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A centre of expertise in digital information management
Managing New Technologies:
The Challenge Of Web 2.0
Brian Kelly
University of Bath
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content using email, instant
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Acceptable Use Policy
Recording/broadcasting of this talk,
taking photographs, discussing the
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A centre of expertise in digital information management
• Web 2.0 has arrived – let’s just use it
• Or has it?
 Sustainability  Quality
 Reliability  Dependencies
 …
• Deployment strategies:
 Do nothing  Embrace fully
 Middle ground
• Application in your areas of interest
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Web 2.0: Why?
Realisation of Sir Tim’s dream:
• Web was meant to be interactive & user-driven
Technical infrastructure now in place
• But only now are the standards in place, use cases
tested and commercial infrastructure deployed
User acceptance:
• Users love it – look at popularity of SNs
Saving scarce in-house resources:
• Institutions can now focus on relevant areas, rather
than duplicating services already available
• Enhancing quality of what we do do
• Developing digital citizenship
• Addressing the gaps (e.g. information literacy, …)
See Web 2.0: Supporting Library Users for other examplesSee Web 2.0: Supporting Library Users for other examples
A centre of expertise in digital information management
In Slightly More Detail
Talk last week at UCISA
SDG conf on Facebook:
• Embraces social
constructivism, informal
learning, …
• Allows us to get our data
(e.g. RSS) to where the
users are
• Can develop apps for
the platform (e.g. OPAC)
• Can engage with our
• Avoid IT Services
• …

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Demystifying WCAG 2.0: An Intro to Web, Office, InDesign, & PDF Accessibility
Demystifying WCAG 2.0: An Intro to Web, Office, InDesign, & PDF AccessibilityDemystifying WCAG 2.0: An Intro to Web, Office, InDesign, & PDF Accessibility
Demystifying WCAG 2.0: An Intro to Web, Office, InDesign, & PDF Accessibility

Web accessibility is a growing priority across industries, and in light of recent lawsuits, the threat of non-compliance in higher education is very real. However, bringing an entire organization up to accessibility standards can be daunting. In this webinar, David Berman, the #1 rated speaker on the topic of web accessibility standards as well as an international expert in the field, will provide you with strategies for meeting WCAG 2.0 standards in various design platforms. David's presentation will focus on building accessibility into your design process, with tips for web, Office, InDesign, and PDF. David provides not only a deep understanding of web standards and requirements, but also a passion for accessibility. His enthusiastic and entertaining presentation style will give you a new perspective on the importance of web accessibility, and his expert approach to developing an accessible infrastructure will provide you with a roadmap of what needs to be done to meet your accessibility goals. This webinar will cover: - An overview of WCAG 2.0 guidelines and conformance levels - Current legal requirements for web accessibility - How WCAG 2.0 will impact the Section 508 refresh - Why accessibility matters - Tips for creating accessible PDFs and web content - Accessibility tips for Office, Acrobat, and InDesign

indesignwcag 2.0office accessibility
Working with Wikimedia Serbia
Working with Wikimedia SerbiaWorking with Wikimedia Serbia
Working with Wikimedia Serbia

Slides for a talk on "Working with Wikimedia Serbia" given by Brian Kelly, Innovation Advocate at Cetis, University of Bolton at the Eduwiki 2014 conference in Edinburgh on Friday 31 October 2013. See

C2: Digital Badges: Future Technologies and Their Applications
C2: Digital Badges: Future Technologies and Their ApplicationsC2: Digital Badges: Future Technologies and Their Applications
C2: Digital Badges: Future Technologies and Their Applications

Slides for a 1-day workshop on "Future Technologies and Their Applications" facilitated by Brian Kelly and Tony Hirst at the ILI 2013 conference on Monday 14 October 2013. See See

A centre of expertise in digital information management
Web 2.0: Why Not?
Small group exercise:
• What concerns do you have?
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Web 2.0: Why Not?
Why not?
Always available
Licence conditions
…Dumbing down
Other ReasonsOther Reasons
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Did You Miss?
Web 2.0 concerns:
• I’ve got my own empire and I don’t want it
• I feel threatened by stiff I don’t understand
• We’ve just bought a new CMS (on my
recommendation) and it doesn’t do Web
2.0 stuff
• …
A centre of expertise in digital information management
You are considering:
• Encouraging your staff to blog using the service
• Using a hosted Wiki service (e.g. WetPaint) to
engage with your users in planning of a Podcast
• Providing access to library RSS feeds on
• Setting up a group on Facebook to solicit
feedback form your users
• …
What processes should you take to ensure these
services work effectively?

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Reflections on 10 years of the Institutional Web
Reflections on 10 years of the Institutional WebReflections on 10 years of the Institutional Web
Reflections on 10 years of the Institutional Web

Slides from a talk by Andy Powell on "Reflections on 10 years of the Institutional Web" given at the Institutional Web Management Workshop 2006 on 16 June 2006. See <>.

A Strategy For Web 2 0 (Tin180 Com)
A Strategy For Web 2 0 (Tin180 Com)A Strategy For Web 2 0 (Tin180 Com)
A Strategy For Web 2 0 (Tin180 Com)

The document discusses the University of Wales, Newport's strategy for adopting and supporting Web 2.0 technologies to enhance the student experience. It outlines how the university changed its approach from focusing only on course materials to recognizing how technologies like blogs, wikis and social networking could improve communication between students, staff and the university. The strategy aims to provide some Web 2.0 services while also supporting external tools, address technical, teaching and marketing challenges, and fully deploy these technologies in the next academic year.

Exploring digital well-being
Exploring digital well-beingExploring digital well-being
Exploring digital well-being

This document discusses digital wellbeing and defines it as considering the impact of technologies and digital services on people's mental, physical, and emotional health. It can be viewed from individual, organizational, and societal perspectives, and includes emotional, social, physical, and mental aspects within personal, work, learning, and community contexts. The document provides examples of positive and negative impacts on digital wellbeing and discusses supporting digital wellbeing from both individual and institutional perspectives.

by Jisc
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Scenario PlanningScenario Planning
Risk AssessmentRisk Assessment
Risk ManagementRisk Management
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Scenario Planning (1)
Scenario Planning
• Being piloted in JISC’s Users and
Innovation (U&I) programme
• Identify various futures (even unlikely
ones) and exploring:
• The implications
• Preparation for the unlikely
The Unlikely May Happen
In the 1980s and early-mid 1990s would we have expected
• A Labour government in power for 3 terms
• Labour PM admits his admiration for Margaret T.
• Conservative leader tries to move party to left of centre
The Unlikely May Happen
In the 1980s and early-mid 1990s would we have expected
• A Labour government in power for 3 terms
• Labour PM admits his admiration for Margaret T.
• Conservative leader tries to move party to left of centre
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Scenario Planning (2)
Steady as
she goes
Steady as
she goes
Web 2.0 winsWeb 2.0 wins
Web 2.0
Web 2.0
Like today,
only more so
Google/Yahoo …
provide services
Social networks
Web 2.0 fails
Google goes bankrupt
Yahoo nationalised???
“SNs? For primary
Appeal of “retro VLEs”
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Risk Assessment
Understanding risks:
• Walking across a busy road
General application of risk assessment:
• Future of JISC services and projects (cf. AHDS)
• Future of established vendors (cf. Blackboard)
Application to Web 2.0:
• Stability of the company
• Persistency of the data
Note parallels with selection of open source software: is there a community;
is it sustainable; is it taking me in a direction I’m happy with; …
Advice given in “Top Tips For Selecting Open Source Software” QA Focus
briefing document no. 60
Note parallels with selection of open source software: is there a community;
is it sustainable; is it taking me in a direction I’m happy with; …
Advice given in “Top Tips For Selecting Open Source Software” QA Focus
briefing document no. 60

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Slides related to a peer-reviewed paper on "Contextual Web Accessibility - Maximizing the Benefit of Accessibility Guidelines" presented by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the W4A 2006 workshop held in Edinburgh on 23 May 2006. See

Kent Learning Zone Communications Oct07
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Kent Learning Zone Communications Oct07

The document discusses Kent Learning Zone (KLZ), Kent's proposed learning platform to help schools meet government targets for online learning tools. KLZ is built on Microsoft SharePoint and provides personal online spaces for students and teachers, collaboration tools, and will integrate with schools' student information systems. It is presented as a low-cost and flexible option for schools to begin using online tools while retaining control over their choice of virtual learning environment software. The rollout of KLZ over 2007-2010 is outlined, along with next steps schools could take to evaluate and adopt the new platform.

Using Social Software to Make Blended Learning a Success
Using Social Software to Make Blended Learning a Success Using Social Software to Make Blended Learning a Success
Using Social Software to Make Blended Learning a Success

The document discusses using social software to make blended learning successful. It describes Brandon Williams' background working for The Educe Group implementing learning management systems. The objectives of the presentation are to discuss blending social learning with industry examples, the Educe solution through a case study, using social software for employee onboarding and beyond, and key elements of blended learning success. Case studies of blended learning implementations at companies like TELUS, Virgin Media, and Bechtel are provided. The presentation encourages participation through Twitter using the hashtag #blendlrn.

A centre of expertise in digital information management
Risk Management
Risk management:
• What to do if risks occur?
• Migration of service and data
• Provision of alternatives
• Acceptance:
• Times change
• The service provided valuable learning
• …
A centre of expertise in digital information management
User Engagement
User engagement:
• Talking to the users and strengths and
weakness on proposed Web 2.0 services
• Giving them a feeling of ownership
• Libraries should be good at this 
• IT Services possibly less so 
Case Study
Skype use allowed on campus, but user feedback from students
in halls of residence show performance problems
• Banning on Resnet in response to user concerns
• Discussions with SU exec over increasing student demand
• Ban removed during summer vacation
• Technical solutions deployed in vacation
Case Study
Skype use allowed on campus, but user feedback from students
in halls of residence show performance problems
• Banning on Resnet in response to user concerns
• Discussions with SU exec over increasing student demand
• Ban removed during summer vacation
• Technical solutions deployed in vacation
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Cultural Change
“Using Google is privitisation of the educational sector!”
• Do users care?
• Hasn’t this happened already?
“Folksonomies is dumbing down!”
“Users must learn boolean!”
• This isn’t being user-centric
• Education and training needs to complement what
users will actually do
“Libraries are trusted. Amazon links will lose endanger
our relationship with our users & devalue our brand ”
• Will it?
• …
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Opportunity Costs
“We can’t use as it might not be there in 5
year’s time. We’ll develop something in-house”
• Missed opportunity costs in no service during this
• Costs of in-house development
• Enhancement of quality of service
• Deployment of additional products

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Digiat Media @ Ricerca sul consumo dei media in Europa
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Presentazione per il corso di Digital Media presso il master in Accademia di Comunicazione a Milano. Contenuto: - EIAA: estratti della ricerca sul consumo dei media in Europa con Focus in Italia. - Digital News: Aggiornamenti su notizie e "flash" del quotidiano relativo ai media digitali

Improving Digital Capability through Digital Literacies
Improving Digital Capability through Digital LiteraciesImproving Digital Capability through Digital Literacies
Improving Digital Capability through Digital Literacies

Digital capability is critical to learning, living and working in the C21st. The specific role of higher education, as laid out by successive UK Governments, is to equip a generation of learners with high level skills for the global knowledge economy and – more recently – lead a national recovery based around digital industries (Livingstone and Hope 2011). Students too expect that higher education will equip them for employment in a digital economy, and for participation in a digitally-mediated society. NSS returns show that ICT facilities and support services are being more harshly judged, as students who have grown up digital – and experienced e-learning during school – expect higher standards of provision. There is evidence from the introduction of student fees in the UK that ICT provision is a factor affecting where students will choose to study (JISC/IPSOS MORI 2008). The evidence from more than 75 proposals to the JISC Developing Digital Literacies programme is that the digital learning experience is also being used as a marker of institutional distinctiveness. Universities need rethink their offer, from induction to graduation and into research careers, in terms of the digital experiences students have and the digital practices they encounter (Beetham et al, 2009). This session will introduce tools for auditing and developing digital capability at an institutional and departmental level, including student-facing surveys, competence frameworks mapped to professional body standards, and models of organisational change. Participants will also explore a number of different models for becoming a successful digital institution, based on the outcomes of previous JISC work. References: Beetham, H., Littlejohn, A. and McGill, L. (2009) Thriving in the Twenty-First Century: Report of the Learning Literacies in a Digital Age project. JISC. Available online at: JISC/IPSOS MORI (2008) Great Expectations of ICT: How Higher Education Institutions are measuring up. Available online at: Livingstone, I. and Hope, A. (2011) Next Gen: transforming the UK into the world’s leading talent hub for the video games and visual effects industries, Nesta. Available online at:

higher educationjiscdigital capability
Bloxx Case Mount Gilead
Bloxx Case Mount GileadBloxx Case Mount Gilead
Bloxx Case Mount Gilead

1) Mount Gilead Exempted Village Schools needed a more flexible and granular web filtering solution to balance student safety and access to educational resources online. 2) They implemented the Bloxx 1250W Web Filter, which allows filtering policies to be tied directly to individual student and staff accounts for improved safety and control. 3) The Bloxx solution has significantly reduced the time spent managing web filtering for the Director of Technology, improving staff productivity while maintaining a safe online environment for students.

cipacontent filterschool filter
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Embracing Diversity
Diversity is central to the nature of higher education &
cultural heritage
Teaching & Learning / Research
• Different disciplines & teaching methods
• Need for innovation
• Different learning styles
• Accessibility
• …
What Second Life Could Offer
Imagine a paraplegic user who cannot operate a PC. How a helper
can support the users engagement in Second Life. The user can
now fly in this deeply immersive environment.
What Second Life Could Offer
Imagine a paraplegic user who cannot operate a PC. How a helper
can support the users engagement in Second Life. The user can
now fly in this deeply immersive environment.
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Application In Your Context
How might the approaches of:
• Risk assessment & risk management
• User engagement
• Understanding implications of cultural
• Avoiding missed opportunity costs
• Embracing diversity
apply in your areas of work?
See Web 2.0: Addressing the Barriers to Implementation
in a Library Context for further suggestions
See Web 2.0: Addressing the Barriers to Implementation
in a Library Context for further suggestions
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Questions and comments welcomed

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Managing New Technologies: The Challenge Of Web 2.0

  • 1. A centre of expertise in digital information management Managing New Technologies: The Challenge Of Web 2.0 Brian Kelly UKOLN University of Bath Bath Email UKOLN is supported by: This work is licensed under a Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat) Resources bookmarked using ‘umbrella-2007' tagResources bookmarked using ‘umbrella-2007' tag Acceptable Use Policy Recording/broadcasting of this talk, taking photographs, discussing the content using email, instant messaging, blogs, SMS, etc. is permitted providing distractions to others is minimised. Acceptable Use Policy Recording/broadcasting of this talk, taking photographs, discussing the content using email, instant messaging, blogs, SMS, etc. is permitted providing distractions to others is minimised.
  • 2. A centre of expertise in digital information management 2 Contents • Web 2.0 has arrived – let’s just use it • Or has it?  Sustainability  Quality  Reliability  Dependencies  … • Deployment strategies:  Do nothing  Embrace fully  Middle ground • Application in your areas of interest
  • 3. A centre of expertise in digital information management 3 Web 2.0: Why? Realisation of Sir Tim’s dream: • Web was meant to be interactive & user-driven Technical infrastructure now in place • But only now are the standards in place, use cases tested and commercial infrastructure deployed User acceptance: • Users love it – look at popularity of SNs Saving scarce in-house resources: • Institutions can now focus on relevant areas, rather than duplicating services already available • Enhancing quality of what we do do • Developing digital citizenship • Addressing the gaps (e.g. information literacy, …) See Web 2.0: Supporting Library Users for other examplesSee Web 2.0: Supporting Library Users for other examples
  • 4. A centre of expertise in digital information management 4 In Slightly More Detail Talk last week at UCISA SDG conf on Facebook: • Embraces social constructivism, informal learning, … • Allows us to get our data (e.g. RSS) to where the users are • Can develop apps for the platform (e.g. OPAC) • Can engage with our peers • Avoid IT Services conservatism • …
  • 5. A centre of expertise in digital information management 5 Web 2.0: Why Not? Small group exercise: • What concerns do you have?
  • 6. A centre of expertise in digital information management 6 Web 2.0: Why Not? Why not? Security Performance … Always available Licence conditions … Training Understanding … Support Expertise …Dumbing down Privitisation … … … TechnicalTechnical SustainabilitySustainability UsersUsers ManagementManagement PhilosophicalPhilosophical Other ReasonsOther Reasons
  • 7. A centre of expertise in digital information management 7 Did You Miss? Web 2.0 concerns: • I’ve got my own empire and I don’t want it undermined • I feel threatened by stiff I don’t understand • We’ve just bought a new CMS (on my recommendation) and it doesn’t do Web 2.0 stuff • …
  • 8. A centre of expertise in digital information management 8 Context You are considering: • Encouraging your staff to blog using the service • Using a hosted Wiki service (e.g. WetPaint) to engage with your users in planning of a Podcast service • Providing access to library RSS feeds on Facebook • Setting up a group on Facebook to solicit feedback form your users • … What processes should you take to ensure these services work effectively?
  • 9. A centre of expertise in digital information management 9 Approaches Approaches Opportunity Costs Opportunity Costs Scenario PlanningScenario Planning Risk AssessmentRisk Assessment Risk ManagementRisk Management User Engagement User Engagement Cultural Change Cultural Change Embracing Diversity Embracing Diversity
  • 10. A centre of expertise in digital information management 10 Scenario Planning (1) Scenario Planning • Being piloted in JISC’s Users and Innovation (U&I) programme • Identify various futures (even unlikely ones) and exploring: • The implications • Preparation for the unlikely The Unlikely May Happen In the 1980s and early-mid 1990s would we have expected • A Labour government in power for 3 terms • Labour PM admits his admiration for Margaret T. • Conservative leader tries to move party to left of centre The Unlikely May Happen In the 1980s and early-mid 1990s would we have expected • A Labour government in power for 3 terms • Labour PM admits his admiration for Margaret T. • Conservative leader tries to move party to left of centre
  • 11. A centre of expertise in digital information management 11 Scenario Planning (2) Steady as she goes Steady as she goes Web 2.0 winsWeb 2.0 wins Web 2.0 fails Web 2.0 fails Student revolts Student revolts Like today, only more so Google/Yahoo … provide services Social networks Why JISC? Web 2.0 fails Google goes bankrupt Yahoo nationalised??? “SNs? For primary school” Appeal of “retro VLEs”
  • 12. A centre of expertise in digital information management 12 Risk Assessment Understanding risks: • Walking across a busy road General application of risk assessment: • Future of JISC services and projects (cf. AHDS) • Future of established vendors (cf. Blackboard) Application to Web 2.0: • Stability of the company • Persistency of the data Note parallels with selection of open source software: is there a community; is it sustainable; is it taking me in a direction I’m happy with; … Advice given in “Top Tips For Selecting Open Source Software” QA Focus briefing document no. 60 Note parallels with selection of open source software: is there a community; is it sustainable; is it taking me in a direction I’m happy with; … Advice given in “Top Tips For Selecting Open Source Software” QA Focus briefing document no. 60
  • 13. A centre of expertise in digital information management 13 Risk Management Risk management: • What to do if risks occur? Possibilities: • Migration of service and data • Provision of alternatives • Acceptance: • Times change • The service provided valuable learning • …
  • 14. A centre of expertise in digital information management 14 User Engagement User engagement: • Talking to the users and strengths and weakness on proposed Web 2.0 services • Giving them a feeling of ownership • Libraries should be good at this  • IT Services possibly less so  Case Study Skype use allowed on campus, but user feedback from students in halls of residence show performance problems • Banning on Resnet in response to user concerns • Discussions with SU exec over increasing student demand • Ban removed during summer vacation • Technical solutions deployed in vacation Case Study Skype use allowed on campus, but user feedback from students in halls of residence show performance problems • Banning on Resnet in response to user concerns • Discussions with SU exec over increasing student demand • Ban removed during summer vacation • Technical solutions deployed in vacation
  • 15. A centre of expertise in digital information management 15 Cultural Change “Using Google is privitisation of the educational sector!” • Do users care? • Hasn’t this happened already? “Folksonomies is dumbing down!” “Users must learn boolean!” • This isn’t being user-centric • Education and training needs to complement what users will actually do “Libraries are trusted. Amazon links will lose endanger our relationship with our users & devalue our brand ” • Will it? • …
  • 16. A centre of expertise in digital information management 16 Opportunity Costs “We can’t use as it might not be there in 5 year’s time. We’ll develop something in-house” Consider: • Missed opportunity costs in no service during this time • Costs of in-house development • Enhancement of quality of service • Deployment of additional products
  • 17. A centre of expertise in digital information management 17 Embracing Diversity Diversity is central to the nature of higher education & cultural heritage Teaching & Learning / Research • Different disciplines & teaching methods • Need for innovation Users • Different learning styles • Accessibility • … What Second Life Could Offer Imagine a paraplegic user who cannot operate a PC. How a helper can support the users engagement in Second Life. The user can now fly in this deeply immersive environment. What Second Life Could Offer Imagine a paraplegic user who cannot operate a PC. How a helper can support the users engagement in Second Life. The user can now fly in this deeply immersive environment.
  • 18. A centre of expertise in digital information management 18 Application In Your Context How might the approaches of: • Risk assessment & risk management • User engagement • Understanding implications of cultural change • Avoiding missed opportunity costs • Embracing diversity apply in your areas of work? See Web 2.0: Addressing the Barriers to Implementation in a Library Context for further suggestions See Web 2.0: Addressing the Barriers to Implementation in a Library Context for further suggestions
  • 19. A centre of expertise in digital information management 19 Questions Questions and comments welcomed