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Exploiting The Social Aspects Of Web 2.0 In HE Institutions Brian Kelly, UKOLN, University of Bath, Bath, UK IWR Information Professional  of the Year Resources bookmarked using the ‘ nottingham-2008-04 ' tag  UKOLN is supported by: This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat) About This Talk How should the institution respond to the opportunities and challenges posed by Web 2.0? Web 2.0 has been described as a ‘disruptive technology’ which challenges previous assumptions. The notion of the ‘network as a platform’ and the excitement over social networks requires institutions to think deeply about how to respond. by-nc-sa
Contents Introduction About the speaker Amplified Events  Personal case study Web 2.0 The network as platform Openness and trust Social aspects What’s To Be Done?  Reconceptualising the purposes Understanding risks and benefits Risk assessment & management Sharing and learning Conclusions To be covered Additional topics
About The Speaker Brian Kelly: UK Web Focus: a national Web advisory post  Works at UKOLN – a national centre of expertise in digital information management, located at the University of Bath, UK Funded by JISC and MLA to support UK’s higher and further education & cultural heritage sectors Involved in the Web since January 1993 Active in promoting best practices for Web 2.0 Introduction
Another View of Me My life in recent times Introduction Jan-Apr 2008 35 talks from  Jan-Dec 2007 This remote app comes for free

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The 'Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World' Report: Implications For IT Service...
The 'Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World' Report: Implications For IT Service...The 'Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World' Report: Implications For IT Service...
The 'Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World' Report: Implications For IT Service...

The document discusses implications of a report on higher education in a Web 2.0 world for IT service departments. It suggests that IT services embrace cloud computing and make use of social web tools. Departments should provide infrastructure while respecting user preferences and explore opportunities like new funding models. Risk management, resource investigation, and frameworks are recommended to guide strategic deployment of new technologies.

E-Mediat: Day 2 Networked Nonprofit
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E-Mediat: Day 2 Networked Nonprofit

This document provides an overview of Day 2 of a training on translating the principles of networked nonprofits to an Arabic context. The day covered the concepts of social culture, simplicity, listening, engaging, building relationships, transparency, and free agents. Activities included identifying Arabic words for social media sites, mapping networks and brainstorming keywords, and discussions on applying the principles in an Arabic NGO context. The goal was to help participants understand how to integrate networked nonprofit approaches into their work in a culturally appropriate way.

Community Led Activities
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Community Led Activities

Talk on "Community Led Activities" given at JISC Emerge online event on 7 June 2007. See

And My Blog OpenDOAR mentioned
Introduction RSS feed available: for syndication or adding on your device (PC, PDA, phone, ..)
Amplified Events WiFi networks + increasing ownership of laptops + consumer products (MP3 recorders, digital cameras, video cameras, iPhones & Nokia N95s, …) + easy-to-use applications =  productivity gains richer & deeper leaning new opportunities … Or: confusion information overload unsustainable fads Wasted time and effort Which? Amplified Events
Photography Is An Issue We’re taking photos at events & sharing them on Flickr, Facebook, …: Builds community Shared experiences Shared memories It’s fun … But what about: Data protection Privacy Embarrassment … How should we respond? efoundations/2007/11/jisc-cetis-conf.html Amplified Events

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Blogging practices to support project work
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Blogging practices to support project work

Slides for a talk on "Blogging practices to support project work" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the JISC MRD Launch Meeting held in Nottingham on 1-2 December 2011. See

Managing Your Research Profile
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Slides for a workshop on Managing Your Research Profile given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the University of Edinburgh on 20 June 2013. See

Metrics for Understanding Personal and Institutional Use of the Social Web
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Metrics for Understanding Personal and Institutional Use of the Social Web

Slides for a talk on "Evidence, Impact, Value: Metrics for Understanding Personal and Institutional Use of the Social Web" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the Digital Impacts: How to Measure and Understand the Usage and Impact of Digital Content held at the University of Oxford on 20 May 2011. See

Possibly A Big Issue A recent item published on BBC News Web site (17 April 2008) Amplified Events
Possibly A Big Issue A recent item published on BBC News Web site (17 April 2008) Is photography  not only an issue for our sector in our context, but have legal implications? Do we need: Formal agreements  Model T&Cs …  Amplified Events
What I Do My approach (note IANAL): Be open Clarify what I mean by this: CC licence on materials (title slides, handouts, on Slideshare, …) CC licence on talk Permission to video / record / video Warning that licence may be rescinded if disasters happen! Invitation to others to take a similar approach Approach described at Stargazing conf, Edinburgh Univ, Nov 2006. “Legal issues are important” said Charlotte Waelde “and Brian’s demonstrated lightweight ways of addressing such issues”   Amplified Events
When I’m An Organiser Approaches taken at recent “amplified events”: IWMW 3-day events since 2006 Exploiting Potential of Wikis  and  Exploiting Potential of Blogs & SNs  1-day workshops We: Notified speakers that event would be videoed & broadcast & sought permission Provided guidelines for session chairs: informing audience of remote audience, repeating permissions from speakers … Being open about issues has proved fine (so far) Amplified Events

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The document summarizes the creation of a penetration testing laboratory by Thomas Butler for his master's degree project. It describes setting up three virtual machines - an "attack machine" running Backtrack5R3, and two "victim machines", one running Metasploitable and another running Appendices cover the penetration testing methodology, reconnaissance, scanning, exploitation with Metasploit, and post-exploitation activities. The goal was to create a hands-on environment for practicing penetration testing skills.

Using Social Media to Promote 'Good News'
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Slides for a talk on "Using Social Media to Promote 'Good News'" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at a media conference for the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) held at Queen Mary, University of London, London on 17 April 2012. See

Looking Fore Free Computer Help Seminar
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Looking Fore Free Computer Help Seminar

This document provides information about free computer help and resources from the ISI Tech Team. It discusses their goals of helping people develop time-saving computer skills and solve technical problems. It then outlines several Web 2.0 tools that are useful for ministry, including social networking, collaboration tools, media sharing, blogging, and cloud computing. Guidelines for using these tools effectively and some technology trends are also mentioned.

When I’m In The Audience Participant at Oxford  Beyond Digital Natives  conf, April: Asked speaker for permission to record: OKish, but reconfirm after talk. Subsequent request not to publish – no problem Asked fellow debates for permission – fine Student panel. No opportunity to seek prior permission so videoed 10 mins & then told them: Students were happy  Two students were 6 th  formers Sought them (all) out & gave card and asked for agreement (they need to opt in) Organiser & participant asked me not to publish /  told me it was illegal; head’s permission needed; … No email received, so video not published  What should be done? Are there lightweight approaches?  Amplified Events
What If Things Go Wrong? Speaker doesn’t want to be recorded? Things go wrong in live presentation? Speaker changes mind afterwards? Father Jack is in the audience? Gun-toting member of audience goes beserk?   Amplified Events
What If Things Go Wrong? Speaker doesn’t want to be recorded? That’s fine (and avoid pressuring speaker)  Things go wrong in live presentation? Accept it: that’s life & audience normally supportive Speaker changes mind afterwards? That’s fine – use of lightweight approaches help Father Jack is in the audience? Don’t worry, it probably won’t happen. And accept it if it does. Gun-toting member of audience goes beserk?  Don’t worry, it probably won’t happen.  Amplified Events
What More Can Be Done  More can be done to enhance Amplified Events: Photos will be uploaded to closed area of Flickr for a week, before photos made public Learning from experiences on live chat, back channels, etc. at events Managing the physical space – noisy typists and geeks to left of lecture theatres (where power sockets are located) Understanding our own personal preferences to avoid information overload: Taking responsibilities: mastering applications; knowing how to disable sound on laptops; how to configure WiFi; …  Amplified Events

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Web 2.0: Opportunity Or Threat For IT Support Staff?
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Web 2.0: Opportunity Or Threat For IT Support Staff?

Slides used in a talk on "Web 2.0: Opportunity Or Threat For IT Support Staff?" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the UCISA SDG 2007 conference. See

Java, Communities, and Social Networking
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The success of the Java platform owes much to millions of developers who formed communities. Learn the secrets to building a successful technical community from the managers at Sun Microsystems.

Mobile Technologies: Why Library Staff Should be Interested
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Mobile Technologies: Why Library Staff Should be Interested

The document discusses how library staff should be interested in mobile technologies. It provides examples of how the speaker uses their mobile device for professional purposes like consuming content on RSS feeds and social media, enhancing productivity with apps, and developing networks. The speaker argues mobile devices provide opportunities to support teaching, learning and research in libraries, and that libraries need to support information and new media literacy in this changing environment.

Jumping The Shark Some questions: Which Web applications are depicted? What are the implications of blue’s decline Will red be tomorrow’s winner? What should we make of purple? How should we respond to such consideration? ‘ Jumping the shark’ – the moment a popular TV series is passed its peak
Jumping The Shark? Some responses: Web server software (data from Netcraft) Have you predicted Apache’s demise? Does the future lie with Microsoft? What should we make of Google’s emergence? We need to be able to spot and prepare responses to trends. But let’s not use trends to reinforce prejudices?
The Web 2.0 Picture Gartner hyper curve Rising expectations Trough  of despair Enterprise software Large budgets … Early  adopters Service plateau Chasm Failure to go beyond developers & early adopters (cf Gopher) Need for: Advocacy Listening to users Learning from experiences Addressing concerns Deployment strategies … We need to look at ways of jumping the chasm, minimising inflated expectations & avoiding despair  VLE CMS PLE Web 2 Web 2.0
Challenges of Web 2.0 What Is Web 2.0? Marketing term (derived from observing 'patterns') rather than technical standards - “an attitude not a technology”  Web2MemeMap, Tim O’Reilly, 2005 Characteristics Of Web 2.0 Network as platform Always beta Clean URIs Remix and mash-ups  Syndication (RSS) Architecture of participation Blogs & Wikis Social networking  Social tagging (folksonomies) Trust and openness Web 2.0

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This document discusses using social media tools internally within an organization to harness knowledge sharing. It outlines some of the key challenges including gaining trust within the organization, understanding different tools like blogs, wikis and their benefits, as well as addressing security concerns that may arise from using these new forms of collaboration. The document provides examples of how some companies have successfully implemented social media tools internally to improve communication, knowledge sharing and engagement among employees.

8 better ways of doing your engineering project
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Projects during the course of Engineering can be vital in getting an initial breakthrough into the technical industry besides giving a hands on experience with the technology, which is much valued than the theoretical scholarship. The value that a project adds to one's CV can be boosted in a number of ways. Rather than spending the time on projects that are just "exercises", utilizing it to solve some "real world" technical problem will fetch more value, visibility and understanding of the technology. There are several opportunities like contests, internships etc available for the students to contribute their innovative ideas and gain wide recognition. Affiliation of the projects with such well known programs provides important networking and career openings. Students can also get the maximum out of their projects by converting them into publications of reputed conferences. Developing a project into an entrepreneurial venture is becoming a hot trend these days. Backed by many generous grants, this idea can also be an interesting game to try. This session throws light on some of the most happening opportunities for the Engineering students and the best practices.

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Sustainability Problems Web 2.0 It’s another bubble The companies aren’t sustainable Initial Response  What’s the odd one out: UMIST •   Lotus WebCT  •  Yahoo!  Network as Platform
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Slideshare Example I use Slideshare to (a) maximise exposure to my ideas (b) solicit feedback (c) allow content to be easily embedded elsewhere and (d) measure impact Network as Platform Note evidence which shows impact of presentation. This wouldn’t have happened otherwise
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This document summarizes an article about using a wiki to establish a successful global legal department for a company with offices around the world. The key points are: 1) The author describes using a wiki successfully over 3 years to encourage collaboration and information sharing across different time zones and offices. 2) Benefits of the wiki include easy editing, centralized information storage, and posting documents like policies, trademark information, and approval processes for others to access. 3) Setting clear rules and procedures on the wiki helps simplify complex processes and ensures internal buy-in for legal requirements.

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Presentation by Kathleen Ludewig Omollo to peers in Yale University ITS Medicine and Health on February 25, 2020. Goals for this session: 1. Recognize how copyright affects you as producers and consumers 2. Understand how copyright implications differ in the closed vs. public settings 3. Explain the basics of the Creative Commons licensing scheme 4. Learn how to label, and where and why to share your own work 5. Identify where to direct customers and colleagues to learn more

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C1: Future Technology Detecting Tools & Techniques
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Slides "C1: Future Technology Detecting Tools & Techniques" for a one-day workshop on "Preparing for the Future: Technological Challenges and Beyond" by Brian Kelly and Tony Hirst at the ILI 2015 conference. Held on Monday 19 October 2015 See

Slideshare Example (2) What happens if Slideshare goes down – and it has happened! Does this demonstrate that you can’t trust externally-hosted services? But local services also go down – as this example from the Open University shows
Slideshare Example (2) What happens if Slideshare goes down – and it has happened! Does this demonstrate that you can’t trust externally-hosted services? But local services also go down – as this example from the Open University shows And note prompt response from Slideshare
Performance Problems It’s not just Slideshare & the OU: downtime, DOS attacks, … can happen to all services We need to understand reasons why: Skype unavailable (Microsoft OS upgrades) BUCS air conditioning failure  And explore ways of (a) identifying problems and (b) minimising risks Can we really think that problems will only happen ‘out there’ and that our servers will be available 24x7x365?
Spotting Possible Problems Are there ways of spotting potentially flaky services? Netcraft server uptime statistics

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B1: Exploring emerging technologies
B1: Exploring emerging technologiesB1: Exploring emerging technologies
B1: Exploring emerging technologies

This document discusses exploring emerging technologies. It provides information on discovering new technologies through peers, publications, experts, and online sources. The document outlines the ILI 2015 conference program and highlights some topics that may be relevant or surprising. It also describes the NMC Horizon Report, which is produced by an international community of experts and identifies important emerging technologies for libraries through a refined expert panel process. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of exploring emerging technologies through various approaches, but also understanding the wider context for implications and planning.

F1 Making the Case
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F1 Making the Case

This document discusses making a case to senior management for funding to explore innovative technologies. It provides guidance on identifying implications, risks, and risk management strategies for new technologies. It also presents an action brief statement template to convince management of a technology's potential benefits. The document concludes with an exercise where attendees in groups prepare a short presentation making a case for funding to investigate one technology.

D1: The NMC Methodology
D1: The NMC MethodologyD1: The NMC Methodology
D1: The NMC Methodology

Slides "D1: The NMC Methodology" for a one-day workshop on "Preparing for the Future: Technological Challenges and Beyond" by Brian Kelly and Tony Hirst at the ILI 2015 conference. Held on Monday 19 October 2015 For further information see

Spotting Possible Problems Are there ways of spotting potentially flaky services? Netcraft server uptime statistics whois++ service (partly available via Google – see Phil Bradley’s post) Network as Platform
Spotting Possible Problems Are there ways of spotting potentially flaky services? Netcraft server uptime statistics whois++ service (partly available via Google – see Phil Bradley’s post) Company profiles, statistics, etc. from Techcrunch, Wikipedia, etc
Spotting Possible Problems Are there ways of spotting potentially flaky services? Netcraft server uptime statistics whois++ service (partly available via Google – see Phil Bradley’s post) Company profiles, statistics, etc. from Techcrunch, Wikipedia, etc
It’s The Way We Use Services What do the following have in common? Paper • PDF An iPhone (partly) •   Facebook (partly) but not Twitter Network as Platform

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E1 Scenario Planning
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E1 Scenario Planning

This document discusses scenario planning as a strategic planning method. It describes the scenario planning process, which involves defining assumptions and drivers of change, developing initial scenarios, and identifying issues. The document then provides examples of scenarios for the library sector, including the effects of UK withdrawal from the EU or greater power for the European Court. Small groups are asked to develop scenarios focusing on alternative discovery sources, changed librarian roles, or other topics. Finally, the document summarizes scenarios developed in a previous workshop on commercialization of libraries, devolved ownership of services, universal skills, and niche librarians.

G1 Conclusions
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G1 Conclusions

This document provides a summary and conclusions from a workshop on "Preparing for the Future: Technological Challenges and Beyond". It recaps the workshop which explored tools for thinking differently about the future, used a Delphi process to gather expert opinions, and developed an action brief planning template. It notes limitations in approaches and the importance of acknowledging risks while also learning from past examples. Contact details and additional resources are provided for those interested in further information.

Web Preservation, or Managing your Organisation’s Online Presence After the O...
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Slides for talk on "Web Preservation, or Managing your Organisation’s Online Presence After the Organisation Ceases to Exist" given by Brian Kelly, UK Web Focus at the IRMS 2016 conference in Brighton on 17 May 2016. See

It’s The Way We Use Services What do the following have in common? Paper • PDF An iPhone (partly) •   Facebook (partly) but not Twitter Answers They are all popular We can regard them all as destinations rather than a part of a workflow The data can: Be created there & not be usable elsewhere Be created elsewhere and views there Network as Platform
Accessibility and Web 2.0 Common response “It’s AJAX; it’s inaccessible” But: Is this using accessibility as a way of stifling change? Is assertion backed up by evidence? Is it using WCAG 1.0 as ‘evidence’ of inaccessibility? Note: Acceptance of failures of WCAG 1.0 to response to innovation by WAI staff WGAG 2.0 and ARIA W4A 2008 paper on “One Word, One Web .. But Great Diversity” Facebook as tool which users may choose (PLE) Not providing podcasts may be the inaccessible option Network as Platform
Avoiding Walled Gardens The dichotomy: Don’t use Facebook, it’s a walled-garden Don’t use Slideshare, you might lose your data Do use Facebook and Slideshare, it’s where the users are & they seem to like it  A resolution: Have master copy in managed and reusable environment Use remote service as an interface (possibly part of a user’s PLE or PRE) Provide user education Network as Platform
Slideshare Example I use Slideshare to (a) maximise exposure to my ideas (b) solicit feedback (c) allow content to be easily embedded elsewhere and (d) measure impact Network as Platform Note URI for master provided on slide & in the metadata And note accessibility benefits

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Demystifying the Social Web
Demystifying the Social WebDemystifying the Social Web
Demystifying the Social Web

Slides for a talk on "Demystifying the Social Web" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the Readeast's "R-e-@ding: reaching out to readers in a digital world" Conference held in Flitwick on 26 November 2009. See

Let's Do It Now! Mainstream Uses Of Collaborative Technologies
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Let's Do It Now! Mainstream Uses Of Collaborative Technologies

This document discusses strategies for mainstream adoption of collaborative technologies like blogs and wikis in organizations. It acknowledges barriers like legal risks, inertia and cultural resistance. It recommends addressing barriers through advocacy, listening to users, flexible policies, and safe experimentation. Risks can be minimized through approaches like piloting technologies at events and supporting widely-used external services. Adopting principles of openness, user focus, and collaboration from Web 2.0 can help organizations overcome conservatism and benefit users.

Web 2.0: How Should IT Services and the Library Respond?
Web 2.0: How Should IT Services and the Library Respond?Web 2.0: How Should IT Services and the Library Respond?
Web 2.0: How Should IT Services and the Library Respond?

Slides used by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at a meeting on "Web 2.0: How Should IT Services and the Library Respond?" held at the University of Nottingham, on 16 November 2006.

Inappropriate User Content Potential problems: Spam: comment spam, link spam, twitter follower spam, tag spam, … Flame wars Illegal comments Rude words Uploading of pornography, etc Openness and Trust Spam Akismet has protected your site from 195,127 spam comments. My blog: initially lots of spam comment - but most stopped by Akismet spam filter. And now only handful posted overnight
Uploading Dodgy Content Twitterers noticed: Porn videos posted to Educause blog on Sun 20 April   Deleted a few hours later   Thoughts: Would email be allowed if released today? (most email is spam). Need for rapid response to problems Openness and Trust
Why Social Networks? In the old days (eLib): Focus on standards & technical architectures We new users would use our services (TINA) Trust focussed on JISC, libraries & institutions We missed: Multiple providers of services, new business models, … People as social beings Trusting our users  Openness and Trust
What Can SNs Provide? Potential benefits of social software: Maximising impact  Engaging outside the institution/country Maximising dialogue & feedback Monitoring impact No new software to learn: I use Flickr for family photos; why shouldn’t I use it for work/study? Facebook is where I ‘hang out’. Can’t I get my reading lists there too? When my colleagues bookmark a resource; tag a new resource; … I’ll be able to see it too … Social networks

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Benefits of the Social Web: How Can It Help My Museum?

Slides for a talk on "Benefits of the Social Web: How Can It Help My Museum?" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the AIM 2009 conference held in Ellesmere Port on 5 June 2009. See

Realising Potential Of Web 2 0
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Slides for talk on "Realising The Potential Of Web 2.0" given at the NordLib 2.0 conference on "Get Inspired by Web 2.0 for Libraries". See

Web 2.0: Addressing Institutional Barriers
Web 2.0: Addressing Institutional BarriersWeb 2.0: Addressing Institutional Barriers
Web 2.0: Addressing Institutional Barriers

Brian Kelly, UKOLN, gave a talk on "Web 2.0: Addressing Institutional Barriers" at the ILI 2006 conference in London on 16 October 2006. See

Yes, Even Twitter! What can micro-blogging applications like Twitter provide? (surely waste of time?): The shared water-cooler moment Team working Instant help Break from mundane work Moan about trains Share excitement about stuff that works … Social Networks But note it doesn’t have to be for everyone!
Information Overload What if we’re too open, sharing everything? What if we’re too trusting, thinking every tweet is valuable? Need for: Better understanding of role of tools, managing them, etc. Confidence to ‘throw things away’ Surely this is nothing new? Openness and Trust
Key Questions (1) Big question for future isn’t  whether  we provide blogs, wikis, etc but  how  they are provided. Do we:  Build alternatives to Slideshare, YouTube, etc, in-house. We can be more responsive, we care about our users and we’re more reliable! Just use the remote services – they’re better, more functional; and Web 2.0 sceptics are typically just looking after their own jobs! What do you think? Which view are you more closely aligned with?  Network as Platform
Key Questions (2) On social software: Does it have to be for everyone? Who makes the decisions? Who is responsible if things go wrong? What’s the role of the institution in this: Provider of stable, reliable services to its members? Temporary home for most, who will arrive with services (email address, photos, etc.) and will want to continue to use them at Uni and afterwards?

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The Benefits of Amplified Events
The Benefits of Amplified Events The Benefits of Amplified Events
The Benefits of Amplified Events

This document summarizes a seminar on amplified events hosted by UKOLN. The seminar introduced the concept of amplified events and their benefits, discussed how to consume and provide amplified content, and shared UKOLN's experiences with amplification. Challenges of amplification like resources, quality, and technology issues were also addressed. Attendees were encouraged to think about how they could apply the lessons to their own work.

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[MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format]
[MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format][MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format]
[MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format]

The document discusses how Web 2.0 technologies like blogs, wikis, RSS, and user-generated content have changed how people use and share information online. It argues that services should embrace these new technologies and practices, such as allowing external content to be embedded, trusting users, and developing lightweight and distributed systems rather than trying to compete directly with large commercial providers.

cpanel hosting
[MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format]
[MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format][MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format]
[MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format]

The document discusses how Web 2.0 technologies like blogs, wikis, RSS, and user-generated content have changed how people use and share information online. It argues that services like Intute were pioneers in these approaches before the term "Web 2.0" was coined. Looking ahead, it suggests institutions embrace new models where commercial services host content and applications, and find ways to enhance rather than compete with popular third-party sites.

cpanel hosting
Questions Any questions Note further slides available addressing some of these issues
A Blended Approach We need: Mixed approach of in-house & external services Information literacy (new media literacy, transliteracy) Clearer understanding of our purposes Sharing of experiences – successes & failures Risk assessment and risk management strategies Application of risk approaches to in-house services … Network as Platform
The Challenges Areas of concern: Institutional inertia, vested interests, power struggles, … Applicable for any significant change Sustainability, reliability, interoperability The technical challenges Privacy, copyright, … The ethical challenges Finding time, finding resources, expertise, … The deployment challenges See “ Web 2.0: Addressing the Barriers to Implementation in a Library Context ” for example of barriers in a Library context Deployment Challenges
Addressing The Concerns Some approaches to addressing these concerns: Risk assessment Data migration Being user-focussed Institutional transformation  Working collaboratively  Guidelines for use of social networking services (e.g. Facebook) Deployment Challenges

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What Can We Learn From Amplified Events?
What Can We Learn From Amplified Events?What Can We Learn From Amplified Events?
What Can We Learn From Amplified Events?

Slides for a talk on "What Can We Learn From Amplified Events?" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the University of Girona on 2 September 2010. See

What if Web 2.0 Really Does Change Everything?
What if Web 2.0 Really Does Change Everything?What if Web 2.0 Really Does Change Everything?
What if Web 2.0 Really Does Change Everything?

Slides for a talk on "What if Web 2.0 Really Does Change Everything?" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the UCISA CISG 2009 conference on 18-20 November 2009. See

Empowering Users and Institutions: A Risks and Opportunities Framework for Ex...
Empowering Users and Institutions: A Risks and Opportunities Framework for Ex...Empowering Users and Institutions: A Risks and Opportunities Framework for Ex...
Empowering Users and Institutions: A Risks and Opportunities Framework for Ex...

Slides for a talk on "Empowering Users and Institutions: A Risks and Opportunities Framework for Exploiting the Social Web" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the Cultural Heritage Online 2009 Conference held in Florence on 15-16 December 2009. See

Risk Assessment (1) See “ Risk Assessment For Use Of Third Party Web 2.0 Services ” QA Focus briefing document User education User education Lack of interoperability … Automated monitoring Performance problems or unreliable service   Non-critical use; testing of export, ....   Likelihood of data loss. lack of export capabilities  Data loss  Use for non-critical services; have alternatives available ... Implications of sudden or gradual loss of service Loss of service (e.g. company bankrupt, closed down, ...)  Management Assessment Risk
Risk Assessment (2)
University of Oxford
Risks Revisited Are these risks scary?  Remember to include: Risks of doing nothing Risks associated with using existing services Case Study Open Source Software can also fail to be sustainable. The ROADS software was developed in UK to support academic subject gateways – but is now no longer supported.

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Working with Web 2.0 (TERENA-PR)
Working with Web 2.0 (TERENA-PR)Working with Web 2.0 (TERENA-PR)
Working with Web 2.0 (TERENA-PR)

The document discusses the concept of Web 2.0 and how it differs from Web 1.0. Some key aspects of Web 2.0 include open communication, decentralization of authority, freedom to share content, and viewing the market as a conversation. The document also provides examples of popular Web 2.0 tools like blogs, wikis, Flickr, YouTube, and podcasts. Finally, it discusses how organizations can embrace Web 2.0 principles by freeing up their content for sharing and reusing, and by using Web 2.0 tools to amplify conferences and events.

Engagement, Impact, Value: Measuring and Maximising Impact Using the Social Web
Engagement, Impact, Value: Measuring and Maximising Impact Using the Social WebEngagement, Impact, Value: Measuring and Maximising Impact Using the Social Web
Engagement, Impact, Value: Measuring and Maximising Impact Using the Social Web

This document summarizes Brian Kelly's presentation on measuring and maximizing impact using social web services. The presentation explored the benefits and concerns of using social media, discussed approaches to measure its value and effectiveness, and examined how metrics can be used to enhance institutional activities. It also addressed legal, accessibility and sustainability concerns and concluded by soliciting feedback on next steps.

Web 2.0 And The Institutional Web
Web 2.0 And The Institutional WebWeb 2.0 And The Institutional Web
Web 2.0 And The Institutional Web

Brian Kelly, UKOLN, facilitated a session on "Web 2.0 And The Institutional Web" at a "Scottish Web Folk" meeting held at the University of Strathclyde on 4 August 2006. See

Transforming IT Services IT Services: They won’t let us innovate They get in the way They don’t understand learning Does this ring bells? Tradition role of IT Services: Focus on managing in-house services Prioritising scarce resources  Minimising variability in order to maximise benefits of support (“support software”) Deployment Challenges
IT Services 2.0 IT Services 2.0: Term coined by Mark Sammons, Edinburgh Univ Idea revisited in plenary talk at UCISA 2008 Management Conference (myself & Andy Powell) Feedback from blogging IT Service managers  IT Services 2.0 – ongoing definitions Happy with use of in-house & 3 rd  party services Encourages peer-support Provides new media literacy Has a risk management approach Provides support in a era of richness of service Overwhelming vote at UCISA 2008 not to ban social networking services. IT Services are transforming themselves – but what about academics? Deployment Challenges
Embracing 3 rd  Party Services What will happen when student leave (as they do)? Casey Leaver has documented experiences in migrating her blog from Warwick: The blog has been delete Not all data could be migrated (pictures & comments are also lost) Thoughts: institutional blogs aimed at staff; support provided for students using 3 rd  party blogs
When Things Go Wrong What would happen if a 3 rd  party service was taken over by a porn company? It has happened to me! This embedded code (which converted RSS feed to HTML) changed to a porn Web cam! Deployment Challenges

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The 'Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World' Report: Implications For IT Service...

Slides for a talk on "The 'Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World' Report: Implications For IT Service Departments" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at a BUCS Seminar held in the BUCS Seminar Room, University of Bath, BATH on 1 June 2009. See

“Library 2.0: Balancing the Risks and Benefits to Maximise the Dividends”
“Library 2.0: Balancing the Risks and Benefits to Maximise the Dividends”“Library 2.0: Balancing the Risks and Benefits to Maximise the Dividends”
“Library 2.0: Balancing the Risks and Benefits to Maximise the Dividends”

The document discusses various challenges and barriers to the successful adoption of Library 2.0 and Web 2.0 technologies. It identifies issues such as sustainability of third-party services, data lock-in, lack of expertise, inappropriate content, and accessibility concerns. It proposes balanced approaches to address these barriers, including risk assessment and management, staff development, clarifying responsibilities, and embracing new media literacy.

Web Futures: Implications For HE
Web Futures: Implications For HEWeb Futures: Implications For HE
Web Futures: Implications For HE

Talk on "Web Futures: Implications For HE" given at Kings College London on 27 January 2006. See

The Incident (1) The Incident Email message received saying news page for workshop contained embedded Web cam What We Did Removed embedded code Contacted company What We Found Company had failed to renew domain name (credit card had expired & administrator was on holiday) Domain name grabbed by porn company – but retrieved within 24 hours Deployment Challenges
The Incident (2) What We Had Already Done A Risk Assessment page had already been created, documenting use of 3 rd  party services What We Learnt This was a records management issue It’s not new – Microsoft failed to renew HotMail domain some time ago (also Australian Univ) It could happen with our hosted domains (e.g. EU-funded projects)  What We Concluded We need to share such experiences We need to be able to switch off services quickly if problems occur We need to manage our domain name subscriptions Deployment Challenges
Risk Assessment Risk assessment summaries provided for events which embed 3 rd  party services Audit kept of incidents (1 to date)
Data Migration When useful information is stored on a 3 rd  party wiki the data is copied to a managed environment

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LegalTech09: 5 Things Every Practice Should Know About Web 2.0

V. Mary Abraham very kindly agreed to run a joint session at LegalTech NY, February 2009, and these are the slides we used for what turned out to be a very well-attended and interactive session. Many thanks to all who took part.

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Social Media: Less Hype, More Help

Blogs, microblogs, podcasts, wikis, virtual worlds, social networks … and what they mean for your business

social networksvirtual worldsweb 20
Introduction to Cloud Storage
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Introduction to Cloud Storage

This document provides an introduction to cloud storage and summarizes a presentation on the topic. It discusses the history of storage systems and how cloud storage works. Popular cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and iCloud are examined. The document outlines some risks of cloud storage like security and privacy issues. It also provides a framework for selecting cloud services and questions to consider regarding purposes, benefits, costs and risks.

Transforming Ourselves It’s not just about institutional inertia & IT Services What about: The academics who don’t care for change The academics who jump on every new bandwagon Those in between these extremes There’s a need: To ensure enthusiasts reflect on mistakes & lessons learnt  To recognise that  e-learning (2.0) may not be for everyone Deployment Challenges
Personal Audit Personal audit: There’s a need for responsible Web 2.0 enthusiasts to carry out their own risk audit  Departmental audit: There’s a need for own risk audits for services used by others (cf. my events) Institutional audit: Should institutions (& funders) require self-assessment audits to protect their investment? Deployment Challenges
Vision For The Future Where are we now? People are using externally-hosted Web 2.0 services But some are unhappy with this Should we: Welcome the potential of Web 2.0 Grudgingly accept that they will be used – but expect this to last for a short term Attempt to ban or dissuade such usage Deployment Challenges
Revisiting The IE (nee DNER) We had early visions for the JISC DNER  I subsequently developed my view for how the DNER might develop: Applications on the Web e.g. bookmarking (!) and word processing tools (Writely!)

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Wyld Morris: Zoom summary for mtg 6
Wyld Morris: Zoom summary for mtg 6Wyld Morris: Zoom summary for mtg 6
Wyld Morris: Zoom summary for mtg 6

This document provides the agenda and brief technical tips for Wyld Morris Zoom Meeting No. 7, which is a new members evening that will include welcoming new potential members, learning about morris dancing from the squire, understanding the basic moves, and perspectives from a new dancer on why they enjoy morris dancing. The technical tips explain how to switch between speaker and gallery view and how to pin a video to focus on one participant.

Wyld Morris: Zoom summary for mtg 3
Wyld Morris: Zoom summary for mtg 3Wyld Morris: Zoom summary for mtg 3
Wyld Morris: Zoom summary for mtg 3

The document provides information about an online meeting of the Wyld Morris group who enjoy morris dancing and singing. It outlines that the group will continue enjoying their interests during lockdown, support each other, and be even better when they next meet in person. The meeting agenda includes introductions, warm-ups, demonstrations, group dancing and music, an open discussion, and tips for using Zoom including muting audio when not speaking and only having one musician unmuted at a time. Links to online dance instruction videos and resources are also provided.

Predicting and Preparing For Emerging Learning Technologies
Predicting and Preparing For Emerging Learning TechnologiesPredicting and Preparing For Emerging Learning Technologies
Predicting and Preparing For Emerging Learning Technologies

The document summarizes Brian Kelly's presentation on predicting and preparing for emerging learning technologies. It discusses identifying technology trends, drivers, and challenges through the Delphi process used by the NMC Horizon Report. It also provides tools and methods for institutions to plan for future technologies, including scenario planning, acknowledging risks, and engaging with challenges. The presentation aims to help attendees understand limitations of future forecasting and apply similar methodologies to plan locally.

Web 2.0 As A DNER Development The DNER got a lot right: Networked services Lightweight standards Importance of RSS Trust (in the funded institutions) What we missed, which Web 2.0 is providing: Commercial providers of services New business models (we were Old Labour) Lightweight development User-generated content (we thought it would be the professionals) Trust – in the individuals The power of the network – services which get better as more people use them Deployment Challenges
Why HE? Why Now? World is changing: Web 2.0, ubiquitous networks, mobile devices, declining prices, increasing functionality How should society respond to maximise potential? At school : starting point, but this will be protected a environment At work : too late & employers will expect new media literate graduates At university : ideal place for students to develop skills & ethical values for the digital citizen  Staff & students will use 3 rd  party services in their social lives. They need their own risk assessment / management skills. Providing a 100% safe institutional environment will hinder this Deployment Challenges
Conclusions  To conclude: E-Learning 2.0 and Web 2.0 are here and won’t go away Institutions need to engage with Web 2.0 There are many issues which need to be addressed Solutions are available Probably the most important is collaborative working with one’s peers

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Exploiting The Social Aspects Of Web 2.0 In HE Institutions

  • 1. Exploiting The Social Aspects Of Web 2.0 In HE Institutions Brian Kelly, UKOLN, University of Bath, Bath, UK IWR Information Professional of the Year Resources bookmarked using the ‘ nottingham-2008-04 ' tag UKOLN is supported by: This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat) About This Talk How should the institution respond to the opportunities and challenges posed by Web 2.0? Web 2.0 has been described as a ‘disruptive technology’ which challenges previous assumptions. The notion of the ‘network as a platform’ and the excitement over social networks requires institutions to think deeply about how to respond. by-nc-sa
  • 2. Contents Introduction About the speaker Amplified Events Personal case study Web 2.0 The network as platform Openness and trust Social aspects What’s To Be Done? Reconceptualising the purposes Understanding risks and benefits Risk assessment & management Sharing and learning Conclusions To be covered Additional topics
  • 3. About The Speaker Brian Kelly: UK Web Focus: a national Web advisory post Works at UKOLN – a national centre of expertise in digital information management, located at the University of Bath, UK Funded by JISC and MLA to support UK’s higher and further education & cultural heritage sectors Involved in the Web since January 1993 Active in promoting best practices for Web 2.0 Introduction
  • 4. Another View of Me My life in recent times Introduction Jan-Apr 2008 35 talks from Jan-Dec 2007 This remote app comes for free
  • 5. And My Blog OpenDOAR mentioned
  • 6. Introduction RSS feed available: for syndication or adding on your device (PC, PDA, phone, ..)
  • 7. Amplified Events WiFi networks + increasing ownership of laptops + consumer products (MP3 recorders, digital cameras, video cameras, iPhones & Nokia N95s, …) + easy-to-use applications = productivity gains richer & deeper leaning new opportunities … Or: confusion information overload unsustainable fads Wasted time and effort Which? Amplified Events
  • 8. Photography Is An Issue We’re taking photos at events & sharing them on Flickr, Facebook, …: Builds community Shared experiences Shared memories It’s fun … But what about: Data protection Privacy Embarrassment … How should we respond? efoundations/2007/11/jisc-cetis-conf.html Amplified Events
  • 9. Possibly A Big Issue A recent item published on BBC News Web site (17 April 2008) Amplified Events
  • 10. Possibly A Big Issue A recent item published on BBC News Web site (17 April 2008) Is photography not only an issue for our sector in our context, but have legal implications? Do we need: Formal agreements Model T&Cs … Amplified Events
  • 11. What I Do My approach (note IANAL): Be open Clarify what I mean by this: CC licence on materials (title slides, handouts, on Slideshare, …) CC licence on talk Permission to video / record / video Warning that licence may be rescinded if disasters happen! Invitation to others to take a similar approach Approach described at Stargazing conf, Edinburgh Univ, Nov 2006. “Legal issues are important” said Charlotte Waelde “and Brian’s demonstrated lightweight ways of addressing such issues”  Amplified Events
  • 12. When I’m An Organiser Approaches taken at recent “amplified events”: IWMW 3-day events since 2006 Exploiting Potential of Wikis and Exploiting Potential of Blogs & SNs 1-day workshops We: Notified speakers that event would be videoed & broadcast & sought permission Provided guidelines for session chairs: informing audience of remote audience, repeating permissions from speakers … Being open about issues has proved fine (so far) Amplified Events
  • 13. When I’m In The Audience Participant at Oxford Beyond Digital Natives conf, April: Asked speaker for permission to record: OKish, but reconfirm after talk. Subsequent request not to publish – no problem Asked fellow debates for permission – fine Student panel. No opportunity to seek prior permission so videoed 10 mins & then told them: Students were happy Two students were 6 th formers Sought them (all) out & gave card and asked for agreement (they need to opt in) Organiser & participant asked me not to publish / told me it was illegal; head’s permission needed; … No email received, so video not published What should be done? Are there lightweight approaches? Amplified Events
  • 14. What If Things Go Wrong? Speaker doesn’t want to be recorded? Things go wrong in live presentation? Speaker changes mind afterwards? Father Jack is in the audience? Gun-toting member of audience goes beserk? Amplified Events
  • 15. What If Things Go Wrong? Speaker doesn’t want to be recorded? That’s fine (and avoid pressuring speaker) Things go wrong in live presentation? Accept it: that’s life & audience normally supportive Speaker changes mind afterwards? That’s fine – use of lightweight approaches help Father Jack is in the audience? Don’t worry, it probably won’t happen. And accept it if it does. Gun-toting member of audience goes beserk? Don’t worry, it probably won’t happen. Amplified Events
  • 16. What More Can Be Done More can be done to enhance Amplified Events: Photos will be uploaded to closed area of Flickr for a week, before photos made public Learning from experiences on live chat, back channels, etc. at events Managing the physical space – noisy typists and geeks to left of lecture theatres (where power sockets are located) Understanding our own personal preferences to avoid information overload: Taking responsibilities: mastering applications; knowing how to disable sound on laptops; how to configure WiFi; … Amplified Events
  • 17. Jumping The Shark Some questions: Which Web applications are depicted? What are the implications of blue’s decline Will red be tomorrow’s winner? What should we make of purple? How should we respond to such consideration? ‘ Jumping the shark’ – the moment a popular TV series is passed its peak
  • 18. Jumping The Shark? Some responses: Web server software (data from Netcraft) Have you predicted Apache’s demise? Does the future lie with Microsoft? What should we make of Google’s emergence? We need to be able to spot and prepare responses to trends. But let’s not use trends to reinforce prejudices?
  • 19. The Web 2.0 Picture Gartner hyper curve Rising expectations Trough of despair Enterprise software Large budgets … Early adopters Service plateau Chasm Failure to go beyond developers & early adopters (cf Gopher) Need for: Advocacy Listening to users Learning from experiences Addressing concerns Deployment strategies … We need to look at ways of jumping the chasm, minimising inflated expectations & avoiding despair VLE CMS PLE Web 2 Web 2.0
  • 20. Challenges of Web 2.0 What Is Web 2.0? Marketing term (derived from observing 'patterns') rather than technical standards - “an attitude not a technology” Web2MemeMap, Tim O’Reilly, 2005 Characteristics Of Web 2.0 Network as platform Always beta Clean URIs Remix and mash-ups Syndication (RSS) Architecture of participation Blogs & Wikis Social networking Social tagging (folksonomies) Trust and openness Web 2.0
  • 21. Sustainability Problems Web 2.0 It’s another bubble The companies aren’t sustainable Initial Response What’s the odd one out: UMIST • Lotus WebCT • Yahoo! Network as Platform
  • 22. Sustainability Problems Web 2.0 It’s another bubble The companies aren’t sustainable Initial Response What’s the odd one out: UMIST • Lotus WebCT • Yahoo! Answer: UMIST was taken over by Manchester University Lotus was taken over by IBM WebCT as taken over by Blackboard Yahoo! hasn’t been taken over (yet) Lesson: IT companies and public sector institutions may also not be sustainable. This is not a new issues Network as Platform
  • 23. Slideshare Example I use Slideshare to (a) maximise exposure to my ideas (b) solicit feedback (c) allow content to be easily embedded elsewhere and (d) measure impact Network as Platform Note evidence which shows impact of presentation. This wouldn’t have happened otherwise
  • 24. Slideshare Example (2) What happens if Slideshare goes down – and it has happened! Does this demonstrate that you can’t trust externally-hosted services?
  • 25. Slideshare Example (2) What happens if Slideshare goes down – and it has happened! Does this demonstrate that you can’t trust externally-hosted services? But local services also go down – as this example from the Open University shows
  • 26. Slideshare Example (2) What happens if Slideshare goes down – and it has happened! Does this demonstrate that you can’t trust externally-hosted services? But local services also go down – as this example from the Open University shows And note prompt response from Slideshare
  • 27. Performance Problems It’s not just Slideshare & the OU: downtime, DOS attacks, … can happen to all services We need to understand reasons why: Skype unavailable (Microsoft OS upgrades) BUCS air conditioning failure And explore ways of (a) identifying problems and (b) minimising risks Can we really think that problems will only happen ‘out there’ and that our servers will be available 24x7x365?
  • 28. Spotting Possible Problems Are there ways of spotting potentially flaky services? Netcraft server uptime statistics
  • 29. Spotting Possible Problems Are there ways of spotting potentially flaky services? Netcraft server uptime statistics whois++ service (partly available via Google – see Phil Bradley’s post) Network as Platform
  • 30. Spotting Possible Problems Are there ways of spotting potentially flaky services? Netcraft server uptime statistics whois++ service (partly available via Google – see Phil Bradley’s post) Company profiles, statistics, etc. from Techcrunch, Wikipedia, etc
  • 31. Spotting Possible Problems Are there ways of spotting potentially flaky services? Netcraft server uptime statistics whois++ service (partly available via Google – see Phil Bradley’s post) Company profiles, statistics, etc. from Techcrunch, Wikipedia, etc
  • 32. It’s The Way We Use Services What do the following have in common? Paper • PDF An iPhone (partly) • Facebook (partly) but not Twitter Network as Platform
  • 33. It’s The Way We Use Services What do the following have in common? Paper • PDF An iPhone (partly) • Facebook (partly) but not Twitter Answers They are all popular We can regard them all as destinations rather than a part of a workflow The data can: Be created there & not be usable elsewhere Be created elsewhere and views there Network as Platform
  • 34. Accessibility and Web 2.0 Common response “It’s AJAX; it’s inaccessible” But: Is this using accessibility as a way of stifling change? Is assertion backed up by evidence? Is it using WCAG 1.0 as ‘evidence’ of inaccessibility? Note: Acceptance of failures of WCAG 1.0 to response to innovation by WAI staff WGAG 2.0 and ARIA W4A 2008 paper on “One Word, One Web .. But Great Diversity” Facebook as tool which users may choose (PLE) Not providing podcasts may be the inaccessible option Network as Platform
  • 35. Avoiding Walled Gardens The dichotomy: Don’t use Facebook, it’s a walled-garden Don’t use Slideshare, you might lose your data Do use Facebook and Slideshare, it’s where the users are & they seem to like it A resolution: Have master copy in managed and reusable environment Use remote service as an interface (possibly part of a user’s PLE or PRE) Provide user education Network as Platform
  • 36. Slideshare Example I use Slideshare to (a) maximise exposure to my ideas (b) solicit feedback (c) allow content to be easily embedded elsewhere and (d) measure impact Network as Platform Note URI for master provided on slide & in the metadata And note accessibility benefits
  • 37. Inappropriate User Content Potential problems: Spam: comment spam, link spam, twitter follower spam, tag spam, … Flame wars Illegal comments Rude words Uploading of pornography, etc Openness and Trust Spam Akismet has protected your site from 195,127 spam comments. My blog: initially lots of spam comment - but most stopped by Akismet spam filter. And now only handful posted overnight
  • 38. Uploading Dodgy Content Twitterers noticed: Porn videos posted to Educause blog on Sun 20 April  Deleted a few hours later  Thoughts: Would email be allowed if released today? (most email is spam). Need for rapid response to problems Openness and Trust
  • 39. Why Social Networks? In the old days (eLib): Focus on standards & technical architectures We new users would use our services (TINA) Trust focussed on JISC, libraries & institutions We missed: Multiple providers of services, new business models, … People as social beings Trusting our users Openness and Trust
  • 40. What Can SNs Provide? Potential benefits of social software: Maximising impact Engaging outside the institution/country Maximising dialogue & feedback Monitoring impact No new software to learn: I use Flickr for family photos; why shouldn’t I use it for work/study? Facebook is where I ‘hang out’. Can’t I get my reading lists there too? When my colleagues bookmark a resource; tag a new resource; … I’ll be able to see it too … Social networks
  • 41. Yes, Even Twitter! What can micro-blogging applications like Twitter provide? (surely waste of time?): The shared water-cooler moment Team working Instant help Break from mundane work Moan about trains Share excitement about stuff that works … Social Networks But note it doesn’t have to be for everyone!
  • 42. Information Overload What if we’re too open, sharing everything? What if we’re too trusting, thinking every tweet is valuable? Need for: Better understanding of role of tools, managing them, etc. Confidence to ‘throw things away’ Surely this is nothing new? Openness and Trust
  • 43. Key Questions (1) Big question for future isn’t whether we provide blogs, wikis, etc but how they are provided. Do we: Build alternatives to Slideshare, YouTube, etc, in-house. We can be more responsive, we care about our users and we’re more reliable! Just use the remote services – they’re better, more functional; and Web 2.0 sceptics are typically just looking after their own jobs! What do you think? Which view are you more closely aligned with? Network as Platform
  • 44. Key Questions (2) On social software: Does it have to be for everyone? Who makes the decisions? Who is responsible if things go wrong? What’s the role of the institution in this: Provider of stable, reliable services to its members? Temporary home for most, who will arrive with services (email address, photos, etc.) and will want to continue to use them at Uni and afterwards?
  • 45. Questions Any questions Note further slides available addressing some of these issues
  • 46. A Blended Approach We need: Mixed approach of in-house & external services Information literacy (new media literacy, transliteracy) Clearer understanding of our purposes Sharing of experiences – successes & failures Risk assessment and risk management strategies Application of risk approaches to in-house services … Network as Platform
  • 47. The Challenges Areas of concern: Institutional inertia, vested interests, power struggles, … Applicable for any significant change Sustainability, reliability, interoperability The technical challenges Privacy, copyright, … The ethical challenges Finding time, finding resources, expertise, … The deployment challenges See “ Web 2.0: Addressing the Barriers to Implementation in a Library Context ” for example of barriers in a Library context Deployment Challenges
  • 48. Addressing The Concerns Some approaches to addressing these concerns: Risk assessment Data migration Being user-focussed Institutional transformation Working collaboratively Guidelines for use of social networking services (e.g. Facebook) Deployment Challenges
  • 49. Risk Assessment (1) See “ Risk Assessment For Use Of Third Party Web 2.0 Services ” QA Focus briefing document User education User education Lack of interoperability … Automated monitoring Performance problems or unreliable service Non-critical use; testing of export, .... Likelihood of data loss. lack of export capabilities Data loss Use for non-critical services; have alternatives available ... Implications of sudden or gradual loss of service Loss of service (e.g. company bankrupt, closed down, ...) Management Assessment Risk
  • 52. Risks Revisited Are these risks scary? Remember to include: Risks of doing nothing Risks associated with using existing services Case Study Open Source Software can also fail to be sustainable. The ROADS software was developed in UK to support academic subject gateways – but is now no longer supported.
  • 53. Transforming IT Services IT Services: They won’t let us innovate They get in the way They don’t understand learning Does this ring bells? Tradition role of IT Services: Focus on managing in-house services Prioritising scarce resources Minimising variability in order to maximise benefits of support (“support software”) Deployment Challenges
  • 54. IT Services 2.0 IT Services 2.0: Term coined by Mark Sammons, Edinburgh Univ Idea revisited in plenary talk at UCISA 2008 Management Conference (myself & Andy Powell) Feedback from blogging IT Service managers IT Services 2.0 – ongoing definitions Happy with use of in-house & 3 rd party services Encourages peer-support Provides new media literacy Has a risk management approach Provides support in a era of richness of service Overwhelming vote at UCISA 2008 not to ban social networking services. IT Services are transforming themselves – but what about academics? Deployment Challenges
  • 55. Embracing 3 rd Party Services What will happen when student leave (as they do)? Casey Leaver has documented experiences in migrating her blog from Warwick: The blog has been delete Not all data could be migrated (pictures & comments are also lost) Thoughts: institutional blogs aimed at staff; support provided for students using 3 rd party blogs
  • 56. When Things Go Wrong What would happen if a 3 rd party service was taken over by a porn company? It has happened to me! This embedded code (which converted RSS feed to HTML) changed to a porn Web cam! Deployment Challenges
  • 57. The Incident (1) The Incident Email message received saying news page for workshop contained embedded Web cam What We Did Removed embedded code Contacted company What We Found Company had failed to renew domain name (credit card had expired & administrator was on holiday) Domain name grabbed by porn company – but retrieved within 24 hours Deployment Challenges
  • 58. The Incident (2) What We Had Already Done A Risk Assessment page had already been created, documenting use of 3 rd party services What We Learnt This was a records management issue It’s not new – Microsoft failed to renew HotMail domain some time ago (also Australian Univ) It could happen with our hosted domains (e.g. EU-funded projects) What We Concluded We need to share such experiences We need to be able to switch off services quickly if problems occur We need to manage our domain name subscriptions Deployment Challenges
  • 59. Risk Assessment Risk assessment summaries provided for events which embed 3 rd party services Audit kept of incidents (1 to date)
  • 60. Data Migration When useful information is stored on a 3 rd party wiki the data is copied to a managed environment
  • 61. Transforming Ourselves It’s not just about institutional inertia & IT Services What about: The academics who don’t care for change The academics who jump on every new bandwagon Those in between these extremes There’s a need: To ensure enthusiasts reflect on mistakes & lessons learnt To recognise that e-learning (2.0) may not be for everyone Deployment Challenges
  • 62. Personal Audit Personal audit: There’s a need for responsible Web 2.0 enthusiasts to carry out their own risk audit Departmental audit: There’s a need for own risk audits for services used by others (cf. my events) Institutional audit: Should institutions (& funders) require self-assessment audits to protect their investment? Deployment Challenges
  • 63. Vision For The Future Where are we now? People are using externally-hosted Web 2.0 services But some are unhappy with this Should we: Welcome the potential of Web 2.0 Grudgingly accept that they will be used – but expect this to last for a short term Attempt to ban or dissuade such usage Deployment Challenges
  • 64. Revisiting The IE (nee DNER) We had early visions for the JISC DNER I subsequently developed my view for how the DNER might develop: Applications on the Web e.g. bookmarking (!) and word processing tools (Writely!)
  • 65. Web 2.0 As A DNER Development The DNER got a lot right: Networked services Lightweight standards Importance of RSS Trust (in the funded institutions) What we missed, which Web 2.0 is providing: Commercial providers of services New business models (we were Old Labour) Lightweight development User-generated content (we thought it would be the professionals) Trust – in the individuals The power of the network – services which get better as more people use them Deployment Challenges
  • 66. Why HE? Why Now? World is changing: Web 2.0, ubiquitous networks, mobile devices, declining prices, increasing functionality How should society respond to maximise potential? At school : starting point, but this will be protected a environment At work : too late & employers will expect new media literate graduates At university : ideal place for students to develop skills & ethical values for the digital citizen Staff & students will use 3 rd party services in their social lives. They need their own risk assessment / management skills. Providing a 100% safe institutional environment will hinder this Deployment Challenges
  • 67. Conclusions To conclude: E-Learning 2.0 and Web 2.0 are here and won’t go away Institutions need to engage with Web 2.0 There are many issues which need to be addressed Solutions are available Probably the most important is collaborative working with one’s peers