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Comet with node.js and V8

          by amix
About me
•   Cofounder and lead developer of
    Coded most of the frontend and backend

• Mostly code in Python and JavaScript
    But I am proficient in other languages as well (C, Java, Lisp, Lua etc.)

• I have coded since I was 12
    24 years old now and still love to program :-)

• Not a node.js expert...
    But I find it very interesting
Overview of the talk
• Why JavaScript matters
• What makes V8 VM special
• node.js in some details
• Characteristics of comet communication
•   Implementing comet using node.js and WebSockets

• Perspective: JavaScript as the future platform
Why JavaScript matters
• The pool of JavaScript programmers is huge
    and it’s getting bigger
• JavaScript’sbrowsers that support it and allthe mobile
  think of all the
                   distribution is among
    platforms that support it or will support it... Think of Flash

•   Big companies like Adobe, Google, Apple and Microsoft
    are spending tons of $ in improving JavaScript

• JavaScript is likely to become one of the
    most popular languages
• JavaScript is gaining ground on the backend

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This is a presentation I prepared for a local meetup. The audience is a mix of web designers and developers who have a wide range of development experience.

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node.js: Javascript's in your backend

The document is a presentation about Node.js, a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It discusses how Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it particularly suited for real-time web applications and I/O-intensive applications compared to traditional threaded server models. It provides examples of Node.js features like asynchronous I/O, event loops, modules and the npm package manager.

RESTful API In Node Js using Express
RESTful API In Node Js using Express RESTful API In Node Js using Express
RESTful API In Node Js using Express

This document discusses creating REST APIs with Express, Node.js, and MySQL. It provides an overview of Express and its advantages. It then demonstrates how to set up a Node.js and MySQL environment, create an Express server, and implement API routes to GET, POST, DELETE, and PUT data from a MySQL database table. Code examples are provided to retrieve all todos, a single todo by ID, search todos by keyword, add a new todo, delete a todo, and update an existing todo.

express frameworkexpress node js apiexpress with mysql
What makes V8 special
•   V8 JavaScript VM is used in Google Chrome
    and is developed by a small Google team in
    Denmark. V8 is open-source

• V8 team is led by Lars Bak, one of the
    leading VM engineers in the world with 20
    years of experience in building VMs
• Lars Bak was the technical lead behind
    HotSpot (Sun’s Java VM). HotSpot improved
    Java’s performance 20x times
•   Before HotSpot Lars Bak worked on a Smalltalk VM
What makes V8 special
• No JIT, all JavaScript is compiled to assembler
• Hidden classes optimization properties, instead it
  V8 does not dynamically lookup access
                                        from Self
  uses hidden classes that are created behind the scene

• Improved garbage collector garbage collector
  stop-the-world, generational, accurate,

• V8 is independent of Google Chrome
• Remarks / “limitations”: threads, no processes
  No bytecode language, no
What is node.js?
• A system built on top of V8
• Introduces: IO
    - non-blocking
      - ability to do system calls
      - HTTP libraries
      - module system (+ other things)

• The non-blocking nature makes node.js a
    good fit for comet and next generation
    realtime web-applications
•   8000 lines of C/C++, 2000 lines of Javascript, 14 contributors
Advantages of non-blocking

• nginx: non-blocking apache: threaded
• non-blocking can handle more req. pr. sec
    and uses a lot less memory
•   comet does not scale at all for threaded servers...

                       graph source:

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This document provides an introduction to NodeJS for beginners. It discusses what NodeJS is, how it uses non-blocking I/O and event-driven architecture, and how to set up NodeJS. It also covers global objects, modules, asynchronous vs synchronous code, core NodeJS modules like filesystem and events, and how to create a basic "Hello World" NodeJS application.

non blocking i/ojavascriptv8 engine
Building your first Node app with Connect & Express
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Building your first Node app with Connect & Express

This document provides an overview of building Node.js applications using the Connect and Express frameworks. It discusses getting started with Node.js and installing Connect and Express with npm. It then demonstrates building a simple "Hello World" app with the HTTP module, Connect, and Express. Key features of Connect like middleware, routing, and static file serving are covered. Express is introduced as a simpler framework built on Connect that simplifies common tasks. The document concludes with examples of routing, configuration, views, and other Express features.

Building servers with Node.js
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Building servers with Node.js

The document summarizes Travis Swicegood's presentation on building servers with Node.js. It discusses how Node.js is an evented I/O toolkit that allows building scalable servers using an event loop model. It provides examples of simple socket and HTTP servers in Node.js, and how storing state and handling asynchronous operations like database queries differs in an evented model.

Major point
JavaScript programming is already geared
towards event based programming:
• Events in browsers....
• Closures (anonymous functions) are natural part
   of the language

  document.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
  }, false)
Hello world using node.js



Blocking vs. non-blocking
The way to do it            The way to do
in most other               it in node.js!
languages:                  puts("Enter your name: ")
                            gets(function (name) {
                                puts("Name: " + name)
puts("Enter your name: ")   })
var name = gets()
puts("Name: " + name)

           node.js design philosophy:
     To receive data from disk, network or
   another process there must be a callback.
Events in node.js
    • All objects which emit events are are
        instances of process.EventEmitter
    • A promise is a EventEmitter which emits
        either success or error, but not both
var tcp = require("tcp")       var stat = require("posix").stat,
                                   puts = require("sys").puts
var s = tcp.createServer()
                               var promise = stat("/etc/passwd")
                               promise.addCallback(function (s) {
   function (c) {
                                  puts("modified: " + s.mtime)
      c.send("hello nasty!")
      c.close()                promise.addErrback(function(orgi_promise) {
})                                  puts("Could not fetch stats on /etc/passwd")
s.listen(8000)                 })

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Non-blocking I/O, Event loops and node.js
Non-blocking I/O, Event loops and node.jsNon-blocking I/O, Event loops and node.js
Non-blocking I/O, Event loops and node.js

This 15 minute presentation discusses non-blocking I/O, event loops, and Node.js. It builds on previous work by Ryan Dahl, explaining how threads can be expensive due to context switching and memory usage, and how Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking model to avoid these costs. Code examples demonstrate getting and printing a policy object, handling HTTP requests asynchronously without blocking additional connections, and using callbacks to chain asynchronous actions together.

Introduction to Node.js: What, why and how?
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Introduction to Node.js: What, why and how?

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It allows JavaScript to be used for server-side scripting and provides APIs for networking and file system operations. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, allowing a single process to handle thousands of concurrent connections. It includes a package manager and common module system. Popular frameworks like Express make it easy to build scalable web servers and applications with Node.js.

Building a real life application in node js
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Building a real life application in node js

This document provides an overview of building a real-life application in Node.js. It discusses selecting a database like MongoDB, using Express for routing and templating, and Mongoose for modeling and interacting with the database. Key components covered include setting up routing, views, and static assets in Express, performing CRUD operations in MongoDB via Mongoose, and using templating engines like Jade or EJS. The overall goal is to build a basic content management system to demonstrate integrating these technologies.

Comet vs. Ajax
                Ajax is so yesterday...
      Comet is the new superhero on the block

Comet can be used to create real time web-applications
     Examples include Plurk and Google Wave. Demo of Plurk real time messaging
Ajax vs. Comet
          Ajax                          Comet (long poll)                     Comet (streaming)
Browser              Server           Browser              Server           Browser              Server
          request                               request                               request


                                                               x seconds


                                                response                              response
                                                                    event                                 event

  How most do it today                  How some do it today                 How we will do it soon
Major point
• Comet servers need to have a lot of open
• One thread pr. connection does not scale
• The solution is to use event based servers
• It’s only possible to create event based
  servers in node.js!
Implementing comet
• Long polling parts. Used in Plurk
  - works for most
  - is more expensive and problematic than streaming

• Streaming withoutto proxies and firewalls
  - Very problematic due

• Streaming with WebSockets (HTML5):side
  - Makes comet trivial on both client and server

• In this presentation we will focus on the
  future: Building a chat application with
  WebSockets and node.js

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Express node jsExpress node js
Express node js

The document provides an overview of middleware in Node.js and Express. It defines middleware as functions that have access to the request and response objects and can run code and make changes to these objects before the next middleware in the chain. It discusses common uses of middleware like logging, authentication, parsing request bodies. It also covers Connect middleware and how Express builds on Connect by adding features like routing and views. Key aspects covered include the middleware pipeline concept, error handling with middleware, and common middleware modules.

Node ppt
Node pptNode ppt
Node ppt

This document provides an overview of Node.js, including common uses, a simple "Hello World" example server, how Node.js is an event-driven platform rather than just a web server, its single-threaded asynchronous architecture based on an event loop, prerequisites for programming in Node.js like understanding callbacks and closures, its module system and use of npm, challenges of asynchronous programming, common patterns and antipatterns, and difficulties of debugging and monitoring Node.js applications.

Node Architecture and Getting Started with Express
Node Architecture and Getting Started with ExpressNode Architecture and Getting Started with Express
Node Architecture and Getting Started with Express

Slides from a webinar recorded on June 11, 2015 by Jordan Kasper on Node.js architecture and Express Fundamentals

•   Aims to expose TCP/IP sockets to browsers,
    while respecting the constraints of the web
    (security, proxies and firewalls)

• A thin layer on top of TCP/IP that adds:
    •   origin based security model

    •   Addressing and protocol naming mechanism for supporting multiple
        services on one port and multiple host names on one IP address

    •   framing mechanism for data transporation

•   More information:

•   Currently implemented in Google Chrome
node.websocket.js implementation
  require('sys')                                    Room = {
  []                                          	 init: function() {
                                                                      = new WebSocket('ws://')
  }        = Room._onopen
                                                                      = Room._onmessage
  {    = Room._onclose
  members)                                  	 },
                                                                         _send: function(user, message){
                                                                     	 	       	    'from': user,
  {         	 	       	    'message': message
   members.push(connection)                                        	 	       }))
}                                                                    	 },
                                                                         _onmessage: function(m) {
  {      	 	       if ( {
  {                             	 	       	    var data = evalTxt(
  1)                         	   	      	   from = data.from
        break;                                          	   	      	   message = data.message
    }                                                              //...

                                          Note: I have patched
                                 node.websocket.js to include onConnect...
Other comet servers
• JBoss Netty: Java library for doing non-
  blocking networking, based on java.nio
  used by Plurk to handle 200.000+ open connections

• erlycomet: Erlang comet server based on
• Tornado: FriendFeed’s Python non-
  blocking server
• I have tried most of the popular approaches
  and none of them feel as natural as node.js!
How does node.js perfrom?
   • Hello World benchmark node.js vs. Tornado
        non scientific - take it with a grain of salt!

   •    Tornado is one of the fastest Python based servers
$ ab -c 100 -n 1000          $ ab -c 100 -n 1000
Concurrency Level:      100                         Concurrency Level:      100
Time taken for tests:   0.230 seconds               Time taken for tests:   0.427 seconds
Complete requests:      1000                        Complete requests:      1000
Failed requests:        0                           Failed requests:        0
Write errors:           0                           Write errors:           0
Total transferred:      75075 bytes                 Total transferred:      171864 bytes
HTML transferred:       11011 bytes                 HTML transferred:       12276 bytes
Requests per second:    4340.26 [#/sec] (mean)      Requests per second:    2344.36 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       23.040 [ms] (mean)          Time per request:       42.656 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       0.230 [ms]                  Time per request:       0.427 [ms]
Transfer rate:          318.21 [Kbytes/sec]         Transfer rate:          393.47 [Kbytes/sec]

           node.js                                             Tornado

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Node.js is an asynchronous and event-driven JavaScript runtime built on Google's V8 engine. It allows building scalable network applications easily and uses an event loop model with a single thread to handle non-blocking I/O. Asynchronous I/O is used to avoid blocking operations and keep the single thread available. Node.js has a large module ecosystem and is commonly used for real-time web applications and scalable backend services.

Server Side Event Driven Programming
Server Side Event Driven ProgrammingServer Side Event Driven Programming
Server Side Event Driven Programming

This document discusses server-side event-driven programming using Node.js. It covers how Node.js uses an event loop and asynchronous non-blocking I/O to handle many connections concurrently with high performance. Common Node.js concepts are explained like first-class functions, callbacks, and event emitters. Node.js is compared to traditional threaded programming and shown to have advantages in scalability and efficiency. Example Node.js applications and APIs are provided.


Matthew Eernisse gave a presentation on NodeJS at the Toster Conference in 2011. He introduced NodeJS as an evented I/O platform using JavaScript and V8 that is well suited for lightweight networked applications. He demonstrated a simple HTTP server in NodeJS and discussed how Yammer uses NodeJS for proxies, file uploads, testing, and real-time collaborative editing. Key aspects of NodeJS include asynchronous non-blocking I/O, event-driven programming, and its suitability for data streaming and real-time applications.

      •     A Ruby inspired language that compiles to JavaScript
             CoffeScript                                                         JavaScript
  square: x => x * x.                                         var cube, square;
  cube:   x => square(x) * x.                                 square = function(x) {
                                                                return x * x
                                                              cube = function(x) {
                                                                return square(x) * x

sys = require('sys')                                          var sys = require('sys'),
http = require('http')                                        http = require('http')

http.createServer( req, res =>                                http.createServer(function (req, res) {
    setTimeout( =>                                            	 setTimeout(function () {
        res.sendHeader(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'})   	 	      res.sendHeader(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'})
        res.sendBody('Hello World')                           	 	      res.sendBody('Hello World')
        res.finish()., 2000).                                 	 	      res.finish()
).listen(8000)                                                	 }, 2000)

                 JavaScript: The platform of the future?
•   Official page of node.js:

•   Official page of V8:

•   CoffeScript:

•   Websockets spec:

•   node.websocket.js:

•   Tornado:

•   JBoss Netty:

•   erlycomet:
PS: Plurk API
•   Plurk API is now available:

•   Python, Ruby, PHP and Java implementations are under

•   Use it to build cool applications :-)

•   These slides will be posted to: (my blog)

•   You can private plurk me on Plurk:

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All aboard the NodeJS Express
All aboard the NodeJS ExpressAll aboard the NodeJS Express
All aboard the NodeJS Express

Get on board the NodeJS Express as we take a journey through what makes NodeJS special. Server-side JavaScript that has an event loop for a heart, we'll delve into its single threaded nature and the advantages provided. From there we'll pass through the land of the Node Package Management tool, how to set up your own package and bring in useful 3rd party packages as dependencies. Our final destination is ExpressJS, a Sinatra inspired framework for NodeJS.

Nodejs intro
Nodejs introNodejs intro
Nodejs intro

JavaScript was created in 1995 and became a standard in 1997. Node.js was created in 2009 using Google's V8 JavaScript engine, allowing JavaScript to be used for server-side applications. Node.js is well-suited for building scalable web servers, APIs, and real-time applications due to its asynchronous, non-blocking architecture that uses callbacks and an event loop. Modules are used to add functionality to Node.js applications, and can be installed via the NPM package manager.

Reverse ajax in 2014
Reverse ajax in 2014Reverse ajax in 2014
Reverse ajax in 2014

Reverse Ajax, also known as Comet, allows a server to push data to a client without the client explicitly requesting it. This is achieved through techniques like long polling where the client opens a persistent connection to the server to receive messages as they happen. Common libraries that implement Reverse Ajax include CometD, Atmosphere, and DWR, with CometD being a preferred option as it supports websockets and offers full client/server functionality.

dwrcometreverse ajax

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Comet with node.js and V8

  • 1. Comet with node.js and V8 by amix
  • 2. About me • Cofounder and lead developer of Coded most of the frontend and backend • Mostly code in Python and JavaScript But I am proficient in other languages as well (C, Java, Lisp, Lua etc.) • I have coded since I was 12 24 years old now and still love to program :-) • Not a node.js expert... But I find it very interesting
  • 3. Overview of the talk • Why JavaScript matters • What makes V8 VM special • node.js in some details • Characteristics of comet communication • Implementing comet using node.js and WebSockets • Perspective: JavaScript as the future platform
  • 4. Why JavaScript matters • The pool of JavaScript programmers is huge and it’s getting bigger • JavaScript’sbrowsers that support it and allthe mobile think of all the distribution is among the largest platforms that support it or will support it... Think of Flash • Big companies like Adobe, Google, Apple and Microsoft are spending tons of $ in improving JavaScript • JavaScript is likely to become one of the most popular languages • JavaScript is gaining ground on the backend
  • 5. What makes V8 special • V8 JavaScript VM is used in Google Chrome and is developed by a small Google team in Denmark. V8 is open-source • V8 team is led by Lars Bak, one of the leading VM engineers in the world with 20 years of experience in building VMs • Lars Bak was the technical lead behind HotSpot (Sun’s Java VM). HotSpot improved Java’s performance 20x times • Before HotSpot Lars Bak worked on a Smalltalk VM
  • 6. What makes V8 special • No JIT, all JavaScript is compiled to assembler • Hidden classes optimization properties, instead it V8 does not dynamically lookup access from Self uses hidden classes that are created behind the scene • Improved garbage collector garbage collector stop-the-world, generational, accurate, • V8 is independent of Google Chrome • Remarks / “limitations”: threads, no processes No bytecode language, no
  • 7. What is node.js? • A system built on top of V8 • Introduces: IO - non-blocking - ability to do system calls - HTTP libraries - module system (+ other things) • The non-blocking nature makes node.js a good fit for comet and next generation realtime web-applications • 8000 lines of C/C++, 2000 lines of Javascript, 14 contributors
  • 8. Advantages of non-blocking • nginx: non-blocking apache: threaded • non-blocking can handle more req. pr. sec and uses a lot less memory • comet does not scale at all for threaded servers... graph source:
  • 9. Major point JavaScript programming is already geared towards event based programming: • Events in browsers.... • Closures (anonymous functions) are natural part of the language document.addEventListener("click", function(event) { alert(event) }, false)
  • 10. Hello world using node.js var  sys  =  require('sys'),          http  =  require('http') http.createServer(function  (req,  res)  {   setTimeout(function  ()  {     res.sendHeader(200,  {'Content-­‐Type':  'text/plain'})     res.sendBody('Hello  World')     res.finish()   },  2000) }).listen(8000) sys.puts('Server  running  at') hello_world.js
  • 11. Blocking vs. non-blocking The way to do it The way to do in most other it in node.js! languages: puts("Enter your name: ") gets(function (name) { puts("Name: " + name) puts("Enter your name: ") }) var name = gets() puts("Name: " + name) node.js design philosophy: To receive data from disk, network or another process there must be a callback.
  • 12. Events in node.js • All objects which emit events are are instances of process.EventEmitter • A promise is a EventEmitter which emits either success or error, but not both var tcp = require("tcp") var stat = require("posix").stat, puts = require("sys").puts var s = tcp.createServer() var promise = stat("/etc/passwd") s.addListener("connection", promise.addCallback(function (s) { function (c) { puts("modified: " + s.mtime) c.send("hello nasty!") }) c.close() promise.addErrback(function(orgi_promise) { }) puts("Could not fetch stats on /etc/passwd") s.listen(8000) })
  • 13. Comet vs. Ajax Ajax is so yesterday... Comet is the new superhero on the block Comet can be used to create real time web-applications Examples include Plurk and Google Wave. Demo of Plurk real time messaging
  • 14. Ajax vs. Comet Ajax Comet (long poll) Comet (streaming) Browser Server Browser Server Browser Server request request request response x seconds event response response request event event request response response event How most do it today How some do it today How we will do it soon
  • 15. Major point • Comet servers need to have a lot of open connections • One thread pr. connection does not scale • The solution is to use event based servers • It’s only possible to create event based servers in node.js!
  • 16. Implementing comet • Long polling parts. Used in Plurk - works for most - is more expensive and problematic than streaming • Streaming withoutto proxies and firewalls - Very problematic due WebSockets: • Streaming with WebSockets (HTML5):side - Makes comet trivial on both client and server • In this presentation we will focus on the future: Building a chat application with WebSockets and node.js
  • 17. WebSockets • Aims to expose TCP/IP sockets to browsers, while respecting the constraints of the web (security, proxies and firewalls) • A thin layer on top of TCP/IP that adds: • origin based security model • Addressing and protocol naming mechanism for supporting multiple services on one port and multiple host names on one IP address • framing mechanism for data transporation • More information: • Currently implemented in Google Chrome
  • 18. node.websocket.js implementation demo var  sys  =  require('sys') Room = {    members  =  [] init: function() { = new WebSocket('ws://') var  Module  =  this.Module  =  function()  {  } = Room._onopen = Room._onmessage Module.prototype.onData  =  function(data,  connection)  { = Room._onclose   for(var  i  in  members) }, //...     members[i].send(data) _send: function(user, message){ };{ 'from': user, Module.prototype.onConnect  =  function(connection)  { 'message': message   members.push(connection) })) } }, _onmessage: function(m) { Module.prototype.onDisconnect  =  function(connection)  { if ( {   for(var  i  in  members)  { var data = evalTxt(     if(members[i]  ==  connection)  {       members.splice(i,  1) from = data.from       break; message = data.message     } //...   } } Note: I have patched node.websocket.js to include onConnect...
  • 19. Other comet servers • JBoss Netty: Java library for doing non- blocking networking, based on java.nio used by Plurk to handle 200.000+ open connections • erlycomet: Erlang comet server based on MochiWeb • Tornado: FriendFeed’s Python non- blocking server • I have tried most of the popular approaches and none of them feel as natural as node.js!
  • 20. How does node.js perfrom? • Hello World benchmark node.js vs. Tornado non scientific - take it with a grain of salt! • Tornado is one of the fastest Python based servers $ ab -c 100 -n 1000 $ ab -c 100 -n 1000 Concurrency Level: 100 Concurrency Level: 100 Time taken for tests: 0.230 seconds Time taken for tests: 0.427 seconds Complete requests: 1000 Complete requests: 1000 Failed requests: 0 Failed requests: 0 Write errors: 0 Write errors: 0 Total transferred: 75075 bytes Total transferred: 171864 bytes HTML transferred: 11011 bytes HTML transferred: 12276 bytes Requests per second: 4340.26 [#/sec] (mean) Requests per second: 2344.36 [#/sec] (mean) Time per request: 23.040 [ms] (mean) Time per request: 42.656 [ms] (mean) Time per request: 0.230 [ms] Time per request: 0.427 [ms] Transfer rate: 318.21 [Kbytes/sec] Transfer rate: 393.47 [Kbytes/sec] node.js Tornado
  • 21. CoffeScript • A Ruby inspired language that compiles to JavaScript CoffeScript JavaScript square: x => x * x. var cube, square; cube: x => square(x) * x. square = function(x) { return x * x } cube = function(x) { return square(x) * x } sys = require('sys') var sys = require('sys'), http = require('http') http = require('http') http.createServer( req, res => http.createServer(function (req, res) { setTimeout( => setTimeout(function () { res.sendHeader(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}) res.sendHeader(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}) res.sendBody('Hello World') res.sendBody('Hello World') res.finish()., 2000). res.finish() ).listen(8000) }, 2000) }).listen(8000) JavaScript: The platform of the future?
  • 22. References • Official page of node.js: • Official page of V8: • CoffeScript: • Websockets spec: • node.websocket.js: • Tornado: • JBoss Netty: • erlycomet:
  • 23. PS: Plurk API • Plurk API is now available: • Python, Ruby, PHP and Java implementations are under development • Use it to build cool applications :-)
  • 24. Questions? • These slides will be posted to: (my blog) • You can private plurk me on Plurk: