
Beyond AEM Curl Commands
Beyond AEM Curl CommandsBeyond AEM Curl Commands
Beyond AEM Curl Commands

The document discusses problems with using curl commands for interacting with AEM APIs and proposes using OpenAPI specification and generated API clients as a better solution. It outlines issues like inconsistent response formats, unreliable status codes, and lack of error handling with curl. The proposed solution is to define AEM endpoints in OpenAPI format and generate API clients in various languages like Ruby, Python, and Java. These clients provide response objects, better error handling, and easier integration with different technologies compared to curl commands. Use cases like Puppet modules for AEM configuration management are discussed.

Special command !test assurer>   !test  HTTP  on  # test http on assurer>   !test  HTTP  on  /.*  # can use regexp assurer>   !test  HTTP  with  web  # test http on hosts belong to web role assurer>   !test  HTTP  with  /web|mail/ # can use regexp
Parallel testing
Pallarel testing Multiple test processes on test phase Default is 5 Can change number processes working at once $  --para=20
Distributed testing

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AWS Lambda from the trenches
AWS Lambda from the trenchesAWS Lambda from the trenches
AWS Lambda from the trenches

AWS Lambda has changed the way we deploy and run software, but this new serverless paradigm has created new challenges to old problems - how do you test a cloud-hosted function locally? How do you monitor them? What about logging and config management? And how do we start migrating from existing architectures? In this talk Yan will discuss solutions to these challenges by drawing from real-world experience running Lambda in production and migrating from an existing monolithic architecture.

Protractor framework architecture with example
Protractor framework architecture with exampleProtractor framework architecture with example
Protractor framework architecture with example

Protractor is an open source functional testing framework for AngularJS applications. It automates interaction with AngularJS apps for end-to-end testing. Protractor uses Selenium WebDriver for browser control and Jasmine or Mocha for writing test cases. Tests are organized into pages, common utilities, test data, specs, and configuration files. Protractor provides locators and functions to test AngularJS apps and generates Allure reports for test results.

protractorautomationsoftware testing
Simplify your professional web development with symfony
Simplify your professional web development with symfonySimplify your professional web development with symfony
Simplify your professional web development with symfony

Learn how symfony can make your life simple, especially if you want to develop web applications in a professional way. Warning! Contains PHP code...

Distributed testing localhost 1. ssh 3. Return result 2. Exec test
Config for distributed testing exec_on: -  host: priority:  3 -  host: priority:  2  -  host: priority:  1
Auto config generation
Auto config generation Scan hosts in template.yaml by Nmap::Scanner Detect services working on the hosts and generete config.yaml automatically config templates for each plugin put under assets/discover (http.yaml, mysql.yaml, etc)  #  --discover   -c template.yaml

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Altitude San Francisco 2018: Testing with Fastly Workshop
Altitude San Francisco 2018: Testing with Fastly WorkshopAltitude San Francisco 2018: Testing with Fastly Workshop
Altitude San Francisco 2018: Testing with Fastly Workshop

A crucial step for continuous integration and continuous delivery with Fastly is testing the service configuration to provide confidence in changes. This workshop will cover unit-testing VCL, component testing a service as a black box, systems testing a service end-to-end and stakeholder acceptance testing.

Walter ファミリーの紹介 at Shibuya.go#1
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Walter ファミリーの紹介 at Shibuya.go#1

Serverspec at Testing Framework Meeting
Serverspec at Testing Framework MeetingServerspec at Testing Framework Meeting
Serverspec at Testing Framework Meeting

Serverspec at Testing Framework Meeting

Integragte Test::WWW::Mechanize
Integrate Test::WWW::Mechanize Can write tests using Test::WWW::Mechanize  Put .pl files under assets/plugins/Test-WWW-Mechanize  Pre-set $mech, $host  on execution
asset file for Test::WWW::Mechanize # $host and $mech are set by Assure core $mech ->get_ok("http:// $host ", "got htttp:// $host "); $mech ->content_contains('It works!', "Content matches 'It works!'");
Inside Assurer

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Serverspec at July Tech Festa 2013
Serverspec at July Tech Festa 2013Serverspec at July Tech Festa 2013
Serverspec at July Tech Festa 2013
Serverspec at hbstudy #45
Serverspec at hbstudy #45Serverspec at hbstudy #45
Serverspec at hbstudy #45
Assurer::Test module
Assurer::Test module Export Test::More like methods is,() like(), ok() Output test results formatted as TAP (Test Analyze Protocol)
Inside test plugins
Inside test plugins package Assurer::Plugin::Test::HTTP; use base qw( Assurer::Plugin::Test ); use Assurer::Test; sub register { my $self = shift; $self->register_tests( qw/  status  content server / ); } sub status { my ( $self, $context, $args ) = @_; ...  中略 is( $res->code, '200', 'HTTP status code of $self->{url} is 200' ); }

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Maglica - A Simple Internal Cloud Tool at #techkayac
Maglica - A Simple Internal Cloud Tool at #techkayacMaglica - A Simple Internal Cloud Tool at #techkayac
Maglica - A Simple Internal Cloud Tool at #techkayac
DevOps とは何か 何であるべきか
DevOps とは何か 何であるべきかDevOps とは何か 何であるべきか
DevOps とは何か 何であるべきか の 2013-01-26 15:13 ぐらいから15:38 ぐらいまでの tweet も合わせてご参照ください。

Internal mechanism in test phase
Internal mechanism in test phase Assurer::bootstrap() Assurer::Dispatch::run() call exec directly or  by ssh exec tests return test results call generate result objects next phase Assurer::Result Assurer::Result Assurer::Result Assurer::Result Assurer::Result
Assurer::Dispatch::run() Exec for each test  Pallarelize by POE::Wheel::Run Number of processed controlled by POE::Component::JobQueue Pass config for plugin and context object serialized by YAML and encoded by Base64   -– config = LS0tCmNvbmZpZzoKICBjb250ZW50OiBJ dCB3b3JrcyEKICBob3N0OiB3d3cubWl6enkub3JnCm1vZHVsZTogSFRUUApuYW1lOiBIVFRQIHRlc3QKcm9sZTogd2ViCg== - - context =LS0tICEhcGVybC9oYXNoOkFzc3VyZXIKYmFzZV9kaXI6IC9 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  ... cont ...

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Inside Sqale's Backend at RubyConf Taiwan 2012
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Inside Sqale's Backend at RubyConf Taiwan 2012

Gosuke Miyashita presented on Sqale, a cloud application platform similar to Heroku. Sqale uses Linux containers to isolate each user's environment. Requests are distributed to containers running applications through a web proxy and SSH router. The SSH router routes connections to the appropriate file repository, Git server, or container using OpenSSH and scripts. This allows isolating each user's applications, files, and Git repositories in separate containers and servers.

How Perl Changed My Life
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How Perl Changed My Life

Perl changed the speaker's life in several ways: 1) The speaker met his wife on a Perl-based chat site in 1998. 2) The speaker's career path led him to technical management roles where he uses Perl and Perl-based tools extensively to develop internal systems. 3) Interacting with the Perl community through conferences and online helped the speaker advance his technical skills and career.

Why POE::Wheel::Run ? Would like to exec tests as other processes Need non-blocking I/O with single process and POE Can easily distribute to remote servers (exec directly on local, exec by ssh on remote ) Communication with test processes Can communicate easily with test processes by STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR
Roadmap Integrate with Nagios/NRPE (Test::Nagios) Enhance notify phase Store Plugin (store test results in database) Integrate with Archer, puppet (share host lists) Test of Assurer itsself
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Inside Sqale's Backend at YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012
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Inside Sqale's Backend at YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012

This document summarizes the backend architecture of Sqale, a cloud application platform similar to Heroku. Key components include containers deployed on EC2 instances that are assigned to individual users, an SSH router that routes SSH connections to the appropriate file repository, Git server, or user container, and a web proxy that load balances traffic across containers using dynamic configuration from Redis. The architecture aims to provide isolated virtual environments for each user's applications through the use of Linux containers and a customized kernel.

Inside Sqale's Backend at Sapporo Ruby Kaigi 2012
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Inside Sqale's Backend at Sapporo Ruby Kaigi 2012

This document summarizes the backend architecture of Sqale, a cloud application platform. It uses Linux containers hosted on Amazon EC2 instances. Containers are assigned to individual users and act as virtual environments. Traffic is routed to containers through an Nginx load balancer using dynamic configuration based on availability. An SSH router routes Git, SFTP, and SSH connections to the appropriate file or container servers using authorized keys scripts. Deployments are handled by separate servers.

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Assurer - a pluggable server testing/monitoring framework

  • 1. Assurer – A server testing/monitoring framework Gosuke Miyashita
  • 2. Myself Known as Chocoboy Miyashita somewhere Working in paperboy&co. Mainly developed public/private web service APIs with perl and catalyt ... but now also woking on servers and networks and so on Today’s my son’s entrance ceremony of an elementary school
  • 3.  
  • 4. What’s Assurer ? A server testing/monitoring framework like Plagger Plugin mechanism YAML configurable assets Test by Test::Base Originally developed for one time test of servers that are newly built Monitoring seems like testing, so decided to cover monitoring
  • 5. Where the name Assurer derived from ? Pronounce “A-shu-ra” Plagger like tools ended with “er” Archer by tokuhirom Observer by Hatena (not in public) Dishuber by Yappo Precure by Kan Fushihara Testing is also called “Quality Assurance” MISS
  • 6. Image of exec Assurer #0
  • 7. Image of exec Assurer #1
  • 8. Image of Asura Baster
  • 9. Image of the real Asura
  • 10. Image of fake Asura
  • 12. Execution phases of Assurer Test phase Execute test Nofity phase Notify test results Format phase Format test results Publish phase Output formatted test results
  • 13. Relation of each phases Test Publish Format Nofity
  • 14. Details of each phases
  • 16. Test phase Execute test Plugins on this phase: Test::HTTP Test::SMTP Test::DBI Test::Ping etc
  • 17. Config of test phase test: - module: HTTP config: host: content: It works!
  • 19. Notify フェーズ Notify test results Plugin on this phase: Notify::IRC
  • 20. Config of notify phase notify: - module: IRC config: daemon_port: 9991 nickname: assurerbot server_host: server_port: 6667 server_channels: - #assurer - #assurer-jp charset: iso-2022-jp announce: notice
  • 23. Format phase Format test results Plugins on this phase: Format::Text Fomat::HTML
  • 24. Config of format phase format: - module: HTML config: css: /css/style.css
  • 26. Publish phase Output formatted results Plugins on this phase: Publish::Term Publish::Mail Publish::File
  • 27. Config of publish phase publish: - module: Mail config: subject: Test results from Assurer to: from: publish: - module: Mail config: subject: Test results from Assurer to: from:
  • 31. Summary for now Assurer is a serverPlagger Test, Notify, Format and Publish phases Easily change tests and outputs with plugins
  • 34. Hosts and roles Write target hosts and roles in one place on config.yaml
  • 35. Config without hosts and roles test: - module: HTTP config: host: - module: HTTP config: host:
  • 36. Config with hosts and roles test: - module: HTTP role: web hosts: web: - -
  • 38. Filter Filtering test results on format and notify phase Filtering formatted results on publish phase
  • 39. Filter on format phase Only OK results are formatted as text format format: - module: Text filter: module: Status status: ok
  • 40. Filter on notify phase Only NOK results are notified to IRC notify: - module: IRC filter: module: Status status: not ok
  • 41. Filter on publish phase Text formatted results are displayed on a terminal,html formatted results are sent as a mail format: - module: Text - module: HTML pusblish: - module: Term filter: module: Type type: text/plain - module: Mail filter: module: Type type: text/html
  • 43. Config validation Kwalify – YAML schema validator / Validate common config Validate config of each plugin Kwalify schemas for each plugin put under assets/kwalify/plugins
  • 44. Mistake on common config test s : # test is right - module: Test::HTTP $ ./ -c config.yaml Assurer::ConfigLoader [fatal] - [/] Expected required key `test‘ - [/tests] Unexpected key `tests' at line 46
  • 45. Mistake on plugin config test: - module: HTTP config: content s : XXX # content is right $ ./ -c config.yaml Assurer::ConfigLoader [fatal] Config error in Test::HTTP - [/contents] Unexpected key `contents' at line 66
  • 47. Shell mode Execute shell command on hosts in config.yaml
  • 48. Shell mode $ ./ --shell assurer> uptime [] 21:48:24 up 5 days, 23:08, 2 users, load average: 0.24, 0.16, 0.17 [] 21:48:24 up 5 days, 23:08, 2 users, load average: 0.24, 0.16, 0.17 [] 21:48:24 up 5 days, 23:08, 2 users, load average: 0.24, 0.16, 0.17
  • 49. Exec on hosts belong to specified role $ ./ --shell --role=web assurer> uptime [] 21:48:24 up 5 days, 23:08, 2 users, load average: 0.24, 0.16, 0.17
  • 50. Special command !on assurer> !on do uptime # Exec on and only assurer> !on /.*foocom/ do uptime # Exec on hosts matched .*foocom only
  • 51. Special command !with assurer> !with web db do uptime # exec on hosts belong to web role and db role assurer> !with /web|mail/ do uptime # exec on hosts belong to role match web or mail
  • 52. Special command !test assurer> !test HTTP Assurer::Plugin::Test::HTTP [info] Testing HTTP on ... ok 1 - HTTP status code of is 200 not ok 2 – Content of matches 'It works!‘ assurer>
  • 53. Special command !test assurer> !test HTTP on # test http on assurer> !test HTTP on /.* # can use regexp assurer> !test HTTP with web # test http on hosts belong to web role assurer> !test HTTP with /web|mail/ # can use regexp
  • 55. Pallarel testing Multiple test processes on test phase Default is 5 Can change number processes working at once $ --para=20
  • 57. Distributed testing localhost 1. ssh 3. Return result 2. Exec test
  • 58. Config for distributed testing exec_on: - host: priority: 3 - host: priority: 2 - host: priority: 1
  • 60. Auto config generation Scan hosts in template.yaml by Nmap::Scanner Detect services working on the hosts and generete config.yaml automatically config templates for each plugin put under assets/discover (http.yaml, mysql.yaml, etc) # --discover -c template.yaml
  • 62. Integrate Test::WWW::Mechanize Can write tests using Test::WWW::Mechanize Put .pl files under assets/plugins/Test-WWW-Mechanize Pre-set $mech, $host on execution
  • 63. asset file for Test::WWW::Mechanize # $host and $mech are set by Assure core $mech ->get_ok("http:// $host ", "got htttp:// $host "); $mech ->content_contains('It works!', "Content matches 'It works!'");
  • 66. Assurer::Test module Export Test::More like methods is,() like(), ok() Output test results formatted as TAP (Test Analyze Protocol)
  • 68. Inside test plugins package Assurer::Plugin::Test::HTTP; use base qw( Assurer::Plugin::Test ); use Assurer::Test; sub register { my $self = shift; $self->register_tests( qw/ status content server / ); } sub status { my ( $self, $context, $args ) = @_; ... 中略 is( $res->code, '200', 'HTTP status code of $self->{url} is 200' ); }
  • 69. Internal mechanism in test phase
  • 70. Internal mechanism in test phase Assurer::bootstrap() Assurer::Dispatch::run() call exec directly or by ssh exec tests return test results call generate result objects next phase Assurer::Result Assurer::Result Assurer::Result Assurer::Result Assurer::Result
  • 71. Assurer::Dispatch::run() Exec for each test Pallarelize by POE::Wheel::Run Number of processed controlled by POE::Component::JobQueue Pass config for plugin and context object serialized by YAML and encoded by Base64
  • 72. -– config = LS0tCmNvbmZpZzoKICBjb250ZW50OiBJ dCB3b3JrcyEKICBob3N0OiB3d3cubWl6enkub3JnCm1vZHVsZTogSFRUUApuYW1lOiBIVFRQIHRlc3QKcm9sZTogd2ViCg== - - context =LS0tICEhcGVybC9oYXNoOkFzc3VyZXIKYmFzZV9kaXI6IC9 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 ... cont ...
  • 73. Why POE::Wheel::Run ? Would like to exec tests as other processes Need non-blocking I/O with single process and POE Can easily distribute to remote servers (exec directly on local, exec by ssh on remote ) Communication with test processes Can communicate easily with test processes by STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR
  • 75. Roadmap Integrate with Nagios/NRPE (Test::Nagios) Enhance notify phase Store Plugin (store test results in database) Integrate with Archer, puppet (share host lists) Test of Assurer itsself
  • 76. Web site and IRC channels
  • 77. Web sites and IRC channels