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Preservation of Web Resources: The JISC PoWR Project Brian Kelly UKOLN University of Bath Bath, UK UKOLN is supported by: This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat) Acceptable Use Policy Recording/broadcasting of this talk, taking photographs, discussing the content using email, instant messaging, blogs, etc. is permitted providing distractions to others is minimised. Resources bookmarked using ‘ ipres-2008 ' tag  Co-authors : Marieke Guy, Kevin Ashley, Richard Davis,  Ed Pinsent and Jordan Hatcher
The JISC PoWR Project The JISC PoWR (Preservation of Web Resources) project: Funded by the JISC Short term project (April – Sept 2008) Funded to run workshops and provide handbook giving advice to institutions on institutional Web site preservation Provided by UKOLN and ULCC Uses a blog as its user engagement & dissemination channel. See: <>
“ Am I Bovvered?” Risks identified in joint UKOLN/ULCC’s submission for the JISC PoWR project: Institutions wouldn’t be sufficiently interested in the preservation of Web resources The complexities (technical, policy, resourcing, legal, …) would be sufficient to  de-motivate institutions X
Web Specialist University Archivist, Records Manager and FOI Co-ordinator   Lizzie Richmond Head of Web Services Alison Wildish Archivist Background in collection cataloguing and archival administration and conservation Paper environment  Responsible to the archives – keep them safe and accessible for the future Web specialist Background in information technology, web design and development, communication and marketing  Digital environment Responsible to the user – keep things up to date and useful Acknowledgements to Wildish and Richmond: <>

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The Use of the Social Web in Scholarly Communication
The Use of the Social Web in Scholarly CommunicationThe Use of the Social Web in Scholarly Communication
The Use of the Social Web in Scholarly Communication

The document discusses the role of social web tools like blogs, microblogs, wikis and social sharing in scholarly communication. It describes the author's personal experiences using these tools to support writing a paper, get feedback and maximize the paper's impact. However, it also notes challenges like not all researchers finding these tools suitable, sustainability issues if services disappear, and lack of clear evidence on tangible benefits. More research is needed but some researchers are starting to adopt these tools.

Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for information professionals
Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for information professionalsBlogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for information professionals
Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for information professionals

Marieke Guy from UKOLN will help you find out how Web 2.0 applications are being used in libraries and information centres, and what actually works. Blogs, wikis, RSS? Podcasts, Slideshare, Flickr and Social Networking, Social Bookmarking and Video Sharing are the buzz words.

The 'Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World' Report: Implications For IT Service...
The 'Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World' Report: Implications For IT Service...The 'Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World' Report: Implications For IT Service...
The 'Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World' Report: Implications For IT Service...

The document discusses implications of a report on higher education in a Web 2.0 world for IT service departments. It suggests that IT services embrace cloud computing and make use of social web tools. Departments should provide infrastructure while respecting user preferences and explore opportunities like new funding models. Risk management, resource investigation, and frameworks are recommended to guide strategic deployment of new technologies.

Marieke Guy and Brian Kelly (UKOLN): We’re doing these workshops on  Web Preservation  and wondered if you’d be willing to give us a case study about the approach from the University of Bath… “ “ ”
University Archivist, Records Manager and FOI Co-ordinator   Oh no… not this again! Why me? This sounds technical… I’m a paper person I have enough trouble trying to preserve hard copy records without having to worry about the web I can see the value in theory, but in practice it’s too huge I guess it might be a good idea, but no one much cares what I think I am interested though… Now and the past
Web Specialist Head of Web Services EEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK!!! In all honesty it isn’t interesting to me… We struggle to keep the site current – never mind thinking about preserving the old stuff I am future watching… need to know what to bring in not how to keep hold of the past Why is it something I should think about now? I’m not really that interested Now and the future
Motivating The Techies Lizzie Richmond used the University of Bath prospectus to illustrate the importance of preservation an institution’s memory:

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This document summarizes Brian Kelly's presentation on measuring and maximizing impact using social web services. The presentation explored the benefits and concerns of using social media, discussed approaches to measure its value and effectiveness, and examined how metrics can be used to enhance institutional activities. It also addressed legal, accessibility and sustainability concerns and concluded by soliciting feedback on next steps.


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Brian Kelly gave a presentation on new digital technologies and their uses. He discussed concepts like Web 2.0, social media, mobile access, and cloud computing. He acknowledged challenges like sustainability, privacy, and organizational barriers, but argued against overly simplistic or fundamentalist approaches. A balanced, managed approach was needed to harness new technologies while mitigating risks.

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Using social web services like blogs, wikis, social networks and video sharing sites can help maximize access to an organization's resources, ideas and brand. These services allow engagement with potential audiences and monitoring how the organization is discussed online. An example is given of the Brooklyn Museum which uses services like blogs, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube very effectively. It is concluded that ignoring the potential of social media risks losing out to peers, and using these services can support an organization's mission.

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Slides for a paper by Brian Kelly, UKOLN presented at the W4A 2007 conference in Banff, Canada in May 2007. See

The Web Equivalent What is the Web equivalent of the history of the printed prospectus? Perhaps the history of the University’s home page
The University of Bath Home Page

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Engagement, Impact, Value: Introduction
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Slides for a talk on "Engagement, Impact, Value: Introduction " given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN in Manchester on 24 May 2010. See

What We Did We: Captured screen images from the Internet Archive of the home page since 1997 Used FireFox Piclens extension to produce an interactive gallery of the images Created a video with commentary providing reflections on the changes to the home page See <> Why? To draw parallels with the real world example As a scenario for first workshop (it’s the University’s anniversary)  To illustrate one approach – use of a third party service (Internet Archive) To illustrate preservation of the user experience (as opposed to the underlying data)
Feedback From First Workshop “ The challenges are significant, especially in terms of how to preserve Web resources. No doubt the institutional repository will play a role. Arguably, the absence of a solution to the preservation of Web resources leads to either retention or deletion, both of which carry risks.  The workshop’s core message to practitioners was therefore to start building an internal network amongst relevant practitioners as advice and guidance emerge. My thinking about this matter was certainly stimulated and I look forward to the next two workshops, and the handbook that will result. Web preservation is an issue which was always important but now grows increasingly urgent.” Preservation of Web Resources: Making a Start ,  Stephen Emmott, Ariadne (56) Jul 2008
Preservation And Web 2.0 The JISC PoWR project explicitly sought to engage with the preservation implications of Web 2.0 The project has used blogs and wikis to support its work

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The document discusses resource discovery through social means such as writing blog posts, chatting with colleagues, listening to people, and sharing resources using popular networked services. It provides examples of how writing blog posts attracts relevant comments and links, and how Twitter can be used to find examples related to a talk. The conclusion is that social resource discovery is natural, requires little effort, allows the use of popular services, and helps the community.

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This document summarizes a presentation about using Elluminate Live, an online conferencing software, to run virtual events. It discusses the key features of Elluminate Live like video conferencing, whiteboarding, and polling. It provides examples of how Elluminate Live has been used at the University of Bath, like for online open days. The document also outlines best practices for moderators and participants. Finally, it briefly introduces some alternative online conferencing tools.

JISC PoWR poster
JISC PoWR posterJISC PoWR poster
JISC PoWR poster

The document discusses the challenges of preserving web resources and web services. It notes that the ubiquity of the web, complicated interactions of resources and services, and dynamic nature of web 2.0 technologies like user-generated content pose new preservation challenges. It provides contact information for the JISC PoWR project at UKOLN and ULCC, which aims to address these issues through workshops, reports, and an online blog.

Is Web 2.0 Different? Implications of Web 2.0 for Web site preservation: Use of 3 rd  party services (‘ network as platform ’) Content    collaboration and communication Richer diversity of services (not just a file on a filestore/CMS/database) More complex IPR issues Let’s look at: Case study 1 - Wikis Case study 2 – Blogs Case study 3 – Reusing data Case study 4 – Disposable data Case study 5 – Slideshare Web 2.0
Case Study 1: A Public Wiki WetPaint wiki used to support various workshops Approaches taken: Open access to all prior to & during event (to minimise barriers to creating content) Access restricted to WetPaint users after event Access later restricted to event organisers Web 2.0 Many aspects of Web site curation are to do with implementing such best practices, rather than implementing technical solutions See JISC PoWR blog post
Case Study 2a: Blog Migration How might you migrate the contents of a blog (e.g. you’re leaving college)? This question was raised by Casey Leaver, shortly before leaving Warwick University Web 2.0
Case Study 2a: Blog Migration She migrated her blog from blogs at Warwick Univ to Wordpress Web 2.0 Note, though, that not all data was transferred (e.g. title, but not contents) so there’s a need to check transfer mechanisms

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Slides for a talk on "The 'Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World' Report: Implications For IT Service Departments" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at a BUCS Seminar held in the BUCS Seminar Room, University of Bath, BATH on 1 June 2009. See

“Library 2.0: Balancing the Risks and Benefits to Maximise the Dividends”
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“Library 2.0: Balancing the Risks and Benefits to Maximise the Dividends”

The document discusses various challenges and barriers to the successful adoption of Library 2.0 and Web 2.0 technologies. It identifies issues such as sustainability of third-party services, data lock-in, lack of expertise, inappropriate content, and accessibility concerns. It proposes balanced approaches to address these barriers, including risk assessment and management, staff development, clarifying responsibilities, and embracing new media literacy.

Let's Do It Now! Mainstream Uses Of Collaborative Technologies
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Let's Do It Now! Mainstream Uses Of Collaborative Technologies

This document discusses strategies for mainstream adoption of collaborative technologies like blogs and wikis in organizations. It acknowledges barriers like legal risks, inertia and cultural resistance. It recommends addressing barriers through advocacy, listening to users, flexible policies, and safe experimentation. Risks can be minimized through approaches like piloting technologies at events and supporting widely-used external services. Adopting principles of openness, user focus, and collaboration from Web 2.0 can help organizations overcome conservatism and benefit users.

Case Study 2b: The Individual’s Blog (1) Auricle blog: Launched Jan 2004 by head of e-learning team, Bath  High profile & public visibility by early adopter & evangelist Today: It’s gone Lost after evangelist left, new staff arrive, new priorities, …
Case Study 2b: The Individual’s Blog (2) Auricle reborn: Further Google revealed the blog has been reborn New domain ( New engine (Wordpress) & look and feel (but old engine still available) New content being added Old content still accessible Preservation is helped by: Continued access Motivated & skilled owners
Case Study 3: Reusing Data Blog post in Facebook. Possible concerns: It’s not sustainable You’ve given ownership to Facebook Web 2.0 Response: The post is managed in WordPress; Fb displays copy (to new audience) Fb don’t claim ownership – they claim rights to make money It’s not the service, it’s how you use the service
Case Study 4: Disposable Data Twitter – example of a micro-blogging application Facebook status messages is another related example Web 2.0 Issues: Will Twitter be sustain-able over a long period? What will happen to the data? What about the IPR for ‘tweets’? What about institutional uses?

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Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Digital Preservation

Slides for a talk on "Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Digital Preservation" given at a workshop held on behalf MLA London on 14 July 2008. See

MS PowerPoint format
MS PowerPoint formatMS PowerPoint format
MS PowerPoint format

This document discusses challenges in preserving web content, especially with the rise of Web 2.0 services. Web 1.0 sites required preservation due to disappearing domains and broken links over time. Web 2.0 introduces additional risks from reliance on third party services and "disposable" communications. Case studies examine challenges in preserving wikis, blogs, social media data, and online events. While technical solutions are limited, best practices like backups and open standards can help minimize data loss risks from Web 2.0. Overall preservation of rich web content poses research challenges that require addressing both technical and business aspects.

web hosting
Web 2.0: Opportunity Or Threat For IT Support Staff?
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Web 2.0: Opportunity Or Threat For IT Support Staff?

Slides used in a talk on "Web 2.0: Opportunity Or Threat For IT Support Staff?" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the UCISA SDG 2007 conference. See

Case Study 4: Disposable Data Many twitterers regard their tweets as disposal I tend to use Twitter as a ‘virtual water cooler’ – sharing gossip, jokes and occasional work-related information with (mainly) people I know Web 2.0 You could make use of clients which manage your tweets (e.g. treat like email) But you should develop your policies first, prior to exploring technologies
Case Study 4: Disposable Data Skype  (or your preferred VoIP application) are growing in popularity Web 2.0 Issues: Is the digital data (the call) preserved? What about the video and the IM chats? Possible Responses: Am I bovvered? I didn’t bother with analogue phones, why should I worry now?
Case Study 5: Slideshare What happens to your slides if Slideshare disappears? Recommended approach: Master copy held on managed environment Info on master on title slide and metadata CC licence & download available – many copies
Web Preservation Challenges What do we wish to preserve: The underlying  resource The user  experience Ease of  access  to the resource Examples of each addressed in project: Migration of blog posts (and comments?) Capturing images of home pages using Internet Archive Including address of master resource on Slideshare

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A talk on "Deployment Strategies For Web 2.0" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the University of Nottingham on 12 March 2007. See

Realising Potential Of Web 2 0
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Slides for talk on "Realising The Potential Of Web 2.0" given at the NordLib 2.0 conference on "Get Inspired by Web 2.0 for Libraries". See

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The Handbook Handbook: Currently being finalised Creative Commons licence Your feedback will be appreciated
Rethinking Web Preservation Chris Rusbridge: I would argue that outcome-related phrases like &quot;long term accessibility&quot; or &quot;usability over time&quot; are better than the process-oriented phrase &quot;digital preservation&quot;  How does this relate to JISC PoWR work?  Consider  institutional : Lack of interest in “digital preservation” Importance of  use  of services Importance of  reuse  of services This needs to complement: National approaches to Web preservation and  Web harvesting
Web Specialist University Archivist, Records Manager and FOI Co-ordinator   Lizzie Richmond Head of Web Services Alison Wildish Better informed about differences between printed and web records and their implications  Recognition that web preservation should be addressed to avoid gap in University history This is worth doing There’s a lot to think about We’ll need to work together to succeed We need a strategy because: - its important at an institutional level - consistency of approach will be crucial - the line between publication and record is blurred What have we learned?
Conclusions  JISC PoWR project has: Helped to begin process of raising awareness on Web preservation within institutions Facilitated engagement with key stakeholders in a small number of institutions Produced examples of pragmatic approaches to preservation of Web resources  Received feedback on the approaches Produced draft handbook to share these approaches more widely The challenges of Web site preservation are only just beginning

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Talk on "Web Futures: Implications For HE" given at Kings College London on 27 January 2006. See

Engaging Virtual Communities: Web 2.0
Engaging Virtual Communities: Web 2.0Engaging Virtual Communities: Web 2.0
Engaging Virtual Communities: Web 2.0

The document introduces Web 2.0 technologies like blogs, wikis, RSS, social networking, and mashups. It discusses how libraries and information professionals can use these tools to engage with users, share resources and monitor discussions. Specific examples are provided of blogs being used for marketing and keeping up with developments, wikis for collaboration, Flickr and for sharing photos and bookmarks. Risk management strategies for adopting new technologies are also outlined.

Library 2.0: Opportunities and Challenges
Library 2.0: Opportunities and ChallengesLibrary 2.0: Opportunities and Challenges
Library 2.0: Opportunities and Challenges

The document discusses the opportunities and challenges of Library 2.0. It acknowledges that while Library 2.0 has generated interest, there are legitimate concerns about how to best exploit its potential while managing risks. It explores deployment strategies like advocacy, listening to users, and risk assessment. Examples of Library 2.0 tools and applications are provided, as well as approaches to addressing concerns regarding issues like institutional inertia, sustainability, and privacy.


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Preservation of Web Resources: The JISC PoWR Project

  • 1. Preservation of Web Resources: The JISC PoWR Project Brian Kelly UKOLN University of Bath Bath, UK UKOLN is supported by: This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat) Acceptable Use Policy Recording/broadcasting of this talk, taking photographs, discussing the content using email, instant messaging, blogs, etc. is permitted providing distractions to others is minimised. Resources bookmarked using ‘ ipres-2008 ' tag Co-authors : Marieke Guy, Kevin Ashley, Richard Davis, Ed Pinsent and Jordan Hatcher
  • 2. The JISC PoWR Project The JISC PoWR (Preservation of Web Resources) project: Funded by the JISC Short term project (April – Sept 2008) Funded to run workshops and provide handbook giving advice to institutions on institutional Web site preservation Provided by UKOLN and ULCC Uses a blog as its user engagement & dissemination channel. See: <>
  • 3. “ Am I Bovvered?” Risks identified in joint UKOLN/ULCC’s submission for the JISC PoWR project: Institutions wouldn’t be sufficiently interested in the preservation of Web resources The complexities (technical, policy, resourcing, legal, …) would be sufficient to de-motivate institutions X
  • 4. Web Specialist University Archivist, Records Manager and FOI Co-ordinator Lizzie Richmond Head of Web Services Alison Wildish Archivist Background in collection cataloguing and archival administration and conservation Paper environment Responsible to the archives – keep them safe and accessible for the future Web specialist Background in information technology, web design and development, communication and marketing Digital environment Responsible to the user – keep things up to date and useful Acknowledgements to Wildish and Richmond: <>
  • 5. Marieke Guy and Brian Kelly (UKOLN): We’re doing these workshops on Web Preservation and wondered if you’d be willing to give us a case study about the approach from the University of Bath… “ “ ”
  • 6. University Archivist, Records Manager and FOI Co-ordinator Oh no… not this again! Why me? This sounds technical… I’m a paper person I have enough trouble trying to preserve hard copy records without having to worry about the web I can see the value in theory, but in practice it’s too huge I guess it might be a good idea, but no one much cares what I think I am interested though… Now and the past
  • 7. Web Specialist Head of Web Services EEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK!!! In all honesty it isn’t interesting to me… We struggle to keep the site current – never mind thinking about preserving the old stuff I am future watching… need to know what to bring in not how to keep hold of the past Why is it something I should think about now? I’m not really that interested Now and the future
  • 8. Motivating The Techies Lizzie Richmond used the University of Bath prospectus to illustrate the importance of preservation an institution’s memory:
  • 10. 1960
  • 11. 1970
  • 12. 1985
  • 13. 1991
  • 14. 1994
  • 15. 1999
  • 16. 2001
  • 17. 2004
  • 18. 2008
  • 19. The Web Equivalent What is the Web equivalent of the history of the printed prospectus? Perhaps the history of the University’s home page
  • 20. The University of Bath Home Page
  • 21.  
  • 22. What We Did We: Captured screen images from the Internet Archive of the home page since 1997 Used FireFox Piclens extension to produce an interactive gallery of the images Created a video with commentary providing reflections on the changes to the home page See <> Why? To draw parallels with the real world example As a scenario for first workshop (it’s the University’s anniversary) To illustrate one approach – use of a third party service (Internet Archive) To illustrate preservation of the user experience (as opposed to the underlying data)
  • 23. Feedback From First Workshop “ The challenges are significant, especially in terms of how to preserve Web resources. No doubt the institutional repository will play a role. Arguably, the absence of a solution to the preservation of Web resources leads to either retention or deletion, both of which carry risks. The workshop’s core message to practitioners was therefore to start building an internal network amongst relevant practitioners as advice and guidance emerge. My thinking about this matter was certainly stimulated and I look forward to the next two workshops, and the handbook that will result. Web preservation is an issue which was always important but now grows increasingly urgent.” Preservation of Web Resources: Making a Start , Stephen Emmott, Ariadne (56) Jul 2008
  • 24. Preservation And Web 2.0 The JISC PoWR project explicitly sought to engage with the preservation implications of Web 2.0 The project has used blogs and wikis to support its work
  • 25. Is Web 2.0 Different? Implications of Web 2.0 for Web site preservation: Use of 3 rd party services (‘ network as platform ’) Content  collaboration and communication Richer diversity of services (not just a file on a filestore/CMS/database) More complex IPR issues Let’s look at: Case study 1 - Wikis Case study 2 – Blogs Case study 3 – Reusing data Case study 4 – Disposable data Case study 5 – Slideshare Web 2.0
  • 26. Case Study 1: A Public Wiki WetPaint wiki used to support various workshops Approaches taken: Open access to all prior to & during event (to minimise barriers to creating content) Access restricted to WetPaint users after event Access later restricted to event organisers Web 2.0 Many aspects of Web site curation are to do with implementing such best practices, rather than implementing technical solutions See JISC PoWR blog post
  • 27. Case Study 2a: Blog Migration How might you migrate the contents of a blog (e.g. you’re leaving college)? This question was raised by Casey Leaver, shortly before leaving Warwick University Web 2.0
  • 28. Case Study 2a: Blog Migration She migrated her blog from blogs at Warwick Univ to Wordpress Web 2.0 Note, though, that not all data was transferred (e.g. title, but not contents) so there’s a need to check transfer mechanisms
  • 29. Case Study 2b: The Individual’s Blog (1) Auricle blog: Launched Jan 2004 by head of e-learning team, Bath High profile & public visibility by early adopter & evangelist Today: It’s gone Lost after evangelist left, new staff arrive, new priorities, …
  • 30. Case Study 2b: The Individual’s Blog (2) Auricle reborn: Further Google revealed the blog has been reborn New domain ( New engine (Wordpress) & look and feel (but old engine still available) New content being added Old content still accessible Preservation is helped by: Continued access Motivated & skilled owners
  • 31. Case Study 3: Reusing Data Blog post in Facebook. Possible concerns: It’s not sustainable You’ve given ownership to Facebook Web 2.0 Response: The post is managed in WordPress; Fb displays copy (to new audience) Fb don’t claim ownership – they claim rights to make money It’s not the service, it’s how you use the service
  • 32. Case Study 4: Disposable Data Twitter – example of a micro-blogging application Facebook status messages is another related example Web 2.0 Issues: Will Twitter be sustain-able over a long period? What will happen to the data? What about the IPR for ‘tweets’? What about institutional uses?
  • 33. Case Study 4: Disposable Data Many twitterers regard their tweets as disposal I tend to use Twitter as a ‘virtual water cooler’ – sharing gossip, jokes and occasional work-related information with (mainly) people I know Web 2.0 You could make use of clients which manage your tweets (e.g. treat like email) But you should develop your policies first, prior to exploring technologies
  • 34. Case Study 4: Disposable Data Skype (or your preferred VoIP application) are growing in popularity Web 2.0 Issues: Is the digital data (the call) preserved? What about the video and the IM chats? Possible Responses: Am I bovvered? I didn’t bother with analogue phones, why should I worry now?
  • 35. Case Study 5: Slideshare What happens to your slides if Slideshare disappears? Recommended approach: Master copy held on managed environment Info on master on title slide and metadata CC licence & download available – many copies
  • 36. Web Preservation Challenges What do we wish to preserve: The underlying resource The user experience Ease of access to the resource Examples of each addressed in project: Migration of blog posts (and comments?) Capturing images of home pages using Internet Archive Including address of master resource on Slideshare
  • 37. The Handbook Handbook: Currently being finalised Creative Commons licence Your feedback will be appreciated
  • 38. Rethinking Web Preservation Chris Rusbridge: I would argue that outcome-related phrases like &quot;long term accessibility&quot; or &quot;usability over time&quot; are better than the process-oriented phrase &quot;digital preservation&quot; How does this relate to JISC PoWR work? Consider institutional : Lack of interest in “digital preservation” Importance of use of services Importance of reuse of services This needs to complement: National approaches to Web preservation and Web harvesting
  • 39. Web Specialist University Archivist, Records Manager and FOI Co-ordinator Lizzie Richmond Head of Web Services Alison Wildish Better informed about differences between printed and web records and their implications Recognition that web preservation should be addressed to avoid gap in University history This is worth doing There’s a lot to think about We’ll need to work together to succeed We need a strategy because: - its important at an institutional level - consistency of approach will be crucial - the line between publication and record is blurred What have we learned?
  • 40. Conclusions JISC PoWR project has: Helped to begin process of raising awareness on Web preservation within institutions Facilitated engagement with key stakeholders in a small number of institutions Produced examples of pragmatic approaches to preservation of Web resources Received feedback on the approaches Produced draft handbook to share these approaches more widely The challenges of Web site preservation are only just beginning